1 00:00:32,311 --> 00:00:35,791 Did you know there's an awesometreasure at the end of this sea?! 2 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:40,191 And whoever gets it can be Kingof the Pirates! Isn't that exciting?! 3 00:00:40,191 --> 00:00:42,951 Unheard-of adventures are waiting! 4 00:00:45,401 --> 00:00:53,341 Bon voyage! Let that shred of courage grow 5 00:00:53,341 --> 00:01:00,941 I caught a glimpse ofthe tail end to the future 6 00:01:00,941 --> 00:01:08,861 The horizons everyonedreamed of were separate at first 7 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:16,021 but now they can be seenthrough a single telescope 8 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:25,151 A bitter compass of destinyis leading your heart astray 9 00:01:25,151 --> 00:01:28,281 so turn the wheel in the other direction! 10 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:30,161 Bon voyage! 11 00:01:30,161 --> 00:01:35,241 Toss aside your bonds and your past 12 00:01:35,511 --> 00:01:42,421 We can surely smile despite that 13 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:52,011 Tears shed trying to achieveyour dreams aren't for naught 14 00:01:52,011 --> 00:01:56,491 Precious in my life 15 00:01:57,311 --> 00:02:04,981 I caught a glimpse ofthe tail end to the future 16 00:02:09,161 --> 00:02:11,871 See ya, fortress guy! 17 00:02:11,871 --> 00:02:13,851 H-Hey! It's me! 18 00:02:13,851 --> 00:02:15,471 Hey!! 19 00:02:14,141 --> 00:02:15,171 Imprison him! 20 00:02:16,191 --> 00:02:18,091 You should thank Robin. 21 00:02:18,801 --> 00:02:22,671 I see... She thought that it'd besafer for me to be with you... 22 00:02:23,271 --> 00:02:26,081 It might've been better if I didn't check into it... 23 00:02:26,761 --> 00:02:29,911 To think that there's only one escape route... 24 00:02:33,341 --> 00:02:37,271 "Daring Luffy and Sanji!Their Great Rescue Operation!" 25 00:02:39,621 --> 00:02:43,131 Among the Straw Hat Piratesthat we already captured, 26 00:02:43,131 --> 00:02:47,271 there was a man wearing a uniformwho pretended to be a Navy officer. 27 00:02:47,381 --> 00:02:50,041 Listen up! You can report it later! 28 00:02:50,041 --> 00:02:52,831 When you see suspicious individuals,imprison them immediately! 29 00:02:53,671 --> 00:02:54,581 Yes, sir! 30 00:03:02,811 --> 00:03:07,801 Did you hear?! That long-nosed guywas a crew member of the Straw Hats! 31 00:03:07,801 --> 00:03:12,151 Yeah. But why did he takethe trouble to come here? 32 00:03:12,151 --> 00:03:17,101 Yeah. In the bay, there're lots ofships that are better than this one. 33 00:03:17,291 --> 00:03:20,381 They could've taken oneof them and quickly escaped. 34 00:03:20,381 --> 00:03:23,251 That's how stupid pirates are! 35 00:03:24,801 --> 00:03:26,141 You're right! 36 00:03:32,811 --> 00:03:35,571 Oh? Are you already donefor the day, Mechao-san? 37 00:03:35,571 --> 00:03:39,061 Don't slave-drive an elderly man. 38 00:03:39,061 --> 00:03:40,651 He says he's "elderly"! 39 00:03:40,651 --> 00:03:41,331 As if! 40 00:03:55,731 --> 00:03:58,971 You damn idiot! At least try to be careful! 41 00:03:58,971 --> 00:04:00,981 S-Sorry. 42 00:04:03,171 --> 00:04:07,291 Geez... This is such a complicated fortress! 