1 00:00:28,041 --> 00:00:29,801 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,801 --> 00:00:32,121 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,581 --> 00:00:35,021 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,381 --> 00:00:38,531 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,531 --> 00:00:41,291 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,981 --> 00:00:56,051 I only believe in the future -- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,071 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 I'm really really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,581 --> 00:01:20,991 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,991 --> 00:01:24,291 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:30,081 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,211 --> 00:01:39,431 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,681 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,681 --> 00:01:48,521 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,411 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,411 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:06,161 --> 00:02:07,161 He's not here! 21 00:02:07,161 --> 00:02:07,991 Which guy? 22 00:02:07,991 --> 00:02:09,291 That guy! 23 00:02:09,291 --> 00:02:09,921 That guy? 24 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:11,561 That tin bastard! 25 00:02:11,561 --> 00:02:14,231 Ahhh! That bastard! 26 00:02:14,231 --> 00:02:16,551 I'll find him right away and finish him off! 27 00:02:16,841 --> 00:02:18,301 What's going on here? 28 00:02:19,171 --> 00:02:22,761 What have they done... to my castle?! 29 00:02:22,761 --> 00:02:24,291 Doctorine... 30 00:02:24,291 --> 00:02:25,131 Hm? 31 00:02:26,581 --> 00:02:28,601 He called me... 32 00:02:32,081 --> 00:02:33,771 his friend... 33 00:02:39,751 --> 00:02:44,651 "When the Kingdom's Rule Ends! The Flag of Faith Flies Forever!" 34 00:02:48,651 --> 00:02:51,231 This is no time to be in bed resting! 35 00:02:51,231 --> 00:02:53,601 I should get out of here while Doctorine isn't around! 36 00:02:53,601 --> 00:02:56,091 I couldn't take being stuck here for three days. 37 00:02:58,271 --> 00:02:59,011 Huh? 38 00:03:02,941 --> 00:03:05,391 I got lucky! Looks like I can leave without a problem. 39 00:03:09,851 --> 00:03:11,891 Wh-Who's... this guy?! 40 00:03:13,961 --> 00:03:16,861 You must be one of the Straw Hats! 41 00:03:18,461 --> 00:03:20,571 He definitely looks like a bad guy! 42 00:03:21,901 --> 00:03:25,071 No, that's not true at all! 43 00:03:25,071 --> 00:03:27,371 I don't have any idea what you're talking about! 44 00:03:27,741 --> 00:03:30,331 What?! I'm wrong?! Really?! 45 00:03:30,331 --> 00:03:34,061 That's right! I'm a navigator who's just passing by here! 46 00:03:34,061 --> 00:03:35,441 Oh, I see... 47 00:03:35,441 --> 00:03:37,161 Well then... see ya... 48 00:03:37,661 --> 00:03:38,761 Okay! 49 00:03:41,851 --> 00:03:42,471 Hm?! 50 00:03:42,471 --> 00:03:43,971 Liar! 51 00:03:45,161 --> 00:03:48,461 --No! --You idiot! Wait! 52 00:03:50,011 --> 00:03:53,221 Don't come this way! Go away! 53 00:04:02,231 --> 00:04:04,111 Did I gain some weight recently? 54 00:04:04,541 --> 00:04:07,451 Then I'll do this... Munch Munch Factory! 55 00:04:08,171 --> 00:04:09,441 I'll eat myself! 56 00:04:14,621 --> 00:04:16,081 Ah! What's that?! 57 00:04:28,471 --> 00:04:31,021 H... He turned into a bucket! 58 00:04:32,971 --> 00:04:36,921 Miraculous bone structure shaping technique... complete! 59 00:04:42,781 --> 00:04:44,781 Slim Wapol! 60 00:04:46,601 --> 00:04:47,821 I won't let you escape. 