1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,901 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,241 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,061 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,061 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,621 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,171 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,171 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,681 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:13,451 --> 00:02:15,501 Vice Admiral! He's not around! 23 00:02:15,491 --> 00:02:27,221 {\an8}"Justice" 24 00:02:15,501 --> 00:02:17,841 "He's not around!" doesn't cut it! 25 00:02:17,911 --> 00:02:19,961 Where the hell did he go?! 26 00:02:19,961 --> 00:02:24,331 Since his bicycle is gone, he probably went to... sea. 27 00:02:24,331 --> 00:02:26,171 Contact the Five Elder Stars immediately! 28 00:02:26,171 --> 00:02:28,021 Yes, sir! 29 00:02:30,341 --> 00:02:32,101 Oops. Sorry about that. 30 00:02:39,471 --> 00:02:44,021 That man again? He probably just went to do some sightseeing. 31 00:02:44,021 --> 00:02:49,031 Seriously... Doesn't he realize his position? 32 00:02:49,031 --> 00:02:52,081 We can't just have him wandering about. 33 00:02:52,861 --> 00:02:58,051 One of the Navy Headquarters' ultimate powerhouses, Admiral Aokiji... 34 00:03:02,831 --> 00:03:08,971 At any rate, there's not a single good egg in this guy's family... 35 00:03:08,971 --> 00:03:18,231 "Proud Man! Silver Fox Foxy" 36 00:03:19,561 --> 00:03:23,111 Hey, Captain! Stop fooling around! Help me out here! 37 00:03:24,391 --> 00:03:28,641 Whoa! What a huge wave! It's scary! 38 00:03:31,361 --> 00:03:32,571 He sure looks like he's having fun. 39 00:03:32,571 --> 00:03:37,041 Tell me about it. I bet he'll be laughing even if the ship gets capsized. 40 00:03:37,871 --> 00:03:41,411 Wouldn't this thing snap before that happens? 41 00:03:41,411 --> 00:03:44,891 Really?! If that happens, what's gonna happen to us?! 42 00:03:45,371 --> 00:03:46,751 Don't worry. 43 00:03:46,751 --> 00:03:50,461 Even if the mast gets broken, it doesn't mean the ship will sink. 44 00:03:50,461 --> 00:03:54,791 Besides, we have an excellent, cute navigator on this ship. 45 00:03:59,721 --> 00:04:02,561 Oh, no! It looks like the mast is about to break! 46 00:04:02,561 --> 00:04:06,371 Really? What's gonna happen to us? 47 00:04:07,311 --> 00:04:08,331 Don't worry! 48 00:04:08,981 --> 00:04:12,781 Even if the mast gets broken, it doesn't mean the ship will sink! 49 00:04:12,781 --> 00:04:13,411 Ah... 50 00:04:13,941 --> 00:04:17,041 Ahoy! Guys! Long time no see, huh? 51 00:04:17,041 --> 00:04:19,371 Boss! That's Straw Hat! 52 00:04:19,371 --> 00:04:20,951 Ahoy! 53 00:04:20,951 --> 00:04:24,411 How dare you, Straw Hat?! Don't look this way! 54 00:04:24,411 --> 00:04:27,581 We haven't fallen so low as to need your help! 55 00:04:27,581 --> 00:04:29,011 What?! 56 00:04:29,011 --> 00:04:31,021 See ya! 57 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:34,811 Hey! If you want to help us, we're okay with that, you know! 58 00:04:36,431 --> 00:04:38,701 Boss... look behind you... 59 00:04:44,241 --> 00:04:48,201 This is nothing! Slow-Slow Beam! 60 00:04:51,731 --> 00:04:54,291 Beam! 61 00:04:56,151 --> 00:04:58,751 This is it for us! 62 00:05:03,331 --> 00:05:05,161 Hey, isn't this bad? 63 00:05:05,161 --> 00:05:08,001 A small boat like that won't stand a chance. 