1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,271 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:26,691 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,691 --> 00:00:30,071 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,251 --> 00:00:48,751 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,751 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,071 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,071 --> 00:01:13,731 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,731 --> 00:01:17,241 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,241 --> 00:01:21,411 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,411 --> 00:01:24,411 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,411 --> 00:01:28,631 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,631 --> 00:01:32,131 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,131 --> 00:01:35,461 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,461 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,691 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,691 --> 00:01:50,061 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:50,061 --> 00:01:55,321 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,321 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:09,061 --> 00:02:12,361 Luffy and friends have agreed... 23 00:02:12,361 --> 00:02:15,041 ...to another Davy Back Fight with the Foxy Pirates. 24 00:02:15,041 --> 00:02:19,011 Despite putting up a good fight, Luffy soon found himself all alone. 25 00:02:32,061 --> 00:02:34,861 Straw Hat Luffy is out! 26 00:02:34,861 --> 00:02:37,031 Wha...?! 27 00:02:37,811 --> 00:02:44,481 Team Foxy emerges victorious in Round #1's game of Hit and Dead Ball! 28 00:02:45,121 --> 00:02:54,041 "Showdown on the Cliff! Red Light, Green Light!" 29 00:02:54,051 --> 00:02:58,471 Our Foxy Pirates have claimed victory in Round #1 of this second fight! 30 00:02:58,471 --> 00:03:00,681 It's time to claim our booty... 31 00:03:00,681 --> 00:03:02,891 ...and take one member of Team Straw Hat! 32 00:03:02,891 --> 00:03:06,231 Who will our boss choose?! 33 00:03:06,231 --> 00:03:09,471 --The one I want... --...is obvious to us all! Right, Boss? 34 00:03:13,261 --> 00:03:14,271 You! 35 00:03:14,271 --> 00:03:16,521 The archaeologist, Nico Robin! 36 00:03:18,731 --> 00:03:19,651 Me? 37 00:03:19,651 --> 00:03:23,671 Oh, my! Our captain has chosen Nico Robin, the archaeologist! 38 00:03:23,671 --> 00:03:26,451 Oh, Captain! You naughty man! 39 00:03:26,901 --> 00:03:30,701 Oh, no! Why didn't you choose Choppy, Boss?! 40 00:03:30,701 --> 00:03:33,431 She's dangerous as an enemy. 41 00:03:33,431 --> 00:03:37,591 Taking her first will give us the advantage from here on out. 42 00:03:37,591 --> 00:03:43,481 --Still...! --We can get Doctor Chopper for sure in the next round! 43 00:03:43,481 --> 00:03:47,051 Now I get it! You're so smart, Boss! 44 00:03:47,051 --> 00:03:49,971 --Robin! --Robin-chan! 45 00:03:50,251 --> 00:03:51,431 Bye. 46 00:03:54,051 --> 00:03:58,671 I can feel the deep sorrow hidden behind her smile! 