1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,901 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,241 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,061 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,061 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,621 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,171 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,171 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,681 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:06,871 --> 00:02:09,331 --Who are you? --What? 23 00:02:09,331 --> 00:02:11,581 Oh? Who the heck are they? 24 00:02:11,581 --> 00:02:13,881 Are they also your subordinates, Captain Usopp? 25 00:02:13,881 --> 00:02:16,051 Hm?! Y-Yeah, of course! 26 00:02:16,051 --> 00:02:18,341 You guys lost your memories, too? 27 00:02:18,341 --> 00:02:21,841 Hi, pretty ladies! Your names, please? 28 00:02:21,841 --> 00:02:23,551 What the heck is that? 29 00:02:23,551 --> 00:02:24,431 It's a deer. 30 00:02:24,431 --> 00:02:27,021 Shut up, human! I'm a reindeer! 31 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:28,181 It talked! 32 00:02:32,021 --> 00:02:34,321 Pirates this, pirates that! What a stupid era! 33 00:02:34,321 --> 00:02:38,861 I hate pirates! What I like are money and tangerines! 34 00:02:38,861 --> 00:02:43,031 There's no way that I'd be traveling with pirates! 35 00:02:45,031 --> 00:02:47,701 You guys're making quite a racket so early in the morning. 36 00:02:47,701 --> 00:02:49,161 You're interrupting my morning nap. 37 00:02:49,161 --> 00:02:51,171 I have to get out of here somehow. 38 00:02:58,801 --> 00:03:00,591 I've got no idea what's going on, 39 00:03:00,591 --> 00:03:03,011 but it seems like there's no point in me staying here. 40 00:03:03,011 --> 00:03:11,981 "A Mysterious Boy with a Horn and Robin's Deduction!" 41 00:03:15,061 --> 00:03:17,071 Navigator... 42 00:03:21,031 --> 00:03:22,741 Now I can rest easy for a while. 43 00:03:22,741 --> 00:03:26,621 I'm glad that unpleasant pirate hunter is off the ship, but... 44 00:03:26,621 --> 00:03:28,991 I have a feeling that Navigator might set foot on the island. 45 00:03:28,991 --> 00:03:32,371 Knowing her, she probably won't do too much 46 00:03:32,371 --> 00:03:34,251 until she can make a level-headed decision. 47 00:03:34,831 --> 00:03:36,841 I hope so. 48 00:03:38,921 --> 00:03:42,301 Hey, I'm starving. I wanna eat! 49 00:03:42,301 --> 00:03:43,591 You look tasty! 50 00:03:43,591 --> 00:03:44,641 What?! 51 00:03:45,591 --> 00:03:48,261 Geez... You have no sense of tension, do you? 52 00:03:48,261 --> 00:03:49,851 Hm? 53 00:03:49,851 --> 00:03:55,521 But, well, I guess we can think about what to do after we finish eating, huh? 54 00:03:55,521 --> 00:03:59,151 By the way, Miss, I didn't get your name yet. 55 00:03:59,151 --> 00:04:00,821 I'm Nico Robin. 56 00:04:00,821 --> 00:04:05,491 First, could you tell us about the memories that we lost? 57 00:04:06,071 --> 00:04:07,201 Sure. 58 00:04:13,121 --> 00:04:16,671 No way that I'd stay in a place like that for even a second! 59 00:04:16,671 --> 00:04:20,341 Pirates cold-bloodedly steal things that people cherish! 60 00:04:20,341 --> 00:04:24,011 I have to come up with a way to return to Cocoyashi Village quickly. 61 00:04:35,891 --> 00:04:40,361 I'm glad... that you came, lady. 62 00:04:40,361 --> 00:04:42,321 I welcome you. 63 00:04:51,121 --> 00:04:53,251 It's awfully quiet here. 64 00:04:54,121 --> 00:04:56,621 I wonder if something happened... 65 00:04:57,961 --> 00:05:01,921 I wonder if I'll find something if I go up a bit higher... 66 00:05:13,641 --> 00:05:14,981 Hm? 67 00:05:15,891 --> 00:05:17,391 Newspaper... 