1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,271 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:26,691 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,691 --> 00:00:30,071 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,251 --> 00:00:48,751 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,751 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,071 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,071 --> 00:01:13,731 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,731 --> 00:01:17,241 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,241 --> 00:01:21,411 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,411 --> 00:01:24,411 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,411 --> 00:01:28,631 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,631 --> 00:01:32,131 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,131 --> 00:01:35,461 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,461 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,691 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,691 --> 00:01:50,061 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:50,061 --> 00:01:55,321 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,321 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:07,501 --> 00:02:11,171 Armée de l'Air Power Shoot! 23 00:02:16,301 --> 00:02:17,461 Go! 24 00:02:23,391 --> 00:02:25,061 Goal! 25 00:02:25,061 --> 00:02:29,581 Goal! Goal! 26 00:02:29,581 --> 00:02:32,691 Team Straw Hat is victorious! 27 00:02:37,611 --> 00:02:39,531 Shelly! 28 00:02:46,121 --> 00:02:47,951 Wh-What's this?! 29 00:02:47,951 --> 00:02:52,791 Captain Monkey D. Luffy has chosen Shelly, Tonjit's former horse! 30 00:02:52,791 --> 00:02:55,341 What in the world is he thinking?! 31 00:02:59,511 --> 00:03:03,971 Old stilts guy. I took Shelly back from those guys. 32 00:03:03,971 --> 00:03:05,071 You guys... 33 00:03:05,071 --> 00:03:06,681 Now you can always be together. 34 00:03:07,181 --> 00:03:09,811 I truly appreciate this. Thank you. 35 00:03:11,941 --> 00:03:13,741 Well, that explains that. 36 00:03:13,741 --> 00:03:16,401 Guess it couldn't be helped this time! 37 00:03:18,821 --> 00:03:20,611 That's a good girl! 38 00:03:22,481 --> 00:03:23,241 Chopper! 39 00:03:24,391 --> 00:03:25,701 Got a problem with that? 40 00:03:27,661 --> 00:03:28,951 Nope! 41 00:03:30,421 --> 00:03:31,581 Chopper... 42 00:03:31,581 --> 00:03:34,461 Leave it to me! It'll be just fine! 43 00:03:34,461 --> 00:03:37,531 Yeah, sure. Uh-huh. 44 00:03:37,531 --> 00:03:40,271 I wonder what the next game will be. 45 00:03:40,271 --> 00:03:43,301 Let's get started! 46 00:03:43,301 --> 00:03:45,641 We will win Chopper back! 47 00:03:45,681 --> 00:03:54,651 "Round 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race!" 48 00:03:58,981 --> 00:04:03,031 Don't worry, Shelly. I'm sure it'll be all right. 49 00:04:03,711 --> 00:04:05,991 Let's have faith in them. 50 00:04:05,991 --> 00:04:06,951 {\an8}"Delectable oden" 51 00:04:07,441 --> 00:04:10,031 Two daikon sticks and two mochi tofu pouches, please. 52 00:04:10,031 --> 00:04:11,451 You got it! 53 00:04:11,451 --> 00:04:15,381 --Bring Support Pillar #6! --Hurry it up! 54 00:04:15,381 --> 00:04:18,051 Hey, where'd you put my wood plane?! 55 00:04:21,441 --> 00:04:23,801 This next game sounds fun. 56 00:04:23,801 --> 00:04:27,141 {\an8}"Foxy Life!" 57 00:04:24,141 --> 00:04:27,141 Fun? How can you say that, Robin? 58 00:04:27,141 --> 00:04:30,311 Put yourself in Chopper's shoes. Poor guy... 59 00:04:30,311 --> 00:04:33,141 That's a good point. I apologize. 