43 00:04:07,411 --> 00:04:10,321 I wonder where Zoro and Usopp are... 44 00:04:12,161 --> 00:04:16,081 Well, since they got caught,they were probably sent to jail. 45 00:04:16,081 --> 00:04:18,301 Okay! Then we'll go to the jail! 46 00:04:18,541 --> 00:04:20,861 Do you know where the jail is? 47 00:04:20,861 --> 00:04:22,191 You don't know, Sanji? 48 00:04:22,191 --> 00:04:23,761 How would I know?! 49 00:04:25,741 --> 00:04:27,871 Hmmm... 50 00:04:29,071 --> 00:04:32,601 I think that belly button islandis suspicious after all. 51 00:04:32,601 --> 00:04:34,141 What makes you think that? 52 00:04:34,141 --> 00:04:35,021 Dunno, I just do. 53 00:04:36,711 --> 00:04:39,471 But in any case, that sounds about right. 54 00:04:39,741 --> 00:04:42,371 It's surrounded by the sea. 55 00:04:42,371 --> 00:04:45,701 On top of that, the only way toescape is to cross that bridge. 56 00:04:46,201 --> 00:04:47,901 It's a pain, but I guess we should go there. 57 00:04:47,901 --> 00:04:48,621 Alrighty! 58 00:04:55,041 --> 00:04:58,341 Dammit! Going the way wecame is also gonna be a pain. 59 00:05:05,631 --> 00:05:09,151 Yes, sir! This is District 4 in Block F. All clear! 60 00:05:09,331 --> 00:05:10,921 Keep searching! 61 00:05:10,921 --> 00:05:11,541 Yes, sir! 62 00:05:16,971 --> 00:05:20,031 They're in contact with each otherusing Mini Transponder Snails. 63 00:05:20,031 --> 00:05:21,431 This isn't gonna be easy. 64 00:05:21,601 --> 00:05:22,921 Hey, Sanji. 65 00:05:22,921 --> 00:05:23,521 Hm?! 66 00:05:23,521 --> 00:05:25,471 This is kinda exciting, isn't it? 67 00:05:26,261 --> 00:05:28,481 Get moving already, you damn monkey! 68 00:05:48,481 --> 00:05:49,951 Ouch! 69 00:05:51,101 --> 00:05:52,271 Where am...? 70 00:05:53,631 --> 00:05:54,621 Freeze! 71 00:06:02,761 --> 00:06:04,931 {\an8}"Port Entry Records" 72 00:06:17,091 --> 00:06:22,381 This is strange. There're times whenno ships enter or leave. Why is that? 73 00:06:29,091 --> 00:06:30,581 I'm being watched... 74 00:06:33,491 --> 00:06:35,641 Hey, you! What do you think you're doing?! 75 00:06:36,211 --> 00:06:38,721 Who do you think I am?! 76 00:06:39,041 --> 00:06:41,831 You told us over and over on our way here. 77 00:06:41,921 --> 00:06:45,831 You're Special InspectorMajor Shepherd, right? 78 00:06:46,671 --> 00:06:49,841 If you know that, get meout of here right now! 79 00:06:49,841 --> 00:06:52,531 I have business with Commander Jonathan! 80 00:06:53,211 --> 00:06:55,531 Major Shepherd? 81 00:06:57,981 --> 00:07:02,161 Oh, I see! This is the guyRobin was pretending to be! 82 00:06:59,241 --> 00:07:02,651 Enough of your nonsense! There's no way 83 00:07:02,161 --> 00:07:05,461 So they've mistaken him for one of us instead! 84 00:07:02,651 --> 00:07:05,731 a Navy major from Headquarters wouldlet his ID and his coat be stolen so easily! 85 00:07:05,731 --> 00:07:06,661 If that's the case... 86 00:07:07,221 --> 00:07:09,091 Stop it now. It's disgraceful! 87 00:07:09,091 --> 00:07:09,631 Hm?! 88 00:07:09,891 --> 00:07:14,591 A man should know when togive up! Let's not struggle... 89 00:07:15,271 --> 00:07:17,401 ...my comrade, Condoriano... 90 00:07:17,401 --> 00:07:22,011 C-Condoriano?! What's that?!Who the hell are you?! 91 00:07:22,011 --> 00:07:24,731 Hey, hey... Stop making bad jokes... 