1 00:00:04,791 --> 00:02:06,411 2 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,271 It's all right! Now let's move forward 3 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:26,691 with the sun always in our hearts 4 00:00:26,691 --> 00:00:30,071 As power passes through our clasped hands 5 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:34,361 let's grab hold of our wishes 6 00:00:41,201 --> 00:00:48,751 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 7 00:00:48,751 --> 00:00:55,921 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 8 00:00:55,921 --> 00:01:02,891 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 9 00:01:02,891 --> 00:01:10,021 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 10 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:13,531 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 11 00:01:13,531 --> 00:01:17,361 but what you cherish most will be right there 12 00:01:17,361 --> 00:01:21,411 And if you get into a jam 13 00:01:21,411 --> 00:01:24,411 I'll always be there to protect you 14 00:01:24,411 --> 00:01:28,671 It's all right! Now let's move forward 15 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,131 with the sun always in our hearts 16 00:01:32,131 --> 00:01:35,381 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 17 00:01:35,381 --> 00:01:39,641 and gaze at the light beyond 18 00:01:39,641 --> 00:01:43,351 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 19 00:01:43,351 --> 00:01:46,641 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 20 00:01:46,641 --> 00:01:50,061 So let's grab hold of our wishes 21 00:01:50,061 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 22 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:57,821 One Piece 23 00:02:06,581 --> 00:02:09,771 The first round of the Davy Back Fight is the Donut Race. 24 00:02:09,771 --> 00:02:13,861 The Straw Hat team managed to overcome various acts of sabotage... 25 00:02:14,801 --> 00:02:17,451 ...but Zoro and Chopper's boat was knocked out of the race. 26 00:02:17,451 --> 00:02:21,221 Only the Cutie Wagon, Barrel Tiger, and It's a Raft remain! 27 00:02:21,221 --> 00:02:23,591 The battle is between these three boats now! 28 00:02:27,471 --> 00:02:31,581 "'Silver Fox' Foxy! The Merciless Interference" 29 00:02:36,831 --> 00:02:38,691 The race is really heating up! 30 00:02:38,691 --> 00:02:41,571 The Long Coral Reef blocks the course directly ahead! 31 00:02:41,691 --> 00:02:44,681 In the lead is Porche-chan's Cutie Wagon! 32 00:02:44,681 --> 00:02:48,161 The Straw Hats' Barrel Tiger and It's a Raft desperately pursue! 33 00:02:48,741 --> 00:02:51,421 Wow! They're like Chopper's antlers! 34 00:02:52,121 --> 00:02:55,071 What is this long, protruding coral? 35 00:02:55,071 --> 00:02:58,381 What kind of coral sticks out like that? 36 00:02:59,021 --> 00:03:02,721 Look! It's causing strange-acting currents! 37 00:03:03,721 --> 00:03:06,061 We can't just plunge in recklessly... 38 00:03:06,221 --> 00:03:09,851 Yuck! I can't believe the race has lasted this long... 39 00:03:10,391 --> 00:03:11,811 Monda! We're counting on you! 40 00:03:12,691 --> 00:03:16,341 But let's not forget there's someone on land just hoping to interfere: 41 00:03:16,341 --> 00:03:19,861 our boss, "Silver Fox" Foxy! 42 00:03:20,031 --> 00:03:23,321 Just what does he have in store?! 43 00:03:26,011 --> 00:03:29,541 --Get 'em, Boss! --Yahoo! Just a matter o' time now! 44 00:03:29,541 --> 00:03:33,671 Oh, what's this?! Both Straw Hat boats have slowed a bit! 45 00:03:34,741 --> 00:03:37,311 --C'mon, Nami! Paddle! --Not yet! 46 00:03:37,311 --> 00:03:39,431 But they're getting ahead! 