1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,901 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,241 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,061 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,061 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,621 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,171 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,171 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,681 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:32,611 --> 00:02:35,271 I've finally found some... 23 00:02:35,771 --> 00:02:40,241 Some people with such nice memories... 24 00:04:15,621 --> 00:04:17,421 Oh, good morning. 25 00:04:26,891 --> 00:04:28,261 Is something the matter? 26 00:04:30,511 --> 00:04:32,561 Who are you? 27 00:04:33,521 --> 00:04:34,811 What? 28 00:04:35,771 --> 00:04:44,741 "Was It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?" 29 00:04:51,991 --> 00:04:54,621 I can still eat lots more... 30 00:05:02,461 --> 00:05:04,131 Gimme seconds! 31 00:05:32,411 --> 00:05:34,411 Wh-Where am I? 32 00:05:34,411 --> 00:05:37,041 And who are these people?! 33 00:05:37,581 --> 00:05:39,581 --Hey. --Yes?! 34 00:05:39,581 --> 00:05:43,001 You know anything about this? 35 00:05:43,001 --> 00:05:45,461 --Huh? --I'm Sanji. 36 00:05:45,461 --> 00:05:47,841 I'm a cook at the Sea Restaurant Baratie. 37 00:05:47,841 --> 00:05:52,301 I remember going to sleep in my room yesterday like always, 38 00:05:52,301 --> 00:05:57,681 but then I woke up in this strange place with you complete strangers. 39 00:05:57,681 --> 00:06:00,101 Do you know why?! 40 00:06:00,101 --> 00:06:02,981 N-N-No... 41 00:06:02,981 --> 00:06:04,611 Huh? What? 42 00:06:04,611 --> 00:06:07,571 You mean you guys didn't save me? 43 00:06:08,151 --> 00:06:09,201 Save? 44 00:06:09,781 --> 00:06:10,861 I'm Luffy. 45 00:06:10,861 --> 00:06:13,451 I left Fusha Village and went sailing, 46 00:06:13,451 --> 00:06:16,161 but then I ran into this gigantic whirlpool... 47 00:06:16,161 --> 00:06:19,751 I remember getting into a barrel and getting all dizzy... 48 00:06:19,751 --> 00:06:21,921 ...and then I suddenly wound up here. 49 00:06:22,461 --> 00:06:25,881 I figured you guys had saved me. 50 00:06:25,881 --> 00:06:29,131 Wh-What's going on here? 51 00:06:29,131 --> 00:06:32,431 I remember having a silly conversation with Kaya-chan yesterday, 52 00:06:32,431 --> 00:06:35,061 then playing with Pepper and the gang before hitting the hay... 53 00:06:35,061 --> 00:06:37,851 But I don't remember a thing after that! 54 00:06:38,431 --> 00:06:40,731 And these guys are the same?! 55 00:06:40,731 --> 00:06:43,401 So, do you know anything? 56 00:06:43,401 --> 00:06:44,311 Huh? 57 00:06:44,311 --> 00:06:48,151 Do you have any idea why we're here? 58 00:06:49,031 --> 00:06:53,821 I don't know what's going on, much less who these guys are... 59 00:06:53,821 --> 00:06:56,621 I'll just have to bluff for now...! 60 00:06:57,161 --> 00:06:59,581 All right. I'll tell you. 61 00:07:00,331 --> 00:07:04,171 It's no surprise you've forgotten everything up until yesterday. 62 00:07:04,171 --> 00:07:07,671 After all, you were attacked by a legendary giant whale. 63 00:07:07,671 --> 00:07:09,841 A legendary giant whale? 64 00:07:09,841 --> 00:07:16,601 That's right. I defeated it and saved you guys after it swallowed you. 65 00:07:16,601 --> 00:07:20,311 Wow! Really?! Thanks! 66 00:07:20,311 --> 00:07:22,601 Just who are you? 67 00:07:22,601 --> 00:07:24,651 I'm glad you asked! 68 00:07:25,151 --> 00:07:29,781 I'm Usopp, leader of a great pirate crew that rules the seas of the East Blue! 69 00:07:29,781 --> 00:07:32,651 I have the people's undying praise! 70 00:07:32,651 --> 00:07:36,951 "Captain Usopp" is what they call me! 71 00:07:38,661 --> 00:07:42,331 Wow! Captain Usopp! 