1 00:00:28,021 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:31,891 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future -- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:06,171 --> 00:02:08,391 We found an island! 21 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:11,231 An island?! 22 00:02:11,231 --> 00:02:13,771 Oh! An island! We found an island! 23 00:02:13,771 --> 00:02:17,651 Hey, Nami! Good for you! There's an island! You can get better! 24 00:02:17,651 --> 00:02:20,881 There's an island! An island! Island! 25 00:02:20,881 --> 00:02:23,451 Island! Island! 26 00:02:22,071 --> 00:02:23,451 Just go look. 27 00:02:26,191 --> 00:02:29,531 An island! 28 00:02:32,431 --> 00:02:36,311 All this snow! I'm so happy! 29 00:02:36,881 --> 00:02:38,811 That's far enough, pirates! 30 00:02:43,571 --> 00:02:45,701 Hey. I found people. 31 00:02:45,701 --> 00:02:48,871 But... they don't seem too friendly... 32 00:02:50,431 --> 00:02:55,791 Attention, pirates! Leave this place at once! This instant! 33 00:02:56,011 --> 00:02:58,211 We came to find a doctor! 34 00:02:58,211 --> 00:02:59,491 We have a sick person onboard! 35 00:02:59,711 --> 00:03:02,951 We won't fall for that trick, you filthy pirates! 36 00:03:04,501 --> 00:03:07,781 They really hate our guts. And we've just met, too... 37 00:03:07,781 --> 00:03:08,921 Don't talk back! 38 00:03:09,321 --> 00:03:09,891 They're shooting! 39 00:03:10,061 --> 00:03:11,291 You didn't just do that! 40 00:03:11,961 --> 00:03:13,591 Bastard! 41 00:03:12,021 --> 00:03:13,621 Stop, Sanji-san! 42 00:03:27,201 --> 00:03:31,341 "An Island Without Doctors? Adventure in a Nameless Land!" 43 00:03:35,611 --> 00:03:36,901 Vivi! 44 00:03:39,071 --> 00:03:41,071 Why, you--! 45 00:03:41,681 --> 00:03:43,691 Aim! 46 00:03:50,601 --> 00:03:51,831 No! Stop! 47 00:03:52,371 --> 00:03:54,301 Fighting won't help anything! 48 00:03:54,301 --> 00:03:56,891 I'm fine! It only grazed my arm! 49 00:04:00,101 --> 00:04:04,171 In that case, we won't land here! But could we ask for a doctor? 50 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:09,141 Our friend is suffering from a grave illness. Please help! I beg you! 51 00:04:10,621 --> 00:04:11,611 Vivi! 52 00:04:11,881 --> 00:04:14,671 You're not fit to be captain, Luffy. 53 00:04:15,281 --> 00:04:18,251 Not everything can be fixed by acting recklessly! 54 00:04:21,751 --> 00:04:25,631 If you start a fight here, what will happen to Nami-san? 55 00:04:38,361 --> 00:04:41,011 Yeah. I'm sorry! I was wrong! 56 00:04:41,801 --> 00:04:43,061 Please call a doctor! 57 00:04:43,991 --> 00:04:46,521 Please help our friend! 58 00:04:57,741 --> 00:04:59,211 I will show you to the village. 59 00:05:00,711 --> 00:05:01,801 Follow me. 60 00:05:11,221 --> 00:05:12,881 See? They understood! 61 00:05:12,881 --> 00:05:15,371 Yeah! You're amazing! 62 00:05:27,641 --> 00:05:32,141 I must warn you, the only doctor we have here is a witch. 63 00:05:33,421 --> 00:05:34,011 Witch? 64 00:05:34,161 --> 00:05:37,671 You gotta be kidding me. Nothing here makes sense... 65 00:05:37,671 --> 00:05:39,991 What is this place, anyway? 66 00:05:41,991 --> 00:05:44,411 This land still does not have a name. 67 00:05:45,271 --> 00:05:48,631 A nameless land? Does that really happen? 68 00:05:52,171 --> 00:05:53,541 A bear! 69 00:05:54,251 --> 00:05:56,871 Everyone! Pretend to be dead! 70 00:05:58,651 --> 00:06:01,091 A Hiking Bear. They pose no danger. 