1 00:00:18,971 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,941 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,941 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,691 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:56,011 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:56,011 --> 00:01:02,971 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,971 --> 00:01:10,111 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,111 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,501 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,671 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,211 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,211 --> 00:01:35,211 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,211 --> 00:01:39,721 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,721 --> 00:01:43,431 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,431 --> 00:01:46,731 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,731 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,111 One Piece 22 00:02:08,001 --> 00:02:10,461 Chopper, were you able to find any medicinal herbs? 23 00:02:10,461 --> 00:02:12,421 Yep. I've collected most of them, 24 00:02:12,421 --> 00:02:16,131 but there may be even rarer ones on this island. 25 00:02:16,131 --> 00:02:19,261 More importantly, something's been bugging me for a while. 26 00:02:19,261 --> 00:02:22,721 I wonder what this weird groove is that runs down this path... 27 00:02:24,051 --> 00:02:26,521 Come to think of it, yeah, I wonder what it is. 28 00:02:26,521 --> 00:02:29,691 It looks as if a bicycle passed by. 29 00:02:30,811 --> 00:02:33,811 We're suddenly out in a large open space. 30 00:02:40,701 --> 00:02:43,371 Ahh... Hmm? 31 00:02:43,371 --> 00:02:44,871 A raccoon dog? 32 00:02:44,871 --> 00:02:46,661 I'm a reindeer! See? I've got antlers! 33 00:02:46,661 --> 00:02:48,451 Are you okay, Chopper?! 34 00:02:49,461 --> 00:02:51,041 Who the heck is this?! 35 00:02:51,041 --> 00:02:52,631 Luffy, what happened?! 36 00:02:53,131 --> 00:02:55,041 What's with you guys? 37 00:02:55,041 --> 00:02:56,001 What's with you?! 38 00:02:57,091 --> 00:02:59,051 Wh-Who's that huge guy? 39 00:02:59,051 --> 00:03:00,551 Who's that guy?! 40 00:03:07,221 --> 00:03:08,221 Robin... 41 00:03:08,221 --> 00:03:17,231 "Navy Headquarters Admiral Aokiji! The Ferocity of an Ultimate Powerhouse" 42 00:03:36,961 --> 00:03:39,961 To think that he got Robin this shaken up... 43 00:03:39,961 --> 00:03:40,551 Who is he? 44 00:03:49,101 --> 00:03:50,141 He's a marine. 45 00:03:51,181 --> 00:03:54,651 Navy Headquarters Admiral... Aokiji. 46 00:03:54,651 --> 00:03:55,811 Admiral?! 47 00:03:55,811 --> 00:03:59,981 A... Admiral? He's that high up? 48 00:04:02,401 --> 00:04:07,121 There're only three officers in the Navy who hold the position of Admiral. 49 00:04:09,411 --> 00:04:10,871 Akainu... 50 00:04:10,871 --> 00:04:12,621 Aokiji... 51 00:04:12,621 --> 00:04:14,791 Kizaru... 52 00:04:14,791 --> 00:04:16,131 The only one above them 53 00:04:16,131 --> 00:04:19,301 is Fleet Admiral Sengoku, who reigns as the top official in the Navy. 54 00:04:19,301 --> 00:04:21,801 That man is one of the three men 55 00:04:21,801 --> 00:04:25,471 called the World Government's ultimate powerhouses. 56 00:04:26,011 --> 00:04:28,971 Wh-Why is someone like that here?! 57 00:04:28,971 --> 00:04:32,731 Why don't you go deal with big-time pirates with several-hundred-million-Berry bounties?! 