1 00:00:19,011 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,731 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,731 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,691 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:56,011 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:56,011 --> 00:01:02,971 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,971 --> 00:01:10,111 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,111 --> 00:01:13,771 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,771 --> 00:01:17,281 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,281 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,451 --> 00:01:28,671 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,501 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,501 --> 00:01:39,721 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,721 --> 00:01:43,431 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,431 --> 00:01:46,731 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,731 --> 00:01:50,101 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:50,101 --> 00:01:55,361 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,361 --> 00:01:58,111 One Piece 22 00:02:06,221 --> 00:02:08,911 Zoro and Sanji have teamed up in Round #2's Groggy Ring 23 00:02:08,911 --> 00:02:11,431 in order to win Chopper back. 24 00:02:11,431 --> 00:02:15,441 Hamburg catches Sanji! Incredible! 25 00:02:15,441 --> 00:02:17,761 He's within range of the ring! 26 00:02:17,761 --> 00:02:20,971 I ain't gonna... 27 00:02:20,971 --> 00:02:23,931 ...let 'em score! 28 00:02:24,411 --> 00:02:27,221 I can't let that damn swordsman snub me... 29 00:02:27,221 --> 00:02:30,021 ...by saving my hide! 30 00:02:33,731 --> 00:02:36,481 Now I'm mad, Leader! 31 00:02:36,491 --> 00:02:38,571 Hamburger Hammer! 32 00:02:38,971 --> 00:02:40,201 Punk... 33 00:02:41,321 --> 00:02:43,171 ...Attack! 34 00:02:48,041 --> 00:02:50,661 Sling Tackle! 35 00:02:52,331 --> 00:02:54,641 Size Attack: S! 36 00:02:56,041 --> 00:02:57,411 M! 37 00:02:58,781 --> 00:03:00,261 L! 38 00:03:03,591 --> 00:03:06,391 The opponents literally are "groggy"! 39 00:03:06,391 --> 00:03:10,311 All that remains now is to stuff the ball man into his ring coffin 40 00:03:10,311 --> 00:03:13,191 and this will be two wins in a row! 41 00:03:17,721 --> 00:03:20,281 Hey, cook... 42 00:03:20,281 --> 00:03:22,491 Lend me a hand for ten seconds... 43 00:03:25,021 --> 00:03:28,581 Sounds like... a reasonable length of time... 44 00:03:28,581 --> 00:03:37,591 "A Barrage of Red Cards in Groggy Ring!" 45 00:03:37,951 --> 00:03:41,011 This is Round #2 of the Davy Back Fight, Groggy Ring! 46 00:03:41,011 --> 00:03:43,511 The outcome of the match is now clear as day! 47 00:03:43,511 --> 00:03:45,841 No one is a match for our monsters! 48 00:03:45,841 --> 00:03:48,391 Although Team Straw Hat was defeated, 49 00:03:48,391 --> 00:03:54,391 I can't help but applaud them for putting up such a gallant--! 50 00:03:54,811 --> 00:03:56,401 Hey! Look! 51 00:03:56,751 --> 00:03:57,561 Wha...?! 52 00:03:58,441 --> 00:04:02,111 They're up! Team Straw Hat is standing again! 53 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:07,661 Roronoa the swordsman and Sanji the cook are terrifyingly tough! 