72 00:07:42,331 --> 00:07:44,041 --You know him? --No, not at all! 73 00:07:44,501 --> 00:07:48,171 Better watch what you say. 74 00:07:48,171 --> 00:07:51,631 The Usopp Pirates have 8,000 members-- 75 00:07:51,631 --> 00:07:55,221 What?! 8,000?! 76 00:07:55,221 --> 00:07:57,891 Incidentally, you're both my subordinates as of yesterday! 77 00:07:57,891 --> 00:07:59,351 For real?! 78 00:08:01,391 --> 00:08:02,311 You're lying. 79 00:08:02,311 --> 00:08:06,651 --Eep! You could tell?! --See, you even admit it. 80 00:08:06,651 --> 00:08:09,111 I admitted it! You dirty schemer! 81 00:08:10,731 --> 00:08:13,241 You're a funny guy! 82 00:08:13,241 --> 00:08:15,071 Hey, you! Don't make fun of me! 83 00:08:15,701 --> 00:08:17,781 I'm a proud man! 84 00:08:17,781 --> 00:08:22,001 I have so much pride that people call me "Usopp the Proud"! 85 00:08:28,841 --> 00:08:30,421 Huh? What's wrong? 86 00:08:30,961 --> 00:08:35,381 Oh, it's just... I feel like I've done this before... 87 00:08:35,381 --> 00:08:36,431 Me too... 88 00:08:39,301 --> 00:08:40,431 What a pain. 89 00:08:41,971 --> 00:08:43,931 Let's just leave it at that for now. 90 00:08:43,931 --> 00:08:49,481 What we need is food. People can't think on empty stomachs. 91 00:08:49,481 --> 00:08:51,021 Food?! 92 00:08:51,021 --> 00:08:53,401 Yeah, didn't you say you're a cook? 93 00:08:53,401 --> 00:08:55,611 A first-class cook. 94 00:08:55,611 --> 00:08:59,071 If this is a ship, there's gotta be something. 95 00:08:59,071 --> 00:09:00,201 A cook... 96 00:09:01,951 --> 00:09:03,871 Hey, hold on a sec! 97 00:09:03,871 --> 00:09:06,161 Just who are you, anyway?! 98 00:09:06,161 --> 00:09:10,171 Me? I'm the man who's gonna be King of the Pirates! 99 00:09:12,501 --> 00:09:14,301 Huh? 100 00:09:15,841 --> 00:09:19,051 Whoa. This ship's been through a lot. 101 00:09:19,051 --> 00:09:21,221 Oh! An island! 102 00:09:21,221 --> 00:09:24,141 I wonder where we are! 103 00:09:25,481 --> 00:09:28,311 I have bad news, guys. Our navigator is... 104 00:09:28,311 --> 00:09:30,561 Oh? Who the heck are they? 105 00:09:30,561 --> 00:09:32,771 Are they also your subordinates, Captain Usopp? 106 00:09:32,771 --> 00:09:35,031 Hm?! Y-Yeah, of course! 107 00:09:35,031 --> 00:09:38,741 You guys lost your memories, too? 108 00:09:38,741 --> 00:09:45,161 Oh, I finally understand how a foolish moth feels as it flies into a lamp... 109 00:09:45,161 --> 00:09:48,751 People can't help but leap into the brilliant radiance of others! 110 00:09:50,831 --> 00:09:54,461 Hi, pretty ladies! Your names, please? 111 00:09:54,461 --> 00:09:58,181 If you're free, what do you say to dinner tonight?! 112 00:10:01,891 --> 00:10:04,851 Man, this guy's funny! 113 00:10:04,851 --> 00:10:06,851 He suddenly has a different personality... 114 00:10:06,851 --> 00:10:10,731 Uhh, who are these guys?! And where am I?! 115 00:10:10,731 --> 00:10:11,861 Not to mention... 116 00:10:20,991 --> 00:10:22,951 Isn't that... backwards? 117 00:10:26,911 --> 00:10:29,871 --What the heck is that? --It's a deer. 118 00:10:29,871 --> 00:10:32,671 Shut up, human! I'm a reindeer! 119 00:10:32,671 --> 00:10:34,091 It talked! 120 00:10:35,551 --> 00:10:38,221 Hey! Let's catch it! 121 00:10:38,221 --> 00:10:40,761 Hey, stop! It's creepy! 122 00:10:40,761 --> 00:10:42,841 Hey, girl! Help me out! 123 00:10:42,841 --> 00:10:46,061 No way! S-Stay away from me! 124 00:10:48,641 --> 00:10:54,061 Oh, boy... Where do I even begin to explain? 125 00:11:18,341 --> 00:11:21,261 All right. Listen, everyone. 126 00:11:21,261 --> 00:11:23,091 We're currently located in... 127 00:11:31,391 --> 00:11:33,521 What did you just say...? 128 00:11:34,021 --> 00:11:37,901 I said we're in the Grand Line. 129 00:11:37,901 --> 00:11:39,741 Have you forgotten that too? 130 00:11:39,741 --> 00:11:42,281 Seriously?! 131 00:11:42,281 --> 00:11:44,491 Hey! What are you so happy for?! 132 00:11:44,491 --> 00:11:49,041 They say the Grand Line is teeming with monsters and stuff! 