47 00:03:39,431 --> 00:03:41,641 I said not yet! 48 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:45,301 --Same goes for you, Sanji-kun! --Your wish is my command! 49 00:03:45,391 --> 00:03:47,971 The Cutie Wagon uses this chance to continue forward 50 00:03:47,971 --> 00:03:50,741 and plunge into the Long Coral Reef! 51 00:03:50,741 --> 00:03:52,431 Let's go, Monda! 52 00:03:54,041 --> 00:03:57,021 Wait! Oh, my! What's happening?! 53 00:03:57,021 --> 00:03:58,021 Monda! 54 00:04:00,151 --> 00:04:01,571 Oh... They came back. 55 00:04:01,571 --> 00:04:04,281 Oh, my! The Cutie Wagon has been sent backwards! 56 00:04:04,281 --> 00:04:05,701 What in the world happened?! 57 00:04:06,071 --> 00:04:07,451 No! Why?! 58 00:04:07,781 --> 00:04:10,961 See? I knew something was up with these currents. 59 00:04:12,431 --> 00:04:14,511 Okay! Let's increase speed! 60 00:04:14,511 --> 00:04:15,751 R-Right! 61 00:04:15,751 --> 00:04:18,071 Follow us, Sanji-kun! 62 00:04:18,071 --> 00:04:20,161 Aye-aye, Sir! 63 00:04:21,011 --> 00:04:22,881 Try again, Monda! 64 00:04:22,881 --> 00:04:23,851 This way! 65 00:04:25,471 --> 00:04:29,031 What's this?! Both Straw Hat boats have sped up! 66 00:04:29,411 --> 00:04:33,561 All three boats are entering the Long Coral Reef at the same time! 67 00:04:34,011 --> 00:04:37,701 Hmm? The Barrel Tiger and It's a Raft are staying inside! 68 00:04:40,651 --> 00:04:42,121 Whoa! What the...?! 69 00:04:46,361 --> 00:04:48,531 Ahh! There it is at last! 70 00:04:48,531 --> 00:04:51,791 Devilish interference from you-know-who! 71 00:04:51,951 --> 00:04:53,471 A smoke screen...! 72 00:04:55,301 --> 00:04:57,981 What's that damn idiot doing?! 73 00:04:57,981 --> 00:04:59,841 I can't see in front of us! 74 00:05:00,131 --> 00:05:01,711 Oh, my! 75 00:05:01,711 --> 00:05:03,961 It's too dangerous for the Straw Hat 76 00:05:03,961 --> 00:05:05,721 boats to continue forward one bit! 77 00:05:07,891 --> 00:05:11,761 Operation White Out is a great success! 78 00:05:11,761 --> 00:05:15,321 Let's see you find your way through this coral maze blind! 79 00:05:15,731 --> 00:05:17,191 Success? 80 00:05:20,061 --> 00:05:21,361 How in the...?! 81 00:05:22,481 --> 00:05:26,061 They got through! With no trouble at all! How did they do it?! 82 00:05:26,061 --> 00:05:27,501 Just as I thought! 83 00:05:28,491 --> 00:05:33,611 The Straw Hat boats slip through the forest of coral with ease! 84 00:05:33,611 --> 00:05:35,371 Meanwhile, the Cutie Wagon... 85 00:05:35,461 --> 00:05:38,751 --Oh, no! --...has been sent back again! 86 00:05:39,421 --> 00:05:42,361 What's going on?! The boat's moving on its own! 87 00:05:42,571 --> 00:05:45,551 --This is a maze of sea currents. --Of sea currents? 88 00:05:45,841 --> 00:05:48,471 Yep. The whirlpool up ahead is 89 00:05:48,471 --> 00:05:50,801 causing strange currents in this reef, 90 00:05:50,801 --> 00:05:52,851 full of smaller whirlpools. 91 00:05:52,851 --> 00:05:55,431 So we don't need to see ahead! 92 00:05:56,341 --> 00:06:00,441 The currents will carry us through, as long as we take the right entrance! 93 00:06:00,441 --> 00:06:04,481 Awesome! That's the power of our navigator! 94 00:06:04,481 --> 00:06:06,101 Hurray! 95 00:06:06,651 --> 00:06:10,411 Way to go, Nami-san! 96 00:06:10,531 --> 00:06:12,851 Curses! 97 00:06:15,291 --> 00:06:20,751 But their joy is short-lived! Beyond the coral forest is the Long Ring! 98 00:06:21,011 --> 00:06:24,291 Huh?! It's just one "Long" after another! 