1 00:00:22,311 --> 00:00:25,371 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:25,881 --> 00:00:28,901 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,901 --> 00:00:31,611 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:31,991 --> 00:00:35,401 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,931 --> 00:00:40,661 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,201 --> 00:00:50,901 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,901 --> 00:00:54,361 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,291 --> 00:01:00,641 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,641 --> 00:01:08,651 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,651 --> 00:01:16,321 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,791 --> 00:01:24,831 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,331 --> 00:01:33,301 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,301 --> 00:01:41,011 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,011 --> 00:01:46,781 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,781 --> 00:01:50,321 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,231 --> 00:01:56,441 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,441 --> 00:02:03,531 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:16,551 --> 00:02:20,601 "Zenny of the Island of Goats and the Pirate Ship In the Mountains!" 19 00:02:32,561 --> 00:02:34,441 After them! Don't let them escape! 20 00:02:39,741 --> 00:02:41,951 Here I thought they were these great pirates, 21 00:02:41,951 --> 00:02:45,001 but these fainthearted guys are just running away, aren't they? 22 00:02:45,291 --> 00:02:48,701 Sergeant, let's be the ones who bring in the Straw Hat pirates! 23 00:02:50,331 --> 00:02:51,871 We'll bring them in, for sure! 24 00:02:59,361 --> 00:03:02,551 Come on! If we don't do something, they really will hit us! 25 00:03:02,551 --> 00:03:04,781 I'm too hungry... 26 00:03:04,781 --> 00:03:06,131 Me, too... 27 00:03:06,781 --> 00:03:10,321 Man, these navy guys are pesky. 28 00:03:11,051 --> 00:03:13,201 Haven't you caught anything yet? 29 00:03:13,201 --> 00:03:15,391 It's not a matter of catching something! 30 00:03:15,391 --> 00:03:17,691 There isn't a single drop of water left! 31 00:03:17,691 --> 00:03:22,111 At this rate, we're either going to shrivel up, or die of starvation. 32 00:03:22,111 --> 00:03:25,171 Robin-chan, it's time for afternoon tea. 33 00:03:25,171 --> 00:03:27,301 Would you care for some mille-feuille, as well? 34 00:03:27,301 --> 00:03:28,991 Thank you, mister cook. 35 00:03:30,301 --> 00:03:32,061 I want a snack, too! 36 00:03:32,061 --> 00:03:34,081 Sanji, where the hell did you have that hidden?! 37 00:03:34,781 --> 00:03:38,051 Hey! You guys keep your mitts off of this! 38 00:03:38,511 --> 00:03:41,511 What's with the lack of a sense of urgency?! 39 00:03:45,301 --> 00:03:46,851 Is this any time to be laughing?! 40 00:03:46,851 --> 00:03:50,691 Nami, this sea looks even more alarming than the navy. 41 00:03:50,691 --> 00:03:52,461 Use your navigating skills and do something! 42 00:03:52,461 --> 00:03:54,191 I know! 43 00:03:54,781 --> 00:03:56,271 More fog? 44 00:04:01,901 --> 00:04:05,821 We might be able to use this fog to give the navy the slip. 45 00:04:06,241 --> 00:04:10,571 But this water is moving fast. What's more, there are reefs everywhere. 46 00:04:21,751 --> 00:04:25,131 This region of the ocean is designated as a class-one danger zone! 47 00:04:25,511 --> 00:04:27,641 Pursuing them any farther is impossible! 