1 00:00:00,021 --> 00:02:10,731 2 00:00:28,121 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 3 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:32,561 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 4 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 5 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 6 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 7 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 8 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 9 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 10 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 11 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really, really stuck on you 12 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 13 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 14 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 15 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 16 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 17 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 18 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 19 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 20 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 21 00:02:10,731 --> 00:02:15,001 What're you doing, old guy?! Move this rock! 22 00:02:15,001 --> 00:02:16,671 Perfect timing! 23 00:02:16,671 --> 00:02:19,271 What're you doing here, anyway? 24 00:02:19,271 --> 00:02:20,971 What's the deal, Nami? 25 00:02:20,971 --> 00:02:22,571 Dinosaur! 26 00:02:24,771 --> 00:02:28,651 There's someone on this island! 27 00:02:29,851 --> 00:02:32,251 Who is it?! 28 00:02:42,861 --> 00:02:44,391 Why, you...! 29 00:02:47,301 --> 00:02:48,671 10,000 Kilogram Press! 30 00:02:51,371 --> 00:02:58,311 Mr. 3. Please excuse the codename. I'm a mere formative artist. 31 00:02:58,311 --> 00:03:02,851 And this is my realist painter assistant, Miss Golden Week. 32 00:03:02,851 --> 00:03:06,121 Mr. 3?! The Wax-Wax Fruit man?! 33 00:03:06,121 --> 00:03:11,691 He's a "candle man" who controls the wax he secretes from his body. 34 00:03:13,761 --> 00:03:16,891 You guys are gonna pay for this! 35 00:03:31,681 --> 00:03:36,151 "The Devilish Candle! Tears of Regret and Tears of Anger" 36 00:03:52,831 --> 00:03:55,471 Curse you! What are you doing?! 37 00:03:57,271 --> 00:03:58,901 What am I doing? 38 00:03:58,901 --> 00:04:02,641 This is why I can't stand unsophisticated dolts. 39 00:04:02,641 --> 00:04:06,511 I'm creating a work of art, obviously. 40 00:04:12,151 --> 00:04:14,151 Just be a good little girl. 41 00:04:14,151 --> 00:04:19,861 Did you honestly think you could escape from Baroque Works? 42 00:04:26,901 --> 00:04:30,901 Especially when someone with a 30 million-Berry bounty winds up like that? 43 00:04:32,101 --> 00:04:35,471 I'm happy I could thank them for what happened at Whisky Peak. 44 00:04:35,471 --> 00:04:39,341 You wannabe pirates should never have stuck your noses 45 00:04:39,341 --> 00:04:41,181 into such delicate issues as this. 46 00:04:41,181 --> 00:04:47,281 We've already captured your swordsman friend and the other girl. 47 00:04:47,281 --> 00:04:49,851 You caught Zoro? 48 00:04:49,851 --> 00:04:52,761 Then you guys're gonna get cut down! 49 00:04:52,761 --> 00:04:53,791 Oh? 50 00:04:53,791 --> 00:04:55,861 You still talk big, 51 00:04:55,861 --> 00:04:59,031 even after one of my Kicky Bombs to the face? 52 00:04:59,031 --> 00:05:01,131 You can't hurt me with that! 53 00:05:01,131 --> 00:05:04,571 I'm gonna kick you guys' asses! 