99 00:06:25,551 --> 00:06:27,801 Usopp! Quit freaking out and fire it! 100 00:06:27,801 --> 00:06:30,101 --Fire what?! --An Impact! 101 00:06:30,551 --> 00:06:34,841 --I-I told you, we don't have it! Nope! --Oh? Then what's this? 102 00:06:36,011 --> 00:06:37,561 When did you...?! 103 00:06:38,171 --> 00:06:42,061 Hurry! Before the whirlpool sucks us in! 104 00:06:42,061 --> 00:06:42,981 What's with the smile...? 105 00:06:43,441 --> 00:06:44,821 You've used it before! 106 00:06:44,821 --> 00:06:46,941 You know using it can bust your shoulders...! 107 00:06:47,191 --> 00:06:51,241 --That's okay! I don't mind! --'Cause it's my shoulder! 108 00:06:51,561 --> 00:06:53,571 --Good luck! --Hey, now! 109 00:06:53,571 --> 00:06:55,701 Hurry! There's no time! 110 00:06:55,701 --> 00:06:59,411 No wonder you seemed so calm! 111 00:06:59,411 --> 00:07:01,871 You had this in mind from the start... 112 00:07:03,551 --> 00:07:05,671 Well, it's been a nice life... 113 00:07:05,841 --> 00:07:07,511 Treinta Fleurs! 114 00:07:11,971 --> 00:07:14,601 --Okay, Long-nose! --"Okay," my butt... 115 00:07:14,601 --> 00:07:15,651 Fine! 116 00:07:17,011 --> 00:07:21,521 Oh! The Barrel Tiger and It's a Raft have sped up together! 117 00:07:21,521 --> 00:07:24,271 More than just that! They're flying! 118 00:07:25,061 --> 00:07:28,111 They're leaping right over Long Cape! 119 00:07:28,111 --> 00:07:30,361 Will they land back in the water?! 120 00:07:30,361 --> 00:07:31,461 No, wait! 121 00:07:34,701 --> 00:07:36,451 Huh? Huh? 122 00:07:36,451 --> 00:07:39,751 Huh, huh, huh? Huh?! 123 00:07:41,871 --> 00:07:42,871 It snapped off... 124 00:07:49,171 --> 00:07:52,191 The It's a Raft crashes into pieces on Long Cape! 125 00:07:52,191 --> 00:07:54,021 It can't continue the race! 126 00:07:54,011 --> 00:07:57,401 What a shame! The It's a Raft is now out of the race! 127 00:07:58,151 --> 00:08:02,691 Sorry, Nami-san! Don't worry about us! Just keep going! 128 00:08:02,871 --> 00:08:04,511 Right! 129 00:08:05,371 --> 00:08:08,661 But the Barrel Tiger takes a miraculously big lead! 130 00:08:09,401 --> 00:08:13,821 Does this spell defeat for the indomitable Cutie Wagon?! 131 00:08:13,981 --> 00:08:16,321 We underestimated them a bit! 132 00:08:16,321 --> 00:08:18,201 Hang on tight, Porche-chan! 133 00:08:18,611 --> 00:08:19,491 We're counting on you! 134 00:08:20,871 --> 00:08:21,871 Combine! 135 00:08:22,411 --> 00:08:24,881 Two Fish Engine! 136 00:08:27,171 --> 00:08:29,041 No! They haven't lost yet! 137 00:08:29,041 --> 00:08:32,761 Their fishman muscle and shark fin combo doubles their engine speed! 138 00:08:32,761 --> 00:08:36,611 They zip through the coral and turbulent waves to close the gap! 139 00:08:39,051 --> 00:08:40,561 The race is half over! 140 00:08:40,561 --> 00:08:43,641 Meanwhile, the Barrel Tiger paddles desperately! 141 00:08:43,641 --> 00:08:45,021 Get up, Usopp! 142 00:08:46,521 --> 00:08:48,521 --Where am I? --Just start paddling! 143 00:08:48,921 --> 00:08:51,001 Your arm is twisted in an odd direction. 144 00:08:53,531 --> 00:08:54,531 What's that? 145 00:08:54,701 --> 00:08:57,031 --It's a course marker. --It says to go right. 146 00:08:57,031 --> 00:08:59,321 Okay! Right we go! 147 00:08:59,491 --> 00:09:00,831 Like we'd fall for that! 148 00:09:02,161 --> 00:09:07,611 Oh, my! Our boss's Ploy #18, "Operation Lie to Them," has failed! 149 00:09:08,541 --> 00:09:13,051 Truly formidable! Does this girl not believe anything?! 