1 00:00:32,311 --> 00:00:35,791 Did you know there's an awesome treasure at the end of this sea?! 2 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:40,191 And whoever gets it can be King of the Pirates! Isn't that exciting?! 3 00:00:40,191 --> 00:00:42,951 Unheard-of adventures are waiting! 4 00:00:45,401 --> 00:00:53,341 Bon voyage! Let that shred of courage grow 5 00:00:53,341 --> 00:01:00,941 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 6 00:01:00,941 --> 00:01:08,861 The horizons everyone dreamed of were separate at first 7 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:16,021 but now they can be seen through a single telescope 8 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:25,151 A bitter compass of destiny is leading your heart astray 9 00:01:25,151 --> 00:01:28,281 so turn the wheel in the other direction! 10 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:30,161 Bon voyage! 11 00:01:30,161 --> 00:01:35,241 Toss aside your bonds and your past 12 00:01:35,511 --> 00:01:42,421 We can surely smile despite that 13 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:52,011 Tears shed trying to achieve your dreams aren't for naught 14 00:01:52,011 --> 00:01:56,491 Precious in my life 15 00:01:57,311 --> 00:02:04,981 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 16 00:02:08,361 --> 00:02:12,961 "The Gold and Waver Recovery Operations!" 17 00:02:16,451 --> 00:02:20,051 All right, then! Here we go, guys! Ready?! 18 00:02:20,241 --> 00:02:21,041 Yeah! 19 00:02:21,041 --> 00:02:23,261 Wait, wait! Wait, you guys! 20 00:02:23,491 --> 00:02:24,971 What's wrong, Usopp? 21 00:02:25,281 --> 00:02:29,801 Geez, you guys! Are you just gonna go without thinking this over?! 22 00:02:33,351 --> 00:02:36,101 This doesn't bode well at all. 23 00:02:36,291 --> 00:02:40,191 Seven people running around will stand out way too much! 24 00:02:40,191 --> 00:02:41,651 That's true, come to think of it. 25 00:02:41,651 --> 00:02:45,621 And even though it is disguised,I'm worried about Merry! 26 00:02:45,621 --> 00:02:47,701 Yeah, given this level of quality. 27 00:02:47,941 --> 00:02:50,731 They'll notice, even though it's so perfect?! 28 00:02:50,731 --> 00:02:52,981 There's such a thing as worrying too much. 29 00:02:52,981 --> 00:02:54,961 No one's gonna take this junky-- 30 00:02:54,181 --> 00:02:57,941 Don't call it junk! Besides,that isn't the issue here! 31 00:02:58,341 --> 00:03:02,501 Honestly! I'm the only onewho considers the unexpected! 32 00:03:03,011 --> 00:03:06,971 There's no doubt it's gonna getsunk the next time it's spotted! 33 00:03:07,391 --> 00:03:09,681 Plus... Nami! 34 00:03:09,871 --> 00:03:11,341 Huh? Me?! 35 00:03:11,481 --> 00:03:13,521 What happened to the Waver?! 36 00:03:13,681 --> 00:03:17,451 Oh, no! I left it hidden in some grass! 37 00:03:17,451 --> 00:03:19,151 See what I mean! 38 00:03:19,321 --> 00:03:20,221 My bad! 39 00:03:20,221 --> 00:03:22,931 Forgetful Nami-san is lovely, too! 40 00:03:23,671 --> 00:03:25,891 Well, stupidity aside... 41 00:03:26,171 --> 00:03:31,291 All right, men. I'll now explainthe plan. So listen good! 42 00:03:32,711 --> 00:03:33,501 Tadah! 43 00:03:34,091 --> 00:03:35,961 Okay, gentlemen! 