1 00:00:28,051 --> 00:00:29,471 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,781 --> 00:00:32,011 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,601 --> 00:00:34,921 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,151 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,691 --> 00:00:56,051 {\an8}I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 {\an8}That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,571 {\an8}It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,571 --> 00:01:11,071 {\an8}I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 {\an8}I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,361 --> 00:01:20,981 {\an8}I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,981 --> 00:01:24,291 {\an8}Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:31,301 {\an8}Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,221 --> 00:01:39,431 {\an8}I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,441 {\an8}I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,441 --> 00:01:48,521 {\an8}I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 {\an8}Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,301 {\an8}run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,301 --> 00:02:00,951 {\an8}Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,571 --> 00:02:06,761 Sickle-Sickle... 21 00:02:07,431 --> 00:02:08,661 ...Whirlwind! 22 00:02:09,861 --> 00:02:10,951 Oww! 23 00:02:11,331 --> 00:02:13,091 A wind slash! 24 00:02:13,331 --> 00:02:15,051 Here they come! Here they come! 25 00:02:15,441 --> 00:02:16,301 Now! 26 00:02:23,351 --> 00:02:24,391 I won't let you escape... 27 00:02:26,241 --> 00:02:27,831 Yahoo! 28 00:02:33,861 --> 00:02:37,571 Okay! Set sail for Lost Island! 29 00:02:46,751 --> 00:02:50,561 "A Solitary Island in the Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island" 30 00:02:53,581 --> 00:02:55,551 Contacting all squad captains! 31 00:02:55,551 --> 00:02:57,691 Assemble on the deck of Ship #1! 32 00:02:57,691 --> 00:02:59,471 Where's the resource manager?! 33 00:02:59,471 --> 00:03:00,901 Turn the yard this way! 34 00:03:00,901 --> 00:03:02,611 No, no! To the right! 35 00:03:02,611 --> 00:03:05,191 Go get repair planks from the other ships! 36 00:03:05,521 --> 00:03:09,031 Repair Team! Get to work repairing Ship #1! 37 00:03:10,501 --> 00:03:12,181 Those damn pirates... 38 00:03:12,521 --> 00:03:14,941 They're quicker at running than I expected. 39 00:03:15,511 --> 00:03:18,941 No worries. It'd be best to let them go for now, anyway. 40 00:03:19,301 --> 00:03:20,461 What do you mean? 41 00:03:20,461 --> 00:03:24,471 They went to such dangerous lengths to escape from this island. 42 00:03:24,471 --> 00:03:26,051 Why do you think that is? 43 00:03:26,851 --> 00:03:29,591 Have you forgotten this island has a legend? 44 00:03:29,931 --> 00:03:33,911 The story about the dragons' nest on Lost Island... 45 00:03:33,911 --> 00:03:35,721 What? Are you saying they...?! 46 00:03:36,471 --> 00:03:37,981 It's only a guess. 47 00:03:40,121 --> 00:03:44,801 But if so, they'll wind up being the perfect guides there. 48 00:03:51,191 --> 00:03:53,741 Reporting to Commodore Nelson? 