54 00:05:10,771 --> 00:05:12,211 Unbelievable. 55 00:05:15,181 --> 00:05:16,811 Luffy-san! 56 00:05:19,621 --> 00:05:21,051 Die! 57 00:05:38,941 --> 00:05:41,671 --Fool! --Luffy-san! 58 00:05:41,671 --> 00:05:43,941 Luffy-san! Luffy-san! 59 00:05:43,941 --> 00:05:45,611 Let's go, Miss Valentine. 60 00:05:45,611 --> 00:05:47,641 Luffy-san! 61 00:05:47,641 --> 00:05:50,311 Usopp-san! Karoo! 62 00:06:10,801 --> 00:06:12,401 Damn you... 63 00:06:12,401 --> 00:06:14,801 Give it up! Give it up! 64 00:06:14,801 --> 00:06:21,081 Once solidified, my Candle Jacket is as hard as iron! 65 00:06:22,081 --> 00:06:24,481 You giants may have brutish strength, 66 00:06:24,481 --> 00:06:28,651 but it becomes all but useless once you've been caught. 67 00:06:28,651 --> 00:06:30,891 Using your brain is the key. 68 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:34,721 There's no need to uselessly face you head-on. 69 00:06:34,721 --> 00:06:37,631 You lowered your guard as you reveled in victory, 70 00:06:37,631 --> 00:06:39,901 Red Ogre Broggy. 71 00:06:41,901 --> 00:06:46,001 Don't glare at me like that. You're terrifying me so! 72 00:06:46,941 --> 00:06:52,941 You should be happy! Your long, long battle has come to an end! 73 00:06:52,941 --> 00:06:57,451 You fought for a whole century for your so-called pride, right? 74 00:06:57,451 --> 00:07:01,151 Shouldn't the taste of victory be especially sweet, then? 75 00:07:01,151 --> 00:07:06,061 Even if it is the fruit of others' assistance... 76 00:07:06,061 --> 00:07:07,691 Am I wrong? 77 00:07:07,691 --> 00:07:10,791 Damn you! You don't mean to say...! 78 00:07:13,701 --> 00:07:17,401 But the final victory belongs to me! 79 00:07:17,401 --> 00:07:22,771 Are you aware that the large bounties on your heads from long ago 80 00:07:22,771 --> 00:07:24,511 come to 200 million Berries total? 81 00:07:24,511 --> 00:07:28,381 Even today this holds true! 82 00:07:28,381 --> 00:07:29,411 Why, you...! 83 00:07:29,411 --> 00:07:33,451 I feel as if I've discovered a long-lost treasure! 84 00:07:34,521 --> 00:07:37,391 So that's what you're after, huh?! 85 00:07:37,391 --> 00:07:39,621 Mr. 3! 86 00:07:39,621 --> 00:07:41,461 We brought her. 87 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:43,361 Our company's little traitor. 88 00:07:43,361 --> 00:07:46,101 What took so long? I was getting sick of waiting. 89 00:07:46,101 --> 00:07:49,631 Your methods are too underhanded, Mr. 3! 90 00:07:49,631 --> 00:07:52,471 Planting bombs in Dorry-san's alcohol...! 91 00:07:52,471 --> 00:07:54,271 What?! 92 00:07:54,271 --> 00:07:56,071 Alcohol? 93 00:07:56,071 --> 00:07:59,111 The alcohol I gave him?! 94 00:08:01,441 --> 00:08:05,351 Dorry! How was your drink?! Hit the spot, didn't it?! 95 00:08:05,351 --> 00:08:09,391 Yeah... It tasted "godly"... 96 00:08:09,391 --> 00:08:13,361 That's what you meant, Dorry?! 97 00:08:13,361 --> 00:08:17,361 Wretched little girl, giving our tricks away. 98 00:08:17,361 --> 00:08:21,971 Well, no matter. There's nothing you can do now, anyway. 99 00:08:23,031 --> 00:08:25,841 Candle... 100 00:08:25,841 --> 00:08:27,301 ...Lock! 101 00:08:36,081 --> 00:08:37,651 Mr. 5! 102 00:08:37,651 --> 00:08:39,521 Bring the swordsman and the girl! 103 00:08:40,981 --> 00:08:42,491 We're about to begin! 104 00:08:48,861 --> 00:08:54,331 Extra Big Candle Set! 105 00:09:28,501 --> 00:09:31,571 T-This is Mr. 3's ability?! 