44 00:03:36,511 --> 00:03:40,881 I'll now explain the plan!First, the gold recovery team! 45 00:03:40,881 --> 00:03:47,251 This will consist of Luffy, Zoro,Robin, and me, Captain Usopp-sama! 46 00:03:47,681 --> 00:03:53,491 And the Waver recovery team willconsist of Nami and one other! 47 00:03:53,961 --> 00:03:54,791 Sanji! 48 00:03:59,031 --> 00:04:01,511 Nice plan, Usopp! 49 00:04:02,371 --> 00:04:04,731 Let's work hard, okay?! 50 00:04:04,821 --> 00:04:05,881 Yeah, yeah. 51 00:04:06,341 --> 00:04:07,681 Dumbass eyebrows. 52 00:04:07,861 --> 00:04:09,381 What was that?! 53 00:04:09,521 --> 00:04:13,281 Hey, Usopp! Are you leaving mealone with the ship again?! 54 00:04:13,501 --> 00:04:15,231 Don't worry! 55 00:04:15,231 --> 00:04:18,181 Merry's completely disguised,so you can almost rest easy! 56 00:04:18,301 --> 00:04:19,241 Almost?! 57 00:04:19,591 --> 00:04:23,591 Plus, who's gonna tend to ourinjuries if something happens?! 58 00:04:24,641 --> 00:04:25,711 Super Doctor! 59 00:04:28,471 --> 00:04:31,601 You dummy! Praising mewon't help you, you jerk! 60 00:04:32,371 --> 00:04:35,461 Listen. Here's where we are now. 61 00:04:35,661 --> 00:04:38,461 The gold recovery teamwill avoid all regular routes 62 00:04:38,461 --> 00:04:41,601 and take the shortest path alongthe coast to the storage vault. 63 00:04:42,481 --> 00:04:45,561 Nami. Do you rememberwhere you hid the Waver? 64 00:04:45,731 --> 00:04:49,081 Yes. By the bay on theeastern side of the island. 65 00:04:49,081 --> 00:04:52,421 At the base of the rim... Right around here. 66 00:04:54,441 --> 00:04:56,741 Almost the exact opposite side... 67 00:04:57,331 --> 00:05:00,791 It'll take too long to go by land... 68 00:05:03,371 --> 00:05:04,791 Yes! Right there! 69 00:05:05,201 --> 00:05:08,901 Nami! You two rush across the bay in that boat! 70 00:05:09,901 --> 00:05:14,851 And we'll all meet back here,at the Going Merry! 71 00:05:15,081 --> 00:05:16,741 Right! 72 00:05:22,941 --> 00:05:26,191 Huh? You're still there? You can leave now... 73 00:05:26,191 --> 00:05:29,451 The head chef has ordered me to stand watch 74 00:05:29,451 --> 00:05:32,331 until you've eaten everything on your plate! 75 00:05:32,531 --> 00:05:37,001 Even if you dine in yourprivate quarters, rules are rules! 76 00:05:37,001 --> 00:05:39,141 You must eat every last bite! 77 00:05:40,771 --> 00:05:42,411 That lousy Jessica... 78 00:05:43,541 --> 00:05:44,791 You too, General! 79 00:05:44,791 --> 00:05:45,871 Eh?! 80 00:05:45,871 --> 00:05:48,001 We've prepared plenty for you! 81 00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:50,421 Please eat up! 82 00:05:50,791 --> 00:05:53,261 You don't like broccoli either, General? 83 00:05:53,361 --> 00:05:56,051 No, for me, it's tomatoes and carrots... 84 00:05:58,621 --> 00:06:00,591 Oh! Lieutenant Commander! 85 00:06:00,771 --> 00:06:04,411 Oh, are you eating? I'll come back later, then. 86 00:06:04,411 --> 00:06:08,161 No, no! This is an exception!You came at just the right time! 87 00:06:08,161 --> 00:06:08,651 Sir? 88 00:06:08,651 --> 00:06:11,671 I was just about to call for you! 89 00:06:11,801 --> 00:06:13,171 O-Oh... 90 00:06:13,421 --> 00:06:17,781 Commander! I apologize for letting theStraw Hats escape three separate times! 91 00:06:17,921 --> 00:06:22,491 Oh, that doesn't matter right now!Say, have you eaten yet? 92 00:06:22,501 --> 00:06:25,541 --No...--That's not good! Not good at all! 93 00:06:25,541 --> 00:06:27,361 You can't fight on an empty stomach! 