1 00:00:28,021 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:31,891 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future -- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:12,391 --> 00:02:13,731 Everyone, come here! This is bad! 21 00:02:13,731 --> 00:02:15,931 Huh? What is it, Vivi? 22 00:02:15,931 --> 00:02:18,961 It's Nami-san! She has a terrible fever! 23 00:02:22,021 --> 00:02:23,921 I have a favor to ask of everyone. 24 00:02:24,931 --> 00:02:28,491 I know it's not my place to ask this as a passenger on your ship, 25 00:02:29,181 --> 00:02:34,191 but my homeland is in a terrible state now, so I'd like to hurry ahead! 26 00:02:34,191 --> 00:02:36,391 We can't waste even a single minute! 27 00:02:36,391 --> 00:02:40,631 So I want this ship to head for Alabasta at its fastest speed! 28 00:02:41,321 --> 00:02:43,891 Of course! That's what we promised! 29 00:02:46,531 --> 00:02:49,821 So let's find an island with a doctor on it right away! 30 00:02:50,681 --> 00:02:55,311 Let's cure Nami-san as quickly as possible and then go to Alabasta! 31 00:02:55,311 --> 00:02:57,741 That's this ship's fastest speed, right?! 32 00:02:58,481 --> 00:03:01,421 Yeah! We can't go any faster than that! 33 00:03:04,881 --> 00:03:09,221 "A Raid! The Tin Tyrant and Tin Plate Wapol" 34 00:03:16,401 --> 00:03:18,901 She needs to see a doctor as quickly as possible... 35 00:03:18,901 --> 00:03:21,101 At this rate, Nami-san will... 36 00:03:25,991 --> 00:03:26,881 Hey! 37 00:03:27,591 --> 00:03:28,941 Do you see a doctor?! 38 00:03:28,941 --> 00:03:30,721 Do you expect him to, you idiot? 39 00:03:31,171 --> 00:03:38,061 Hey, guys. Do you think... people can stand on the ocean? 40 00:03:38,281 --> 00:03:41,081 Can people stand on the ocean? 41 00:03:41,081 --> 00:03:43,661 C'mon, Zoro! What kind of question is that? 42 00:03:44,471 --> 00:03:47,411 Then... what's that?! 43 00:03:47,411 --> 00:03:48,551 Huh? 44 00:03:48,551 --> 00:03:49,121 What's what? 45 00:04:12,201 --> 00:04:14,281 Hi. It sure is chilly today. 46 00:04:19,911 --> 00:04:22,091 Yeah! It is chilly today! 47 00:04:22,091 --> 00:04:25,501 Y-yeah! Chilly, chilly! Today's very chilly! 48 00:04:26,221 --> 00:04:27,081 Really? 49 00:04:37,901 --> 00:04:39,181 Increase buoyancy! 50 00:04:39,451 --> 00:04:40,171 Yes, sir! 51 00:04:46,591 --> 00:04:48,491 What is that?! A watermelon?! 52 00:04:48,761 --> 00:04:49,971 Why are we shaking?! 53 00:04:49,951 --> 00:04:54,691 Hold the rudder! If anything happens to Nami, I'll gut you all! 54 00:04:58,881 --> 00:05:02,021 Don't tell me this... is a ship?! 55 00:05:24,211 --> 00:05:27,351 Crap! A p-pirate ship! 56 00:05:27,571 --> 00:05:29,221 W-wow! 57 00:05:29,911 --> 00:05:31,941 Just when we're in a hurry... 58 00:05:35,051 --> 00:05:41,151 Did our jumbo underwater raid ship, the Tin Tyrant, surprise you?! 59 00:05:45,691 --> 00:05:47,611 Vivi-chan! You're in charge here! 60 00:05:47,611 --> 00:05:48,451 Okay! 61 00:05:49,121 --> 00:05:51,301 Hey! What's going on?! 62 00:06:10,771 --> 00:06:13,441 So? What's going on? 63 00:06:14,151 --> 00:06:16,151 The ship's being attacked. 64 00:06:20,671 --> 00:06:26,251 Well, I had figured as much, from the looks of things. 