1 00:00:18,851 --> 00:00:23,311 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,311 --> 00:00:26,941 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,941 --> 00:00:30,111 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,111 --> 00:00:33,691 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:40,911 --> 00:00:48,791 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:56,011 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:56,011 --> 00:01:02,971 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,971 --> 00:01:10,111 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,111 --> 00:01:13,571 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,571 --> 00:01:17,491 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,491 --> 00:01:21,491 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,491 --> 00:01:24,501 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:28,671 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,671 --> 00:01:32,211 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,211 --> 00:01:35,211 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,211 --> 00:01:39,721 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,721 --> 00:01:43,431 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,431 --> 00:01:46,731 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,731 --> 00:01:49,731 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,731 --> 00:01:55,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,481 --> 00:01:58,111 One Piece 22 00:02:11,251 --> 00:02:12,381 Hm? 23 00:02:12,961 --> 00:02:17,461 Who's trying to defy the Franky Family?! 24 00:02:22,681 --> 00:02:24,221 Give me the money back! 25 00:02:24,221 --> 00:02:30,141 "Give me the money back"? Then are you one of the Straw Hat's underlings? 26 00:02:31,401 --> 00:02:35,651 That's right, Bro! Since he's with Straw Hat Luffy, I expected him to be 27 00:02:35,651 --> 00:02:39,281 a really strong pirate, but then... 28 00:02:39,281 --> 00:02:41,361 He's so weak! 29 00:02:41,361 --> 00:02:43,821 That's none of your business! 30 00:02:45,741 --> 00:02:46,581 Oops! 31 00:02:48,411 --> 00:02:51,371 I'll admit you've got guts to come to get the money back all by yourself, 32 00:02:51,371 --> 00:02:54,251 but I can't let you have it back. 33 00:02:57,381 --> 00:02:59,591 Give it back to me! 34 00:02:59,591 --> 00:03:05,511 We have to... have our ship repaired... 35 00:03:09,101 --> 00:03:11,641 That money is crucial to us! 36 00:03:14,861 --> 00:03:18,901 With that money, we can finally... 37 00:03:18,901 --> 00:03:23,451 We can finally repair the Merry's scars! 38 00:03:23,451 --> 00:03:29,621 I can't let you jerks have it! 39 00:03:31,161 --> 00:03:40,131 "Rescuing Our Friend! Raid on the Franky House" 40 00:03:43,091 --> 00:03:45,091 What are you so worked up about? 41 00:03:46,051 --> 00:03:49,931 Looks like you love your ship quite a bit. 42 00:03:49,931 --> 00:03:54,101 Well, no matter what happens to your ship, 43 00:03:54,101 --> 00:03:58,071 this money is already ours. 44 00:04:00,031 --> 00:04:03,821 Unfortunately for you, no matter what we steal from pirates, we won't be accused 45 00:04:03,821 --> 00:04:05,861 of committing a crime. 46 00:04:05,861 --> 00:04:09,241 This is dirty money that you stole from somewhere anyway, right? 47 00:04:10,621 --> 00:04:12,711 Well, let us have it. 48 00:04:14,671 --> 00:04:18,131 If you like, try begging the Navy for help. 49 00:04:18,131 --> 00:04:21,011 You guys are the ones who'll be captured. 50 00:04:22,171 --> 00:04:25,221 Too bad for Straw Hat Luffy... 51 00:04:25,221 --> 00:04:30,681 ...that he has a useless underling who can't even watch over money. 52 00:04:38,611 --> 00:04:42,441 Guys, have some fun with him later. 