54 00:04:07,661 --> 00:04:10,121 They really know how to make a game exciting! 55 00:04:12,181 --> 00:04:15,831 They're back up! Now get those jerks! 56 00:04:16,841 --> 00:04:22,011 But do these two have enough strength left to fight?! 57 00:04:24,421 --> 00:04:26,641 Hey, you guys... 58 00:04:30,291 --> 00:04:33,061 One Monster Burger, please! 59 00:04:38,091 --> 00:04:40,481 --Wh-What?! --What could that mean? 60 00:04:40,481 --> 00:04:43,651 Huh? Do they sell burgers here? 61 00:04:43,651 --> 00:04:45,771 Obviously not! 62 00:04:45,771 --> 00:04:47,671 My word! 63 00:04:47,671 --> 00:04:51,201 Our boss has just ordered a Monster Burger! 64 00:05:12,971 --> 00:05:16,641 Hold on! They're clearly using weapons now! 65 00:05:16,641 --> 00:05:19,101 Grind 'em up like a burger patty... 66 00:05:19,101 --> 00:05:21,821 And slice 'em good like fresh pickles... 67 00:05:21,821 --> 00:05:23,281 Who are the guests?! 68 00:05:23,281 --> 00:05:26,241 Green lettuce... and yellow cheese! 69 00:05:28,081 --> 00:05:31,071 Crush it all between big pans and you get... 70 00:05:33,801 --> 00:05:36,501 ...a Monster Burger! 71 00:05:36,501 --> 00:05:41,211 There it is! Their utterly horrific triple weapon attack! 72 00:05:44,791 --> 00:05:48,501 There's no escape! Foul play like this clearly calls for red cards! 73 00:05:48,501 --> 00:05:51,681 Team Straw Hat is in a tough bind! 74 00:05:56,601 --> 00:05:59,101 Oh, but wouldn't you know! 75 00:05:59,101 --> 00:06:04,811 The ref just happens to have his back turned as he stretches! 76 00:06:04,811 --> 00:06:06,651 What are you doing?! 77 00:06:06,651 --> 00:06:08,551 --Stop, Luffy! --But...! 78 00:06:08,551 --> 00:06:11,201 They want us to butt in! 79 00:06:11,681 --> 00:06:13,911 We need to grin and bear it, Luffy! 80 00:06:14,421 --> 00:06:19,371 Everything's set! The Groggy Monsters commence their attack! 81 00:06:19,371 --> 00:06:23,211 Whatever happens now, don't blame me! 82 00:06:23,881 --> 00:06:26,421 Naturally, they go after Sanji, the ball man! 83 00:06:26,421 --> 00:06:32,641 Will he be ground up, sliced, and crushed into a hamburger patty?! 84 00:06:34,291 --> 00:06:38,941 I can't make much with third-rate ingredients like you guys, 85 00:06:38,941 --> 00:06:41,271 but I'll cook each and every one of you! 86 00:06:42,141 --> 00:06:43,811 You're mincemeat now! 87 00:06:44,221 --> 00:06:45,901 Troisième... 88 00:06:45,901 --> 00:06:47,651 --He's fast! --...Haché! 89 00:07:02,251 --> 00:07:04,171 Bouquetiere... 90 00:07:04,171 --> 00:07:06,001 ...Shoot! 91 00:07:12,431 --> 00:07:13,721 Oh, no! 92 00:07:13,721 --> 00:07:15,971 Stop crushing! 93 00:07:19,381 --> 00:07:20,771 Leader! 94 00:07:27,241 --> 00:07:29,151 How dare you...?! 95 00:07:35,001 --> 00:07:37,531 Don't forget this is a team battle. 96 00:07:38,501 --> 00:07:40,121 Why, you...! 97 00:07:40,121 --> 00:07:43,121 I'll cut you up! 98 00:07:44,871 --> 00:07:46,791 No-Sword Style... 99 00:07:48,041 --> 00:07:49,631 ...Tatsu... 100 00:07:50,351 --> 00:07:52,371 ...Maki! 101 00:07:57,321 --> 00:08:03,561 M-My word! Big Pan has fallen victim to Pickles' spinning blades! 102 00:08:04,591 --> 00:08:08,061 Oh, no! Dammit...! 103 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:13,781 Bad Manner... 