48 00:04:36,271 --> 00:04:37,861 If this keeps up, we'll be wiped out! 49 00:04:37,861 --> 00:04:40,851 Silence! We've chased them this far! 50 00:04:40,851 --> 00:04:42,421 We've almost got them, you know! 51 00:04:42,421 --> 00:04:43,941 Sergeant, let's finish this now! 52 00:04:44,221 --> 00:04:46,831 Withdraw. Come about at once. 53 00:04:47,181 --> 00:04:49,071 We've got orders from Captain Moore 54 00:04:49,071 --> 00:04:53,541 that once we spot the Straw Hat pirates, we are to eliminate them! 55 00:04:53,541 --> 00:04:55,211 Stop pestering me! 56 00:04:56,701 --> 00:05:01,631 The captain is not in command right now. I am. Understood? 57 00:05:01,631 --> 00:05:02,301 Yes, sir. 58 00:05:17,851 --> 00:05:20,861 Hard aport! Pull the sail 45° to the left! 59 00:05:25,181 --> 00:05:26,671 We're out of the fog. 60 00:05:27,981 --> 00:05:30,991 Hey, an island! I see an island! 61 00:05:31,371 --> 00:05:33,201 I wonder if it has something to eat! 62 00:05:51,081 --> 00:05:52,761 Six people and one animal... 63 00:05:54,251 --> 00:05:56,271 Doesn't matter how many of you damn pirates there are. 64 00:05:57,161 --> 00:05:59,151 Just you watch this... 65 00:06:08,071 --> 00:06:10,031 Maybe it's uninhabited. 66 00:06:17,911 --> 00:06:21,341 --A goat? --M-Meat! 67 00:06:21,341 --> 00:06:25,121 Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! 68 00:06:29,721 --> 00:06:32,741 Hold on! I don't care how hungry you are, 69 00:06:32,741 --> 00:06:34,561 you can't just go after that cute little goat! 70 00:06:37,831 --> 00:06:41,231 Apparently, the cute little goats have taken a liking to us. 71 00:06:50,531 --> 00:06:53,701 It's a trap! We've fallen into their trap! 72 00:06:55,691 --> 00:06:57,061 We have no choice! 73 00:06:57,061 --> 00:06:58,511 Don't cut them, Zoro! 74 00:06:58,511 --> 00:07:01,821 These guys aren't bad! I can tell that much! 75 00:07:04,791 --> 00:07:06,301 Tabasco Star!! 76 00:07:11,221 --> 00:07:12,701 The goat kicked it back. 77 00:07:12,701 --> 00:07:14,141 Usopp! 78 00:07:17,401 --> 00:07:21,681 Wait! We're not going to eat you or anything! I promise! 79 00:07:21,681 --> 00:07:24,061 But why did you all set a trap for us?! 80 00:07:27,161 --> 00:07:30,401 Huh? They were ordered by somebody to do it! 81 00:07:31,061 --> 00:07:32,031 Somebody who? 82 00:07:35,461 --> 00:07:36,991 Stop! 83 00:07:37,301 --> 00:07:38,871 You idiot! Keep out of the way! 84 00:07:38,871 --> 00:07:40,041 Watch out! 85 00:07:43,371 --> 00:07:47,631 Stop it! 86 00:07:55,681 --> 00:07:57,801 I-It's a monster! 87 00:07:59,801 --> 00:08:01,681 A weird old man fell out of there. 88 00:08:01,681 --> 00:08:05,061 Chopper, is this the man who gave the goats their orders? 89 00:08:05,421 --> 00:08:06,461 How about it? 90 00:08:07,701 --> 00:08:08,731 They say yes. 91 00:08:11,751 --> 00:08:14,691 He must have thought we were here to attack him. 92 00:08:14,691 --> 00:08:17,781 Don't worry. We just want some water and provisions. 93 00:08:18,071 --> 00:08:20,721 How can I trust anything a pirate says?! 94 00:08:20,721 --> 00:08:23,791 I'm telling you right now, there's no treasure on this island, got it?! 95 00:08:23,791 --> 00:08:25,251 I am penniless! 96 00:08:25,581 --> 00:08:28,251 You don't look very rich, in any case. 97 00:08:28,541 --> 00:08:31,891 Damn pirates! If that's how you want it, I'll be a man about it! 98 00:08:31,891 --> 00:08:33,921 Simmer me, bake me, do whatever you will! 99 00:08:34,551 --> 00:08:38,891 Oh, really? I'm a cook. Simmering and baking are my specialty. 100 00:08:38,891 --> 00:08:43,741 Wait! Wait! I was just joking! You fiend! You scoundrel! You killer! 