1 00:00:28,121 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:31,891 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:13,141 I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:11,031 --> 00:02:12,071 Oh! 21 00:02:12,631 --> 00:02:14,521 The wind stopped again. 22 00:02:15,751 --> 00:02:18,831 Just when we should be rushing straight for Little Garden, too. 23 00:02:19,521 --> 00:02:21,311 We're temporarily stopped again. 24 00:02:21,941 --> 00:02:24,241 Time is running out as we speak, too... 25 00:02:24,981 --> 00:02:26,281 Don't worry. 26 00:02:26,281 --> 00:02:29,951 I know we need to get to Alabasta as soon as possible, but... 27 00:02:30,411 --> 00:02:32,261 Alright! Let's fish! Fish! 28 00:02:33,571 --> 00:02:35,851 Hey, anyone seen the bait? 29 00:02:35,851 --> 00:02:39,401 Bait? Oh, the stuff in there? I ate it. 30 00:02:39,791 --> 00:02:42,381 You ate it?! Those were bugs, you know! 31 00:02:42,381 --> 00:02:45,051 Yeah? They taste good! 32 00:02:45,301 --> 00:02:46,931 Don't eat stuff like that! 33 00:02:46,931 --> 00:02:50,281 Now what?! We can't fish now that you've eaten our bait! 34 00:02:50,281 --> 00:02:51,271 Use this, then! 35 00:02:51,271 --> 00:02:53,101 We can't catch anything with that! 36 00:02:53,101 --> 00:02:55,111 Really? We can't? 37 00:02:55,111 --> 00:02:56,171 Then how about him? 38 00:02:56,171 --> 00:02:57,571 Oh. That sounds okay. 39 00:02:58,531 --> 00:03:01,491 Hey, you! Come here! 40 00:02:58,951 --> 00:03:00,291 Get back here, bait! 41 00:03:01,841 --> 00:03:03,911 Dammit, you guys! Knock it off! 42 00:03:04,531 --> 00:03:09,421 But can't you guys be a little worried, at least?! 43 00:03:09,611 --> 00:03:11,021 Worried about what? 44 00:03:11,021 --> 00:03:13,891 Oh! Nami-san is lovely when she's angry, too! 45 00:03:14,111 --> 00:03:15,231 Honestly, now! 46 00:03:15,231 --> 00:03:16,761 But it's strange. 47 00:03:16,761 --> 00:03:20,301 For someone with a 30 million-Berry bounty, 48 00:03:20,301 --> 00:03:23,301 he doesn't seem that terrible of a person at all... 49 00:03:23,301 --> 00:03:28,351 Yeah, it might be hard to imagine, but he's beaten many big names. 50 00:03:29,191 --> 00:03:32,831 Arlong, the fishman who was bent on ruling the East Blue... 51 00:03:34,771 --> 00:03:37,191 Pirate Fleet Commodore, Don Krieg... 52 00:03:38,771 --> 00:03:44,151 Captain Kuro, an unknown pirate notorious for his cunning methods. 53 00:03:44,891 --> 00:03:45,881 You forgot one. 54 00:03:47,211 --> 00:03:50,301 A navy freak who wields a huge axe-hand. 55 00:03:50,301 --> 00:03:52,701 Oh! Axe-Hand Morgan! 56 00:03:52,701 --> 00:03:56,001 Axe-Hand Morgan? I've heard of him before. 57 00:03:56,001 --> 00:03:58,801 I heard he's a navy captain who's feared in the East Blue 58 00:03:58,801 --> 00:04:00,181 for his overwhelming domination. 59 00:04:00,371 --> 00:04:02,541 You're saying he beat even him?! 60 00:04:02,541 --> 00:04:05,241 Oh! The old axe-hand guy! 61 00:04:05,241 --> 00:04:09,431 That reminds me, I wonder what that guy with him is up to now... 62 00:04:11,381 --> 00:04:14,131 I wonder if he's still at that navy base... 63 00:04:16,861 --> 00:04:18,121 Who's "he"? 64 00:04:18,121 --> 00:04:20,441 Yeah! His name's Coby! 65 00:04:21,131 --> 00:04:22,911 He's my friend! 66 00:04:28,571 --> 00:04:32,801 "Try Hard, Coby! Coby-Meppo's Struggles in the Navy" 67 00:04:37,351 --> 00:04:40,391 Sub-Lieutenant! Preparations for departure are complete! 