60 00:04:35,321 --> 00:04:36,981 It's no big deal... 61 00:04:38,681 --> 00:04:41,941 ...compared to these carefree dimwits! 62 00:04:41,941 --> 00:04:44,411 Oh, ladies! 63 00:04:44,411 --> 00:04:48,541 --You're both so lovely! --Oh! Are you ready? 64 00:04:48,541 --> 00:04:50,121 What are you eating, Luffy? 65 00:04:50,121 --> 00:04:51,471 A Long Kiwi! 66 00:04:51,471 --> 00:04:54,831 That old hooorse guy gave it to me! It's pretty good! 67 00:04:58,521 --> 00:05:00,051 --You can't have it. --I don't want it! 68 00:05:00,051 --> 00:05:00,791 Mellorine! 69 00:05:01,591 --> 00:05:07,221 It's time for Round #3, the "Run Roller Round" roller skating race! 70 00:05:07,221 --> 00:05:09,981 It's a head-to-head race on an outdoor track! 71 00:05:09,981 --> 00:05:12,841 Once again, the rules are simple! 72 00:05:12,841 --> 00:05:17,611 First, each team's scorer will start skating at the sound of the first whistle, 73 00:05:17,611 --> 00:05:22,071 and team defenders will follow suit after the second whistle 20 seconds later. 74 00:05:22,071 --> 00:05:25,531 Defenders can hinder the opposing team or root for their own! 75 00:05:25,531 --> 00:05:27,871 Anything goes! 76 00:05:27,871 --> 00:05:34,771 After five minutes are up, the team whose scorer is in the lead wins! 77 00:05:34,771 --> 00:05:39,131 Naturally, being even a single step ahead means victory in that round! 78 00:05:40,131 --> 00:05:43,171 Incidentally, yours truly will be doing the play-by-play 79 00:05:43,171 --> 00:05:47,101 from a special seat by the starting line! 80 00:05:47,101 --> 00:05:51,301 All right! It's time for both teams to come on out! 81 00:05:52,391 --> 00:05:57,041 Okay, guys. We have to get Chopper back this time. 82 00:05:57,041 --> 00:05:58,601 Let's do it! 83 00:05:58,611 --> 00:06:00,881 Yeah! 84 00:06:00,881 --> 00:06:06,321 Oh! The Straw Hat Dangers come out with a war cry! 85 00:06:11,661 --> 00:06:16,581 And lying in wait are the indomitable Foxy Devils! 86 00:06:17,701 --> 00:06:20,921 First is the team's playmaker, Porche-chan! 87 00:06:20,921 --> 00:06:23,381 Next is the speedy Chiqicheetah 88 00:06:23,381 --> 00:06:25,381 and Masshikaku, the defense's linchpin! 89 00:06:25,381 --> 00:06:28,851 Then there's the fishmen Jube and Girarin! 90 00:06:28,851 --> 00:06:30,551 Oh, and last but not least! 91 00:06:30,551 --> 00:06:34,351 Our own Foxy is the head coach, with Hamburg as manager! 92 00:06:34,351 --> 00:06:37,221 A truly powerful lineup, indeed! 93 00:06:48,071 --> 00:06:49,531 H-Huh?! 94 00:06:49,531 --> 00:06:54,871 Oh, my! Chiqicheetah is clashing even before the starting whistle?! 95 00:06:55,951 --> 00:06:58,411 What's with this guy?! He's creepin' me out... 96 00:07:01,981 --> 00:07:05,711 He's indeed a quick runner, but he's also sensitive to smells! 97 00:07:05,711 --> 00:07:08,631 You ate something pungent, didn't you?! 98 00:07:08,631 --> 00:07:13,761 Ha! You didn't eat that old guy's rotten hunk of milk, did ya? 99 00:07:13,761 --> 00:07:15,351 Oh, is that why? 100 00:07:15,351 --> 00:07:17,351 You did eat it?! 101 00:07:19,721 --> 00:07:21,351 M-Man, you're rude! 102 00:07:21,351 --> 00:07:22,481 Shoo! Shoo! 103 00:07:26,941 --> 00:07:29,261 Looks like nothing happened... 104 00:07:29,261 --> 00:07:33,161 Allow me to continue explaining the rules! 105 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:36,951 Each team has a coach and a manager! 106 00:07:36,951 --> 00:07:40,291 Neither is allowed to directly participate in the game! 107 00:07:40,291 --> 00:07:45,381 Be aware that a person can only be a scorer once! 108 00:07:45,381 --> 00:07:50,431 Oh, but there are only four Straw Hats who can serve as scorers! 