53 00:04:44,071 --> 00:04:48,781 I'm gonna take this money and go shopping at once. 54 00:04:49,491 --> 00:04:50,991 This is gonna be great! 55 00:04:50,991 --> 00:04:54,661 Hold it! Special Attack! Exploding Star! 56 00:05:02,211 --> 00:05:07,221 Remember this, long-nosed boy. My name is Franky... 57 00:05:07,221 --> 00:05:12,061 If you want to leave this town alive, you shouldn't cross me. 58 00:05:16,101 --> 00:05:19,521 Wh... What're you doing?! Let go of me! 59 00:05:23,981 --> 00:05:27,821 Such a pathetic weapon wouldn't work on us. 60 00:05:28,321 --> 00:05:30,781 See ya, Long-nose. 61 00:05:30,781 --> 00:05:34,701 Thanks for the 200 million Berries. 62 00:05:34,701 --> 00:05:37,921 Hold it! Give it back to me! 63 00:05:37,921 --> 00:05:39,581 Give it back to me! 64 00:05:39,581 --> 00:05:41,591 Give it back to me!! 65 00:05:54,351 --> 00:05:56,641 Give it... back to me... 66 00:06:01,311 --> 00:06:03,441 G-Give it back to me...! 67 00:06:06,401 --> 00:06:10,611 Give it... back to me...! 68 00:06:21,501 --> 00:06:24,961 Give it back to me! 69 00:06:26,921 --> 00:06:31,391 Give it back to me! 70 00:06:40,771 --> 00:06:43,191 I just have to hold out until Robin comes back. 71 00:06:46,481 --> 00:06:49,741 I'll only become a burden to them if I march in with them. 72 00:06:50,651 --> 00:06:52,111 It'll be scary, too. 73 00:06:53,571 --> 00:06:58,161 At any rate, I'll protect this ship and the 100 million Berries all the way. 74 00:06:58,751 --> 00:07:00,371 I'm counting on you... guys! 75 00:07:03,001 --> 00:07:05,211 Stop. Stop! 76 00:07:08,761 --> 00:07:13,511 If I remember right, this should be the place Nami-san was talking about. 77 00:07:15,721 --> 00:07:18,641 Look. This is the backstreet shopping district. 78 00:07:18,641 --> 00:07:23,851 You go up this canal... and here! Usopp is right here. 79 00:07:23,851 --> 00:07:25,151 Okay. 80 00:07:25,151 --> 00:07:29,231 So, Nami-san, where can we find these demolition workers, the Franky Family? 81 00:07:30,861 --> 00:07:31,991 Usopp! 82 00:07:31,991 --> 00:07:33,411 He isn't here? 83 00:07:33,411 --> 00:07:35,991 Are you sure? Didn't you just screw up the directions? 84 00:07:35,991 --> 00:07:37,951 I'm not you! Keep your mouth shut! 85 00:07:37,951 --> 00:07:39,501 Usopp! 86 00:07:39,501 --> 00:07:42,211 --What'd you say?! --Ah, look at that! 87 00:07:47,751 --> 00:07:49,591 Look! It's blood! 88 00:07:49,591 --> 00:07:53,131 That idiot! He just walked off without waiting for us! 89 00:07:53,631 --> 00:07:55,431 Don't tell me he... 90 00:07:56,011 --> 00:07:57,891 Usopp... 91 00:08:00,391 --> 00:08:01,561 Hm? 92 00:08:01,561 --> 00:08:04,061 {\an8}"Ahhh..." 93 00:08:13,451 --> 00:08:14,821 Help me! 94 00:08:14,821 --> 00:08:16,161 Luffy?! 95 00:08:23,161 --> 00:08:27,171 What're you doing?! Where'd you come falling from? 96 00:08:28,171 --> 00:08:29,671 Shipyard... 97 00:08:29,671 --> 00:08:33,881 I was jumping around imitating this one shipwright to look for Usopp. 98 00:08:33,881 --> 00:08:34,841 Are you okay? 99 00:08:34,841 --> 00:08:36,681 Yeah. 100 00:08:36,681 --> 00:08:39,011 Oh, that's right. We've got a problem, guys! 101 00:08:39,011 --> 00:08:41,141 Usopp got abducted along with the money. 102 00:08:41,721 --> 00:08:43,561 Yeah, we know. 103 00:08:43,561 --> 00:08:46,441 Come on. We're on our way to their hideout. 104 00:08:47,351 --> 00:08:50,111 Usopp got beaten up and had the money stolen from him. 105 00:08:50,111 --> 00:08:51,071 What?! 106 00:08:52,901 --> 00:08:55,071 It's possible that he felt responsible 107 00:08:55,071 --> 00:08:59,581 and went to pick a fight with the Franky Family all by himself. 