68 00:05:20,981 --> 00:05:21,901 Wh-What?! 69 00:05:24,741 --> 00:05:26,571 H-Hey, wait! 70 00:05:32,491 --> 00:05:33,241 This is mine! 71 00:05:33,241 --> 00:05:35,581 Shut up! This newspaper is the only thing I can depend on! 72 00:05:35,581 --> 00:05:37,001 I'm not gonna let you have it! 73 00:05:37,001 --> 00:05:39,461 You bastard! Stop screwing with me! 74 00:05:39,461 --> 00:05:40,831 Why would I give you something to go on?! 75 00:05:40,831 --> 00:05:42,291 Shut up! It's mine! 76 00:05:42,291 --> 00:05:43,751 I got it first! 77 00:05:43,751 --> 00:05:45,961 --Who cares?! --Hey, who are you?! 78 00:05:45,961 --> 00:05:48,681 If I knew, I wouldn't be having this problem! 79 00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:51,721 What's with these people? 80 00:05:58,601 --> 00:06:00,441 What the heck is going on? 81 00:06:00,441 --> 00:06:02,311 --Hey... --Hm? 82 00:06:05,281 --> 00:06:07,691 What's the matter, lady? 83 00:06:10,161 --> 00:06:12,831 I see... So you're looking for a boat? 84 00:06:12,831 --> 00:06:16,791 --Yeah. --The boats docked at this harbor are the only boats on this island. 85 00:06:16,791 --> 00:06:19,001 What? Is that right? 86 00:06:19,001 --> 00:06:22,631 They all seem to be in disrepair, as if they haven't been used in a long time. 87 00:06:22,631 --> 00:06:27,211 It seems that everyone is too busy with other things to care about them. 88 00:06:27,211 --> 00:06:30,881 If you don't believe me, go ahead and go around the island. 89 00:06:30,881 --> 00:06:34,471 It's a small island. It won't take long. 90 00:06:34,931 --> 00:06:39,481 Well, take it easy and stay a while. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. 91 00:06:39,481 --> 00:06:42,981 I can't stay too long. 92 00:06:42,981 --> 00:06:45,521 --Oh, I see. --I'm sorry. 93 00:06:45,521 --> 00:06:47,991 No, don't worry about it. 94 00:06:49,491 --> 00:06:52,661 I've gotten kinda sleepy. I'm going home now. 95 00:06:53,661 --> 00:06:55,081 Ah... hey! 96 00:06:55,491 --> 00:06:56,951 Well then, see you later! 97 00:07:06,801 --> 00:07:09,721 These guys are real pirates! 98 00:07:09,721 --> 00:07:12,131 So clouds are really fluffy? 99 00:07:12,131 --> 00:07:18,561 Daaachshund... Horsey-Bird... Darn it! Why can't I remember them?! 100 00:07:19,351 --> 00:07:22,641 Davy Back Fight, the large Navy fortress... 101 00:07:22,641 --> 00:07:25,651 Sky islands and the sand country, Alabasta... 102 00:07:25,651 --> 00:07:28,361 We really had such a grand journey? 103 00:07:28,361 --> 00:07:30,781 Yes, we did. 104 00:07:30,781 --> 00:07:32,911 I-I can't believe it... 105 00:07:32,911 --> 00:07:36,071 The captain of this ship has a 100-million-Berry bounty on his head? 106 00:07:36,621 --> 00:07:40,581 Hey, don't you have some more neat adventure stories? 107 00:07:40,581 --> 00:07:43,461 I joined your crew after you left Alabasta. 108 00:07:43,461 --> 00:07:46,041 So, unfortunately, I don't know what happened before that. 109 00:07:46,041 --> 00:07:48,381 Darn! That sucks! 110 00:07:50,591 --> 00:07:53,341 Although I have a hard time buying her story, 111 00:07:53,341 --> 00:07:55,841 it is true that the seasonings and equipment 112 00:07:55,841 --> 00:07:58,681 are where I would like them to be. 113 00:07:59,221 --> 00:08:03,561 Robin-san, could you tell us about the most crucial thing-- about yesterday? 114 00:08:03,561 --> 00:08:06,231 Sure. Well then, let's include the ship's doctor, too. 115 00:08:06,231 --> 00:08:07,231 Hm? 116 00:08:10,901 --> 00:08:13,281 Like I said, it's backwards. 117 00:08:13,901 --> 00:08:15,821 Sh-Shut up, you bastard! 118 00:08:15,821 --> 00:08:18,201 You're hungry, aren't you? Come and eat with us. 119 00:08:18,201 --> 00:08:22,911 Ahh! Don't be ridiculous! I can't eat with humans! 