49 00:03:53,741 --> 00:03:54,521 Yes... 50 00:03:56,781 --> 00:03:58,481 There will be no need for that. 51 00:03:58,701 --> 00:04:01,261 Sir! But...! 52 00:04:06,611 --> 00:04:10,361 The Dragonite I seek... The elixir of immortality... 53 00:04:10,611 --> 00:04:13,751 As if I'd ever hand it over to the likes of Nelson Royal! 54 00:04:15,631 --> 00:04:17,361 I will have it! 55 00:04:17,781 --> 00:04:20,841 To become a flawless Eric the Whirlwind! 56 00:04:26,951 --> 00:04:28,601 What's taking so long?! 57 00:04:32,041 --> 00:04:34,241 Commodore, sir! Please have this! 58 00:04:36,371 --> 00:04:38,281 That's not what I mean! 59 00:04:39,501 --> 00:04:40,761 Commodore Nelson Royal! 60 00:04:40,761 --> 00:04:43,611 Oh! It's about time! 61 00:04:44,121 --> 00:04:46,081 You have a report from Eric, I assume? 62 00:04:46,621 --> 00:04:50,461 No. It's a message from a soldier working at Warship Island. 63 00:04:50,851 --> 00:04:52,711 "Eric has located the legendary Millennial Dragon." 64 00:04:53,781 --> 00:04:56,291 He goes on to say that all ships are presently busy repairing damage 65 00:04:56,291 --> 00:04:57,841 that the flagship received. 66 00:04:58,861 --> 00:05:00,941 Curse you, Eric... 67 00:05:01,561 --> 00:05:06,051 Why've you not reported to me after finding the Millennial Dragon?! 68 00:05:06,351 --> 00:05:09,021 Are you planning to take the Dragonite all for yourself?! 69 00:05:11,271 --> 00:05:14,071 You're nothing more than a hired soldier. 70 00:05:20,071 --> 00:05:23,921 Our main forces will now head for Warship Island! 71 00:05:23,921 --> 00:05:25,651 All ships, move out! 72 00:05:39,241 --> 00:05:41,341 Lost Island, huh? 73 00:05:42,971 --> 00:05:46,141 The map doesn't have any islands in the waters around Warship Island 74 00:05:46,141 --> 00:05:48,261 that fit the bill... 75 00:05:48,911 --> 00:05:51,111 Hey! Grandpa Ryu! 76 00:05:51,111 --> 00:05:53,061 Which way should we go?! 77 00:06:11,471 --> 00:06:12,341 Hey. 78 00:06:15,661 --> 00:06:17,721 I think he went to sleep again! 79 00:06:22,471 --> 00:06:24,331 Sorry for the wait, everyone! 80 00:06:25,101 --> 00:06:26,391 The food's ready! 81 00:06:27,051 --> 00:06:29,221 Did she cook again?! 82 00:06:29,221 --> 00:06:31,051 No one was waiting for her food! 83 00:06:34,531 --> 00:06:35,981 Oh! Sanji! 84 00:06:36,531 --> 00:06:38,111 Whew, what a relief! 85 00:06:38,111 --> 00:06:39,771 So you made today's meal--?! 86 00:06:42,381 --> 00:06:43,521 Grandpa Ryu! 87 00:06:44,171 --> 00:06:45,491 Eat lots, okay? 88 00:06:45,791 --> 00:06:47,741 Oh! Food! 89 00:06:48,791 --> 00:06:49,751 Food! 90 00:06:51,881 --> 00:06:52,791 Hot! 91 00:06:54,341 --> 00:06:55,671 Why, you...! 92 00:07:02,811 --> 00:07:04,251 Hot! 93 00:07:04,381 --> 00:07:05,431 Grandpa Ryu! 94 00:07:05,611 --> 00:07:06,341 Apis! 95 00:07:10,561 --> 00:07:11,751 Grandpa Ryu! 96 00:07:30,781 --> 00:07:31,861 Grandpa Ryu! 97 00:07:32,551 --> 00:07:33,901 Are you okay? 98 00:07:39,901 --> 00:07:43,761 Sheesh. I made all that food and it goes to waste! 99 00:07:43,761 --> 00:07:45,561 Can't you just make some more, then? 100 00:07:45,921 --> 00:07:48,221 The point is we shouldn't waste food! 101 00:07:53,841 --> 00:07:54,901 What is it? 102 00:07:59,541 --> 00:08:01,271 Lost Island... 