150 00:09:13,051 --> 00:09:14,691 Shut up, you! 151 00:09:14,961 --> 00:09:16,261 She's foul-mouthed, too! 152 00:09:16,881 --> 00:09:21,341 The race continues! Barrel Tiger is still in the lead! 153 00:09:23,721 --> 00:09:27,171 What are these columns of water?! 154 00:09:27,171 --> 00:09:31,201 They also clear the long waves that reach high into the sky! 155 00:09:31,201 --> 00:09:32,731 Natural phenomenon?! 156 00:09:32,941 --> 00:09:34,251 Granny... 157 00:09:34,681 --> 00:09:36,821 Boss, err, Granny... 158 00:09:36,821 --> 00:09:40,031 Yeah... I think I'm done for... 159 00:09:40,031 --> 00:09:43,371 Our boss unleashes a third nasty trick! 160 00:09:43,371 --> 00:09:47,751 Oh! You on the boat! Please save me! 161 00:09:47,751 --> 00:09:52,091 Unbelievable! She completely ignores a helpless, sick grandmother! 162 00:09:52,091 --> 00:09:55,021 Is she heartless, or does she only care about herself?! 163 00:09:55,021 --> 00:09:57,761 Whatever the case, Navigator Nami has a heart of ice! 164 00:09:57,761 --> 00:10:02,141 Will you shut up already?! I'd never fall for that crap! 165 00:10:02,141 --> 00:10:03,811 She's foul-mouthed, too! 166 00:10:06,991 --> 00:10:08,771 Look! It's the goal! 167 00:10:11,231 --> 00:10:13,611 The finish is close at hand! 168 00:10:13,611 --> 00:10:15,531 Not so fast! 169 00:10:16,471 --> 00:10:18,251 The Cutie Wagon has caught up! 170 00:10:18,251 --> 00:10:25,341 Who will be the winner of Round #1's Donut Race?! 171 00:10:40,881 --> 00:10:43,951 Who will be the winner?! 172 00:10:46,061 --> 00:10:47,391 I told you... 173 00:10:47,811 --> 00:10:49,851 Cut it out! You're annoying! 174 00:10:50,911 --> 00:10:54,661 She even sees through "Operation Fake Goal"! 175 00:10:54,661 --> 00:10:56,821 Formidable! Truly formidable! 176 00:10:56,981 --> 00:11:02,041 I have a question for her now! What does it mean to "believe"? 177 00:11:02,041 --> 00:11:03,141 I don't care! 178 00:11:03,141 --> 00:11:07,041 Oh, it's too late! Her heart's already closed! She's a heathen! 179 00:11:07,391 --> 00:11:09,251 The real goal is near, though. 180 00:11:09,251 --> 00:11:13,001 --No more Impacts! --Yeah, I know! 181 00:11:13,271 --> 00:11:18,151 Meanwhile, Porche-chan's team has tragically stopped at the fake goal! 182 00:11:18,151 --> 00:11:21,921 --What happened to the race? --Hey! Where is everyone?! 183 00:11:22,571 --> 00:11:24,841 The purity of your heart is dazzling! 184 00:11:24,841 --> 00:11:27,181 But you've been duped! Pay attention, Porche-chan! 185 00:11:27,331 --> 00:11:29,171 So many idiots! 186 00:11:29,171 --> 00:11:32,561 I'll be too embarrassed to live if we lose to these guys! 187 00:11:32,561 --> 00:11:34,941 They'll take our crew too! That's even worse! 188 00:11:35,501 --> 00:11:37,781 Oh, no! This goal is a fake! 189 00:11:38,061 --> 00:11:40,691 What?! Who would be so evil?! 190 00:11:40,691 --> 00:11:41,361 Eep! 191 00:11:41,941 --> 00:11:46,281 The Barrel Tiger is finally approaching Long Bamboo Cape! 192 00:11:46,601 --> 00:11:49,521 The goal is just beyond it! This is the homestretch! 193 00:11:50,291 --> 00:11:52,621 He's right! There's the goal! 194 00:11:52,791 --> 00:11:54,211 Wait! 195 00:11:54,641 --> 00:11:56,931 But they're catching up to us! 196 00:11:56,931 --> 00:11:58,591 We're no match for their speed! 197 00:11:58,931 --> 00:12:01,441 That's it, Usopp! Can you knock that bamboo down?! 198 00:12:01,441 --> 00:12:02,261 The bamboo?! 199 00:12:02,681 --> 00:12:03,801 All right! 200 00:12:06,011 --> 00:12:07,761 --Like that?! --Do more! 201 00:12:08,071 --> 00:12:10,681 Full speed, Capote! Monda! 