47 00:03:58,671 --> 00:04:00,741 The pain of having to part with me...! 48 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:03,361 Damn! How dare they take Robin-chan against her will, 49 00:04:03,361 --> 00:04:05,371 even if it is in the rules?! 50 00:04:05,371 --> 00:04:07,321 Robin! 51 00:04:10,231 --> 00:04:11,591 How do I look? 52 00:04:11,591 --> 00:04:14,431 --Suits you perfectly! --You look great, black-haired lady! 53 00:04:14,431 --> 00:04:16,501 I wanted you to join us from the very start! 54 00:04:16,501 --> 00:04:18,871 Ugh! She's so popular! 55 00:04:20,321 --> 00:04:24,131 R-Robin's really gettin' along with 'em... 56 00:04:24,701 --> 00:04:27,141 I never trusted her to begin with... 57 00:04:27,141 --> 00:04:31,151 Don't be crazy! Robin is counting on us! 58 00:04:31,151 --> 00:04:32,231 I think. 59 00:04:32,231 --> 00:04:34,601 Good point as always, Nami-san. 60 00:04:34,601 --> 00:04:38,191 I'm gonna win her right back in the next round. 61 00:04:38,191 --> 00:04:41,191 Okay! Let's do the next round already! 62 00:04:41,191 --> 00:04:45,551 You can't play in the next round, Luffy. You're in the third round. 63 00:04:45,551 --> 00:04:47,871 Learn the rules already, will ya? 64 00:04:47,871 --> 00:04:49,871 Oh. I guess I'm on cheering duty then. 65 00:04:49,871 --> 00:04:53,501 But there's only five of us for Round #2... 66 00:04:55,111 --> 00:04:58,961 Pathetic Straw Hat team! You've lost more than another member! 67 00:04:58,961 --> 00:05:01,161 You've lost a major part of your offense! 68 00:05:01,161 --> 00:05:03,471 How do you like them grapes, err, apples?! 69 00:05:03,471 --> 00:05:05,511 Now let's start the next round! 70 00:05:12,841 --> 00:05:17,811 Round #2 will be a game held on Long Reef: Dash Touch Domination! 71 00:05:17,811 --> 00:05:19,971 Or "D.T.D." for short! 72 00:05:19,971 --> 00:05:21,511 It's a six-on-six group competition, 73 00:05:21,511 --> 00:05:26,401 but without Nico Robin, Team Straw Hat will only have five players! 74 00:05:26,401 --> 00:05:27,951 The rules are simple! 75 00:05:27,941 --> 00:05:31,741 Basically, it's like the "Red Light, Green Light" game! 76 00:05:31,741 --> 00:05:35,641 Move even a muscle after the "stop light" stops calling and you're out! 77 00:05:35,641 --> 00:05:40,591 Whichever team touches the "stop light" first wins! 78 00:05:40,591 --> 00:05:42,801 But this is no kid's game! 79 00:05:42,801 --> 00:05:46,471 Keep in mind, this is a pirate version of "Red Light, Green Light"! 80 00:05:46,471 --> 00:05:49,051 All weapons are okay to use! 81 00:05:49,051 --> 00:05:53,421 D.T.D. is a truly perilous game! 82 00:05:53,421 --> 00:05:56,631 First is Team Straw Hat... with the same ol' lineup. 83 00:05:56,631 --> 00:05:57,771 Leave us alone! 84 00:05:58,251 --> 00:06:03,021 Team Foxy is led by our idol Porche-chan and Hamburg the oddball! 85 00:06:03,021 --> 00:06:06,241 I'm going to win Choppy with my own two hands! 86 00:06:07,561 --> 00:06:11,701 Then there's the ever-swift Chiqicheetah, the swordfish fishman Capote, 87 00:06:11,701 --> 00:06:14,311 as well as "Tackle Machine" Pickles and Big Pan the wotan, 88 00:06:14,311 --> 00:06:17,951 who have both vowed revenge for their Groggy Ring defeat! 