92 00:07:24,731 --> 00:07:29,641 You expect us to believe you'veforgotten my face or your own name?! 93 00:07:29,641 --> 00:07:32,021 Hey! Don't come near me! I'm not your buddy! 94 00:07:32,021 --> 00:07:33,781 I don't know him! I don't know this man! 95 00:07:33,971 --> 00:07:37,551 Ow, ow... What happened to you? 96 00:07:37,891 --> 00:07:41,751 Oh, no... Did the impact from the fallcause you to lose your memory?! 97 00:07:41,971 --> 00:07:44,161 How sad... It's too sad! 98 00:07:44,161 --> 00:07:49,021 Hey! Please! Would you let at least him out?! 99 00:07:49,021 --> 00:07:52,501 He's not the same Condoriano that I knew! 100 00:07:52,651 --> 00:07:53,871 That settles it. 101 00:07:53,871 --> 00:07:56,311 Yeah. There isn't even apoint in interrogating him. 102 00:07:56,311 --> 00:07:58,691 Wh-What do you mean, "that settles it"? 103 00:07:58,941 --> 00:08:01,411 Wait! What're you going to do with me?! 104 00:08:01,611 --> 00:08:04,931 Wait! Don't you get thatI'm telling you to wait?! 105 00:08:04,931 --> 00:08:05,781 Condoriano! 106 00:08:08,381 --> 00:08:10,561 Who's Condoriano? 107 00:08:13,381 --> 00:08:15,031 Shut up already! 108 00:08:15,231 --> 00:08:16,981 Nice move, Zoro! 109 00:08:19,131 --> 00:08:22,451 It went well! You should thank me, Robin! 110 00:08:22,631 --> 00:08:24,581 You look creepy, Usopp. 111 00:08:42,131 --> 00:08:43,171 Commander... 112 00:08:43,521 --> 00:08:47,641 ...there still haven't been any reportsof the other Straw Hats being seen. 113 00:08:52,031 --> 00:08:53,771 What should we do, Commander?! 114 00:08:57,001 --> 00:08:59,871 They're probably having ahard time finding the jail. 115 00:09:00,461 --> 00:09:02,621 I guess we'll lead the way. 116 00:09:02,621 --> 00:09:03,401 Huh? 117 00:09:03,801 --> 00:09:06,591 You go ahead of them and wait. 118 00:09:06,831 --> 00:09:09,381 Be sure not to act hastily. 119 00:09:10,821 --> 00:09:11,331 Yes, sir! 120 00:09:18,331 --> 00:09:23,271 Well, why don't we ensure ourvictory by making the first move? 121 00:09:27,821 --> 00:09:28,811 Ow... 122 00:09:29,811 --> 00:09:31,601 What're you doing, Sanji? 123 00:09:31,601 --> 00:09:32,241 Shh! 124 00:09:33,441 --> 00:09:37,731 Dammit! I guess we have toforce our way through after all. 125 00:09:41,531 --> 00:09:44,611 Hey, it's unguarded down there! 126 00:09:44,771 --> 00:09:46,421 Let's go, Luffy! We'll head down there! 127 00:09:47,581 --> 00:09:48,341 Okay! 128 00:09:54,861 --> 00:09:56,471 Hello! 129 00:09:56,771 --> 00:09:58,231 Reporting, sir! 130 00:09:58,931 --> 00:10:01,011 The one we captured earlier 131 00:10:01,201 --> 00:10:05,541 turned out to be a Straw Hat memberwhose name is Condoriano. 132 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:07,751 Condoriano? 133 00:10:07,751 --> 00:10:08,181 Yes, sir! 134 00:10:08,911 --> 00:10:11,681 He insists that he's Major Shepherd... 135 00:10:12,331 --> 00:10:15,011 ...but we think that it's clearly a lie. 136 00:10:15,531 --> 00:10:17,491 Okay, thanks. 137 00:10:23,381 --> 00:10:25,971 So there're two Shepherds, huh? 138 00:10:29,601 --> 00:10:30,291 Well... 139 00:10:53,481 --> 00:10:58,021 Hey, Zoro... Don't youthink this is kinda strange? 140 00:10:58,231 --> 00:11:00,691 Yeah. It gives me a bad feeling. 