68 00:04:38,411 --> 00:04:41,241 {\an8}"Justice" 69 00:04:41,351 --> 00:04:42,251 I see. 70 00:04:44,221 --> 00:04:45,831 All ships, move out! 71 00:04:45,831 --> 00:04:47,011 Yes, sir! 72 00:04:50,871 --> 00:04:54,791 Luffy-san! How are you? It's me! Coby! 73 00:04:55,601 --> 00:05:00,101 After we parted ways back then, I've worked my hardest! 74 00:05:00,101 --> 00:05:02,071 There were plenty of hardships, 75 00:05:02,071 --> 00:05:05,871 but now I've achieved my dream of being a navy officer! 76 00:05:21,721 --> 00:05:23,641 C-Captain Morgan! 77 00:05:24,281 --> 00:05:26,061 Coby... 78 00:05:26,341 --> 00:05:31,031 Go to Hell, Coby! 79 00:05:34,281 --> 00:05:35,501 Luffy-san! 80 00:05:35,501 --> 00:05:37,721 Heya, Coby! 81 00:05:39,371 --> 00:05:40,881 Gum-Gum... 82 00:05:41,201 --> 00:05:42,331 ...Tornado! 83 00:05:55,221 --> 00:05:59,171 Wow! So pretty! 84 00:06:00,601 --> 00:06:02,041 Oww! 85 00:06:06,431 --> 00:06:08,671 I was dreaming! 86 00:06:08,671 --> 00:06:10,901 What the hell?! Quit screwing around, you! 87 00:06:11,101 --> 00:06:11,961 Shut up! 88 00:06:11,961 --> 00:06:12,771 Quiet! 89 00:06:12,771 --> 00:06:15,611 Go to sleep, you idiot chore boys! 90 00:06:19,841 --> 00:06:22,681 {\an8}"Chore Boy" 91 00:06:21,511 --> 00:06:26,671 At any rate, Luffy-san, I'm now working at the navy base! 92 00:06:27,141 --> 00:06:32,361 Captain Morgan's son Helmeppo-san was given chore duty, too! 93 00:06:32,361 --> 00:06:33,851 Hey! Quit slackin' off! 94 00:06:33,851 --> 00:06:34,421 Oww... 95 00:06:34,421 --> 00:06:37,131 Hey, chore boys! Wash the windows when you're done cleaning! 96 00:06:37,131 --> 00:06:38,091 Yes, sir! 97 00:06:38,091 --> 00:06:40,161 And don't forget to clean up in the mess hall! 98 00:06:40,161 --> 00:06:42,001 Eh?! What about our meal?! 99 00:06:42,171 --> 00:06:45,201 You're obviously not gonna finish before lunch! 100 00:06:45,201 --> 00:06:46,471 You can eat after you've finished everything! 101 00:06:46,761 --> 00:06:49,211 Eh?! But I'm starving to death here! 102 00:06:49,211 --> 00:06:50,441 Helmeppo-san! 103 00:06:50,441 --> 00:06:51,841 Helmeppo! Coby! 104 00:06:51,841 --> 00:06:52,471 Yes, sir! 105 00:06:52,591 --> 00:06:56,051 You're both aware neither of you were qualified to join the navy... 106 00:06:56,051 --> 00:06:59,231 ...yet you were given special permission to join as chore boys, right? 107 00:06:59,631 --> 00:07:02,591 It's not like you let us join, though! 108 00:07:02,591 --> 00:07:06,861 Yes, sir! Of course! If there's anything I can do, I'll do it! 109 00:07:06,861 --> 00:07:07,951 Just give the order! 110 00:07:08,741 --> 00:07:10,031 No... just making sure you realize that. 111 00:07:10,031 --> 00:07:11,401 Work hard, now! 112 00:07:11,621 --> 00:07:13,131 Yes, sir! You can count on us! 113 00:07:13,431 --> 00:07:16,121 We'll also be honored to do your laundry! 114 00:07:16,101 --> 00:07:17,081 Are you an idiot?! 115 00:07:17,281 --> 00:07:17,821 Eh? 116 00:07:17,821 --> 00:07:20,811 You don't need to go out of your way for even more work! 117 00:07:20,811 --> 00:07:24,871 But we are chore boys, after all! Okay! Work! Work! 118 00:07:24,871 --> 00:07:26,071 "We"? 119 00:07:26,541 --> 00:07:29,011 If you wanna work that badly, you can do it yourself! 