109 00:07:50,431 --> 00:07:53,011 They're one man short! 110 00:07:53,011 --> 00:07:54,801 What will come of this?! 111 00:07:54,801 --> 00:08:00,941 All right! I'll let one of you participate twice, since I'm a nice guy! 112 00:08:00,941 --> 00:08:03,691 Pride permitting, of course! 113 00:08:04,781 --> 00:08:06,481 I can't stand his tone! 114 00:08:06,481 --> 00:08:08,251 You're so generous, Boss! 115 00:08:08,251 --> 00:08:11,321 Your kindness seriously moves me to tears! 116 00:08:11,321 --> 00:08:13,241 You're a real man! 117 00:08:13,241 --> 00:08:15,741 Oh, you guys! 118 00:08:15,741 --> 00:08:17,201 You're too much! 119 00:08:17,201 --> 00:08:20,141 He's actually taking that lame flattery seriously! 120 00:08:20,141 --> 00:08:22,211 Man, Split-Head sure is dumb. 121 00:08:22,211 --> 00:08:25,081 It's like watching a lame play. 122 00:08:25,601 --> 00:08:28,001 Oh, Boss! Come back! 123 00:08:29,521 --> 00:08:33,841 But maybe we should take him up on his offer! You know? 124 00:08:33,841 --> 00:08:37,181 Well, as much as I hate to admit it, it is our only option... 125 00:08:37,181 --> 00:08:41,101 It's for Chopper's sake. This is no time to get hung up on pride. 126 00:08:44,311 --> 00:08:45,861 Thanks! 127 00:08:45,861 --> 00:08:49,791 A match is a match, though! We won't lose! 128 00:08:49,791 --> 00:08:51,191 You're too soft-hearted. 129 00:08:51,191 --> 00:08:55,111 Wanna know why I would make an offer that benefits you? 130 00:08:55,111 --> 00:08:56,831 It's because... 131 00:08:56,831 --> 00:08:58,161 ...we're the best--! 132 00:08:58,161 --> 00:09:01,871 All right! Let's win Chopper back! 133 00:09:01,871 --> 00:09:03,371 Yeah! 134 00:09:03,371 --> 00:09:05,001 Boss! 135 00:09:05,001 --> 00:09:09,171 Both captains have agreed to the rule amendment! 136 00:09:09,171 --> 00:09:13,211 Straw Hat Dangers, please select a scorer for each round! 137 00:09:14,931 --> 00:09:20,181 With five rounds, the odd-numbered rounds of 1, 3, and 5 are key. 138 00:09:20,181 --> 00:09:22,521 Especially the very first round... 139 00:09:22,521 --> 00:09:24,771 Put me in two rounds! Okay?! Okay?! 140 00:09:24,771 --> 00:09:28,861 Okay! Just shut up! I'm trying to think! 141 00:09:28,861 --> 00:09:33,861 Okay, so I'll stick Luffy in Round #1 and Round #5... 142 00:09:33,861 --> 00:09:35,951 All right! 143 00:09:36,951 --> 00:09:40,701 But I can't ask too much out of Nami-san and Usopp... 144 00:09:40,701 --> 00:09:41,911 Robin-chan. 145 00:09:41,911 --> 00:09:44,661 I hate to ask, but could you switch to Round #3? 146 00:09:44,661 --> 00:09:47,361 Sure. Any round is fine with me. 147 00:09:47,361 --> 00:09:49,341 Thanks-- Oh, wait. 148 00:09:49,341 --> 00:09:52,171 Could the other team have the same idea? 149 00:09:52,171 --> 00:09:53,501 In which case... 150 00:09:53,501 --> 00:09:56,181 Come on! Hurry up! 151 00:09:56,181 --> 00:09:58,141 Okay! All set! 152 00:09:58,141 --> 00:10:00,641 Luffy has Rounds #1 and #5. Nami-san has #2. 153 00:10:00,641 --> 00:10:03,521 Usopp has #3, and Robin-chan has Round #4! 154 00:10:03,521 --> 00:10:06,931 Hold on! Why do you get to decide that?! 155 00:10:06,931 --> 00:10:11,651 Huh? 'Cause I'm the coach and you're the manager, duh. 156 00:10:11,651 --> 00:10:15,701 Screw that! Why do I have to take orders from you?! 157 00:10:15,701 --> 00:10:17,321 Isn't it obvious?! 158 00:10:17,321 --> 00:10:20,451 You can't be coach with all that moss seeping into your brain! 