1 00:00:11,301 --> 00:02:05,871 2 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,271 It's all right! Now let's move forward 3 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:26,691 with the sun always in our hearts 4 00:00:26,691 --> 00:00:30,071 As power passes through our clasped hands 5 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:34,361 let's grab hold of our wishes 6 00:00:41,201 --> 00:00:48,751 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 7 00:00:48,751 --> 00:00:55,921 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 8 00:00:55,921 --> 00:01:02,891 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 9 00:01:02,891 --> 00:01:10,021 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 10 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:13,531 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 11 00:01:13,531 --> 00:01:17,361 but what you cherish most will be right there 12 00:01:17,361 --> 00:01:21,411 And if you get into a jam 13 00:01:21,411 --> 00:01:24,411 I'll always be there to protect you 14 00:01:24,411 --> 00:01:28,671 It's all right! Now let's move forward 15 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,131 with the sun always in our hearts 16 00:01:32,131 --> 00:01:35,381 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 17 00:01:35,381 --> 00:01:39,641 and gaze at the light beyond 18 00:01:39,641 --> 00:01:43,351 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 19 00:01:43,351 --> 00:01:46,641 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 20 00:01:46,641 --> 00:01:50,061 So let's grab hold of our wishes 21 00:01:50,061 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 22 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:57,821 One Piece 23 00:02:06,171 --> 00:02:08,081 All right! All right! 24 00:02:08,911 --> 00:02:10,581 There's nothing at all! 25 00:02:13,881 --> 00:02:16,261 That ain't a giraffe... 26 00:02:16,261 --> 00:02:19,261 It's got a long neck, but it's a horse. A long-horse... 27 00:02:19,261 --> 00:02:23,351 Gum-Gum Whip! 28 00:02:27,561 --> 00:02:28,761 What's going on?! 29 00:02:29,391 --> 00:02:30,671 Actually... 30 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:33,561 ...I cut a bamboo tree and a spirit appeared! 31 00:02:39,631 --> 00:02:41,031 What are they planning?! 32 00:02:41,281 --> 00:02:43,911 We are the Foxy Pirates! 33 00:02:43,911 --> 00:02:48,291 Don't be hasty! All we want... is a showdown! 34 00:02:52,001 --> 00:02:55,241 "A Davy Back with the Foxy Pirates!" 35 00:02:59,011 --> 00:03:02,971 Come to my house! I'm in your debt! Let me offer you some hospitality! 36 00:03:02,971 --> 00:03:05,801 --All right! Food! --Yeah! 37 00:03:06,351 --> 00:03:08,271 It's good to see my house again! 38 00:03:09,131 --> 00:03:13,691 It's custom in this village to treat visitors to milk from our farm animals. 39 00:03:14,201 --> 00:03:16,821 Village? Where's the village? 40 00:03:16,821 --> 00:03:18,021 And your farm animals... 41 00:03:21,421 --> 00:03:23,071 What do you mean "where"? 42 00:03:25,201 --> 00:03:28,391 The village is gone! And the farm animals! 43 00:03:28,391 --> 00:03:32,501 Get real. Villages don't just disappear in ten years, you know. 44 00:03:33,251 --> 00:03:34,961 Oh, actually... 