1 00:00:16,751 --> 00:00:18,781 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:18,781 --> 00:00:20,681 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:20,681 --> 00:00:22,731 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:22,991 --> 00:00:26,861 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:30,691 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:30,691 --> 00:00:34,261 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:36,871 --> 00:00:41,101 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:41,611 --> 00:00:44,681 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:45,511 --> 00:00:50,881 We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:50,881 --> 00:00:56,791 and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:56,791 --> 00:00:58,401 ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:02,991 --> 00:01:07,881 Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:08,631 --> 00:01:12,991 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:14,371 --> 00:01:24,801 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:26,481 --> 00:01:32,191 When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:32,191 --> 00:01:37,491 simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:37,491 --> 00:01:41,161 and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:41,161 --> 00:01:46,671 We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:46,671 --> 00:01:52,381 and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:52,381 --> 00:01:58,621 A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:58,621 --> 00:02:02,881 We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:03,991 --> 00:02:05,061 We are! 23 00:02:29,181 --> 00:02:30,911 What's wrong, girlie? 24 00:02:37,031 --> 00:02:40,191 Do you want me to return the village that badly? 25 00:02:43,201 --> 00:02:46,411 Then how's this? Let's make an agreement. 26 00:02:46,411 --> 00:02:47,821 Agreement? 27 00:02:47,821 --> 00:02:49,131 That's right. 28 00:02:49,131 --> 00:02:52,141 Gather up 100 million Berries and bring it here. 29 00:02:52,141 --> 00:02:56,161 Do so and I'll let the village go and give you freedom. 30 00:02:56,451 --> 00:02:57,371 Honest?! 31 00:02:57,591 --> 00:02:59,311 Honest! 32 00:02:59,311 --> 00:03:03,711 I'd die before I break an agreement concerning money. 33 00:03:03,711 --> 00:03:05,621 It doesn't matter how many years it takes. 34 00:03:05,621 --> 00:03:07,341 I'll honor our agreement. 35 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:15,691 I absolutely will save up 100 million Berries! 36 00:03:16,401 --> 00:03:18,551 Bellemere-san! I will do it! 37 00:03:18,821 --> 00:03:20,651 No matter how much time it takes! 38 00:03:24,001 --> 00:03:28,241 "Luffy Rises! Result of the Broken Promise!" 39 00:03:36,771 --> 00:03:39,271 Gen-san? And the navy? 40 00:03:45,871 --> 00:03:48,501 Are you the girl thief known as Nami? 41 00:03:50,451 --> 00:03:56,371 Our information has it you've hidden treasure you stole from pirates. 42 00:03:56,371 --> 00:04:01,681 The government hereby confiscates all the property you have stolen! 43 00:04:07,431 --> 00:04:10,031 What's the matter? Did you not hear me? 44 00:04:10,611 --> 00:04:12,651 The government hereby takes possession 45 00:04:12,651 --> 00:04:15,701 of everything you stole from the pirates. 46 00:04:17,751 --> 00:04:22,251 My, my. You're very passionate about your duties, I see. 47 00:04:22,661 --> 00:04:25,531 You're not brave enough to stand up to pirates, 48 00:04:25,531 --> 00:04:27,831 so you deal with sneak thieves instead to earn brownie points. 49 00:04:27,831 --> 00:04:29,701 Talk about superb! 