120 00:07:29,201 --> 00:07:35,151 One! Two! Three! Four! One! Two! Three! Four! 121 00:07:38,711 --> 00:07:43,871 I can't stand this. Forget Coby-- why do I hafta be a chore boy?! 122 00:07:44,291 --> 00:07:46,691 How I wish I could go back to then... 123 00:07:51,691 --> 00:07:53,991 Helmeppo-sama. Your cocoa, sir. 124 00:07:54,481 --> 00:07:55,671 Oww! 125 00:07:55,671 --> 00:07:57,201 Dammit! Are you trying to scald me?! 126 00:07:57,201 --> 00:07:59,201 No, sir! I-I'm very sorry, sir! 127 00:07:59,401 --> 00:08:02,121 Who do you think I am?! 128 00:08:02,411 --> 00:08:08,751 I'm Helmeppo-sama, only son of the great Navy Captain Morgan! 129 00:08:08,751 --> 00:08:11,301 Yes, sir! Helmeppo-sama! 130 00:08:14,231 --> 00:08:16,681 Man, things were good back then! 131 00:08:19,861 --> 00:08:23,861 Dammit! This is all that Straw Hat's fault! 132 00:08:24,631 --> 00:08:29,491 He stripped Dad of his position as a navy captain! 133 00:08:34,011 --> 00:08:35,351 It's all his fault! 134 00:08:35,351 --> 00:08:39,591 It's all because of Straw Hat that I'm stuck doing this crap now! 135 00:08:39,591 --> 00:08:40,751 Helmeppo-san. 136 00:08:40,751 --> 00:08:43,661 What do you want?! Don't touch me all friendly-like! 137 00:08:43,661 --> 00:08:47,911 I'm sorry. But I wanted to tell you something, as a friend... 138 00:08:47,911 --> 00:08:51,241 Friend?! Why would me and you be friends?! 139 00:08:51,241 --> 00:08:53,811 Well, we are both chore boys... 140 00:08:54,281 --> 00:08:57,501 I'm not the kind of guy who does chores in a place like this! 141 00:08:57,501 --> 00:08:59,041 If it hadn't been for Straw Hat... 142 00:08:59,041 --> 00:09:03,981 It's not good to blame Luffy-san for everything like that. 143 00:09:03,981 --> 00:09:07,491 Blaming your fate on others won't solve anything. 144 00:09:08,171 --> 00:09:10,791 Wouldn't you agree that's the sign of a weakling? 145 00:09:10,791 --> 00:09:11,461 W-What?! 146 00:09:12,121 --> 00:09:16,081 For a long time, you lived your life using your father's power. 147 00:09:16,491 --> 00:09:18,651 But from here on out, we need to face forward 148 00:09:18,651 --> 00:09:20,961 and search for our dreams on our own! 149 00:09:20,961 --> 00:09:22,251 What are you... 150 00:09:22,641 --> 00:09:24,151 I have a dream! 151 00:09:24,571 --> 00:09:29,681 Someday, I will be a navy officer who cracks down on bad guys! 152 00:09:32,991 --> 00:09:34,761 How can you be like that?! 153 00:09:34,761 --> 00:09:39,211 A wimp like you, being a navy officer?! That'll never happen! 154 00:09:39,211 --> 00:09:40,471 It will! 155 00:09:40,661 --> 00:09:43,431 After seeing how Luffy-san lives his life, I made up my mind! 156 00:09:43,701 --> 00:09:45,821 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 157 00:09:46,371 --> 00:09:50,321 I've decided to be it, so if I die fighting for that, that's fine with me! 158 00:09:51,181 --> 00:09:54,441 So I decided to be like Luffy-san and put my life on the line 159 00:09:54,441 --> 00:09:55,701 to strive for my ambition! 160 00:09:56,591 --> 00:09:59,361 You see? So let's both work hard together! 161 00:09:59,361 --> 00:10:00,711 Screw you! 162 00:10:01,211 --> 00:10:05,171 You, lecturing me?! Since when are you that high and mighty?! 163 00:10:05,171 --> 00:10:08,831 What could you possibly learn from that despicable Straw Hat?! 164 00:10:08,831 --> 00:10:11,061 Don't talk bad about Luffy-san! 165 00:10:11,061 --> 00:10:13,281 I haven't said anything that's wrong! 