141 00:11:23,111 --> 00:11:24,481 Hm? Oh? 142 00:11:24,731 --> 00:11:26,931 You're... Mechao-san... 143 00:11:27,201 --> 00:11:30,751 Wh... What're you doing in a place like this?! 144 00:11:30,751 --> 00:11:34,261 What am I...? I just hada little matter to attend to. 145 00:11:34,261 --> 00:11:36,141 Pull them back already! 146 00:11:41,721 --> 00:11:43,941 Hmph! I see... 147 00:11:45,341 --> 00:11:46,791 So, what's your business? 148 00:11:46,791 --> 00:11:50,941 It's not with you! I need to talk tothat long-nose held captive there. 149 00:11:50,941 --> 00:11:54,811 Wha...?! Wait! I can't let youtalk to a prisoner so freely! 150 00:11:54,811 --> 00:11:57,221 It won't take long. Cut me some slack! 151 00:11:57,881 --> 00:11:58,671 Hey! 152 00:11:58,671 --> 00:12:01,131 Ah! You're the guy from...! 153 00:12:03,221 --> 00:12:05,381 Don't tell me somethinghappened to the Going Merry! 154 00:12:05,561 --> 00:12:11,161 Don't worry. Your ship is okay... for now... 155 00:12:12,181 --> 00:12:13,531 Good... 156 00:12:14,071 --> 00:12:16,691 You're the one whorepaired that ship, aren't you? 157 00:12:16,781 --> 00:12:19,641 Hm? Oh, sort of... 158 00:12:19,941 --> 00:12:22,671 The way you did it isn't acceptable. 159 00:12:22,951 --> 00:12:25,991 Unless you use splices,even if you nail the iron sheets, 160 00:12:25,991 --> 00:12:29,571 it'll break in no time whenstrong winds blow, you know. 161 00:12:29,691 --> 00:12:30,531 Splices? 162 00:12:30,861 --> 00:12:33,411 What? You don't even know what splices are? 163 00:12:33,411 --> 00:12:37,631 Well, actually, I'm not a maintenanceman or anything like that. 164 00:12:38,341 --> 00:12:40,791 The one that did those repairs was... 165 00:12:43,341 --> 00:12:46,221 Someone did them in just one night? 166 00:12:46,221 --> 00:12:49,021 Yeah. That was when we werein a place called a sky island 167 00:12:49,021 --> 00:12:51,831 that was 10,000 meters up in the sky, though. 168 00:12:51,831 --> 00:12:54,491 Hm? 10,000, you say? 169 00:12:54,491 --> 00:12:57,901 Yeah, yeah... You probablydon't believe it anyway, do you? 170 00:12:59,491 --> 00:13:03,401 Come to think of it, that shipfell from the sky, didn't it? 171 00:13:03,401 --> 00:13:05,521 What? You believe me?! 172 00:13:05,521 --> 00:13:09,321 Since I saw it with my own eyes,I have to believe it. 173 00:13:09,461 --> 00:13:11,391 Considering the angle at which it fell, 174 00:13:11,391 --> 00:13:14,311 it probably fell from aconsiderable height, so... 175 00:13:14,311 --> 00:13:18,341 You're right! We had a reallyhard time on the sky island! 176 00:13:18,341 --> 00:13:20,771 There was God and there wereangels... It was really tough! 177 00:13:20,771 --> 00:13:22,611 God and angels? 178 00:13:23,261 --> 00:13:26,041 You talk as if you died once. 179 00:13:26,041 --> 00:13:29,511 Far from just once, there weretons of times that I thought I'd die. 180 00:13:31,621 --> 00:13:33,391 There were, huh? 181 00:13:33,781 --> 00:13:36,211 By the way, about what you told me earlier... 182 00:13:36,211 --> 00:13:41,891 Was it foggy the night that this someonewho repaired the ship appeared? 183 00:13:42,181 --> 00:13:44,991 Yeah! Exactly! How did you know that?! 184 00:13:44,991 --> 00:13:48,781 Oh, do you, by any chance,know who that was?! 185 00:13:50,891 --> 00:13:53,591 That could be, you know... 186 00:13:53,911 --> 00:13:54,851 Uh-huh... 187 00:13:57,321 --> 00:13:58,671 Wh-What're you doing?! 