89 00:06:17,951 --> 00:06:21,581 Those losers will pay for humiliating us! 90 00:06:23,991 --> 00:06:28,591 These are the six members of the truly mighty Team Foxy! 91 00:06:29,621 --> 00:06:32,601 What's the old stilts guy doing up there? 92 00:06:32,601 --> 00:06:34,181 I forgot an important detail! 93 00:06:34,181 --> 00:06:37,311 Tonjit the nomad here will act as the "stop light"! 94 00:06:37,311 --> 00:06:41,221 The great fool, err, man of bravery who stood atop stilts for ten whole years, 95 00:06:41,221 --> 00:06:43,031 reaching high into the heavens! 96 00:06:43,031 --> 00:06:46,701 Tonjit is the only logical choice to be our "stop light"! 97 00:06:46,701 --> 00:06:49,801 I'm seriously sick of heights, though... 98 00:06:49,801 --> 00:06:50,911 Hold on! 99 00:06:50,911 --> 00:06:55,551 If he's the "stop light," doesn't that give us a big advantage in D.T.D.?! 100 00:06:55,551 --> 00:06:56,701 Don't abbreviate it too! 101 00:06:57,311 --> 00:07:01,071 But Usopp's right! Luck's on our side! 102 00:07:02,331 --> 00:07:04,381 You sure about this, Boss?! 103 00:07:04,381 --> 00:07:09,141 It's nothin'! We pirates have to battle the deep blue sea all the time! 104 00:07:09,141 --> 00:07:12,091 Don't sweat the small stuff! 105 00:07:12,881 --> 00:07:15,551 --Talk about generous! --Wow! What a great guy! 106 00:07:15,551 --> 00:07:17,681 Generous, my butt! 107 00:07:18,121 --> 00:07:22,811 Right off the bat, we're given a clearly unfair course! 108 00:07:26,611 --> 00:07:30,071 I guess that Idiot-Idiot Beam is his only talent... 109 00:07:30,071 --> 00:07:32,071 --Lame Fox! --Split-Head... 110 00:07:32,441 --> 00:07:34,331 Idiot-Idiot Beam... 111 00:07:34,331 --> 00:07:35,781 Lame Fox... 112 00:07:35,781 --> 00:07:38,141 --Split-Head...! --Boss! 113 00:07:38,141 --> 00:07:41,201 --Pull yourself together! --You really take things to heart, Boss. 114 00:07:42,071 --> 00:07:47,541 First, as the D.T.D. rules state, both teams must start by calling out... 115 00:07:47,981 --> 00:07:50,921 First step! 116 00:07:50,921 --> 00:07:54,781 Oh! Team Foxy suddenly takes a big lead! 117 00:07:54,781 --> 00:07:56,641 Bastards...! 118 00:07:57,011 --> 00:08:00,811 This'll be a cinch if we follow the plan! Let's do it! 119 00:08:00,811 --> 00:08:02,021 Yeah! 120 00:08:02,021 --> 00:08:03,771 I'm sure it goes without saying, 121 00:08:03,771 --> 00:08:07,781 but there's more to this than rushing ahead to touch the "stop light"! 122 00:08:07,781 --> 00:08:11,321 This terrain makes it easy to lose your balance during a sudden stop, 123 00:08:11,321 --> 00:08:14,071 so we can also expect the enemy to use that against us! 124 00:08:14,071 --> 00:08:18,661 Split-Head! Get in the way and I won't sit by quietly! 125 00:08:18,661 --> 00:08:19,981 Split... 126 00:08:19,981 --> 00:08:25,081 Ha! Like I need to interfere! This is going to be a piece of cake! 127 00:08:25,081 --> 00:08:26,921 Are you ready, Stop Light?! 128 00:08:26,921 --> 00:08:29,801 --Mm-hmm. --All right, then! 129 00:08:31,611 --> 00:08:33,381 You can do it! 130 00:08:34,681 --> 00:08:38,131 After Team Foxy's victory in the first round, 131 00:08:38,131 --> 00:08:41,071 it's now time to begin Round #2's Dash Touch Domination! 132 00:08:41,071 --> 00:08:43,351 Ready! Go! 133 00:08:44,351 --> 00:08:45,811 "Green..." 