166 00:10:13,281 --> 00:10:15,751 Even if that were true, you still piss me off! 167 00:10:16,761 --> 00:10:19,771 Helmeppo-san! Please come to your senses! 168 00:10:19,771 --> 00:10:21,501 Like you're anyone to talk! 169 00:10:21,671 --> 00:10:22,441 Take this! 170 00:10:22,441 --> 00:10:24,461 Wake up! 171 00:10:25,201 --> 00:10:26,441 What is it?! What's going on?! 172 00:10:27,101 --> 00:10:29,151 Sir! The chore boys are fighting on the roof! 173 00:10:29,451 --> 00:10:31,621 What are you gawking for?! Stop them already! 174 00:10:51,671 --> 00:10:53,421 You two! 175 00:10:53,891 --> 00:10:57,151 W-We're sorry! 176 00:10:59,561 --> 00:11:02,551 Eh? That explosion earlier was you guys' doing? 177 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:05,471 Did they kick you out of the navy after that? 178 00:11:05,471 --> 00:11:06,531 Thank you for the food. 179 00:11:06,721 --> 00:11:09,491 No, we managed to avoid being kicked out. 180 00:11:11,091 --> 00:11:14,631 We had to agree to work for free for 50 years, though. 181 00:11:15,021 --> 00:11:17,441 Being kicked out would've been much better. 182 00:11:18,201 --> 00:11:20,011 Cheer up, you two! 183 00:11:20,011 --> 00:11:21,411 Oh, yeah! Look at this! 184 00:11:21,911 --> 00:11:24,381 "Straw Hat Luffy Wreaks Havoc in Loguetown! 185 00:11:24,381 --> 00:11:26,871 Manages a Baffling Escape from Captain Smoker!" 186 00:11:26,871 --> 00:11:28,221 Luffy-san! 187 00:11:28,221 --> 00:11:32,451 This means Luffy-san headed for the Grand Line! 188 00:11:36,231 --> 00:11:40,501 At last, he's taken a big step toward realizing his dream! 189 00:11:56,371 --> 00:11:58,231 Attention! 190 00:12:00,021 --> 00:12:03,041 I will now fill you in on our current mission! 191 00:12:05,601 --> 00:12:06,371 Hey! 192 00:12:06,371 --> 00:12:07,491 Whadya want?! 193 00:12:08,891 --> 00:12:11,091 D-Dad... 194 00:12:11,431 --> 00:12:15,361 Former Navy Captain Morgan is to be sent to Navy Headquarters 195 00:12:15,361 --> 00:12:18,401 to face a court martial for the crimes of military exploitation 196 00:12:18,401 --> 00:12:19,951 and the tormenting of civilians! 197 00:12:20,421 --> 00:12:24,151 His transfer and delivery to Vice-Admiral Garp is today's mission! 198 00:12:25,111 --> 00:12:27,841 I am Navy Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan! 199 00:12:27,841 --> 00:12:31,481 You rankless, low-status scum will kneel before me! 200 00:12:45,031 --> 00:12:46,741 There's no getting around it, huh? 201 00:12:48,021 --> 00:12:51,721 He should get court-martialed or whatever else. 202 00:12:52,901 --> 00:12:55,131 He does get what he deserves and all... 203 00:12:56,091 --> 00:13:00,271 But to be honest, I still respected him anyways. 204 00:13:01,501 --> 00:13:02,911 My dad... 205 00:13:03,841 --> 00:13:06,321 ...was my idol. 206 00:13:07,901 --> 00:13:11,101 But I guess he did take things too far, huh? 207 00:13:22,781 --> 00:13:23,771 Damn it! 208 00:13:24,921 --> 00:13:25,921 Why?! 209 00:13:29,121 --> 00:13:32,441 Tell me, do you think they'll execute him? 210 00:13:32,731 --> 00:13:34,511 T-That's... 211 00:13:35,891 --> 00:13:39,621 Maybe there's no getting around that either, huh? 212 00:13:41,151 --> 00:13:42,381 Given how my dad is... 213 00:13:48,111 --> 00:13:49,591 Helmeppo-san... 214 00:13:50,131 --> 00:13:53,071 All hands on deck! 215 00:13:53,611 --> 00:13:54,831 Fall in! 216 00:13:58,501 --> 00:14:00,281 It's Vice-Admiral Garp! 217 00:14:00,281 --> 00:14:01,861 It's Garp the Fist! 218 00:14:05,841 --> 00:14:09,781 So he's Navy Headquarters Vice-Admiral Garp the Fist! 219 00:14:10,721 --> 00:14:13,761 The hero of the seas who travels all over the Grand Line! 220 00:14:21,391 --> 00:14:24,831 Vice-Admiral Garp! Thank you for coming all this way personally! 