58 00:04:32,731 --> 00:04:34,691 G... Go someplace else! 59 00:04:34,691 --> 00:04:35,231 Hm? 60 00:04:36,731 --> 00:04:38,271 Oh, my, my... 61 00:04:38,941 --> 00:04:39,821 Wh-What? 62 00:04:40,401 --> 00:04:45,031 Here's another sexy lady with super big bazongas! Are you free tonight? 63 00:04:45,031 --> 00:04:47,241 What's the big idea, you tall, lanky jerk?! 64 00:04:47,241 --> 00:04:48,781 Pay attention, you jerk! 65 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:53,121 Hold on a sec, you guys, geez... 66 00:04:53,121 --> 00:04:55,121 Did you hear what I said? 67 00:04:56,291 --> 00:05:00,041 I said I just took a stroll, didn't I? Don't get so worked up. 68 00:05:01,051 --> 00:05:03,881 To start with, you guys are... whatchamacallit... you know... 69 00:05:03,881 --> 00:05:05,881 "Wh-Whatchamacallit"? 70 00:05:05,881 --> 00:05:06,631 "You know..."? 71 00:05:06,631 --> 00:05:08,141 Err... 72 00:05:09,141 --> 00:05:11,061 I forgot. Oh, well. 73 00:05:11,061 --> 00:05:13,021 You don't make much sense! 74 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:14,891 What the heck's with this guy?! 75 00:05:14,891 --> 00:05:17,391 Hey, Robin, aren't you mistaking him for someone else? 76 00:05:17,391 --> 00:05:19,561 There's no way someone like him is a Navy Admiral! 77 00:05:19,561 --> 00:05:23,821 Hey, hey... Don't judge others by their appearance. 78 00:05:25,821 --> 00:05:30,531 My motto as a marine is "total slovenly justice." 79 00:05:30,531 --> 00:05:32,201 That totally matches your appearance! 80 00:05:32,201 --> 00:05:34,621 In any case, well... 81 00:05:34,621 --> 00:05:36,501 Oh, excuse me for a sec... 82 00:05:37,251 --> 00:05:39,421 Standing made me tired. Umph. 83 00:05:40,461 --> 00:05:43,171 Then why were you sleeping standing up? 84 00:05:43,751 --> 00:05:46,301 Anyway, to make a long story short, 85 00:05:46,301 --> 00:05:49,261 I have no intention of capturing you guys, so don't worry. 86 00:05:50,431 --> 00:05:52,141 I came to check the whereabouts 87 00:05:52,141 --> 00:05:55,931 of Nico Robin, who disappeared after the Alabasta incident, that's all. 88 00:05:55,931 --> 00:05:58,311 Just as I thought, she's been with you guys. 89 00:05:58,771 --> 00:06:01,021 This guy sure is apathetic, isn't he? 90 00:06:01,021 --> 00:06:03,271 His audacity shows he's a leader, in a manner of speaking. 91 00:06:03,771 --> 00:06:07,401 I'm going to at least report this to Headquarters, though, 92 00:06:07,401 --> 00:06:12,741 as with another wanted person, the total bounty for you guys has now changed. 93 00:06:13,411 --> 00:06:19,871 100 million... plus 60 million... plus 79 million equals... 94 00:06:21,421 --> 00:06:23,921 I don't know exactly, but I'm sure it's not too shabby. 95 00:06:23,921 --> 00:06:25,171 Why don't you calculate it? 96 00:06:26,671 --> 00:06:29,301 Gum-Gum... 97 00:06:29,301 --> 00:06:30,591 Hold on a sec! Hold on, Luffy! 98 00:06:30,591 --> 00:06:32,641 Stop it! Stop it! 99 00:06:32,641 --> 00:06:35,431 Let me go! What're you guys doing?! 100 00:06:35,431 --> 00:06:37,221 What's the point in us picking a fight?! 101 00:06:37,221 --> 00:06:39,061 He's one of the strongest marines! 102 00:06:39,061 --> 00:06:42,651 So what?! Then are you saying we're gonna hand over Robin without a fight?! 103 00:06:42,651 --> 00:06:43,651 You jerk! 104 00:06:43,651 --> 00:06:47,111 Well, you guys... I'm saying I'm not gonna do anything, aren't I? 105 00:06:47,941 --> 00:06:49,651 I'm gonna beat him up! 106 00:06:49,651 --> 00:06:50,821 Stop it, Luffy! 