134 00:08:50,111 --> 00:08:53,001 Dash, Hamburg! 135 00:08:53,001 --> 00:08:55,711 Chiqicheetah is already ahead of the pack! 136 00:08:55,711 --> 00:08:58,581 He's followed by "Full Dash" Hamburg! 137 00:08:58,581 --> 00:09:02,201 Meanwhile, Roronoa and Sanji are leading the Straw Hat pack! 138 00:09:02,201 --> 00:09:05,211 --Move, dammit! --No, you back off! 139 00:09:05,211 --> 00:09:07,751 This is no time to argue while running! 140 00:09:07,751 --> 00:09:10,341 Knock it off, Sanji-kun! Zoro! 141 00:09:10,341 --> 00:09:12,491 Yeah, Sanji-kun! Zoro! 142 00:09:13,341 --> 00:09:15,421 They're awesome! 143 00:09:15,421 --> 00:09:18,131 "...light..." 144 00:09:18,141 --> 00:09:24,011 Man, that's long! How can you hold your breath so long, old stilts guy?! 145 00:09:24,011 --> 00:09:25,631 He's an ideal "stop light"! 146 00:09:25,631 --> 00:09:29,311 "Red..." 147 00:09:29,741 --> 00:09:34,441 --You lovey-dovey loser! --Say what, fish flake head?! 148 00:09:34,441 --> 00:09:37,301 These are the two Straw Hats to look out for! 149 00:09:37,301 --> 00:09:41,131 Let's knock 'em outta the game right away, just as planned! 150 00:09:44,541 --> 00:09:48,041 Go, Big Pan! 151 00:09:48,041 --> 00:09:52,171 Punk Attack! 152 00:09:52,171 --> 00:09:53,751 They're in trouble! 153 00:09:53,751 --> 00:09:55,591 He's about to call "red light"! 154 00:09:55,591 --> 00:09:57,591 This isn't the time for that! 155 00:09:57,591 --> 00:10:00,931 "...l..." 156 00:10:06,881 --> 00:10:09,521 "...ight...!" 157 00:10:09,961 --> 00:10:10,811 Stop! 158 00:10:26,041 --> 00:10:28,291 I-If we move now, we'll be out...! 159 00:10:35,201 --> 00:10:36,551 Out! 160 00:10:36,551 --> 00:10:42,261 Wow! Pickles and Big Pan of Team Foxy are already out of the game! 161 00:10:42,261 --> 00:10:45,271 All right, Zoro! Sanji! 162 00:10:45,271 --> 00:10:52,341 No big deal! All we need is one person to touch him to win! 163 00:10:53,851 --> 00:10:59,851 Chiqicheetah, Porche, and Hamburg have a huge lead over the Straw Hats! 164 00:10:59,851 --> 00:11:03,371 Ooh! We're in a "totally going to win" mood! 165 00:11:04,821 --> 00:11:06,831 They're too fast! 166 00:11:06,831 --> 00:11:09,371 Zoro and Sanji are our only hope, but... 167 00:11:09,371 --> 00:11:11,211 Damn Moss Head! 168 00:11:11,211 --> 00:11:12,921 Stupid Love Cook! 169 00:11:13,321 --> 00:11:16,331 Just so you know, I have the important task 170 00:11:16,331 --> 00:11:18,901 of getting Robin-chan back. I've had enough of you! 171 00:11:18,901 --> 00:11:21,511 --"Gree..." --I don't give a damn about you! 172 00:11:21,511 --> 00:11:25,051 --"...eee..." --Hold on, you protected species head! 173 00:11:27,051 --> 00:11:29,451 Despite losing two players, 174 00:11:29,451 --> 00:11:32,921 Team Foxy is closest to reaching the "stop light"! 175 00:11:32,921 --> 00:11:36,771 At this rate, Team Straw Hat has no chance at all! 176 00:11:38,901 --> 00:11:40,831 Go! Go! 177 00:11:40,831 --> 00:11:44,241 Yes, that's it! Just like that! 178 00:11:59,591 --> 00:12:01,551 "...een..." 179 00:12:03,551 --> 00:12:08,261 Crap! It's your fault we're so far behind, you damn Moss Head! 180 00:12:10,721 --> 00:12:12,481 How did this happen?! 