45 00:03:34,961 --> 00:03:39,251 Well, I can explain it later. For now, let me treat you. 46 00:03:39,691 --> 00:03:42,761 I believe I had some milk stored away... 47 00:03:44,471 --> 00:03:48,641 Stored away? You realize you were on those stilts for ten years, right? 48 00:03:53,101 --> 00:03:55,401 Hopefully this cheese is to your liking... 49 00:03:55,401 --> 00:03:59,271 Don't look away! That's obviously your ten-year-old milk! 50 00:03:59,671 --> 00:04:01,741 I see. That's a shame. 51 00:04:02,451 --> 00:04:04,611 Please make yourselves at home then. 52 00:04:05,101 --> 00:04:07,411 Huh? This cheese is edible, old guy? 53 00:04:07,411 --> 00:04:08,771 Don't even try! 54 00:04:09,651 --> 00:04:13,251 It's okay! It's only ten-year-old cheese! 55 00:04:13,251 --> 00:04:17,551 Unlike you folks, I live a laid-back life on this island. 56 00:04:17,551 --> 00:04:20,091 It's made my stomach different from yours. 57 00:04:20,091 --> 00:04:24,371 Honestly, now. Whippersnappers these days are so frail... 58 00:04:26,481 --> 00:04:28,781 Call... a doctor... 59 00:04:28,781 --> 00:04:30,931 I told you so, you idiot! 60 00:04:30,931 --> 00:04:32,431 Doctor! Doctor! 61 00:04:33,351 --> 00:04:34,231 Th-That's me! 62 00:04:35,941 --> 00:04:37,061 It's food poisoning. 63 00:04:37,061 --> 00:04:38,021 Obviously! 64 00:04:39,271 --> 00:04:40,861 You're funny, old guy! 65 00:04:42,031 --> 00:04:43,571 You're nomads? 66 00:04:43,571 --> 00:04:48,371 Yes. We're carefree nomads, always on the move. 67 00:04:48,631 --> 00:04:53,501 So that's how your village disappeared after only ten years... 68 00:04:54,001 --> 00:04:59,041 This is the island of Long Ring Long Land. Welcome. 69 00:04:59,711 --> 00:05:00,881 Thanks. 70 00:05:01,201 --> 00:05:05,011 It's technically a single ring-shaped island, 71 00:05:05,011 --> 00:05:08,841 but because of the sea, it's usually divided into ten separate islands. 72 00:05:09,341 --> 00:05:13,261 But on one day a year, the tide gets especially low, 73 00:05:13,261 --> 00:05:19,271 and for those few hours, the island regains its true, singular form. 74 00:05:19,651 --> 00:05:25,401 We use this fact to migrate from one island to the next every three years. 75 00:05:26,741 --> 00:05:30,631 So you got left behind after the village moved? 76 00:05:31,491 --> 00:05:34,411 I like you, old guy! You're a big dummy! 77 00:05:34,411 --> 00:05:36,721 If they stay on each island for three years, 78 00:05:36,721 --> 00:05:40,921 then it'd take 'em thirty years to come all the way back here. 79 00:05:40,921 --> 00:05:44,531 Taking away the time you were stuck on those stilts, 80 00:05:44,531 --> 00:05:47,381 you won't see them again for about twenty more years... 81 00:05:47,811 --> 00:05:49,511 Pretty much. 82 00:05:49,511 --> 00:05:53,601 If I only I had a hooorse. 83 00:05:53,831 --> 00:05:56,831 I could catch up to the others in five years 84 00:05:56,831 --> 00:05:59,791 by crossing to a new island once every year... 85 00:05:59,791 --> 00:06:01,771 "Hooorse"? 86 00:06:02,161 --> 00:06:06,441 Yes. The most beautiful animals on these islands. 87 00:06:06,441 --> 00:06:10,611 They gallop through the grassy plains so gracefully... 