202 00:12:10,681 --> 00:12:13,101 We have to sink them! 203 00:12:15,561 --> 00:12:18,191 Take this! And this! And this! 204 00:12:24,031 --> 00:12:25,781 Wow! Bingo! 205 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:29,271 Oh, no! Capote! 206 00:12:29,271 --> 00:12:31,751 They'll pay for this! 207 00:12:32,001 --> 00:12:34,431 Cutie Baton! 208 00:12:35,501 --> 00:12:37,671 What's that? Flower magic? 209 00:12:38,101 --> 00:12:40,711 Flower Shurikens! 210 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:44,311 Ah, they're throwing stars... Yikes! 211 00:12:46,511 --> 00:12:48,221 Oh, no! We've sprung a leak! 212 00:12:48,221 --> 00:12:51,351 It's okay! We can make it! The goal's right there! 213 00:12:51,351 --> 00:12:52,181 Let's make a run for it! 214 00:12:52,351 --> 00:12:57,151 Round #1 of the Davy Back Fight, the Donut Race, 215 00:12:57,641 --> 00:13:01,441 is about to reach a conclusion! 216 00:13:03,901 --> 00:13:07,371 Stay strong, Monda! We can't let them beat us! 217 00:13:08,491 --> 00:13:12,061 We'll lose if we don't do something! Stay in line with them! 218 00:13:12,061 --> 00:13:13,091 Right, Boss! 219 00:13:14,141 --> 00:13:16,591 Which one is winning?! 220 00:13:19,711 --> 00:13:23,061 --Made it in time! --All right! Nami's team is winning! 221 00:13:23,431 --> 00:13:26,661 Nami-san! Robin-chan! 222 00:13:26,661 --> 00:13:28,551 You speedy ladies are lovely! 223 00:13:28,551 --> 00:13:30,391 Man, you guys almost won... 224 00:13:30,601 --> 00:13:32,431 Huh? We are winning! 225 00:13:33,681 --> 00:13:35,891 For now! But look! 226 00:13:36,021 --> 00:13:40,231 --Our boss is there! --So?! What can he do now?! 227 00:13:40,231 --> 00:13:42,291 Our boss is just like you. 228 00:13:42,291 --> 00:13:44,861 He has Devil Fruit powers. 229 00:13:47,211 --> 00:13:48,811 Slow-Slow Beam! 230 00:13:58,541 --> 00:14:01,681 And the winner is the Cutie Wagon! 231 00:14:01,671 --> 00:14:05,461 Our idol, Porche-chan, has won the 232 00:14:05,461 --> 00:14:08,061 first round of the Davy Back Fight! 233 00:14:08,061 --> 00:14:10,051 All right! Way to go! 234 00:14:10,051 --> 00:14:12,221 Oh! Thanks, everyone! 235 00:14:12,221 --> 00:14:15,971 --You're the greatest, Porche-chan! --It's only natural I won! 236 00:14:16,461 --> 00:14:19,251 Now let's swipe us a crew member! 237 00:14:19,951 --> 00:14:22,901 No one's a match for the Foxy Pirates! 238 00:14:27,401 --> 00:14:28,331 Wha...? 239 00:14:32,701 --> 00:14:37,201 All right! Time for you to hand over a crew member! 240 00:14:37,531 --> 00:14:40,221 Are you guys hurt?! Are you okay?! 241 00:14:40,221 --> 00:14:41,781 Yes, we're all right. 242 00:14:42,101 --> 00:14:44,091 What happened? 243 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:45,761 Beats us... 244 00:14:45,761 --> 00:14:49,191 That's what we'd like to know! Did we end up losing? 245 00:14:49,511 --> 00:14:51,571 You were about to win, but then you 246 00:14:51,571 --> 00:14:53,511 suddenly got slow and they passed you! 247 00:14:56,601 --> 00:14:58,681 There's no need to be mystified! 248 00:14:59,051 --> 00:15:01,141 It was caused by Slowmo Photons! 249 00:15:01,141 --> 00:15:03,901 Hey! What did you do to Nami's team?! 250 00:15:04,471 --> 00:15:05,861 Slowmo Photons...? 251 00:15:06,201 --> 00:15:09,411 They're a type of particle unlike anything currently known. 252 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:12,461 Whatever this light touches-- 253 00:15:12,461 --> 00:15:14,801 whether it's alive, a liquid, or even a gas-- 254 00:15:14,801 --> 00:15:17,601 physically loses a fixed amount of speed 255 00:15:17,601 --> 00:15:20,461 while retaining all other energy. 