107 00:06:50,821 --> 00:06:51,861 Hold on! 108 00:06:57,411 --> 00:07:01,001 S-So you're a marine... I wish you had told us sooner. 109 00:07:01,001 --> 00:07:03,001 --Hm? --Who are these people? 110 00:07:04,421 --> 00:07:05,791 Hey, get hold of yourselves. 111 00:07:05,791 --> 00:07:07,631 Then this isn't an uninhabited island? 112 00:07:08,131 --> 00:07:14,091 Well, they're probably the passengers who drifted here from a wrecked ship. 113 00:07:15,141 --> 00:07:16,511 About a month ago, 114 00:07:16,511 --> 00:07:21,691 there was a report that a passenger liner went missing in this area. 115 00:07:26,441 --> 00:07:27,861 How are they, Chopper? 116 00:07:28,651 --> 00:07:31,531 There're some injured people, but their wounds aren't serious. 117 00:07:31,531 --> 00:07:34,361 They'll be fine once I apply the medicine I have. 118 00:07:34,361 --> 00:07:37,281 More importantly, it seems that they haven't been eating well. 119 00:07:37,281 --> 00:07:38,331 They're weakened. 120 00:07:38,331 --> 00:07:42,331 Sanji-kun and Usopp went to get some food. 121 00:07:42,331 --> 00:07:45,291 Hey! We're back! 122 00:07:50,671 --> 00:07:52,801 You must've been really hungry. 123 00:07:52,801 --> 00:07:54,721 You don't have to wolf down the food. 124 00:07:54,721 --> 00:07:56,181 There's plenty more where that came from. 125 00:07:56,181 --> 00:07:58,351 That's right! There's plenty more! 126 00:07:58,351 --> 00:08:00,141 Hey, why are you eating?! 127 00:08:01,231 --> 00:08:03,391 At any rate, even if this is an uninhabited island, 128 00:08:03,391 --> 00:08:05,481 if you are so inclined, you can find food, you know. 129 00:08:05,481 --> 00:08:07,561 This is the problem with amateurs. 130 00:08:07,561 --> 00:08:10,691 I'm surprised that you survived after a shipwreck in the Grand Line. 131 00:08:10,691 --> 00:08:14,661 We're the only ones who made it to this island. 132 00:08:15,861 --> 00:08:17,121 What happened? 133 00:08:17,121 --> 00:08:23,501 On our way back from a gourmet tour to the gourmet town, Pucci... 134 00:08:24,671 --> 00:08:29,171 ...our ship collided with a huge frog that was doing the front crawl 135 00:08:29,171 --> 00:08:31,591 and shattered into pieces. 136 00:08:32,091 --> 00:08:35,131 Doing the front crawl?! A frog was?! 137 00:08:35,131 --> 00:08:36,801 Frogs normally do the breaststroke, though. 138 00:08:36,801 --> 00:08:39,681 Interesting! I wanna see it, too! 139 00:08:39,681 --> 00:08:41,471 --Are you out of your mind? --It's true! 140 00:08:41,931 --> 00:08:43,521 That's Yokozuna. 141 00:08:43,931 --> 00:08:45,561 --Huh? --Yokozuna? 142 00:08:46,061 --> 00:08:49,611 Then, after a great struggle, we were able to make it to this island, 143 00:08:51,021 --> 00:08:53,651 yet we lived on the verge of starvation for a month. 144 00:08:53,651 --> 00:08:56,241 We rejoiced when we saw someone was coming, 145 00:08:56,241 --> 00:09:01,241 but when we looked carefully, he was riding a bicycle on the sea. 146 00:09:01,241 --> 00:09:04,451 Hey, now... Under no circumstances can one ride a... 147 00:09:04,451 --> 00:09:06,331 Oh... that was me. 148 00:09:06,921 --> 00:09:10,921 --Huh? --And then, the next one that came was a pirate ship. 149 00:09:10,921 --> 00:09:11,711 Us, huh? 150 00:09:12,341 --> 00:09:16,171 Then you guys are... whatchamacallit... 151 00:09:16,171 --> 00:09:18,641 ...you know... um... well... 152 00:09:18,641 --> 00:09:19,721 Say it clearly! Clearly! 153 00:09:21,141 --> 00:09:22,471 Oh, shoot! I totally forgot! 