1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,901 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,241 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,061 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,061 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,621 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,301 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,301 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,681 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:05,871 --> 00:02:06,411 That's it! 23 00:02:08,661 --> 00:02:10,961 I never thought of that! 24 00:02:18,841 --> 00:02:21,431 The final round of the Davy Back Fight is underway. 25 00:02:21,431 --> 00:02:23,641 The epic battle between the two captains... 26 00:02:24,471 --> 00:02:26,431 ...has finally reached a climax! 27 00:02:31,271 --> 00:02:32,231 Luffy...! 28 00:02:33,311 --> 00:02:37,901 I won't... let you have... a single member of my crew... 29 00:02:37,901 --> 00:02:39,571 ...even if it costs me my life! 30 00:02:44,071 --> 00:02:53,001 "Epic, Heated Combat! The Fateful Final Conclusion" 31 00:02:54,751 --> 00:02:59,381 With great drive, Straw Hat Luffy gets back on his feet yet again! 32 00:02:59,381 --> 00:03:01,721 --Even after countless knockdowns... --Luffy...! 33 00:03:02,131 --> 00:03:05,141 ...he just gets right back up! 34 00:03:06,391 --> 00:03:10,351 Just what are you?! 35 00:03:11,891 --> 00:03:13,601 Luffy! 36 00:03:13,601 --> 00:03:15,771 He's unsteady on his feet! 37 00:03:15,771 --> 00:03:16,861 Luffy! 38 00:03:17,271 --> 00:03:19,241 And he's out of breath! 39 00:03:19,241 --> 00:03:21,491 This guy is incredible! 40 00:03:21,491 --> 00:03:22,861 And yet... 41 00:03:22,861 --> 00:03:26,701 ...he still stands tall with a glimmer in his eye! 42 00:03:28,991 --> 00:03:30,871 All for his friends! 43 00:03:30,871 --> 00:03:34,001 Yes! Now this is a Davy Back Fight! 44 00:03:34,001 --> 00:03:37,961 I'm so teary-eyed I... I can't see straight! 45 00:03:39,631 --> 00:03:41,091 Luffy! 46 00:03:41,091 --> 00:03:42,881 Luffy!! 47 00:03:42,881 --> 00:03:47,681 --I'm moved to tears! --Afro dude! 48 00:03:47,681 --> 00:03:51,601 Luffy! Luffy! Luffy!... 49 00:03:51,601 --> 00:03:54,561 A Luffy chant comes up from the crowd! 50 00:03:54,561 --> 00:04:00,361 Has there ever been any other foe who's given our boss so much trouble?! 51 00:04:01,401 --> 00:04:06,071 What do you idiots think you're doing, cheering the enemy on?! 52 00:04:08,741 --> 00:04:11,081 --Boss...! --Boss! 53 00:04:11,081 --> 00:04:16,081 Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!... 54 00:04:16,081 --> 00:04:18,671 Just you watch. I'll end this now! 55 00:04:21,961 --> 00:04:24,381 Slow-Slow Beam Sword! 56 00:04:25,591 --> 00:04:27,181 You'll have to do better than that! 57 00:04:29,641 --> 00:04:33,521 Damn! He hasn't got enough strength left to run?! 58 00:04:33,521 --> 00:04:36,651 I can't stand to watch Luffy like this! 59 00:04:36,651 --> 00:04:39,611 Okay! It's time to finish this! 60 00:04:39,611 --> 00:04:41,441 Slow-Slow Beam! 61 00:04:41,441 --> 00:04:45,111 Our boss makes the first move! He starts by slowing down a cannonball! 62 00:04:46,661 --> 00:04:49,871 Foxy Fighter! 63 00:04:49,871 --> 00:04:52,241 A Megaton Punch with the speed of a cannonball! 64 00:04:52,241 --> 00:04:54,121 It'll knock you out for good! 65 00:04:54,711 --> 00:04:58,711 There it is! Our boss's cannonball stunt flying! 66 00:04:58,711 --> 00:05:01,631 He's going for the finishing blow aboard the Foxy Fighter! 