71 00:06:01,491 --> 00:06:03,721 Don't forget to bow. It's proper hiking manners. 72 00:06:09,631 --> 00:06:11,321 Okay! All better now! 73 00:06:12,331 --> 00:06:13,021 See! 74 00:06:15,531 --> 00:06:18,781 Now I can finally do some real training! 75 00:06:18,781 --> 00:06:22,451 I was getting sick of that watered-down training, 76 00:06:22,451 --> 00:06:24,921 and just watching the ship is boring as hell. 77 00:06:26,691 --> 00:06:30,791 Maybe I'll go for some cold-weather swimming to suppress my self. 78 00:06:35,611 --> 00:06:38,941 This is our village, Big Horn. 79 00:06:40,121 --> 00:06:42,501 There are weird animals walking everywhere... 80 00:06:42,501 --> 00:06:44,571 That's snow country for ya! 81 00:06:44,571 --> 00:06:48,471 Nami-san! We made it to a village with people! It's a village! 82 00:06:49,531 --> 00:06:51,141 Okay. Thanks for the help, everyone. 83 00:06:52,151 --> 00:06:54,321 Those who aren't guards can return to their work. 84 00:06:55,061 --> 00:06:58,691 But, will you be alright by yourself, Dalton-san? They're pirates! 85 00:06:59,181 --> 00:07:01,391 I believe they pose no threat. 86 00:07:01,851 --> 00:07:04,371 That's my hunch of many years of experience. You can trust it. 87 00:07:04,371 --> 00:07:05,591 What do we do? 88 00:07:05,591 --> 00:07:08,191 If that's what Dalton-san says, then... 89 00:07:08,191 --> 00:07:10,371 And they don't seem dangerous... 90 00:07:10,371 --> 00:07:10,711 Yeah... 91 00:07:11,641 --> 00:07:14,361 Alright, Dalton-san! We leave the rest to you! 92 00:07:14,361 --> 00:07:16,421 Be ever careful, Dalton-san... 93 00:07:16,421 --> 00:07:18,641 Just call us again if anything happens! 94 00:07:21,401 --> 00:07:23,571 They weren't this land's security forces? 95 00:07:23,571 --> 00:07:24,871 They're ordinary citizens. 96 00:07:24,871 --> 00:07:26,291 Come to my home for now. 97 00:07:28,441 --> 00:07:30,981 Hey! Look, Luffy! A Hiking Bear! 98 00:07:30,981 --> 00:07:31,971 Again?! 99 00:07:31,971 --> 00:07:33,301 Oh, Dalton-san! 100 00:07:33,301 --> 00:07:33,891 Gotta bow. 101 00:07:33,471 --> 00:07:36,441 I heard there were pirates! Are you okay? 102 00:07:36,901 --> 00:07:39,821 Yes, everything is okay. There's nothing to worry about. 103 00:07:41,781 --> 00:07:45,651 Oh, Dalton-kun! I look forward to the election in two days! 104 00:07:46,041 --> 00:07:48,611 Everyone says they're going to vote for you! 105 00:07:48,611 --> 00:07:53,301 Y-you can't be serious! I'm nothing but a sinful man! 106 00:07:59,791 --> 00:08:02,931 Use that bed there. I'll warm the place up. 107 00:08:06,671 --> 00:08:08,311 I haven't told you my name yet. 108 00:08:08,311 --> 00:08:11,591 I'm Dalton, captain of the security squad of this island. 109 00:08:12,501 --> 00:08:14,831 Please forgive our heavy-handed welcome. 110 00:08:15,761 --> 00:08:17,811 May I ask you a question? 111 00:08:18,061 --> 00:08:18,681 Eh? 112 00:08:19,741 --> 00:08:23,201 I somehow feel like I've seen you before. 113 00:08:23,931 --> 00:08:26,111 I-it's probably just your imagination! 114 00:08:26,531 --> 00:08:29,071 Anyway, please tell us about this witch! 115 00:08:29,071 --> 00:08:32,751 Nami-san's temperature was 42° C when I checked it just now! 116 00:08:33,641 --> 00:08:35,751 42°?! 117 00:08:35,751 --> 00:08:38,721 Her fever's gone up for three days in a row. 118 00:08:38,721 --> 00:08:41,421 She'll die if it goes up any more! 119 00:08:41,421 --> 00:08:42,161 Yes. 120 00:08:42,701 --> 00:08:47,071 But we don't even know the cause of her illness, or how to treat it... 121 00:08:47,071 --> 00:08:51,931 We need a doctor! Anyone will do! Where is this witch of yours?! 