94 00:06:27,361 --> 00:06:30,871 In fact, it's your duty as ahigh-ranking officer to eat first! 95 00:06:30,871 --> 00:06:33,041 It's harder for lower-rankingpeople to eat otherwise! 96 00:06:33,041 --> 00:06:33,841 Right... 97 00:06:34,001 --> 00:06:38,211 There's no need to act reserved! Eat right up! 98 00:06:43,051 --> 00:06:45,621 Tell her it was exceptionally delicious! 99 00:06:45,621 --> 00:06:46,691 Understood. 100 00:06:56,601 --> 00:07:01,101 I'll crush you fools and this hedgehog in no time flat! 101 00:07:01,101 --> 00:07:03,801 Look forward to it, you damn commander! 102 00:07:04,251 --> 00:07:07,061 {\an8}"Justice" 103 00:07:09,131 --> 00:07:10,671 It's almost time... 104 00:07:11,461 --> 00:07:14,541 Looks like we'll need to reorganize our units. 105 00:07:14,541 --> 00:07:17,831 So the plan is to hurry aheadof them and block their path? 106 00:07:17,961 --> 00:07:21,811 Yes. General, contact each unit immediately. 107 00:07:21,811 --> 00:07:22,441 Yes, sir! 108 00:07:26,321 --> 00:07:28,891 Attention, all warshipson standby! Urgent orders! 109 00:07:29,141 --> 00:07:32,661 Monitor the area aroundthe Sea Gate and the bay! 110 00:07:33,081 --> 00:07:35,261 What about my unit? 111 00:07:35,331 --> 00:07:40,101 Send your men to the Sea Gateas soon as they've finished eating. 112 00:07:40,101 --> 00:07:41,161 Understood! 113 00:07:44,381 --> 00:07:45,271 You! 114 00:07:46,731 --> 00:07:51,211 Why, hello there, Condoriano-- Oh, pardon me. 115 00:07:52,771 --> 00:07:56,081 I mean, Special Inspector Major Shepherd! 116 00:07:56,811 --> 00:08:02,441 Commander Jonathan. I hear youlet the Straw Hat pirates escape. 117 00:08:03,091 --> 00:08:07,891 Not at all. They are likely stillhiding inside this fortress. 118 00:08:08,121 --> 00:08:12,591 Oh? And you can eat a leisurelymeal knowing that, huh?! 119 00:08:12,591 --> 00:08:14,861 You must not have a care in the world! 120 00:08:15,191 --> 00:08:19,791 It's no wonder they secretly callyou a peace-addict hedgehog. 121 00:08:19,791 --> 00:08:21,121 Oh, I'm sorry. 122 00:08:21,121 --> 00:08:23,421 No, think nothing of it. 123 00:08:23,651 --> 00:08:27,491 So, I assume you know whatthey're sneaking around for? 124 00:08:28,171 --> 00:08:30,111 For the most part. 125 00:08:30,111 --> 00:08:34,181 I believe they'll come back toretrieve some gold they forgot about. 126 00:08:34,321 --> 00:08:35,901 Gold, huh? 127 00:08:36,781 --> 00:08:42,721 Still, we've certainly declinedfrom our former dauntless selves. 128 00:08:42,721 --> 00:08:47,141 Major. If you have anysage advice, might I ask for it? 129 00:08:47,531 --> 00:08:51,971 I could put you in charge of anespecially skilled unit if you'd like... 130 00:08:52,331 --> 00:08:53,981 Don't be absurd. 131 00:08:54,311 --> 00:09:00,211 You know you're the most worthyto command this "skilled unit." 132 00:09:01,711 --> 00:09:06,651 Incidentally, where are the menwho mistook me for a Straw Hat? 133 00:09:06,851 --> 00:09:09,681 Why do you want to know that? 134 00:09:11,371 --> 00:09:13,801 So I can court martial them, naturally. 135 00:09:14,321 --> 00:09:19,561 It was I who gave the orders tocapture all suspicious people on sight. 136 00:09:20,081 --> 00:09:22,251 All they did was follow those orders. 137 00:09:22,911 --> 00:09:24,851 Am I a suspicious person? 