1 00:00:28,121 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:31,891 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,901 --> 00:02:09,631 I'm the man who'll be King of the Pirates!! 21 00:02:12,911 --> 00:02:17,281 A storm is coming. An unimaginably big storm is...! 22 00:02:21,201 --> 00:02:21,701 Out of our way! 23 00:02:25,401 --> 00:02:27,601 I'm... dead. 24 00:02:50,381 --> 00:02:52,021 I'm still alive after all. 25 00:02:52,531 --> 00:02:53,721 I got lucky. 26 00:02:55,891 --> 00:02:58,261 Are these all coincidences? 27 00:03:01,491 --> 00:03:05,001 It's as if heaven is trying to let that man live. 28 00:03:06,011 --> 00:03:07,571 We'd better hurry or we'll be in trouble! 29 00:03:07,571 --> 00:03:09,591 We're gonna make it to the Grand Line like this! 30 00:03:14,721 --> 00:03:19,731 "The Legend Has Started! Head For The Grand Line" 31 00:03:36,101 --> 00:03:37,541 Inherited will... 32 00:03:38,031 --> 00:03:40,521 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 33 00:03:40,921 --> 00:03:43,371 These things cannot be stopped. 34 00:03:43,901 --> 00:03:46,871 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 35 00:03:46,691 --> 00:03:49,511 these things will never cease to be! 36 00:03:50,541 --> 00:03:53,371 A pirate, huh? Fine by me. 37 00:03:58,571 --> 00:04:00,821 What's with this storm?! 38 00:04:00,821 --> 00:04:03,291 If we don't leave soon, we'll be stuck here. 39 00:04:03,511 --> 00:04:06,301 Nami-san was right when she said we should hurry back to the ship! 40 00:04:06,301 --> 00:04:08,571 Run! Run! Run! 41 00:04:09,851 --> 00:04:13,851 Special Move: My Carnival of Colors! 42 00:04:20,191 --> 00:04:21,091 Pardon me! 43 00:04:24,121 --> 00:04:26,661 Attacking me is a waste of time. 44 00:04:26,661 --> 00:04:31,161 There isn't a man alive who can touch my smooth skin. 45 00:04:35,281 --> 00:04:37,671 For a second there, I saw a field filled with flowers. 46 00:04:37,671 --> 00:04:40,141 You're alive, Captain Buggy. 47 00:04:40,141 --> 00:04:40,931 No way I'd die! 48 00:04:41,381 --> 00:04:42,681 Buggy, this isn't good! 49 00:04:42,681 --> 00:04:44,741 They're marines from headquarters. There'll be no end to them! 50 00:04:44,911 --> 00:04:47,681 Humph. I could care less if the marines want to stick their nose into... 51 00:04:47,681 --> 00:04:49,701 Whose nose did you say is sticking out?! 52 00:04:49,701 --> 00:04:51,781 I didn't say anything like that! 53 00:04:54,681 --> 00:04:55,571 What're we going to do? 54 00:04:56,311 --> 00:04:58,661 Gum-Gum! Go after Gum-Gum! 55 00:04:58,661 --> 00:05:01,501 Mohji and Richie should have burned down his ship by now. 56 00:05:01,501 --> 00:05:03,421 He can't get off of this island. 57 00:05:03,421 --> 00:05:06,361 We'll kick his ass and leave this island, guys!! 58 00:05:06,361 --> 00:05:07,521 Yeah!! 59 00:05:07,521 --> 00:05:08,661 Motor!! 60 00:05:08,981 --> 00:05:10,511 Yes, Captain! 61 00:05:10,891 --> 00:05:13,501 Chop-Chop Buggy! Here we go! 62 00:05:14,041 --> 00:05:15,791 Igniting the bomb engine! 63 00:05:18,901 --> 00:05:20,381 Set the slope! 