1 00:00:00,021 --> 00:02:09,061 2 00:00:28,121 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 3 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:32,561 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 4 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 5 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 6 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 7 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 8 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 9 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 10 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 11 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really, really stuck on you 12 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 13 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 14 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 15 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 16 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 17 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 18 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 19 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 20 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 21 00:02:09,061 --> 00:02:13,731 "Luffy Gets Angry! A Dirty Trick Violates The Sacred Duel!" 22 00:03:07,721 --> 00:03:09,391 H-He blocked the blow with his helmet! 23 00:03:09,391 --> 00:03:12,721 If he was off by even an inch, he would've died instantly! 24 00:03:29,011 --> 00:03:31,681 What a fight... 25 00:03:31,681 --> 00:03:37,351 Each of their attacks is a mortal blow aimed at the opponent's vital point! 26 00:03:37,351 --> 00:03:42,751 Those two have continued this duel to the death for 100 years? 27 00:03:43,821 --> 00:03:48,391 But this is good... We can use this opportunity to get out of here. 28 00:03:58,031 --> 00:03:59,371 Usopp? 29 00:04:02,711 --> 00:04:04,041 Incredible... 30 00:04:05,711 --> 00:04:08,041 Reason? 31 00:04:08,041 --> 00:04:09,711 I don't remember. 32 00:04:16,591 --> 00:04:20,391 Even without a reason, they're fighting so seriously... 33 00:04:21,321 --> 00:04:23,831 This fight sure is a bother. 34 00:04:23,831 --> 00:04:25,361 You idiot! 35 00:04:25,361 --> 00:04:30,001 This is what people mean by a real battle between men! 36 00:04:30,001 --> 00:04:31,671 What's that about? 37 00:04:31,671 --> 00:04:39,011 To use an analogy, those two fly a warrior's flag in their heart. 38 00:04:39,011 --> 00:04:43,351 This flag is even more important than their life. 39 00:04:43,351 --> 00:04:45,751 In no way do they want it to be destroyed by others. 40 00:04:45,751 --> 00:04:50,621 That's why they've continued to take on each other for 100 long years! 41 00:04:53,691 --> 00:04:56,361 Do you get it? This is unmistakably 42 00:04:56,361 --> 00:05:00,061 a "proud duel" between "warriors"! 43 00:05:02,301 --> 00:05:05,841 Whatever... Stuff like that doesn't interest me. 44 00:05:05,841 --> 00:05:07,371 Now, hurry up! 45 00:05:07,371 --> 00:05:09,541 I'm gonna watch this a little longer. 46 00:05:11,641 --> 00:05:17,451 This is exactly what my goal is... To be a "brave warrior of the sea"! 47 00:05:17,451 --> 00:05:21,451 I wanna be a proud man like them! 48 00:05:29,991 --> 00:05:34,331 I see... So you wanna be a giant. 49 00:05:34,331 --> 00:05:37,331 No!! Were you even listening to me?! 50 00:05:37,331 --> 00:05:40,771 There! Don't you have to watch them over there? 