181 00:12:12,481 --> 00:12:14,141 The path is gone! 182 00:12:14,141 --> 00:12:17,651 I know you have no sense of direction, but this takes the cake! 183 00:12:17,651 --> 00:12:22,151 How can you even get lost in a place with such a clear view?! 184 00:12:24,611 --> 00:12:27,571 It might be easier to catch up here than on a curved track... 185 00:12:27,571 --> 00:12:30,391 Guess it's do or die! 186 00:12:33,121 --> 00:12:35,751 Oh! Sanji is taking a chance now! 187 00:12:38,231 --> 00:12:39,711 Yikes...! 188 00:12:43,131 --> 00:12:48,221 Sanji's big gamble pays off! He's now right behind the lead group! 189 00:12:48,221 --> 00:12:51,601 Oh, that's no fair! Hurry, Hamburg! 190 00:12:53,481 --> 00:12:55,341 Wh-What do you want...? 191 00:12:56,531 --> 00:12:59,981 Never hurts to reduce the number of opponents! 192 00:12:59,981 --> 00:13:02,691 Time for all three of you to kick the bucket! 193 00:13:02,691 --> 00:13:03,951 Crap! 194 00:13:03,951 --> 00:13:06,161 N-Nami! Usopp! 195 00:13:06,161 --> 00:13:08,621 We've got no choice... 196 00:13:08,621 --> 00:13:10,831 --Everyone run for it! --Roger! 197 00:13:10,831 --> 00:13:14,041 Hmph! There's no getting away from me! 198 00:13:15,401 --> 00:13:16,961 Get back here! 199 00:13:17,941 --> 00:13:22,921 Man, old stilts guy's "Green" is really long this time... 200 00:13:22,921 --> 00:13:24,051 Oh?! 201 00:13:27,581 --> 00:13:29,261 H-He's asleep...! 202 00:13:29,261 --> 00:13:31,851 --Get up! --Hey, you! Wake up! 203 00:13:31,851 --> 00:13:33,971 --Don't be sleepin'! --"...light, red light!" 204 00:13:40,981 --> 00:13:42,571 C-Crap! 205 00:13:43,051 --> 00:13:44,191 Out! 206 00:13:47,151 --> 00:13:50,741 Even though the "stop light" was napping, Capote was caught off guard! 207 00:13:50,741 --> 00:13:53,121 He's out of the game! 208 00:13:53,121 --> 00:13:57,251 What kind of nerves does this guy have, napping in a place like that?! 209 00:13:57,251 --> 00:13:59,781 That's old stilts guy for you! 210 00:14:00,981 --> 00:14:02,091 All right! 211 00:14:02,101 --> 00:14:05,301 They're in firing range now! 212 00:14:05,301 --> 00:14:09,871 It was gonna be such an easy win, too! Now I'm a little worried... 213 00:14:12,221 --> 00:14:17,801 The four players in the lead are now within 100 meters of the "stop light"! 214 00:14:17,801 --> 00:14:20,441 Will it be a mad dash to the end?! 215 00:14:20,441 --> 00:14:23,821 It'll be one of these four who touches the "stop light"! 216 00:14:25,781 --> 00:14:27,401 Come on, Sanji! 217 00:14:28,161 --> 00:14:30,491 No one's paying any attention to us... 218 00:14:30,491 --> 00:14:33,131 Yeah, they're completely ignoring us... 219 00:14:33,131 --> 00:14:35,891 I do feel a little useless. 220 00:14:39,391 --> 00:14:44,361 At least there's comfort in knowing we're not the only useless ones... 221 00:14:45,131 --> 00:14:47,261 T-The path ends again... 222 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:52,891 Brr! I hope this'll end soon so I can go eat something warm... 223 00:14:55,341 --> 00:14:56,811 Outta the way! 224 00:14:56,811 --> 00:14:58,731 Get him, Hamburg! 225 00:14:58,731 --> 00:15:02,751 This time... I will make mincemeat out of ya! 226 00:15:04,391 --> 00:15:06,821 You wanna fight, you damn gorilla?! 