88 00:06:10,781 --> 00:06:15,081 They're absolutely necessary to migrate from island to island. 89 00:06:15,381 --> 00:06:18,861 They're strong and can carry large loads. 90 00:06:18,861 --> 00:06:21,211 I can't migrate on foot, either-- 91 00:06:21,211 --> 00:06:25,631 the tide would come back in before I even got across to the next island. 92 00:06:25,631 --> 00:06:27,301 Can't you just take a ship? 93 00:06:27,841 --> 00:06:30,951 We don't know how to sail. 94 00:06:30,951 --> 00:06:33,681 Besides, even if we charged a Log Pose here, 95 00:06:33,681 --> 00:06:36,871 it wouldn't point to the next island in the ring. 96 00:06:37,311 --> 00:06:40,641 All ten islands are actually one big island, after all. 97 00:06:41,121 --> 00:06:43,581 I'll just wait here twenty years. 98 00:06:44,061 --> 00:06:46,281 You sure? It'll be lonely... 99 00:06:47,691 --> 00:06:49,741 Oh, wait! 100 00:06:50,271 --> 00:06:52,781 Is a "hooorse" a "horse"? 101 00:06:53,661 --> 00:06:56,541 Oh, right! A horse! We saw one! 102 00:07:01,841 --> 00:07:05,921 Oh! Shelly! You waited for me?! 103 00:07:06,181 --> 00:07:10,881 Oh, Shelly! You're so adorable! This sure brings back memories! 104 00:07:10,881 --> 00:07:14,801 You've grown so long since I last saw you! 105 00:07:14,801 --> 00:07:16,101 That's a good girl! 106 00:07:16,101 --> 00:07:20,231 You must've been so lonely, all by yourself all those years! 107 00:07:20,591 --> 00:07:23,521 Thank you! Thank you! 108 00:07:23,521 --> 00:07:26,301 I'll never leave you again! 109 00:07:30,001 --> 00:07:32,611 She wants you to ride on her! 110 00:07:46,511 --> 00:07:51,621 Ah, so that horse was waiting for him the entire time... 111 00:07:51,621 --> 00:07:53,381 She's great! 112 00:07:53,621 --> 00:07:57,101 She must really like him a lot! 113 00:08:01,721 --> 00:08:05,981 Man, that horse sure is fast! I wanna ride too! 114 00:08:05,981 --> 00:08:08,401 She really is graceful! 115 00:08:08,941 --> 00:08:13,361 Shelly. Let's cross the sea together on the next low tide day! 116 00:08:14,031 --> 00:08:15,821 All those days with rain... 117 00:08:15,821 --> 00:08:17,991 All those days with snow... 118 00:08:17,991 --> 00:08:20,491 Thank you for waiting through it all! 119 00:08:29,611 --> 00:08:33,631 Shelly... Do you really insist on waiting for Tonjit-san? 120 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:35,931 We're going to take all your friends with us... 121 00:08:36,931 --> 00:08:38,261 Wait! Littonto! 122 00:08:38,671 --> 00:08:40,091 Are you sure? 123 00:08:40,561 --> 00:08:44,301 We won't be back here for 27 years, 124 00:08:44,631 --> 00:08:47,081 and we have no idea where Tonjit-san even is. 125 00:08:48,521 --> 00:08:50,411 You'll be all by yourself! 126 00:08:50,731 --> 00:08:53,031 Take my advice, come with us! 127 00:08:53,611 --> 00:08:57,871 I'm gonna stay too! I'm gonna wait for Grandpa with Shelly! 128 00:08:57,871 --> 00:09:02,101 No, you're not! You can't stay here all alone! 129 00:09:02,101 --> 00:09:03,581 I can too! 130 00:09:04,531 --> 00:09:07,331 Grandpa's here! I know it! I'm gonna wait for him too! 131 00:09:07,931 --> 00:09:10,161 Live well, Shelly! 132 00:09:10,791 --> 00:09:12,961 Shelly! 133 00:09:47,501 --> 00:09:49,081 Whoa there, Shelly! 