104 00:08:17,921 --> 00:08:21,411 ...Kick Course! 105 00:08:29,961 --> 00:08:32,231 I-Incredible! 106 00:08:32,231 --> 00:08:35,991 The gigantic Big Pan was falling over, but is now upright again! 107 00:08:35,991 --> 00:08:41,721 A tremendous kick has kept Big Pan on his feet and in a daze! 108 00:08:41,721 --> 00:08:43,851 What will Pickles do now?! 109 00:08:44,201 --> 00:08:46,561 Team Foxy is in a pinch! 110 00:08:46,561 --> 00:08:50,021 Oh! Now Zoro the swordsman charges in! 111 00:08:50,021 --> 00:08:53,941 Naturally, he's going after Big Pan, the ball man! 112 00:08:54,601 --> 00:08:56,281 You're not getting past me! 113 00:09:05,071 --> 00:09:08,171 I've had enough of you and the ref! 114 00:09:08,491 --> 00:09:13,461 The crowd-- no, the referee-- takes a direct hit! 115 00:09:13,461 --> 00:09:16,511 Sanji the cook is truly fearsome! 116 00:09:19,531 --> 00:09:22,581 That was on purpose...! 117 00:09:22,581 --> 00:09:25,521 How dare he... hurt the ref...?! 118 00:09:25,521 --> 00:09:28,141 Red card! 119 00:09:28,471 --> 00:09:30,021 Huh? 120 00:09:30,021 --> 00:09:33,821 My cards and whistle... They're gone... 121 00:09:34,841 --> 00:09:36,151 You're a naughty girl. 122 00:09:37,411 --> 00:09:39,741 Couldn't help it. It's an old habit of mine. 123 00:09:48,211 --> 00:09:49,921 Oh! What's this?! 124 00:09:49,921 --> 00:09:55,381 Is Team Straw Hat arguing again, in front of the lone Big Pan?! 125 00:10:00,101 --> 00:10:04,221 Armée de l'Air Power Shoot! 126 00:10:08,011 --> 00:10:10,101 I-Incredible! 127 00:10:10,441 --> 00:10:11,521 Big Pan... 128 00:10:11,521 --> 00:10:12,691 --What?! --No way! 129 00:10:12,691 --> 00:10:15,191 ...the gigantic wotan... 130 00:10:15,191 --> 00:10:18,151 ...is airborne! 131 00:10:18,151 --> 00:10:19,651 Go! 132 00:10:19,651 --> 00:10:21,491 They're headed for the goal ring! 133 00:10:21,491 --> 00:10:22,491 No! 134 00:10:37,011 --> 00:10:41,051 Goal! 135 00:10:56,211 --> 00:10:58,361 I-Incredible! 136 00:11:00,281 --> 00:11:03,201 He's airborne! 137 00:11:03,201 --> 00:11:04,661 Go! 138 00:11:06,491 --> 00:11:08,341 No! 139 00:11:20,591 --> 00:11:25,051 It goes in! Goal! Goal! Goal! 140 00:11:25,051 --> 00:11:27,931 Nice, Zoro! Sanji-kun! 141 00:11:27,931 --> 00:11:33,081 All right! Zoro! Sanji! You're awesome! 142 00:11:33,081 --> 00:11:36,441 You bums actually did it! 143 00:11:36,441 --> 00:11:39,191 Y-You did it! 144 00:11:39,191 --> 00:11:42,851 Aww! But I don't wanna give Choppy back! 145 00:11:42,851 --> 00:11:46,371 Zoro! Sanji! Way to go! 146 00:11:46,371 --> 00:11:48,981 Whoa! They're awesome! 147 00:11:48,981 --> 00:11:52,221 Bravo! Bravo! 148 00:11:52,221 --> 00:11:54,361 I'm totally moved to tears! 149 00:11:54,361 --> 00:11:56,381 You guys really are the best! 150 00:11:56,951 --> 00:12:01,011 You dimwits! Who the heck praises their enemy?! 151 00:12:02,611 --> 00:12:07,261 I can't believe this! No one defeats the Groggy Monsters...! 152 00:12:09,971 --> 00:12:12,021 Oh, hi, Ref. Wakey-wakey. 153 00:12:12,021 --> 00:12:16,061 Hurry and blow the whistle! Go on! 154 00:12:16,061 --> 00:12:18,001 O-Oh, right. 155 00:12:18,001 --> 00:12:20,901 His behavior toward me was a flagrant foul! 156 00:12:22,241 --> 00:12:23,651 He's outta the game! 157 00:12:26,871 --> 00:12:30,531 And there's the final whistle! 