101 00:08:54,871 --> 00:08:56,381 He's gone limp. 102 00:08:56,381 --> 00:08:59,661 The old man's grit is amazing, but he's pretty fainthearted. 103 00:09:01,421 --> 00:09:03,541 Oh, no! His heart has stopped! 104 00:09:04,701 --> 00:09:05,761 --Zoro! --You ogre! 105 00:09:05,761 --> 00:09:07,301 --How cruel! --Mossy. 106 00:09:07,681 --> 00:09:09,501 Now, hold on, it's not like that! 107 00:09:12,541 --> 00:09:15,961 I'm a doctor! Let's hurry and take the old man to his house! 108 00:09:27,501 --> 00:09:30,081 I was very nearly killed out there. 109 00:09:30,081 --> 00:09:33,061 You really can't drop your guard around a pirate. 110 00:09:33,061 --> 00:09:36,021 Listen to you! You fainted all on your own. 111 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:38,821 Old goat man, did your heart stop out of shock? 112 00:09:39,341 --> 00:09:42,781 Here in the Grand Line, there must be surprises every day. 113 00:09:43,161 --> 00:09:47,371 I'm surprised you've lasted this long, with that faint heart of yours. 114 00:09:47,371 --> 00:09:48,901 That's the truth! 115 00:09:48,901 --> 00:09:52,221 Still, we're glad that you're life isn't in danger. 116 00:09:52,221 --> 00:09:53,961 What's there to be glad about?! 117 00:09:54,421 --> 00:09:58,941 You've already scared the hell out of me, and nearly got me killed. 118 00:09:58,941 --> 00:10:01,461 What's more, now I can't chop firewood, or draw any water. 119 00:10:01,461 --> 00:10:02,931 I'm out a whole bunch, here! 120 00:10:02,931 --> 00:10:06,081 Altogether, I've lost 50,000,000 Berries! 121 00:10:07,221 --> 00:10:11,041 You're overcharging, aren't you? At the most, it should be this much. 122 00:10:11,041 --> 00:10:14,781 Now you're being stingy! Even with a huge discount, it's this. 123 00:10:14,781 --> 00:10:17,361 If you subtract Chopper's consultation fee, it's this. 124 00:10:18,361 --> 00:10:23,041 All you young folks ganging up to pick on an old man like me...! 125 00:10:23,341 --> 00:10:25,061 You're heartless! 126 00:10:25,061 --> 00:10:26,611 We're not picking on you! 127 00:10:27,291 --> 00:10:28,781 Ah, I can't go on anymore! 128 00:10:28,781 --> 00:10:29,921 Don't cry. 129 00:10:30,621 --> 00:10:33,071 All right, old goat man. 130 00:10:33,071 --> 00:10:36,481 We'll chop your wood and draw your water for you. 131 00:10:37,151 --> 00:10:40,271 You're the reasonable sort, aren't you, my straw-hatted lad? 132 00:10:40,271 --> 00:10:41,841 We have a deal. 133 00:10:45,831 --> 00:10:49,321 That old guy sure did seem to dislike pirates, huh? 134 00:10:49,721 --> 00:10:51,601 Do you think he has some grudge against them? 135 00:10:51,861 --> 00:10:54,911 They say the old man is the only person on the island, 136 00:10:54,911 --> 00:10:59,321 and that it's been 20 years since he washed up here from somewhere. 137 00:10:59,621 --> 00:11:01,041 20 years?! 138 00:11:01,981 --> 00:11:04,041 We've met someone like that before, huh? 139 00:11:06,091 --> 00:11:07,781 Oh, where are you going, Zoro? 140 00:11:07,781 --> 00:11:10,371 Huh? I'm going to go look for something to eat. 141 00:11:10,371 --> 00:11:13,601 I doubt the old man is going to share anything with us. 142 00:11:13,601 --> 00:11:16,821 Oh, right! In that case, get some meat! 143 00:11:16,821 --> 00:11:18,881 Don't ask for too much! 144 00:11:22,811 --> 00:11:25,181 Put your back into it more! 145 00:11:25,181 --> 00:11:28,811 Can't you youngsters even chop wood right these days? 146 00:11:31,941 --> 00:11:34,191 I thought so. This cleaning is no good. 147 00:11:34,681 --> 00:11:36,121 Do this over, here! 148 00:11:36,581 --> 00:11:39,711 After that, get some grass to the island goats, and fix the hut! 149 00:11:41,161 --> 00:11:45,811 Ah, I'm so tired... Don't just stand there, rub my shoulders! 