134 00:09:49,251 --> 00:09:52,111 You know I'm afraid of heights! 135 00:10:25,831 --> 00:10:26,831 Horse! 136 00:10:27,361 --> 00:10:28,391 Old guy! 137 00:10:38,591 --> 00:10:39,951 Shelly! 138 00:10:40,261 --> 00:10:42,891 --You okay?! --We heard a gunshot! 139 00:10:50,811 --> 00:10:52,231 What's this net?! 140 00:10:52,231 --> 00:10:53,151 --Just a sec! --Old guy! 141 00:10:57,281 --> 00:10:59,881 The horse is mine now! 142 00:10:59,881 --> 00:11:03,241 Yeah! Yeah! That horse is our boss's! 143 00:11:03,961 --> 00:11:06,991 Who are you guys?! 144 00:11:22,131 --> 00:11:25,181 Who are you guys?! 145 00:11:25,641 --> 00:11:27,971 Who am I, you ask? 146 00:11:28,421 --> 00:11:30,491 They're so rude! 147 00:11:33,901 --> 00:11:36,941 Don't pretend you don't know this face! 148 00:11:37,471 --> 00:11:40,321 I don't know your face! I'm gonna beat it up! 149 00:11:41,451 --> 00:11:43,581 Th-They don't know me... 150 00:11:43,581 --> 00:11:46,121 Oh, no! Boss! Don't get depressed! 151 00:11:46,121 --> 00:11:48,881 He's lying! I bet he's just saying that! 152 00:11:48,881 --> 00:11:50,331 He can't possibly know him. 153 00:11:52,041 --> 00:11:53,921 Stop laughing, Hamburg! 154 00:11:54,331 --> 00:11:59,911 My name is Foxy! I take whatever I want! 155 00:12:01,151 --> 00:12:03,091 Let this be a lesson, you fools! 156 00:12:03,091 --> 00:12:05,961 Why are you so worked up about a single horse?! 157 00:12:05,961 --> 00:12:08,561 Hunting is nothing more than entertainment! 158 00:12:08,761 --> 00:12:10,271 Why, you...! 159 00:12:10,561 --> 00:12:12,101 Gum-Gum...! 160 00:12:12,271 --> 00:12:13,691 Stop, Straw Hat Luffy! 161 00:12:15,061 --> 00:12:16,561 How do you know my name?! 162 00:12:17,271 --> 00:12:20,001 Of course we know who you are! We've done our homework! 163 00:12:20,571 --> 00:12:23,851 Monkey D. Luffy, with a 100 million-Berry bounty. 164 00:12:23,851 --> 00:12:26,531 Roronoa Zoro, with a 60 million-Berry bounty. 165 00:12:26,991 --> 00:12:30,591 A total bounty of 160 million with only seven people... 166 00:12:30,591 --> 00:12:31,791 That's really something. 167 00:12:32,541 --> 00:12:38,291 We Foxy Pirates challenge you Straw Hats to a "Davy Back Fight"! 168 00:12:38,721 --> 00:12:43,011 Stop talking crazy! Just bring it on! If you wanna fight, let's fight! 169 00:12:44,441 --> 00:12:48,241 Wait, Luffy... A Davy Back fight is... 170 00:12:48,241 --> 00:12:50,971 Ah! That explains the ship we encountered near here! 171 00:12:53,581 --> 00:12:55,821 --Which way do we turn?! --How should I know?! 172 00:12:55,821 --> 00:12:59,331 --Someone, give orders! Navigator! --Don't got one! 173 00:12:59,331 --> 00:13:01,281 --Captain! --Don't got one! 174 00:13:02,151 --> 00:13:05,321 Hold on, Luffy! That game...! 175 00:13:05,321 --> 00:13:07,991 Don't do it! We'll lose crew members! 176 00:13:08,411 --> 00:13:09,871 What's the deal, Usopp?! 177 00:13:09,871 --> 00:13:12,791 I'm telling you, don't agree to his game! 178 00:13:15,831 --> 00:13:19,881 Fool! I heard you say it, Straw Hat Luffy! 