67 00:05:01,631 --> 00:05:05,631 Luffy! He used a beam on you just before the ball! 68 00:05:05,631 --> 00:05:08,971 Dodge as soon as you can move! 69 00:05:13,521 --> 00:05:14,481 Oh! I can move! 70 00:05:14,481 --> 00:05:18,691 The beam wears off on Straw Hat just a moment sooner! 71 00:05:18,691 --> 00:05:19,611 It's no use! 72 00:05:19,981 --> 00:05:21,361 There's no escape! 73 00:05:27,401 --> 00:05:29,741 Luffy! Look out! 74 00:05:31,871 --> 00:05:34,291 Here's a present for you! 75 00:05:35,541 --> 00:05:40,001 He got him! All of his attacks nail Straw Hat! 76 00:05:42,131 --> 00:05:43,881 Luffy! 77 00:05:44,591 --> 00:05:48,841 Boss! Boss! Boss!... 78 00:05:48,841 --> 00:05:51,721 What's with him?! He didn't have to go that far! 79 00:05:57,391 --> 00:06:00,191 H-H-He's... 80 00:06:00,191 --> 00:06:02,021 He's back up! 81 00:06:03,611 --> 00:06:05,321 How...?! 82 00:06:23,791 --> 00:06:27,591 I... win. 83 00:06:28,261 --> 00:06:32,391 What?! You're barely even able to stand upright! 84 00:06:33,471 --> 00:06:35,511 But if that's how you want it... 85 00:06:35,511 --> 00:06:38,101 ...I'll pound you until you stay down! 86 00:06:38,101 --> 00:06:40,641 Megaton Nine-Tails...! 87 00:06:40,641 --> 00:06:42,981 Gum-Gum... 88 00:06:42,981 --> 00:06:45,401 ...Rush! 89 00:06:45,401 --> 00:06:49,191 ...Gatling! 90 00:06:53,121 --> 00:06:54,581 Such intensity! 91 00:06:54,581 --> 00:06:58,411 The combatants now exchange an even more ferocious flurry of punches! 92 00:06:58,871 --> 00:07:00,911 Slaughter 'im, Luffy! 93 00:07:00,911 --> 00:07:02,621 Beat him! 94 00:07:02,621 --> 00:07:05,541 Their barrages don't stop! They just keep going! 95 00:07:18,721 --> 00:07:22,271 Slow-Slow Beam! 96 00:07:25,401 --> 00:07:26,231 Oh...?! 97 00:07:26,231 --> 00:07:29,031 --What the...? --He stopped moving... 98 00:07:43,961 --> 00:07:48,051 S-Straw Hat has been knocked down! 99 00:07:48,051 --> 00:07:50,011 No! Strike that! 100 00:07:50,011 --> 00:07:52,011 Straw Hat is the one who's moving! 101 00:07:52,011 --> 00:07:54,381 Just what has transpired?! 102 00:07:54,381 --> 00:07:56,971 Curse... you... 103 00:07:57,551 --> 00:07:58,431 How?! 104 00:07:59,641 --> 00:08:01,141 Boss?! 105 00:08:04,311 --> 00:08:08,071 A mirror! A mirror fragment has fallen from Straw Hat's hand! 106 00:08:08,071 --> 00:08:12,691 It was stuck... in my afro... 107 00:08:12,691 --> 00:08:14,531 It's from the mirror in your room! 108 00:08:14,531 --> 00:08:17,911 You little...! 109 00:08:17,911 --> 00:08:21,371 Gum-Gum... 110 00:08:28,041 --> 00:08:31,261 ...Flail! 111 00:08:56,411 --> 00:08:57,451 Oh, no...! 112 00:08:58,411 --> 00:09:00,951 --Eight seconds to go. --Huh? 113 00:09:00,951 --> 00:09:01,911 Huh?! 114 00:09:01,911 --> 00:09:04,871 Could this be what I think it is...?! 115 00:09:05,461 --> 00:09:06,751 Seven. 116 00:09:06,751 --> 00:09:07,671 What? 117 00:09:10,211 --> 00:09:12,091 Six. 118 00:09:12,091 --> 00:09:14,671 Boss! 119 00:09:19,761 --> 00:09:20,351 Five! 120 00:09:21,181 --> 00:09:26,391 What are you guys doing?! Start counting too! Four! 121 00:09:26,391 --> 00:09:29,311 --What? --Dunno! But it seems fun! 122 00:09:31,861 --> 00:09:33,651 Three! 123 00:09:35,531 --> 00:09:37,071 Two! 124 00:09:38,861 --> 00:09:41,491 One! 125 00:09:56,971 --> 00:09:57,471 Three! 126 00:09:58,431 --> 00:09:59,341 Two! 127 00:09:59,801 --> 00:10:01,141 One! 128 00:10:01,141 --> 00:10:04,221 Zero! 129 00:10:14,361 --> 00:10:15,901 Hurray! 130 00:10:15,901 --> 00:10:17,491 Luffy! 131 00:10:19,661 --> 00:10:21,201 Boss! 132 00:10:23,241 --> 00:10:27,081 Our boss is sent soaring! 