103 00:08:01,641 --> 00:08:04,641 The dragons' nest... It's east of Warship Island... 104 00:08:05,991 --> 00:08:07,881 So that's where Lost Island is?! 105 00:08:07,881 --> 00:08:09,891 Grandpa Ryu said he just remembered! 106 00:08:13,951 --> 00:08:15,281 We know where! 107 00:08:16,061 --> 00:08:18,691 Lost Island is east of Warship Island! 108 00:08:19,001 --> 00:08:21,061 Grandpa Ryu said so! 109 00:08:21,061 --> 00:08:22,301 That's right! 110 00:08:22,301 --> 00:08:23,961 Usopp! Take the wheel! 111 00:08:24,371 --> 00:08:25,371 You got it! 112 00:08:28,041 --> 00:08:32,551 Alright! Let's rush straight for Lost Island! 113 00:08:40,571 --> 00:08:42,591 Dammit! You better eat all of that! 114 00:08:42,591 --> 00:08:44,091 Yep! Leave it to me! 115 00:08:46,151 --> 00:08:47,901 They've changed course? 116 00:08:48,061 --> 00:08:50,461 Yes, sir! The pirate ship appears to be headed for the waters 117 00:08:50,461 --> 00:08:52,201 east of Warship Island! 118 00:08:54,311 --> 00:08:55,781 So they're making their move... 119 00:09:00,271 --> 00:09:03,121 Turn the bows eastward! Full speed ahead! 120 00:09:03,491 --> 00:09:06,871 We're now going to close in on the Straw Hat Pirates! 121 00:09:07,221 --> 00:09:08,751 Cannoneers to the gun batteries! 122 00:09:08,751 --> 00:09:11,151 All ships, prepare for Level 3 combat! 123 00:09:11,151 --> 00:09:12,291 Our destination... 124 00:09:12,671 --> 00:09:14,361 ...is Lost Island. 125 00:09:15,351 --> 00:09:17,951 All ships, move out! 126 00:09:22,191 --> 00:09:23,141 Here, Zoro. 127 00:09:23,141 --> 00:09:23,951 Yeah. 128 00:09:25,411 --> 00:09:26,331 Here you go, Zoro. 129 00:09:26,331 --> 00:09:27,141 Yeah. 130 00:09:28,711 --> 00:09:29,601 Here, Zoro. 131 00:09:29,601 --> 00:09:30,391 Yeah. 132 00:09:32,361 --> 00:09:33,301 Zoro. 133 00:09:33,301 --> 00:09:34,191 Yeah. 134 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:36,871 Here, Zoro. 135 00:09:37,801 --> 00:09:40,121 Can't you hand 'em to me without talking? 136 00:09:44,901 --> 00:09:48,691 Lost Island is at the end of this great ocean! 137 00:09:49,201 --> 00:09:51,711 What kind of island could it be?! 138 00:09:51,821 --> 00:09:52,971 Hey! 139 00:09:53,461 --> 00:09:55,701 Usopp! See anything?! 140 00:09:56,261 --> 00:09:57,931 Nope, nothing! 141 00:09:57,931 --> 00:09:59,101 No? 142 00:10:00,601 --> 00:10:05,961 Man, we've come a long way, but there's no sign of an island at all... 143 00:10:05,961 --> 00:10:06,981 Are we sure about this? 144 00:10:07,171 --> 00:10:08,241 Yeah... 145 00:10:08,571 --> 00:10:10,781 And then there's Grandpa Ryu... 146 00:10:10,781 --> 00:10:13,941 I wish he'd remember some more details or something... 147 00:10:14,821 --> 00:10:16,751 Oh! I know! 148 00:10:18,111 --> 00:10:20,691 Let's bonk Grandpa Ryu in the head with this! 149 00:10:20,691 --> 00:10:23,371 Think maybe then the shock'll help him remember something else? 150 00:10:23,371 --> 00:10:24,911 Knock it off! 151 00:10:39,421 --> 00:10:41,351 Hey! Grandpa Ryu! We're almost there! 152 00:10:41,351 --> 00:10:43,931 We're almost to Lost Island! 153 00:10:44,421 --> 00:10:46,661 And it's there, right? The dragons' nest? 154 00:10:46,661 --> 00:10:50,021 And if you go to the dragons' nest, you'll get better, right?! 