1 00:00:16,751 --> 00:00:18,781 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:18,781 --> 00:00:20,681 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:20,681 --> 00:00:22,711 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:22,991 --> 00:00:26,861 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:30,691 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:30,691 --> 00:00:34,261 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:36,871 --> 00:00:41,101 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:41,611 --> 00:00:45,511 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:45,511 --> 00:00:50,881 We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:50,881 --> 00:00:56,791 and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:56,791 --> 00:00:58,291 ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:02,991 --> 00:01:07,931 Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:08,631 --> 00:01:12,971 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:14,371 --> 00:01:24,671 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:26,481 --> 00:01:32,191 When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:32,191 --> 00:01:37,491 simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:37,491 --> 00:01:41,161 and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:41,161 --> 00:01:46,671 We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:46,671 --> 00:01:52,381 and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:52,381 --> 00:01:58,621 A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:58,621 --> 00:02:02,881 We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:03,991 --> 00:02:05,061 We are! 23 00:02:08,541 --> 00:02:10,571 Please, leave the ship, Sanji-san. 24 00:02:10,761 --> 00:02:12,561 I don't want to kill you. 25 00:02:12,981 --> 00:02:14,171 No way! 26 00:02:14,391 --> 00:02:17,131 Pearl... Cymbals! 27 00:02:23,131 --> 00:02:27,371 I took everything away from that damn geezer... 28 00:02:28,141 --> 00:02:30,341 So that I could live... 29 00:02:31,371 --> 00:02:32,441 His power... 30 00:02:33,791 --> 00:02:34,981 His dream... 31 00:02:45,881 --> 00:02:49,221 This restaurant is that geezer's treasure! 32 00:02:50,091 --> 00:02:54,571 I... I can't repay the damn geezer for his kindness 33 00:02:54,571 --> 00:02:57,621 unless I risk my life for him, too! 34 00:02:58,531 --> 00:03:00,581 Gum-Gum... 35 00:03:00,951 --> 00:03:02,831 Stop it! Keep your hands off of them! 36 00:03:03,541 --> 00:03:06,081 ...Battle-Axe!! 37 00:03:15,331 --> 00:03:20,831 "Coolheaded, Coldhearted Demon; Pirate Fleet Chief Commander Ghin" 38 00:03:36,521 --> 00:03:39,291 The fin's been smashed!! 39 00:03:44,401 --> 00:03:47,291 How dare that brat do such a thing? 40 00:03:48,221 --> 00:03:50,251 Is he trying to destroy the ship?! 41 00:03:50,381 --> 00:03:53,761 Ghin! Blow Zeff's brain out! 42 00:03:55,611 --> 00:03:57,021 Do it already! 43 00:03:57,031 --> 00:04:02,641 B-But he saved our lives by giving us 100 meals! 44 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:06,451 Ghin, you son of a bitch! 45 00:04:06,451 --> 00:04:07,241 Hey! 46 00:04:07,561 --> 00:04:10,941 I didn't really attack you guys or anything... 47 00:04:12,101 --> 00:04:13,701 ...I only broke the fin. 48 00:04:15,331 --> 00:04:18,391 Hey, chore boy! What do you think you're doing?! 