133 00:11:49,041 --> 00:11:52,501 You should be freaked out! 134 00:11:53,001 --> 00:11:56,291 Still, it doesn't seem so different from the regular sea. 135 00:11:56,291 --> 00:11:58,461 Is this really the Grand Line? 136 00:11:58,461 --> 00:12:00,921 Navigator? 137 00:12:00,921 --> 00:12:01,971 Who, me?! 138 00:12:02,591 --> 00:12:06,181 Do you recognize what's on your arm? 139 00:12:06,181 --> 00:12:07,301 What is this?! 140 00:12:07,301 --> 00:12:08,761 It's a Log Pose. 141 00:12:09,601 --> 00:12:11,601 Compasses don't work here, 142 00:12:11,601 --> 00:12:14,231 so islands' magnetic fields are used for navigation instead. 143 00:12:14,771 --> 00:12:17,111 That's what that tool is for. 144 00:12:17,111 --> 00:12:20,731 It's essential for crossing the Grand Line. 145 00:12:22,821 --> 00:12:28,071 Tell me, Miss. I need to return to my restaurant in the East Blue. 146 00:12:28,071 --> 00:12:29,791 How can I go about that? 147 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:31,661 I wouldn't recommend it. 148 00:12:31,661 --> 00:12:38,461 We've been traveling a long time; heading back alone would be suicide. 149 00:12:38,461 --> 00:12:43,421 We've continually followed the Log Pose's directions. 150 00:12:43,421 --> 00:12:47,721 And that's led us to this coral-surrounded isle. 151 00:12:47,721 --> 00:12:51,471 This is all too much at once for me to believe! 152 00:12:51,471 --> 00:12:55,441 Why would I be cheerfully traveling with people like this?! 153 00:12:55,441 --> 00:12:57,191 That's why. 154 00:13:01,611 --> 00:13:04,361 Oh, man! That's a pirate flag! 155 00:13:04,361 --> 00:13:07,241 What?! It's a pirate ship?! 156 00:13:07,241 --> 00:13:11,241 Th-That's right! It's the great Captain Usopp's pirate ship! 157 00:13:11,241 --> 00:13:12,201 For real?! 158 00:13:13,701 --> 00:13:16,081 Actually, Captain Usopp... 159 00:13:16,081 --> 00:13:20,171 Is it me, or is that skull wearing a straw hat? 160 00:13:20,171 --> 00:13:20,881 Oh! 161 00:13:21,501 --> 00:13:24,631 That just means... this hat is mine! 162 00:13:24,631 --> 00:13:26,841 What are you doing?! Give it back! 163 00:13:30,141 --> 00:13:34,471 Don't touch my straw hat! I'll kick your butt if you do that again! 164 00:13:34,471 --> 00:13:37,391 What? I thought you lost your memory?! 165 00:13:37,391 --> 00:13:40,811 I remember this! It's my treasure! 166 00:13:40,811 --> 00:13:42,731 Treasure...? 167 00:13:43,981 --> 00:13:48,321 It's a precious treasure a friend gave me when I was little! 168 00:13:48,321 --> 00:13:53,031 I swore on this hat I'd become a pirate and gather a crew! 169 00:13:54,411 --> 00:13:57,001 Pirates this, pirates that! What a stupid era! 170 00:13:57,001 --> 00:14:02,961 But at least now I know that everything you've said is nonsense! 171 00:14:04,421 --> 00:14:09,431 I hate pirates! What I like are money and tangerines! 172 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:13,761 There's no way that I'd be traveling with pirates! 173 00:14:14,221 --> 00:14:18,021 Hey, now. Might wanna watch your tone, girl... 174 00:14:21,441 --> 00:14:24,271 Tangerines? Like those? 175 00:14:24,271 --> 00:14:24,941 Huh? 176 00:14:31,111 --> 00:14:32,411 Those tangerine trees...! 177 00:14:38,871 --> 00:14:40,041 What was that?! 178 00:14:40,041 --> 00:14:42,461 Whoa...! It just grew an arm! 179 00:14:42,461 --> 00:14:43,751 Mystery tangerines?! 180 00:14:44,251 --> 00:14:46,501 Just who are you?! 181 00:14:46,501 --> 00:14:48,381 More important is that tangerine... 182 00:14:48,881 --> 00:14:52,431 This is one of Bellemere-san's tangerines! I know that much for sure! 183 00:14:52,431 --> 00:14:55,311 What are her tangerines doing on this ship?! 184 00:14:55,311 --> 00:15:00,351 Unfortunately, I don't know much about that myself. 185 00:15:00,351 --> 00:15:03,441 Why don't you check the ship's logbook in your room? 186 00:15:03,441 --> 00:15:04,771 Huh? 187 00:15:04,771 --> 00:15:09,191 As I recall, there's a picture of your Bellemere-san in it. 188 00:15:26,211 --> 00:15:28,511 It's my handwriting... 