159 00:10:20,451 --> 00:10:24,031 Your eyebrow's funnier than you are. Looks like coiled poop. 160 00:10:24,031 --> 00:10:25,201 Poop?! 161 00:10:25,201 --> 00:10:29,591 There's one more very important thing to keep in mind! 162 00:10:29,591 --> 00:10:31,711 Knock it off! I can't hear him! 163 00:10:32,491 --> 00:10:36,511 Be aware that going in reverse or leaving the course 164 00:10:36,511 --> 00:10:39,221 will result in immediate disqualification! 165 00:10:39,531 --> 00:10:42,471 Starting before the whistle means disqualification, too! 166 00:10:45,421 --> 00:10:49,351 All right, everything appears to be set! The first round pits... 167 00:10:49,351 --> 00:10:54,401 Oh! It's a clash between two big shots! Straw Hat Luffy versus Porche-chan! 168 00:10:54,401 --> 00:10:57,361 This looks to be a heated battle from the very start! 169 00:10:57,361 --> 00:11:00,061 Now let's get underway! 170 00:11:00,061 --> 00:11:01,621 Talk about exciting! 171 00:11:01,621 --> 00:11:04,701 --I love these races! --Me too! 172 00:11:04,701 --> 00:11:08,711 Porche-chan! Beat that rubber dude senseless! 173 00:11:10,191 --> 00:11:11,921 Check it out! 174 00:11:12,921 --> 00:11:15,961 Wha...?! Wh-What in the world?! 175 00:11:15,961 --> 00:11:18,001 You can't be serious...! 176 00:11:21,291 --> 00:11:24,051 Th-This is hard... 177 00:11:26,971 --> 00:11:30,231 A-Am I seeing things?! 178 00:11:30,231 --> 00:11:34,461 I don't see it! I don't see anything at all! 179 00:11:40,131 --> 00:11:44,161 Oh, my! He can't skate at all! 180 00:11:44,161 --> 00:11:48,371 And according to the roster, Straw Hat Luffy plans to skate in two rounds! 181 00:11:48,371 --> 00:11:50,621 Is this game already over?! 182 00:11:52,501 --> 00:11:54,501 Are you serious?! This'll be a cinch! 183 00:11:56,491 --> 00:11:58,501 Upsy-daisy... 184 00:12:01,681 --> 00:12:03,591 Now what do we do? 185 00:12:03,591 --> 00:12:09,141 Wait... Does this mean the third round's gonna be extra important now?! 186 00:12:35,541 --> 00:12:41,011 Both teams are finally at the starting line, but will this even be much of a race?! 187 00:12:41,011 --> 00:12:42,881 It's time to begin! 188 00:12:43,211 --> 00:12:46,511 I can't believe you asked to be in two rounds! 189 00:12:46,511 --> 00:12:51,411 It's not my fault! I didn't think it was this hard! 190 00:12:52,391 --> 00:12:54,671 It's over! It's all over! 191 00:12:54,671 --> 00:12:57,521 We have no choice, though. We'll have to pick up the slack. 192 00:12:58,341 --> 00:13:01,301 Okay, it's time! Scorers, get in position! 193 00:13:01,301 --> 00:13:03,231 Hey! Not you again! 194 00:13:03,231 --> 00:13:06,321 You'll have hell to pay if you try any funny stuff again! 195 00:13:08,651 --> 00:13:13,211 There's no need for "funny stuff"; it's already clear we're going to win! 196 00:13:14,121 --> 00:13:17,751 It's time for the third game: the Run Roller Round! 197 00:13:17,751 --> 00:13:20,711 Will Straw Hat Luffy emerge from Round #1 victorious?! 198 00:13:20,711 --> 00:13:23,551 Or will it be our own Porche-chan?! 199 00:13:24,931 --> 00:13:28,471 On your marks! Get set! 200 00:13:31,811 --> 00:13:36,031 There she goes! Porche-chan starts off with a spectacular dash! 201 00:13:36,031 --> 00:13:38,821 Meanwhile, Straw Hat Luffy is... 202 00:13:38,821 --> 00:13:40,361 ...flat on his face! 203 00:13:40,361 --> 00:13:43,781 He's collapsed before even crossing the starting line! 204 00:13:44,261 --> 00:13:45,901 That was an impressive fall... 205 00:13:47,161 --> 00:13:48,281 Stupid things! 