221 00:14:24,831 --> 00:14:26,381 We hereby deliver Morgan to you! 222 00:14:30,971 --> 00:14:31,931 Dad... 223 00:14:31,901 --> 00:14:34,751 Stop, Helmeppo-san! 224 00:14:32,721 --> 00:14:34,751 Umm... Vice-Admiral Garp? 225 00:14:35,561 --> 00:14:36,871 Vice-Admiral Garp! 226 00:14:37,111 --> 00:14:38,401 Quiet! 227 00:14:38,401 --> 00:14:39,311 I hear you. 228 00:14:40,271 --> 00:14:43,281 I've been up for five days now... 229 00:14:43,601 --> 00:14:45,481 Thank you for your hard work, sir! 230 00:14:45,481 --> 00:14:49,211 No, I've been going for a new doughnut-eating record... 231 00:14:49,211 --> 00:14:49,881 Sir? 232 00:14:50,591 --> 00:14:56,351 But the lack of sleep and rest has gotten me a bit drowsy at 842... 233 00:14:58,251 --> 00:14:59,781 This geezer's a joke. 234 00:14:59,781 --> 00:15:04,721 Morgan! Vice-Admiral Garp is a leading figure at Navy Headquarters! 235 00:15:04,981 --> 00:15:06,961 Old man. Cut the sleeping act. 236 00:15:18,511 --> 00:15:20,341 Don't move! 237 00:15:22,911 --> 00:15:27,701 Move and I'll hack this chore boy up and feed him to the sharks! 238 00:15:28,411 --> 00:15:30,411 D-D-Dad! 239 00:15:30,581 --> 00:15:35,081 Please stop this! Helmeppo-san is your own son! 240 00:15:35,081 --> 00:15:37,501 Son?! I don't need a son! 241 00:15:37,891 --> 00:15:41,441 What I want is freedom! His life means nothing to me! 242 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:43,771 I'll toss him into a pool of blood if I have to! 243 00:15:45,101 --> 00:15:46,911 D-Dad... 244 00:15:48,261 --> 00:15:51,401 H-Help me! 245 00:15:51,401 --> 00:15:53,181 So long, fools! 246 00:15:53,181 --> 00:15:54,921 Helmeppo-san! 247 00:15:54,921 --> 00:15:56,191 Ready the cannon! 248 00:15:56,901 --> 00:15:58,961 Load! Aim! 249 00:15:58,981 --> 00:16:04,041 Target-- 16 degrees starboard! Distance-- 8,263! Ready! 250 00:16:04,971 --> 00:16:07,101 P-Please wait! 251 00:16:07,101 --> 00:16:08,211 That's dangerous! 252 00:16:08,211 --> 00:16:09,741 What're you doing?! 253 00:16:12,951 --> 00:16:16,171 P-Please don't shoot! My friend... 254 00:16:16,171 --> 00:16:18,261 My friend's onboard! 255 00:16:18,501 --> 00:16:20,161 Move. 256 00:16:20,161 --> 00:16:21,201 No! 257 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:24,211 Then I'll cut you down! 258 00:16:24,501 --> 00:16:27,171 --Stop, chore boy! --Don't go against regulations! 259 00:16:27,371 --> 00:16:30,131 No! Helmeppo-san is my... 260 00:16:32,281 --> 00:16:33,391 ...my... 261 00:16:33,881 --> 00:16:35,861 ...friend! 262 00:16:39,461 --> 00:16:42,331 That fool. Stirring up trouble, huh? 263 00:16:45,911 --> 00:16:47,541 You will pay for this. 264 00:16:47,861 --> 00:16:50,751 That's much better than just abandoning my friend! 265 00:16:51,111 --> 00:16:54,251 Please! I'll go capture him myself! 266 00:17:07,011 --> 00:17:11,041 You idiot! Come back! There's no way you can catch him! 267 00:17:11,041 --> 00:17:12,421 Let's let him go. 268 00:17:12,891 --> 00:17:15,381 He's either quite the fool, or... 269 00:17:18,761 --> 00:17:19,861 What do we do?! 270 00:17:27,481 --> 00:17:30,601 What's with all the racket? I'm finally awake... 