106 00:09:37,041 --> 00:09:39,041 What's going on?! 107 00:09:39,041 --> 00:09:40,741 Here they are. 108 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:47,621 How naive. 109 00:09:48,991 --> 00:09:52,991 Being ridiculed by people of their caliber is so embarrassing 110 00:09:52,991 --> 00:09:55,661 that I'm pissed at myself. 111 00:09:55,661 --> 00:09:58,431 You can't help that you're weak. 112 00:09:58,431 --> 00:10:00,001 Huh? What was that? 113 00:10:00,001 --> 00:10:03,331 Nothing! Just set the candles up quickly! 114 00:10:03,331 --> 00:10:04,701 Set? 115 00:10:05,741 --> 00:10:07,971 What is that?! 116 00:10:07,971 --> 00:10:10,571 Nami-san... Mr. Bushido... 117 00:10:10,571 --> 00:10:14,311 Vivi! What happened?! Weren't you with Luffy?! 118 00:10:14,311 --> 00:10:16,011 Yes, I was, but... 119 00:10:16,011 --> 00:10:19,951 If you're wondering about Straw Hat, I took care of him myself! 120 00:10:21,451 --> 00:10:24,321 It was an easy job, too. 121 00:10:24,321 --> 00:10:25,821 You did? 122 00:10:55,321 --> 00:10:59,461 Welcome, friends, to my service set! 123 00:11:20,941 --> 00:11:25,621 Is this how it feels to be a candle stuck in a cake? 124 00:11:25,621 --> 00:11:29,021 What's that spinning thing up there? 125 00:11:31,221 --> 00:11:33,321 And I can't move my legs... 126 00:11:33,321 --> 00:11:36,391 Of course they're not gonna let us move. 127 00:11:36,391 --> 00:11:38,331 They're the enemy. 128 00:11:41,361 --> 00:11:43,931 Damn. It's hard. 129 00:11:43,931 --> 00:11:47,941 Plus I can't put any strength into it from this stance. 130 00:11:47,941 --> 00:11:49,571 Something's raining down! 131 00:11:51,471 --> 00:11:55,081 May you enjoy my "Candle Service"! 132 00:11:55,081 --> 00:11:57,811 The wax haze falling from above you 133 00:11:57,811 --> 00:12:01,251 will eventually change you into wax figures! 134 00:12:01,251 --> 00:12:04,721 You'll become perfect "human models" 135 00:12:04,721 --> 00:12:08,061 that not even I could achieve with my skills! 136 00:12:08,061 --> 00:12:13,401 Your wax figures will have literally captured your spirit! 137 00:12:13,401 --> 00:12:18,131 Now die, in the name of art. 138 00:12:18,131 --> 00:12:19,741 Screw that! 139 00:12:19,741 --> 00:12:23,941 Why do we have to turn into your works of art?! 140 00:12:23,941 --> 00:12:26,781 Broggy-san! Quit sitting there and go on a rampage! 141 00:12:26,781 --> 00:12:29,481 You're gonna get turned into a wax figure too, you know! 142 00:12:29,481 --> 00:12:33,151 Man, talk about a huge person... 143 00:12:33,151 --> 00:12:36,491 Anything you say to him is pointless! 144 00:12:36,491 --> 00:12:43,391 He just now realized he foolishly shed proud, joyful tears of victory 145 00:12:43,391 --> 00:12:47,861 after killing his friend Dorry, with whom he fought for 100 years, 146 00:12:47,861 --> 00:12:54,801 but without even noticing that he had suffered injuries beforehand! 147 00:12:54,801 --> 00:12:58,411 Or did you perhaps cry for your friend, instead? 148 00:12:59,941 --> 00:13:04,251 Whatever the case, there's no undoing what you've done now, fool! 149 00:13:13,961 --> 00:13:16,861 I knew... 150 00:13:16,861 --> 00:13:19,761 I knew about it. 151 00:13:25,001 --> 00:13:27,801 From the moment we first exchanged blows... 152 00:13:27,801 --> 00:13:31,411 ...I knew Dorry was hiding something. 153 00:13:31,411 --> 00:13:33,881 You knew, huh? 154 00:13:33,881 --> 00:13:35,281 You lie! 155 00:13:35,281 --> 00:13:38,081 If so, then why didn't you cease your fighting? 