49 00:04:18,391 --> 00:04:19,041 I'll sink it. 50 00:04:19,041 --> 00:04:20,121 What?! 51 00:04:21,731 --> 00:04:23,091 I'll sink this ship. 52 00:04:26,371 --> 00:04:28,891 That ain't funny! 53 00:04:29,231 --> 00:04:33,171 I was wondering how you'd explain that... Are you crazy, you damn bastard?! 54 00:04:33,171 --> 00:04:36,341 If I destroy the ship, there'll be no reason for them to attack. 55 00:04:36,521 --> 00:04:37,801 What?! 56 00:04:39,671 --> 00:04:41,411 What do you know? What do you know about 57 00:04:41,851 --> 00:04:43,651 the significance of the kindness I received? 58 00:04:43,651 --> 00:04:45,301 What do you know about this restaurant?! 59 00:04:46,121 --> 00:04:50,141 So you're gonna die for the restaurant? Are you stupid or something? 60 00:04:50,141 --> 00:04:51,231 What'd you say?! 61 00:04:51,541 --> 00:04:52,691 Dying isn't... 62 00:04:53,461 --> 00:04:56,121 Dying isn't something you should do to repay kindness!! 63 00:04:57,051 --> 00:04:59,381 That's not what he saved you for! 64 00:05:00,241 --> 00:05:05,101 Being given life and yet dying... is something that a weakling would do! 65 00:05:05,101 --> 00:05:08,041 Then is there any other way to settle this matter?! 66 00:05:14,781 --> 00:05:18,141 Now, now, you guys... Stop fighting. 67 00:05:18,461 --> 00:05:21,401 It's simply disgraceful for you to fight among yourselves after all this. 68 00:05:22,561 --> 00:05:26,461 You can't do any more reckless things while the hostage is with us anyway. 69 00:05:27,071 --> 00:05:31,671 It was unfortunate for you guys to have the Krieg Pirates as your opponent. 70 00:05:36,261 --> 00:05:40,701 Burn to death with my Fire Pearls! 71 00:05:47,661 --> 00:05:48,511 Huh? 72 00:05:56,821 --> 00:05:58,781 Ghin! Why... 73 00:05:59,291 --> 00:06:01,321 Ghin-san? 74 00:06:01,881 --> 00:06:04,671 Sorry, Pearl. Out of my way... 75 00:06:10,001 --> 00:06:12,871 Ghin! Are you going to betray us?! 76 00:06:13,391 --> 00:06:19,371 I'm sorry, Don Krieg. He saved our lives. 77 00:06:19,981 --> 00:06:25,581 I don't want him to die this way. At least... At least... 78 00:06:27,461 --> 00:06:29,961 ...please let me bury him with my hands. 79 00:06:34,491 --> 00:06:40,331 Have you lost your mind, Pirate Fleet Chief Battle Commander? 80 00:06:40,861 --> 00:06:42,671 Are you all right, Owner? 81 00:06:42,671 --> 00:06:44,821 Owner! Please hang in there! 82 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:47,511 Chief Battle Commander? 83 00:06:48,001 --> 00:06:51,011 Then he wasn't an underling? 84 00:06:51,011 --> 00:06:55,311 To think that he cracked the shield guy's shield... How powerful... 85 00:06:58,341 --> 00:07:02,021 See? It worked great... my plan to lure him out... 86 00:07:02,021 --> 00:07:05,801 Liar! You really were going to break the ship, weren't you?! 87 00:07:06,371 --> 00:07:07,261 Sanji-san! 88 00:07:07,261 --> 00:07:07,781 What?! 89 00:07:08,291 --> 00:07:12,271 I wanted you to leave this ship unhurt, 90 00:07:12,561 --> 00:07:14,371 but it looks like that's not gonna happen. 91 00:07:14,371 --> 00:07:16,371 You got that right. 92 00:07:16,371 --> 00:07:21,131 I can't let you have this restaurant even if it means risking my life. 93 00:07:21,401 --> 00:07:24,311 Then, at least burying you with my own hands is... 94 00:07:24,311 --> 00:07:27,111 ...my way of settling this matter. 95 00:07:27,251 --> 00:07:31,411 Hmph! Thanks. To hell with you! 96 00:07:31,791 --> 00:07:33,981 You too, Straw Hat. 97 00:07:33,981 --> 00:07:38,511 Well... I won't lose against weaklings like you. 98 00:07:41,201 --> 00:07:42,661 You bastard! 