158 00:12:30,531 --> 00:12:33,411 The Groggy Ring match is over! 159 00:12:41,991 --> 00:12:43,511 You did it! 160 00:12:43,511 --> 00:12:46,211 Hurray! We won! 161 00:12:46,211 --> 00:12:49,261 Way to go! Zoro! Sanji! 162 00:12:49,551 --> 00:12:52,061 Thanks for your hard work! 163 00:12:58,861 --> 00:13:01,361 In Round #2 of the Davy Back Fight, 164 00:13:01,361 --> 00:13:06,821 Team Straw Hat has unbelievably snatched victory away 165 00:13:06,821 --> 00:13:11,041 from the previously undefeated Groggy Monsters! 166 00:13:16,161 --> 00:13:19,791 Of course we won! Zoro and Sanji would never lose! 167 00:13:19,791 --> 00:13:23,091 Nami-san! Robin-chan! 168 00:13:23,091 --> 00:13:26,221 Did you see that?! Did you fall for me?! 169 00:13:26,221 --> 00:13:27,381 You were wonderful! 170 00:13:27,661 --> 00:13:30,931 You jerks! Don't scare me like that! 171 00:13:30,931 --> 00:13:32,741 That hurts. 172 00:13:32,741 --> 00:13:35,151 You did great! You did just what I said! 173 00:13:35,151 --> 00:13:36,941 You didn't do a thing. 174 00:13:41,271 --> 00:13:46,381 Now that Team Straw Hat has won Round #2's Groggy Ring game, 175 00:13:46,381 --> 00:13:49,641 they're allowed to swipe either a member of the Foxy Pirates' crew 176 00:13:49,641 --> 00:13:52,591 or the Foxy Pirates' symbol! 177 00:13:52,591 --> 00:13:57,291 Who does the Straw Hat captain want?! 178 00:14:08,021 --> 00:14:10,301 Isn't it obvious? 179 00:14:10,721 --> 00:14:13,011 Huh?! Is it me...? 180 00:14:13,471 --> 00:14:17,111 They wanted me from the very start...! 181 00:14:17,111 --> 00:14:20,941 Oh, man... I'm not ready to go yet... 182 00:14:20,941 --> 00:14:25,781 Crap, it must be me! Our eyes just met...! 183 00:14:25,781 --> 00:14:28,961 I bet it'll be me... 184 00:14:28,961 --> 00:14:30,661 Could be me! 185 00:14:30,661 --> 00:14:34,791 If he chooses me, I'll say goodbye to these guys with a smile... 186 00:14:34,791 --> 00:14:37,751 They like me, I just know it... 187 00:14:42,451 --> 00:14:44,291 Come on, Luffy... Hurry... 188 00:14:46,841 --> 00:14:49,541 --Okay! I choose--! --Hold on! 189 00:14:51,051 --> 00:14:52,351 What is it, Nami? 190 00:14:52,351 --> 00:14:55,811 Their boss will probably take part in the next round, right? 191 00:14:55,811 --> 00:14:56,961 Yeah... 192 00:14:56,961 --> 00:14:59,271 With that Slow-Slow Beam of his, 193 00:14:59,271 --> 00:15:03,411 we won't stand a chance in any game, no matter what the rules are! 194 00:15:03,411 --> 00:15:09,951 But if we take him now, we'll have the upper hand in Round 3! 195 00:15:09,951 --> 00:15:14,651 If we take Chopper back now but lose in this next round, 196 00:15:14,651 --> 00:15:17,041 they could just steal him again! 197 00:15:17,351 --> 00:15:20,081 In which case, taking their boss now 198 00:15:20,081 --> 00:15:23,001 and playing the next game in tip-top condition 199 00:15:23,001 --> 00:15:27,211 is the best way to get Chopper back and keep him. 200 00:15:27,211 --> 00:15:33,831 U-U-Unbelievable! Is he going to call for the Foxy Pirates' captain?! 201 00:15:33,831 --> 00:15:36,351 Th-That's the Peanut Strategy! 202 00:15:36,351 --> 00:15:38,641 You guys are the lowest! 