61 00:04:48,321 --> 00:04:50,491 No! 62 00:04:56,501 --> 00:04:58,501 I'll eat you first! 63 00:04:59,241 --> 00:05:02,341 I found you! 64 00:05:11,111 --> 00:05:14,301 Huh? Was he that skinny before? 65 00:05:14,651 --> 00:05:15,471 Ahh! 66 00:05:17,611 --> 00:05:23,711 Luffy... Why is my jacket all beaten up...? 67 00:05:23,711 --> 00:05:24,691 Ahh! 68 00:05:24,691 --> 00:05:29,441 How much do you think I paid for this jacket?! 28,800 berries! 69 00:05:29,441 --> 00:05:31,091 And that's the price after I talked them down! 70 00:05:31,091 --> 00:05:37,121 I'm sorry, but that guy shot a bomb at me! I couldn't help it! 71 00:05:37,911 --> 00:05:42,041 Geez... but oh well. I'll forgive you. 72 00:05:42,041 --> 00:05:46,811 I didn't expect it to come back in good shape when I let you borrow it. 73 00:05:47,271 --> 00:05:50,991 As payment for the damages, you owe triple that amount plus some. 74 00:05:50,991 --> 00:05:53,571 The total is 100,000 berries. Consider it a loan. 75 00:05:53,571 --> 00:05:57,841 Ahh! Don't tell me you expected this to happen! 76 00:06:00,421 --> 00:06:01,861 That's it, you bastards! 77 00:06:02,391 --> 00:06:05,321 Darn! His body sure is made tough... 78 00:06:07,081 --> 00:06:10,881 Look! Believe it or not, this is the arsenal! 79 00:06:10,881 --> 00:06:13,221 I'm the only one who has the key to this room. 80 00:06:13,221 --> 00:06:17,241 Naturally, there are a wide variety of weapons in here. 81 00:06:17,241 --> 00:06:19,621 When I eat them up and make them 82 00:06:20,101 --> 00:06:23,161 part of my body using Munch Munch Shock, 83 00:06:23,541 --> 00:06:30,511 you'll witness a horrific human weapon! 84 00:06:33,261 --> 00:06:36,271 Now, be prepared. The door will open! It'll be scary! 85 00:06:36,271 --> 00:06:37,521 The key to that horrific door is... 86 00:06:38,261 --> 00:06:40,351 gone! 87 00:06:47,771 --> 00:06:49,211 No, this isn't over yet. 88 00:06:49,211 --> 00:06:51,531 Ah! He's running away! Wait! 89 00:06:53,461 --> 00:06:55,931 I've got another trump card. 90 00:06:57,161 --> 00:06:59,911 Oh, it's just the key to the arsenal. 91 00:07:00,501 --> 00:07:03,571 It would've been nice if it were a key to a treasure room. 92 00:07:03,571 --> 00:07:04,451 How disappointing... 93 00:07:04,451 --> 00:07:06,991 Nami-san! 94 00:07:06,991 --> 00:07:10,041 Good! You're safe! 95 00:07:10,921 --> 00:07:14,431 What happened?! Why're you crawling like that, Sanji-kun? Are you all right? 96 00:07:14,821 --> 00:07:19,681 Nami-san, you're that concerned about me?! 97 00:07:20,061 --> 00:07:23,021 If I get enveloped in that warmth... 98 00:07:23,481 --> 00:07:25,111 Don't! 99 00:07:25,111 --> 00:07:26,801 Nami...-san... 100 00:07:28,191 --> 00:07:32,151 Wait! Wait, wait! 101 00:07:32,631 --> 00:07:35,321 Dammit! The upper levels are full of snow, too! 102 00:07:35,861 --> 00:07:37,501 I won't let them get away with this...! I won't! 103 00:07:37,501 --> 00:07:41,291 I'll make them all experience how great the king is! 104 00:07:44,601 --> 00:07:48,161 The power of Drum is my power. 105 00:07:48,161 --> 00:07:50,511 I'll use the ultimate weapon of the Drum Kingdom... 106 00:07:53,511 --> 00:07:57,601 the Tin Titan Royal Crown Seven Barrel Cannon! 107 00:08:03,021 --> 00:08:04,731 I've now cornered you! Be prepared! 108 00:08:04,731 --> 00:08:07,821 Humph! It's you who's corndered, Straw Hat! 109 00:08:07,821 --> 00:08:09,151 Time to be blown away! 110 00:08:16,171 --> 00:08:17,161 Huh...? 111 00:08:39,481 --> 00:08:41,311 A bird's nest...! 112 00:08:41,311 --> 00:08:42,811 Snow Birds! 