206 00:13:48,281 --> 00:13:52,281 Whoa, now! Removing your skates will mean instant disqualification! 207 00:13:52,281 --> 00:13:54,161 Darn it! 208 00:13:56,081 --> 00:13:59,611 Oh! I can just grab those--! 209 00:14:02,091 --> 00:14:04,091 Ooh! This is too easy! 210 00:14:05,671 --> 00:14:09,471 Twenty seconds have passed! It's time to let the defenders loose! 211 00:14:10,051 --> 00:14:13,431 Masshikaku! 212 00:14:13,431 --> 00:14:15,891 Hey! He's about to get pinned! Help him! 213 00:14:15,891 --> 00:14:17,771 Are you crazy?! 214 00:14:22,231 --> 00:14:24,611 Wha...? 215 00:14:28,781 --> 00:14:30,491 Gum-Gum Balloon! 216 00:14:30,491 --> 00:14:32,131 That's it! Now, Usopp! 217 00:14:32,131 --> 00:14:33,241 Huh? 218 00:14:34,101 --> 00:14:35,031 H-Hey! 219 00:14:35,031 --> 00:14:37,541 Listen! We're gonna keep knocking you forward! 220 00:14:37,541 --> 00:14:39,831 Don't you dare exhale, Luffy! 221 00:14:40,771 --> 00:14:41,921 Talk about low! 222 00:14:43,001 --> 00:14:45,131 Cien Fleurs! Delphinium! 223 00:14:53,391 --> 00:14:54,551 Robin! 224 00:14:54,551 --> 00:14:56,761 --It's her again! --Awesome! 225 00:14:56,761 --> 00:14:59,271 What speed! 226 00:14:59,271 --> 00:15:02,901 He's well on his way to catching up with Porche-chan! 227 00:15:03,481 --> 00:15:04,481 Oh, no! 228 00:15:04,481 --> 00:15:06,441 Flower Shurikens! 229 00:15:10,951 --> 00:15:11,991 Oh, no! 230 00:15:11,991 --> 00:15:16,291 Amazing! I've never witnessed a race like this before! 231 00:15:16,291 --> 00:15:20,711 But the Foxy Devils have some serious defense! 232 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:24,381 I'm a wall... 233 00:15:29,961 --> 00:15:33,381 Oh! But he clears the wall with a skillful toss! 234 00:15:33,381 --> 00:15:36,471 Is it only a matter of time until he catches Porche-chan?! 235 00:15:36,471 --> 00:15:37,971 Nice, Robin-chan! 236 00:15:38,391 --> 00:15:39,431 Nope! 237 00:15:43,611 --> 00:15:46,771 Killer Sword Festival! 238 00:15:54,411 --> 00:15:56,821 What a turn of events! 239 00:15:56,821 --> 00:15:59,541 Straw Hat Luffy has gone outside the course! 240 00:15:59,541 --> 00:16:01,751 --No way! --He cut him! 241 00:16:01,751 --> 00:16:04,211 You okay, Luffy?! 242 00:16:06,711 --> 00:16:10,271 Rest easy! My Killer Swords don't cut! 243 00:16:10,271 --> 00:16:11,711 They're all show! 244 00:16:11,711 --> 00:16:13,721 I-I don't feel so good... 245 00:16:14,101 --> 00:16:15,591 What kind of bragging is that? 246 00:16:17,681 --> 00:16:19,311 This is bad... 247 00:16:19,311 --> 00:16:23,641 Luffy's in the fifth round, so me, Usopp, and Robin all have to win... 248 00:16:23,641 --> 00:16:26,771 Chopper might not be the only one at risk now...! 249 00:16:28,231 --> 00:16:32,121 The winner of the first round is Porche-chan! 250 00:16:32,121 --> 00:16:34,991 One point to the Foxy Devils! 251 00:16:34,991 --> 00:16:37,241 Darn it! 252 00:16:37,241 --> 00:16:38,701 Just get down from there! 253 00:16:38,701 --> 00:16:40,661 All right! Let's move right along! 254 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:45,921 The second round match-up pits the heartless Navigator Nami 255 00:16:45,921 --> 00:16:50,671 against the King of Defense, the Human Wall: Masshikaku! 256 00:16:52,541 --> 00:16:55,301 I just have to give it everything I've got! 257 00:16:56,841 --> 00:16:58,681 Round #2! 258 00:16:58,681 --> 00:17:02,351 On your marks! Get set! 259 00:17:05,181 --> 00:17:07,091 And they're off! 260 00:17:07,091 --> 00:17:09,581 Oh, but what a shock! 