51 00:05:46,341 --> 00:05:49,381 If there's a village with warriors like them in it, 52 00:05:49,381 --> 00:05:51,951 I wanna go there someday. 53 00:05:55,351 --> 00:05:58,021 I've got a good view from here. 54 00:05:58,021 --> 00:06:01,161 They'll find you, Miss Valentine. Come down already! 55 00:06:01,161 --> 00:06:07,361 Don't worry, Mr. 5... After all, they're absorbed in the fight. 56 00:06:07,361 --> 00:06:08,701 They won't notice. 57 00:06:08,701 --> 00:06:10,701 Just come down! 58 00:06:10,701 --> 00:06:12,201 Okay, okay. 59 00:06:16,641 --> 00:06:18,541 Hey, do you really get it? 60 00:06:18,541 --> 00:06:20,981 This is a big job for 200 million Berries. 61 00:06:20,981 --> 00:06:22,651 Of course... 62 00:06:22,651 --> 00:06:26,821 Although I feel reluctant to do as Mr. 3 tells us... 63 00:06:28,321 --> 00:06:31,221 I know... Let's go. 64 00:06:31,221 --> 00:06:32,361 Okay. 65 00:06:51,341 --> 00:06:57,411 We're both getting homesick, aren't we, Dorry? 66 00:06:58,681 --> 00:07:05,621 That's why I'll beat you and go back to Elbaf, Broggy. 67 00:07:20,971 --> 00:07:24,971 73,466 duels... 68 00:07:24,971 --> 00:07:29,781 73,466 draws... 69 00:08:12,361 --> 00:08:15,961 Dorry! Actually, I got alcohol from my guests. 70 00:08:15,961 --> 00:08:20,901 Great! It's been a while since I had a drink. Give me some. 71 00:08:34,641 --> 00:08:37,311 What was that? 72 00:08:37,311 --> 00:08:40,651 First a long, strange earthquake, and now this? What is it this time? 73 00:08:40,651 --> 00:08:44,991 Are there weird creatures other than dinosaurs in this jungle? 74 00:08:44,991 --> 00:08:47,721 Well, that damn cook is probably the only one 75 00:08:47,721 --> 00:08:50,661 who'd be happy to capture things like that... 76 00:08:50,661 --> 00:08:52,661 Were those bird cries? 77 00:08:52,661 --> 00:08:56,331 Even so, those were vulgar, unappetizing cries. 78 00:08:56,331 --> 00:09:00,001 Although we're competing to capture a big prey, we're still looking for food. 79 00:09:00,001 --> 00:09:03,511 Not only does it have to be big, it also has to be tasty. 80 00:09:05,171 --> 00:09:08,681 That guy doesn't get it at all. 81 00:09:15,951 --> 00:09:19,961 I see. His guests are your friends, huh? 82 00:09:19,961 --> 00:09:23,191 I saw a man with a long nose and a woman. 83 00:09:23,191 --> 00:09:24,631 That's Usopp and Nami! 84 00:09:24,631 --> 00:09:27,561 Hah! They said they wouldn't get off the ship, 85 00:09:27,561 --> 00:09:29,631 but they really do like adventures after all! 86 00:09:29,631 --> 00:09:34,501 Then you could also say that I got this alcohol from you. 87 00:09:38,981 --> 00:09:40,711 By the way, Dorry-san, 88 00:09:40,711 --> 00:09:44,311 does it really take a year for the Log to be stored? 89 00:09:44,311 --> 00:09:51,321 Didn't you notice the human skulls lying around? 90 00:09:51,321 --> 00:09:56,661 Those who come to this island die before the Log is stored in most cases. 91 00:09:56,661 --> 00:10:01,331 Some become dinosaurs' food. Some suffer from the heat and starvation. 92 00:10:01,331 --> 00:10:07,671 Some others are killed because they attack us. They all die... 93 00:10:07,671 --> 00:10:14,011 It seems that one year on this island is too long for humans. 