154 00:09:22,471 --> 00:09:24,931 Hey, you! Don't mess with us! 155 00:09:24,931 --> 00:09:27,271 --L-Luffy! Hold on! Hold on! --Calm down! 156 00:09:27,271 --> 00:09:28,231 Well, like I said... 157 00:09:31,231 --> 00:09:34,651 Like I said several times already, I took a stroll. 158 00:09:34,651 --> 00:09:38,451 Oh, it was a stroll? Then don't go passing a place like this! Leave! 159 00:09:38,451 --> 00:09:40,281 You don't make sense. 160 00:09:40,281 --> 00:09:42,201 Luffy kinda has the upper hand here. 161 00:09:42,701 --> 00:09:46,791 Well, then... Okay. I'm going back, but before that... 162 00:09:47,411 --> 00:09:51,001 You guys, get ready to depart right away. 163 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:55,591 Fortunately, there's an inhabited island not so far from here. 164 00:09:56,381 --> 00:09:59,301 You should go there to get the treatment you need. 165 00:09:59,761 --> 00:10:05,021 Hey, you guys! You don't have to listen to this guy! He's a marine! 166 00:10:10,731 --> 00:10:12,521 Is there a problem? 167 00:10:16,071 --> 00:10:19,281 Oh... That's right. It's fine, it's fine. That's right. It's fine. 168 00:10:19,281 --> 00:10:23,661 Normally, marines are your friends and we are the bad guys, huh? 169 00:10:23,661 --> 00:10:24,791 It's no time for laughing! 170 00:10:25,371 --> 00:10:27,701 He said he'd help those guys. 171 00:10:27,701 --> 00:10:30,541 But does he have a ship? 172 00:10:30,541 --> 00:10:33,791 Besides ours, I didn't see any other ships anywhere. 173 00:10:33,791 --> 00:10:36,421 There's no ship. They don't have a Log Pose, either. 174 00:10:36,421 --> 00:10:40,181 How are they supposed to go to that nearby island? 175 00:10:40,181 --> 00:10:42,141 Oh, they'll be fine. 176 00:10:42,141 --> 00:10:44,011 Nothing you say sounds convincing, you know. 177 00:10:45,391 --> 00:10:46,141 It's true that... 178 00:10:46,601 --> 00:10:47,141 Hm? 179 00:10:48,311 --> 00:10:51,771 ...that man can make it happen. 180 00:11:02,201 --> 00:11:04,031 All right, done! 181 00:11:04,031 --> 00:11:07,661 We loaded up food and water. With this much, you'll be fine for a while. 182 00:11:08,121 --> 00:11:10,461 It's nice to work once in a while. 183 00:11:10,461 --> 00:11:13,501 Yeah, it feels good! You're quite a sensible guy! 184 00:11:14,581 --> 00:11:16,501 He hit it off with him after all. 185 00:11:16,501 --> 00:11:18,091 So what're you gonna do? 186 00:11:18,091 --> 00:11:21,431 Are you gonna swim while pulling these guys and this stuff? 187 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:23,301 No way. 188 00:11:25,601 --> 00:11:27,261 Step back a bit. 189 00:11:50,661 --> 00:11:52,081 Wh-What the heck?! 190 00:11:52,081 --> 00:11:56,001 A sea animal! I bet that's the guardian of this area of the sea! 191 00:12:02,921 --> 00:12:04,801 What?! Hey, you! Run! 192 00:12:05,431 --> 00:12:07,261 Watch out! Gum-Gum... 193 00:12:10,181 --> 00:12:12,311 Ice Age... 194 00:12:26,281 --> 00:12:27,371 Devil Fruit...! 195 00:12:36,251 --> 00:12:39,461 Th-The sea... froze! 196 00:12:41,631 --> 00:12:45,091 This is the power of a Navy Headquarters' Admiral. 197 00:13:18,751 --> 00:13:20,791 This will probably last at least a week. 198 00:13:25,511 --> 00:13:28,551 Take your time and head in that direction. 199 00:13:29,221 --> 00:13:32,471 You'll get to an inhabited island in four days. 200 00:13:35,681 --> 00:13:39,401 It's a little cold, so dress warmly while walking. 201 00:13:40,561 --> 00:13:43,481 Is this... a dream? 202 00:13:45,401 --> 00:13:48,611 The sea has become ground! 