188 00:13:58,671 --> 00:14:00,231 That's it, old man. 189 00:14:00,491 --> 00:14:02,991 We're quite busy with various things. 190 00:14:03,341 --> 00:14:04,221 Escort him out. 191 00:14:04,221 --> 00:14:04,791 Yes, sir! 192 00:14:04,791 --> 00:14:06,241 Hey, hey! 193 00:14:06,811 --> 00:14:11,741 W-Wait! Hey! Tell me who that was!! 194 00:14:11,911 --> 00:14:14,711 That's right. I forgot to tellyou something important! 195 00:14:14,841 --> 00:14:17,391 Listen, long-nose! When you repair the ship, 196 00:14:17,391 --> 00:14:20,101 pay attention to the areasthat you usually don't. 197 00:14:20,101 --> 00:14:24,321 Those areas are often theones most in need of repair! 198 00:14:24,321 --> 00:14:27,801 If you treasure your ship, don't forget that! 199 00:14:27,781 --> 00:14:29,651 You got that?! 200 00:14:30,051 --> 00:14:34,311 Yeah! I got it, old man! Thanks! 201 00:14:55,201 --> 00:14:56,651 Someone just came out! 202 00:14:56,761 --> 00:15:00,331 Yeah. But that place really is fishy. 203 00:15:01,111 --> 00:15:03,031 All right! Then shall we go?! 204 00:15:03,031 --> 00:15:06,021 Hold on! This is a little strange. 205 00:15:07,241 --> 00:15:10,561 We arrived here after wetook the deserted route. 206 00:15:10,781 --> 00:15:14,641 It's as if they're telling us whereZoro and Usopp are... Which means... 207 00:15:14,641 --> 00:15:17,841 I get it! The fortress guy is a nice guy! 208 00:15:19,521 --> 00:15:21,331 It's a trap. A trap! 209 00:15:22,721 --> 00:15:27,731 They're probably trying to savetime and send us straight into jail. 210 00:15:28,151 --> 00:15:30,161 Who cares? 211 00:15:30,171 --> 00:15:33,631 Either way, we can't rescue Zoroand Usopp unless we go inside, right? 212 00:15:33,781 --> 00:15:37,381 Idiot! Why would we want to gettrapped by our enemy so easil--?! Hm? 213 00:15:39,391 --> 00:15:43,431 It's true that it'd be better than wastingtime wandering around aimlessly. 214 00:15:43,581 --> 00:15:46,311 I'm also worried aboutNami-san and Robin-chan. 215 00:15:47,501 --> 00:15:50,081 Sanji, are you thinking it over? 216 00:15:50,081 --> 00:15:51,191 No, I'm not! 217 00:15:51,391 --> 00:15:52,181 You did, didn't you?! 218 00:15:52,181 --> 00:15:53,471 I said I didn't! 219 00:16:01,531 --> 00:16:03,541 There's nothing in here! 220 00:16:03,541 --> 00:16:05,221 Never mind that, get moving already! 221 00:16:05,501 --> 00:16:06,371 Alrighty! 222 00:16:07,961 --> 00:16:12,881 Hey, Zoro! Usopp! Where're you guys?! 223 00:16:13,691 --> 00:16:16,551 Oh? Did you hear Luffy's voice just now? 224 00:16:17,411 --> 00:16:19,261 Hey!! 225 00:16:19,701 --> 00:16:23,231 It's really Luffy! Hey, Luffy! We're right here! 226 00:16:23,371 --> 00:16:26,051 Sure you wanna do that?Those guys can hear too, you know. 227 00:16:28,051 --> 00:16:30,821 Luffy, don't come!No, I changed my mind! Come get us! 228 00:16:31,061 --> 00:16:32,571 Hey, what should I say? 229 00:16:33,221 --> 00:16:35,901 Beats me. Tell them to comeif they want to or something. 230 00:16:35,901 --> 00:16:37,021 Come if you want to! 231 00:16:37,391 --> 00:16:38,411 I heard a voice! 232 00:16:38,691 --> 00:16:39,691 It's this way! 233 00:16:39,811 --> 00:16:41,151 Umph! 234 00:16:41,401 --> 00:16:43,481 Oh, no... They came... 235 00:16:43,481 --> 00:16:44,901 Be careful, Luffy! 