150 00:11:45,811 --> 00:11:48,901 You might pay me a little mind, without me having to tell you everything. 151 00:11:48,901 --> 00:11:52,821 You people really are so much trouble. After that... 152 00:11:52,821 --> 00:11:54,121 There's more? 153 00:11:59,961 --> 00:12:03,091 Damn it, which way is north, and which way is south? 154 00:12:07,721 --> 00:12:08,811 What's that? 155 00:12:14,211 --> 00:12:15,421 That's... 156 00:12:36,551 --> 00:12:38,251 I finally made it back. 157 00:12:38,881 --> 00:12:40,881 Are you guys still at it? 158 00:12:40,881 --> 00:12:44,131 That old-timer has been pushing work on us, one job after another. 159 00:12:44,481 --> 00:12:46,011 We're all worn out. 160 00:12:46,251 --> 00:12:48,881 I'm so hungry... 161 00:12:52,021 --> 00:12:53,231 A pirate ship? 162 00:12:53,861 --> 00:12:56,691 The ship was run down, but it was definitely a pirate ship. 163 00:12:56,971 --> 00:12:58,711 Who made it? 164 00:12:58,711 --> 00:13:00,271 The old guy is the only one here. 165 00:13:00,601 --> 00:13:03,251 Why would the old-timer build a pirate ship? 166 00:13:03,251 --> 00:13:04,491 How should I know? 167 00:13:05,141 --> 00:13:07,991 We just might be in luck here. 168 00:13:09,141 --> 00:13:10,831 In any event, let's go have a look. 169 00:13:10,831 --> 00:13:12,861 You say it's at the top of the mountain? 170 00:13:13,911 --> 00:13:15,041 Let's go see! 171 00:13:15,041 --> 00:13:16,751 Whoa, there's no need to run, right? 172 00:13:16,751 --> 00:13:18,831 Hey, wait! It'll take too long to get there starting now! 173 00:13:21,191 --> 00:13:22,461 You're right. 174 00:13:23,381 --> 00:13:26,481 Damn, it was this close, in a straight line? 175 00:13:27,261 --> 00:13:29,901 It seems creepy somehow, doesn't it? 176 00:13:29,901 --> 00:13:32,511 Like a ghost ship in the mountains, huh? 177 00:13:32,971 --> 00:13:34,561 Robin, don't say anything like that. 178 00:13:38,791 --> 00:13:39,771 What are those? 179 00:13:40,421 --> 00:13:42,441 Spirits of the dead! Didn't I tell you so?! 180 00:13:42,441 --> 00:13:43,961 They're fireflies! 181 00:13:50,381 --> 00:13:52,701 He used lumber from the local trees. 182 00:13:53,181 --> 00:13:55,411 But it looks like he stopped midway through. 183 00:13:55,751 --> 00:13:58,161 The old guy really did this? 184 00:13:58,161 --> 00:14:00,251 It doesn't look like it's here. 185 00:14:00,541 --> 00:14:02,221 What's not here, Nami? 186 00:14:02,621 --> 00:14:03,421 Treasure. 187 00:14:03,761 --> 00:14:04,921 Treasure? 188 00:14:04,921 --> 00:14:11,011 If my guess is correct, that old man is, in actual fact, a former pirate! 189 00:14:11,011 --> 00:14:12,471 A pirate? 190 00:14:13,431 --> 00:14:15,281 He probably got shipwrecked, 191 00:14:15,281 --> 00:14:18,581 and I'll bet he's the only one who made it to this island. 192 00:14:18,581 --> 00:14:22,511 And so, he was building this pirate ship to get off the island. 193 00:14:22,941 --> 00:14:26,641 Yeah, but a former pirate disliking pirates 194 00:14:26,641 --> 00:14:28,111 doesn't make any sense, does it? 195 00:14:28,111 --> 00:14:30,691 That's just simple camouflage, 196 00:14:30,691 --> 00:14:33,501 to keep us from finding the treasure he's hidden. 197 00:14:33,501 --> 00:14:36,941 I thought he was shady, right from the start. 