64 00:05:08,001 --> 00:05:09,681 Guys! Stay back! 65 00:05:09,681 --> 00:05:11,261 Hold on to this! 66 00:05:15,211 --> 00:05:18,191 Idiot! No! I meant the rope! 67 00:05:18,551 --> 00:05:19,301 Luffy! 68 00:05:49,711 --> 00:05:52,081 Well, I feel ashamed. 69 00:05:52,081 --> 00:05:54,381 First, I lost 500 subordinates. 70 00:05:54,381 --> 00:05:57,841 And now, to think I even lost my ship... 71 00:05:57,841 --> 00:06:01,231 This is finally the end of Silver Fox Foxy... 72 00:06:01,721 --> 00:06:07,061 It might've been better if I'd let fate take its course and sank into the sea. 73 00:06:07,061 --> 00:06:08,441 Boss... 74 00:06:10,311 --> 00:06:12,271 What do you think about that? 75 00:06:12,271 --> 00:06:15,271 Well, I may not be in a position to say this, but that's a lie. 76 00:06:15,271 --> 00:06:21,741 Therefore, I'd like you to take pity on me and let me stay on this ship! 77 00:06:21,741 --> 00:06:24,621 Okay. Since you don't have your own ship, it can't be helped. 78 00:06:25,461 --> 00:06:28,501 Here's some soup. It'll warm you up. 79 00:06:28,501 --> 00:06:32,431 Whoa! This looks good! I'll have it with Choppy. 80 00:06:33,291 --> 00:06:34,751 Sanji! I wanna have some, too! 81 00:06:34,751 --> 00:06:37,641 There isn't any left. Wait until tomorrow. 82 00:06:41,261 --> 00:06:43,801 What's wrong? Don't hold back. 83 00:06:43,801 --> 00:06:48,071 What's this?! There's nothing in the soup! 84 00:06:48,071 --> 00:06:50,021 Don't act so full of yourself! 85 00:06:50,021 --> 00:06:51,851 --Ahh! Sanji! --How about I put you in the soup?! 86 00:06:51,851 --> 00:06:53,601 Hey! Calm down! Calm down, Sanji! 87 00:06:53,601 --> 00:06:55,771 You too! Apologize to Sanji! Okay?! Okay?! 88 00:06:55,771 --> 00:06:56,791 Huh?! 89 00:06:58,981 --> 00:07:01,711 Oh, no! What's this?! This is amazing! 90 00:07:01,711 --> 00:07:06,751 Lots of gold... I didn't know they were rich. 91 00:07:06,751 --> 00:07:08,671 Oh, shoot. The soup will get cold. 92 00:07:09,661 --> 00:07:12,601 Choppy! You're here, right? 93 00:07:17,341 --> 00:07:18,761 Choppy! 94 00:07:19,551 --> 00:07:20,641 Oh... 95 00:07:21,421 --> 00:07:24,561 It was just a candleholder... 96 00:07:40,981 --> 00:07:42,751 Hm? Where's Boss? 97 00:07:43,451 --> 00:07:44,991 Ahhh! 98 00:07:44,991 --> 00:07:46,461 Choppy! 99 00:07:47,371 --> 00:07:51,221 As if I'm gonna sit around fishing. I'm a guest. 100 00:07:51,951 --> 00:07:55,431 Besides, we have food right here, too! 101 00:07:57,921 --> 00:07:59,241 He's an idiot. 102 00:08:07,471 --> 00:08:08,611 That's... 103 00:08:08,611 --> 00:08:11,681 Boss! I see the Sexy Foxy! 104 00:08:11,681 --> 00:08:12,571 What?! 105 00:08:12,571 --> 00:08:16,691 --Ahoy! Ahoy! --Good! You guys're gonna get off our ship, huh? 106 00:08:16,691 --> 00:08:19,441 --Ahoy! --Are they leaving the ship?! 107 00:08:19,441 --> 00:08:22,581 --Ahoy! Ahoy! --Hurray! Hurray! 108 00:08:30,951 --> 00:08:32,201 Sodium... 109 00:08:32,201 --> 00:08:33,591 Hydrogen phosphate. 110 00:08:36,211 --> 00:08:37,331 What are those guys doing? 111 00:08:37,331 --> 00:08:39,481 They've already gone to their ship. 112 00:08:45,011 --> 00:08:50,111 Guys... You all couldn't forget about Boss even after we got separated, huh? 113 00:08:50,641 --> 00:08:52,891 I see, I see... 114 00:08:52,891 --> 00:08:56,111 You can all come back to the Foxy Pirates. 115 00:08:59,651 --> 00:09:01,941 What's the matter, you guys? 116 00:09:01,941 --> 00:09:04,121 Let's have fun together again! 