236 00:16:44,901 --> 00:16:46,271 They're here! 237 00:16:46,271 --> 00:16:48,451 Hold on! I'll get you... out... 238 00:16:48,451 --> 00:16:49,691 What the...?! 239 00:16:50,081 --> 00:16:53,431 Oh, I see! This is the Sea Prism Stone's doing! 240 00:16:53,611 --> 00:16:55,081 We've been waiting for you! 241 00:16:56,681 --> 00:16:59,291 Surrender obediently, Straw Hat! 242 00:16:59,721 --> 00:17:02,301 Ha! You are making light of us, aren't you?! 243 00:17:02,301 --> 00:17:04,591 You think that's enough to stop us?! 244 00:17:04,591 --> 00:17:06,171 Is this still not enough? 245 00:17:10,631 --> 00:17:13,051 It's all the same to me, idiots. 246 00:17:13,051 --> 00:17:15,571 Now, what should I do? 247 00:17:16,361 --> 00:17:17,961 For starters...! 248 00:17:20,131 --> 00:17:21,161 What's he doing?! 249 00:17:23,101 --> 00:17:25,041 Ha! It's painful to watch! 250 00:17:25,301 --> 00:17:28,201 Those bars can't be broken unlessyou use a cannon or something. 251 00:17:30,031 --> 00:17:32,671 Dammit! These bars sure are tough! 252 00:17:32,941 --> 00:17:35,391 Cannon...? Oh, yeah! 253 00:17:35,581 --> 00:17:38,051 Sanji! Hey, hey, hey... 254 00:17:38,051 --> 00:17:40,471 Take what's inside my pocket! 255 00:17:40,471 --> 00:17:41,301 Your pocket?! 256 00:17:41,541 --> 00:17:45,291 I have an Impact Dial in there.Use it to break these bars! 257 00:17:45,821 --> 00:17:50,431 Impact Dial... Hey, it causespain to the user, you know! 258 00:17:50,671 --> 00:17:54,441 This is no time to worry about that!Now, take it already! 259 00:17:56,661 --> 00:17:59,281 What're they talking about now? 260 00:17:59,391 --> 00:18:01,071 Give up gracefully! 261 00:18:02,801 --> 00:18:04,701 Well, wait a sec, gorilla man. 262 00:18:04,701 --> 00:18:06,961 I'll show you something remarkable,so keep your mouth shut. 263 00:18:07,701 --> 00:18:08,661 A seashell? 264 00:18:08,661 --> 00:18:11,391 It won't be my fault if youget hurt standing there. 265 00:18:12,021 --> 00:18:13,451 Oh, yeah, that's right... 266 00:18:13,921 --> 00:18:14,831 Here we go! 267 00:18:16,991 --> 00:18:19,001 "This well-tempered snake"? 268 00:18:29,871 --> 00:18:31,291 That total moron! 269 00:18:31,491 --> 00:18:35,331 What's that? Are you trying totell us that's your secret weapon?! 270 00:18:37,681 --> 00:18:39,311 Shut up! Or I'll gut you! 271 00:18:39,781 --> 00:18:41,771 Yipes, he's scary! A backlash! 272 00:18:41,771 --> 00:18:46,211 Ah! Um, Sanji-kun, sorry!It's actually in the other pocket. 273 00:18:46,421 --> 00:18:49,521 Here. It's this side. This side... This... 274 00:19:02,181 --> 00:19:04,151 Flavor... It stinks! 275 00:19:04,421 --> 00:19:06,131 Th-This is...! 276 00:19:06,271 --> 00:19:07,901 I-It stinks! 277 00:19:08,731 --> 00:19:12,981 Who the hell stored a fart in my Flavor Dial? 278 00:19:13,181 --> 00:19:15,981 I... I'm... sorry... 279 00:19:17,061 --> 00:19:18,931 I guess I didn't have to ask. 280 00:19:23,991 --> 00:19:26,811 Watch out! It's gonna explode! Get down! 281 00:19:48,891 --> 00:19:50,431 An explosion in the jail! 282 00:19:50,431 --> 00:19:52,601 It's an emergency! Hurry up! 283 00:20:02,571 --> 00:20:04,191 Hey, are you okay?! 284 00:20:05,371 --> 00:20:07,671 Escape... successful? 