122 00:08:52,251 --> 00:08:55,731 The witch, huh. Do you see those mountains outside the window? 123 00:08:55,951 --> 00:08:58,401 Yeah, those insanely tall-- 124 00:08:59,661 --> 00:09:01,121 Hyper Snowman! 125 00:09:01,811 --> 00:09:03,561 Snowzilla, the snow beast! 126 00:09:04,201 --> 00:09:05,381 Yeah! 127 00:09:05,381 --> 00:09:07,411 Don't make me kick your asses! 128 00:09:09,211 --> 00:09:11,711 Those mountains are known as the Drum Rockies. 129 00:09:12,401 --> 00:09:15,831 Do you see the castle at the top of the tallest one in the middle? 130 00:09:17,431 --> 00:09:18,291 Castle?! 131 00:09:18,291 --> 00:09:20,991 That castle no longer has its king. 132 00:09:20,151 --> 00:09:20,991 That warms me up... 133 00:09:20,991 --> 00:09:22,891 Yeah, there it is. 134 00:09:23,211 --> 00:09:25,091 What's so important about the castle? 135 00:09:25,091 --> 00:09:28,671 The only doctor in the land, Dr. Kureha, lives there. 136 00:09:28,961 --> 00:09:31,971 People call her a witch. 137 00:09:31,971 --> 00:09:36,001 What?! Of all the places, why does it have to be so far away?! 138 00:09:36,221 --> 00:09:38,981 Then call her here right away! We have a critical patient! 139 00:09:38,981 --> 00:09:41,381 Even if we wanted to, there's no way to contact her. 140 00:09:41,381 --> 00:09:45,821 Huh?! And she calls herself a doctor?! What the hell is she like?! 141 00:09:45,821 --> 00:09:48,321 As a doctor, she's very skilled. 142 00:09:48,941 --> 00:09:53,091 But she's an eccentric old hag. She's nearly 140 years old now. 143 00:09:53,091 --> 00:09:54,051 Eh?! 144 00:09:54,051 --> 00:09:56,991 140?! I think she might need help! 145 00:09:56,991 --> 00:09:59,701 And, let's see... She likes pickled plums. 146 00:10:00,091 --> 00:10:03,501 What happens when people here get sick or injured? 147 00:10:04,391 --> 00:10:06,941 She comes down from the mountain when she feels like it. 148 00:10:06,941 --> 00:10:10,141 She looks for patients, treats them, then, as payment, 149 00:10:10,141 --> 00:10:13,721 she takes whatever she wants from their houses before leaving. 150 00:10:14,041 --> 00:10:16,351 Sounds like an unfriendly old hag! 151 00:10:16,351 --> 00:10:18,191 Hey! She almost sounds like a pirate! 152 00:10:18,731 --> 00:10:22,071 But how does such an old woman go down that mountain? 153 00:10:22,711 --> 00:10:24,531 It's an odd rumor... 154 00:10:24,951 --> 00:10:28,021 but several people claim to have seen her 155 00:10:28,021 --> 00:10:32,361 riding a sleigh through the sky on moonlit nights... 156 00:10:34,831 --> 00:10:37,381 And that's the reason she's called a witch... 157 00:10:38,191 --> 00:10:42,911 Some also saw her with a strange creature they'd never seen before... 158 00:10:44,281 --> 00:10:48,611 I knew it! See? It's a Snow Man! It's a snowy mountain, after all! 159 00:10:48,611 --> 00:10:50,511 I knew there'd be one! 160 00:10:50,511 --> 00:10:55,321 A witch and a Snow Man?! Oh, please never let us run into them! 161 00:10:55,321 --> 00:11:00,501 She is the only doctor, but she's a hag I'd prefer to stay away from. 162 00:11:01,241 --> 00:11:04,631 All we can do is wait for the next time she comes down the mountain. 163 00:11:04,631 --> 00:11:05,691 You can't be serious... 164 00:11:06,081 --> 00:11:11,071 Dammit! We can't wait for that! Even as we speak, Nami-san is--! 