65 00:06:28,131 --> 00:06:32,131 Are you really pirates? You're strange. 66 00:06:32,721 --> 00:06:34,531 Is it just you four? 67 00:06:37,011 --> 00:06:38,431 I find it hard to believe... 68 00:06:38,891 --> 00:06:41,881 that a pirate group would only have four people. 69 00:06:45,951 --> 00:06:49,571 What is that guy?! He even ate the knife! 70 00:06:51,011 --> 00:06:52,941 Just watching hurts! 71 00:06:54,261 --> 00:06:57,041 Well, no matter. I'll start by asking this... 72 00:06:57,831 --> 00:07:00,791 We want to go to the Drum Kingdom. 73 00:07:01,111 --> 00:07:04,451 Do you happen to have an Eternal Pose or a Log Pose? 74 00:07:05,031 --> 00:07:09,511 Nope. Never even heard of the place. 75 00:07:10,001 --> 00:07:12,701 Okay, you're done, right?! So leave! 76 00:07:12,701 --> 00:07:16,961 We're in a hurry! We don't have time to mess with you! 77 00:07:18,621 --> 00:07:20,901 Don't rush life like that. 78 00:07:20,901 --> 00:07:22,871 But if you have neither, then oh well. 79 00:07:22,871 --> 00:07:25,641 For now, I'll take your treasure and this ship. 80 00:07:25,641 --> 00:07:26,511 What?! 81 00:07:26,511 --> 00:07:29,771 But first, I'm feeling a bit hungry! 82 00:07:35,301 --> 00:07:37,281 What is this guy?! 83 00:07:37,281 --> 00:07:38,921 Don't eat our ship! 84 00:07:38,921 --> 00:07:42,171 Hold it right there! Wapol-sama is currently eating! 85 00:07:42,171 --> 00:07:42,981 Shut up! 86 00:07:43,221 --> 00:07:45,701 Damn that bastard! Fire! 87 00:07:47,051 --> 00:07:49,701 Should've done that from the very start... 88 00:07:50,351 --> 00:07:52,361 Oh? We can have at 'em? 89 00:07:52,361 --> 00:07:54,361 No, wait! We can discuss this! 90 00:08:00,581 --> 00:08:03,011 They started it themselves... 91 00:08:03,011 --> 00:08:05,221 The fools! They're in a hurry to die! 92 00:08:05,491 --> 00:08:06,331 Gunfire?! 93 00:08:06,921 --> 00:08:09,791 Karoo! Watch Nami-san! I'll be right back! 94 00:08:12,681 --> 00:08:15,201 Don't do anything you can't handle! 95 00:08:15,431 --> 00:08:16,481 Reception! 96 00:08:40,671 --> 00:08:41,791 All bark and no bite... 97 00:08:42,131 --> 00:08:44,501 W- Wapol-sama! These guys're--! 98 00:08:47,041 --> 00:08:48,251 Are you still eating it?! 99 00:08:48,251 --> 00:08:50,081 Say, this ship doesn't taste half bad... 100 00:08:50,081 --> 00:08:51,091 Hey, you! 101 00:08:51,291 --> 00:08:53,331 Fool! You're no match for Wapol-sama! 102 00:08:53,331 --> 00:08:55,641 Time to get eaten by the power of the Munch-Munch Fruit! 103 00:08:56,251 --> 00:08:56,891 Luffy! 104 00:08:58,771 --> 00:09:00,101 W-what is this?! 105 00:09:00,591 --> 00:09:03,371 Oh, hey, Vivi-chan. Has something happened to Nami-san? 106 00:09:03,371 --> 00:09:04,081 Eh? 107 00:09:08,001 --> 00:09:10,451 What a hard-to-chew person! 108 00:09:11,661 --> 00:09:13,441 Why, you--! 109 00:09:15,531 --> 00:09:19,161 Go flying! 110 00:09:24,101 --> 00:09:26,101 Wapol-sama? 111 00:09:37,771 --> 00:09:41,081 Hey, this is bad! Wapol-sama was sent flying! 112 00:09:41,081 --> 00:09:45,481 This is terrible! Wapol-sama is unable to swim! 113 00:09:45,481 --> 00:09:52,441 He will surely perish if we don't rescue him before he sinks! 