120 00:08:22,911 --> 00:08:25,831 May I ask your opinion, too? 121 00:08:25,831 --> 00:08:28,711 Please, our exceptional ship's doctor? 122 00:08:29,671 --> 00:08:33,381 Dummy! Praising me wouldn't make me feel happy! You jerk! 123 00:08:33,381 --> 00:08:34,761 He sure looks happy. 124 00:08:35,971 --> 00:08:39,221 We were traveling this area of sea. 125 00:08:40,641 --> 00:08:43,521 Nami, are you really sure we're on the right track? 126 00:08:43,521 --> 00:08:46,021 Don't worry. The Log Pose is pointing this direction. 127 00:08:46,021 --> 00:08:48,731 Usopp! Can't you see anything yet? 128 00:08:49,271 --> 00:08:51,151 Err, hold on, okay? 129 00:08:51,151 --> 00:08:53,401 Let's see... Ah! I see an island! 130 00:08:56,111 --> 00:08:58,911 There are coral reefs scattered all over. 131 00:08:58,911 --> 00:09:01,121 It's dangerous to keep heading ashore like this. 132 00:09:01,121 --> 00:09:04,411 Let's drop anchor off the coast tonight and land tomorrow morning. 133 00:09:04,411 --> 00:09:05,411 What? 134 00:09:05,411 --> 00:09:08,081 Are you saying you don't wanna listen to your navigator? 135 00:09:08,081 --> 00:09:10,171 Sanji-kun, Luffy won't be having dinner. 136 00:09:10,171 --> 00:09:11,961 --What?! --Okay, Nami-san! 137 00:09:11,961 --> 00:09:13,801 I'm sorry. 138 00:09:13,801 --> 00:09:16,761 After that, everyone went to bed except for me, as I was doing some research, 139 00:09:16,761 --> 00:09:20,641 and the swordsman, who was standing watch. 140 00:09:22,311 --> 00:09:24,771 I know it's not much, but that's about it. 141 00:09:24,771 --> 00:09:28,941 The rest is what you remember... probably... 142 00:09:28,941 --> 00:09:31,651 Given the way the pirate hunter talked earlier, 143 00:09:31,651 --> 00:09:33,861 it seems he fell asleep partway through the night. 144 00:09:33,861 --> 00:09:35,691 It would seem so. 145 00:09:35,691 --> 00:09:37,611 Would you like another cup? 146 00:09:37,611 --> 00:09:39,491 Yes, thank you. 147 00:09:39,491 --> 00:09:43,991 In any case, I wonder why only you didn't lose your memory, Robin-san... 148 00:09:43,991 --> 00:09:48,291 If the swordsman was really asleep, the only difference between you guys and me 149 00:09:48,291 --> 00:09:51,081 is that you were sleeping and I wasn't. 150 00:09:51,081 --> 00:09:54,711 Although I was asleep, I remember! I'm certain that we're the Usopp Pirates! 151 00:09:55,171 --> 00:09:59,181 In other words, sleep determined whether we lost our memory or not? 152 00:09:59,181 --> 00:10:03,061 I just stated the facts, that's all. I can't draw any conclusions. 153 00:10:03,061 --> 00:10:06,481 I've never heard of such a case. 154 00:10:06,481 --> 00:10:08,521 Now, it's your turn. 155 00:10:08,521 --> 00:10:12,401 Please tell me the very last thing you remember. 156 00:10:13,191 --> 00:10:16,441 I thought I went to pick medicinal herbs with Doctorine, 157 00:10:16,441 --> 00:10:20,741 returned to the castle and went to bed. And then, when I woke up, I was here. 158 00:10:20,741 --> 00:10:22,821 As for me... Hey, you're ignoring me? 159 00:10:22,821 --> 00:10:25,541 I fainted after being swallowed by a big whirlpool. 160 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:28,711 And the next thing I knew, I was here. 161 00:10:28,711 --> 00:10:31,921 I thought I went to bed in my room after work, 162 00:10:31,921 --> 00:10:33,501 but when I woke up, I was here. 163 00:10:33,501 --> 00:10:36,461 So you don't remember anything after those points, huh? 164 00:10:40,591 --> 00:10:45,061 That's right! I heard the sound of a horn from somewhere and... 165 00:10:45,061 --> 00:10:48,521 A horn... Yeah, a horn! I heard it, too. 166 00:10:48,521 --> 00:10:49,851 Come to think of it... 167 00:10:49,851 --> 00:10:53,061 A child suddenly appeared before my eyes! 168 00:10:56,651 --> 00:10:59,951 Don't tell me... It's not that we lost our memories... 