198 00:14:37,821 --> 00:14:41,151 Remember that furniture in the old man's hut? 199 00:14:41,981 --> 00:14:44,771 He had some pretty valuable things together there. 200 00:14:44,771 --> 00:14:46,841 That's my Nami-san! Very astute! 201 00:14:46,841 --> 00:14:48,821 That can't be right. 202 00:14:48,821 --> 00:14:52,011 There's no way that fainthearted old man was once a pirate. 203 00:14:52,011 --> 00:14:56,481 Yeah, but he might have been a famous pirate long ago. 204 00:14:56,481 --> 00:14:57,971 And above all else, there's this ship. 205 00:14:58,601 --> 00:15:01,061 There's a dense forest ahead, with no paths... 206 00:15:02,311 --> 00:15:05,201 ...and a steep cliff to the rear. 207 00:15:06,871 --> 00:15:08,931 If he's going to build a boat to escape on, 208 00:15:08,931 --> 00:15:10,991 why do it up here in the mountains? 209 00:15:11,401 --> 00:15:13,361 Why, Nami? 210 00:15:14,211 --> 00:15:16,331 W-Well... 211 00:15:26,961 --> 00:15:29,511 {\an8}"Justice" 212 00:15:27,271 --> 00:15:30,841 Why did you turn back? A danger zone, you say? 213 00:15:31,791 --> 00:15:35,931 Do you think you can fear those, and still preserve the navy's justice?! 214 00:15:36,781 --> 00:15:40,031 I'm terribly sorry. But it won't be possible for them 215 00:15:40,031 --> 00:15:43,191 to get out of that danger zone so easily, either. 216 00:15:43,191 --> 00:15:45,151 They couldn't have gotten too far away. 217 00:15:46,441 --> 00:15:50,351 Even Smoker, and Hina, leader of the Black Cage Unit, 218 00:15:50,351 --> 00:15:52,941 let the Straw Hat pirates slip away from them, 219 00:15:52,941 --> 00:15:55,121 but we will stop them at my hand, no matter what! 220 00:15:55,481 --> 00:15:59,581 They will be of no matter, once they are within your grasp, Captain. 221 00:16:00,221 --> 00:16:05,311 Begin a search at once! Go locate where the Straw Hat pirates are! 222 00:16:05,311 --> 00:16:06,171 Yes, sir! 223 00:16:06,891 --> 00:16:08,991 --Uh, Captain... --Let's go, Corporal. 224 00:16:08,991 --> 00:16:09,841 Yes, sir. 225 00:16:16,831 --> 00:16:20,041 Why didn't you report that island to the captain? 226 00:16:20,571 --> 00:16:21,821 You saw it, too? 227 00:16:21,821 --> 00:16:26,901 Yes. I saw the island, not recorded anywhere in that area of the sea. 228 00:16:27,341 --> 00:16:30,561 Let's keep that from the captain for a little while. Got it? 229 00:16:30,561 --> 00:16:34,121 Why? The Straw Hat pirates are probably on that island. 230 00:16:38,391 --> 00:16:40,701 Allow me to let you in on something. 231 00:16:40,701 --> 00:16:44,191 The one who put down Crocodile in Alabasta was... 232 00:16:44,191 --> 00:16:47,791 Yes, sir, Captain Smoker, hero of the navy. 233 00:16:48,261 --> 00:16:50,211 You're such a dumbass. 234 00:16:50,211 --> 00:16:53,141 That turns out to be the official statement, nothing more. 235 00:16:53,141 --> 00:16:54,671 Then, who exactly was it? 236 00:16:54,671 --> 00:16:57,091 Those Straw Hat pirates, apparently. 237 00:16:58,801 --> 00:17:01,151 If we took those guys on, 238 00:17:01,151 --> 00:17:03,231 no matter how many lives we had, it wouldn't be enough. 239 00:17:03,231 --> 00:17:04,181 But, sir... 240 00:17:04,181 --> 00:17:07,101 Hey, don't believe everything you hear from the higher-ups. 241 00:17:08,021 --> 00:17:12,611 If we were to fight them head-on, they'd wipe us out like it was nothing. 242 00:17:14,521 --> 00:17:18,431 Never mind them, I need you to give me a hand with something, Corporal. 243 00:17:18,431 --> 00:17:19,501 You need a hand? 244 00:17:28,211 --> 00:17:30,791 Let's get off this island, right away. 245 00:17:31,131 --> 00:17:32,831 If this keeps up, that funny old man 246 00:17:32,831 --> 00:17:34,631 is just going to keep slave-driving us. 247 00:17:35,021 --> 00:17:37,431 --I'm staying here. --Luffy? 