64 00:05:20,701 --> 00:05:22,461 Yes, Big Sis Alvida! 65 00:05:22,681 --> 00:05:23,941 No friction... 66 00:05:26,801 --> 00:05:28,661 Smooth-Smooth Tracks! 67 00:05:34,511 --> 00:05:36,711 Don't let the pirates get away! 68 00:05:43,121 --> 00:05:44,901 Wh... What's this smoke?! 69 00:05:47,191 --> 00:05:49,491 What the hell...?! 70 00:05:49,491 --> 00:05:51,371 White Out! 71 00:05:55,781 --> 00:05:57,291 Smoker! 72 00:05:57,911 --> 00:06:01,761 I don't have time for you, small fries! 73 00:06:02,331 --> 00:06:03,491 H-He's too strong! 74 00:06:03,491 --> 00:06:05,361 So that's the power of Plume-Plume Fruit... 75 00:06:05,361 --> 00:06:07,761 He took down Buggy's gang in a split second... 76 00:06:09,681 --> 00:06:10,531 Fire! 77 00:06:16,891 --> 00:06:19,311 Captain! He caught us all in one fell swoop! 78 00:06:19,311 --> 00:06:21,311 How dare you, Smoker! 79 00:06:21,311 --> 00:06:25,361 What's with this annoying steel net?! Firing a weird pistol like that... 80 00:06:25,611 --> 00:06:30,131 That was a "Cage Shot" developed by the Navy to deal with Devil Fruit powers. 81 00:06:30,131 --> 00:06:30,841 Dammit! 82 00:06:32,201 --> 00:06:35,531 Bring my Billower Bike here! We'll go after Straw Hat! 83 00:06:35,531 --> 00:06:36,331 Yes, sir! 84 00:06:37,991 --> 00:06:39,001 This is heavy! 85 00:06:39,001 --> 00:06:40,921 The Going Merry is in danger! 86 00:06:40,921 --> 00:06:43,001 The Navy might be already heading toward it! 87 00:06:43,001 --> 00:06:44,891 We have to get out as soon as possible! 88 00:06:44,891 --> 00:06:48,151 Nami! Nami! Can't I just ditch this thing? 89 00:06:46,941 --> 00:06:48,791 No, you can't! Run faster! 90 00:06:48,791 --> 00:06:50,331 I knew you'd say that. 91 00:06:54,071 --> 00:06:55,411 Dammit! What's with this sudden downpour, 92 00:06:57,601 --> 00:07:01,281 when we have to burn down this ship?! 93 00:07:03,361 --> 00:07:06,661 Dammit! This is bad, Richie! We can't get a fire going like this! 94 00:07:07,261 --> 00:07:08,401 One more time! 95 00:07:11,551 --> 00:07:14,301 Be patient, Richie! I'll feed you later. 96 00:07:16,641 --> 00:07:18,301 What're you doing?! 97 00:07:19,231 --> 00:07:20,461 Mohji! 98 00:07:21,871 --> 00:07:23,731 Oh, it's you, sneak thief woman. 99 00:07:25,101 --> 00:07:27,381 Go, Richie! 100 00:07:33,451 --> 00:07:35,851 Special Attack: Fresh Egg Star!! 101 00:07:42,661 --> 00:07:43,991 You... 102 00:07:43,991 --> 00:07:45,771 Damn! The rain made my hand slip! 103 00:07:48,381 --> 00:07:52,411 Richie!! You're such a...!! 104 00:07:53,321 --> 00:07:54,671 Now! Let's get on the ship! 105 00:07:54,671 --> 00:07:55,321 Yeah! 106 00:07:55,691 --> 00:07:58,291 Hold it! You have to get past me! 107 00:07:59,421 --> 00:08:03,001 I'm Mohji, Vice-Captain of the Buggy the Clown Pirates! 