99 00:07:42,661 --> 00:07:45,201 What did you just say to our Chief Commander?! 100 00:07:45,201 --> 00:07:48,671 "To hell with you"? "Weaklings"? How dare you run your mouth like that! 101 00:07:48,671 --> 00:07:53,111 We're the Krieg Pirates, the strongest pirates in the East Blue! 102 00:07:54,801 --> 00:07:57,321 Wasn't it just because you had the biggest number of pirates? 103 00:08:04,061 --> 00:08:07,021 Oh, boy... You struck at the heart of the matter... 104 00:08:07,021 --> 00:08:07,771 So I was right... 105 00:08:08,691 --> 00:08:09,571 You son of a bitch!! 106 00:08:09,571 --> 00:08:10,111 I'm gonna kill you!! 107 00:08:10,111 --> 00:08:11,721 Stop mocking us!! 108 00:08:11,851 --> 00:08:13,171 Back off!! 109 00:08:13,711 --> 00:08:15,001 Don Krieg! 110 00:08:15,141 --> 00:08:16,341 But... 111 00:08:17,861 --> 00:08:23,151 If you get upset when called weak, that just proves that you are weak. 112 00:08:24,381 --> 00:08:27,171 The result will decide if you're strong or weak. 113 00:08:27,421 --> 00:08:31,611 You've got me. Don't get so worked up! 114 00:08:31,931 --> 00:08:33,841 Y-Yes, sir! 115 00:08:34,131 --> 00:08:34,951 Ghin! 116 00:08:35,931 --> 00:08:38,801 Finishing off that cook is your responsibility. 117 00:08:39,711 --> 00:08:43,761 I'll take care of that naive idiot over there... 118 00:08:45,021 --> 00:08:47,761 Understood, Don Krieg. 119 00:08:50,621 --> 00:08:51,911 Hey, brat! 120 00:08:51,911 --> 00:08:52,671 Hm? 121 00:08:52,941 --> 00:09:00,281 I'll make you fully experience the true power that conquered the East Blue. 122 00:09:00,641 --> 00:09:07,001 I'll teach you that your devil fruit or whatever it is means nothing. 123 00:09:09,061 --> 00:09:11,111 All your griping's getting annoying.... 124 00:09:12,741 --> 00:09:15,661 I'll kick your ass. It's as simple as that. 125 00:09:16,301 --> 00:09:20,891 I'm coming over now. You just wait there! 126 00:09:22,141 --> 00:09:23,331 What impudence... 127 00:09:35,971 --> 00:09:38,021 This is it for that cook. 128 00:09:38,021 --> 00:09:39,481 That's right. 129 00:09:39,481 --> 00:09:43,511 When Ghin-san holds that weapon in his hands, it means he's serious. 130 00:09:51,531 --> 00:09:54,591 His nickname is... Demon... 131 00:09:55,551 --> 00:09:57,991 It doesn't matter if his enemy is crying or screaming, 132 00:09:57,991 --> 00:10:00,121 he tortures him to death mercilessly. 133 00:10:00,911 --> 00:10:03,651 He's a demon who doesn't have a shred of sympathy... 134 00:10:07,971 --> 00:10:12,091 I'm sorry, Sanji-san, but you can't defeat me. 135 00:10:12,291 --> 00:10:15,101 Just keep saying that, you small fry. 136 00:10:20,871 --> 00:10:21,601 Here I come! 137 00:10:37,031 --> 00:10:37,621 You son of a... 138 00:10:45,201 --> 00:10:46,161 Sanji! 139 00:10:51,891 --> 00:10:56,241 I warned you... that you can't defeat me... 140 00:11:01,121 --> 00:11:02,361 See you... 141 00:11:03,561 --> 00:11:06,041 Just accept your defeat! 142 00:11:11,321 --> 00:11:13,401 Yeah! Our Chief Commander is really incredible! 143 00:11:13,401 --> 00:11:15,321 Crush him, Ghin-san! 144 00:11:15,331 --> 00:11:15,981 Sanji! 145 00:11:15,981 --> 00:11:18,281 Sanji! Come on!! 146 00:11:23,341 --> 00:11:24,331 Die! 147 00:12:13,971 --> 00:12:17,331 That cook landed a blow on Ghin-san... 148 00:12:17,331 --> 00:12:20,891 Don't tell me Ghin-san is gonna be defeated, too... 149 00:12:21,191 --> 00:12:22,691 You fools... 