50 00:04:32,881 --> 00:04:34,841 Here's a warning for you. 51 00:04:34,841 --> 00:04:37,011 I'm a leader of the Arlong Pirates. 52 00:04:37,011 --> 00:04:40,091 Mess with me, and Arlong won't sit by quietly! 53 00:04:41,191 --> 00:04:46,461 Silly girl. Do you think you're dealing with me on equal footing? 54 00:04:46,681 --> 00:04:48,141 Find the stolen goods! 55 00:04:50,141 --> 00:04:51,031 Wait! 56 00:04:56,711 --> 00:04:57,891 Stop! 57 00:05:04,041 --> 00:05:06,881 Is this what the navy should be doing right now?! 58 00:05:07,201 --> 00:05:10,781 The Arlong Pirates have killed people, and even destroyed towns! 59 00:05:10,781 --> 00:05:11,721 You know that! 60 00:05:12,331 --> 00:05:16,351 He's ruling over this island and trampling all over people's lives! 61 00:05:16,351 --> 00:05:17,981 Is ignoring that major problem 62 00:05:17,981 --> 00:05:20,321 and raking in stolen goods from a thief 63 00:05:20,321 --> 00:05:21,521 what the government stands for?! 64 00:05:23,021 --> 00:05:25,421 Don't talk all big. 65 00:05:25,421 --> 00:05:26,511 Continue your search! 66 00:05:26,951 --> 00:05:31,471 People all over the island've been waiting for your help for years now! 67 00:05:31,811 --> 00:05:34,981 How dare you just pass them by and come here! 68 00:05:35,321 --> 00:05:38,101 Colonel! This tangerine orchard seems suspicious! 69 00:05:38,101 --> 00:05:38,951 Dig it up! 70 00:05:43,101 --> 00:05:46,451 Keep your filthy hands off of Bellemere-san's tangerine orchard! 71 00:05:49,711 --> 00:05:51,311 I won't let you have my money! 72 00:05:51,311 --> 00:05:53,371 That money's for... That money's for... 73 00:05:55,661 --> 00:05:59,641 This girl's money is meant to save Cocoyashi Village! 74 00:05:59,641 --> 00:06:03,881 What gives you the right to take it away, navy man?! 75 00:06:05,981 --> 00:06:10,851 Oh? A lowly village representative, talking down to a navy colonel? 76 00:06:11,711 --> 00:06:14,971 Gen-san... How do you know about that? 77 00:06:19,161 --> 00:06:21,021 I've always known, Nami. 78 00:06:24,501 --> 00:06:26,101 I'm... joining... 79 00:06:26,101 --> 00:06:26,671 Eh? 80 00:06:27,611 --> 00:06:30,131 I'm joining... the Arlong Pirates... 81 00:06:30,501 --> 00:06:30,971 Nami! 82 00:06:33,111 --> 00:06:34,001 You... 83 00:06:34,201 --> 00:06:34,991 Nami... 84 00:06:35,631 --> 00:06:39,061 I couldn't believe what you'd done then, 85 00:06:39,061 --> 00:06:40,961 so I confronted Nojiko later. 86 00:06:40,941 --> 00:06:43,431 Everyone in the village has known since then 87 00:06:43,431 --> 00:06:47,981 that you stayed with the Arlong Pirates so you could save the village. 88 00:06:48,191 --> 00:06:51,271 But we pretended we didn't know. 89 00:06:51,271 --> 00:06:55,111 Because our hopes would keep you from running away from Arlong 90 00:06:55,111 --> 00:06:57,431 if you ever decided to. 91 00:06:57,971 --> 00:06:59,431 You can't be serious... 92 00:07:02,151 --> 00:07:05,081 What on earth are you talking about? 93 00:07:05,081 --> 00:07:07,521 You're saying all the villagers are thieves, 94 00:07:07,521 --> 00:07:10,791 and we should arrest them? 95 00:07:10,791 --> 00:07:15,081 He's saying that each and every one of us is fighting to live! 96 00:07:16,021 --> 00:07:19,411 But only because we can't rely on any of you government people! 97 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:23,871 If you're not gonna save our village, then get the hell out of here! 98 00:07:24,441 --> 00:07:27,611 Dilly-dally and Arlong'll go after your ship, too! 99 00:07:27,611 --> 00:07:31,481 Mr. Arlong will? I wouldn't be so sure... 100 00:07:33,721 --> 00:07:35,291 You still haven't found it?! 101 00:07:35,291 --> 00:07:38,661 We're looking for 100 million Berries here! Not a grain of rice! 102 00:07:40,291 --> 00:07:43,101 Hey, you! How do you know how much there is?! 103 00:07:45,051 --> 00:07:47,001 Oh, the 100 million? 