203 00:13:48,611 --> 00:13:52,871 We can now cross the sea! We can get off of this island! 204 00:13:52,871 --> 00:13:55,831 Mr. Marine! Thank you! 205 00:13:56,911 --> 00:14:00,291 This is a miracle! A miracle without doubt! 206 00:14:12,801 --> 00:14:15,271 Well then, we'll get going now. 207 00:14:15,271 --> 00:14:17,681 Yeah. I'm happy for you guys. 208 00:14:17,681 --> 00:14:18,851 Be careful. 209 00:14:19,311 --> 00:14:21,731 I guess there're different kinds of pirates, huh? 210 00:14:21,731 --> 00:14:24,901 We can't thank you enough. 211 00:14:24,901 --> 00:14:27,071 Not only did you treat our injured, 212 00:14:27,071 --> 00:14:29,281 but you also shared your food and water with us. 213 00:14:29,281 --> 00:14:31,321 Don't worry about it. 214 00:14:31,321 --> 00:14:34,741 They say that even a chance meeting is due to karma from a previous life, so... 215 00:14:34,741 --> 00:14:38,201 Take good care of the children so that they don't catch a cold. 216 00:14:38,711 --> 00:14:42,131 In this state, the food will probably stay fresh for a while. 217 00:14:42,131 --> 00:14:44,291 --Bye-bye! --Thank you very much. 218 00:14:44,291 --> 00:14:48,421 --Thank you! --We'll never forget your kindness, Straw Hat Pirates! 219 00:14:48,921 --> 00:14:52,431 See ya! Take care! 220 00:14:53,091 --> 00:14:55,391 Be careful on your trip! 221 00:14:57,141 --> 00:14:58,351 Good, good. 222 00:14:58,931 --> 00:15:01,021 Whoa, it's cold. It's cold. 223 00:15:01,021 --> 00:15:03,191 This is completely like winter. 224 00:15:03,191 --> 00:15:04,811 I can ice skate! 225 00:15:04,811 --> 00:15:06,781 Whoa! That's amazing, Chopper! 226 00:15:06,781 --> 00:15:09,651 Just as you'd expect from someone born on a winter island! 227 00:15:11,531 --> 00:15:12,781 How about this? 228 00:15:12,781 --> 00:15:14,031 Whoa! That's amazing! 229 00:15:15,031 --> 00:15:16,161 Why don't you try? 230 00:15:18,331 --> 00:15:19,451 Boy, it's cold, it's cold! 231 00:15:19,451 --> 00:15:20,331 I'm gonna freeze! 232 00:15:21,371 --> 00:15:21,791 Hm? 233 00:15:24,291 --> 00:15:25,711 Hmm... 234 00:15:27,251 --> 00:15:28,051 What? 235 00:15:28,881 --> 00:15:33,511 How should I put it... You're just like your gramps, Monkey D. Luffy... 236 00:15:33,511 --> 00:15:34,591 Wh-What? 237 00:15:35,101 --> 00:15:39,061 You're free-spirited, or should I say you're hard to figure out? 238 00:15:40,811 --> 00:15:42,441 G-Gramps... 239 00:15:43,061 --> 00:15:45,191 Gramps...?! Luffy's?! 240 00:15:49,191 --> 00:15:51,531 Hey, what's the matter, Luffy? You're drenched in sweat. 241 00:15:51,531 --> 00:15:54,201 Well... N-N-Nothing. Um... well... 242 00:15:54,611 --> 00:15:59,411 Your gramps really helped me out a while back. 243 00:16:00,001 --> 00:16:05,711 The reason I came here was to have a look at Nico Robin and you. 244 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:10,881 On second thought... maybe you should die now, huh? 245 00:16:12,221 --> 00:16:15,891 The government is still taking you guys lightly, 246 00:16:15,891 --> 00:16:19,851 but if I delve into your history, I can tell that your group has a backbone. 247 00:16:20,391 --> 00:16:25,101 Although your group is small, since it's gathering shrewd members, 248 00:16:25,101 --> 00:16:27,731 it'll probably become a problem later on. 249 00:16:27,731 --> 00:16:30,361 The circumstances that initially led to your search orders... 250 00:16:30,361 --> 00:16:34,201 All the actions you took up until now... 251 00:16:34,201 --> 00:16:36,321 The speed of your group's progress... 