150 00:12:23,481 --> 00:12:27,821 What have you seen with your own eyes all this time? 151 00:12:28,371 --> 00:12:31,381 Ghin is a coolheaded demon whom I put my trust in. 152 00:12:31,921 --> 00:12:35,821 That's exactly why I appointed him as the Chief Commander. 153 00:12:36,541 --> 00:12:38,891 He'll show his true colors soon. 154 00:12:44,071 --> 00:12:46,201 Is Sanji really okay? 155 00:12:46,201 --> 00:12:49,721 Of course he isn't! Combining the attacks from that shield guy, 156 00:12:49,721 --> 00:12:52,841 he must have at least 5-6 broken ribs. 157 00:12:53,621 --> 00:12:59,671 Those skewered dumplings... aren't as good... as I thought. 158 00:13:00,681 --> 00:13:04,391 Is that the best the Chief Commander can do? 159 00:13:14,191 --> 00:13:17,501 Hm? What's he doing? Is this any time to be paying attention to others? 160 00:13:17,721 --> 00:13:18,861 Ah-ha! 161 00:13:19,391 --> 00:13:21,941 All right! I'll kick his ass while I have an opening! 162 00:13:22,971 --> 00:13:23,691 Hm? 163 00:13:29,741 --> 00:13:31,051 Don't overexert yourself. 164 00:13:34,031 --> 00:13:34,631 Huh? 165 00:13:46,821 --> 00:13:50,431 You bastard!! Do you really intend to fight me?! 166 00:13:51,021 --> 00:13:54,631 Intend to fight you? I don't need to do such a thing. 167 00:13:55,041 --> 00:13:57,941 What's needed is a means to kill. That's all. 168 00:13:58,751 --> 00:14:04,451 And that's the force that humans have. Remember it, you damn monkey! 169 00:14:04,451 --> 00:14:08,751 What?! If you take a monkey lightly, it'll scratch you! 170 00:14:14,401 --> 00:14:15,441 Sanji! 171 00:14:24,871 --> 00:14:28,001 All right! His bones are shattered by now! 172 00:14:28,001 --> 00:14:29,631 Get him! 173 00:14:29,951 --> 00:14:32,841 Dammit! If only he hadn't taken the damage from the shield guy... 174 00:14:32,841 --> 00:14:36,451 He's taken at least 10 hits of those iron balls by now... 175 00:14:40,531 --> 00:14:45,581 You really do whatever you want... you small fry! 176 00:14:53,011 --> 00:14:57,061 Damn... He's really strong... 177 00:15:00,551 --> 00:15:02,151 I'll finish you off now! 178 00:15:02,551 --> 00:15:04,021 Don't struggle any more... 179 00:15:07,731 --> 00:15:09,721 What was that?! Pity? 180 00:15:11,901 --> 00:15:13,601 Don't underestimate me! 181 00:15:14,691 --> 00:15:16,321 Ah! Ghin-san! 182 00:15:20,341 --> 00:15:21,161 Sanji! 183 00:15:24,641 --> 00:15:26,161 Ah! Sanji! 184 00:15:26,161 --> 00:15:31,551 Oh, no! He can no longer bear even the shock from his own attacks... 185 00:15:46,441 --> 00:15:47,941 All right! 186 00:15:48,111 --> 00:15:50,561 That's our Ghin-san! 187 00:15:54,361 --> 00:15:57,871 You... damn... bastard... 188 00:16:22,661 --> 00:16:23,871 I can't... 189 00:16:25,341 --> 00:16:29,591 I can't... Don Krieg... 190 00:16:34,821 --> 00:16:35,611 Huh? 191 00:16:35,611 --> 00:16:36,951 I can't... 192 00:16:39,221 --> 00:16:43,371 I can't do it, Don Krieg!! 193 00:16:46,851 --> 00:16:47,741 Ghin... 194 00:16:48,991 --> 00:16:53,981 I can't... kill this man... 195 00:16:54,741 --> 00:16:56,921 What'd you say?! 196 00:16:57,141 --> 00:17:04,801 It was... it was the first time for me... 197 00:17:05,661 --> 00:17:09,781 Even when I'm down and out, I won't take charity from others. 