104 00:07:47,001 --> 00:07:50,341 I just got the feeling there's that much. 105 00:08:01,131 --> 00:08:02,541 Don't tell me he... 106 00:08:08,191 --> 00:08:11,171 Don't tell me Arlong sent you here! 107 00:08:13,001 --> 00:08:14,521 Who knows? 108 00:08:14,521 --> 00:08:20,731 We're simply dealing with theft as any government workers would. 109 00:08:21,051 --> 00:08:23,401 What rotten scum! 110 00:08:23,401 --> 00:08:26,111 I can't believe the navy would stoop to being pirate cronies! 111 00:08:28,351 --> 00:08:29,861 Arlong! 112 00:08:30,211 --> 00:08:31,471 I found it! 113 00:08:40,231 --> 00:08:41,861 This is incredible! 114 00:08:41,861 --> 00:08:45,141 I'm impressed you could gather this much, girl! 115 00:08:45,361 --> 00:08:47,591 It's all ragged and stained with blood... 116 00:08:47,591 --> 00:08:49,591 No matter! Money is money! 117 00:08:52,681 --> 00:08:55,561 Thirty percent of this is all mine! 118 00:08:55,761 --> 00:08:57,441 Don't touch that... 119 00:08:57,931 --> 00:09:01,051 Don't touch that... Don't touch that... 120 00:09:01,981 --> 00:09:03,021 Nami... 121 00:09:03,951 --> 00:09:06,101 Don't touch that... Don't touch that... 122 00:09:06,301 --> 00:09:07,731 Don't touch that! 123 00:09:23,601 --> 00:09:24,791 Nami! 124 00:09:30,081 --> 00:09:30,941 Nojiko! 125 00:09:31,831 --> 00:09:33,441 Nojiko!! 126 00:09:37,901 --> 00:09:39,731 A pinwheel, huh? 127 00:09:48,511 --> 00:09:50,841 Man, that was so cool! 128 00:09:53,601 --> 00:09:55,531 I thought up a good move! 129 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:59,411 Doctor! Doctor! 130 00:10:00,681 --> 00:10:02,501 What is it, Gen-san?! 131 00:10:02,501 --> 00:10:03,901 Nojiko's been shot! 132 00:10:03,901 --> 00:10:05,131 By who?! 133 00:10:05,131 --> 00:10:06,291 The navy! 134 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:07,181 The navy? 135 00:10:08,411 --> 00:10:09,381 Nojiko! 136 00:10:09,991 --> 00:10:11,161 I'm fine... 137 00:10:11,841 --> 00:10:14,281 Arlong's been working with the navy. 138 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:15,111 What?! 139 00:10:15,471 --> 00:10:18,251 He's lied to Nami for the last eight years. 140 00:10:18,251 --> 00:10:20,611 He never intended to honor their agreement! 141 00:10:20,811 --> 00:10:21,891 --What?! --Oh, no! Then... 142 00:10:21,891 --> 00:10:23,651 --What?! --Oh, no! Then... 143 00:10:23,651 --> 00:10:26,261 That bastard! He lied to our Nacchan! 144 00:10:26,261 --> 00:10:27,501 Nacchan! 145 00:10:31,621 --> 00:10:32,581 Nami... 146 00:10:33,071 --> 00:10:37,131 Heya, Nami! What's up? Need help with anything? 147 00:10:39,721 --> 00:10:40,951 Are you still here?! 148 00:10:41,991 --> 00:10:45,471 This has nothing to do with you! Leave the damn island already! 149 00:10:52,751 --> 00:10:55,871 Arlong... Arlong...! 150 00:10:56,701 --> 00:10:57,591 Arlong! 151 00:10:58,111 --> 00:11:02,231 I'd die before I break an agreement concerning money. 152 00:11:02,231 --> 00:11:04,431 It doesn't matter how many years it takes. 153 00:11:04,431 --> 00:11:06,111 I'll honor our agreement. 154 00:11:06,821 --> 00:11:08,281 Arlong! 155 00:11:12,991 --> 00:11:15,001 What's her problem? 156 00:11:30,841 --> 00:11:32,131 Arlong! 157 00:11:34,421 --> 00:11:39,061 Oh? What's wrong, skilled surveyor of ours? 158 00:11:39,061 --> 00:11:41,121 Why the angry look? 159 00:11:43,111 --> 00:11:47,021 The navy men you have under your control stole all my money! 160 00:11:47,711 --> 00:11:52,041 What happened to dying before breaking promises about money?! 