114 00:09:52,921 --> 00:09:56,321 This isn't over, you! We will make you pay for this! 115 00:09:56,321 --> 00:09:58,421 Remember us! 116 00:09:58,591 --> 00:10:00,421 We'll get you for this! 117 00:10:00,421 --> 00:10:05,231 Please, remember us! Please! 118 00:10:15,421 --> 00:10:21,581 W-what was that just now? They seemed to call him Wapol, but... 119 00:10:21,581 --> 00:10:24,141 Doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. 120 00:10:24,141 --> 00:10:27,871 He's just a moron. That's the only possible explanation. 121 00:10:35,121 --> 00:10:37,991 Have I seen him somewhere before? 122 00:10:54,051 --> 00:11:02,061 {\an8}"Several days earlier..." 123 00:11:03,611 --> 00:11:05,641 Captain Smoker! Captain Smoker! 124 00:11:05,911 --> 00:11:08,031 I've just intercepted an intriguing signal! 125 00:11:08,751 --> 00:11:09,491 What? 126 00:11:12,771 --> 00:11:14,951 What an incredible full temper! 127 00:11:15,341 --> 00:11:17,241 The Ryo-Wazamono sword, Kashu! 128 00:11:17,881 --> 00:11:20,031 Tashigi! Hey! Tashigi! 129 00:11:20,251 --> 00:11:25,241 Only in the Grand Line could I find a legendary sword so quickly! 130 00:11:25,241 --> 00:11:26,571 Tashigi! Hey! 131 00:11:26,571 --> 00:11:28,621 Are you deaf, you sword freak?! 132 00:11:28,621 --> 00:11:31,541 Y-yes, sir! What is it, Captain Smoker?! Is coffee-- 133 00:11:37,161 --> 00:11:40,471 Just get over here and listen with us! 134 00:11:42,251 --> 00:11:45,631 That's a Black Transponder Snail, a listening device! 135 00:11:45,951 --> 00:11:49,771 Listen close. We just picked up this conversation between two men. 136 00:11:49,771 --> 00:11:51,971 Ready, Sergeant Major? Here we go. 137 00:11:51,971 --> 00:11:54,101 Y-yes. Please play it back. 138 00:11:55,801 --> 00:11:57,341 ...me, Mr. 0... 139 00:11:57,701 --> 00:12:00,181 ...Princess Vivi and the Straw Hat... 140 00:12:01,141 --> 00:12:03,281 Straw Hat? The Straw Hat Pirates! 141 00:12:03,431 --> 00:12:05,391 Yeah, mission complete! 142 00:12:06,911 --> 00:12:10,691 ...further orders... via letter, as usual... 143 00:12:10,691 --> 00:12:12,471 That is all. Good luck... 144 00:12:14,371 --> 00:12:16,601 The rest is undecipherable. 145 00:12:16,601 --> 00:12:22,471 It's a faint signal, but there are four keywords in their conversation. 146 00:12:22,931 --> 00:12:29,061 Princess Vivi. Straw Hat. Orders via letter. And Mr. 0. 147 00:12:29,251 --> 00:12:32,221 Mr. 0? Could that be a codename?! 148 00:12:32,511 --> 00:12:36,121 If so, could he be connected to that suspicious swordsman we caught 149 00:12:36,121 --> 00:12:37,531 in Runess the other day? 150 00:12:38,201 --> 00:12:40,561 With him... Mr. 11? 151 00:12:40,561 --> 00:12:42,191 Yeah. 152 00:12:42,191 --> 00:12:45,531 A criminal organization that uses numbers for codenames 153 00:12:45,531 --> 00:12:49,631 and sends orders via letter to get tasks done. Sound about right? 154 00:12:50,441 --> 00:12:53,571 Mr. 0? Criminal organization? Dunno what you're talking about. 155 00:12:53,571 --> 00:12:55,011 Don't give me your guesswork. 156 00:12:55,271 --> 00:12:59,301 Then what was that letter with orders that we found in your pocket? 157 00:12:59,721 --> 00:13:02,251 I thought I burned that letter! 158 00:13:02,251 --> 00:13:05,031 T-that was, uhh... 159 00:13:05,301 --> 00:13:09,941 Oh? But there wasn't anything in your pocket. 