156 00:13:38,081 --> 00:13:43,921 I didn't see a shred of pity in the way you heartily cut him down! 157 00:13:47,361 --> 00:13:50,061 A pipsqueak who doesn't even know the first thing about duels 158 00:13:50,061 --> 00:13:53,961 would never understand the meaning of those tears! 159 00:13:53,961 --> 00:13:56,571 What would you know?! 160 00:13:56,571 --> 00:13:59,041 Are you saying I should shame a warrior 161 00:13:59,041 --> 00:14:03,241 who hides the fact he's been weakened and tries to fight anyway?! 162 00:14:06,041 --> 00:14:12,381 A warrior who'll go that far to keep fighting doesn't deserve pity! 163 00:14:13,581 --> 00:14:17,591 And now... I know the reason behind it. 164 00:14:17,591 --> 00:14:22,261 Now that I know, I'm going to finish things with my own two hands! 165 00:14:30,001 --> 00:14:34,771 That's the very least I can do for my dear friend Dorry! 166 00:14:39,011 --> 00:14:40,541 Broggy-san! 167 00:14:53,421 --> 00:14:55,791 --Broggy-san! --Broggy-san! 168 00:14:55,791 --> 00:14:58,661 What an annoying, talkative monster. 169 00:15:02,471 --> 00:15:06,001 U-Usopp... 170 00:15:06,001 --> 00:15:07,671 Usopp... 171 00:15:10,711 --> 00:15:14,381 Can you let them get away with this? 172 00:15:14,381 --> 00:15:17,711 No... I can't... 173 00:15:28,021 --> 00:15:30,931 Can you... not stand this? 174 00:15:37,201 --> 00:15:42,041 Alright! Let's all three of us go beat them senseless! 175 00:15:42,041 --> 00:15:44,211 Broggy-san! 176 00:15:44,211 --> 00:15:46,281 How dumb! 177 00:15:46,281 --> 00:15:53,251 I underestimated how brutishly strong these giants can be! 178 00:15:53,251 --> 00:15:56,951 It would seem you need to be seized completely! 179 00:15:56,951 --> 00:16:00,291 Wax-Wax Arts! Handcuffs! 180 00:16:03,091 --> 00:16:04,791 I'm just getting started! 181 00:16:10,971 --> 00:16:13,441 And now for the finishing touch! 182 00:16:13,441 --> 00:16:15,841 Take this! 183 00:16:24,411 --> 00:16:27,151 Can't move now, can you?! 184 00:16:35,591 --> 00:16:37,861 How can he be so horrific?! 185 00:16:37,861 --> 00:16:41,201 Now, then! Accelerate, Candle Service! 186 00:16:41,201 --> 00:16:45,271 Turn these people into wax figures! 187 00:16:50,671 --> 00:16:52,481 M-My chest is starting to hurt... 188 00:16:52,481 --> 00:16:54,811 The wax haze is getting into our lungs! 189 00:16:54,811 --> 00:16:58,111 At this rate, we're going to turn into wax figures from the inside out! 190 00:16:59,281 --> 00:17:04,621 Yes! Yes! Make it look like you're in as much pain as you can! 191 00:17:04,621 --> 00:17:11,031 Expressions of pain and agony are the very things I seek in art! 192 00:17:11,031 --> 00:17:13,461 May you solidify while filled with terror! 193 00:17:13,461 --> 00:17:16,131 You call this art, you creepy topknot freak?! 194 00:17:16,131 --> 00:17:20,141 How dare you do that to Broggy-san?! 195 00:17:20,141 --> 00:17:23,441 You guys are going to regret this! You got that?! 196 00:17:25,311 --> 00:17:27,981 Scream and holler all you want! 197 00:17:34,321 --> 00:17:35,891 For 100 years... 198 00:17:44,161 --> 00:17:49,001 ...day in and day out, we fought and fought... 199 00:17:49,001 --> 00:17:54,741 ...and dueled only because of our pride of Elbaf, village of warriors! 200 00:17:54,741 --> 00:18:01,111 Yet... why are we being subjected to this, Elbaf, god of war?! 201 00:18:03,851 --> 00:18:08,951 If this is how we're to meet our end, Elbaf... 202 00:18:08,951 --> 00:18:11,191 ...don't you think it's unfair?! 