261 00:17:09,581 --> 00:17:11,431 Masshikaku is slow! 262 00:17:11,431 --> 00:17:13,111 Like, really slow! 263 00:17:13,111 --> 00:17:17,071 The heartless Nami quickly increases her lead! 264 00:17:17,071 --> 00:17:19,701 What's with this guy? Is he even trying to win? 265 00:17:22,951 --> 00:17:25,751 What is this?! What's going on?! 266 00:17:25,751 --> 00:17:27,211 Is this some sort of tactic?! 267 00:17:27,211 --> 00:17:30,081 Forget about him, Nami! Just keep movin'! 268 00:17:30,081 --> 00:17:31,041 Right! 269 00:17:31,041 --> 00:17:33,461 There's the second whistle! 270 00:17:33,461 --> 00:17:35,551 Let's do it, Robin! 271 00:17:39,471 --> 00:17:41,551 Wh-What are they doing?! 272 00:17:43,431 --> 00:17:45,651 Just try and get through, if you dare. 273 00:17:45,651 --> 00:17:47,601 Not even water can get past us! 274 00:17:47,601 --> 00:17:51,441 Little late to be playin' roadblocks! We're the ones in the lead... 275 00:17:51,441 --> 00:17:54,731 Wh-What's with you guys?! Move! 276 00:17:54,731 --> 00:17:57,111 Wait! Don't push yourself, Luffy! 277 00:17:57,111 --> 00:18:00,661 We're gonna win if things stay as they are! 278 00:18:02,841 --> 00:18:04,241 Yes, maybe! 279 00:18:09,581 --> 00:18:11,491 Flower Hypnosis! 280 00:18:33,981 --> 00:18:36,201 What...? 281 00:18:36,201 --> 00:18:38,321 We were asleep?! 282 00:18:38,321 --> 00:18:40,281 So it would seem... 283 00:18:40,281 --> 00:18:41,571 Luffy! Get up! Hey! 284 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:49,331 But things still look the same... right? 285 00:18:49,331 --> 00:18:50,161 Yes... 286 00:18:50,751 --> 00:18:53,381 Nami! Hurry! 287 00:18:53,381 --> 00:18:55,841 Hurry up! 288 00:18:56,301 --> 00:18:58,261 --You need to get moving! --Five! 289 00:18:58,261 --> 00:19:01,011 --Huh? Why? --Four! Three! 290 00:19:01,011 --> 00:19:02,261 Two! 291 00:19:02,261 --> 00:19:04,301 One! 292 00:19:07,561 --> 00:19:09,731 Team Foxy wins two rounds in a row! 293 00:19:09,741 --> 00:19:12,581 Victory is already within reach! 294 00:19:12,581 --> 00:19:13,941 That can't be...! 295 00:19:13,941 --> 00:19:17,191 They did a full lap while we were asleep...? 296 00:19:17,191 --> 00:19:19,901 Yep! Sucks to be you! 297 00:19:21,771 --> 00:19:24,411 I can't believe we beat 'em with Masshikaku! 298 00:19:26,271 --> 00:19:28,961 Is this for real...?! 299 00:19:28,961 --> 00:19:32,941 Team Foxy scores twice in a row! Luffy's team is in a real pinch! 300 00:19:32,941 --> 00:19:36,481 The third round is now a crucial one! 301 00:19:36,481 --> 00:19:40,821 It pits long-nosed Usopp against Chiqicheetah the speedster! 302 00:19:42,261 --> 00:19:44,101 M-My chronic sickness-- 303 00:19:44,101 --> 00:19:46,641 Don't give us any crap about a "Can't Race Anyone" disease! 304 00:19:46,641 --> 00:19:47,721 Eep... 305 00:19:54,021 --> 00:19:58,031 Are you kidding me? Chiqicheetah is a cheetah! 306 00:19:58,031 --> 00:19:59,861 --I don't stand a chance... --Oww. 307 00:20:00,361 --> 00:20:04,781 No. Relax more and use your hips. 308 00:20:04,781 --> 00:20:06,661 You've skated before? 309 00:20:07,041 --> 00:20:10,321 --No, but just watch how the others do it! --Can't expect much help... 310 00:20:10,321 --> 00:20:13,541 --Stand with your legs spread out more! --What I need is a strategy... 311 00:20:13,541 --> 00:20:15,711 Like this? Oww... 312 00:20:15,711 --> 00:20:17,761 --No! --Like this? 313 00:20:17,761 --> 00:20:19,311 --Oww! --No! 314 00:20:19,311 --> 00:20:20,311 Like this? 315 00:20:20,311 --> 00:20:22,631 --Ouch! --No! Listen to me, dammit! 316 00:20:23,951 --> 00:20:25,971 On your marks! 