113 00:08:48,501 --> 00:08:51,861 How dare you make fun of me! 114 00:09:01,221 --> 00:09:04,671 I'm surprised to see a rope connected to the castle from a place like this... 115 00:09:04,671 --> 00:09:07,081 A young man in town found it by accident. 116 00:09:07,081 --> 00:09:10,721 This place used to be Dr. Kureha's house! 117 00:09:16,491 --> 00:09:18,161 This is a great view! 118 00:09:18,161 --> 00:09:21,061 Yeah... Hey, isn't this a little overcrowded? 119 00:09:21,061 --> 00:09:23,311 We can't let Dalton-san go alone when he's injured! 120 00:09:23,311 --> 00:09:24,751 We'll fight, too! 121 00:09:24,751 --> 00:09:28,231 W-Well, I get it. But we'll never get there like this! 122 00:09:32,471 --> 00:09:34,771 Paddle! Paddle harder! 123 00:09:34,771 --> 00:09:36,821 Dalton-san, don't push too hard. 124 00:09:37,561 --> 00:09:39,111 Wapol... 125 00:09:39,111 --> 00:09:41,311 Who do you think you are, Dalton? 126 00:09:43,511 --> 00:09:46,721 "There's no medicine that can cure fools" you say...? 127 00:09:48,281 --> 00:09:50,751 Did you just call me a fool? 128 00:09:51,461 --> 00:09:55,631 You think you've become an emissary of justice who saves people or something?! 129 00:09:56,141 --> 00:09:58,341 Don't be so full of yourself! You're just a retainer! 130 00:10:01,061 --> 00:10:06,381 A week or so in this cell will probably make you realize your mistake. 131 00:10:06,771 --> 00:10:11,151 I'd imagine an impulsive rebellion wouldn't last so long. 132 00:10:14,441 --> 00:10:18,411 You're an excellent guard the citizens trust. 133 00:10:18,411 --> 00:10:20,611 Reconsider it, Dalton. 134 00:10:23,191 --> 00:10:27,621 Thanks to that idiot doctor Hiriluk, you just got caught up in a little fantasy! 135 00:10:27,621 --> 00:10:29,661 Giving up your status and destroying the country... 136 00:10:29,661 --> 00:10:31,631 What good will that do you?! 137 00:10:32,151 --> 00:10:37,381 I'll forgive you, if you can just say... 138 00:10:39,481 --> 00:10:44,511 "I'm sorry" to me, the king, Dalton-kun. 139 00:10:50,011 --> 00:10:53,451 To hell with status! To hell with the king! 140 00:10:56,381 --> 00:11:01,241 I'm the king! I'm the king of the Drum Kingdom! I'm the king! 141 00:11:04,101 --> 00:11:05,031 This is it for you. 142 00:11:06,311 --> 00:11:10,911 It doesn't matter... if you're a king or god... 143 00:11:11,221 --> 00:11:14,881 It doesn't matter who's great or who's not great! 144 00:11:15,481 --> 00:11:17,421 After all, I'm a pirate. 145 00:11:19,301 --> 00:11:21,521 It does matter, Straw Hat! 146 00:11:21,521 --> 00:11:25,181 The Drum Kingdom is a member of the World Government. 147 00:11:25,661 --> 00:11:30,021 Now listen. This is a world-class offense! 148 00:11:30,261 --> 00:11:34,941 Like I said, that doesn't matter, either! This is my own fight! 149 00:11:36,631 --> 00:11:39,111 Y-You damn Straw Idiot...! 150 00:11:39,111 --> 00:11:40,571 I'll digest you! 151 00:11:43,401 --> 00:11:44,741 Try and eat me. 152 00:11:44,741 --> 00:11:48,281 Not yet! Munch Munch Shock! Tongue Cannon! 153 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:51,041 Ah! His tongue became a cannon! 154 00:11:51,041 --> 00:11:52,371 Disappear! 155 00:11:52,371 --> 00:11:54,331 Ahh! 156 00:12:25,021 --> 00:12:27,501 Dalton-san! Please hang in there! 157 00:12:28,011 --> 00:12:29,531 What should we do? 158 00:12:29,881 --> 00:12:32,751 Dalton-san! Dalton-san! 159 00:12:32,751 --> 00:12:34,641 Dalton-san! 160 00:12:35,361 --> 00:12:37,901 I'm... I'm all right. 161 00:12:41,721 --> 00:12:43,091 Dalton-san... 162 00:12:47,751 --> 00:12:51,721 I'll make sure... to end this country! 