248 00:17:37,751 --> 00:17:43,201 I want to eat! I can't fill up on just this stuff! 249 00:17:43,941 --> 00:17:45,161 Ah! It's all gone! 250 00:17:45,521 --> 00:17:46,641 Why, you...! 251 00:17:46,981 --> 00:17:50,151 --I had to go out looking for that food! --For the time being, let's head back to the ship. 252 00:17:51,191 --> 00:17:53,611 Ah, Chopper, we're going back to the ship. 253 00:17:53,991 --> 00:17:56,801 I'm going to stay by the old man's side. 254 00:17:56,801 --> 00:17:59,241 I can't just abandon one of my patients, after all. 255 00:17:59,241 --> 00:18:03,621 But he's gotten better. If you feel sorry for him, there'll be no end to it. 256 00:18:03,881 --> 00:18:05,701 There will be an end. 257 00:18:06,091 --> 00:18:07,151 What do you mean? 258 00:18:07,751 --> 00:18:08,671 An end? 259 00:18:09,051 --> 00:18:13,921 That old man's heart didn't stop just because he's timid. 260 00:18:13,921 --> 00:18:15,261 He's sick. 261 00:18:15,261 --> 00:18:17,131 So by "there will be an end," you mean...? 262 00:18:17,881 --> 00:18:21,591 There's no doubt about it. That old man only has three days left. 263 00:18:21,851 --> 00:18:23,201 What? 264 00:18:23,201 --> 00:18:24,641 Three days, you say? 265 00:18:33,301 --> 00:18:34,921 I sure slept well. 266 00:18:36,661 --> 00:18:37,741 That smells good. 267 00:18:37,741 --> 00:18:41,451 --Good morning, old-timer! --Breakfast is ready. 268 00:18:43,321 --> 00:18:45,541 W-What is all this?! 269 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:48,161 Sanji is a noted cook, so this is delicious! 270 00:18:48,161 --> 00:18:50,851 The island goats told me where the fruit is, 271 00:18:50,851 --> 00:18:53,571 and some points where the fishing was good. 272 00:18:54,381 --> 00:18:56,461 Come on, hurry, hurry. 273 00:18:56,461 --> 00:19:00,371 Nami-chan, I'm warning you, I don't have a penny to pay with. 274 00:19:00,371 --> 00:19:02,781 You don't have to worry about that. 275 00:19:04,361 --> 00:19:07,341 Something's fishy here. Way too fishy for me. 276 00:19:07,341 --> 00:19:09,181 There's a proverb about this, you know. 277 00:19:09,181 --> 00:19:13,281 "Beware of pirates that suddenly become nice." 278 00:19:13,961 --> 00:19:15,901 There isn't any poison in this, is there? 279 00:19:15,901 --> 00:19:17,361 How rude. 280 00:19:17,621 --> 00:19:21,501 It's only natural to be kind to the elderly, isn't it? 281 00:19:21,501 --> 00:19:23,921 If you don't want any, I'll eat it for you. 282 00:19:23,921 --> 00:19:27,211 Hold on! I'm eating, I'm eating! 283 00:19:28,421 --> 00:19:29,601 What's the matter with you?! 284 00:19:30,491 --> 00:19:31,971 Old-timer, are you okay?! 285 00:19:31,971 --> 00:19:34,081 --Hey, don't startle him! --Sorry. 286 00:19:36,231 --> 00:19:39,621 Oh, so you've eaten a Devil Fruit, too, have you? 287 00:19:40,781 --> 00:19:44,591 Yum! It truly has been a long time since I've had anything this good. 288 00:19:44,891 --> 00:19:49,681 Old-timer, if there's anything we can do for you, just ask us, okay? 289 00:19:50,581 --> 00:19:53,181 Make sure you don't leave behind any regrets. 290 00:19:54,861 --> 00:19:56,651 Nobody asked you! 291 00:19:56,941 --> 00:19:59,981 If you like this kind of food, I'll make it for you, anytime. 292 00:20:00,261 --> 00:20:04,241 You will, huh? Well, thanks. Wow, this really is good. 293 00:20:06,261 --> 00:20:09,451 This is terribly yummy. This goes beyond yummy! 