317 00:20:25,971 --> 00:20:28,731 --Get set! --Nothing comes to mind...! 318 00:20:28,731 --> 00:20:32,481 All right, whatever! I'll just go as fast as I possibly can! 319 00:20:37,901 --> 00:20:41,651 Oh! I'm in the lead?! 320 00:20:41,661 --> 00:20:43,701 So fast! 321 00:20:43,701 --> 00:20:46,491 No one's a match for Chiqicheetah's speed! 322 00:20:46,491 --> 00:20:48,821 He doesn't need any support, ya know! 323 00:20:48,821 --> 00:20:51,831 Damn! It's hopeless after all?! 324 00:20:53,971 --> 00:20:56,671 No way! A full lap already?! 325 00:20:56,671 --> 00:20:59,171 Maybe you two should sit back and relax too? 326 00:20:59,171 --> 00:21:01,001 It's not over until it's over! 327 00:21:01,001 --> 00:21:04,971 Twenty seconds are up! Defense, go! 328 00:21:04,971 --> 00:21:07,171 --Let's go, Robin! --Yes! 329 00:21:07,171 --> 00:21:08,431 My! How admirable! 330 00:21:09,591 --> 00:21:12,161 He's already back?! 331 00:21:12,161 --> 00:21:13,941 Take this! 332 00:21:21,951 --> 00:21:24,111 --Oh... --Oh?! 333 00:21:31,781 --> 00:21:33,201 That's it. 334 00:21:33,201 --> 00:21:35,581 Now do it just like I explained! 335 00:21:36,161 --> 00:21:38,421 Oh! Is he gonna make it?! 336 00:21:38,421 --> 00:21:40,501 Just a little more! You can do it! 337 00:21:42,671 --> 00:21:46,971 That's it! Stand up, Luffy! 338 00:21:52,531 --> 00:21:55,021 --Oh! --I'm so moved! 339 00:21:55,021 --> 00:21:56,851 Totally! 340 00:21:57,951 --> 00:21:59,311 Luffy! 341 00:21:59,771 --> 00:22:03,311 All right! I'm up! Hang on, Usopp! 342 00:22:06,071 --> 00:22:09,071 Hang on, Chopper! 343 00:22:21,061 --> 00:22:23,181 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 344 00:22:23,181 --> 00:22:26,731 Chasing after something constant 345 00:22:26,731 --> 00:22:31,361 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 346 00:22:32,321 --> 00:22:34,611 Even when we're exhausted 347 00:22:34,611 --> 00:22:37,781 We have a compass that can search for something constant 348 00:22:37,781 --> 00:22:43,201 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 349 00:22:43,201 --> 00:22:46,121 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 350 00:22:46,121 --> 00:22:48,921 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 351 00:22:48,921 --> 00:22:51,881 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 352 00:22:51,881 --> 00:22:54,961 Eternally... Eternally... 353 00:22:54,961 --> 00:22:57,761 Wild fantasies from our childhood 354 00:22:57,761 --> 00:23:00,591 We trace unforgettable memories 355 00:23:00,591 --> 00:23:06,271 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 356 00:23:06,271 --> 00:23:09,061 To this familiar sunny sky 357 00:23:09,061 --> 00:23:11,901 Together we entrust our feelings 358 00:23:11,901 --> 00:23:14,481 We go beyond the changing time 359 00:23:14,481 --> 00:23:17,281 Eternally... Eternally... 360 00:23:25,021 --> 00:23:27,071 Straw Hat Luffy has finally found his footing! 361 00:23:27,071 --> 00:23:29,071 All right! I'm not gonna lose now! 362 00:23:29,071 --> 00:23:30,361 But standing is all you can do! 363 00:23:30,361 --> 00:23:32,991 Can't this idiot who's inferior to me in every way do something?! 364 00:23:32,991 --> 00:23:35,081 Don't be sneakin' insults in! 365 00:23:35,081 --> 00:23:38,331 Wait! I know just how to turn the tables on 'em! 366 00:23:38,331 --> 00:23:40,871 Look forward to seeing me in action! 367 00:23:40,871 --> 00:23:42,001 On the next episode of One Piece! 368 00:23:42,001 --> 00:23:45,001 "A Seriously Heated Race! Into the Final Round!" 369 00:23:45,001 --> 00:23:47,421 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 370 00:23:47,421 --> 00:23:49,421