138 00:09:24,851 --> 00:09:26,721 Under those circumstances. 139 00:09:26,861 --> 00:09:28,681 We seem to have a conflict of views. 140 00:09:29,051 --> 00:09:30,871 I've just remembered something I need to do. 141 00:09:30,871 --> 00:09:32,811 I'll return here once I'm done. 142 00:09:35,191 --> 00:09:37,571 Commander. Will you be all right?! 143 00:09:39,081 --> 00:09:43,351 He's a proud HQ inspector whoinsists that G8 is wholly unnecessary. 144 00:09:43,501 --> 00:09:46,681 He would never takecommand of this branch base. 145 00:09:46,681 --> 00:09:48,361 That wasn't what I meant! 146 00:09:49,011 --> 00:09:50,041 Now, then. 147 00:09:50,491 --> 00:09:54,701 Prepare to dispatch the mostpowerful squad in all of G8! 148 00:09:54,701 --> 00:09:56,041 Not more of your jokes... 149 00:09:56,171 --> 00:09:58,001 I am serious. 150 00:10:07,591 --> 00:10:09,511 Those damn fools... 151 00:10:09,611 --> 00:10:10,351 Hey! 152 00:10:11,281 --> 00:10:14,851 The Stan Marey entered portthis morning-- where's its captain?! 153 00:10:15,151 --> 00:10:17,691 Sir! He's been in the infirmary this entire time! 154 00:10:17,841 --> 00:10:20,821 The infirmary?! What's he doing there?! 155 00:10:21,171 --> 00:10:24,311 Apparently, many of his crew were injured, 156 00:10:24,311 --> 00:10:26,361 so he's probably there out of concern for them. 157 00:10:26,361 --> 00:10:27,861 Call him here! Right now! 158 00:10:27,851 --> 00:10:28,701 Yes, sir! 159 00:10:30,931 --> 00:10:33,861 He said they're after gold... 160 00:10:33,971 --> 00:10:37,271 And there's only one placein this fortress that could be! 161 00:10:37,501 --> 00:10:39,911 Just you watch, you worthless commander! 162 00:10:40,141 --> 00:10:43,971 I'll catch that Straw Hat myselfand crush this entire fortress! 163 00:10:49,471 --> 00:10:51,741 I hope everyone is all right... 164 00:10:52,561 --> 00:10:56,161 I'm so lonely! 165 00:10:57,151 --> 00:10:59,031 The stars! The moon! 166 00:10:59,281 --> 00:11:02,781 And I'm all alone with Nami-san in a boat beneath them! 167 00:11:03,301 --> 00:11:07,341 What a wonderful situation!I feel like I'm dreaming! 168 00:11:08,461 --> 00:11:10,801 The warships in the bay are moving! 169 00:11:11,841 --> 00:11:14,041 What are they doing? I havea bad feeling about this! 170 00:11:14,641 --> 00:11:16,741 Sanji-kun! Go faster! 171 00:11:16,741 --> 00:11:19,331 Yes! As you wish! 172 00:11:19,331 --> 00:11:21,341 Oh, but row quietly! 173 00:11:21,341 --> 00:11:22,881 You got it! 174 00:11:24,171 --> 00:11:25,591 All clear on the left and right... 175 00:11:26,811 --> 00:11:29,431 There's no telling wherethere could be soldiers, 176 00:11:29,431 --> 00:11:31,271 so we gotta move around unnoticed! 177 00:11:31,271 --> 00:11:33,221 It'll be a miracle if we don't get noticed! 178 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:40,331 Long-nose! We'll be fine for a while. 179 00:11:40,331 --> 00:11:42,231 Why couldn't you say so sooner?! 180 00:11:44,631 --> 00:11:46,361 What are you sleeping for?! 181 00:11:46,991 --> 00:11:48,561 Get your act together, will ya?! 182 00:11:50,111 --> 00:11:51,911 He has no sense of tension at all... 183 00:11:55,651 --> 00:11:56,571 Commander. 184 00:11:56,571 --> 00:12:00,871 Placing units all along the bay willleave the base itself undermanned. 185 00:12:01,151 --> 00:12:02,711 It can't be helped. 