165 00:11:11,321 --> 00:11:14,141 Hey! Nami! Nami! Can you hear me? 166 00:11:14,141 --> 00:11:16,751 What are you doing?! 167 00:11:19,241 --> 00:11:21,371 Oh! She's awake! 168 00:11:21,781 --> 00:11:25,091 Hey, the only way to see a doctor is to climb a mountain. 169 00:11:25,091 --> 00:11:26,181 We're gonna climb it! 170 00:11:26,181 --> 00:11:27,041 Eh? 171 00:11:28,281 --> 00:11:31,451 Don't be crazy! What are you doing with Nami?! 172 00:11:31,451 --> 00:11:33,141 It's okay! I'll carry her on my back! 173 00:11:33,141 --> 00:11:35,591 That'll only make things even worse! 174 00:11:35,811 --> 00:11:38,561 What's the problem? We need to hurry, don't we? 175 00:11:38,561 --> 00:11:42,421 That's true, but you can't! Look at how steep and tall it is! 176 00:11:42,741 --> 00:11:43,501 I can make it. 177 00:11:43,501 --> 00:11:46,871 Maybe you can make it, but it'd be too hard on Nami-san! 178 00:11:46,871 --> 00:11:50,071 But, look! If we fall, we'll land in snow! 179 00:11:50,071 --> 00:11:53,561 Even a healthy person would die instantly after a fall from there! 180 00:11:53,561 --> 00:11:58,281 Seriously! She's 6° C over normal temperature! 181 00:11:58,281 --> 00:11:59,901 Do you even get it?! 182 00:12:06,251 --> 00:12:08,251 I need to get over this fast... 183 00:12:11,501 --> 00:12:13,901 I need to hurry... for Vivi... 184 00:12:18,471 --> 00:12:20,391 I'm counting on you, Captain! 185 00:12:25,351 --> 00:12:28,101 That's more like it! Just leave it to me! 186 00:12:45,031 --> 00:12:49,301 I can't believe it! Like captain, like navigator! 187 00:12:49,301 --> 00:12:51,671 Do you know what condition you're in, Nami-san?! 188 00:12:51,671 --> 00:12:54,591 Are you sure you'll be okay? It'll take hours to get there! 189 00:12:54,591 --> 00:12:56,441 Old guy! Meat! Gimme meat! 190 00:12:56,441 --> 00:12:57,571 Meat? 191 00:12:58,951 --> 00:13:00,341 Alright! I'm comin' too! 192 00:13:00,341 --> 00:13:05,311 Listen, Luffy! Don't fall even once, or you can expect Nami to die! 193 00:13:05,311 --> 00:13:07,151 Eh?! Even once?! 194 00:13:07,151 --> 00:13:10,361 Wait! Hold still! I need to tie this right! 195 00:13:11,961 --> 00:13:13,221 All set. 196 00:13:13,221 --> 00:13:17,391 Okay, I'm going to wait here. I'd only get in the way. 197 00:13:17,391 --> 00:13:18,391 Same here! 198 00:13:18,391 --> 00:13:19,401 Got it! 199 00:13:20,141 --> 00:13:22,901 Okay, Nami! Hold on tight! 200 00:13:22,901 --> 00:13:23,891 Yeah... 201 00:13:26,291 --> 00:13:30,011 If you're really set on going... I won't stop you. 202 00:13:30,011 --> 00:13:32,581 But at least climb up from the other side. 203 00:13:32,581 --> 00:13:35,121 There are Lapins on this course. 204 00:13:35,531 --> 00:13:37,471 Fierce, carnivorous rabbits. 205 00:13:37,931 --> 00:13:40,241 If you encounter a pack of them, you're as good as dead. 206 00:13:41,291 --> 00:13:43,721 Rabbits? But we're in a hurry. 207 00:13:43,721 --> 00:13:45,451 We should be fine. Right? 208 00:13:45,451 --> 00:13:46,821 Yeah! I'll kick 'em! 209 00:13:47,191 --> 00:13:50,531 Kick?! You can't be serious! You'd be walking to your deaths! 210 00:13:50,531 --> 00:13:51,791 It's okay! 211 00:13:51,791 --> 00:13:54,701 Alright, then! Let's go, Sanji! Before Nami dies! 212 00:13:54,701 --> 00:13:58,731 What?! Don't say things that could jinx us, you dumbass! 213 00:14:01,921 --> 00:14:03,771 Will they really be all right? 214 00:14:03,771 --> 00:14:06,451 Well, I'm not worried about those two... 215 00:14:06,941 --> 00:14:10,451 But the question is if Nami-san's strength will last long enough... 