161 00:11:52,041 --> 00:11:53,481 Why?! 162 00:11:53,481 --> 00:11:55,731 When did I break our promise? 163 00:11:56,061 --> 00:11:59,211 Don't play dumb! You teamed up with the navy to-- 164 00:12:01,331 --> 00:12:04,991 When did I break our promise? Let's hear it! 165 00:12:13,331 --> 00:12:17,061 Damn you... Damn you! Damn you! 166 00:12:18,861 --> 00:12:22,001 I see! So your money's been stolen? 167 00:12:22,001 --> 00:12:24,541 How unfortunate. 168 00:12:24,541 --> 00:12:27,061 But an agreement is an agreement. 169 00:12:27,061 --> 00:12:29,881 If you can't gather up 100 million Berries for me to see, 170 00:12:29,881 --> 00:12:33,851 I'm afraid I can't give you the village back. 171 00:12:35,451 --> 00:12:36,491 Scum! 172 00:12:39,601 --> 00:12:43,951 It's only 100 million Berries! Just start saving up again! 173 00:12:47,451 --> 00:12:50,221 Or are you gonna run out on me? 174 00:12:51,621 --> 00:12:56,711 But if you do run away, I'll kill everyone in Cocoyashi Village. 175 00:13:00,481 --> 00:13:01,281 Nami... 176 00:13:01,621 --> 00:13:04,141 We pretended we didn't know. 177 00:13:04,461 --> 00:13:08,481 Because our hopes would keep you from running away from Arlong 178 00:13:08,481 --> 00:13:10,831 if you ever decided to. 179 00:13:16,281 --> 00:13:19,551 Oh? Finally running away, huh? 180 00:13:22,701 --> 00:13:24,501 Shouldn't we chase after her? 181 00:13:24,501 --> 00:13:29,641 Chase? What for? She won't run away. 182 00:13:29,641 --> 00:13:34,391 She could never abandon the lives of the villagers. 183 00:13:35,101 --> 00:13:38,111 You certainly do know how to play dirty... 184 00:13:38,111 --> 00:13:42,211 No way would I let such an exceptional surveyor as Nami go so easily. 185 00:13:42,401 --> 00:13:45,671 But I'm not a heartless devil. 186 00:13:46,821 --> 00:13:50,191 Once she's done surveying all of the world's seas, 187 00:13:50,191 --> 00:13:52,061 I'll give her her freedom! 188 00:13:54,701 --> 00:13:57,721 That's like decades from now! 189 00:13:58,151 --> 00:14:01,051 Not even a hundred years'd be enough! 190 00:14:05,171 --> 00:14:09,121 Alright! Let's meet up with Luffy ASAP! 191 00:14:10,201 --> 00:14:12,821 Hey, Sanji. What're you doing? 192 00:14:12,821 --> 00:14:15,091 Appreciating happiness. 193 00:14:15,291 --> 00:14:17,251 What're you talking about? 194 00:14:17,251 --> 00:14:21,171 Nami-san's lived with many times the suffering of a normal person. 195 00:14:24,741 --> 00:14:27,911 I'm going to take away that suffering of hers. 196 00:14:28,321 --> 00:14:30,551 Is there any happiness greater than this? 197 00:14:31,951 --> 00:14:35,461 Your ulterior motive's way obvious, Love Cook. 198 00:14:37,061 --> 00:14:40,691 I'm fighting for a beautiful person. What's wrong with that? 199 00:14:41,041 --> 00:14:45,211 That's not what this is for! It's for Nami and the villagers! 200 00:14:45,601 --> 00:14:46,741 Shaddup. 201 00:14:53,431 --> 00:14:56,871 Quit your jabbering and let's go! 202 00:15:02,321 --> 00:15:04,001 No more of this! Take up your weapons! 203 00:15:04,001 --> 00:15:05,061 Let's fight! 204 00:15:09,321 --> 00:15:13,351 Gen-san! Everyone! Please! Don't be hasty! 205 00:15:13,861 --> 00:15:16,541 You can't die! It'll all be over! 206 00:15:17,181 --> 00:15:20,191 You have to survive, or everything will end! 207 00:15:20,191 --> 00:15:25,601 Eight years ago, we swore not to throw away our lives! 208 00:15:25,891 --> 00:15:28,411 No matter how painful and insulting it was to be ruled by them, 209 00:15:29,031 --> 00:15:33,431 we swore to fight the patient fight as long as Nami was cheerful! 210 00:15:33,871 --> 00:15:36,581 But this is their answer! 