227 00:15:06,821 --> 00:15:09,571 I'll get you this time! 228 00:15:09,571 --> 00:15:12,531 Hamburg intercepts Sanji! 229 00:15:14,321 --> 00:15:18,201 Meanwhile, Chiqicheetah heads for the "stop light" at breakneck speed! 230 00:15:18,201 --> 00:15:22,751 Sanji has fallen right into Porche-chan's trap! 231 00:15:23,121 --> 00:15:24,461 What?! 232 00:15:28,401 --> 00:15:30,011 Victory is ours! 233 00:15:30,011 --> 00:15:31,931 Dammit! 234 00:15:31,931 --> 00:15:36,031 Chiqicheetah rushes straight for the "stop light" from behind! 235 00:15:37,441 --> 00:15:39,351 "Ggg..." 236 00:15:42,261 --> 00:15:44,351 Grachoo! 237 00:15:55,351 --> 00:15:56,531 Out! 238 00:15:56,531 --> 00:15:59,391 Oh, my! It was just a sneeze! 239 00:15:59,391 --> 00:16:03,411 Tonjit hasn't started calling out "red light, green light" yet! 240 00:16:03,411 --> 00:16:08,881 Has his speed backfired on him?! Chiqicheetah is out for jumping the gun! 241 00:16:08,881 --> 00:16:11,981 Blast! Don't sneeze, Stop Light! 242 00:16:11,981 --> 00:16:14,511 We were so close to winning, too! 243 00:16:18,471 --> 00:16:22,711 Even your snot is long, old stilts guy! 244 00:16:24,171 --> 00:16:26,231 Sure lucked out there... 245 00:16:26,231 --> 00:16:29,061 He was sneezing... 246 00:16:29,061 --> 00:16:31,841 This is no time to be laughing, Hamburg! 247 00:16:31,841 --> 00:16:34,741 We have to win and take Choppy! 248 00:16:34,741 --> 00:16:38,751 Both teams are closing in on the "stop light"! 249 00:16:38,751 --> 00:16:41,771 At this distance, the next play should decide the game! 250 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:46,121 Will the "stop light" be touched by the duo of Porche-chan and Hamburg?! 251 00:16:46,121 --> 00:16:50,091 Or will it be Sanji?! Which will it be?! 252 00:16:50,091 --> 00:16:52,591 This is the moment of truth! 253 00:16:52,591 --> 00:16:54,551 "Green..." 254 00:16:54,551 --> 00:16:59,261 It appears he's indeed calling out his line this time! 255 00:17:05,231 --> 00:17:07,981 Take this! And this! 256 00:17:07,981 --> 00:17:09,681 See you later! 257 00:17:10,861 --> 00:17:13,151 H-Hamburg! What are you doing?! 258 00:17:13,611 --> 00:17:18,561 --"...light..." --Here comes Robin-chan's savior! 259 00:17:19,781 --> 00:17:21,541 Oh! Sanji! 260 00:17:21,541 --> 00:17:24,001 --What?! --What's Porche-chan doing?! 261 00:17:24,001 --> 00:17:26,791 --Stay still, Porche-chan! --Do something! 262 00:17:26,791 --> 00:17:29,091 "...rrr..." 263 00:17:29,091 --> 00:17:31,671 Now Robin-chan's ours again. 264 00:17:31,671 --> 00:17:33,591 She's totally gonna fall in love with me! 265 00:17:34,051 --> 00:17:37,971 Sanji! Hurry up! Touch him! 266 00:17:37,971 --> 00:17:40,511 --"...eeee..." --Good work, old man. 267 00:17:40,511 --> 00:17:42,441 The game's over now. 268 00:17:47,141 --> 00:17:49,061 "...dddd..." 269 00:17:50,061 --> 00:17:54,351 Oh, my! Sanji is turning back before touching the "stop light"! 270 00:17:54,351 --> 00:17:55,491 What is he doing?! 271 00:17:55,491 --> 00:18:00,411 Even if you are my enemy, I can't turn my back on a lady! 272 00:18:02,701 --> 00:18:07,011 Incredible! Sanji, the nefarious cook, has saved Porche-chan! 273 00:18:07,011 --> 00:18:09,871 "...light!" 