256 00:15:20,791 --> 00:15:22,921 I don't get it! Are you stupid or something?! 257 00:15:23,041 --> 00:15:25,881 --He snapped at me... --Oh, no! Boss! 258 00:15:25,961 --> 00:15:28,841 But that sounds too ridiculous... 259 00:15:28,961 --> 00:15:31,841 ...to be real? 260 00:15:31,841 --> 00:15:34,531 You surely know that such childish 261 00:15:34,531 --> 00:15:36,931 claims have no merit in these waters! 262 00:15:36,931 --> 00:15:39,061 Everything they touch slows down! 263 00:15:39,061 --> 00:15:40,731 That's the power of Slowmo Photons! 264 00:15:40,731 --> 00:15:43,311 Oh, now that makes sense! 265 00:15:43,521 --> 00:15:47,151 After eating the Slow-Slow Fruit, I became a "slow person" 266 00:15:47,151 --> 00:15:49,281 capable of producing these particles from my body! 267 00:15:49,281 --> 00:15:50,361 Observe its power! 268 00:15:53,741 --> 00:15:55,781 Yikes! He slowed a flying cannonball! 269 00:15:56,281 --> 00:15:57,991 Slow-Slow Beam! 270 00:15:59,401 --> 00:16:02,061 The effect lasts approximately 30 seconds. 271 00:16:02,061 --> 00:16:06,251 It'll regain its original speed afterward, as if nothing had happened. 272 00:16:09,211 --> 00:16:11,301 Can't believe your eyes? This is--! 273 00:16:12,931 --> 00:16:14,551 Boss! 274 00:16:15,111 --> 00:16:17,891 Crap! So that's what happened to us?! 275 00:16:18,361 --> 00:16:21,981 So this is the reason they're strangely confident about the game. 276 00:16:21,981 --> 00:16:23,641 What a joke of a power... 277 00:16:23,641 --> 00:16:28,371 Do you get it now?! You lost! 278 00:16:28,371 --> 00:16:30,231 Victory in Round #1's Donut Race... 279 00:16:30,631 --> 00:16:32,241 goes to us! 280 00:16:32,321 --> 00:16:34,821 Oh, my! You were so close, too! 281 00:16:34,991 --> 00:16:37,411 That concludes Round #1! 282 00:16:37,411 --> 00:16:40,331 Now for the long-awaited spoils of war! 283 00:16:40,331 --> 00:16:43,351 It's time to call one member of the opposing crew! 284 00:16:52,461 --> 00:16:55,801 The first person I want is... 285 00:16:56,591 --> 00:16:57,301 you! 286 00:16:57,631 --> 00:17:00,321 The ship doctor! Tony Tony Chopper! 287 00:17:01,051 --> 00:17:02,021 Me?! 288 00:17:02,101 --> 00:17:04,221 Bring him here at once! 289 00:17:04,481 --> 00:17:06,191 Oh, no! Chopper! 290 00:17:07,311 --> 00:17:12,051 What a rare creature! You're way softer than I imagined! 291 00:17:12,051 --> 00:17:15,141 Oh, Boss! Let me touch him too! 292 00:17:15,141 --> 00:17:16,611 Nauseatingly cute! 293 00:17:16,781 --> 00:17:18,181 He's ours now! 294 00:17:21,201 --> 00:17:22,361 Chopper! 295 00:17:24,421 --> 00:17:27,201 So that creep was after Chopper? 296 00:17:27,201 --> 00:17:30,681 Well, I guess he is the rarest of rare animals... 297 00:17:30,681 --> 00:17:32,301 He's into cute things? 298 00:17:32,301 --> 00:17:33,961 Or furs, perhaps? 299 00:17:33,961 --> 00:17:35,811 This is no time to chat! 300 00:17:35,811 --> 00:17:38,471 This is serious! They just took our friend! 301 00:17:39,201 --> 00:17:40,801 Guys... 302 00:17:41,661 --> 00:17:46,341 All right, Dr. Chopper. You're a member of my crew now. 303 00:17:46,721 --> 00:17:50,311 You need to pledge loyalty to me! Now put on this mask... 304 00:17:52,941 --> 00:17:54,251 Guys...! 305 00:17:55,111 --> 00:17:58,771 I'm sorry we lost, Chopper...! 306 00:17:58,771 --> 00:17:59,801 Damn! 307 00:18:01,661 --> 00:18:03,831 This is a true rarity! 308 00:18:04,201 --> 00:18:07,161 A talking reindeer! Amazing! 