203 00:15:38,641 --> 00:15:41,231 You lousy Peanutters! 204 00:15:41,231 --> 00:15:43,961 Fight us fair and square! 205 00:15:43,961 --> 00:15:46,521 There's no rule against it, 206 00:15:46,521 --> 00:15:50,281 but suddenly calling out an opponent's leader after the second round 207 00:15:50,281 --> 00:15:55,161 is an obvious attempt at avoiding a fair-and-square, head-on match! 208 00:15:55,161 --> 00:16:00,701 I can't believe my ears! This is the devilish idea of an inhuman woman! 209 00:16:00,701 --> 00:16:04,731 Her name is Nami, the heathen navigator! 210 00:16:04,731 --> 00:16:08,531 How dare you insult Nami-san?! I oughta filet you! 211 00:16:08,531 --> 00:16:10,831 In the long history of Davy Back Fights, 212 00:16:10,831 --> 00:16:14,851 no one has ever tried to pull this wretched trick! 213 00:16:14,851 --> 00:16:19,971 Let me ask you all! Is a win against a leaderless team a true victory?! 214 00:16:19,971 --> 00:16:21,431 No! 215 00:16:21,431 --> 00:16:25,071 After swearing to Davy Jones to hold a fair match, 216 00:16:25,071 --> 00:16:27,401 is it okay to turn it into a lie?! 217 00:16:27,401 --> 00:16:28,861 No! 218 00:16:28,861 --> 00:16:32,091 --Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!... --I hate them... 219 00:16:32,091 --> 00:16:34,101 Even if it doesn't go against the rules, 220 00:16:34,101 --> 00:16:36,861 it seems it would go against pirate aesthetics. 221 00:16:36,861 --> 00:16:40,751 Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!... 222 00:16:40,751 --> 00:16:43,931 What's with them?! They're making me mad! 223 00:16:43,931 --> 00:16:45,521 I'm with Nami on this! 224 00:16:45,521 --> 00:16:49,091 Their reaction's only natural. You're in the wrong, Nami. 225 00:16:50,391 --> 00:16:54,381 Will you shut up already?! Quit actin' cocky! 226 00:16:54,381 --> 00:16:55,841 Our apologies! 227 00:16:55,841 --> 00:17:00,421 Still, like it or not, Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the winning team, 228 00:17:00,421 --> 00:17:04,881 gets to decide how this game will unfold! 229 00:17:04,881 --> 00:17:08,741 He's free to choose anyone he wants from Team Foxy! 230 00:17:08,741 --> 00:17:11,141 He'll choose me, I just know it... 231 00:17:11,141 --> 00:17:14,981 I bet an adventure with them would be fun... 232 00:17:14,981 --> 00:17:18,861 It's obvious I'm the only choice here... 233 00:17:18,861 --> 00:17:23,361 No, don't look at me! Please! Don't! 234 00:17:23,361 --> 00:17:27,371 Is he gonna choose me? These guys are cool! 235 00:17:27,371 --> 00:17:30,801 Is it me? Is he gonna pick me?! 236 00:17:30,801 --> 00:17:34,511 Wha...?! It's gonna be me, huh?! 237 00:17:34,511 --> 00:17:37,181 Straw Hat... You're... 238 00:17:44,541 --> 00:17:48,211 You're going to choose me, aren't you?! 239 00:17:48,211 --> 00:17:51,771 Yes, yes... It's obvious you are! 240 00:17:51,771 --> 00:17:56,371 Farewell, Foxy Pirates. Farewell, wonderful crew! 241 00:17:56,371 --> 00:18:00,451 When he picks me, I'll say goodbye to them with a smile on my face... 242 00:18:00,451 --> 00:18:06,581 Oh, having such a marvelous personality and beautiful looks is a sin! 243 00:18:06,581 --> 00:18:09,751 That's definitely something the Straw Hat Pirates lack! 244 00:18:09,751 --> 00:18:12,291 Oh, there's no doubt they like me! 245 00:18:12,731 --> 00:18:14,801 Say, Navigator. 