169 00:10:59,951 --> 00:11:02,571 ...but in fact, that the kid stole our memories from us? 170 00:11:02,571 --> 00:11:04,781 I don't know if that's the case, 171 00:11:04,781 --> 00:11:07,831 but it's certain that he holds the key to this matter. 172 00:11:08,411 --> 00:11:12,371 Isn't it possible that we'll lose more memories each time we fall asleep? 173 00:11:12,371 --> 00:11:13,921 --Ahhhh! --Ahhhh! 174 00:11:13,921 --> 00:11:15,041 Don't scare me like that! 175 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:18,261 Hey, wait. It happened in my dream, right? 176 00:11:18,261 --> 00:11:20,221 A supernatural thing like that can't actually happen, right? 177 00:11:20,221 --> 00:11:23,051 Then how do you explain the fact that we all had the same dream? 178 00:11:23,051 --> 00:11:25,141 Supernatural or not, it's the fact. 179 00:11:25,141 --> 00:11:28,271 I don't mean to scare you, but in the worst-case scenario, 180 00:11:28,271 --> 00:11:31,851 it's possible that you will no longer be able to tell who you are. 181 00:11:34,811 --> 00:11:36,231 Whoa! That scared me! 182 00:11:36,231 --> 00:11:40,191 Hey, why do you care if we remember things or not? 183 00:11:40,691 --> 00:11:44,781 Sure, it sucks that I lost all those fun memories, 184 00:11:44,781 --> 00:11:48,411 but we can just start over and go on new adventures together, right? 185 00:11:48,411 --> 00:11:53,001 D-Don't be ridiculous! We may end up losing all our memories! 186 00:11:53,001 --> 00:11:55,331 I-If that happens, our past and dreams will all be-- 187 00:11:55,331 --> 00:11:57,041 They won't. 188 00:11:57,041 --> 00:12:01,471 My dream won't be lost. It must be the same for you guys, too. 189 00:12:03,631 --> 00:12:06,221 Wh-What a positive thinker he is... 190 00:12:06,761 --> 00:12:10,811 Our captain is the same... whether or not he has his memories. 191 00:12:10,811 --> 00:12:13,441 He's kinda amazing. 192 00:12:13,441 --> 00:12:15,311 Ahh! My food is gone! 193 00:12:19,651 --> 00:12:22,401 Don't touch other people's food! 194 00:12:22,401 --> 00:12:23,651 Sorry... 195 00:12:23,651 --> 00:12:26,281 I don't know if he's crazy or what... 196 00:12:26,281 --> 00:12:29,491 ...but I feel like I'm an idiot for thinking about things seriously! 197 00:12:38,711 --> 00:12:41,091 Where's the town? 198 00:13:00,231 --> 00:13:02,111 This is kinda exciting! 199 00:13:02,111 --> 00:13:03,401 Wha... 200 00:13:03,401 --> 00:13:04,571 What're you making? 201 00:13:04,571 --> 00:13:09,071 A-A new medicine for regaining memories! Don't interfere. 202 00:13:09,071 --> 00:13:10,951 --Did you find something? --Ahhh! Don't touch that without asking! 203 00:13:10,951 --> 00:13:14,041 --No. It seems like an ordinary island. --Ugh! What the heck is this? It's bitter! 204 00:13:14,041 --> 00:13:16,211 All right! Done! 205 00:13:17,831 --> 00:13:19,631 This is, indeed, my great invention. 206 00:13:19,631 --> 00:13:21,881 What the heck is that? 207 00:13:21,881 --> 00:13:23,841 Thanks for asking! Now... 208 00:13:25,631 --> 00:13:28,471 ...we don't have to worry even if we lose our memories! 209 00:13:28,931 --> 00:13:31,971 I name them, "My name board"! 210 00:13:32,761 --> 00:13:33,851 That's a good idea. 211 00:13:33,851 --> 00:13:35,931 A question mark? That's rude! 212 00:13:35,931 --> 00:13:38,141 I'm not a raccoon dog or emergency food! 213 00:13:38,141 --> 00:13:39,601 "Stupid Lovelyn"?! 214 00:13:39,601 --> 00:13:43,191 How do you like my idea? Cool, huh? 215 00:13:44,571 --> 00:13:47,201 Don't make stupid stuff! 