155 00:10:52,401 --> 00:10:53,501 What? 156 00:10:55,731 --> 00:10:57,991 You're so goofy, thanking me! 157 00:10:57,991 --> 00:10:59,581 We're not even there yet! 158 00:11:19,111 --> 00:11:20,601 They followed us, huh? 159 00:11:22,691 --> 00:11:25,141 What's that? Smoke? 160 00:11:33,461 --> 00:11:35,811 Oh, well! We'll see when we get closer! 161 00:11:36,311 --> 00:11:37,691 Urgh! 162 00:11:38,111 --> 00:11:42,051 That's not true! I don't think you're troubling me at all! 163 00:11:42,051 --> 00:11:43,321 What's your problem?! 164 00:11:43,321 --> 00:11:45,331 --It turned into an argument at some point. --Hey! Grandpa Ryu! 165 00:11:45,331 --> 00:11:45,871 --It turned into an argument at some point. --Hey! Are you listening? 166 00:11:45,871 --> 00:11:46,641 --It looks more like Apis is --Hey! Are you listening? 167 00:11:46,641 --> 00:11:47,371 --It looks more like Apis is --Pretending to sleep isn't fair! 168 00:11:47,371 --> 00:11:48,871 --the only one who's angry, though... --Pretending to sleep isn't fair! 169 00:11:48,871 --> 00:11:49,541 --the only one who's angry, though... --Hey, say something! 170 00:11:49,541 --> 00:11:51,371 --Do you think we should stop her? --Hey, say something! 171 00:11:58,341 --> 00:12:00,211 A... ship? 172 00:12:00,671 --> 00:12:03,191 But something's definitely not right about it... 173 00:12:19,091 --> 00:12:21,831 Awesome! Nami! Check it out! 174 00:12:22,441 --> 00:12:24,921 I already am... 175 00:12:25,341 --> 00:12:27,841 Look! Look at me! 176 00:12:39,571 --> 00:12:41,271 --The pirate ship! --This can't be real! 177 00:12:42,421 --> 00:12:43,511 What the--?! 178 00:12:43,891 --> 00:12:45,341 I-It vanished! 179 00:12:45,901 --> 00:12:47,521 What's going on?! 180 00:12:48,181 --> 00:12:51,581 Hey! What just happened?! Why did they disappear?! 181 00:12:51,981 --> 00:12:53,521 I-I have no idea! 182 00:12:55,781 --> 00:12:57,101 --All ships, full stop! --Yes, sir! 183 00:12:57,101 --> 00:12:59,361 Tell everyone to wait on standby until my next orders! 184 00:12:59,361 --> 00:13:00,101 Yes, sir! 185 00:13:00,221 --> 00:13:01,991 Continue moving forward. 186 00:13:02,191 --> 00:13:05,731 You can't be serious! There's no telling what's in the waters ahead! 187 00:13:06,091 --> 00:13:07,081 It's too risky! 188 00:13:07,691 --> 00:13:08,841 That again? 189 00:13:13,681 --> 00:13:15,961 Then have them prepare a small craft. 190 00:13:16,731 --> 00:13:18,921 You're not seriously going to...! 191 00:13:19,601 --> 00:13:22,301 That's right. I'm going on my own. 192 00:13:41,851 --> 00:13:43,601 Huh? It's just fog... 193 00:13:43,881 --> 00:13:46,771 I thought Nami was in big trouble again or something... 194 00:13:47,601 --> 00:13:49,691 What in the world's going on?! 195 00:13:49,691 --> 00:13:52,831 What was that? 196 00:13:53,151 --> 00:13:55,801 Our own ship was right in front of us... 197 00:13:55,801 --> 00:13:57,971 And then we went right through it... right? 198 00:13:57,971 --> 00:14:00,271 I can't see anything at all! 199 00:14:00,271 --> 00:14:02,841 It was almost like... a mirage... 