203 00:18:11,191 --> 00:18:14,861 Why won't you let us die in battle?! 204 00:18:17,761 --> 00:18:19,961 What a look! 205 00:18:19,961 --> 00:18:23,371 Yes! That sorrow! That grief! That struggle! 206 00:18:23,371 --> 00:18:26,841 What a marvelous work of art! 207 00:18:26,841 --> 00:18:29,171 Elbaf! 208 00:18:30,071 --> 00:18:31,911 Oh no! My hands won't move! 209 00:18:31,911 --> 00:18:34,411 I don't wanna die this way! Can't we do something?! 210 00:18:34,411 --> 00:18:36,511 My body's already turning stiff! 211 00:18:36,511 --> 00:18:39,111 What do we do?! 212 00:18:39,111 --> 00:18:41,581 Zoro! Do something! 213 00:18:41,581 --> 00:18:43,621 Hey, old man. 214 00:18:43,621 --> 00:18:45,921 You can still move, can't you? 215 00:18:45,921 --> 00:18:47,961 So can I. 216 00:18:50,131 --> 00:18:53,501 Whadya say we crush these guys together? 217 00:18:56,801 --> 00:18:59,601 Hold on, Zoro! What are you doing?! You're not seriously gonna--! 218 00:18:59,601 --> 00:19:00,341 Yeah. 219 00:19:00,341 --> 00:19:02,811 You're gonna cut your own legs?! Quit joking around! 220 00:19:02,811 --> 00:19:07,111 It's no joke. It's the only way out of here. 221 00:19:07,111 --> 00:19:08,111 What're you two gonna do? 222 00:19:08,111 --> 00:19:09,651 What are you talking about?! It's pointless! 223 00:19:09,651 --> 00:19:12,581 Even if you do get down from here that way, they'll catch you again! 224 00:19:12,581 --> 00:19:16,051 There's no way to know that unless we try! 225 00:19:16,051 --> 00:19:19,051 We're gonna kick the bucket if we stay here anyway. 226 00:19:19,051 --> 00:19:22,061 So let's put up some ugly struggling! 227 00:19:22,061 --> 00:19:25,491 There's no reason to die heroically for these pieces of scum! 228 00:19:25,491 --> 00:19:26,731 Right?! 229 00:19:26,731 --> 00:19:29,471 What the hell? Is he crazy? 230 00:19:29,471 --> 00:19:33,171 He's bluffing! There's no way he could do that! 231 00:19:33,171 --> 00:19:34,941 He's merely acting tough! 232 00:19:37,941 --> 00:19:40,481 What a cheeky runt. 233 00:19:40,481 --> 00:19:45,411 I'm pathetic. It seems I had even lost the will to fight. 234 00:19:47,151 --> 00:19:50,721 I'll fight alongside you and your fighting spirit! 235 00:19:54,221 --> 00:19:56,361 You can't be serious, right?! 236 00:19:56,361 --> 00:19:58,591 How will you be able to fight afterward?! 237 00:19:58,591 --> 00:20:00,101 Who knows? 238 00:20:00,101 --> 00:20:03,431 But... I plan to win. 239 00:20:04,671 --> 00:20:08,441 Who are these guys?! They're off their rocker! 240 00:20:08,441 --> 00:20:10,171 What kind of man is he?! 241 00:20:10,171 --> 00:20:14,211 But I've seen this look somewhere before... 242 00:20:14,211 --> 00:20:16,081 Princess Vivi! 243 00:20:16,081 --> 00:20:19,051 Are you prepared not to die? 244 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:21,581 W-Wait! I'll fight, too! 245 00:20:21,581 --> 00:20:24,021 --Vivi! --Alright, then. 246 00:20:24,021 --> 00:20:27,391 Let's do it, runt! 247 00:20:27,391 --> 00:20:30,631 Don't be stupid! What can you possibly do?! 248 00:20:40,641 --> 00:20:41,801 Hey, you guys! 249 00:20:41,801 --> 00:20:44,041 I'm gonna kick your asses, just so you know! 250 00:20:47,141 --> 00:20:48,381 What? 251 00:20:50,111 --> 00:20:51,781 --Let's do it, Usopp! --Yeah! 252 00:20:51,781 --> 00:20:53,581 Bird! 253 00:20:53,581 --> 00:20:55,651 Luffy! Usopp! 254 00:20:55,651 --> 00:20:56,791 Karoo! 