211 00:15:37,151 --> 00:15:41,551 Now that our village's chance for freedom is gone, we have no hope! 212 00:15:41,551 --> 00:15:42,511 More than that, 213 00:15:43,081 --> 00:15:47,551 we must make those fishmen pay for toying with that girl's kindness! 214 00:15:47,551 --> 00:15:48,211 Any objections?! 215 00:15:48,881 --> 00:15:50,411 Of course not! Let's go! 216 00:15:50,411 --> 00:15:54,261 We were always fully ready to fight at any time! 217 00:15:54,681 --> 00:15:57,401 I refuse to let them rule over me any more! 218 00:15:59,271 --> 00:16:01,451 Wait, everyone! 219 00:16:02,971 --> 00:16:03,991 Nami! 220 00:16:07,761 --> 00:16:10,831 Just a little more! Just wait a little more! 221 00:16:10,831 --> 00:16:12,901 I'll work hard again! 222 00:16:12,901 --> 00:16:15,001 I'll save up the money again! 223 00:16:15,491 --> 00:16:17,121 It'll be easy this time! 224 00:16:17,321 --> 00:16:21,371 I'm used to it! I'll be fine! There's no need to worry at all! 225 00:16:22,211 --> 00:16:24,801 This is nothing compared to back then! 226 00:16:27,051 --> 00:16:29,491 Please, no more dying! 227 00:16:29,491 --> 00:16:33,151 Everyone! I'm fine! I'm just fine! 228 00:16:41,041 --> 00:16:44,481 You can stop now... Even you know there's no point now... 229 00:16:45,251 --> 00:16:49,591 You fought very well, carrying our lives on your back all this time... 230 00:16:49,831 --> 00:16:53,311 Joining them must've been even more painful for you 231 00:16:53,311 --> 00:16:55,711 than being cut through the heart... 232 00:16:56,991 --> 00:16:59,091 You fought very well. 233 00:17:00,571 --> 00:17:01,931 Gen-san... 234 00:17:08,321 --> 00:17:10,221 Leave the village now. 235 00:17:11,811 --> 00:17:12,641 Gen-san?! 236 00:17:13,701 --> 00:17:15,191 Do it, Nami. 237 00:17:15,191 --> 00:17:16,521 W-What?! 238 00:17:17,281 --> 00:17:18,271 Nacchan... 239 00:17:18,271 --> 00:17:19,211 Nami... 240 00:17:20,421 --> 00:17:23,711 You're crafty, and you have a dream. 241 00:17:24,001 --> 00:17:25,481 Nojiko! Everyone! 242 00:17:26,891 --> 00:17:28,321 I won't let you go! 243 00:17:29,431 --> 00:17:30,981 Stop it, everyone! 244 00:17:30,981 --> 00:17:33,881 I don't want to see anyone else get hurt by them! 245 00:17:36,491 --> 00:17:37,631 You'll die, you know! 246 00:17:38,561 --> 00:17:39,711 We know. 247 00:17:46,931 --> 00:17:50,201 It's no use! We've made up our minds! 248 00:17:53,971 --> 00:17:55,551 Get out of our way, Nami! 249 00:17:57,941 --> 00:17:59,481 Let's go, everyone! 250 00:17:59,481 --> 00:18:02,781 Even if we can't win, let's show 'em what we're made of! 251 00:18:40,061 --> 00:18:41,981 Arlong! 252 00:18:44,191 --> 00:18:47,021 Arlong! Arlong! 253 00:18:49,321 --> 00:18:51,391 Arlong! Arlong! 254 00:18:51,611 --> 00:18:54,331 Arlong! Arlong! Arlong! 255 00:18:54,331 --> 00:18:56,611 Arlong! Arlong! 256 00:18:57,021 --> 00:18:57,541 Arl-- 257 00:19:03,831 --> 00:19:04,751 Luffy... 258 00:19:09,271 --> 00:19:12,281 What do you want?! You don't even know anything! 259 00:19:12,671 --> 00:19:16,391 You don't even know what's happened on this island the past 8 years! 260 00:19:16,391 --> 00:19:17,861 Yeah. I don't know. 261 00:19:19,491 --> 00:19:21,071 This has nothing to do with you! 262 00:19:22,151 --> 00:19:24,521 I told you, leave the damn island already! 263 00:19:24,521 --> 00:19:26,331 Yeah. You told me. 264 00:19:26,331 --> 00:19:29,131 Leave! I don't need you! 265 00:19:29,131 --> 00:19:32,701 Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! 266 00:19:32,701 --> 00:19:35,961 Leave! Leave! Leave! 267 00:19:36,271 --> 00:19:37,561 Leave! 268 00:19:58,151 --> 00:19:59,021 Luffy... 269 00:20:00,861 --> 00:20:02,131 Help me... 270 00:20:17,751 --> 00:20:20,741 Of course I will! 271 00:20:23,081 --> 00:20:25,261 Don't touch my treasure! 