108 00:09:05,001 --> 00:09:08,461 Well, then... I'm leaving now. 109 00:09:16,631 --> 00:09:19,721 Seriously, what a stubborn man he is. 110 00:09:20,301 --> 00:09:24,221 Even though we don't know whether he has it or not, 111 00:09:24,221 --> 00:09:26,101 they send me out this far each time. 112 00:09:26,101 --> 00:09:28,601 I wish people would put themselves in my shoes. 113 00:09:37,151 --> 00:09:38,451 It's Kalifa. 114 00:09:38,451 --> 00:09:40,571 Well... come in. 115 00:09:41,951 --> 00:09:44,911 You must be worn out, Iceberg-san. 116 00:09:44,911 --> 00:09:46,331 Would you like something to drink? 117 00:09:46,331 --> 00:09:48,121 Yeah... 118 00:09:49,371 --> 00:09:51,421 I'll have some tea today. 119 00:09:51,421 --> 00:09:52,921 I've prepared it. 120 00:09:53,591 --> 00:09:57,011 Well... Just as I'd expect from you, Kalifa. 121 00:09:57,011 --> 00:09:58,261 Thank you very much. 122 00:10:01,721 --> 00:10:05,221 Mr. Corgy is always angry when he leaves, isn't he? 123 00:10:05,221 --> 00:10:07,641 What on earth does he come to talk about? 124 00:10:07,641 --> 00:10:09,141 Yeah... 125 00:10:09,141 --> 00:10:13,191 He wants something I have, so he suggests all sorts of deals. 126 00:10:15,401 --> 00:10:17,861 It must be something very precious, huh? 127 00:10:17,861 --> 00:10:23,121 Well, I always tell him that I don't know what he's talking about and refuse. 128 00:10:23,621 --> 00:10:26,241 They really are a pain in the ass. 129 00:10:48,851 --> 00:10:51,561 Is he breathing, Chopper? 130 00:10:51,561 --> 00:10:55,771 Although he's completely unconscious, he's still alive. 131 00:10:55,771 --> 00:10:57,941 He'll be okay. I can save him. 132 00:11:02,911 --> 00:11:07,291 Just wait a bit... Usopp. 133 00:11:30,771 --> 00:11:34,941 We're gonna go blow that stupid house away! 134 00:12:02,591 --> 00:12:05,971 Hey! Go get more food! 135 00:12:05,971 --> 00:12:07,551 We've got money! 136 00:12:07,551 --> 00:12:09,561 The alcohol today sure tastes good! 137 00:12:13,941 --> 00:12:17,651 I've drawn graffiti on the walls of people's houses for all these years. 138 00:12:23,701 --> 00:12:28,451 Thanks! So you took my goggles back from him? 139 00:12:31,911 --> 00:12:33,661 Okay, then! 140 00:12:33,661 --> 00:12:39,291 I'll tell you a story about when I bravely fought Sea Kings in the Calm Belt. 141 00:12:39,291 --> 00:12:41,921 Big ones! They were... 142 00:12:46,801 --> 00:12:51,351 A-And what's more... I have 8,000 men under me! 143 00:12:58,811 --> 00:13:01,571 That large amount of money... They stole it all. 144 00:13:01,571 --> 00:13:02,281 Nami... 145 00:13:03,651 --> 00:13:08,701 I can't face everyone. 146 00:13:09,241 --> 00:13:13,661 Make sure you beat up every one of them, guys! 147 00:13:20,171 --> 00:13:21,461 So that's what you wanna do? 148 00:13:21,461 --> 00:13:23,591 See? You lose. 149 00:13:23,591 --> 00:13:25,591 Now, go buy some food! 150 00:13:25,591 --> 00:13:29,721 Make sure you buy all the food at the store, okay?! We've got money! 151 00:13:35,681 --> 00:13:40,021 Dammit. Just you wait and see. I'll beat you later. 152 00:13:45,941 --> 00:13:47,401 Huh? 153 00:14:00,331 --> 00:14:02,631 What?! What happened?! 154 00:14:07,011 --> 00:14:08,681 Someone's there! 155 00:14:08,681 --> 00:14:10,471 Who the hell are you jerks?! 156 00:14:19,351 --> 00:14:21,271 That's... 157 00:14:30,741 --> 00:14:33,701 That's... 158 00:14:33,701 --> 00:14:36,241 ...Straw Hat Luffy! 159 00:14:47,961 --> 00:14:51,891 So you came to get the money back, huh, you fools? 160 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:57,181 See all the guys here? What do you think the four of you can do? 161 00:14:59,391 --> 00:15:03,481 But, well... you're here. You've got a bounty on your head. 162 00:15:03,481 --> 00:15:05,651 So why don't you leave that head of yours with us? 163 00:15:06,981 --> 00:15:10,321 He's the captain of that weak long-nosed guy. 164 00:15:11,661 --> 00:15:15,491 He can't be that strong. 