294 00:20:19,421 --> 00:20:21,281 What's the matter, old goat man?! 295 00:20:21,281 --> 00:20:23,331 --Don't tell me...! --It's happening already?! 296 00:20:23,331 --> 00:20:25,471 --Oh, no! --Hey, stay with us! 297 00:20:26,221 --> 00:20:29,151 Whew! It was so good, I rushed through eating it, 298 00:20:29,151 --> 00:20:30,801 and got it stuck in my throat. 299 00:20:31,911 --> 00:20:34,731 Oh, your food got stuck in your throat, did it? 300 00:20:34,731 --> 00:20:36,401 Don't scare us like that. 301 00:20:36,791 --> 00:20:39,301 I was sure it was too soon for that. 302 00:20:39,301 --> 00:20:41,381 Too soon for what? 303 00:20:42,791 --> 00:20:46,981 N-Nothing at all! He means you're eating too quick, old-timer. 304 00:20:46,981 --> 00:20:48,661 Never mind him, have some of mine, too. 305 00:20:48,951 --> 00:20:49,871 And mine, too. 306 00:20:50,331 --> 00:20:51,331 Help yourself to this, too. 307 00:20:51,331 --> 00:20:54,001 Really?! Much obliged, much obliged! 308 00:20:59,491 --> 00:21:01,051 This really is good! 309 00:21:08,921 --> 00:21:12,811 His appetite is on the same level as Luffy's, isn't it? 310 00:21:13,541 --> 00:21:17,021 Does he really only have three days left to live? 311 00:21:24,741 --> 00:21:26,241 Here it is, Sergeant! 312 00:21:26,241 --> 00:21:28,691 According to the records, there was a man who fought 313 00:21:28,691 --> 00:21:32,001 against some pirates in that area of the sea 20 years ago, 314 00:21:32,001 --> 00:21:33,661 and hasn't been seen since. 315 00:21:33,661 --> 00:21:36,861 I remember now. He was a guy named Zenny, or something. 316 00:21:36,861 --> 00:21:37,581 Zenny? 317 00:21:38,421 --> 00:21:40,821 The bastard wasn't the only thing that went missing. 318 00:21:40,821 --> 00:21:42,711 A huge treasure disappeared with him. 319 00:21:43,711 --> 00:21:47,001 Supposing he made it to that island, 320 00:21:47,331 --> 00:21:50,731 and even if he has already kicked the bucket... 321 00:21:52,191 --> 00:21:55,311 Treasure doesn't have a life expectancy, does it? 322 00:21:56,961 --> 00:21:59,061 You've already eaten too much! 323 00:21:59,061 --> 00:22:00,901 I'm just getting started. 324 00:22:00,901 --> 00:22:02,861 You're awesome, mister! 325 00:22:09,741 --> 00:22:17,871 Ah, beyond the never-ending sky 326 00:22:18,131 --> 00:22:28,051 The future that I once saw is now starting to take shape 327 00:22:36,391 --> 00:22:43,821 There are days where I almost lose to myself 328 00:22:43,821 --> 00:22:51,811 When that happened, there was someplace warm I could go 329 00:22:52,241 --> 00:22:58,351 The friends I took pride in always, without fail, 330 00:22:58,351 --> 00:23:08,361 pushed me onwards, didn't they? 331 00:23:09,301 --> 00:23:17,621 Ah, the stars are pouring down underneath the sky 332 00:23:17,621 --> 00:23:19,661 This unique moment... 333 00:23:25,831 --> 00:23:28,211 How long are we going to have to look after the old man? 334 00:23:28,211 --> 00:23:30,021 My, how cold. 335 00:23:30,491 --> 00:23:33,411 Whether he's a pirate, or has treasure, it's none of our business, right? 336 00:23:33,411 --> 00:23:35,871 You should embrace a more inquisitive mind. 337 00:23:35,871 --> 00:23:38,621 Our pursuers from the navy are already that close! 338 00:23:38,621 --> 00:23:41,621 --Oh, are you scared? --I'm not talking to you! 339 00:23:41,621 --> 00:23:42,941 On the next episode of One Piece! 340 00:23:42,941 --> 00:23:45,961 "How's Tricks? The Designs of Zenny the Moneylender!" 341 00:23:46,281 --> 00:23:48,521 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!