189 00:15:37,761 --> 00:15:39,521 Bellemere-san... 190 00:15:51,441 --> 00:15:54,701 Bellemere-san! 191 00:15:55,621 --> 00:15:57,701 Look at how many I got! 192 00:15:57,701 --> 00:15:59,741 Some of them are still green! 193 00:15:59,741 --> 00:16:02,501 You know better, Nami! You have to pay attention! 194 00:16:02,501 --> 00:16:04,251 What? But they were nice and sweet! 195 00:16:04,251 --> 00:16:07,251 You ate some?! They're merchandise, you know! 196 00:16:07,251 --> 00:16:10,711 It's all right. We can eat these ones ourselves. 197 00:16:10,711 --> 00:16:13,801 Okay! You're a big meanie, Nojiko! 198 00:16:13,801 --> 00:16:15,221 What?! 199 00:16:16,721 --> 00:16:19,721 All right, get to work, you two! 200 00:16:26,231 --> 00:16:27,811 I have to go back... 201 00:16:27,811 --> 00:16:31,321 Something might've happened to Cocoyashi Village... 202 00:16:36,241 --> 00:16:40,661 So... what exactly is it? 203 00:16:40,661 --> 00:16:43,501 Neato reindeer! 204 00:16:45,501 --> 00:16:47,921 Reindeer! 205 00:16:47,921 --> 00:16:49,421 You idiot! Stay away! 206 00:16:49,421 --> 00:16:51,761 Reindeer... 207 00:16:54,381 --> 00:16:58,091 It's great when thinly sliced, slowly simmered with vegetables, 208 00:16:58,091 --> 00:17:00,101 and made into a stew... 209 00:17:00,101 --> 00:17:02,521 What?! We can eat it?! 210 00:17:02,521 --> 00:17:05,941 Reindeer steak with berry sauce is also superb. 211 00:17:05,941 --> 00:17:07,941 Steak, it is! 212 00:17:08,351 --> 00:17:09,811 Why, you...! 213 00:17:10,401 --> 00:17:13,071 I ain't no food! 214 00:17:19,571 --> 00:17:22,831 Don't eat him. He's the ship's doctor. 215 00:17:22,831 --> 00:17:23,621 Doctor? 216 00:17:24,371 --> 00:17:28,711 Yes. He's a brilliant doctor beyond even human compare. 217 00:17:28,711 --> 00:17:30,841 Isn't that right? 218 00:17:30,841 --> 00:17:33,051 Sh-Shut up! 219 00:17:33,961 --> 00:17:38,221 Being praised by humans doesn't make me happy at all, you jerk! 220 00:17:38,221 --> 00:17:40,471 Oh, you sure seem happy to me! 221 00:17:40,471 --> 00:17:45,641 He's a reindeer who ate the Human Human Fruit and gained human abilities. 222 00:17:45,641 --> 00:17:50,481 Incidentally, I ate the Flower Flower Fruit and gained Devil Fruit powers. 223 00:17:50,481 --> 00:17:53,981 And Luffy has eaten a Devil Fruit as well, right? 224 00:17:53,981 --> 00:17:56,901 Yeah! I ate the Gum Gum Fruit! 225 00:17:56,901 --> 00:17:57,951 I'm made of rubber! 226 00:17:57,951 --> 00:18:02,201 Th-Three people with Devil Fruit powers...?! 227 00:18:02,201 --> 00:18:03,661 This ain't normal... 228 00:18:04,581 --> 00:18:07,461 Are you guys pirates?! Real pirates?! 229 00:18:08,081 --> 00:18:11,251 That's right. You are too, you know. 230 00:18:11,251 --> 00:18:14,841 All right! As of today, you're a member of the Usopp Pirates too! 231 00:18:14,841 --> 00:18:17,881 What?! How come?! 232 00:18:17,881 --> 00:18:19,341 You're taking him seriously? 233 00:18:19,801 --> 00:18:23,051 In any case, along with one other person, 234 00:18:23,051 --> 00:18:26,101 we've been crossing these seas as a seven-member pirate crew. 235 00:18:26,101 --> 00:18:27,561 One other person? 236 00:18:27,561 --> 00:18:30,401 Why don't you come down, Swordsman? 237 00:18:36,481 --> 00:18:39,151 You guys're making quite a racket so early in the morning. 238 00:18:39,151 --> 00:18:40,451 You're interrupting my morning nap. 239 00:18:40,451 --> 00:18:43,201 Wh-Who are you?! State your name! 240 00:18:44,081 --> 00:18:47,621 You're supposed to give your name first when asking someone's name. 241 00:18:47,621 --> 00:18:49,911 --Oh... --I'm Luffy! Nice to meet you! 242 00:18:51,211 --> 00:18:53,711 I'm Roronoa Zoro. 243 00:18:53,711 --> 00:18:55,751 As in "Pirate Hunter"? 