133 00:10:27,541 --> 00:10:28,961 Boss! 134 00:10:34,171 --> 00:10:36,591 Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! 135 00:10:46,101 --> 00:10:48,021 And he lands... 136 00:10:50,641 --> 00:10:53,361 ...outside the battlefield! 137 00:10:53,361 --> 00:10:55,191 The final combat round of the Davy Back Fight 138 00:10:55,191 --> 00:10:58,821 has ended after a heated, epic battle between the two captains! 139 00:10:58,821 --> 00:11:02,571 Our boss's legendary record of 920 wins and 0 losses has been snapped! 140 00:11:02,571 --> 00:11:06,031 Unbelievably, victory goes... 141 00:11:12,121 --> 00:11:16,551 I won't... let you have... a single member of my crew... 142 00:11:16,551 --> 00:11:19,381 ...even if it costs me my life! 143 00:11:19,381 --> 00:11:24,721 ...to Straw Hat Luffy! 144 00:11:27,391 --> 00:11:31,811 Luffy! You did it! 145 00:11:33,311 --> 00:11:34,351 Luffy! 146 00:11:35,731 --> 00:11:38,281 Our boss... lost... 147 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:40,531 Foxy Pirates versus... 148 00:11:40,531 --> 00:11:44,951 Hey! Don't just sit there! The boss needs our help! 149 00:11:44,951 --> 00:11:46,411 All right! I'll go! 150 00:11:46,411 --> 00:11:47,991 ...the Straw Hats! 151 00:11:47,991 --> 00:11:50,081 --I'm going! Move! --I'm going too! 152 00:11:50,081 --> 00:11:58,301 This orthodox-rules, three-coin game Davy Back Fight is now over! 153 00:12:03,551 --> 00:12:06,761 Boss! 154 00:12:07,551 --> 00:12:10,851 Boss! 155 00:12:19,611 --> 00:12:22,531 Geez, could you have been any more reckless?! 156 00:12:22,531 --> 00:12:24,911 Take this! And this! 157 00:12:24,911 --> 00:12:28,491 Quit poking him so much! He's seriously hurt, you jerk! 158 00:12:28,491 --> 00:12:30,741 --And this! --Afro power, my butt. 159 00:12:30,741 --> 00:12:33,041 He had us worried the entire time... 160 00:12:33,041 --> 00:12:36,831 Afros really are powerful, Nami-san! 161 00:12:37,831 --> 00:12:40,381 Oh! He's conscious! 162 00:12:41,511 --> 00:12:43,421 H-Huh?! 163 00:12:43,421 --> 00:12:45,801 The game! How'd the game end?! 164 00:12:45,801 --> 00:12:49,051 I thought I won... Was it just a dream?! 165 00:12:49,051 --> 00:12:51,061 Don't worry. You won. 166 00:12:55,101 --> 00:12:56,941 That's a relief... 167 00:12:59,861 --> 00:13:02,651 I was never worried in the least! 168 00:13:03,151 --> 00:13:04,111 Liar. 169 00:13:04,111 --> 00:13:09,371 Now that I think about it, I got no reason to be a pirate for any other ship. 170 00:13:12,161 --> 00:13:14,541 --Boss! --You should really stay still! 171 00:13:14,541 --> 00:13:16,291 Hey, Straw Hat! 172 00:13:16,291 --> 00:13:21,171 How dare you tarnish my legendary undefeated streak?! 173 00:13:21,171 --> 00:13:22,211 Boss! 174 00:13:24,011 --> 00:13:25,721 Put 'er there, brother! 175 00:13:26,421 --> 00:13:28,261 --Boss! --Boss! 176 00:13:28,261 --> 00:13:30,681 All right, Boss! 177 00:13:35,481 --> 00:13:37,981 Spiteful Shoulder Throw! 178 00:13:38,651 --> 00:13:40,361 Boss! 179 00:13:40,361 --> 00:13:42,521 Are you that stupid? 180 00:13:42,521 --> 00:13:44,231 Have you forgotten the rules? 181 00:13:44,231 --> 00:13:46,441 Choose your 500 people already! 182 00:13:46,441 --> 00:13:49,571 Yes! The final exchange awaits! 183 00:13:51,491 --> 00:13:52,491 Chopper and Robin! 184 00:13:58,251 --> 00:14:01,751 Thank you! I'm so happy! 185 00:14:03,211 --> 00:14:05,171 You can have this back. 186 00:14:05,171 --> 00:14:07,971 He starts off with two obvious choices! 187 00:14:07,971 --> 00:14:11,851 Now who'll be next?! Hurry and decide! 