274 00:18:10,371 --> 00:18:12,421 Hamburg is fighting to remain still! 275 00:18:12,421 --> 00:18:19,181 But Sanji is as good as out, despite having saved Porche-chan! 276 00:18:21,761 --> 00:18:25,961 No, wait! There's Sanji! And he has Porche-chan! 277 00:18:25,961 --> 00:18:29,791 Not only that, Sanji is completely still, despite his current situation! 278 00:18:29,791 --> 00:18:32,901 He's not moving in the slightest! He's safe! 279 00:18:32,901 --> 00:18:34,571 Impossible...! 280 00:18:34,571 --> 00:18:38,611 How can he stand completely still in the middle of the ocean?! 281 00:18:39,011 --> 00:18:41,871 Oh! He's treading water! 282 00:18:41,871 --> 00:18:45,161 All while carrying Porche-chan and keeping his upper body motionless! 283 00:18:45,161 --> 00:18:47,211 Just like a swan! 284 00:18:47,211 --> 00:18:51,751 He's kicking furiously beneath the surface while looking elegant above! 285 00:18:51,751 --> 00:18:55,161 As long as the "stop light" can't see him moving, he's safe! 286 00:18:55,161 --> 00:18:58,591 Sanji is incredibly determined to win! 287 00:19:00,551 --> 00:19:04,011 I will save Robin-chan, no matter what! 288 00:19:04,011 --> 00:19:07,981 Sanji still has a chance to touch the "stop light"! 289 00:19:09,811 --> 00:19:12,651 --He's one heck of an opponent! --Impressive, Cook! 290 00:19:12,651 --> 00:19:15,231 Sanji! You're too much...! 291 00:19:15,231 --> 00:19:19,011 Oh, my! I could really fall for you, Mr. Cook! 292 00:19:21,571 --> 00:19:25,031 Oh! Both Porche-chan and Sanji have dived underwater! 293 00:19:25,401 --> 00:19:26,991 You're both out! 294 00:19:30,341 --> 00:19:34,331 H-Hey! Keep swimming! You're gonna make me drown! 295 00:19:34,851 --> 00:19:38,301 Oh, what have I done...! Robin-chan...! 296 00:19:39,241 --> 00:19:41,261 "Green..." 297 00:19:41,261 --> 00:19:44,511 Here we go again! 298 00:19:44,511 --> 00:19:49,221 The only ones left now are Hamburg of Team Foxy, and...! 299 00:19:49,221 --> 00:19:53,031 --We're almost to the "stop light"! --There's no one to stop us! 300 00:19:53,031 --> 00:19:55,731 I can't believe we're gonna touch him! 301 00:19:55,731 --> 00:19:58,151 "...light..." 302 00:19:58,151 --> 00:20:00,451 Let's all touch him together! 303 00:20:00,451 --> 00:20:01,571 Yeah! 304 00:20:01,571 --> 00:20:06,561 Oh! The trio of forgotten Straw Hat slowpokes is poised to touch him! 305 00:20:06,561 --> 00:20:10,291 An upset's in the making! Who would've thunk it?! 306 00:20:14,991 --> 00:20:18,921 Just when I finally get on the real path... 307 00:20:18,921 --> 00:20:21,881 Ugh! Kicking is that crappy cook's specialty, but... 308 00:20:21,881 --> 00:20:24,841 Get outta the way! 309 00:20:24,841 --> 00:20:26,961 "...red..." 310 00:20:26,961 --> 00:20:28,301 Yes! 311 00:20:28,301 --> 00:20:31,521 Victory is certain for Team Straw Hat! 312 00:20:32,431 --> 00:20:34,941 All right! We win! 313 00:20:42,821 --> 00:20:45,321 "...light!" 314 00:20:50,661 --> 00:20:53,491 Hamburg has touched the "stop light"! 315 00:20:53,491 --> 00:21:00,671 Team Foxy is the winner of Round #2's Dash Touch Domination game! 316 00:21:02,131 --> 00:21:06,401 That's two supreme victories in a row! 317 00:21:08,941 --> 00:21:10,541 Huh? It's over already? 