216 00:13:48,241 --> 00:13:51,621 My memories... huh...? 217 00:13:51,621 --> 00:13:55,291 People are such fragile things, Zoro... 218 00:13:59,831 --> 00:14:00,541 Zoro... 219 00:14:04,381 --> 00:14:06,921 You're lucky, Zoro. You're a boy. 220 00:14:07,921 --> 00:14:11,391 I want to be the world's greatest swordsman, too! 221 00:14:11,391 --> 00:14:16,101 You see, when girls grow up, they get weaker than men... 222 00:14:16,101 --> 00:14:17,181 It's frustrating! 223 00:14:17,181 --> 00:14:20,271 If only... If only I had been born a man...! 224 00:14:20,271 --> 00:14:22,811 Don't be whining like that after you beat me! 225 00:14:22,811 --> 00:14:26,231 That's not fair! You're my goal! 226 00:14:26,231 --> 00:14:29,111 --Zoro... --Boy this, girl that! 227 00:14:29,111 --> 00:14:31,281 Are you gonna say that stuff too when I beat you someday?! 228 00:14:31,281 --> 00:14:32,991 You act like none of it is skill! 229 00:14:33,451 --> 00:14:36,411 You're insulting all the hard training I've been doing! 230 00:14:36,951 --> 00:14:39,621 So don't say that stuff! Promise me! 231 00:14:39,621 --> 00:14:44,091 Someday, one of us will be the world's greatest swordsman! 232 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:46,301 We'll compete to see who gets there! 233 00:14:49,131 --> 00:14:51,131 You dummy. You're so weak... 234 00:14:53,351 --> 00:14:55,811 It's a promise! 235 00:14:55,811 --> 00:14:57,601 Sensei... 236 00:14:57,601 --> 00:14:59,601 Let me have... that sword... 237 00:15:00,771 --> 00:15:02,151 Kuina's sword? 238 00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:05,441 I'm going to get stronger for her, too! 239 00:15:05,441 --> 00:15:08,901 I'm going to get strong enough that my name reaches to Heaven! 240 00:15:08,901 --> 00:15:11,451 I'm going to be the world's strongest swordsman! 241 00:15:11,991 --> 00:15:14,321 I promised her... 242 00:15:14,321 --> 00:15:17,161 I... I... 243 00:15:18,751 --> 00:15:21,371 Yes. You can have it. 244 00:15:28,091 --> 00:15:32,681 I leave Kuina's spirit and dreams... with you. 245 00:15:35,011 --> 00:15:39,181 After that, I trained hard every day and set out to sea to search for that man. 246 00:15:39,181 --> 00:15:41,141 Aiming to become a master swordsman... 247 00:15:41,601 --> 00:15:44,851 I got on a boat and went to sleep. I remember up to that point. 248 00:15:44,851 --> 00:15:48,111 After that... I can't remember what happened after that at all. 249 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:51,441 What's weird, in the first place, is these swords. 250 00:15:51,441 --> 00:15:54,071 When on earth did I obtain these two swords? 251 00:15:54,611 --> 00:15:59,241 And yet, they suit me quite well. What's going on?! 252 00:16:00,041 --> 00:16:01,961 Who's there?! 253 00:16:15,551 --> 00:16:20,271 The most current date on the logbook is the day before the newspaper. 254 00:16:20,271 --> 00:16:23,061 So it's consistent... but... 255 00:16:28,731 --> 00:16:32,401 I can't believe it... Is what that woman said all true? 256 00:16:32,401 --> 00:16:33,401 If it is... 257 00:16:36,031 --> 00:16:38,201 I'm a member of a pirate group... 258 00:16:38,201 --> 00:16:39,031 Me...?! 259 00:16:39,031 --> 00:16:42,251 There's... There's no way that's the case! 260 00:16:43,041 --> 00:16:47,461 But this tattoo... What on earth happened to it? 261 00:16:47,461 --> 00:16:50,171 I don't know what's going on! 262 00:16:51,461 --> 00:16:53,421 I don't know... 263 00:16:55,631 --> 00:16:59,471 You seem to be in excellent spirits, pathetic humans! 264 00:16:59,471 --> 00:17:03,891 As of this moment, this island is under my control! 