255 00:20:56,791 --> 00:21:00,791 Master Broggy! We've taken on your frustration! 256 00:21:00,791 --> 00:21:01,891 Usopp... 257 00:21:01,891 --> 00:21:05,361 Beat those guys up so much they lose their original forms 258 00:21:05,361 --> 00:21:06,831 and send them flying far off somewhere! 259 00:21:06,831 --> 00:21:08,731 Yeah! I will! 260 00:21:08,731 --> 00:21:13,001 These guys spoiled the old giant guys' duel! 261 00:21:13,001 --> 00:21:17,611 So you're the one with the highest bounty in the East Blue? 262 00:21:17,611 --> 00:21:20,481 My, how Navy Headquarters' standards have fallen! 263 00:21:20,481 --> 00:21:22,951 --Whoa! What a weird head! --Quiet, you! 264 00:21:22,951 --> 00:21:25,451 --It's the number 3, and it's on fire! --Shut up! 265 00:21:25,451 --> 00:21:28,281 Break this pillar first, Luffy! 266 00:21:28,281 --> 00:21:32,021 We're about to turn into wax figures! 267 00:21:32,021 --> 00:21:33,461 Oh? You're in trouble? 268 00:21:33,461 --> 00:21:35,661 No, there was no problem at all. 269 00:21:35,661 --> 00:21:37,131 Hey! Your leg! 270 00:21:37,131 --> 00:21:40,131 Yeah. I went about halfway through, I'd say. 271 00:21:40,131 --> 00:21:43,471 How is that no problem at all?! 272 00:21:43,471 --> 00:21:47,771 For now, could you bust this pillar for us, Luffy? 273 00:21:47,771 --> 00:21:49,971 I leave the rest to you. 274 00:21:49,971 --> 00:21:51,371 Alright, no problem! 275 00:21:52,471 --> 00:21:54,781 I wouldn't be so sure. 276 00:21:54,781 --> 00:21:58,051 Dunno what it is, but let's break that thing! 277 00:21:58,051 --> 00:22:00,481 Alright! Got it! 278 00:22:00,481 --> 00:22:03,421 I'm a bit of a different person today! 279 00:22:06,051 --> 00:22:08,661 Hurry it up! We're gonna solidify! 280 00:22:10,791 --> 00:22:14,261 The world is awfully big 281 00:22:14,261 --> 00:22:17,571 so even if there is treasure somewhere, 282 00:22:17,571 --> 00:22:20,971 the odds are astronomical 283 00:22:20,971 --> 00:22:25,211 So relying on dumb luck won't get you anywhere 284 00:22:27,111 --> 00:22:28,441 So even... 285 00:22:30,911 --> 00:22:37,651 ...if someone stops me or laughs at me from the shadows 286 00:22:37,651 --> 00:22:40,861 the ship will continue forward 287 00:22:40,861 --> 00:22:42,961 Bon voyage! 288 00:22:42,961 --> 00:22:44,261 Forget about them! 289 00:22:44,261 --> 00:22:50,971 I know I'm a fool, but I gotta go 290 00:22:50,971 --> 00:22:57,641 The crazier the dream, the cooler the ambition 291 00:22:57,641 --> 00:23:04,311 I know I'm a fool, but I'm gonna fight 292 00:23:04,311 --> 00:23:11,321 The farther the sea, the more heavenly it surely is 293 00:23:11,321 --> 00:23:18,591 Do everything you can, and you'll get a little nearer to any horizon 294 00:23:25,271 --> 00:23:27,001 Gum-Gum Mallet! 295 00:23:27,001 --> 00:23:28,841 Alright! The pillar broke! 296 00:23:28,841 --> 00:23:30,011 Huh? Why didn't you run away? 297 00:23:30,011 --> 00:23:31,271 We can't move! 298 00:23:31,271 --> 00:23:32,471 The wax has us stuck! 299 00:23:32,471 --> 00:23:33,941 Oh, that's why? 300 00:23:33,941 --> 00:23:35,411 Hurry and break this set! 301 00:23:35,411 --> 00:23:36,281 No. 302 00:23:36,281 --> 00:23:37,981 Quit joking and hurry up! 303 00:23:37,981 --> 00:23:41,021 What should I do? I don't feel like saving you guys! 304 00:23:41,021 --> 00:23:42,321 On the next episode of One Piece! 305 00:23:42,321 --> 00:23:45,191 "A Hex on Luffy! Colors Trap" 306 00:23:45,191 --> 00:23:47,521 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!