108 00:08:03,001 --> 00:08:05,331 I won't let you take one step on this... 109 00:08:06,931 --> 00:08:08,851 Prepare to fire! 110 00:08:09,671 --> 00:08:10,561 The Navy! 111 00:08:11,051 --> 00:08:12,021 This is bad! 112 00:08:12,021 --> 00:08:13,101 Aim! 113 00:08:15,141 --> 00:08:16,431 Fire! 114 00:08:21,121 --> 00:08:24,481 Contact the cannon unit! We'll capture the pirate ship! 115 00:08:24,481 --> 00:08:24,901 Yes, sir! 116 00:08:25,471 --> 00:08:26,381 N-N-N-Nami! 117 00:08:26,381 --> 00:08:27,151 Yeah! 118 00:08:39,171 --> 00:08:40,851 Which direction is the sea? 119 00:08:41,091 --> 00:08:44,321 I can't tell where we're going because of this heavy rain! 120 00:08:44,321 --> 00:08:45,791 There they are!! 121 00:08:47,661 --> 00:08:50,431 What persistent bastards! Should we stop and fight? 122 00:08:50,431 --> 00:08:51,441 We don't have time for that. 123 00:08:52,431 --> 00:08:53,191 Oh? 124 00:08:53,511 --> 00:08:55,841 Who's that lady?! 125 00:08:57,711 --> 00:08:58,551 Hm? 126 00:09:00,721 --> 00:09:03,611 I didn't realize you're Roronoa Zoro, and a pirate to boot. 127 00:09:04,721 --> 00:09:06,521 You gonna take this sword, too? 128 00:09:08,471 --> 00:09:12,151 You... You lied to me! 129 00:09:12,151 --> 00:09:15,511 What?! What'd you do to her?! 130 00:09:15,781 --> 00:09:18,371 You didn't ask my name. That's all. 131 00:09:18,861 --> 00:09:20,451 It's not that I lied to you. 132 00:09:21,581 --> 00:09:26,121 A rogue like you can't be allowed to own a renowned sword! 133 00:09:26,471 --> 00:09:29,431 I'll collect your sword, the legendary Wado Ichimonji! 134 00:09:31,451 --> 00:09:32,571 Try it. 135 00:09:51,061 --> 00:09:51,651 I see... 136 00:09:55,771 --> 00:09:58,661 You jerk! How dare you attack a lady! 137 00:09:58,661 --> 00:09:59,901 Please don't interfere! 138 00:09:59,901 --> 00:10:00,591 What? 139 00:10:01,101 --> 00:10:05,331 This is the fight between Roronoa and me! There's no need to step in! 140 00:10:05,801 --> 00:10:08,341 You heard her. Go on ahead. 141 00:10:09,701 --> 00:10:10,571 Let's go. 142 00:10:12,531 --> 00:10:16,541 Hey, Zoro! If you hurt the lady, I won't forgive you! 143 00:10:16,731 --> 00:10:18,311 Sergeant Major Tashigi! 144 00:10:57,661 --> 00:11:01,021 I can't let you have this sword no matter what. 145 00:11:02,061 --> 00:11:03,841 Sergeant Major Tashigi lost... 146 00:11:03,841 --> 00:11:05,961 That Sergeant Major Tashigi lost... 147 00:11:07,141 --> 00:11:09,101 Well, then... I'm in a hurry, so... 148 00:11:14,181 --> 00:11:15,521 Why aren't you finishing me off?! 149 00:11:16,601 --> 00:11:18,921 Is it because I'm a woman?! 150 00:11:21,341 --> 00:11:24,081 You're lucky, Zoro. You're a boy. 151 00:11:25,311 --> 00:11:27,681 It's humiliating that you won't fight seriously 152 00:11:27,681 --> 00:11:30,381 in a game played in earnest just because men're physically stronger than women! 153 00:11:31,071 --> 00:11:35,911 I'm sure you don't understand the feeling that I wish I was born a boy! 154 00:11:35,911 --> 00:11:39,421 I don't carry a sword for pleasure! 155 00:11:40,501 --> 00:11:43,271 I don't like your very being! 156 00:11:44,591 --> 00:11:50,041 Listen! Your face! It looks exactly like my close friend's who died long ago! 157 00:11:50,041 --> 00:11:53,381 On top of that, you started saying the same thing she used to say! 158 00:11:53,381 --> 00:11:55,611 Don't imitate, you copycat woman! 