186 00:12:02,711 --> 00:12:06,671 Against this adversary,cautiousness amounts to nothing. 187 00:12:06,821 --> 00:12:11,511 But having them prance around as ifthey own the place is a bit much. 188 00:12:11,791 --> 00:12:14,791 What do you say we mobilize the new recruits? 189 00:12:14,951 --> 00:12:17,471 No. It's too dangerous for them. 190 00:12:17,871 --> 00:12:21,081 I thought you might say that,so I kept it quiet until now, 191 00:12:21,271 --> 00:12:23,981 but many have actuallyalready volunteered to do it. 192 00:12:24,521 --> 00:12:26,821 They are already members of our forces, 193 00:12:27,111 --> 00:12:30,341 and have the same feelings offondness for this fortress as we do! 194 00:12:30,451 --> 00:12:31,581 Is that so? 195 00:12:32,321 --> 00:12:37,681 In that case, order themto observe and report only-- 196 00:12:37,681 --> 00:12:39,551 no getting involved. 197 00:12:39,951 --> 00:12:42,211 Yes, sir! I'm sure they'll be delighted! 198 00:12:42,561 --> 00:12:47,211 By the by. I have one otherrequest for you, General... 199 00:12:47,211 --> 00:12:48,141 Yes? 200 00:13:05,081 --> 00:13:06,811 What?! That's insane! 201 00:13:07,261 --> 00:13:11,311 The Stan Marey is crippled andstill being repaired as we speak! 202 00:13:11,591 --> 00:13:16,071 That doesn't mean every ship inyour fleet is out of commission. 203 00:13:16,071 --> 00:13:20,691 That's true, but there are soldierswho still can't even walk 204 00:13:20,691 --> 00:13:24,301 after the storm we ran into on our way here! 205 00:13:24,731 --> 00:13:28,821 Captain. Are you arguing with me, 206 00:13:28,951 --> 00:13:32,781 a special inspector dispatched from HQ? 207 00:13:32,781 --> 00:13:36,301 N-No, it's not like that... But... 208 00:13:36,551 --> 00:13:39,791 Then gather all your men! 209 00:13:39,941 --> 00:13:41,621 Half will stay with me; 210 00:13:41,621 --> 00:13:45,681 the rest will board the Pinepeakand wait for my orders! 211 00:13:46,291 --> 00:13:51,981 I'm gonna show this useless fortress'fools the power of Navy HQ! 212 00:13:53,801 --> 00:13:57,461 Hey! Zoro! You keepin' up?! 213 00:13:57,461 --> 00:13:59,451 Just shut up, will ya?! 214 00:14:01,091 --> 00:14:02,951 Robin! Are we almost there yet? 215 00:14:02,951 --> 00:14:03,751 Just a little more. 216 00:14:10,581 --> 00:14:12,041 Is it really there?! 217 00:14:12,271 --> 00:14:13,561 There's only a door! 218 00:14:13,561 --> 00:14:15,181 Yes, assuming the map is correct. 219 00:14:15,181 --> 00:14:17,161 Then the vault is behind there?! 220 00:14:17,161 --> 00:14:21,021 Yes. Breaking in through thereshould be the shortest route! 221 00:14:21,021 --> 00:14:23,541 Then it's decided!We've got no choice but to go! 222 00:14:24,941 --> 00:14:33,021 All right! Let's do this thing! Usopp Aa-aa-aa! 223 00:14:36,141 --> 00:14:37,451 All right! 224 00:14:38,811 --> 00:14:40,191 All right! 225 00:14:40,871 --> 00:14:42,491 Let's go, Usopp! 226 00:14:42,491 --> 00:14:43,051 Eh?! 227 00:14:47,281 --> 00:14:48,991 {\an8}"Aaahhhhhh!" 228 00:14:53,371 --> 00:14:55,141 W-We're gonna crash! 229 00:15:05,841 --> 00:15:07,611 Usopp. Don't get left behind. 230 00:15:09,151 --> 00:15:10,881 Say, wanna do that again?! 231 00:15:10,881 --> 00:15:12,731 Screw that! I'm never doing that again! 232 00:15:17,161 --> 00:15:19,891 All right! No marines! 