94 00:10:14,011 --> 00:10:18,351 What're we gonna do? Even if we could survive for a year, 95 00:10:18,351 --> 00:10:22,691 if that much time passes, I don't know what will happen to my country by then. 96 00:10:22,691 --> 00:10:26,691 Yeah. I'd get bored, too, if we stay here for a year. 97 00:10:26,691 --> 00:10:29,031 Isn't there a good way, old guy? 98 00:10:29,031 --> 00:10:30,391 Hmmm... 99 00:10:30,391 --> 00:10:36,031 We do have an Eternal Pose, but it's to our hometown, Elbaf. 100 00:10:36,031 --> 00:10:41,371 In other words, we're fighting for this Eternal Pose. 101 00:10:41,371 --> 00:10:43,941 Do you wanna try taking it by force? 102 00:10:43,941 --> 00:10:48,041 That's no good. That's not where we wanna go. 103 00:10:48,041 --> 00:10:51,381 We just wanna go to the island after this one. Right? 104 00:10:51,381 --> 00:10:53,181 Yes... 105 00:10:53,181 --> 00:10:57,721 If we lose the route to Alabasta, there's no point in moving forward. 106 00:10:57,721 --> 00:10:59,391 See? 107 00:10:59,391 --> 00:11:03,331 Then why don't you move forward randomly? 108 00:11:03,331 --> 00:11:07,401 If you're lucky, you'll get there. 109 00:11:16,771 --> 00:11:18,341 Maybe we'll do that! 110 00:11:21,011 --> 00:11:23,151 We may actually get there, huh? 111 00:11:26,351 --> 00:11:31,351 Come to think of it, there was someone who left before the Log was stored. 112 00:11:31,351 --> 00:11:32,691 What happened to him? 113 00:11:32,691 --> 00:11:34,361 How should I know? 114 00:11:34,361 --> 00:11:37,031 He must've gotten to the next island. 115 00:11:37,031 --> 00:11:38,691 That must be it! 116 00:11:42,371 --> 00:11:44,371 What's so funny? 117 00:11:51,041 --> 00:11:55,041 I can't understand what they're thinking! 118 00:12:15,331 --> 00:12:19,441 A brave warrior of the sea? What's that? 119 00:12:19,441 --> 00:12:24,271 I'm talking about you guys. I wanna be like you guys someday! 120 00:12:24,271 --> 00:12:27,011 Hm? You mean a giant? 121 00:12:27,011 --> 00:12:30,351 --See? --That's not it! 122 00:12:30,351 --> 00:12:35,691 I hope to live proudly just like the warriors of Elbaf! 123 00:12:39,691 --> 00:12:41,421 I see! 124 00:12:41,421 --> 00:12:45,361 Especially since our life span is longer than you humans', 125 00:12:45,361 --> 00:12:48,031 we think about how we die. 126 00:12:48,031 --> 00:12:53,701 Your assets, life... Everything will eventually cease to exist. 127 00:12:53,701 --> 00:12:59,041 But if we could die as a warrior of Elbaf without destroying our pride, 128 00:12:59,041 --> 00:13:01,711 that would be "dying with honor." 129 00:13:01,711 --> 00:13:08,051 That pride is an everlasting treasure that is passed on in the land of Elbaf. 130 00:13:08,051 --> 00:13:12,051 So pride is your treasure... That's so cool... 131 00:13:12,051 --> 00:13:15,991 I've just decided... that I'll call you Master from now on! 132 00:13:15,991 --> 00:13:17,231 Huh? 133 00:13:35,011 --> 00:13:36,611 Giant old guy! 134 00:13:39,021 --> 00:13:40,681 What's going on?! 135 00:13:40,681 --> 00:13:43,021 Why did the alcohol explode?! 136 00:13:43,021 --> 00:13:46,591 That was the alcohol we had on our ship, right?! 137 00:13:48,691 --> 00:13:53,461 It exploded in his stomach! His opponent must've laid the explosive! 138 00:13:54,531 --> 00:13:56,701 What the hell were you watching?! 139 00:13:56,701 --> 00:14:00,371 They've been fighting for 100 years! No way they'd do something like this! 140 00:14:01,371 --> 00:14:04,541 Then who on earth... 141 00:14:06,381 --> 00:14:08,641 You bastards did... 142 00:14:10,381 --> 00:14:13,721 It wasn't Broggy. 143 00:14:13,721 --> 00:14:18,991 We're proud warriors of Elbaf. 