271 00:17:30,981 --> 00:17:33,831 Vice-Admiral Garp! I thought for sure you'd been done in! 272 00:17:34,071 --> 00:17:36,051 Huh?! Someone's been done in?! 273 00:17:36,961 --> 00:17:40,271 I didn't see it because I was asleep! Who was wounded?! 274 00:17:48,341 --> 00:17:49,631 Me? 275 00:17:54,071 --> 00:17:55,841 I'm free! 276 00:17:55,841 --> 00:17:58,931 Just you watch! The world will kneel down before me once again! 277 00:17:58,931 --> 00:18:02,731 Today marks the new start of the newly reborn Morgan Kingdom! 278 00:18:02,711 --> 00:18:05,161 Now! Set our course to the west! 279 00:18:05,671 --> 00:18:08,121 What're you doing?! I said set our course to the west! 280 00:18:08,121 --> 00:18:08,941 No! 281 00:18:09,841 --> 00:18:11,691 I'll have no part in this! 282 00:18:11,691 --> 00:18:15,331 He covered for me after this happened! 283 00:18:15,331 --> 00:18:18,291 Even when getting kicked out of the navy would destroy his dream! 284 00:18:18,291 --> 00:18:20,761 He's protecting me, regardless of that! 285 00:18:20,761 --> 00:18:21,741 I can do it, too! 286 00:18:21,741 --> 00:18:25,151 Dad! I'm going to capture you! Just give up-- 287 00:18:27,991 --> 00:18:31,911 Are you stupid?! Who do you think you're talkin' to, huh?! 288 00:18:31,911 --> 00:18:35,051 What can a piece of useless scum do to me?! 289 00:18:35,491 --> 00:18:40,511 Do as you're told, and I'll make things nice for ya. So be quiet and-- 290 00:18:40,511 --> 00:18:43,441 Shut the hell up, Dad! 291 00:18:44,871 --> 00:18:45,721 Dammit! 292 00:18:45,721 --> 00:18:48,411 Know your place, you pathetic insect! 293 00:18:48,631 --> 00:18:50,991 As if I'd ever listen to you! 294 00:18:50,991 --> 00:18:54,111 I'm the one who decides how I live! 295 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:58,531 Quit getting the wrong idea! What can scum like you possibly do?! 296 00:18:58,531 --> 00:19:00,081 He isn't alone! 297 00:19:02,701 --> 00:19:03,491 You! 298 00:19:03,491 --> 00:19:05,571 M-M-Morgan! 299 00:19:06,301 --> 00:19:07,911 Please give yourself up! 300 00:19:07,911 --> 00:19:11,421 As a member of the navy forces, I'm going to capture you! 301 00:19:21,541 --> 00:19:23,961 Pathetic! Pathetic! Pathetic! 302 00:19:24,201 --> 00:19:27,321 What can a couple of insects do?! 303 00:19:27,341 --> 00:19:30,601 Get in my way and I'll chop you both into pieces! 304 00:19:30,601 --> 00:19:33,561 I'm sorry it turned out this way after you came to save me... 305 00:19:33,811 --> 00:19:35,541 What are you talking about? 306 00:19:35,541 --> 00:19:36,991 We're friends! 307 00:19:38,131 --> 00:19:39,461 Coby... 308 00:19:39,711 --> 00:19:43,581 Plus, I've made up my mind! I've decided to live for my beliefs! 309 00:19:46,331 --> 00:19:47,461 Damn it... 310 00:19:47,461 --> 00:19:50,551 A-And if I die fighting... 311 00:19:51,311 --> 00:19:54,171 ...if I die fighting for that, that's fine with me! 312 00:19:57,651 --> 00:19:59,311 You wanna die that badly, huh?! 313 00:19:59,311 --> 00:20:00,771 I'm not going to die! 314 00:20:01,581 --> 00:20:05,851 Not until I've become a navy officer! But, when... 315 00:20:05,851 --> 00:20:08,151 When I do die... 316 00:20:08,151 --> 00:20:09,611 ...it'll be... 317 00:20:10,021 --> 00:20:12,741 ...while I'm fighting! 