200 00:14:03,171 --> 00:14:05,291 A mirage? That's it! 201 00:14:05,291 --> 00:14:07,211 I read about this a long time ago! 202 00:14:07,211 --> 00:14:09,931 It said temperature differences between warm and cold ocean water 203 00:14:10,211 --> 00:14:12,661 can create mirages at sea! 204 00:14:24,091 --> 00:14:26,051 Is this a mirage, too? 205 00:14:26,051 --> 00:14:28,681 Urgh! What's the deal with this sea?! 206 00:14:35,661 --> 00:14:37,871 Dammit! What're you doing?! 207 00:14:37,871 --> 00:14:40,601 Shut up! I can't help it, you damn bastard! 208 00:14:41,311 --> 00:14:43,011 Sanji-kun! Zoro! 209 00:14:43,011 --> 00:14:45,251 Let's raise the sails! Undo the ropes! 210 00:14:45,251 --> 00:14:46,381 Yes, Nami-san! 211 00:14:46,841 --> 00:14:48,221 You stay in the cabin! 212 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:51,141 No! I'm going to stay by Grandpa Ryu's side! 213 00:14:51,141 --> 00:14:53,981 You idiot! There's nothing you can do by staying with him! 214 00:14:53,981 --> 00:14:57,311 I'm sure he's feeling lonesome! I hafta hurry to him! 215 00:14:57,311 --> 00:14:58,351 Hey! 216 00:15:01,131 --> 00:15:03,111 Just sit down and shut up! 217 00:15:11,421 --> 00:15:14,541 Hurry! We need to hurry back down and get out of danger! 218 00:15:18,451 --> 00:15:20,271 For some reason it seems... 219 00:15:20,271 --> 00:15:22,821 ...like this sea's trying to push the ship back. 220 00:15:27,071 --> 00:15:28,921 Grandpa Ryu! 221 00:15:29,421 --> 00:15:30,131 Grandpa Ryu! 222 00:15:30,811 --> 00:15:33,301 Don't worry! This storm is no big deal at--! 223 00:15:44,871 --> 00:15:45,651 No! 224 00:15:51,031 --> 00:15:52,031 Zoro! 225 00:16:01,141 --> 00:16:04,151 Grandpa Ryu! No! What are you saying?! 226 00:16:04,501 --> 00:16:06,881 We will save you! Don't give up! 227 00:16:13,121 --> 00:16:15,881 We promised we'd go to your nest together! 228 00:16:16,811 --> 00:16:18,431 Gum-Gum... 229 00:16:18,951 --> 00:16:21,021 ...Lasso! 230 00:16:22,411 --> 00:16:24,371 Nami-san! There's light over there! 231 00:16:24,371 --> 00:16:26,031 That's the eye of the typhoon! 232 00:16:26,781 --> 00:16:29,731 Hey! I see an island below that light! 233 00:16:29,731 --> 00:16:31,341 We're going to land there! 234 00:16:33,821 --> 00:16:34,661 Luffy! 235 00:16:35,081 --> 00:16:37,441 Don't worry! Leave it to me! 236 00:16:37,441 --> 00:16:39,621 We're taking him to the dragons' nest, right?! 237 00:16:40,641 --> 00:16:41,491 Yeah! 238 00:16:49,241 --> 00:16:53,161 Stormy seas surround the island... 239 00:16:53,781 --> 00:16:56,441 It's almost like they're trying to keep people away from it... 240 00:16:57,701 --> 00:17:01,721 That must be why nobody's ever found it before, huh? 241 00:17:02,181 --> 00:17:06,781 But it seems more like a castle that's sunk into the sea than an island... 242 00:17:10,131 --> 00:17:12,261 Whoa! Check it out! 243 00:17:12,261 --> 00:17:14,341 Doesn't that seem shaped like a dragon?! 244 00:17:14,341 --> 00:17:17,791 This must be where the Millennial Dragon lives after all! 245 00:17:17,791 --> 00:17:21,321 Wow! Dragons sure are skillful! 246 00:17:21,321 --> 00:17:25,131 You idiot! It was obviously humans who made this building! 247 00:17:25,411 --> 00:17:27,461 Well, whatever. 248 00:17:27,911 --> 00:17:30,741 We made it to Lost Island! 249 00:17:34,931 --> 00:17:37,881 But does anyone even live here anymore? 