246 00:18:14,801 --> 00:18:18,301 Your proposal does give us an overwhelming advantage, 247 00:18:18,301 --> 00:18:21,271 but that also makes their boss part of our crew. 248 00:18:22,301 --> 00:18:23,551 No, thanks. 249 00:18:29,191 --> 00:18:32,941 Our boss has sunk into the ground from the weight of his feelings! 250 00:18:32,941 --> 00:18:36,191 I can't believe they all rejected our boss like that! 251 00:18:36,191 --> 00:18:40,161 Oh, Boss! It's okay! We need you! 252 00:18:40,161 --> 00:18:42,351 We do, Boss! 253 00:18:42,351 --> 00:18:44,031 G-Guys... 254 00:18:44,031 --> 00:18:46,411 Let's teach these guys a lesson! 255 00:18:46,411 --> 00:18:48,791 Yeah! I can't wait for the next round! 256 00:18:48,791 --> 00:18:50,711 We love you, Boss! 257 00:18:50,711 --> 00:18:52,041 Boss! 258 00:18:52,651 --> 00:18:54,301 Guys... 259 00:18:54,301 --> 00:18:58,761 Yes! You are my only true comrades! 260 00:18:58,761 --> 00:19:00,021 Thank you! 261 00:19:00,021 --> 00:19:01,851 Cut the crap, will ya? 262 00:19:01,851 --> 00:19:03,221 Boss! 263 00:19:03,791 --> 00:19:07,391 Now that Team Straw Hat's harassment of our boss has ended, 264 00:19:07,391 --> 00:19:09,391 it's time to pick someone! 265 00:19:09,391 --> 00:19:12,851 Who will he choose?! 266 00:19:16,161 --> 00:19:19,571 All right, then. I wanna take back... 267 00:19:21,071 --> 00:19:23,041 ...Shelly! 268 00:19:29,711 --> 00:19:32,071 Wh-What's this?! 269 00:19:32,071 --> 00:19:38,391 Captain Monkey D. Luffy has chosen Shelly, Tonjit's former horse! 270 00:19:38,391 --> 00:19:41,931 What in the world is he thinking?! 271 00:19:41,931 --> 00:19:45,961 Do you know what you just said, you dumb captain?! 272 00:19:45,961 --> 00:19:47,121 Of course. 273 00:19:47,121 --> 00:19:49,771 Seriously! What are you thinking?! 274 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:51,881 Urgh! You always pull this nonsense! 275 00:19:51,881 --> 00:19:55,901 Umm, could you not pull my face? 276 00:19:56,211 --> 00:19:59,921 Looks like you're staying with us, Choppy! 277 00:20:01,851 --> 00:20:04,471 If you weren't going to take their boss, 278 00:20:04,471 --> 00:20:06,301 then you should've chosen Chopper! 279 00:20:06,301 --> 00:20:08,951 But...! 280 00:20:12,891 --> 00:20:17,631 Old stilts guy. I took Shelly back from those guys. 281 00:20:17,631 --> 00:20:18,971 You guys... 282 00:20:18,971 --> 00:20:20,591 Now you can always be together. 283 00:20:20,991 --> 00:20:23,491 Say, what happened to you two in the back? 284 00:20:23,491 --> 00:20:26,681 You're really hurt. Are you okay? 285 00:20:26,681 --> 00:20:29,391 Some idiot with crazy eyebrows slowed me down, that's all. 286 00:20:29,391 --> 00:20:30,511 Huh?! 287 00:20:31,061 --> 00:20:33,481 They're certainly full of life... 288 00:20:38,261 --> 00:20:41,571 I appreciate it. Thank you... 289 00:20:41,571 --> 00:20:44,121 It's nothin'. Don't worry about it! 290 00:20:46,191 --> 00:20:48,371 That's a good girl! 291 00:20:49,951 --> 00:20:51,851 Well, that explains that. 292 00:20:51,851 --> 00:20:54,691 Guess it couldn't be helped this time! 293 00:20:54,691 --> 00:20:58,041 Let me treat you all! How about some cheese at my place? 