252 00:16:36,871 --> 00:16:40,541 I've been dealing with outlaws for a long time, 253 00:16:40,541 --> 00:16:42,291 but it worries me to think how you'll turn out. 254 00:16:42,451 --> 00:16:45,041 Th-That's too sudden! 255 00:16:45,041 --> 00:16:47,131 You said earlier that you just came to check things out! 256 00:16:47,131 --> 00:16:50,881 The reason I especially regard you guys as dangerous is... 257 00:16:50,881 --> 00:16:53,591 ...you, Nico Robin. 258 00:16:54,051 --> 00:16:57,641 So you're after Robin after all! I'm gonna beat the crap out of you! 259 00:16:58,091 --> 00:17:03,851 Her bounty amount isn't just an indication of her strength. 260 00:17:03,851 --> 00:17:07,601 It also indicates the level of danger she poses to the government. 261 00:17:08,521 --> 00:17:15,071 That's why you got a 79-million-Berry bounty on your head at the age of eight. 262 00:17:15,821 --> 00:17:18,871 I'm impressed that you survived as a child. 263 00:17:18,871 --> 00:17:23,291 You betrayed people and ran away. You gained people's favor and used them. 264 00:17:23,291 --> 00:17:27,871 You've survived in the underworld by being quick to switch sides. 265 00:17:27,871 --> 00:17:31,291 So this is the group that you chose as your next hideout, huh? 266 00:17:32,421 --> 00:17:36,841 Hey, you jerk! How insulting you are! 267 00:17:36,841 --> 00:17:39,511 What grudge do you hold against Robin-chan?! 268 00:17:39,511 --> 00:17:40,351 Stop it, Sanji! 269 00:17:40,351 --> 00:17:43,261 I don't have any grudge against her. 270 00:17:43,261 --> 00:17:46,021 If we are somehow connected... 271 00:17:46,021 --> 00:17:49,521 ...it's that I let her get away once, that's about it. 272 00:17:49,521 --> 00:17:50,811 It was a long time ago. 273 00:17:52,071 --> 00:17:54,361 You guys will eventually realize it, too. 274 00:17:54,361 --> 00:17:59,281 In the not-so-distant future, you'll regret that you took in a troublesome woman. 275 00:17:59,281 --> 00:18:04,791 As proof, the organizations Nico Robin had something to do with up until today 276 00:18:05,411 --> 00:18:10,001 all got annihilated... except for her. 277 00:18:10,791 --> 00:18:13,041 I wonder why... Nico Robin? 278 00:18:14,341 --> 00:18:16,971 Stop it, you jerk! Her past doesn't matter! 279 00:18:16,971 --> 00:18:19,801 He's right! If you're worried about others' pasts, 280 00:18:19,801 --> 00:18:24,141 you can't be friends with ruffians like a pirate hunter or a former thief girl! 281 00:18:24,141 --> 00:18:25,181 "Ruffians" was unnecessary! 282 00:18:25,181 --> 00:18:28,181 What's more important is the present, rather than the past! 283 00:18:28,181 --> 00:18:32,151 Robin is our precious friend now! Don't badmouth our friend! 284 00:18:34,111 --> 00:18:38,031 I see... You really did a good job befriending this lot. 285 00:18:38,901 --> 00:18:42,491 Just get to the point already! If you want to capture me, go ahead and do it! 286 00:18:43,281 --> 00:18:44,951 Treinta Fleurs! 287 00:18:44,951 --> 00:18:47,001 Robin! Stop it! 288 00:18:47,001 --> 00:18:50,921 Oh, my, my... Maybe I talked too much. 289 00:18:50,921 --> 00:18:51,831 How disappointing! 290 00:18:51,831 --> 00:18:54,501 I had too high an opinion of you, thinking you were a little smarter than that. 291 00:18:54,501 --> 00:18:56,051 Clutch! 292 00:18:56,051 --> 00:18:58,921 Ahhh! He shattered into pieces and died! 293 00:19:06,971 --> 00:19:08,391 N-No... We're screwed... 294 00:19:11,811 --> 00:19:14,521 H-Hey! Guys! Run! Let's get out of here! 295 00:19:22,161 --> 00:19:24,321 That wasn't nice. 296 00:19:40,591 --> 00:19:41,761 Ice Saber! 