250 00:17:38,341 --> 00:17:40,551 The whole place has been swallowed up by Mother Nature... 251 00:17:40,841 --> 00:17:43,891 Say, where do you suppose the dragons' nest is? 252 00:17:43,891 --> 00:17:44,771 Hey! 253 00:17:45,331 --> 00:17:47,941 Grandpa Ryu! I'm talking to you, Grandpa Ryu! 254 00:17:48,311 --> 00:17:51,191 Sheesh! We're at the dragon nest island now! 255 00:17:51,191 --> 00:17:53,191 Come on, wake up! 256 00:17:58,821 --> 00:17:59,941 What did he say? 257 00:18:01,381 --> 00:18:02,871 He says he's not sure... 258 00:18:03,271 --> 00:18:06,541 He says this might not be Lost Island... 259 00:18:06,681 --> 00:18:07,711 What?! 260 00:18:07,711 --> 00:18:09,001 You can't be serious! 261 00:18:09,001 --> 00:18:11,801 We went all the way through that stormy sea just to get here! 262 00:18:13,781 --> 00:18:14,801 Apis! 263 00:18:15,961 --> 00:18:17,791 Look at the top there! 264 00:18:17,791 --> 00:18:19,801 We could look down at the whole island from up there! 265 00:18:20,321 --> 00:18:23,561 Yeah! Trying to figure things out here won't get us anywhere! 266 00:18:23,561 --> 00:18:24,561 Let's go have a look! 267 00:18:24,561 --> 00:18:25,221 Okay! 268 00:18:25,221 --> 00:18:27,861 Alright! Let's go! 269 00:18:34,151 --> 00:18:38,101 Stupid Nami makes the men do all the work... 270 00:18:38,101 --> 00:18:39,321 It's like, "Try pushing it yourself!" 271 00:18:39,791 --> 00:18:42,821 Hey, you! Less complaining and more pushing! 272 00:18:42,821 --> 00:18:44,651 Don't start getting cocky, you! 273 00:18:44,651 --> 00:18:46,591 Quit complaining and push! 274 00:18:46,591 --> 00:18:49,331 Ah! Nami-san is so nice when she's snappy! 275 00:18:49,331 --> 00:18:50,291 If only! 276 00:19:00,241 --> 00:19:01,781 It's a city... 277 00:19:04,541 --> 00:19:08,021 Wow! Everything is broken everywhere! 278 00:19:08,821 --> 00:19:11,281 Did people really used to live here? 279 00:19:11,281 --> 00:19:14,081 Obviously, given all of these houses. 280 00:19:14,081 --> 00:19:16,351 Then why's there no one here now? 281 00:19:16,351 --> 00:19:20,601 Who knows? Maybe they found a better island to live on. 282 00:19:24,501 --> 00:19:26,491 The Millennial Dragon's mark... 283 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:31,961 Did the Millennial Dragon play with children here on this island? 284 00:19:33,861 --> 00:19:37,261 Hey! Are you guys friends of the Millennial Dragon too? 285 00:19:38,841 --> 00:19:42,201 Come on, Apis. Don't get left behind! 286 00:19:43,561 --> 00:19:46,391 Guess what?! These birds told me something! 287 00:19:46,391 --> 00:19:49,571 They said there's a building on the summit with a dragon mark! 288 00:19:50,191 --> 00:19:51,151 For reals?! 289 00:19:51,401 --> 00:19:53,901 It might be the dragons' nest! 290 00:19:58,901 --> 00:20:01,521 Nami! Hurry up! 291 00:20:03,231 --> 00:20:04,811 Wait for me! 292 00:20:18,421 --> 00:20:19,571 Ready... go! 293 00:20:22,921 --> 00:20:24,681 We finally made it... I can't go on... 294 00:20:26,571 --> 00:20:28,991 Thanks for showing us the way! 295 00:20:31,791 --> 00:20:34,111 We've sure come up a long ways. 296 00:20:34,231 --> 00:20:36,181 Good work, everyone! 