318 00:20:14,171 --> 00:20:15,451 Playtime is over! 319 00:20:15,901 --> 00:20:17,081 Coby! 320 00:20:19,751 --> 00:20:23,581 You stupid idiot! Let Coby go! Coby! 321 00:20:30,931 --> 00:20:33,551 You damn insects aren't even worth killing. 322 00:20:33,551 --> 00:20:36,041 Never show yourself to me again! 323 00:20:36,961 --> 00:20:38,101 Morgan! 324 00:20:38,711 --> 00:20:41,111 I'll let you go for today! 325 00:20:41,671 --> 00:20:44,761 But someday I will surpass you! 326 00:20:45,471 --> 00:20:48,081 Someday, I will catch you! 327 00:20:48,081 --> 00:20:49,801 Just you wait! 328 00:20:56,931 --> 00:20:59,181 Please forgive my poor supervision! 329 00:20:59,181 --> 00:21:01,771 Allowing the prisoner to escape is the biggest blunder of my life! 330 00:21:01,771 --> 00:21:04,091 We're very sorry, sir! 331 00:21:04,261 --> 00:21:07,051 After what's happened, these two will be kicked out for life! 332 00:21:10,011 --> 00:21:12,201 What truly lost causes you are. 333 00:21:12,201 --> 00:21:14,971 I doubt anyone anywhere would take you in now. 334 00:21:14,971 --> 00:21:17,541 And you'd only burden everyone if we turned you loose... 335 00:21:17,541 --> 00:21:20,531 You leave me no choice. Come with me to Navy Headquarters! 336 00:21:22,331 --> 00:21:26,141 Vice-Admiral! You're going to take them with you to Navy HQ?! 337 00:21:26,141 --> 00:21:27,101 Is that bad? 338 00:21:27,101 --> 00:21:29,571 N-No, not exactly... 339 00:21:30,211 --> 00:21:31,861 Are you two against it? 340 00:21:32,141 --> 00:21:34,311 If you want to run away, now's your chance. 341 00:21:34,721 --> 00:21:38,281 Though I have no intention of letting you say no, anyway. 342 00:21:38,281 --> 00:21:41,721 My, oh, my. What an odd day this has been! 343 00:21:51,881 --> 00:21:58,621 And that's how we wound up heading for the Grand Line, Luffy-san. 344 00:22:02,501 --> 00:22:05,711 I'm sure the day will come when we meet again! 345 00:22:09,831 --> 00:22:13,561 You've got me! 346 00:22:13,561 --> 00:22:17,171 Ah, gentle song 347 00:22:17,171 --> 00:22:24,441 Make it there for us 348 00:22:24,441 --> 00:22:30,851 After a wave washed away that little sand castle 349 00:22:32,111 --> 00:22:40,191 You looked up at the passing clouds with a sad smile 350 00:22:40,191 --> 00:22:47,801 If you find the world is full of enemies, 351 00:22:47,801 --> 00:22:51,531 I've got your back 352 00:22:51,531 --> 00:22:59,541 Don't lose faith 353 00:22:59,541 --> 00:23:03,481 You've got me! 354 00:23:03,481 --> 00:23:07,181 Ah, my love 355 00:23:07,181 --> 00:23:13,521 I'll hold you in my arms forever 356 00:23:15,161 --> 00:23:18,931 You've got me! 357 00:23:25,431 --> 00:23:27,501 Oh! Here we go! Check it out! 358 00:23:27,501 --> 00:23:29,841 What is it? Oh, this is a navy photo! 359 00:23:29,841 --> 00:23:32,731 That's no ordinary guy in it! Know who it is?! 360 00:23:33,111 --> 00:23:35,741 --Whoa, it's Coby! --Coby? Who's that? 361 00:23:35,741 --> 00:23:36,751 My friend! 362 00:23:36,751 --> 00:23:38,581 He's gonna be a navy softener! 363 00:23:38,581 --> 00:23:39,521 You mean "officer"! 364 00:23:39,521 --> 00:23:40,951 Man, talk about being careless... 365 00:23:40,951 --> 00:23:42,281 On the next episode of One Piece! 366 00:23:42,281 --> 00:23:45,551 "Coby-Meppo's Resolve! Vice-Admiral Garp's Parental Affection" 367 00:23:45,551 --> 00:23:47,891 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!