159 00:11:55,951 --> 00:11:58,381 What?! Stop talking like a child! You're rude! 160 00:11:58,381 --> 00:12:02,721 I live the way I am! I don't know what your friend was like, 161 00:12:02,721 --> 00:12:06,071 but I'm the one who feels upset! Isn't she the copycat?! 162 00:12:06,911 --> 00:12:09,581 Wh-What'd you say?! 163 00:12:09,751 --> 00:12:12,891 I see the exit! The harbor is up there! 164 00:12:18,221 --> 00:12:20,291 Hey, who is it this time? 165 00:12:23,601 --> 00:12:24,621 You're finally here... 166 00:12:26,141 --> 00:12:27,771 Straw Hat Luffy... 167 00:12:29,751 --> 00:12:35,211 Didn't I tell you that you can't enter the Grand Line unless you beat me first? 168 00:12:35,771 --> 00:12:38,121 Oh, yeah. I forgot about it. 169 00:12:39,011 --> 00:12:40,621 You're such an airhead... 170 00:12:41,821 --> 00:12:43,111 Hey, Luffy... 171 00:12:44,021 --> 00:12:47,031 Sanji, go on ahead. I'll be right there. 172 00:12:47,401 --> 00:12:51,431 Well, I don't know about that. This is the end for you. 173 00:12:57,221 --> 00:12:58,091 Go! 174 00:13:16,931 --> 00:13:18,121 Fire! 175 00:13:23,571 --> 00:13:25,201 Fire the cannons! 176 00:13:39,981 --> 00:13:43,641 If we stay here any longer, the Going Merry will be sunk! 177 00:13:48,801 --> 00:13:52,281 A-Are you going to set sail? Luffy and the others aren't here yet! 178 00:13:52,801 --> 00:13:55,741 We don't have any other choice! It's better than getting sunk here! 179 00:13:57,001 --> 00:13:58,951 Right rudder full! 180 00:14:02,031 --> 00:14:03,741 So what're we going to do about Luffy and the others? 181 00:14:04,081 --> 00:14:05,591 We'll pick them up somehow. 182 00:14:05,981 --> 00:14:07,571 Don't let them get away! Follow them! 183 00:14:07,961 --> 00:14:09,121 Nami-san! 184 00:14:09,931 --> 00:14:11,091 Sanji-kun! 185 00:14:11,091 --> 00:14:12,201 Sanji! 186 00:14:12,201 --> 00:14:14,551 Nami-san, I'm back! 187 00:14:14,691 --> 00:14:16,421 Where're Luffy and Zoro? 188 00:14:16,921 --> 00:14:19,391 Can we collect those damn idiots? 189 00:14:21,801 --> 00:14:22,661 Sanji-kun! 190 00:14:22,661 --> 00:14:23,391 Behind you! 191 00:14:29,981 --> 00:14:31,801 Dammit! This is endless! 192 00:14:31,801 --> 00:14:33,671 I'll cover his back! Get closer! 193 00:14:33,671 --> 00:14:37,341 No! We can't head back to land because of the strong current. 194 00:14:37,341 --> 00:14:39,431 Ahhh, dammit! 195 00:14:39,431 --> 00:14:40,321 Usopp! 196 00:14:40,321 --> 00:14:41,191 Bastards! 197 00:14:52,371 --> 00:14:54,521 Usopp! Sanji-kun! 198 00:15:21,051 --> 00:15:23,681 I'll beat you and enter the Grand Line. 199 00:15:25,601 --> 00:15:28,151 I'm the man who'll be King of the Pirates! 200 00:15:28,951 --> 00:15:31,431 Enough of your idle talk! 201 00:15:38,781 --> 00:15:40,391 What?! What?! What's going on?! 202 00:15:43,791 --> 00:15:48,781 I ate the Plume Plume Fruit. So my body becomes smoke at will. 203 00:16:07,021 --> 00:16:09,941 What's wrong? Finished already? 204 00:16:21,021 --> 00:16:23,791 Gum-Gum Gatling! 