179 00:13:19,881 --> 00:13:22,121 You clearly agreed to my challenge just now! 180 00:13:22,121 --> 00:13:23,581 Didn't he, Porche-chan?! 181 00:13:23,581 --> 00:13:26,051 Yes, Boss! I heard him, too! 182 00:13:26,051 --> 00:13:29,151 Do you honestly think you can back out now? 183 00:13:29,681 --> 00:13:31,371 Well, you can't. 184 00:13:33,021 --> 00:13:36,191 Or, what? You're not man enough to keep your word? 185 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:37,601 I am too! 186 00:13:38,731 --> 00:13:42,021 --Don't get talked into it! --But... the horse! 187 00:13:42,601 --> 00:13:44,181 Shelly... Oww! 188 00:13:44,181 --> 00:13:46,611 Don't push yourself! You hit your back hard! 189 00:13:52,451 --> 00:13:55,081 --You two! Step aside! --Old guy! 190 00:13:57,041 --> 00:14:01,131 Shelly faithfully waited ten years for me! How dare you...?! 191 00:14:01,501 --> 00:14:04,421 Wait, old guy! They're pirates! 192 00:14:06,511 --> 00:14:08,471 A Davy Back Fight? 193 00:14:08,471 --> 00:14:10,181 {\an8}"Unruly" 194 00:14:08,471 --> 00:14:14,631 That's right! The fight begins the moment two captains are in agreement! 195 00:14:14,631 --> 00:14:17,431 As we speak, our captain is challenging your captain, 196 00:14:17,431 --> 00:14:20,441 Monkey D. Luffy, to battle! 197 00:14:20,921 --> 00:14:24,351 Challenging? What kind of sleepy nonsense is that? 198 00:14:24,351 --> 00:14:26,691 If you want a fight, just start one! 199 00:14:26,691 --> 00:14:29,991 Hey, you've never heard of a Davy Back Fight? 200 00:14:29,991 --> 00:14:32,811 It's not a fight. It's a pirate game. 201 00:14:33,721 --> 00:14:38,451 Yes. A game that supposedly arose long ago on "Pirate Island," 202 00:14:38,451 --> 00:14:41,651 which is said to be a pirate paradise somewhere in the sea. 203 00:14:42,361 --> 00:14:47,671 In it, pirates plunder each other for top-notch crew members. 204 00:14:48,341 --> 00:14:51,011 --Pirates plunder each other?! --Yes. 205 00:14:51,011 --> 00:14:54,391 I'm amazed you've survived this long without even knowing that! 206 00:14:54,391 --> 00:14:56,971 A Davy Back Fight is about swiping crew members! 207 00:14:57,471 --> 00:14:59,441 After each match, the winner can take 208 00:14:59,441 --> 00:15:02,981 any crew member they want from the opposing team! 209 00:15:03,361 --> 00:15:08,011 Whoever's chosen must immediately swear loyalty to their new captain! 210 00:15:08,341 --> 00:15:11,951 In the name of Davy Jones, the pirate of the deep! 211 00:15:12,411 --> 00:15:15,331 So if you lose... you lose a crew member?! 212 00:15:15,541 --> 00:15:16,911 That's right! 213 00:15:16,911 --> 00:15:20,711 In addition, if the enemy ship has no one of interest, 214 00:15:20,711 --> 00:15:25,521 they can instead be stripped of their Jolly Roger-- the life of their ship! 215 00:15:26,721 --> 00:15:29,291 So crewmates and pride are on the line. 216 00:15:29,591 --> 00:15:33,901 Winning will make you stronger, while losing will mean a serious loss. 217 00:15:34,441 --> 00:15:36,221 What a vicious game. 218 00:15:36,211 --> 00:15:39,271 Wait, does that mean that ship we ran across earlier 219 00:15:39,271 --> 00:15:44,051 without an organized crew, sails, or even a captain was...? 220 00:15:44,531 --> 00:15:48,351 Oh? Did you run into the Fang-Frog Pirates' ship?! 221 00:15:48,351 --> 00:15:51,811 They fell prey to our game earlier! 222 00:15:51,811 --> 00:15:54,951 Say hello to our new crewmates! 223 00:15:54,951 --> 00:15:57,371 Yeah! Long live the Foxy Pirates! 