198 00:17:09,781 --> 00:17:11,311 Take this food away now! 199 00:17:11,881 --> 00:17:14,351 Stop whining and eat it already! 200 00:17:14,541 --> 00:17:17,831 To me, anyone who's hungry is a customer. 201 00:17:18,471 --> 00:17:21,021 Sorry, but I'm not a customer. 202 00:17:21,951 --> 00:17:25,531 I can understand how a hungry person feels more than anyone. 203 00:17:27,411 --> 00:17:29,561 You can die for your pride if you want, 204 00:17:30,001 --> 00:17:33,461 but if you eat and survive, don't you think there's a future for you? 205 00:17:40,171 --> 00:17:41,331 Sorry... 206 00:17:42,841 --> 00:17:48,811 Sorry... Thank you... I thought I'd die. I thought I was done... 207 00:17:50,981 --> 00:17:57,431 Delicious... Delicious... I've never eaten food so delicious. 208 00:17:59,011 --> 00:18:00,371 It's damn delicious, isn't it? 209 00:18:07,571 --> 00:18:12,661 Sorry... You're gonna get yelled at, because you fed me free, right? 210 00:18:12,831 --> 00:18:15,671 There's no proof, so there's no reason for me to be yelled at. 211 00:18:20,381 --> 00:18:25,531 No one had treated me so kindly before... 212 00:18:27,451 --> 00:18:32,021 So I can't... kill this man! 213 00:18:32,901 --> 00:18:34,311 Come back any time! 214 00:18:36,831 --> 00:18:41,891 I know... I don't intend to betray you. 215 00:18:42,501 --> 00:18:46,141 I don't think what we've done up until now is wrong or anything, either... 216 00:18:46,921 --> 00:18:50,611 I still respect your power and I appreciate you as well. 217 00:18:51,841 --> 00:18:55,261 I was really happy when you put your trust in my strength 218 00:18:55,261 --> 00:18:56,951 and appointed me as the Chief Commander. 219 00:18:57,661 --> 00:19:02,611 So I've followed your orders and I will from here on as well... 220 00:19:03,931 --> 00:19:05,961 But... But... 221 00:19:06,921 --> 00:19:09,691 I can't kill... just this one person! 222 00:19:17,361 --> 00:19:21,221 Don Krieg... If circumstances allow... is there any way... 223 00:19:23,041 --> 00:19:26,101 is there any way you'd let this ship... this restaurant off the hook... 224 00:19:27,341 --> 00:19:28,951 You son of a bitch! 225 00:19:29,311 --> 00:19:31,361 As if defying my orders wasn't enough, 226 00:19:31,601 --> 00:19:34,701 now you're giving me a lecture?! What's the meaning of this craziness?! 227 00:19:37,951 --> 00:19:40,331 How disappointing... 228 00:19:40,691 --> 00:19:45,961 Morality... Sympathy... I hate those kinds of things the most. 229 00:19:46,831 --> 00:19:48,851 Didn't I always say that?! 230 00:19:51,381 --> 00:19:53,711 Move away, guys... 231 00:19:55,951 --> 00:19:57,191 Don! That's... 232 00:20:00,021 --> 00:20:02,831 M... MH5! 233 00:20:02,831 --> 00:20:05,111 That's the strongest poison gas weapon! 234 00:20:05,111 --> 00:20:05,901 What?! 235 00:20:05,901 --> 00:20:06,861 Poison gas?! 236 00:20:07,341 --> 00:20:08,811 Ahh! Mask! 237 00:20:08,811 --> 00:20:09,681 Put the mask on! 238 00:20:09,681 --> 00:20:10,321 Hurry up! 239 00:20:10,321 --> 00:20:11,311 We'll be killed, too! 240 00:20:11,311 --> 00:20:12,621 To use a weapon like that... 241 00:20:12,621 --> 00:20:14,011 That's despicable, you bastard! 242 00:20:14,011 --> 00:20:16,321 Do you know what's gonna happen when you use that?! 243 00:20:16,911 --> 00:20:23,281 Stop whining about stupid stuff, you fools! This is a battle! 244 00:20:23,801 --> 00:20:26,291 Winning is the only goal. 245 00:20:27,381 --> 00:20:31,301 Foul play? Dirty? What's wrong with that?! 246 00:20:32,071 --> 00:20:33,411 Might makes right. 