244 00:18:55,751 --> 00:19:00,761 I've never once gone by that name. I just wound up with it. 245 00:19:01,341 --> 00:19:03,931 You're still a bounty hunter, though. 246 00:19:03,931 --> 00:19:07,021 I only did it when I needed money to survive. 247 00:19:07,021 --> 00:19:08,931 It ain't my goal. 248 00:19:08,931 --> 00:19:13,611 But I take it you're only here 'cause you were targeting a pirate ship? 249 00:19:13,611 --> 00:19:18,151 Beats me. I got no idea why I'm here. 250 00:19:18,151 --> 00:19:21,241 Are you guys notorious pirates? 251 00:19:22,241 --> 00:19:24,411 You're out to get us after all! 252 00:19:24,411 --> 00:19:27,911 F-Fine, bring it on! I have 8,000 people under my command! 253 00:19:27,911 --> 00:19:32,671 Oh? Then I bet you're worth a lot. 254 00:19:32,671 --> 00:19:38,591 I needed some food money anyway. I'll be more than happy to take you on! 255 00:19:38,591 --> 00:19:43,261 N-No! That's not what I meant! C-C-Calm down! 256 00:19:43,261 --> 00:19:44,891 Say something, will you?! 257 00:19:44,891 --> 00:19:48,721 He doesn't have a bounty. Not even a single Berry. 258 00:19:48,721 --> 00:19:50,931 Nothing at all?! 259 00:19:58,981 --> 00:20:01,951 I have to get out of here somehow. 260 00:20:06,571 --> 00:20:08,241 Gold! 261 00:20:08,241 --> 00:20:11,871 This is enough to buy Cocoyashi Village back and have money left over! 262 00:20:36,481 --> 00:20:39,111 Now how do I haul it out...? 263 00:20:43,611 --> 00:20:45,821 What is that? 264 00:20:53,711 --> 00:20:54,961 What's that?! 265 00:21:13,061 --> 00:21:16,521 Amazing! It can run on the water too! 266 00:21:19,021 --> 00:21:20,981 Huh? She left! 267 00:21:20,981 --> 00:21:23,191 That thing's so neat! 268 00:21:23,191 --> 00:21:24,361 Miss... 269 00:21:26,071 --> 00:21:27,991 I've got no idea what's going on, 270 00:21:27,991 --> 00:21:30,071 but it seems like there's no point in me staying here. 271 00:21:36,541 --> 00:21:40,251 Huh? He left too. What's the deal? 272 00:21:47,131 --> 00:21:51,601 What the heck's going on around here...? 273 00:21:53,511 --> 00:21:56,561 I haven't the slightest, either. 274 00:21:57,271 --> 00:21:59,231 This is a real conundrum... 275 00:22:21,001 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 276 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 277 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:32,261 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 278 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 279 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 280 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 281 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 282 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,071 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 283 00:22:49,071 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 284 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 285 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 286 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 287 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 288 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,091 To this familiar sunny sky 289 00:23:09,091 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 290 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 291 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:18,221 Eternally... Eternally... 292 00:23:25,271 --> 00:23:29,191 This is crazy! I'd never team up with pirates! 293 00:23:29,781 --> 00:23:32,451 But this is my handwriting in the logbook... 294 00:23:32,451 --> 00:23:34,451 Oh, and the treasure's mine too! 295 00:23:34,451 --> 00:23:37,291 Wait! Whoa! What kind of scene is this?! 296 00:23:37,291 --> 00:23:41,251 Ahh! Hey! Was it you?! Give our memories back! 297 00:23:41,251 --> 00:23:42,621 On the next episode of One Piece! 298 00:23:42,621 --> 00:23:45,501 "A Mysterious Boy with a Horn and Robin's Deduction!" 299 00:23:45,501 --> 00:23:48,051 You're never gonna be King of the Pirates!!