163 00:12:52,221 --> 00:12:54,201 To hell with history! 164 00:12:55,881 --> 00:12:58,411 Hey hey, wake up, Dalton. 165 00:12:58,731 --> 00:13:02,881 Governance is about caring for your country... you say? 166 00:13:04,551 --> 00:13:06,321 Governments don't need to have a heart. 167 00:13:06,741 --> 00:13:09,661 He's right. What's important is the system. 168 00:13:12,161 --> 00:13:12,661 Ah! 169 00:13:16,471 --> 00:13:18,281 Wh... What're you doing?! 170 00:13:20,171 --> 00:13:22,061 Let me go! Stop it! 171 00:13:22,061 --> 00:13:25,551 I currently have many patients to treat! 172 00:13:25,551 --> 00:13:29,141 Throw him into the sea! If he resists, you can kill him. 173 00:13:29,611 --> 00:13:32,001 Hey, let me go! Please! 174 00:13:32,001 --> 00:13:34,321 My patients are waiting for me. 175 00:13:34,321 --> 00:13:35,901 Please! 176 00:13:37,511 --> 00:13:40,061 To hell with state control! 177 00:13:44,491 --> 00:13:48,531 Good... So none of them are sick? 178 00:13:51,191 --> 00:13:53,831 What's wrong with wishing the country to have a heart?! 179 00:14:00,941 --> 00:14:03,291 D... Dalton-san... What're you... 180 00:14:05,881 --> 00:14:07,341 Dynamite! 181 00:14:07,931 --> 00:14:09,551 Listen, everyone. 182 00:14:09,551 --> 00:14:12,851 When we get to the castle and once I get inside, lay on the ground. 183 00:14:18,141 --> 00:14:20,791 Are you worried about him? 184 00:14:20,791 --> 00:14:23,021 I'm not worried about him at all! 185 00:14:23,451 --> 00:14:25,361 He's a pirate! 186 00:14:31,501 --> 00:14:33,651 What an idiot! He let his guard down! 187 00:14:36,841 --> 00:14:38,061 Actually, that's you. 188 00:14:38,061 --> 00:14:38,851 Wh-What?! 189 00:14:38,851 --> 00:14:40,751 One, two... 190 00:14:41,101 --> 00:14:43,121 What?! What're you going to do?! 191 00:14:44,301 --> 00:14:45,461 Hey, let me go! 192 00:14:45,461 --> 00:14:48,511 Gum-Gum... 193 00:14:48,921 --> 00:14:51,301 Bowgun! 194 00:15:06,941 --> 00:15:08,391 Doctorine... 195 00:15:08,391 --> 00:15:13,501 Yeah... It seems... that it's finally come... 196 00:15:15,461 --> 00:15:18,201 the end of the long nightmare... 197 00:15:19,951 --> 00:15:20,921 End... 198 00:15:23,541 --> 00:15:26,201 This country is sick right now. 199 00:15:27,501 --> 00:15:31,261 Its citizens, king, and the government, too, are all sick. 200 00:15:31,261 --> 00:15:33,421 People suffer from a sickness of the heart. 201 00:15:34,601 --> 00:15:39,151 I'll definitely save this country using medical science one day. 202 00:15:39,891 --> 00:15:41,891 Get out of here, quack! 203 00:15:41,891 --> 00:15:43,651 Never come back! 204 00:15:43,651 --> 00:15:45,481 Run, Chopper! 205 00:15:45,801 --> 00:15:46,861 Whoa! 206 00:15:59,671 --> 00:16:00,701 Ahh! 207 00:16:02,681 --> 00:16:04,531 You'd better be prepared if 208 00:16:04,531 --> 00:16:06,671 you're gonna meddle with someone else's skull flag! 209 00:16:06,671 --> 00:16:09,681 --Gum-Gum... --Ahh! 210 00:16:10,141 --> 00:16:11,211 Doctor... 211 00:16:22,021 --> 00:16:23,441 --Hold on a sec! --Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum... 212 00:16:23,441 --> 00:16:25,521 --I'll give you status and a medal! --Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum-Gum... 213 00:16:26,141 --> 00:16:29,231 Look! There's someone on top of the castle! 214 00:16:34,861 --> 00:16:35,951 Doctor... 215 00:16:40,801 --> 00:16:42,001 The kingdom is... 216 00:16:43,771 --> 00:16:45,241 The Drum Kingdom is... 217 00:16:49,911 --> 00:16:52,551 Then... I'll make you vice-king...! 218 00:16:53,371 --> 00:16:55,511 about to fall! 219 00:16:55,511 --> 00:16:59,801 ...Bazooka!! 