188 00:14:13,391 --> 00:14:14,681 Give us your pirate flag! 189 00:14:14,681 --> 00:14:16,811 What?! 190 00:14:16,811 --> 00:14:21,441 You can't be serious! You'd strip us of our pride just like that?! 191 00:14:21,441 --> 00:14:25,611 I don't need your sail. You need it to go places, after all. 192 00:14:25,611 --> 00:14:31,031 --Wow! He's so merciful! --But our symbol's on there! 193 00:14:31,031 --> 00:14:33,991 How do you expect us to use the sail?! 194 00:14:33,991 --> 00:14:36,871 We don't need your pity! Just take what's yours! 195 00:14:37,951 --> 00:14:39,001 All right. 196 00:14:39,001 --> 00:14:44,921 Since your mark is all we need, I'll draw a new one over it for you. 197 00:14:44,921 --> 00:14:46,631 That way you can keep your sail. 198 00:14:47,961 --> 00:14:50,971 Straw Hat... You're such a...! 199 00:14:50,011 --> 00:14:54,971 {\an8}"Fox" 200 00:14:50,971 --> 00:14:52,051 There! 201 00:14:53,011 --> 00:14:54,971 This sucks...! 202 00:14:54,971 --> 00:14:58,981 --Wow, they're really grateful! --No, we ain't! 203 00:14:59,641 --> 00:15:01,601 H-Hold on just a minute! 204 00:15:01,601 --> 00:15:05,441 You still have 497 more people to pick! 205 00:15:06,521 --> 00:15:07,651 We don't need any more. 206 00:15:07,651 --> 00:15:12,861 Rules are rules! You have to choose 497 people, like it or not! 207 00:15:12,861 --> 00:15:15,081 Aww. Do I have to? 208 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:17,831 Of course you do, idiot! 209 00:15:17,831 --> 00:15:22,831 Luffy! A captain's orders are absolute... Right? 210 00:15:22,831 --> 00:15:24,331 Yes. In which case... 211 00:15:24,331 --> 00:15:25,751 Oh! Good thinking! 212 00:15:25,751 --> 00:15:27,841 Huh? Huh?! 213 00:15:28,671 --> 00:15:29,631 What? What?! 214 00:15:29,631 --> 00:15:32,341 Oh! Okay! 215 00:15:33,341 --> 00:15:36,721 I'll choose, then! 216 00:15:36,721 --> 00:15:38,261 You! 217 00:15:38,261 --> 00:15:41,481 --Me? --Yeah. Everyone from you... 218 00:15:47,481 --> 00:15:48,941 --...to you. --Me? 219 00:15:48,941 --> 00:15:50,611 How many people is that? 220 00:15:50,611 --> 00:15:52,651 Well, we have 500 in our crew, 221 00:15:52,651 --> 00:15:56,571 so excluding our boss, Hamburg-san, and Porche-chan, that makes... 222 00:15:56,571 --> 00:16:00,581 Oh, 497 exactly! It's 497 people... 223 00:16:00,581 --> 00:16:02,371 ...Captain Luffy! 224 00:16:02,371 --> 00:16:03,541 Okay! It's decided! 225 00:16:04,371 --> 00:16:06,291 The Straw Hats are victorious! 226 00:16:06,291 --> 00:16:11,091 This concludes the Davy Back Fights! 227 00:16:11,091 --> 00:16:14,971 It's the birth of the New Straw Hat Pirates! 228 00:16:15,511 --> 00:16:19,061 But the Merry can't hold this many people... 229 00:16:19,061 --> 00:16:23,141 We'll just have to follow along in the Sexy Foxy for a while. 230 00:16:23,141 --> 00:16:26,151 I guess so! 231 00:16:26,151 --> 00:16:29,021 D-Don't be stupid! 232 00:16:29,021 --> 00:16:31,781 The Sexy Foxy is my ship! 233 00:16:31,781 --> 00:16:32,781 Your ship? 234 00:16:33,191 --> 00:16:37,621 I'd love to see the three of you run this huge ship all by yourselves! 235 00:16:37,621 --> 00:16:38,951 Never gonna happen! 236 00:16:41,331 --> 00:16:43,201 Never gonna happen... 237 00:16:44,121 --> 00:16:46,541 Fine, then! Jerks! 238 00:16:46,541 --> 00:16:50,841 --So long, Former Boss! --Don't catch a cold! 239 00:16:50,841 --> 00:16:53,341 --Brush your teeth! --Take a bath! 240 00:16:53,341 --> 00:16:55,511 Hey! Straw Hat! 241 00:16:57,971 --> 00:17:01,681 I'll get you for this! 242 00:17:01,681 --> 00:17:03,931 Do they ever stop being comedians? 243 00:17:03,931 --> 00:17:06,141 All right, men! 244 00:17:06,141 --> 00:17:09,731 Here's your first job as members of the New Straw Hat Pirates! 