265 00:17:03,891 --> 00:17:07,441 On this memorable day, you will all buy your lives from me! 266 00:17:07,441 --> 00:17:10,361 Those who can't pay... die! 267 00:17:11,441 --> 00:17:12,731 I don't want to. 268 00:17:12,731 --> 00:17:15,451 Why do we have to leave? 269 00:17:15,451 --> 00:17:19,241 I... want to live in this village... 270 00:17:19,241 --> 00:17:23,661 Is it because we're poor that I can't be Bellemere-san's kid anymore?! 271 00:17:24,911 --> 00:17:26,331 Hold it! 272 00:17:27,331 --> 00:17:32,501 That 100,000's for my two daughters. I don't got enough for me. 273 00:17:33,511 --> 00:17:34,881 Bellemere! What are you--?! 274 00:17:35,421 --> 00:17:39,931 I'm sorry, Gen-san. I just can't say I don't have a family... 275 00:17:40,511 --> 00:17:42,431 Even if it costs me my life... 276 00:17:42,431 --> 00:17:46,271 Yeah, maybe we're not related by blood... 277 00:17:47,021 --> 00:17:48,271 ...but we're a family. 278 00:17:48,811 --> 00:17:52,021 I want to be their parent, even if it's only in name. 279 00:17:52,021 --> 00:17:55,241 They're... my kids. 280 00:17:56,821 --> 00:18:00,161 Bellemere-san! 281 00:18:00,991 --> 00:18:05,871 I'm sorry! I was never able to do anything mother-like for you! 282 00:18:05,871 --> 00:18:06,961 That's not true! 283 00:18:06,961 --> 00:18:09,081 We don't need anything! Just don't die! 284 00:18:09,081 --> 00:18:10,921 Nami... 285 00:18:10,921 --> 00:18:12,841 Make your dream... come true! 286 00:18:13,551 --> 00:18:15,051 Live...! 287 00:18:19,631 --> 00:18:21,551 Die with your pathetic love. 288 00:18:21,551 --> 00:18:23,011 Nojiko! Nami! 289 00:18:31,521 --> 00:18:32,441 I love you! 290 00:18:37,321 --> 00:18:40,571 I'm joining the Arlong Pirates... 291 00:18:40,571 --> 00:18:43,241 ...to be a surveyor and draw sea charts! 292 00:18:43,241 --> 00:18:44,081 Nami... 293 00:18:44,081 --> 00:18:47,871 I made an agreement with Arlong to buy Cocoyashi Village from him. 294 00:18:47,871 --> 00:18:49,041 To buy the village? 295 00:18:49,041 --> 00:18:52,421 For 100 million Berries. If I buy the village, we can be free. 296 00:18:52,421 --> 00:18:54,091 But, 100 million Berries? 297 00:18:54,091 --> 00:18:56,631 I'm not sure you can earn that much working your entire life! 298 00:18:56,631 --> 00:18:59,131 I will earn it! No matter what it takes! 299 00:19:00,591 --> 00:19:05,561 If I ask for help from anyone, more people will get hurt. 300 00:19:06,761 --> 00:19:08,221 It'll hurt, you know... 301 00:19:08,221 --> 00:19:09,231 Yeah... 302 00:19:10,391 --> 00:19:14,521 Staying with the people who killed Bellemere-san'll hurt. 303 00:19:15,151 --> 00:19:19,651 If you survive, lots of fun things will happen! 304 00:19:19,651 --> 00:19:24,951 I'll be fine. I'll put on a big smile, even when I see his face! 305 00:19:24,951 --> 00:19:26,871 I've decided not to cry anymore. 306 00:19:27,331 --> 00:19:29,831 I've decided to fight on my own! 307 00:19:37,211 --> 00:19:38,631 Bellemere-san... 308 00:19:41,591 --> 00:19:43,801 Can't wait... 309 00:19:43,801 --> 00:19:48,771 I'll steal all the rest... All the rest... 310 00:19:55,231 --> 00:19:56,401 Oh, shoot. 311 00:19:56,401 --> 00:19:57,941 Did I wake you up? 312 00:19:57,941 --> 00:20:00,491 --No... --You can go back to sleep. 313 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:02,821 If I notice something unusual, I'll wake you up. 314 00:20:02,821 --> 00:20:05,281 It's okay. Sorry, Robin-san. 315 00:20:05,281 --> 00:20:07,871 Shall I make some coffee to help us stay awake? 316 00:20:07,871 --> 00:20:09,831 Thanks. That would be great. 317 00:20:10,251 --> 00:20:12,501 At any rate, he's sleeping like a log, 318 00:20:12,501 --> 00:20:15,211 after saying that he was gonna stay awake no matter what. 319 00:20:20,631 --> 00:20:23,421 So you two weren't asleep yet? 320 00:20:23,421 --> 00:20:26,301 So it was you who stole everyone's memories? 