309 00:18:07,791 --> 00:18:09,331 Let's be buddies! 310 00:18:10,441 --> 00:18:11,711 Yo! Comrade! 311 00:18:16,011 --> 00:18:17,341 Guys! 312 00:18:18,011 --> 00:18:21,971 I only set sail so I could be with you guys! 313 00:18:22,431 --> 00:18:26,351 No! I-I don't want this! 314 00:18:26,521 --> 00:18:31,191 Luffy! I only set sail because you invited me to! 315 00:18:31,191 --> 00:18:33,611 I don't wanna go with these guys...! 316 00:18:33,851 --> 00:18:40,661 No! I'm the Straw Hat Pirates' ship doctor, Tony Tony Chopper! 317 00:18:42,571 --> 00:18:44,411 I don't want this! 318 00:18:46,261 --> 00:18:48,211 Quit your griping, Chopper! 319 00:18:48,911 --> 00:18:50,421 You're being a poor sport! 320 00:18:51,151 --> 00:18:52,261 Zoro... 321 00:18:52,261 --> 00:18:55,211 You're the one who decided to set sail! 322 00:18:55,211 --> 00:18:57,661 No one else is to blame if you end up dying somewhere! 323 00:18:57,661 --> 00:18:59,091 Only you are! 324 00:18:59,551 --> 00:19:01,441 We agreed to this game. 325 00:19:01,831 --> 00:19:04,811 Usopp, you, and everyone else did their best! 326 00:19:05,941 --> 00:19:09,481 No one in the pirate world would sympathize with your tears! 327 00:19:10,231 --> 00:19:11,411 A real man... 328 00:19:11,981 --> 00:19:14,571 ...would roll up his sleeves and watch the rest of the contest quietly! 329 00:19:16,231 --> 00:19:19,771 How can you say that?! Don't you know how he feels?! 330 00:19:24,321 --> 00:19:27,551 All right! Do anything you like with me! 331 00:19:28,831 --> 00:19:29,871 Chopper... 332 00:19:30,341 --> 00:19:31,421 All right! 333 00:19:31,421 --> 00:19:34,191 --Whoa! --That swordsman is awesome! 334 00:19:34,191 --> 00:19:36,691 All right! Teach 'em a lesson, Zoro! 335 00:19:36,691 --> 00:19:38,341 Get Chopper back! 336 00:19:38,341 --> 00:19:41,871 --Let's take him next, Boss! --This reindeer's got guts! 337 00:19:41,871 --> 00:19:43,761 Let's get the second round started. 338 00:19:44,111 --> 00:19:46,431 So moving! I'm moved to tears! 339 00:19:46,831 --> 00:19:49,351 Yeah. There's still two rounds left. 340 00:19:50,101 --> 00:19:53,771 We're gonna take back our precious emergency food... and then some. 341 00:19:53,771 --> 00:19:55,711 Sanji! We're counting on you! 342 00:19:55,711 --> 00:19:57,651 The exchange is finished 343 00:19:57,651 --> 00:19:59,991 as the Davy Back Fight suddenly explodes with excitement! 344 00:20:00,321 --> 00:20:03,301 Huh? Wait, Chopper's in the second round. 345 00:20:03,301 --> 00:20:05,661 --But they took him. --You're right. 346 00:20:06,391 --> 00:20:08,081 That's the real thrill of this game! 347 00:20:08,371 --> 00:20:09,531 We told you! 348 00:20:09,531 --> 00:20:12,831 You can't change your roster! No replacements allowed! 349 00:20:12,921 --> 00:20:15,291 In other words, only the other two Straw Hat contestants 350 00:20:15,291 --> 00:20:17,851 can participate in Round #2's Groggy Ring! 351 00:20:17,851 --> 00:20:20,491 Team Foxy already has the advantage! 352 00:20:20,491 --> 00:20:21,301 What?! 353 00:20:21,681 --> 00:20:23,931 You can drop out too, if you want. 354 00:20:23,931 --> 00:20:26,511 No, but you can, loser. 355 00:20:26,841 --> 00:20:30,231 I find it hard to believe they'll work as a team... 356 00:20:30,581 --> 00:20:32,351 --Say what?! --Stop that! 357 00:20:32,691 --> 00:20:36,411 I'll now explain the rules of Groggy Ring! 358 00:20:36,411 --> 00:20:38,571 There's a field, and two goals! 359 00:20:38,571 --> 00:20:40,581 Knock the balls into them and you win! 360 00:20:40,581 --> 00:20:43,301 However, the balls are no ordinary balls! 