117 00:09:04,861 --> 00:09:08,171 That's not possible, Foxy-san. 118 00:09:10,201 --> 00:09:13,171 What'd you say?! Who the hell are you?! 119 00:09:13,701 --> 00:09:18,081 This ship is now under the control of the Fang-Frog Pirates! 120 00:09:18,081 --> 00:09:20,641 Those guys are now my underlings! 121 00:09:24,391 --> 00:09:27,721 Fang-Frog? Who's that? 122 00:09:27,721 --> 00:09:30,471 Ah... If I remember right, they're the ones 123 00:09:30,471 --> 00:09:33,261 who lost in the Davy Back Fight and had stuff taken away. 124 00:09:33,261 --> 00:09:36,311 And this time, Foxy got his ship taken over by them? 125 00:09:36,311 --> 00:09:38,071 What a stupid guy that Split-Head is. 126 00:09:38,601 --> 00:09:42,741 Well, it is a motley crew of pirates won by playing games, after all. 127 00:09:43,981 --> 00:09:46,321 I think I'll pass on the send-off. 128 00:09:46,321 --> 00:09:48,321 Hey, let's go. We've got no business here. 129 00:09:48,321 --> 00:09:49,171 Hold it! 130 00:09:50,071 --> 00:09:52,671 I've got some business with you. 131 00:09:53,201 --> 00:09:57,951 My underlings still won't take off those strange masks. 132 00:09:57,951 --> 00:10:04,181 It's quite annoying, but it seems they're still devoted to their former captain. 133 00:10:05,841 --> 00:10:09,651 It's probably because they don't like their new captain. 134 00:10:10,471 --> 00:10:14,011 Whoa! Boss is kinda cool. 135 00:10:14,011 --> 00:10:15,481 For a split-head. 136 00:10:15,481 --> 00:10:21,481 Like it or not, small fries follow the strong after all. 137 00:10:21,481 --> 00:10:26,371 If they see you get beaten up, they'll probably come to their senses. 138 00:10:27,031 --> 00:10:30,291 Fight me, Silver Fox Foxy! 139 00:10:30,741 --> 00:10:35,211 How conceited... You think you can defeat me?! 140 00:10:38,541 --> 00:10:40,661 Looks like he'll accept. 141 00:10:40,661 --> 00:10:44,941 Hey, Split-Head is on fire! Come check it out already! 142 00:10:45,711 --> 00:10:46,961 His head... 143 00:10:46,961 --> 00:10:47,971 ...is on fire? 144 00:10:48,711 --> 00:10:50,091 Boss... 145 00:10:50,091 --> 00:10:53,651 What's the matter, Porche, Hamburg? Show some happiness. 146 00:10:54,341 --> 00:10:57,571 He's gonna give this ship and my subordinates back to me. 147 00:11:00,481 --> 00:11:06,031 We Foxy Pirates challenge you Fang-Frog Pirates to a Davy Back Fight! 148 00:11:06,481 --> 00:11:10,001 I'll teach you who the real captain is! 149 00:11:27,841 --> 00:11:30,591 You said you'd beat me up, huh? 150 00:11:30,591 --> 00:11:35,981 If it's duels you want, why don't we start with us captains?! 151 00:11:35,981 --> 00:11:38,441 I assume you have no objection? 152 00:11:38,441 --> 00:11:40,891 Boss is quite confident, isn't he? 153 00:11:40,891 --> 00:11:42,811 He's got that stuff, so... 154 00:11:42,811 --> 00:11:44,141 Is he gonna use that? 155 00:11:44,141 --> 00:11:45,701 Well, what else would he do? 156 00:11:45,701 --> 00:11:49,751 Here I come! Slow-Slow Beam! 157 00:11:53,331 --> 00:11:55,171 Whaaa... 158 00:11:55,171 --> 00:11:56,671 ...aaat?! 159 00:11:57,241 --> 00:11:59,591 Guys! Take him down! 160 00:12:05,121 --> 00:12:08,511 That beam of yours is no threat at all once I reflect it! 161 00:12:09,131 --> 00:12:10,931 I already know your trick. 162 00:12:10,931 --> 00:12:11,481 Boss! 163 00:12:13,191 --> 00:12:14,761 Hey! What're you doing?! 164 00:12:14,761 --> 00:12:15,771 Stop right there! 165 00:12:16,801 --> 00:12:18,201 Drop your weapon! 166 00:12:26,321 --> 00:12:30,241 Damn... it...! 167 00:12:44,381 --> 00:12:48,851 Guys, did you see how stupid your former boss looked? 