247 00:20:33,771 --> 00:20:36,691 No matter what means we take, the result is everything. 248 00:20:37,351 --> 00:20:41,381 Using poison gas or whatever... Winning is all that matters. 249 00:20:43,131 --> 00:20:44,911 That's power. 250 00:20:48,091 --> 00:20:49,601 What a horrible bastard... 251 00:20:55,741 --> 00:20:58,311 Throw that gas mask away! 252 00:21:00,381 --> 00:21:03,451 You're no longer one of us. 253 00:21:05,121 --> 00:21:06,021 Die! 254 00:21:13,251 --> 00:21:16,431 I won't let you shoot poison gas! 255 00:21:16,701 --> 00:21:19,401 Stop scampering about, anchor boy! 256 00:21:32,501 --> 00:21:33,641 D-Dammit! 257 00:21:35,021 --> 00:21:39,641 Ghin! You don't have to listen to what that weakling says! 258 00:21:40,621 --> 00:21:42,651 I'm gonna kick his ass now! 259 00:21:44,061 --> 00:21:46,581 Don't mock Don Krieg! 260 00:21:47,641 --> 00:21:51,791 He's the strongest man. You can't defeat him. 261 00:21:52,181 --> 00:21:57,381 Come to your senses, you idiot! That man is trying to kill you! 262 00:21:57,381 --> 00:21:58,801 I deserve it... 263 00:21:59,361 --> 00:22:05,561 ...since I couldn't fulfill my role, shamelessly losing to emotion... 264 00:22:06,101 --> 00:22:09,791 This is... This is a well-deserved punishment! 265 00:22:11,441 --> 00:22:12,401 Ghin! 266 00:22:12,601 --> 00:22:14,891 Why... Why? 267 00:22:15,061 --> 00:22:20,651 Ha! So you showed your pride at the end... But it's too late. 268 00:22:20,651 --> 00:22:23,091 Die together with that cook! 269 00:22:24,401 --> 00:22:29,581 Deadly Poison Gas Bomb... M... H... 5! 270 00:22:37,011 --> 00:22:38,471 Dive into the sea!! 271 00:22:38,471 --> 00:22:39,931 Owner! Get inside the restaurant!! 272 00:22:43,731 --> 00:22:44,691 Let me borrow those. 273 00:22:45,381 --> 00:22:47,701 Sanji! Ghin! Use these! 274 00:22:47,701 --> 00:22:48,761 Chore boy! 275 00:22:49,061 --> 00:22:50,151 Now for mine! 276 00:22:50,551 --> 00:22:53,601 Ahh! Everyone dived into the sea! 277 00:22:57,601 --> 00:23:01,361 Oh, boy... Oh, boy... Oh, boy... 278 00:23:10,051 --> 00:23:24,301 When I was little, I had a vision of a treasure map 279 00:23:24,301 --> 00:23:31,241 and I always searched for that miraculous place 280 00:23:31,241 --> 00:23:38,411 before someone else could beat me to it 281 00:23:40,951 --> 00:23:52,431 If the world is going to change 282 00:23:52,431 --> 00:23:59,431 before I can even attain my dream 283 00:23:59,431 --> 00:24:06,511 then take me to the time when I knew nothing 284 00:24:06,511 --> 00:24:19,891 so that my memories won't fade 285 00:24:25,161 --> 00:24:27,241 I'll show you whose graveyard this place is! 286 00:24:27,501 --> 00:24:30,171 You can't stop my ambition with a silly weapon! 287 00:24:30,171 --> 00:24:31,671 How come you don't flinch?! 288 00:24:31,671 --> 00:24:34,281 You don't know? Are you stupid or what? 289 00:24:34,341 --> 00:24:36,171 What'd you say? Say that again! 290 00:24:36,171 --> 00:24:37,341 Are you stupid or what? 291 00:24:37,341 --> 00:24:38,671 Don't repeat it! 292 00:24:38,671 --> 00:24:41,511 You're the one who told me to say that again. How selfish you are... 293 00:24:41,681 --> 00:24:42,871 On the next episode of One Piece! 294 00:24:43,011 --> 00:24:46,521 "I Won't Die! Fierce Battle, Luffy vs. Krieg!" 295 00:24:46,521 --> 00:24:48,921 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!