285 00:20:07,891 --> 00:20:10,101 Looks like it. 286 00:20:12,811 --> 00:20:15,991 Ouch!! 287 00:20:14,641 --> 00:20:17,911 Help... 288 00:20:18,311 --> 00:20:20,251 Geez! What a pain in the ass! 289 00:20:25,361 --> 00:20:27,931 Now, there's no point staying here any longer. 290 00:20:28,241 --> 00:20:29,801 Let's get out of here already! 291 00:20:30,991 --> 00:20:31,811 Thank you! 292 00:20:32,641 --> 00:20:33,981 Let's go, Luffy! 293 00:20:33,981 --> 00:20:37,671 Alrighty! Guys, get out of here!! 294 00:20:37,941 --> 00:20:40,421 Ahh! Hey, hey! Wait a sec! 295 00:20:40,421 --> 00:20:43,771 Don't let Zoro go first! It won'tbe my fault if we get lost! 296 00:20:44,081 --> 00:20:46,021 Usopp, you jerk! 297 00:20:48,901 --> 00:20:50,501 Is everyone okay?! 298 00:20:50,501 --> 00:20:52,241 Y-Yes, somehow... 299 00:20:52,241 --> 00:20:55,621 Okay, then! Those whocan move, come with me! 300 00:20:55,621 --> 00:20:57,161 We'll go after the Straw Hats! 301 00:20:57,891 --> 00:21:01,631 Those fools! Our men shouldbe in place outside by now! 302 00:21:01,931 --> 00:21:04,431 We'll attack them from both sides andsend them to the netherworld this time! 303 00:21:11,721 --> 00:21:12,561 Oh? 304 00:21:13,181 --> 00:21:14,771 See?! We're lost! 305 00:21:14,771 --> 00:21:16,271 Where are we?! 306 00:21:16,271 --> 00:21:19,001 How can you get lost?! That's impossible! 307 00:21:19,001 --> 00:21:20,311 Shut up! 308 00:21:20,311 --> 00:21:25,771 Commander! I'm sorry!I failed to catch Straw Hat! 309 00:21:26,121 --> 00:21:29,831 What about the other members?Are Roronoa and the others with him?! 310 00:21:29,831 --> 00:21:31,751 Yes. Uh, well... 311 00:21:32,311 --> 00:21:36,771 Witnesses told me that they didn'tsee Condoriano with the others. 312 00:21:38,031 --> 00:21:42,071 I see... Lt. Commander,the bridge is guarded, right? 313 00:21:42,071 --> 00:21:43,011 Y-Yes, sir! 314 00:21:43,441 --> 00:21:45,721 Good! Well, don't be so discouraged. 315 00:21:45,721 --> 00:21:49,481 We'll still have manyopportunities to catch them. 316 00:22:00,701 --> 00:22:04,021 Looks like those kids made their move. 317 00:22:15,581 --> 00:22:25,661 Hurry up and get moving towards the future! 318 00:22:25,661 --> 00:22:33,761 Let's move ahead, pursuing our dreams 319 00:22:34,491 --> 00:22:46,311 All the answers are right here, pouring out 320 00:22:46,531 --> 00:22:52,841 Rush forth, rush forth,on the road opened before us 321 00:22:52,841 --> 00:22:58,531 Let's keep moving forward! We can do it! 322 00:22:58,531 --> 00:23:04,631 We won't give in, we won't give in,even if the obstacle is big 323 00:23:04,631 --> 00:23:14,211 It's nothing to be scared of,we can overcome it 324 00:23:25,201 --> 00:23:26,281 A trap?! 325 00:23:26,281 --> 00:23:29,081 Which means something fun might happen! 326 00:23:29,081 --> 00:23:31,551 Well, worrying about annoying crap is annoying. 327 00:23:31,551 --> 00:23:33,591 We'll see what kind of trap it is. 328 00:23:33,591 --> 00:23:37,581 So you think you can escapefrom Navarone? And from me? 329 00:23:37,581 --> 00:23:40,331 We won't get caught! We're pirates! 330 00:23:40,881 --> 00:23:42,171 On the next episode of One Piece! 331 00:23:42,171 --> 00:23:45,801 "Enter the Hot-Blooded Special Forces!Battle on the Bridge!" 332 00:23:45,801 --> 00:23:47,881 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!