297 00:20:36,181 --> 00:20:37,901 Yep! Good work! 298 00:20:40,881 --> 00:20:43,471 This painting is of the Millennial Dragon, right? 299 00:20:43,471 --> 00:20:45,111 Yeah, it is. 300 00:20:45,661 --> 00:20:47,861 This building is the dragons' nest? 301 00:20:48,261 --> 00:20:49,661 This place? 302 00:20:49,661 --> 00:20:53,341 Hold on! Where's the entrance? How do we get inside? 303 00:20:53,871 --> 00:20:55,281 This is the door! 304 00:20:55,281 --> 00:20:56,561 You're so stupid! 305 00:20:56,561 --> 00:20:58,471 There's no handle or keyhole anywhere! 306 00:20:59,001 --> 00:21:00,631 How're you supposed to open it?! 307 00:21:09,141 --> 00:21:10,181 H-Hey! 308 00:21:10,421 --> 00:21:14,151 Apis! That pendant... You don't mean... 309 00:21:14,721 --> 00:21:17,521 It's actually a key that opens the door to the dragons' nest? 310 00:21:20,281 --> 00:21:21,071 Yeah. 311 00:21:27,221 --> 00:21:28,031 Huh? 312 00:21:32,971 --> 00:21:34,241 I can't reach... 313 00:21:35,611 --> 00:21:37,121 You're so little, Apis! 314 00:21:37,121 --> 00:21:38,141 So what?! 315 00:21:38,471 --> 00:21:40,371 Alright! Leave it to me! 316 00:21:41,861 --> 00:21:42,681 Huh? 317 00:21:43,401 --> 00:21:44,751 Huh?! 318 00:22:17,471 --> 00:22:20,641 We're alive... right? 319 00:22:20,641 --> 00:22:22,631 Yeah, it seems that way... 320 00:22:23,021 --> 00:22:26,261 Say, what was that about it being a key just a minute ago? 321 00:22:29,431 --> 00:22:30,221 Here! 322 00:22:33,621 --> 00:22:36,311 Well, in any case, we're inside now. 323 00:22:38,291 --> 00:22:39,731 It worked out! 324 00:22:40,241 --> 00:22:43,271 But... what is this place? 325 00:22:44,291 --> 00:22:46,801 Yeah... What is it? 326 00:22:54,771 --> 00:22:57,081 What is this? 327 00:23:11,141 --> 00:23:15,931 My overflowing feelings don't connect 328 00:23:16,091 --> 00:23:20,771 as I firmly squeeze your hand back 329 00:23:21,001 --> 00:23:25,691 I'll set off by myself, 330 00:23:25,931 --> 00:23:30,651 so keep watching me intently as I go into the distance 331 00:23:35,801 --> 00:23:40,421 I was thinking about it a bit since this morning 332 00:23:40,761 --> 00:23:45,511 Why is it so hot? 333 00:23:45,511 --> 00:23:55,511 Starting from some point, I haven't been able to get away from that 334 00:23:56,851 --> 00:24:01,811 I want to catch those feelings that rushed off, 335 00:24:01,811 --> 00:24:06,611 and I'm already about to overtake myself, even 336 00:24:06,611 --> 00:24:11,321 I want to embrace my dreams that have jumped out 337 00:24:11,561 --> 00:24:16,711 With you, I can run there 338 00:24:25,701 --> 00:24:28,291 Hey, now! Is this really Lost Island?! 339 00:24:28,291 --> 00:24:30,471 See! Look at that! This means... 340 00:24:30,471 --> 00:24:31,241 Look out! 341 00:24:31,241 --> 00:24:34,261 That bastard! He followed us all the way here?! 342 00:24:34,261 --> 00:24:36,051 Alright! Let's fight! You too, Zoro! 343 00:24:36,051 --> 00:24:38,011 I said stop already! 344 00:24:38,011 --> 00:24:40,601 Oh, no! Now there's a huge armada! 345 00:24:40,741 --> 00:24:42,141 On the next episode of One Piece! 346 00:24:42,141 --> 00:24:45,191 "Showdown in the Ruins! Tense Zoro vs. Eric!" 347 00:24:45,191 --> 00:24:47,451 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!