233 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:23,931 Pardon the intrusion! 234 00:15:28,121 --> 00:15:29,271 Nami-san. Watch your step. 235 00:15:29,271 --> 00:15:30,141 Thanks. 236 00:15:31,131 --> 00:15:33,211 We can't afford to cause an uproar. 237 00:15:33,371 --> 00:15:36,141 Looks like our only choiceis to go along the coast now. 238 00:15:36,341 --> 00:15:40,401 There's no time for us tobe dealing with marines! 239 00:15:40,931 --> 00:15:42,801 Sanji-kun! Let's hurry! 240 00:15:42,801 --> 00:15:44,191 Okay! 241 00:15:47,291 --> 00:15:50,461 We're almost there, men! Push forward! 242 00:15:50,751 --> 00:15:51,401 I see it! 243 00:15:51,911 --> 00:15:53,451 It's right down there! 244 00:15:56,771 --> 00:15:58,821 The vault is at the end here! 245 00:15:58,921 --> 00:16:01,741 All right! I'm coming for you, gold! 246 00:16:02,091 --> 00:16:05,491 We made it here so easily.Something's not right... 247 00:16:35,071 --> 00:16:35,861 All right! 248 00:16:40,031 --> 00:16:41,791 P-Pirates! 249 00:16:42,611 --> 00:16:45,201 Y-You're not going any further! 250 00:16:45,681 --> 00:16:49,641 Knock it off. We're notplannin' to do anything crazy, 251 00:16:49,641 --> 00:16:53,121 like destroy the fortress or slaughter you. 252 00:16:53,121 --> 00:16:56,291 Quiet! As disrupters of peace,you have to be punished! 253 00:16:56,481 --> 00:16:59,161 We just told you, we're not gonna do anything! 254 00:16:59,161 --> 00:17:01,551 Like I can really believe some pirates! 255 00:17:01,711 --> 00:17:05,851 We are proud to protect these waters,together with our commander! 256 00:17:05,851 --> 00:17:09,141 In other words, you're trying to say you'll risk your life? 257 00:17:09,561 --> 00:17:10,721 Obviously! 258 00:17:16,891 --> 00:17:21,881 Then go eat a lot and train some damn more! 259 00:17:32,271 --> 00:17:35,461 What is this?! Awesome! 260 00:17:35,751 --> 00:17:37,531 That's quite heavy security. 261 00:17:37,751 --> 00:17:42,621 Yeah, this is definitely theperfect place to hide gold! 262 00:17:42,621 --> 00:17:46,221 I bet there's lots of other goodstuff in there besides our gold! 263 00:17:46,451 --> 00:17:47,991 So, what do we do? 264 00:17:47,991 --> 00:17:51,141 Gum-Gum Pistol! 265 00:17:56,541 --> 00:17:57,781 Sorry, Zoro. 266 00:17:58,251 --> 00:17:59,081 Hey! 267 00:17:59,081 --> 00:18:00,111 Sorry... 268 00:18:00,111 --> 00:18:02,191 Brute strength won't open it! 269 00:18:02,931 --> 00:18:07,191 With this vault, you turn these dials,and when the numbers match, 270 00:18:07,191 --> 00:18:13,921 the gears above turn, the boltscome undone, and the door opens! 271 00:18:14,171 --> 00:18:16,171 Got that, lady and gentlemen?! 272 00:18:19,681 --> 00:18:20,711 That's far enough! 273 00:18:38,301 --> 00:18:40,151 So they were waiting for us. 274 00:18:40,411 --> 00:18:41,641 It would seem so. 275 00:18:42,461 --> 00:18:46,431 You're trapped like rats!Give yourselves up quietly! 276 00:18:46,431 --> 00:18:47,241 Do so now and-- 277 00:18:48,021 --> 00:18:50,511 What proud, great pirates would ever give up 278 00:18:50,511 --> 00:18:52,791 when there's treasure right in front of 'em?! 279 00:18:55,161 --> 00:18:57,041 They're all yours now! 280 00:18:57,131 --> 00:18:58,111 Hey! 281 00:19:00,401 --> 00:19:01,661 Damn you pirates! 282 00:19:01,781 --> 00:19:04,211 How dare you?! Fire! 283 00:19:11,601 --> 00:19:14,001 Usopp! Take care of the vault! 