205 00:16:34,351 --> 00:16:37,591 What? Ahh, that's gross! 206 00:16:41,731 --> 00:16:43,321 White Blow! 207 00:16:45,191 --> 00:16:49,121 You bastard! Gum-Gum Pistol! 208 00:16:54,321 --> 00:16:58,331 You get it? You can't even enter the Grand Line. 209 00:16:59,241 --> 00:17:00,671 Didn't I tell you that? 210 00:17:06,401 --> 00:17:09,271 Wanted for a 30 million Berry bounty? 211 00:17:12,251 --> 00:17:14,271 You're running out of your devil's luck. 212 00:17:16,891 --> 00:17:20,031 Don't be so sure. 213 00:17:20,031 --> 00:17:21,071 You're... 214 00:17:34,191 --> 00:17:36,251 Wh-What? Who's that? Who's that? 215 00:17:37,581 --> 00:17:40,711 The government wants your head. 216 00:17:42,441 --> 00:17:46,121 The world is waiting for our answer. 217 00:18:30,651 --> 00:18:32,411 Th-This is... 218 00:18:34,751 --> 00:18:36,981 Wh-What just happened? 219 00:18:40,061 --> 00:18:41,671 Luffy! 220 00:18:42,131 --> 00:18:44,041 Luffy!! 221 00:18:44,281 --> 00:18:45,371 Nami! 222 00:18:45,841 --> 00:18:48,411 We'd better hurry up or the ship will be swept away! 223 00:18:48,411 --> 00:18:49,441 Okay! 224 00:18:50,781 --> 00:18:52,781 Gum-Gum... 225 00:18:55,811 --> 00:18:56,531 Wha?! 226 00:18:56,531 --> 00:18:57,811 W-Wait! 227 00:18:57,811 --> 00:18:59,121 I have a bad feeling... 228 00:18:59,521 --> 00:19:01,191 ...Rocket!! 229 00:19:01,881 --> 00:19:06,131 Ahhh, I knew it! 230 00:19:12,971 --> 00:19:13,961 Everyone... 231 00:19:31,311 --> 00:19:34,631 That man... What was that sudden gust? 232 00:19:36,081 --> 00:19:40,011 He appeared and disappeared like lighting on the same day 233 00:19:40,011 --> 00:19:44,111 that Gold Roger was executed 22 years ago. What on earth... 234 00:19:44,791 --> 00:19:48,941 I'm the man who'll be King of the Pirates! 235 00:19:59,511 --> 00:20:05,731 If that's your decision, then go! 236 00:20:06,271 --> 00:20:11,481 Why? Why did you help that man... Dragon?! 237 00:20:15,231 --> 00:20:19,611 What reason would there be to interfere with a man's departure? 238 00:20:30,021 --> 00:20:32,881 Set sail! We'll go after Straw Hat! 239 00:20:33,081 --> 00:20:33,901 What? 240 00:20:35,081 --> 00:20:37,301 We'll enter the Grand Line. 241 00:20:37,301 --> 00:20:41,201 B-But, Captain! This island is in your jurisdiction. 242 00:20:41,201 --> 00:20:42,931 I don't know what the higher-ups would say... 243 00:20:44,161 --> 00:20:47,151 Tell them I said, "Don't give me orders." 244 00:20:48,141 --> 00:20:49,381 I'll come with you! 245 00:20:49,381 --> 00:20:50,891 Sergeant Major Tashigi! 246 00:20:51,451 --> 00:20:54,121 I won't forgive Roronoa. 247 00:20:54,481 --> 00:20:57,131 I'll capture him without fail! 248 00:21:06,631 --> 00:21:10,221 Gee, that flashy gust was lucky for us. 249 00:21:10,411 --> 00:21:13,841 We were able to escape like this because I always behave well. 250 00:21:14,901 --> 00:21:16,311 Where're we going now? 251 00:21:16,881 --> 00:21:18,441 The Grand Line. 252 00:21:18,461 --> 00:21:19,681 The Grand Line? 253 00:21:19,891 --> 00:21:23,351 Yeah. This is a good opportunity. I have to settle with that damn rubber man. 254 00:21:23,351 --> 00:21:28,581 Let's head straight into the nostalgic Grand Line... 255 00:21:29,641 --> 00:21:33,251 Ugh! It's almost like the ship's gonna tip over! 256 00:21:36,501 --> 00:21:37,991 Look at that light! 