321 00:20:27,431 --> 00:20:29,311 I'm surprised that you've noticed. 322 00:20:31,221 --> 00:20:33,141 But it's too late. 323 00:20:37,941 --> 00:20:39,361 Wake up! Everyone, wake up now! 324 00:20:39,771 --> 00:20:42,111 Oh? I see you have some mysterious technique. 325 00:20:42,111 --> 00:20:44,111 --Huh? --Hm? 326 00:20:44,111 --> 00:20:46,111 Ugh! He's here! 327 00:20:46,111 --> 00:20:48,991 --Ahhh! --What? Breakfast? 328 00:20:48,991 --> 00:20:52,411 That wasn't nice, lady. To think that you woke them up... 329 00:20:52,951 --> 00:20:56,791 I guess it can't be helped now. I didn't wanna do this. 330 00:21:05,801 --> 00:21:06,841 Hm? Ahhhh! 331 00:21:07,431 --> 00:21:09,181 What're you doing there?! 332 00:21:09,181 --> 00:21:11,351 --What? --I'm not gonna let you take that place! 333 00:21:11,851 --> 00:21:14,521 I've decided that that place is my special seat! 334 00:21:14,521 --> 00:21:15,641 Don't you dare... 335 00:21:15,641 --> 00:21:17,851 ...sit there without asking! 336 00:21:30,871 --> 00:21:32,491 I'm sorry. 337 00:21:32,491 --> 00:21:33,291 Okay. 338 00:21:35,621 --> 00:21:38,291 Whoa?! Wh-What's this? What's this? 339 00:21:40,131 --> 00:21:42,301 Argh! What the heck is this?! 340 00:21:42,301 --> 00:21:43,301 It's scary! 341 00:21:49,971 --> 00:21:51,801 Wh-What was that? 342 00:21:51,801 --> 00:21:54,431 Hey, isn't he in trouble? 343 00:21:54,431 --> 00:21:55,481 He's not moving. 344 00:21:56,181 --> 00:21:57,811 Is he still alive? 345 00:21:57,811 --> 00:21:59,311 Doctor! Doctor! 346 00:22:00,021 --> 00:22:00,941 Oh, right, that's me. 347 00:22:06,071 --> 00:22:09,071 My memories are back! 348 00:22:21,001 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 349 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 350 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:32,261 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 351 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 352 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 353 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 354 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 355 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,071 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 356 00:22:49,071 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 357 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 358 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 359 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 360 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 361 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,091 To this familiar sunny sky 362 00:23:09,091 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 363 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 364 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:18,221 Eternally... Eternally... 365 00:23:25,571 --> 00:23:28,731 All right! My memories are back! You are all my friends! 366 00:23:28,731 --> 00:23:31,361 Cook, swordsman, navigator, doctor, scholar, and... liar. 367 00:23:31,361 --> 00:23:33,991 --Hey... --Well then, we'll go bring back Nami and Zoro! 368 00:23:33,991 --> 00:23:35,911 I totally agree about Nami-san, but we don't need that man. 369 00:23:35,911 --> 00:23:38,241 --Right, we don't. --I guess we don't. No! We do! 370 00:23:38,241 --> 00:23:40,161 We can't do without even one person! 371 00:23:40,161 --> 00:23:41,331 On the next episode of One Piece! 372 00:23:41,331 --> 00:23:44,881 "Now, Let's Get Back Our Memories! The Pirate Crew Lands on the Island" 373 00:23:44,881 --> 00:23:46,961 I'm gonna cut you jerks down!