297 00:19:42,551 --> 00:19:45,511 I wasn't going to kill you, but... 298 00:19:58,401 --> 00:20:00,111 Slice Shoot! 299 00:20:02,071 --> 00:20:04,361 All right! 300 00:20:04,861 --> 00:20:07,411 Hmph! How dare you butt in, you damn cook? 301 00:20:07,411 --> 00:20:10,331 The same to you, you natural monument! 302 00:20:10,331 --> 00:20:12,331 Gum-Gum... 303 00:20:15,501 --> 00:20:16,961 ...Pistol! 304 00:20:20,921 --> 00:20:22,631 It's cold! 305 00:20:29,721 --> 00:20:31,021 He froze them! 306 00:20:31,021 --> 00:20:33,311 Those three... all at once... 307 00:20:48,371 --> 00:20:51,831 O-Oh, no! They have to be treated right away! 308 00:20:51,831 --> 00:20:54,961 If they get frostbite, their limbs will become gangrenous! 309 00:20:55,421 --> 00:20:58,381 What're you doing, Usopp?! We have to go help those three now! 310 00:20:58,381 --> 00:21:01,881 I-I really would like to, but my body can't move. 311 00:21:01,881 --> 00:21:03,421 Did I get frozen, too? 312 00:21:03,421 --> 00:21:06,221 No! You're just too scared to move! 313 00:21:06,761 --> 00:21:09,351 --Luffy! --Sanji! Zoro! 314 00:21:09,801 --> 00:21:11,511 Robin! Run! 315 00:21:13,471 --> 00:21:15,601 You've come across some good friends. 316 00:21:15,601 --> 00:21:18,861 But you're still you, Nico Robin! 317 00:21:18,861 --> 00:21:20,981 No...! I'm no longer... 318 00:21:24,441 --> 00:21:26,741 Robin! Watch out! Run! 319 00:21:30,411 --> 00:21:32,661 I'm... 320 00:21:32,661 --> 00:21:33,791 Robin-chan! 321 00:21:39,751 --> 00:21:41,171 Robin! 322 00:22:21,001 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 323 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 324 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:32,261 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 325 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 326 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 327 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 328 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 329 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,111 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 330 00:22:49,111 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 331 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 332 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 333 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 334 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 335 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,131 To this familiar sunny sky 336 00:23:09,131 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 337 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 338 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:18,561 Eternally... Eternally... 339 00:23:24,941 --> 00:23:26,981 Ahh! Robin got...! 340 00:23:26,981 --> 00:23:28,191 ...frozen! 341 00:23:28,191 --> 00:23:31,071 Don't yell! Her death will benefit the world. 342 00:23:31,071 --> 00:23:33,111 --What'd you say?! --You bastard! 343 00:23:33,111 --> 00:23:34,781 --Wait, you guys! --Luffy! 344 00:23:34,781 --> 00:23:37,951 Don't interfere in this fight! I'll fight him in a duel! 345 00:23:37,951 --> 00:23:41,661 That's fine by me, but... err... whatchamacallit...? 346 00:23:41,661 --> 00:23:42,871 On the next episode of One Piece! 347 00:23:42,871 --> 00:23:46,461 "Duel between Rubber and Ice! Luffy vs. Aokiji" 348 00:23:46,461 --> 00:23:49,211 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!