160 00:13:16,341 --> 00:13:17,501 Princess Vivi... 161 00:13:18,141 --> 00:13:21,531 That's the name of the princess of Alabasta, as I recall. 162 00:13:21,531 --> 00:13:24,331 She's currently missing. 163 00:13:24,331 --> 00:13:28,801 Isn't the Alabasta Kingdom in the middle of coup, too? 164 00:13:28,801 --> 00:13:31,841 Could this mysterious criminal organization and the Straw Hat Pirates 165 00:13:31,841 --> 00:13:34,741 be involved in the uproar somehow? 166 00:13:34,741 --> 00:13:38,751 Don't know. But this is the only clue to Straw Hat's whereabouts 167 00:13:38,751 --> 00:13:40,381 that we have right now. 168 00:13:41,091 --> 00:13:43,021 Does that mean we're going to--? 169 00:13:43,461 --> 00:13:47,911 Yeah. Contact HQ and get an Eternal Pose! 170 00:13:47,911 --> 00:13:48,481 Yes, sir! 171 00:13:50,331 --> 00:13:55,911 Let's pay a visit to Alabasta, the sand kingdom! 172 00:14:18,471 --> 00:14:21,861 Are you sure she's not just hungry? 173 00:14:22,321 --> 00:14:24,691 If so, she should eat enough meat for 100 people! 174 00:14:24,691 --> 00:14:27,031 Eating meat makes sickness go away! 175 00:14:27,031 --> 00:14:28,101 Look, you... 176 00:14:28,351 --> 00:14:31,461 Come on! Cheer up! Look! Look! 177 00:14:34,271 --> 00:14:36,521 She isn't laughing... Not one bit... 178 00:14:39,381 --> 00:14:43,611 Won't her fever go down if we dump water on her? 179 00:14:43,611 --> 00:14:45,341 You idiot! 180 00:14:45,631 --> 00:14:48,741 This isn't good. The sun's about to set for today, Vivi-chan. 181 00:14:48,741 --> 00:14:52,861 Yes, you're right. Let's drop anchor somewhere. 182 00:14:52,861 --> 00:14:56,291 We can't navigate at night without Nami-san's instructions. 183 00:14:56,291 --> 00:14:57,361 Yeah. 184 00:15:41,101 --> 00:15:44,441 Oh! You want my autograph that badly?! 185 00:15:53,371 --> 00:15:56,591 Whew, it's cold... 186 00:16:01,001 --> 00:16:03,501 Almost a full moon... 187 00:16:27,571 --> 00:16:29,101 Brr! Oh, crap, I fell asleep! 188 00:16:30,901 --> 00:16:32,481 You're up early, Usopp! 189 00:16:32,751 --> 00:16:34,891 I can't just sit around doing nothing! 190 00:16:34,891 --> 00:16:38,181 We gotta get out of this jam as quick as possible! 191 00:16:39,581 --> 00:16:42,781 Yeah. Good point. 192 00:16:45,261 --> 00:16:46,521 Blehhh! 193 00:16:47,291 --> 00:16:49,941 C'mon, Nami! Look! 194 00:16:49,941 --> 00:16:54,181 This is weird. She won't smile! C'mon, smile, Nami! 195 00:16:54,181 --> 00:16:55,241 What's goin' on, Luffy? 196 00:16:56,051 --> 00:16:58,011 {\an8}"Meat" 197 00:16:59,971 --> 00:17:01,951 Quit that! You're creepin' me out! 198 00:17:01,951 --> 00:17:03,721 Really? Thanks! 199 00:17:10,201 --> 00:17:15,091 Say, doesn't this area seem kind of calm and cold? 200 00:17:15,411 --> 00:17:18,591 Yeah, sudden, strange calms... 201 00:17:18,591 --> 00:17:23,071 I guess that's another thing that happens in the erratic Grand Line. 202 00:17:23,071 --> 00:17:24,891 That's not necessarily so. 203 00:17:25,831 --> 00:17:28,281 It's probably proof that an island is nearby. 204 00:17:28,281 --> 00:17:30,991 Sanji-san! Could you look carefully out at the horizon? 205 00:17:31,451 --> 00:17:32,671 Vivi-chan? 206 00:17:33,681 --> 00:17:36,121 A winter island is nearby. I'm certain of it. 207 00:17:36,121 --> 00:17:36,841 Winter island? 