224 00:15:57,741 --> 00:16:00,831 I was the former captain of that ship! 225 00:16:01,151 --> 00:16:03,271 --Former ship doctor! --Former navigator! 226 00:16:03,271 --> 00:16:04,541 Former shipwright! 227 00:16:04,881 --> 00:16:08,381 We tried five three-coin games, but lost 'em all! 228 00:16:08,381 --> 00:16:10,801 Fourteen men and our flag, taken just like that! 229 00:16:11,441 --> 00:16:13,551 With so many people jumping ship like this, 230 00:16:13,551 --> 00:16:15,351 it was more like a merger than anything! 231 00:16:15,351 --> 00:16:16,341 Yeah! 232 00:16:17,971 --> 00:16:22,721 Idiots. How can you be so happy, ditching your crew like that? 233 00:16:22,721 --> 00:16:26,651 Seriously. The ship's in a watery grave by now. 234 00:16:26,901 --> 00:16:28,771 Watery grave...? 235 00:16:28,771 --> 00:16:30,441 Hmph! So what?! 236 00:16:30,941 --> 00:16:32,471 There's no talking reason with you! 237 00:16:32,471 --> 00:16:36,281 But we'd never agree to such a ridiculous game in a million years! 238 00:16:36,781 --> 00:16:40,251 Fool! A regular crew member can't make that decision! 239 00:16:40,251 --> 00:16:44,401 This game only begins when two captains reach an agreement! 240 00:16:44,401 --> 00:16:52,211 Like it or not, you're all in this game if your captain nods his head! 241 00:16:53,591 --> 00:16:55,331 They're right, Nami-san. 242 00:16:56,971 --> 00:17:00,221 This is an unwritten rule in the pirate world. 243 00:17:00,801 --> 00:17:04,141 Run, and we'll be completely humiliated. 244 00:17:05,231 --> 00:17:07,601 So what if we're humiliated?! 245 00:17:09,071 --> 00:17:12,071 I'd rather die than live in shame. 246 00:17:13,321 --> 00:17:14,571 What he said. 247 00:17:14,781 --> 00:17:16,611 Are you two crazy?! 248 00:17:18,151 --> 00:17:21,621 Forget about it. This is how men are. 249 00:17:21,871 --> 00:17:24,461 Urgh! I gotta stop Luffy, then! 250 00:17:24,711 --> 00:17:26,881 Don't bother. It's no use. 251 00:17:26,881 --> 00:17:28,721 The captains will signal the start of the fight 252 00:17:28,721 --> 00:17:30,961 by firing shots at the same time! 253 00:17:30,961 --> 00:17:32,291 Just sit here and--! 254 00:17:36,881 --> 00:17:38,301 Please, no...! 255 00:17:39,641 --> 00:17:40,641 He agreed to it... 256 00:17:41,031 --> 00:17:42,721 Fine by me. 257 00:17:43,321 --> 00:17:44,551 This should be interesting. 258 00:17:44,931 --> 00:17:47,571 He's agreed to the game! 259 00:17:58,071 --> 00:18:00,661 You idiot! You idiot! You idiot! 260 00:18:00,661 --> 00:18:02,331 Why did you agree to it?! 261 00:18:02,331 --> 00:18:05,001 You have no idea how horrific this game is! 262 00:18:05,001 --> 00:18:06,621 Then we just won't lose! 263 00:18:07,081 --> 00:18:10,241 Our challenge is now officially accepted! 264 00:18:10,241 --> 00:18:13,801 Yeah! I'm gonna kick your butt! 265 00:18:14,591 --> 00:18:16,591 That'll be the day! 266 00:18:16,761 --> 00:18:18,971 I will too, Split-Head! 267 00:18:19,641 --> 00:18:22,351 --Split-Head...? --Boss! 268 00:18:22,351 --> 00:18:26,321 How dare you?! Our boss is a sensitive man! 269 00:18:26,321 --> 00:18:29,531 He has a heart of glass. Doesn't suit him, though. 270 00:18:31,401 --> 00:18:33,781 Hey! I told you not to laugh! 