272 00:20:27,271 --> 00:20:28,371 Luffy... 273 00:20:37,421 --> 00:20:38,141 Let's go. 274 00:20:39,941 --> 00:20:40,841 Yeah! 275 00:20:45,281 --> 00:20:48,041 Hey! Are you guys alright?! 276 00:20:48,041 --> 00:20:49,751 Did Arlong do this to you?! 277 00:20:51,401 --> 00:20:52,661 Move aside. 278 00:20:53,971 --> 00:20:56,311 We have business with the fishmen. 279 00:20:57,001 --> 00:20:59,791 Now that we know the truth about Big Sis Nami, 280 00:20:59,791 --> 00:21:03,281 we felt the only thing we can do was defeat Arlong. 281 00:21:03,521 --> 00:21:05,901 So we challenged him... 282 00:21:06,341 --> 00:21:08,661 But we lost by a hair. 283 00:21:10,461 --> 00:21:13,171 Sorry, but we're not letting you through this door, 284 00:21:13,171 --> 00:21:14,801 seeing as you have no hope for victory! 285 00:21:15,021 --> 00:21:15,771 What?! 286 00:21:16,011 --> 00:21:20,191 We're waiting for certain men to arrive here, you see! 287 00:21:20,591 --> 00:21:22,261 Certain men? 288 00:21:22,731 --> 00:21:27,081 I'd bet my life on it. They will come! 289 00:21:42,431 --> 00:21:43,191 Here they come! 290 00:21:59,121 --> 00:22:00,301 It's them... 291 00:22:00,451 --> 00:22:03,241 Just who are they? 292 00:22:03,641 --> 00:22:06,431 If they can't handle them, 293 00:22:06,451 --> 00:22:08,571 then there's no hope for not only this island, 294 00:22:08,571 --> 00:22:11,261 but for the future of the entire East Blue! 295 00:22:12,031 --> 00:22:15,191 The faces of those four men who're here to change destiny... 296 00:22:15,411 --> 00:22:18,431 Burn their images into your eyes! 297 00:22:27,691 --> 00:22:28,771 Move aside. 298 00:22:35,971 --> 00:22:40,791 Hey, do you think those two idiots were part of Zoro's group? 299 00:22:41,161 --> 00:22:43,931 Zoro's? They seemed too weak for that. 300 00:22:43,931 --> 00:22:45,491 They're not even worth killing. 301 00:22:45,491 --> 00:22:47,021 That's for sure! 302 00:23:00,931 --> 00:23:01,881 What the...? 303 00:23:04,961 --> 00:23:06,891 Which one of you is Arlong?! 304 00:23:11,091 --> 00:23:16,091 My overflowing feelings don't connect 305 00:23:16,091 --> 00:23:21,001 as I firmly squeeze your hand back 306 00:23:21,001 --> 00:23:25,931 I'll set off by myself, 307 00:23:25,931 --> 00:23:31,271 so keep watching me intently as I go into the distance 308 00:23:35,781 --> 00:23:40,781 I was thinking about it a bit since this morning 309 00:23:40,781 --> 00:23:45,351 Why is it so hot? 310 00:23:45,351 --> 00:23:55,761 Starting from some point, I haven't been able to get away from that 311 00:23:56,831 --> 00:24:01,701 I want to catch those feelings that rushed off, 312 00:24:01,701 --> 00:24:06,581 and I'm already about to overtake myself, even 313 00:24:06,581 --> 00:24:11,581 I want to embrace my dreams that have jumped out 314 00:24:11,581 --> 00:24:16,751 With you, I can run there 315 00:24:25,591 --> 00:24:27,161 You just had to run ahead by yourself! 316 00:24:27,391 --> 00:24:29,561 I said don't hog all the prey! 317 00:24:29,561 --> 00:24:30,531 Really? 318 00:24:30,531 --> 00:24:30,951 Huh? 319 00:24:30,951 --> 00:24:31,671 What's wrong?! 320 00:24:31,671 --> 00:24:33,971 Yeah, that's the thing! I'm kind of in trouble! Hear me out! 321 00:24:33,971 --> 00:24:36,641 Oh, crap! That guy plans to do something! 322 00:24:36,641 --> 00:24:39,201 What do I do? What do I do?! What do I do?! 323 00:24:40,111 --> 00:24:41,441 Luffy! 324 00:24:41,441 --> 00:24:42,681 On the next episode of One Piece! 325 00:24:42,681 --> 00:24:45,911 "Luffy in Big Trouble! Fishmen vs. the Luffy Pirates" 326 00:24:45,911 --> 00:24:48,211 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!