208 00:17:36,841 --> 00:17:37,631 Oww! 209 00:17:38,121 --> 00:17:43,081 Climatically, there are four basic types of islands in the Grand Line. 210 00:17:43,801 --> 00:17:48,101 Summer islands, spring islands, autumn islands, winter islands... 211 00:17:48,101 --> 00:17:51,781 And each one generally has four seasons of its own. 212 00:17:51,331 --> 00:18:02,811 {\an8}"Summery Summer ----------- Wintery Winter" "Summer Is. Spring Is. Autumn Is. Winter Is." 213 00:17:52,291 --> 00:17:57,111 In short, when on the Grand Line, there are at least 16 seasonal levels 214 00:17:57,111 --> 00:18:03,381 you must conquer, from summer island summer to winter island winter. 215 00:18:03,821 --> 00:18:09,121 Of course, there are many exceptions and unknown climates. 216 00:18:09,121 --> 00:18:10,721 I get it. 217 00:18:10,721 --> 00:18:14,121 The Grand Line has all these different islands one after the other, 218 00:18:14,121 --> 00:18:18,531 and that's why the seas between them have such unstable weather. 219 00:18:18,531 --> 00:18:25,471 That's right. Which is why stable weather means an island is nearby. 220 00:18:26,011 --> 00:18:28,561 Yeah... I see it! 221 00:18:31,941 --> 00:18:34,661 We found an island! 222 00:18:36,261 --> 00:18:37,691 An island?! 223 00:18:37,961 --> 00:18:40,451 Oh! An island! We found an island! 224 00:18:40,451 --> 00:18:44,651 Hey, Nami! Good for you! There's an island! You can get better! 225 00:18:44,651 --> 00:18:47,161 There's an island! An island! Island! 226 00:18:47,161 --> 00:18:53,161 Island! Island! Island! Island! 227 00:18:53,161 --> 00:18:55,351 Just go look. I got her covered. 228 00:19:00,181 --> 00:19:03,001 An island! 229 00:19:03,271 --> 00:19:07,181 White! It's so white! It must be snow! A snow island, huh?! 230 00:19:07,181 --> 00:19:11,551 Hey, Luffy! Just so you know, we're not here to have an adventure! 231 00:19:11,551 --> 00:19:13,021 We're dropping by to find a doctor! 232 00:19:13,291 --> 00:19:15,751 We're leaving once we get Nami-san looked at! 233 00:19:15,751 --> 00:19:17,621 Hey! Hey, Luffy! 234 00:19:18,201 --> 00:19:21,641 Snow is so nice and white! 235 00:19:21,811 --> 00:19:23,461 It's no use. He doesn't hear me... 236 00:19:23,461 --> 00:19:26,131 H-h-hold on! Is this a good idea?! 237 00:19:26,131 --> 00:19:29,131 If there's snow, couldn't there be snow monsters too?! 238 00:19:29,131 --> 00:19:31,371 Besides, we're not even sure if people live there or not! 239 00:19:31,371 --> 00:19:34,971 Oh, no! My chronic Can't-Go-to-the-Island disease! 240 00:19:34,971 --> 00:19:38,011 Snow! I love snow! It's white! 241 00:19:38,591 --> 00:19:40,571 Guess I'll get us ready to land. 242 00:20:08,571 --> 00:20:12,151 All this snow! I'm so happy! 243 00:20:12,371 --> 00:20:15,581 This is really somethin'. What's with those mountains? 244 00:20:16,421 --> 00:20:20,021 Say, Luffy. Aren't you cold, dressed like that? 245 00:20:20,021 --> 00:20:24,541 It's -10° C right now! That's when bears get ready to hibernate! 246 00:20:24,911 --> 00:20:26,791 Huh? Oh. 247 00:20:29,401 --> 00:20:30,391 So cold! 248 00:20:30,391 --> 00:20:32,421 Took you long enough! 