271 00:18:34,191 --> 00:18:35,651 Look, Luffy! 272 00:18:35,651 --> 00:18:38,821 Thinking about the horse and the old guy makes me mad too, but...! 273 00:18:39,291 --> 00:18:41,281 Use that anger to thrash 'em! 274 00:18:41,451 --> 00:18:43,371 He got back up way too fast! 275 00:18:43,371 --> 00:18:44,591 Leave it to me! 276 00:18:48,731 --> 00:18:50,921 I'm going to teach you a thing or two! 277 00:18:55,761 --> 00:18:57,961 Frankfurters! Get your frankfurters! 278 00:18:57,961 --> 00:19:00,731 Rum and cheese! Crackers and salted meat! 279 00:19:00,731 --> 00:19:02,221 I've got yakisoba noodles too! 280 00:19:02,521 --> 00:19:06,221 It's time for the opening ceremony! 281 00:19:06,221 --> 00:19:08,561 --Please quiet down! Please quiet down! --Shut up! You be quiet! 282 00:19:08,561 --> 00:19:11,851 --C'mon! Let's hear the odds! --All participants, get ready! 283 00:19:13,011 --> 00:19:15,661 This is looking fun! 284 00:19:15,661 --> 00:19:17,901 These are all Split-Head's crew members? 285 00:19:17,901 --> 00:19:19,961 Wow! There's so many! 286 00:19:20,431 --> 00:19:22,861 Hi. Five jumbo yakisobas, please. 287 00:19:20,491 --> 00:19:24,661 {\an8}"Cotton Candy" "Yakisoba Noodles" 288 00:19:23,321 --> 00:19:24,781 Stop that, old guy! 289 00:19:26,331 --> 00:19:29,281 Okay, men! Simmer down! 290 00:19:29,281 --> 00:19:31,581 --Porche-chan! --Sexy! 291 00:19:31,581 --> 00:19:34,791 It's time for the pledge to follow these three rules about losing! 292 00:19:35,781 --> 00:19:40,991 First, the only way to take back crewmates, Jolly Rogers, or anything else 293 00:19:40,991 --> 00:19:44,761 is through another Davy Back Fight! 294 00:19:45,331 --> 00:19:48,601 Second, anyone taken by the winner 295 00:19:48,601 --> 00:19:52,231 must swear loyalty to that ship's captain immediately! 296 00:19:52,751 --> 00:19:57,071 Third, if your Jolly Roger is taken, you can't ever display it again! 297 00:19:57,071 --> 00:19:59,491 Nami-san! I bought some cotton candy! 298 00:19:59,491 --> 00:20:02,821 How can you guys be so calm about this? 299 00:20:04,281 --> 00:20:06,781 Are you still moping about that? 300 00:20:07,061 --> 00:20:10,621 Should you break these rules, you'll be considered dishonorable pirates 301 00:20:10,621 --> 00:20:13,501 and sent to Davy Jones' Locker! 302 00:20:13,501 --> 00:20:15,291 Do you swear to uphold them? 303 00:20:15,291 --> 00:20:17,091 --I swear! --I swear! 304 00:20:23,221 --> 00:20:26,141 Okay, Straw Hat! I'll let you choose! 305 00:20:26,411 --> 00:20:29,221 One coin? Two coins? Or three coins? 306 00:20:29,221 --> 00:20:31,101 Choose whichever you want! 307 00:20:31,101 --> 00:20:33,301 Oh, Boss! You're so gracious! 308 00:20:35,401 --> 00:20:36,401 What are they for? 309 00:20:36,401 --> 00:20:38,231 It's the number of games. 310 00:20:38,231 --> 00:20:42,771 Our boss is letting you choose if it should be a one-match game 311 00:20:42,771 --> 00:20:44,151 or all the way up to a three-match game. 312 00:20:45,901 --> 00:20:48,161 The game'll be more fun with more stuff. 313 00:20:48,161 --> 00:20:50,331 --So I'll go with... --Luffy! 314 00:20:56,251 --> 00:20:57,161 Got it! 315 00:20:58,671 --> 00:21:00,131 Three coins! 