165 00:15:19,001 --> 00:15:21,331 Come on, shorty. 166 00:15:23,001 --> 00:15:26,041 Gum-Gum... 167 00:15:26,671 --> 00:15:28,171 Hm? 168 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:32,091 What're you doing? 169 00:15:33,391 --> 00:15:39,021 He's punching? At that huge steel armor that even a battleship cannon can't shatter? 170 00:15:39,021 --> 00:15:40,021 What a joke! 171 00:15:44,981 --> 00:15:49,861 If you're just fooling around, I'll go ahead and crush you! 172 00:16:06,131 --> 00:16:07,631 ...Cannon! 173 00:16:20,851 --> 00:16:24,191 H-He punched a hole in that huge armor! 174 00:16:25,271 --> 00:16:26,481 Hey! 175 00:16:27,521 --> 00:16:31,941 W-Wait a sec, you guys! Let's have a talk first! 176 00:16:31,941 --> 00:16:33,701 Let's have a... 177 00:16:33,701 --> 00:16:35,451 Let's... Let's... 178 00:16:35,451 --> 00:16:36,991 Let's fire cannonballs! 179 00:16:36,991 --> 00:16:38,831 Yahoo! 180 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:43,711 Three-Sword Style... 181 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:44,751 ...Raven... 182 00:16:51,051 --> 00:16:52,711 ...Hunt! 183 00:17:05,481 --> 00:17:08,861 Th-The cannonballs are made of iron, you know! 184 00:17:16,241 --> 00:17:17,951 Even a cannon, too! 185 00:17:17,951 --> 00:17:21,451 Bad news! These guys are seriously bad news! 186 00:17:22,411 --> 00:17:25,961 G-Get out of here! Get out through the back door! 187 00:17:33,171 --> 00:17:38,131 You started the fight. Don't act pathetic. 188 00:17:39,091 --> 00:17:40,761 Party Table... 189 00:17:41,551 --> 00:17:43,891 ...Kick Course! 190 00:17:56,071 --> 00:17:58,531 W-We can't use the back door! 191 00:17:58,531 --> 00:18:00,821 Windows! Get out through the windows! 192 00:18:01,571 --> 00:18:03,661 Rumble... 193 00:18:03,661 --> 00:18:05,371 ...Horn Point! 194 00:18:15,301 --> 00:18:18,511 Roseo Colonnade! 195 00:18:23,681 --> 00:18:27,101 W-W-Wait a sec, you guys! 196 00:18:27,101 --> 00:18:30,101 The money, right?! You want the money back, right?! 197 00:18:30,101 --> 00:18:33,361 The 200 million Berries that worthless guy had, right? 198 00:18:33,361 --> 00:18:37,361 Unfortunately, that money is no longer here. 199 00:18:37,361 --> 00:18:41,951 Our boss, Franky, took that money and went shopping. 200 00:18:41,951 --> 00:18:43,911 Since he's buying something on the black market, 201 00:18:43,911 --> 00:18:45,331 we don't know where he went. 202 00:18:46,331 --> 00:18:48,581 In short, no matter how much you go on a rampage here, 203 00:18:48,581 --> 00:18:50,791 that 200 million Berries won't come ba-- 204 00:18:50,791 --> 00:18:52,421 I'm a goner! 205 00:18:52,421 --> 00:18:54,791 Ahh! Zambai! 206 00:18:56,251 --> 00:19:01,891 That's enough out of you. It has nothing to do with money. 207 00:19:01,891 --> 00:19:05,101 Yeah... It's too late. 208 00:19:09,681 --> 00:19:12,351 We'll beat you up so bad that not even your bones will remain. 209 00:19:13,061 --> 00:19:14,691 Not even our bones?! 210 00:19:14,691 --> 00:19:16,941 You idiot! Don't get frightened! 211 00:19:16,941 --> 00:19:18,481 "Not even your bones will remain" 212 00:19:18,481 --> 00:19:22,361 is what we, the Franky Family, demolition workers and bounty hunters, say! 213 00:19:23,031 --> 00:19:26,531 Show them the Franky House's specialty! 214 00:19:33,171 --> 00:19:35,921 Anything Shot Cannon! 215 00:19:43,971 --> 00:19:45,681 Here they come! Attack them! 216 00:19:46,221 --> 00:19:50,311 D-Don't flinch! Keep firing until we run out of cannonballs! 217 00:19:50,311 --> 00:19:52,141 There are only four of them! 218 00:20:09,911 --> 00:20:10,831 Hm? 219 00:20:11,581 --> 00:20:13,871 What're those noises? Fireworks? 220 00:20:13,871 --> 00:20:16,791 It's from the northeast! They're coming from the direction of the Franky House! 