168 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:52,431 You don't have to be loyal to a guy like that! Got that?! 169 00:12:52,431 --> 00:12:57,941 Hey, you! Wasn't it supposed to be a duel?! That's dirty! 170 00:12:58,891 --> 00:13:00,551 You're an outsider, so shut up! 171 00:13:00,551 --> 00:13:05,361 To start with, I never said that I'd accept the Davy Back Fight. 172 00:13:06,101 --> 00:13:07,691 That bastard...! 173 00:13:07,691 --> 00:13:11,651 Don't. It's their fight. 174 00:13:11,651 --> 00:13:14,131 It has nothing to do with you. 175 00:13:17,281 --> 00:13:20,211 He's right. 176 00:13:20,211 --> 00:13:23,221 Just shut up and watch, Straw Hat... 177 00:13:24,451 --> 00:13:29,001 Watch the proud Silver Fox Foxy fight! 178 00:13:29,001 --> 00:13:30,101 Ah! What the hell is that?! 179 00:13:35,381 --> 00:13:37,131 The fox guy is gone. 180 00:13:37,131 --> 00:13:38,061 Where did he go?! 181 00:13:38,061 --> 00:13:40,901 That way! I saw him go that way! It's true! 182 00:13:41,341 --> 00:13:42,611 Oh, that way, huh?! 183 00:13:43,301 --> 00:13:45,071 You think we'd fall for that?! 184 00:13:48,731 --> 00:13:51,561 I wonder if they're having a party or something. 185 00:13:51,561 --> 00:13:53,161 Maybe I'll go check it out. 186 00:13:53,161 --> 00:13:59,121 Oh, so, you'd rather have that girl chasing you than stay with me, Doctor? 187 00:14:03,121 --> 00:14:04,961 Okay, it's your turn, Robin. 188 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:14,351 One roasted fox, coming up! 189 00:14:15,251 --> 00:14:17,101 Boss... 190 00:14:17,101 --> 00:14:17,911 Boss! 191 00:14:23,221 --> 00:14:27,901 Get back here! I'm your boss! 192 00:14:35,691 --> 00:14:37,111 Hey... 193 00:14:37,111 --> 00:14:41,711 Aren't weapons something you use against your enemy? 194 00:14:43,241 --> 00:14:46,501 Why do you hurt your own subordinate?! 195 00:14:47,041 --> 00:14:47,671 Hm? 196 00:14:48,621 --> 00:14:55,251 If you rely only on power, you're nothing but the head of a group of thugs. 197 00:14:55,251 --> 00:14:59,091 You don't have the caliber to be the captain of a ship. 198 00:14:59,091 --> 00:15:04,271 Just give up on this ship and my subordinates as well. 199 00:15:06,601 --> 00:15:10,571 I won't give you anything-- not a single thing. 200 00:15:11,821 --> 00:15:13,571 Shut up! 201 00:15:18,581 --> 00:15:19,831 Boss! 202 00:15:22,201 --> 00:15:23,711 Hey, Split-Head! 203 00:15:24,661 --> 00:15:25,551 Hang in there! 204 00:15:29,871 --> 00:15:30,721 Hey! 205 00:15:33,161 --> 00:15:36,351 Oh... It's you, Straw Hat... 206 00:15:38,211 --> 00:15:40,791 I guess that was pretty pathetic, huh? 207 00:15:42,761 --> 00:15:47,321 Say... would you do me a favor? 208 00:15:48,891 --> 00:15:49,691 This... 209 00:15:51,521 --> 00:15:53,461 Would you take this...? 210 00:15:55,311 --> 00:16:01,501 That match was the best stage of my entire life. 211 00:16:09,831 --> 00:16:11,631 Hey... that's... 212 00:16:12,501 --> 00:16:16,721 You're super groovy right now! 213 00:16:20,921 --> 00:16:22,181 I'm your opponent! 214 00:16:23,551 --> 00:16:27,151 Now, bring it on, Fang-Frog Pirates! 215 00:16:27,151 --> 00:16:28,611 Afro! 216 00:16:28,611 --> 00:16:32,101 Hey, hey, this has nothing to do with you. 217 00:16:32,101 --> 00:16:36,691 --It does! --I don't wanna fight a guy with a 100-million-Berry bounty on his head. 218 00:16:36,691 --> 00:16:39,491 What good will it do me to fight you? 219 00:16:42,191 --> 00:16:44,151 What're you saying? 