220 00:17:25,221 --> 00:17:29,281 The Drum Kingdom was defeated by the skull. 221 00:17:45,671 --> 00:17:50,701 Alright, then! I'll go check. Don't worry. You can come later. 222 00:17:50,701 --> 00:17:54,281 Ahhh, Zoro's going ahead of me again! Serious power, activated! 223 00:18:06,621 --> 00:18:08,161 Hey, let go! 224 00:18:08,161 --> 00:18:09,521 Alright! I got your back. 225 00:18:09,521 --> 00:18:12,671 Hey, if you're scared, you can come later! 226 00:18:12,981 --> 00:18:13,631 Hm? 227 00:18:13,631 --> 00:18:18,061 I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm not scared! Because I'm... 228 00:18:18,631 --> 00:18:20,051 What?! 229 00:18:20,051 --> 00:18:20,681 Luffy! 230 00:18:21,431 --> 00:18:23,301 Ah?! Zoro! Usopp! 231 00:18:29,231 --> 00:18:30,151 Ah! 232 00:18:36,021 --> 00:18:38,061 What'd you do that for, you jerk?! 233 00:18:38,061 --> 00:18:39,861 Oh, it's you guys! 234 00:18:41,701 --> 00:18:44,211 Since I recognized the clothes you're wearing, 235 00:18:44,211 --> 00:18:46,451 I thought you were one of them. 236 00:18:47,041 --> 00:18:49,091 So you guys came up, too. 237 00:18:49,091 --> 00:18:52,731 Usopp, didn't you say you couldn't come up? 238 00:18:54,091 --> 00:18:54,921 Don't be silly! 239 00:18:55,501 --> 00:18:58,801 If I see a mountain in front of me, I climb it. I'm that kind of guy. 240 00:18:58,801 --> 00:19:02,391 But coming up this cliff was quite an adventure. 241 00:19:02,711 --> 00:19:05,371 We came up by ropeway. Luffy-san, 242 00:19:05,751 --> 00:19:07,851 are Nami-san and Sanji-san okay? 243 00:19:08,311 --> 00:19:10,351 --Yeah, they're fine now. --Now, get it together... 244 00:19:10,681 --> 00:19:11,381 --Ahh, I'm glad to hear that! --Now, get it together... 245 00:19:11,381 --> 00:19:12,811 --Ahh, I'm glad to hear that! --We were also attacked by 246 00:19:12,811 --> 00:19:14,121 --Ahh, I'm glad to hear that! --a huge condor on our way! 247 00:19:14,121 --> 00:19:15,771 Man was I surprised. 248 00:19:16,121 --> 00:19:17,121 But then I was like, 249 00:19:17,121 --> 00:19:18,991 --I'm glad... --or maybe I should say, 250 00:19:19,301 --> 00:19:21,301 just what you'd expect from me... 251 00:19:21,301 --> 00:19:22,261 --So, --The moment it flew at his heart, 252 00:19:22,261 --> 00:19:24,621 --what were you doing on top of the castle? --The moment it flew at his heart, 253 00:19:25,261 --> 00:19:26,161 --what were you doing on top of the castle? --Captain Me dodged as if dancing 254 00:19:26,161 --> 00:19:28,901 --I was beating the crap out of the king. --Captain Me dodged as if dancing 255 00:19:28,901 --> 00:19:30,201 --I was beating the crap out of the king. --and quickly rode on the flying condor! 256 00:19:30,201 --> 00:19:31,811 --Then as I suspected... the one who --and quickly rode on the flying condor! 257 00:19:31,811 --> 00:19:33,881 --flew far into the sky earlier was Wapol! --It was actually me! 258 00:19:33,881 --> 00:19:34,301 --flew far into the sky earlier was Wapol! --I put a rope around its neck and said, 259 00:19:34,301 --> 00:19:35,421 --You beat him...?! --I put a rope around its neck and said, 260 00:19:35,421 --> 00:19:36,881 --Yep! Why? --I put a rope around its neck and said, 261 00:19:36,881 --> 00:19:37,861 --Yep! Why? --"My name is Captain Usopp!" 262 00:19:37,861 --> 00:19:39,841 --"My name is Captain Usopp!" 263 00:19:40,131 --> 00:19:42,181 So what about his two top men? 264 00:19:42,581 --> 00:19:44,261 The reindeer beat them up. 265 00:19:44,841 --> 00:19:47,141 Those two... A reindeer did...? 266 00:19:47,141 --> 00:19:48,321 --How's that? Are you guys amazed? 