216 00:14:10,731 --> 00:14:12,431 I hope they make it there safely... 217 00:14:24,571 --> 00:14:25,731 What's wrong? 218 00:14:26,211 --> 00:14:28,721 Come inside. It's cold out. 219 00:14:28,991 --> 00:14:32,171 Oh, that's okay. I want to stay outside. 220 00:14:32,171 --> 00:14:33,191 Me, too... 221 00:14:39,161 --> 00:14:40,201 I see. 222 00:14:46,031 --> 00:14:48,171 Then I will join you. 223 00:15:08,321 --> 00:15:10,841 We did have some, long ago... 224 00:15:10,841 --> 00:15:11,771 Eh? 225 00:15:12,221 --> 00:15:16,101 Doctors. But they're all gone now, for certain reasons. 226 00:15:16,781 --> 00:15:19,231 They were all incredibly skilled... 227 00:15:19,971 --> 00:15:23,791 We were even known as an advanced medical nation. 228 00:15:23,791 --> 00:15:24,981 So what happened? 229 00:15:27,521 --> 00:15:32,271 This country was destroyed just a few months ago. 230 00:15:32,611 --> 00:15:34,241 At the hands of pirates! 231 00:15:34,241 --> 00:15:35,281 Eh?! 232 00:15:35,281 --> 00:15:36,171 The entire country?! 233 00:15:38,361 --> 00:15:41,171 So that's why you were so nervous about us? 234 00:15:41,171 --> 00:15:46,581 Yes. The word "pirate" is still too much for everyone to handle... 235 00:15:46,581 --> 00:15:48,461 I'm sorry about that. 236 00:15:49,671 --> 00:15:52,261 But there were only five people in that pirate group. 237 00:15:52,631 --> 00:15:54,821 The captain called himself "Blackbeard," 238 00:15:54,821 --> 00:15:57,251 and he destroyed our country in the blink of an eye 239 00:15:57,251 --> 00:15:58,901 with his devastating power... 240 00:16:01,221 --> 00:16:04,491 Only five pirates?! You can't be serious! 241 00:16:04,491 --> 00:16:05,791 Blackbeard?! 242 00:16:06,111 --> 00:16:09,801 But there are some who say it was actually good for the country. 243 00:16:09,801 --> 00:16:12,131 There's nothing good about a country being destroyed! 244 00:16:12,131 --> 00:16:14,881 Yeah! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 245 00:16:16,681 --> 00:16:17,671 Thank you. 246 00:16:18,821 --> 00:16:22,881 But people say that because the monarchy that existed here until then 247 00:16:22,881 --> 00:16:25,121 was appalling in the eyes of the citizens. 248 00:16:26,061 --> 00:16:28,751 The country's former name was the Drum Kingdom! 249 00:16:29,491 --> 00:16:31,491 The king's name was Wapol! 250 00:16:32,451 --> 00:16:34,251 He was the worst king possible! 251 00:16:39,141 --> 00:16:41,611 Yes! That man! I remember him! 252 00:16:42,101 --> 00:16:43,441 Wapol?! 253 00:16:51,361 --> 00:16:54,331 It's gotten a little colder. The wind's picking up. 254 00:16:54,791 --> 00:16:58,791 So why aren't you wearing shoes?! Just seeing that is painful! 255 00:16:59,141 --> 00:17:00,851 This is my police! 256 00:17:00,851 --> 00:17:03,451 Police?! You mean "policy"! 257 00:17:03,451 --> 00:17:04,851 Yeah! 258 00:17:06,671 --> 00:17:10,791 Anyway, did you know? People in snowy countries never sleep! 259 00:17:10,791 --> 00:17:12,131 Huh? Why's that? 260 00:17:12,131 --> 00:17:13,851 'Cause they'll die if they go to sleep! 261 00:17:14,471 --> 00:17:17,001 Don't be stupid! There's nobody like that! 262 00:17:17,001 --> 00:17:19,831 It's the truth! Someone told me a long time ago! 263 00:17:22,151 --> 00:17:23,211 Usopp, I bet. 264 00:17:23,211 --> 00:17:25,531 No! I heard it in a pub in my village! 265 00:17:27,061 --> 00:17:30,811 Then why did that Dalton guy have a bed? 266 00:17:32,021 --> 00:17:33,631 That's a good point. 