318 00:21:10,541 --> 00:21:12,641 You ended it! 319 00:21:12,641 --> 00:21:14,651 In the worst possible way! 320 00:21:14,651 --> 00:21:16,441 It's all your fault, Zoro! 321 00:21:21,681 --> 00:21:23,611 I'm up next, right? 322 00:21:23,611 --> 00:21:26,401 I'm gonna take back my crew! I'm their captain! 323 00:21:28,011 --> 00:21:30,871 Haven't you forgotten an important fact, Straw Hat? 324 00:21:31,421 --> 00:21:37,021 You've lost twice now, which has cost you Nico Robin and one other member! 325 00:21:37,021 --> 00:21:40,311 But you can only win back one crew member per game! 326 00:21:40,311 --> 00:21:46,051 In short, if by some incredibly rare chance you win the next round... 327 00:21:46,051 --> 00:21:48,971 Get to the point, Split-Head. 328 00:21:48,971 --> 00:21:50,591 Split... 329 00:21:50,591 --> 00:21:53,211 In other words, there's only one round left, 330 00:21:53,211 --> 00:21:57,181 so even if you win it, you can only take one person back. 331 00:21:57,651 --> 00:21:58,641 Huh? 332 00:21:59,211 --> 00:22:02,771 Struggle as you might, Straw Hat, you can't change the fact 333 00:22:02,771 --> 00:22:06,111 that you've already lost one of your crewmates for good! 334 00:22:21,061 --> 00:22:23,181 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 335 00:22:23,181 --> 00:22:26,731 Chasing after something constant 336 00:22:26,731 --> 00:22:31,361 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 337 00:22:32,321 --> 00:22:34,611 Even when we're exhausted 338 00:22:34,611 --> 00:22:37,781 We have a compass that can search for something constant 339 00:22:37,781 --> 00:22:43,201 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 340 00:22:43,201 --> 00:22:46,121 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 341 00:22:46,121 --> 00:22:48,921 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 342 00:22:48,921 --> 00:22:51,881 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 343 00:22:51,881 --> 00:22:54,961 Eternally... Eternally... 344 00:22:54,961 --> 00:22:57,761 Wild fantasies from our childhood 345 00:22:57,761 --> 00:23:00,591 We trace unforgettable memories 346 00:23:00,591 --> 00:23:06,271 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 347 00:23:06,271 --> 00:23:09,061 To this familiar sunny sky 348 00:23:09,061 --> 00:23:11,901 Together we entrust our feelings 349 00:23:11,901 --> 00:23:14,481 We go beyond the changing time 350 00:23:14,481 --> 00:23:17,281 Eternally... Eternally... 351 00:23:25,521 --> 00:23:29,511 Hey! Split-Head! Quit your blabbing and start the next match already! 352 00:23:29,511 --> 00:23:32,291 --Do you even understand the situation?! --Luffy! 353 00:23:32,291 --> 00:23:34,081 He's surprisingly cold-hearted. 354 00:23:34,081 --> 00:23:38,241 His brotherly soul is burning red-hot for you guys! Ain't it so?! 355 00:23:38,241 --> 00:23:39,951 Oh, yeah! 356 00:23:39,951 --> 00:23:41,201 On the next episode of One Piece! 357 00:23:41,201 --> 00:23:44,301 "The Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round!" 358 00:23:44,301 --> 00:23:46,541 King of the Pirates! Oh, yeah! 359 00:23:46,541 --> 00:23:48,541