267 00:19:48,321 --> 00:19:49,851 --Oh yeah! Usopp, --How's that? Are you guys amazed? 268 00:19:49,851 --> 00:19:53,181 --listen! I found a new friend! --Check me out! 269 00:19:53,781 --> 00:19:55,481 Hm? What? 270 00:19:56,471 --> 00:19:57,611 Reindeer... 271 00:19:59,431 --> 00:20:00,561 Reindeer...? 272 00:20:10,791 --> 00:20:12,331 Blue nose... 273 00:20:14,291 --> 00:20:15,831 Wait! 274 00:20:16,221 --> 00:20:19,301 For laughing at Hiriluk's death, I apologize! 275 00:20:20,981 --> 00:20:24,741 Without enough power, you'll just die in vain... 276 00:20:27,061 --> 00:20:32,331 Don't sacrifice yourselves any longer for this country... 277 00:20:34,921 --> 00:20:37,391 You are that reindeer... 278 00:20:38,251 --> 00:20:43,281 I see... You've been fighting all this time since then! 279 00:20:50,551 --> 00:20:51,581 Thank you. 280 00:20:52,581 --> 00:20:53,871 Drum will definitely... 281 00:20:55,111 --> 00:20:57,321 definitely be reborn... 282 00:21:02,091 --> 00:21:02,751 Hm? 283 00:21:05,511 --> 00:21:06,651 Ah! 284 00:21:07,451 --> 00:21:10,431 Wh-What's that strange creature?! 285 00:21:10,431 --> 00:21:13,001 A-A reindeer? No... 286 00:21:13,001 --> 00:21:15,441 That's a... m-m-m-mons... 287 00:21:16,421 --> 00:21:17,651 Hey, stop it! 288 00:21:17,961 --> 00:21:20,611 Ahhh! It's a monster! 289 00:21:26,361 --> 00:21:28,211 Don't call him a monster! 290 00:21:28,211 --> 00:21:30,451 He's the new friend I was talking about! 291 00:21:30,451 --> 00:21:31,661 What?! That thing is?! 292 00:21:31,931 --> 00:21:34,251 He got shocked and ran away! 293 00:21:35,741 --> 00:21:38,261 Wait! Monster! 294 00:21:38,261 --> 00:21:39,391 Hey! 295 00:21:39,391 --> 00:21:41,151 Hey! 296 00:21:41,151 --> 00:21:42,091 Reindeer! 297 00:21:42,951 --> 00:21:45,051 Hey, wait! 298 00:21:45,051 --> 00:21:48,011 Hey! Reindeer! 299 00:21:48,011 --> 00:21:50,301 You're my friend! 300 00:21:50,541 --> 00:21:53,241 Hey! Reindeer! 301 00:21:53,241 --> 00:21:55,121 --You're definitely my friend! 302 00:21:55,121 --> 00:21:56,221 --Doctor... --You're definitely my friend! 303 00:21:56,221 --> 00:21:56,981 --Doctor... --Hey! 304 00:21:56,981 --> 00:21:59,061 --This is for the best, right? --Hey! 305 00:21:59,061 --> 00:22:00,561 --This is... --Wait! 306 00:22:00,941 --> 00:22:03,221 Wait! Reindeer! 307 00:22:03,221 --> 00:22:06,031 No way I'd wait! 308 00:22:15,411 --> 00:22:24,191 Even this sleepless town has dozed off for now 309 00:22:25,711 --> 00:22:36,851 From today forth, something's going to change 310 00:22:36,851 --> 00:22:46,541 I'm sure I can start fresh, since I'm not alone 311 00:22:47,111 --> 00:22:57,281 Just by having you by my side, I feel I can become strong 312 00:22:57,581 --> 00:23:08,051 I wonder how far I can go, towards the place that leads to the future 313 00:23:08,051 --> 00:23:16,421 Off in the distance it shines, encompassing the world 314 00:23:16,421 --> 00:23:20,061 Before dawn 315 00:23:25,451 --> 00:23:28,991 Doctorine, thanks for teaching me medical science all this time. 316 00:23:29,711 --> 00:23:31,391 Although I experienced many hardships, 317 00:23:31,391 --> 00:23:35,071 I love this country where I met Doctor and you. 318 00:23:35,071 --> 00:23:37,161 But I'm leaving. I'm going out to sea! 319 00:23:37,161 --> 00:23:38,991 I wanna see the world with my own eyes! 320 00:23:38,991 --> 00:23:40,291 Don't talk so cocky. 321 00:23:41,061 --> 00:23:42,581 On the next episode of One Piece! 322 00:23:42,581 --> 00:23:45,821 "Hiriluk's Cherry Blossoms! Miracle in the Drum Rockies." 323 00:23:45,821 --> 00:23:48,271 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!