220 00:16:44,151 --> 00:16:49,591 If you defeat the Straw Hats, you'll get the 160-million-Berry bounty. 221 00:16:50,241 --> 00:16:52,371 And, that's not all. 222 00:16:52,371 --> 00:16:56,551 They have a mountain of gold on their ship. 223 00:16:57,751 --> 00:17:00,561 I bet that's worth quite a bit. 224 00:17:00,561 --> 00:17:01,721 Yep, yep. 225 00:17:02,381 --> 00:17:04,981 Are you shocked?! Just take it, you thieves! 226 00:17:07,051 --> 00:17:09,551 Geez... When did they...? 227 00:17:09,551 --> 00:17:11,741 Why is he talking proudly about it? 228 00:17:11,741 --> 00:17:14,571 I'd better check later to make sure nothing is missing. 229 00:17:15,141 --> 00:17:17,061 A-A mountain of gold... 230 00:17:17,061 --> 00:17:17,911 Seriously...? 231 00:17:17,911 --> 00:17:20,911 Prepare to fire! The target is Straw Hat! 232 00:17:20,911 --> 00:17:22,721 Yeah! 233 00:17:25,901 --> 00:17:27,421 Fire! 234 00:17:37,471 --> 00:17:39,271 --Let's go join him! --Yeah! 235 00:17:40,371 --> 00:17:41,601 What're you gonna do? 236 00:17:43,471 --> 00:17:45,301 Hey! 237 00:17:47,471 --> 00:17:48,901 Just hand over the gold nice and... 238 00:17:50,051 --> 00:17:53,821 I guess this won't be settled unless we take them all out, huh? Good grief... 239 00:17:57,601 --> 00:18:00,411 Ha! We've got 500 crew members! 240 00:18:00,411 --> 00:18:02,311 Take him down! 241 00:18:02,311 --> 00:18:04,021 We weren't listening! 242 00:18:04,021 --> 00:18:04,911 Hey! 243 00:18:05,361 --> 00:18:08,041 Too bad they weren't listening, huh? 244 00:18:09,331 --> 00:18:10,631 Hey, look at that! 245 00:18:10,631 --> 00:18:11,581 Hm? 246 00:18:12,211 --> 00:18:14,541 Ah! Hold it! 247 00:18:17,411 --> 00:18:21,851 So, how is it, Fang-Frog? My brother is strong, isn't he? 248 00:18:22,291 --> 00:18:24,251 After all, he's so strong-- 249 00:18:24,251 --> 00:18:27,341 that you can't find anyone besides me-- who can defeat him. 250 00:18:30,681 --> 00:18:33,611 You guys, go easy on them-- you don't wanna kill them. 251 00:18:33,611 --> 00:18:35,321 They're just ordinary humans. 252 00:18:35,321 --> 00:18:36,401 Take this! 253 00:18:37,721 --> 00:18:40,151 Sword... Catch...! 254 00:18:46,821 --> 00:18:49,541 What're you doing, you damn cook?! 255 00:18:50,111 --> 00:18:53,041 You bastard! You pushed Nami-san down earlier, didn't you?! 256 00:18:53,631 --> 00:18:56,251 I did it to save her! Got a problem with that?! 257 00:18:56,251 --> 00:18:59,831 What're you gonna do if she gets seriously injured, you idiot?! 258 00:18:59,831 --> 00:19:01,841 To start with, you don't know how to treat ladi... 259 00:19:01,841 --> 00:19:05,501 Sword... 260 00:19:05,501 --> 00:19:07,681 Like I said, what's your problem, you bastard?! 261 00:19:08,131 --> 00:19:11,351 Shut up! We weren't done yet, were we?! 262 00:19:12,011 --> 00:19:14,301 What's the deal? Wanna fight?! 263 00:19:16,571 --> 00:19:17,651 Out of the way! 264 00:19:20,811 --> 00:19:22,941 Oh... a human firework. 265 00:19:22,941 --> 00:19:24,491 Looks like they're in full swing. 266 00:19:26,441 --> 00:19:28,701 My chronic abdominal spasms... 267 00:19:30,481 --> 00:19:31,501 H-Hey, are you oka--? 268 00:19:35,661 --> 00:19:38,341 You got tricked, young fellow. 269 00:19:41,911 --> 00:19:45,221 Oh, no. This is bad. I'm a doctor. Let me take a look. 270 00:19:45,221 --> 00:19:47,011 I hate doctors! 