144 00:14:18,991 --> 00:14:23,891 Who else besides you should I be suspicious of? 145 00:14:24,991 --> 00:14:28,331 Let's get out of here for now! It's probably no use saying anything to him! 146 00:14:28,331 --> 00:14:30,931 It's probably no use even if we run. 147 00:14:30,931 --> 00:14:33,671 Hold this and stay back. 148 00:14:33,671 --> 00:14:37,041 Don't tell me! Are you going to fight? 149 00:14:40,011 --> 00:14:44,081 I feel bad to do this to the old guy, but I'll quiet him down. 150 00:14:48,351 --> 00:14:51,351 Both of you, stop! Please! 151 00:14:51,351 --> 00:14:54,691 Dorry-san, please listen! We really don't know anything about it! 152 00:14:54,691 --> 00:14:58,031 Anything about the alcohol that exploded! So please don't fight! 153 00:14:58,031 --> 00:15:02,301 You have to stay calm! Your insides are in bad shape right now! 154 00:15:03,371 --> 00:15:09,041 How dare you... do something so insolent?! 155 00:15:19,651 --> 00:15:21,781 Gum-Gum! 156 00:15:39,671 --> 00:15:41,441 Gum-Gum! 157 00:15:51,351 --> 00:15:52,351 I'm sorry. 158 00:15:52,351 --> 00:15:53,921 Rocket!! 159 00:16:26,321 --> 00:16:27,721 Luffy-san!! 160 00:16:29,991 --> 00:16:36,331 So he has... the powers of a Devil Fruit... 161 00:16:36,331 --> 00:16:40,631 I underestimated... him... 162 00:17:02,351 --> 00:17:04,991 Luffy-san! Are you all right? 163 00:17:06,021 --> 00:17:08,021 How's the old guy? 164 00:17:08,021 --> 00:17:10,691 He's probably okay. 165 00:17:10,691 --> 00:17:14,861 This is actually good. Otherwise he wouldn't have calmed down. 166 00:17:15,731 --> 00:17:17,631 I'm angry! 167 00:17:17,631 --> 00:17:19,031 What? 168 00:17:19,031 --> 00:17:24,311 Like the old guy said, this alcohol explosion isn't the act of the other giant, 169 00:17:24,311 --> 00:17:28,641 and my friends would never do a stupid thing like this! 170 00:17:28,641 --> 00:17:30,981 Then who on earth... 171 00:17:30,981 --> 00:17:34,051 There's someone else... on this island... 172 00:17:42,321 --> 00:17:48,601 Games are heavily influenced by people's state of mind. 173 00:17:48,601 --> 00:17:51,001 They are confused right now... 174 00:17:51,001 --> 00:17:57,011 ...by the cryptic bomb service from an invisible enemy... 175 00:17:57,011 --> 00:18:01,341 First, about our first target, Dorry the Blue Ogre... 176 00:18:01,341 --> 00:18:04,011 I knew it was impossible to finish him, 177 00:18:04,011 --> 00:18:07,951 but the damage he received in his stomach still must've been quite large. 178 00:18:07,951 --> 00:18:14,961 Now we can drink some tea and wait for the next duel to start... 179 00:18:14,961 --> 00:18:20,301 So we'll let the other giant take care of the injured giant, huh? 180 00:18:20,301 --> 00:18:22,301 That's right. 181 00:18:22,301 --> 00:18:24,631 That's quite a roundabout way of doing things. 182 00:18:24,631 --> 00:18:29,311 The Warrior species is the same as wild boars, after all. 183 00:18:29,311 --> 00:18:34,641 We don't have to fight seriously when they're only good at going head-on 184 00:18:34,641 --> 00:18:37,051 since even if we can't win power-wise, 185 00:18:37,051 --> 00:18:41,321 we have brains that can make up for it. 186 00:18:59,671 --> 00:19:05,341 Geez... Get it yourself, Miss Golden Week. 187 00:19:05,341 --> 00:19:08,681 By the way, what're we going to do with the Straw Hat gang? 188 00:19:08,681 --> 00:19:14,951 Straw Hat? Oh yeah, the small fries that found out the Boss's secret... 