257 00:21:37,991 --> 00:21:39,891 Is that a lighthouse of the island? 258 00:21:39,891 --> 00:21:43,961 It's a "guiding light." The entrance to the Grand Line lies ahead of that light. 259 00:21:44,201 --> 00:21:46,701 The Grand Line is ahead of that light... 260 00:21:46,701 --> 00:21:47,911 What do you wanna do? 261 00:21:47,911 --> 00:21:51,541 B-But there's no reason to enter during a storm like this... 262 00:22:04,081 --> 00:22:05,221 Okay, then! 263 00:22:05,221 --> 00:22:08,601 Shall we hold a launching ceremony for setting sail on the great ocean? 264 00:22:08,601 --> 00:22:09,141 Hey! 265 00:22:09,141 --> 00:22:10,061 Sure! 266 00:22:10,061 --> 00:22:11,221 Let's do it! 267 00:22:12,571 --> 00:22:15,411 In order to find the All Blue! 268 00:22:16,321 --> 00:22:18,081 In order to be King of the Pirates! 269 00:22:19,831 --> 00:22:21,561 In order to become a master swordsman! 270 00:22:23,211 --> 00:22:26,151 In order to draw a world map! 271 00:22:26,471 --> 00:22:32,671 I-In order... to become a brave warrior of the sea! 272 00:22:46,961 --> 00:22:49,091 We're going... to the Grand Line!! 273 00:22:50,521 --> 00:22:51,611 Yeah! 274 00:23:11,091 --> 00:23:16,091 My overflowing feelings don't connect 275 00:23:16,091 --> 00:23:21,001 as I firmly squeeze your hand back 276 00:23:21,001 --> 00:23:25,931 I'll set off by myself, 277 00:23:25,931 --> 00:23:31,271 so keep watching me intently as I go into the distance 278 00:23:35,781 --> 00:23:40,781 I was thinking about it a bit since this morning 279 00:23:40,781 --> 00:23:45,351 Why is it so hot? 280 00:23:45,351 --> 00:23:55,761 Starting from some point, I haven't been able to get away from that 281 00:23:56,831 --> 00:24:01,701 I want to catch those feelings that rushed off, 282 00:24:01,701 --> 00:24:06,581 and I'm already about to overtake myself, even 283 00:24:06,581 --> 00:24:11,581 I want to embrace my dreams that have jumped out 284 00:24:11,581 --> 00:24:16,751 With you, I can run there 285 00:24:25,331 --> 00:24:28,211 Hm? What's going on over there? A flock of birds? 286 00:24:28,211 --> 00:24:29,831 There must be fish under that. 287 00:24:29,831 --> 00:24:31,321 Catch some, okay? 288 00:24:31,321 --> 00:24:32,001 Leave it to me! 289 00:24:32,001 --> 00:24:33,491 Hm? It's not fish! 290 00:24:33,491 --> 00:24:34,601 It's a girl! 291 00:24:34,601 --> 00:24:37,221 There's trouble! I see a Navy fleet! 292 00:24:37,221 --> 00:24:39,041 D-Did they come to capture me? 293 00:24:39,041 --> 00:24:40,341 Ahhh! They're firing at us! 294 00:24:40,341 --> 00:24:41,681 On the next episode of One Piece! 295 00:24:41,681 --> 00:24:45,011 "Precursor to a New Adventure! Apis, a Mysterious Girl" 296 00:24:45,241 --> 00:24:47,661 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!