271 00:19:50,591 --> 00:19:51,911 That was Ketchup Star. 272 00:19:52,941 --> 00:19:55,261 Ow, ow, ow... My back... 273 00:19:55,261 --> 00:19:56,361 Hey, pull yourse-- 274 00:19:57,071 --> 00:19:59,071 Ouch! 275 00:20:03,531 --> 00:20:05,481 Gum-Gum... 276 00:20:05,481 --> 00:20:06,621 Ouch! 277 00:20:06,621 --> 00:20:08,241 ...Whip! 278 00:20:16,251 --> 00:20:18,211 Gum-Gum... 279 00:20:19,801 --> 00:20:22,261 ...Pistol! 280 00:20:39,141 --> 00:20:42,101 That was splendid, Straw Hat. 281 00:20:42,101 --> 00:20:45,531 You're as marvelous as ever. 282 00:20:46,441 --> 00:20:48,951 I was just pulled in by your passion. 283 00:20:50,311 --> 00:20:52,911 Let me tell you just one thing. 284 00:20:54,531 --> 00:20:57,631 Oh, stop it. We're friends. You don't have to thank me. 285 00:21:07,971 --> 00:21:10,811 Slow-Slow Beam! 286 00:21:11,291 --> 00:21:13,431 Huh?! 287 00:21:16,231 --> 00:21:17,961 That's our Boss! 288 00:21:22,511 --> 00:21:24,771 Remember this good, Straw Hat! 289 00:21:24,771 --> 00:21:29,451 I am Silver Fox Foxy, a man who obtains whatever he wants. 290 00:21:33,201 --> 00:21:38,571 Your luck ran out when you got on this ship, you fool. 291 00:21:38,571 --> 00:21:42,091 Just clearing up the humiliation of the Davy Back Fight wouldn't satisfy me. 292 00:21:42,091 --> 00:21:46,301 I'll take the 160 million Berries along with the gold. 293 00:21:46,301 --> 00:21:49,511 You... idiot...! 294 00:21:50,221 --> 00:21:52,141 All right! 295 00:21:53,001 --> 00:21:55,341 This time for sure, I'll show you 296 00:21:55,341 --> 00:21:59,861 that we, the Foxy Pirates, are the strongest pirates! 297 00:22:21,001 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 298 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 299 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:32,261 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 300 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 301 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 302 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 303 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 304 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,071 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 305 00:22:49,071 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 306 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 307 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 308 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 309 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 310 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,091 To this familiar sunny sky 311 00:23:09,091 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 312 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 313 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:18,221 Eternally... Eternally... 314 00:23:25,651 --> 00:23:27,281 Zoro! You put the afro on, too! 315 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:29,781 That's right! Fire up your brotherly soul! 316 00:23:29,781 --> 00:23:30,571 Stop it! 317 00:23:30,571 --> 00:23:32,701 The moss-head man looks cool! 318 00:23:32,701 --> 00:23:35,701 --Black moss-head. --I'm gonna cut you down, you jerks! 319 00:23:35,701 --> 00:23:36,871 His wildness awakened! 320 00:23:36,871 --> 00:23:38,291 Geez... Like I said, what's with this afro stuff? 321 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:40,331 --You put it on, too, Nami! --No!! 322 00:23:40,331 --> 00:23:41,711 On the next episode of One Piece! 323 00:23:41,711 --> 00:23:45,131 "The Guy Who's the Closest to Invincible? And the Most Dangerous Man!" 324 00:23:45,131 --> 00:23:48,001 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!