221 00:20:16,791 --> 00:20:20,761 Them again? What's the fuss about this time? 222 00:20:20,761 --> 00:20:24,131 Yea... Ugh! Shh! He'll hear us! 223 00:20:26,591 --> 00:20:29,931 Oh, boy, they're getting too carried away. 224 00:20:29,931 --> 00:20:34,811 They really don't show any restraint when they party, do they? 225 00:20:34,811 --> 00:20:39,771 It's okay once in a while, right? It's a wonderful day today. 226 00:20:56,581 --> 00:20:58,791 Shall we go follow Franky? 227 00:20:58,791 --> 00:21:00,131 Where? 228 00:21:01,301 --> 00:21:06,091 Drat. Looks like they really don't know where the money is. 229 00:21:06,631 --> 00:21:11,931 Even if we strangle this Franky guy, if he already spent the money... 230 00:21:13,731 --> 00:21:17,901 What do we do now? Even if we wait for him here, he won't be back for a while. 231 00:21:20,321 --> 00:21:23,111 Hey! I finished giving him first aid! 232 00:21:23,111 --> 00:21:26,361 I'd like to take him on a stretcher, so help me here! 233 00:21:27,241 --> 00:21:29,661 Staying here talking won't get us anywhere. 234 00:21:29,661 --> 00:21:33,951 Let's go back to the ship for now. We left Nami-san alone there, too, so... 235 00:21:33,951 --> 00:21:36,371 We have the thing with Robin-chan to deal with... 236 00:21:36,371 --> 00:21:38,831 ...and the issues with the ship, too. 237 00:21:38,831 --> 00:21:39,331 Yeah. 238 00:21:39,831 --> 00:21:40,921 Hey, Luffy! 239 00:21:44,801 --> 00:21:46,631 About the ship... 240 00:21:47,261 --> 00:21:48,381 Hm? 241 00:21:49,801 --> 00:21:51,301 I've made a decision. 242 00:22:00,441 --> 00:22:05,151 Let's say goodbye... to the Going Merry here. 243 00:22:20,711 --> 00:22:23,131 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 244 00:22:23,131 --> 00:22:26,671 Chasing after something constant 245 00:22:26,671 --> 00:22:32,261 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 246 00:22:32,261 --> 00:22:34,561 Even when we're exhausted 247 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:37,731 We have a compass that can search for something constant 248 00:22:37,731 --> 00:22:43,151 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 249 00:22:43,151 --> 00:22:46,071 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 250 00:22:46,071 --> 00:22:49,031 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 251 00:22:49,031 --> 00:22:51,821 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 252 00:22:51,821 --> 00:22:54,911 Eternally... Eternally... 253 00:22:54,911 --> 00:22:57,701 Wild fantasies from our childhood 254 00:22:57,701 --> 00:23:00,541 We trace unforgettable memories 255 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:06,211 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 256 00:23:06,211 --> 00:23:09,051 To this familiar sunny sky 257 00:23:09,051 --> 00:23:11,841 Together we entrust our feelings 258 00:23:11,841 --> 00:23:14,431 We go beyond the changing time 259 00:23:14,431 --> 00:23:19,061 Eternally... Eternally... 260 00:23:24,981 --> 00:23:26,901 Hey, hey, you're taking the joke too far. 261 00:23:26,901 --> 00:23:28,611 I'm not joking. 262 00:23:28,611 --> 00:23:29,861 We'll say goodbye to the Merry here. 263 00:23:29,861 --> 00:23:31,861 Bull! Don't be ridiculous! 264 00:23:31,861 --> 00:23:32,911 Hey, Usopp... 265 00:23:32,911 --> 00:23:36,161 This ship can't be fixed anymore! She'll sink soon. 266 00:23:36,161 --> 00:23:40,461 --Luffy! --No matter what you say, I'm never gonna give up on Merry! 267 00:23:40,461 --> 00:23:42,041 On the next episode of One Piece! 268 00:23:42,041 --> 00:23:45,671 "Big Fight under the Moon! The Pirate Flag Flutters with Sorrow!" 269 00:23:45,671 --> 00:23:48,091 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!