249 00:20:37,921 --> 00:20:42,471 It's a waterfall of melted snow. We may be able to stop around here. 250 00:20:43,051 --> 00:20:46,281 So, who's going doctor-hunting? 251 00:20:46,281 --> 00:20:47,651 No, I guess people-hunting comes first... 252 00:20:48,071 --> 00:20:48,961 I'm going! 253 00:20:48,961 --> 00:20:49,881 Me too! 254 00:20:49,881 --> 00:20:51,351 Okay! Have fun! 255 00:20:51,741 --> 00:20:53,571 That's far enough, pirates! 256 00:21:08,901 --> 00:21:11,071 Hey. I found people. 257 00:21:11,071 --> 00:21:14,241 But... they don't seem too friendly... 258 00:21:22,411 --> 00:21:27,861 Attention, pirates! Leave this place at once! This instant! 259 00:21:27,851 --> 00:21:30,391 We came to find a doctor! 260 00:21:30,391 --> 00:21:31,571 We have a sick person onboard! 261 00:21:31,741 --> 00:21:35,021 We won't fall for that trick, you filthy pirates! 262 00:21:35,291 --> 00:21:39,741 This is our island! We won't let any pirates land here! 263 00:21:39,741 --> 00:21:44,261 Raise anchor and leave now! Or else we'll blow your whole ship up! 264 00:21:45,611 --> 00:21:49,201 They really hate our guts. And we've just met, too... 265 00:21:49,201 --> 00:21:50,801 Don't talk back! 266 00:21:50,801 --> 00:21:51,491 They're shooting! 267 00:21:51,661 --> 00:21:53,241 You didn't just do that! 268 00:21:53,441 --> 00:21:54,501 Stop, Sanji-san! 269 00:21:53,441 --> 00:21:54,501 Bastard! 270 00:22:06,401 --> 00:22:07,911 Vivi! 271 00:22:11,141 --> 00:22:14,261 The world is awfully big 272 00:22:14,261 --> 00:22:17,571 so even if there is treasure somewhere, 273 00:22:17,571 --> 00:22:20,971 the odds are astronomical 274 00:22:20,971 --> 00:22:25,211 So relying on dumb luck won't get you anywhere 275 00:22:27,111 --> 00:22:28,441 So even, 276 00:22:30,911 --> 00:22:37,651 if someone stops me or laughs at me from the shadows 277 00:22:37,651 --> 00:22:40,861 the ship will continue forward 278 00:22:40,861 --> 00:22:42,961 Bon voyage! 279 00:22:42,961 --> 00:22:44,261 Forget about them! 280 00:22:44,261 --> 00:22:50,971 I know I'm a fool, but I gotta go 281 00:22:50,971 --> 00:22:57,641 The crazier the dream, the cooler the ambition 282 00:22:57,641 --> 00:23:04,311 I know I'm a fool, but I'm gonna fight 283 00:23:04,311 --> 00:23:11,321 The farther the sea, the more heavenly it surely is 284 00:23:11,321 --> 00:23:12,651 Do everything you can, 285 00:23:12,651 --> 00:23:18,661 and you'll get a little nearer to any horizon 286 00:23:25,431 --> 00:23:28,101 Okay! We're going up that mountain! To see the witch! 287 00:23:28,101 --> 00:23:30,811 Don't be crazy! That'd be fine for you, but not for Nami! 288 00:23:30,811 --> 00:23:32,271 We should treat her soon, right? 289 00:23:32,271 --> 00:23:34,311 But look at how steep and high up it is! 290 00:23:34,311 --> 00:23:35,131 We can make it! 291 00:23:35,131 --> 00:23:36,581 I'm counting on you, Captain... 292 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:38,451 Okay! Let's go! Before Nami dies! 293 00:23:38,451 --> 00:23:40,681 Don't say things that could jinx us! 294 00:23:40,681 --> 00:23:41,851 On the next episode of One Piece! 295 00:23:41,851 --> 00:23:45,191 "An Island Without Doctors? Adventure in a Nameless Land!" 296 00:23:45,191 --> 00:23:47,471 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!