361 00:20:43,301 --> 00:20:44,681 They're people! 362 00:20:44,681 --> 00:20:48,331 Both teams, select someone to be a ball! 363 00:20:48,331 --> 00:20:51,081 Which of you's gonna be the ball?! 364 00:20:52,821 --> 00:20:53,911 Here's your ball mark! 365 00:20:54,121 --> 00:20:57,671 Who made you boss?! You be the ball, Moss Head! 366 00:20:58,131 --> 00:21:02,071 Oh, there it is! Their entrance song! 367 00:21:02,071 --> 00:21:05,261 It's the undefeated elites of Groggy Ring! 368 00:21:05,261 --> 00:21:09,141 Yes! Defeat is impossible for them! 369 00:21:11,181 --> 00:21:12,061 Crush 'em! 370 00:21:12,431 --> 00:21:19,031 The famous Groggy Monsters have just taken the field! 371 00:21:21,131 --> 00:21:23,611 At the lead is "Full Dash" Hamburg! 372 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:27,661 He's followed by "Tackle Machine" Pickles! 373 00:21:28,311 --> 00:21:34,251 Last but not least is Big Pan the wotan: a half-fishman half-giant! 374 00:21:34,711 --> 00:21:38,171 This is literally a monstrous march! 375 00:21:38,171 --> 00:21:41,631 Now, then! 376 00:21:44,751 --> 00:21:45,881 What is that?! 377 00:21:47,361 --> 00:21:49,391 What is that giant fishman?! 378 00:21:50,351 --> 00:21:52,311 They're putting the ball mark on him! 379 00:21:53,931 --> 00:21:55,141 Let's see you win this! 380 00:22:00,611 --> 00:22:01,571 Seem like a good match? 381 00:22:04,271 --> 00:22:05,401 Yep. 382 00:22:21,131 --> 00:22:23,251 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 383 00:22:23,251 --> 00:22:26,801 Chasing after something constant 384 00:22:26,801 --> 00:22:31,431 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 385 00:22:32,391 --> 00:22:34,681 Even when we're exhausted 386 00:22:34,681 --> 00:22:37,851 We have a compass that can search for something constant 387 00:22:37,851 --> 00:22:43,271 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 388 00:22:43,271 --> 00:22:46,191 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 389 00:22:46,191 --> 00:22:48,991 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 390 00:22:48,991 --> 00:22:51,951 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 391 00:22:51,951 --> 00:22:55,041 Eternally... Eternally... 392 00:22:55,041 --> 00:22:57,831 Wild fantasies from our childhood 393 00:22:57,831 --> 00:23:00,671 We trace unforgettable memories 394 00:23:00,671 --> 00:23:06,341 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 395 00:23:06,341 --> 00:23:09,131 To this familiar sunny sky 396 00:23:09,131 --> 00:23:11,971 Together we entrust our feelings 397 00:23:11,971 --> 00:23:14,561 We go beyond the changing time 398 00:23:14,561 --> 00:23:17,351 Eternally... Eternally... 399 00:23:25,191 --> 00:23:28,511 --What are you doing?! --Huh? Look who's talking! 400 00:23:28,511 --> 00:23:30,301 I'll chop you up if they score a goal! 401 00:23:30,301 --> 00:23:32,071 Shut up! Don't try anything funny! 402 00:23:32,071 --> 00:23:33,491 You get thrown around too easy! 403 00:23:33,491 --> 00:23:35,781 I don't need you to give me backup! 404 00:23:35,781 --> 00:23:37,751 It's only 'cause I can't count on you! 405 00:23:38,501 --> 00:23:42,041 They're funny! They're fighting even during the match! 406 00:23:42,081 --> 00:23:43,501 On the next episode of One Piece! 407 00:23:43,501 --> 00:23:46,131 "Round 2! Shoot It into the Groggy Ring" 408 00:23:46,131 --> 00:23:48,101 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 409 00:23:48,551 --> 00:23:50,551