267 00:17:33,901 --> 00:17:35,901 Maybe it's for when he dies, then? 268 00:17:38,641 --> 00:17:40,491 Yeah, right! 269 00:17:42,101 --> 00:17:44,831 Okay, did you know this? 270 00:17:44,831 --> 00:17:48,061 Women in snowy lands all have silky-smooth skin! 271 00:17:48,061 --> 00:17:48,891 How come? 272 00:17:49,181 --> 00:17:50,671 Isn't it obvious? 273 00:17:50,671 --> 00:17:54,141 Whenever you're cold, you rub your skin for warmth. 274 00:17:54,141 --> 00:17:56,611 So you get smooth skin. 275 00:17:56,611 --> 00:18:01,701 So women in snowy places have such silky-smooth, white skin! 276 00:18:02,361 --> 00:18:04,251 How come it's white? 277 00:18:04,251 --> 00:18:09,871 Because the color of the constantly-falling snow dyes their skin! 278 00:18:09,871 --> 00:18:12,151 Huh?! You're so dumb! 279 00:18:12,151 --> 00:18:14,421 Like you're really anyone to talk! 280 00:18:14,421 --> 00:18:14,961 And... 281 00:18:16,481 --> 00:18:18,491 ...quit being so damn annoying! 282 00:18:18,491 --> 00:18:20,211 What was with that guy? 283 00:18:23,971 --> 00:18:28,731 Hang in there, Nami-san! We're gonna get you to a doctor! 284 00:18:29,741 --> 00:18:32,011 The snow's really deep around here... 285 00:18:32,011 --> 00:18:33,311 Hey, Luffy! 286 00:18:33,311 --> 00:18:36,751 Run more smoothly! You're gonna make Nami-san worse! 287 00:18:42,851 --> 00:18:44,651 W-what are these? 288 00:18:44,651 --> 00:18:47,601 They're white and big, so they're polar bears! I'm sure of it! 289 00:18:49,541 --> 00:18:53,021 Wait! You know Wapol?! 290 00:18:53,021 --> 00:18:58,331 We don't just know him! He's the pirate who attacked our ship! 291 00:18:58,801 --> 00:19:00,211 I got rid of him, though. 292 00:19:00,901 --> 00:19:04,551 But I do recall him saying something about the Drum Kingdom... 293 00:19:04,551 --> 00:19:05,221 Yes. 294 00:19:05,641 --> 00:19:08,611 There's no question about it! I remember clearly now! 295 00:19:08,611 --> 00:19:13,091 I met him once at a monarch meeting my father took me to 296 00:19:13,461 --> 00:19:15,221 when I was very young! 297 00:19:16,521 --> 00:19:17,981 Monarch meeting?! 298 00:19:18,651 --> 00:19:20,111 Just who are you? 299 00:19:20,111 --> 00:19:22,311 No, uhh, you see... 300 00:19:23,361 --> 00:19:29,201 In any case, we met Wapol! Yesterday, on our way here! 301 00:19:29,201 --> 00:19:31,611 Yesterday?! Are you sure?! 302 00:19:32,231 --> 00:19:37,831 But what's going on, then?! He called himself a pirate, not a king! 303 00:19:38,451 --> 00:19:41,091 He must be calling himself that as camouflage. 304 00:19:41,381 --> 00:19:45,651 Wapol is merely wandering the sea, trying to return to this island. 305 00:19:45,651 --> 00:19:49,651 So the people on that ship were kicked out because they were no match 306 00:19:49,651 --> 00:19:52,791 for the Blackbeard Pirates when they attacked this country? 307 00:19:53,431 --> 00:19:55,731 No match? It's not like that! 308 00:19:55,941 --> 00:19:56,651 Eh? 309 00:19:56,911 --> 00:20:01,141 When it happened, Wapol's army didn't even try to fight! 310 00:20:02,841 --> 00:20:06,141 In fact, the moment he learned how strong the pirates were, 311 00:20:06,141 --> 00:20:11,581 Wapol abandoned the country and was the very first to flee out to sea! 312 00:20:11,921 --> 00:20:14,521 That threw the entire nation into despair. 313 00:20:15,681 --> 00:20:17,261 Is this what the king-- 314 00:20:17,261 --> 00:20:19,751 Is that what the king of an entire country does?! 315 00:20:20,711 --> 00:20:24,861 That's appalling! A king abandoning his people! 