245 00:17:10,231 --> 00:17:12,531 Listen well! 246 00:17:13,191 --> 00:17:15,821 --You can count on us! --Rubber Boss! 247 00:17:15,821 --> 00:17:18,701 You're all off the crew! 248 00:17:21,371 --> 00:17:24,161 --You're kicking us out? --Yep. 249 00:17:24,161 --> 00:17:28,041 A captain's orders are absolute, remember? 250 00:17:28,041 --> 00:17:31,801 You can go back to your old crews, or even to Split-Head if you want! 251 00:17:31,801 --> 00:17:33,341 You're free to go now! 252 00:17:34,261 --> 00:17:35,091 That's all! 253 00:17:35,591 --> 00:17:38,591 Former Boss! Wait up! 254 00:17:38,591 --> 00:17:41,391 We belong with the Foxy Pirates after all! 255 00:17:41,811 --> 00:17:43,391 How cunning. 256 00:17:50,481 --> 00:17:53,651 Looks like it's all over. 257 00:17:55,611 --> 00:18:00,161 Don't worry. They won. 258 00:18:00,161 --> 00:18:04,241 There, there. I won't ride on stilts ever again. 259 00:18:04,241 --> 00:18:09,291 We can follow the village together now, however many years it takes. 260 00:18:11,211 --> 00:18:13,421 You folks...! 261 00:18:17,511 --> 00:18:19,591 I went and kicked their butts! 262 00:18:23,761 --> 00:18:25,431 You're really hurt... 263 00:18:26,851 --> 00:18:28,351 This is nothing new. 264 00:18:30,521 --> 00:18:31,981 Thank you... 265 00:18:37,151 --> 00:18:40,911 Ah, so that's why you accepted their challenge. 266 00:18:40,911 --> 00:18:43,071 Not like you wouldn't have otherwise, though. 267 00:18:43,071 --> 00:18:45,451 Man, you're rude! 268 00:18:52,631 --> 00:18:53,881 Wh-What is this?! 269 00:18:56,251 --> 00:18:58,261 Yikes! 270 00:18:58,841 --> 00:19:00,381 Who are you?! 271 00:19:00,841 --> 00:19:02,891 No, who are you?! 272 00:19:02,891 --> 00:19:05,181 Th-The thing can talk! 273 00:19:05,181 --> 00:19:07,641 I'm not a thing! I'm a mooole! 274 00:19:07,641 --> 00:19:10,691 "Mooole"? Like a mole? 275 00:19:12,101 --> 00:19:15,441 I'm the champion! Yo! 276 00:19:15,441 --> 00:19:17,441 Not another weirdo... 277 00:19:17,441 --> 00:19:19,281 Champion of what?! 278 00:19:19,281 --> 00:19:21,401 I'm glad you asked! 279 00:19:21,401 --> 00:19:24,821 I'm the world champion of hole-digging! 280 00:19:24,821 --> 00:19:28,121 I'm challenging my own record as we speak! 281 00:19:28,121 --> 00:19:32,581 What kind of challenge has you wrecking the old stilts guy's house?! 282 00:19:35,591 --> 00:19:39,921 "Old stilts guy"...? 283 00:19:42,881 --> 00:19:46,301 Take a look. This is a "mooole." 284 00:19:46,301 --> 00:19:49,931 Littonto. I'm about to go for the stilt-standing world record. 285 00:19:49,931 --> 00:19:51,891 Huh?! 286 00:19:51,891 --> 00:19:54,191 Competing with the world is a long, hard road. 287 00:19:54,191 --> 00:19:58,901 I'll be gone a few days. The mooole will keep you company, though, right? 288 00:19:58,901 --> 00:20:00,651 Can you manage while I'm gone? 289 00:20:00,651 --> 00:20:05,911 Sure. But make sure you come back as a champion! 290 00:20:05,911 --> 00:20:08,701 But of course I will! 291 00:20:08,701 --> 00:20:11,201 I promise! 292 00:20:11,201 --> 00:20:14,171 Could it be? Are you...?! 293 00:20:14,791 --> 00:20:16,831 It's me! 294 00:20:16,831 --> 00:20:19,131 --Grandpa! --Littonto! 295 00:20:19,631 --> 00:20:23,131 I missed you! I missed you so much! 296 00:20:23,131 --> 00:20:27,761 You went and grew so much since I last saw you...! 297 00:20:29,391 --> 00:20:32,931 I'm sorry for worrying you... 298 00:20:32,931 --> 00:20:34,601 He's your grandson? 299 00:20:35,811 --> 00:20:39,571 I missed my grandpa so much, and that devotion led me to hole-digging! 