294 00:20:58,041 --> 00:20:59,501 No, no more of that! 295 00:21:01,411 --> 00:21:03,261 I truly appreciate this. 296 00:21:05,801 --> 00:21:08,931 Thank you. 297 00:21:08,931 --> 00:21:10,551 I'm glad for you, old guy! 298 00:21:10,551 --> 00:21:14,551 Are you sure about this, though? Your friend is still... 299 00:21:14,551 --> 00:21:18,021 Yeah, Luffy! You need to consider Chopper's feelings too! 300 00:21:23,591 --> 00:21:24,821 Luffy... 301 00:21:26,301 --> 00:21:28,021 Chopper... 302 00:21:28,021 --> 00:21:29,701 Sorry, Chopper! 303 00:21:30,731 --> 00:21:34,671 We will win the next game and get you back! 304 00:21:34,671 --> 00:21:36,591 So just hang on a little more! 305 00:21:36,591 --> 00:21:38,041 You're a man, right?! 306 00:21:40,351 --> 00:21:41,961 Got a problem with that? 307 00:21:44,851 --> 00:21:46,551 Nope! 308 00:21:47,891 --> 00:21:49,971 Chopper... 309 00:21:49,971 --> 00:21:53,471 Leave it to me! It'll be just fine! 310 00:21:53,471 --> 00:21:57,371 Yeah, sure. Uh-huh. 311 00:21:57,371 --> 00:22:00,061 I wonder what the next game will be. 312 00:22:00,061 --> 00:22:01,981 Let's get started! 313 00:22:03,481 --> 00:22:06,151 We will win Chopper back! 314 00:22:21,101 --> 00:22:23,221 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 315 00:22:23,221 --> 00:22:26,771 Chasing after something constant 316 00:22:26,771 --> 00:22:31,401 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 317 00:22:32,361 --> 00:22:34,651 Even when we're exhausted 318 00:22:34,651 --> 00:22:37,821 We have a compass that can search for something constant 319 00:22:37,821 --> 00:22:43,241 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 320 00:22:43,241 --> 00:22:46,161 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 321 00:22:46,161 --> 00:22:48,961 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 322 00:22:48,961 --> 00:22:51,921 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 323 00:22:51,921 --> 00:22:55,001 Eternally... Eternally... 324 00:22:55,001 --> 00:22:57,801 Wild fantasies from our childhood 325 00:22:57,801 --> 00:23:00,631 We trace unforgettable memories 326 00:23:00,631 --> 00:23:06,311 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 327 00:23:06,311 --> 00:23:09,101 To this familiar sunny sky 328 00:23:09,101 --> 00:23:11,941 Together we entrust our feelings 329 00:23:11,941 --> 00:23:14,521 We go beyond the changing time 330 00:23:14,521 --> 00:23:17,321 Eternally... Eternally... 331 00:23:25,021 --> 00:23:29,611 Round #3 is the Roller Skate Race! A five-round match on a track! 332 00:23:29,611 --> 00:23:32,031 They'll take me if we lose! Because I'm cute! 333 00:23:32,031 --> 00:23:33,241 You gotta be kidding-- Oww! 334 00:23:33,241 --> 00:23:35,871 You're absolutely no match for us! For you see...! 335 00:23:35,871 --> 00:23:39,951 --Okay, guys! Let's get Chopper back! --Yeah! 336 00:23:39,951 --> 00:23:41,251 Ignored again...? 337 00:23:41,251 --> 00:23:42,791 On the next episode of One Piece! 338 00:23:42,791 --> 00:23:45,421 "Round 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race!" 339 00:23:45,421 --> 00:23:47,841 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 340 00:23:47,841 --> 00:23:49,841