316 00:20:26,461 --> 00:20:27,631 Vivi... 317 00:20:27,801 --> 00:20:29,141 You're exactly right. 318 00:20:29,871 --> 00:20:33,311 But at least Wapol's tyranny is finally over. 319 00:20:33,821 --> 00:20:35,701 The remaining people on this island have come together 320 00:20:35,701 --> 00:20:38,591 to try to create a new country. 321 00:20:39,921 --> 00:20:44,771 So what we most fear right now is Wapol's return... 322 00:20:44,771 --> 00:20:46,371 The return of his monarchy. 323 00:20:46,681 --> 00:20:50,261 We must avoid that at all costs, while people are still feeling unsure! 324 00:20:50,831 --> 00:20:54,461 If we're to create a new, peaceful nation on this island! 325 00:21:00,291 --> 00:21:01,081 It jumped! 326 00:21:07,251 --> 00:21:09,671 You gotta be kidding me! How can it move like that?! 327 00:21:09,671 --> 00:21:10,611 What is it, a gorilla?! 328 00:21:10,611 --> 00:21:12,371 No! A polar bear! 329 00:21:12,381 --> 00:21:13,251 It's a bunny! 330 00:21:13,671 --> 00:21:15,671 You're the one who just called it a gorilla... 331 00:21:15,671 --> 00:21:18,681 These must be the Lapins that Dalton was talking about! 332 00:21:20,431 --> 00:21:22,861 This many of them?! 333 00:21:24,731 --> 00:21:26,441 Oh! 334 00:21:27,201 --> 00:21:30,151 Oh! Wapol-sama! 335 00:21:30,151 --> 00:21:33,521 What is it, Chess? Did you find Straw Hat's ship?! 336 00:21:34,231 --> 00:21:37,911 No, Wapol-sama! We've finally returned home! 337 00:21:38,081 --> 00:21:39,091 What?! 338 00:21:39,091 --> 00:21:42,631 How many months have passed as we've wandered the sea? 339 00:21:42,631 --> 00:21:46,141 It's our homeland! The Drum Kingdom! 340 00:21:46,141 --> 00:21:47,811 Truly?! 341 00:22:11,091 --> 00:22:14,261 The world is awfully big 342 00:22:14,261 --> 00:22:17,571 so even if there is treasure somewhere, 343 00:22:17,571 --> 00:22:20,971 the odds are astronomical 344 00:22:20,971 --> 00:22:25,211 So relying on dumb luck won't get you anywhere 345 00:22:27,111 --> 00:22:28,441 So even, 346 00:22:30,911 --> 00:22:37,651 if someone stops me or laughs at me from the shadows 347 00:22:37,651 --> 00:22:40,861 the ship will continue forward 348 00:22:40,861 --> 00:22:42,961 Bon voyage! 349 00:22:42,961 --> 00:22:44,261 Forget about them! 350 00:22:44,261 --> 00:22:50,971 I know I'm a fool, but I gotta go 351 00:22:50,971 --> 00:22:57,641 The crazier the dream, the cooler the ambition 352 00:22:57,641 --> 00:23:04,311 I know I'm a fool, but I'm gonna fight 353 00:23:04,311 --> 00:23:11,321 The farther the sea, the more heavenly it surely is 354 00:23:11,321 --> 00:23:12,651 Do everything you can, 355 00:23:12,651 --> 00:23:18,661 and you'll get a little nearer to any horizon 356 00:23:25,171 --> 00:23:28,301 Listen, Luffy! Don't you dare fight these guys! 357 00:23:28,301 --> 00:23:28,871 Why not? 358 00:23:28,871 --> 00:23:31,671 Nami-san will feel the whole impact and die! 359 00:23:31,671 --> 00:23:34,181 Okay! I won't fight! But, what do I do?! 360 00:23:34,181 --> 00:23:37,551 Just dodge! Dodge and run! But don't retreat! 361 00:23:37,551 --> 00:23:39,111 That's hard! 362 00:23:39,111 --> 00:23:42,021 What?! The witch is in the next town over?! 363 00:23:42,021 --> 00:23:43,121 On the next episode of One Piece! 364 00:23:43,121 --> 00:23:45,791 "Are You Happy? The Doctor Called Witch!" 365 00:23:45,791 --> 00:23:47,971 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!