300 00:20:39,571 --> 00:20:43,281 And before I knew it, becoming the greatest digger in the world 301 00:20:43,281 --> 00:20:47,031 had become my greatest goal in life... 302 00:20:47,031 --> 00:20:48,571 So you became the champion? 303 00:20:48,571 --> 00:20:53,081 Yep! "Shoot for the other side of the world!" 304 00:20:53,081 --> 00:20:56,621 I like that! You sound just like the old stilts guy! 305 00:20:56,621 --> 00:21:00,091 --Oh, you're too kind! --That's not praise! 306 00:21:01,211 --> 00:21:05,761 Say, couldn't you follow your holes to reach your village? 307 00:21:05,761 --> 00:21:06,551 Oh... 308 00:21:09,011 --> 00:21:11,101 Isn't this great, old guy?! 309 00:21:11,101 --> 00:21:14,271 Yes. I don't know how to begin thanking you... 310 00:21:15,851 --> 00:21:16,851 Don't worry about it! 311 00:21:16,851 --> 00:21:22,361 You too, Miss! I achieved my true goal, all thanks to your insight! 312 00:21:25,821 --> 00:21:30,241 I'll never forget what you've done for us! 313 00:21:30,831 --> 00:21:32,491 Thank you! 314 00:21:32,491 --> 00:21:35,161 Take care on your way home! 315 00:21:35,161 --> 00:21:40,501 You too! I pray for your safe journey! 316 00:21:41,131 --> 00:21:44,341 All right! Time for us to leave! 317 00:21:44,341 --> 00:21:46,341 Nami! Is the Log ready? 318 00:21:46,341 --> 00:21:48,131 Yep! We're good to go! 319 00:21:48,591 --> 00:21:50,301 Let's get movin', then. 320 00:21:50,931 --> 00:21:51,891 Yeah. 321 00:21:51,891 --> 00:21:55,351 Let's hurry and snag us a shipwright! 322 00:21:55,351 --> 00:21:56,601 Yeah! 323 00:21:58,851 --> 00:22:01,981 All right, men! 324 00:22:02,441 --> 00:22:06,031 Let's go find a shipwright! 325 00:22:06,031 --> 00:22:08,451 Yeah! 326 00:22:21,001 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 327 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 328 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:31,971 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 329 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 330 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 331 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 332 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 333 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,071 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 334 00:22:49,071 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 335 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 336 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 337 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 338 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 339 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,091 To this familiar sunny sky 340 00:23:09,091 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 341 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 342 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:17,891 Eternally... Eternally... 343 00:23:26,191 --> 00:23:29,531 --Umm... What am I doing again? --Who are these guys? 344 00:23:29,531 --> 00:23:31,281 Why am I with a bunch of pirates?! 345 00:23:31,281 --> 00:23:33,241 Who what where am I? 346 00:23:33,241 --> 00:23:36,531 --Don't tell me all your memories are...! --Oh, my head! My head! 347 00:23:36,531 --> 00:23:38,911 --Are you okay, Long-nose? --Oh, it's so itchy...! 348 00:23:38,911 --> 00:23:40,371 Shut up, all of ya! 349 00:23:40,371 --> 00:23:42,001 On the next episode of One Piece! 350 00:23:42,001 --> 00:23:45,001 "Was It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?" 351 00:23:45,001 --> 00:23:47,751 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!