316 00:21:03,301 --> 00:21:06,901 You idiot! Why'd you add them?! And include an enemy in the count?! 317 00:21:06,901 --> 00:21:08,341 So many morons! 318 00:21:10,391 --> 00:21:14,941 I hereby announce this three-coin, orthodox-rules game... 319 00:21:15,891 --> 00:21:18,771 ...to Davy Jones! 320 00:21:24,901 --> 00:21:27,141 Who's Davy Jones? 321 00:21:27,441 --> 00:21:29,011 An old pirate cursed by the devil 322 00:21:29,011 --> 00:21:32,411 who's said to live in the depths of the sea to this very day. 323 00:21:32,411 --> 00:21:34,781 He lives at the bottom of the sea?! 324 00:21:34,781 --> 00:21:36,291 That's what the legend says. 325 00:21:36,291 --> 00:21:38,671 All the ships and treasures that sink into the sea 326 00:21:38,671 --> 00:21:41,831 are said to go to his ship's bosun-- his "locker," in other words. 327 00:21:42,671 --> 00:21:44,981 The bottom of the sea is scary... 328 00:21:45,721 --> 00:21:46,341 Sweet! 329 00:21:47,041 --> 00:21:50,001 Pirates call this a "Davy Back" 330 00:21:50,001 --> 00:21:54,051 because you steal whatever you want from the enemy, 331 00:21:54,051 --> 00:21:56,351 just as Davy takes everything that comes sinking his way. 332 00:21:58,351 --> 00:22:02,651 Are you ready, Straw Hat?! Let the game begin! 333 00:22:03,861 --> 00:22:06,111 All right! Let's do this! 334 00:22:21,131 --> 00:22:23,251 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 335 00:22:23,251 --> 00:22:26,801 Chasing after something constant 336 00:22:26,801 --> 00:22:31,431 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 337 00:22:32,391 --> 00:22:34,681 Even when we're exhausted 338 00:22:34,681 --> 00:22:37,851 We have a compass that can search for something constant 339 00:22:37,851 --> 00:22:43,271 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 340 00:22:43,271 --> 00:22:46,191 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 341 00:22:46,191 --> 00:22:48,991 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 342 00:22:48,991 --> 00:22:51,951 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 343 00:22:51,951 --> 00:22:55,041 Eternally... Eternally... 344 00:22:55,041 --> 00:22:57,831 Wild fantasies from our childhood 345 00:22:57,831 --> 00:23:00,671 We trace unforgettable memories 346 00:23:00,671 --> 00:23:06,341 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 347 00:23:06,341 --> 00:23:09,131 To this familiar sunny sky 348 00:23:09,131 --> 00:23:11,971 Together we entrust our feelings 349 00:23:11,971 --> 00:23:14,561 We go beyond the changing time 350 00:23:14,561 --> 00:23:17,351 Eternally... Eternally... 351 00:23:26,461 --> 00:23:29,321 All right! The Davy Back Fight has begun! 352 00:23:29,321 --> 00:23:32,531 I've never lost using orthodox rules, you know! 353 00:23:32,531 --> 00:23:35,511 A chef, a doctor, an archaeologist... Who should I take?! 354 00:23:35,511 --> 00:23:38,581 No, I want that one! Let's get this first round started! 355 00:23:38,581 --> 00:23:41,701 --I don't understand you, Split-Head! --He said it again... 356 00:23:41,701 --> 00:23:42,951 On the next episode of One Piece! 357 00:23:42,951 --> 00:23:45,461 "Round 1! One Lap of the Donut Race" 358 00:23:45,541 --> 00:23:47,551 359 00:23:45,761 --> 00:23:47,721 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!