189 00:19:14,951 --> 00:19:19,621 Well, we can just lure them out one by one starting with whoever's convenient 190 00:19:19,621 --> 00:19:23,561 to my "service set"... 191 00:19:23,561 --> 00:19:28,131 My motto is "big crimes via cheap tricks." 192 00:19:29,701 --> 00:19:34,641 There're many ways to defeat enemies without actually fighting. 193 00:19:34,641 --> 00:19:36,641 Mr. 3, refill please. 194 00:19:36,641 --> 00:19:38,241 Hey, me too. 195 00:19:38,241 --> 00:19:41,441 You guys! Take time to savor it! 196 00:19:43,981 --> 00:19:45,651 Ah! 197 00:19:45,651 --> 00:19:48,781 That mountain is... if I'm not mistaken... 198 00:19:57,661 --> 00:20:00,831 This isn't good. I'm running out of time... 199 00:20:02,001 --> 00:20:04,331 Ah... Sorry. 200 00:20:05,331 --> 00:20:10,011 Ahh! Let it go! I said sorry! Hey! 201 00:20:10,011 --> 00:20:13,341 I don't have time to mess around! Let it go! 202 00:20:13,341 --> 00:20:15,811 The time-out signal has rung. 203 00:20:15,811 --> 00:20:19,781 Having no prey isn't even funny... Damn... 204 00:20:27,361 --> 00:20:29,691 There's the signal... 205 00:20:29,691 --> 00:20:32,361 It's quite active today. 206 00:20:32,361 --> 00:20:37,371 You're going?! Your wounds from that last battle still haven't... 207 00:20:37,371 --> 00:20:41,201 It's nothing! We're both in the same condition! 208 00:20:46,711 --> 00:20:52,151 Making excuses during a merciless fight to the death would spoil my name! 209 00:21:03,061 --> 00:21:04,731 Hey! Wait, old guy! 210 00:21:04,731 --> 00:21:05,731 Don't go! 211 00:21:05,731 --> 00:21:08,061 You can't go, Dorry-san! You need to keep still! 212 00:21:08,061 --> 00:21:10,571 You'll die if you push yourself too hard! 213 00:21:12,741 --> 00:21:16,001 I, Warrior Dorry, am here... 214 00:21:16,001 --> 00:21:18,011 At the very least... 215 00:21:18,011 --> 00:21:21,811 ...I will fight to uphold the name of Elbaf! 216 00:22:09,831 --> 00:22:13,561 You've got me! 217 00:22:13,561 --> 00:22:17,171 Ah, gentle song 218 00:22:17,171 --> 00:22:24,441 Make it there for us 219 00:22:24,441 --> 00:22:30,851 After a wave washed away that little sand castle 220 00:22:32,111 --> 00:22:40,191 You looked up at the passing clouds with a sad smile 221 00:22:40,191 --> 00:22:47,801 If you find the world is full of enemies, 222 00:22:47,801 --> 00:22:51,531 I've got your back 223 00:22:51,531 --> 00:22:59,541 Don't lose faith 224 00:22:59,541 --> 00:23:03,481 You've got me! 225 00:23:03,481 --> 00:23:07,181 Ah, my love 226 00:23:07,181 --> 00:23:13,521 I'll hold you in my arms forever 227 00:23:15,161 --> 00:23:18,931 You've got me! 228 00:23:25,171 --> 00:23:27,001 Damn. I'm lost. 229 00:23:27,001 --> 00:23:29,341 Nami has disappeared! What am I gonna do?! 230 00:23:29,341 --> 00:23:30,011 Huh, Luffy? 231 00:23:30,011 --> 00:23:32,671 A duel that's been interfered with isn't a duel anymore! 232 00:23:32,671 --> 00:23:35,181 Who is it?! Who's doing this?! Show yourself! 233 00:23:35,181 --> 00:23:36,351 Hey, who are they? 234 00:23:36,351 --> 00:23:37,351 Baroque Works! 235 00:23:37,351 --> 00:23:38,351 So you're the ones... 236 00:23:38,351 --> 00:23:41,351 How dare you violate the proud battle?! You won't get away with it! 237 00:23:41,351 --> 00:23:42,681 On the next episode of One Piece! 238 00:23:42,681 --> 00:23:45,691 "Broggy's Bitter Tears Of Victory! The Conclusion Of Elbaf" 239 00:23:45,691 --> 00:23:48,021 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!