284 00:19:14,001 --> 00:19:14,841 Consider it taken care of! 285 00:19:25,851 --> 00:19:28,171 Well, Long-nose? Can you handle it? 286 00:19:29,931 --> 00:19:33,081 This is really Nami's specialty, 287 00:19:33,201 --> 00:19:36,371 but a lock of this levelis a piece of cake for me! 288 00:19:37,241 --> 00:19:38,421 All right! 289 00:19:38,841 --> 00:19:40,021 First one! 290 00:19:44,881 --> 00:19:46,261 W-What?! 291 00:19:47,181 --> 00:19:49,091 It's instant death if those hit you. 292 00:19:49,091 --> 00:19:50,641 They come off?! 293 00:19:51,091 --> 00:19:55,061 One slip-up, and my headcould get smashed in! 294 00:19:56,321 --> 00:19:59,611 Gum-Gum Pistol! 295 00:20:00,621 --> 00:20:01,311 Now! 296 00:20:04,391 --> 00:20:07,791 Luffy! Don't stretch your armsout too much! They'll cut 'em! 297 00:20:07,791 --> 00:20:08,361 Right! 298 00:20:13,441 --> 00:20:15,281 Yes! The second one! 299 00:20:19,681 --> 00:20:24,301 Lt. Commander. All ships arenow at their designated locations. 300 00:20:24,421 --> 00:20:28,731 Good! Tell them to wait as-isuntil orders are given! 301 00:20:28,731 --> 00:20:29,051 Yes, sir! 302 00:20:31,631 --> 00:20:33,511 Fifty more minutes... 303 00:20:38,731 --> 00:20:40,251 I surrender! 304 00:20:44,581 --> 00:20:45,981 Nice, Robin! 305 00:20:48,621 --> 00:20:49,991 I'm surrounded... 306 00:20:55,701 --> 00:20:57,281 Treinta Fleurs! 307 00:21:00,141 --> 00:21:02,871 They just keep on coming!There's no end to 'em! 308 00:21:03,141 --> 00:21:04,941 Usopp! Is it open yet?! 309 00:21:08,881 --> 00:21:10,321 It's open! 310 00:21:19,301 --> 00:21:20,811 Yes! 311 00:21:20,951 --> 00:21:21,981 Damn you! 312 00:21:23,951 --> 00:21:26,271 Whoa! 313 00:21:26,781 --> 00:21:28,191 All hands, retreat! 314 00:21:47,191 --> 00:21:50,181 Wow! This vault is so neat! 315 00:21:50,181 --> 00:21:51,711 What?! 316 00:21:54,691 --> 00:21:57,751 There's no gold at all! 317 00:22:00,171 --> 00:22:04,321 I won't let you escape from Navarone so easily. 318 00:22:15,581 --> 00:22:25,661 Hurry up and get moving towards the future! 319 00:22:25,661 --> 00:22:33,761 Let's move ahead, pursuing our dreams 320 00:22:34,491 --> 00:22:46,311 All the answers are right here, pouring out 321 00:22:46,531 --> 00:22:52,841 Rush forth, rush forth, on the road opened before us 322 00:22:52,841 --> 00:22:58,531 Let's keep moving forward! We can do it! 323 00:22:58,531 --> 00:23:04,631 We won't give in, we won't give in, even if the obstacle is big 324 00:23:04,631 --> 00:23:14,211 It's nothing to be scared of, we can overcome it 325 00:23:25,331 --> 00:23:29,121 It's payback time for all yourcountless insults toward me! 326 00:23:29,121 --> 00:23:29,451 Oh! 327 00:23:29,451 --> 00:23:32,621 My special unit from HQ will take care of you Straw Hats! 328 00:23:32,621 --> 00:23:33,161 Oh! 329 00:23:33,161 --> 00:23:36,671 This is the latest portable bazooka, the Eagle Launcher! 330 00:23:36,671 --> 00:23:37,821 Oh! So cool! 331 00:23:37,971 --> 00:23:39,281 Now you die! 332 00:23:39,281 --> 00:23:40,081 Yeah! 333 00:23:40,081 --> 00:23:40,651 Hey, you! 334 00:23:40,811 --> 00:23:42,061 On the next episode of One Piece! 335 00:23:42,061 --> 00:23:45,251 "The One Fell Swoop Plan!Jonathan's Surefire Secret Tactic" 336 00:23:45,251 --> 00:23:47,181 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!