1 00:00:18,801 --> 00:00:23,271 It's all right! Now let's move forward 2 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:26,901 with the sun always in our hearts 3 00:00:26,901 --> 00:00:30,071 As power passes through our clasped hands 4 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:33,651 let's grab hold of our wishes 5 00:00:40,871 --> 00:00:48,751 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 6 00:00:48,751 --> 00:00:55,971 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 7 00:00:55,971 --> 00:01:02,931 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 8 00:01:02,931 --> 00:01:10,061 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 9 00:01:10,061 --> 00:01:13,531 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 10 00:01:13,531 --> 00:01:17,451 but what you cherish most will be right there 11 00:01:17,451 --> 00:01:21,451 And if you get into a jam 12 00:01:21,451 --> 00:01:24,451 I'll always be there to protect you 13 00:01:24,451 --> 00:01:28,621 It's all right! Now let's move forward 14 00:01:28,621 --> 00:01:32,171 with the sun always in our hearts 15 00:01:32,171 --> 00:01:35,171 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 16 00:01:35,171 --> 00:01:39,681 and gaze at the light beyond 17 00:01:39,681 --> 00:01:43,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 18 00:01:43,391 --> 00:01:46,681 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 19 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:49,691 So let's grab hold of our wishes 20 00:01:49,691 --> 00:01:55,441 under the same flag-- together, we're one 21 00:01:55,441 --> 00:01:58,071 One Piece 22 00:02:05,701 --> 00:02:08,411 I'll never give up on this ship! 23 00:02:09,711 --> 00:02:11,581 Are you guys stupid or what?! 24 00:02:11,581 --> 00:02:15,801 You probably got fooled by the shipwrights' convincing argument, didn't you?! 25 00:02:15,801 --> 00:02:20,051 The Luffy I know would've believed in the strength of the Merry first 26 00:02:20,051 --> 00:02:23,601 rather than buying those guys' sales talk! 27 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:25,181 Such a clear-cut answer that sounds 28 00:02:25,181 --> 00:02:27,521 like one made by an old man who understands everything... 29 00:02:27,521 --> 00:02:30,601 How can you make a decision like that, suddenly acting all captain-like?! 30 00:02:30,601 --> 00:02:32,731 I misjudged you, Luffy! 31 00:02:33,231 --> 00:02:35,651 Wait a sec, Usopp! Luffy, too, first-- 32 00:02:35,651 --> 00:02:38,571 Stay out of this, Nami! This is something I decided! 33 00:02:39,151 --> 00:02:41,951 I won't change my opinion. No matter what you say now, 34 00:02:41,951 --> 00:02:44,991 we're gonna get a new ship! We'll say goodbye to the Merry here! 35 00:02:44,991 --> 00:02:49,961 Listen, Luffy! It's not like everyone can live looking ahead like you do! 36 00:02:49,961 --> 00:02:54,171 I can't just leave our wounded friend here and move on to the seas ahead! 37 00:02:54,171 --> 00:02:57,631 Don't be ridiculous! Even if she's a friend, ships and humans are different! 38 00:02:57,631 --> 00:03:01,131 They're the same! Merry has the strength to live left in her! 39 00:03:01,131 --> 00:03:05,221 --Considering how you are, aren't you excited thinking about the new ship --Hey, that's enough, you guys! 40 00:03:05,221 --> 00:03:07,851 --while pretending to be concerned about Merry?! --You can't have a conversation if you're worked up like that! 41 00:03:07,851 --> 00:03:09,141 Enough, already! 42 00:03:09,141 --> 00:03:10,271 Luffy! 43 00:03:10,271 --> 00:03:12,521 Don't think that you're the only one who feels pain over this! 44 00:03:12,521 --> 00:03:14,061 Everyone feels the same way! 45 00:03:14,061 --> 00:03:16,731 If so, there's no way you'd decide to get a new ship! 46 00:03:16,731 --> 00:03:21,491 Fine! If you dislike what I decide that much, then get off this-- 47 00:03:25,281 --> 00:03:27,121 Sanji...! 48 00:03:32,711 --> 00:03:37,001 You idiot... What were you about to say?! 49 00:03:37,461 --> 00:03:40,211 Cool down! Be careful about what you say! 50 00:03:47,181 --> 00:03:50,391 Sorry. I just... 51 00:03:50,391 --> 00:03:54,441 That's okay, Luffy. That's how you really feel, isn't it? 52 00:03:55,021 --> 00:03:56,361 What'd you say?! 53 00:03:58,481 --> 00:04:04,151 Go ahead and cut off useless friends one after another and move on. 54 00:04:04,151 --> 00:04:06,661 If you're gonna abandon the Merry... 55 00:04:07,991 --> 00:04:09,621 ...why don't you do that to me, too?! 56 00:04:11,751 --> 00:04:14,921 You don't need weak friends, right? 57 00:04:14,921 --> 00:04:20,211 Luffy... you're the man who'll be king of the pirates. 58 00:04:20,211 --> 00:04:25,011 But I don't have to go that high up. 59 00:04:25,011 --> 00:04:27,511 Hey, where're you going, Usopp?! 60 00:04:29,011 --> 00:04:31,221 Where I'm going is my own business. 61 00:04:32,891 --> 00:04:33,981 I'm... 62 00:04:35,191 --> 00:04:37,771 ...leaving the gang. 63 00:04:37,771 --> 00:04:39,401 Usopp! 64 00:04:40,481 --> 00:04:43,441 Wait! It shouldn't be like this! 65 00:04:43,441 --> 00:04:45,201 Hey! Turn around! 66 00:04:50,661 --> 00:04:54,661 Luffy! I can't go along with you anymore. 67 00:04:55,871 --> 00:04:58,631 Sorry to cause you trouble until the end. 68 00:04:58,631 --> 00:05:03,091 It's true that the ship belongs to you, the captain. 69 00:05:04,801 --> 00:05:06,801 So fight me... 70 00:05:08,391 --> 00:05:10,391 Monkey D. Luffy! 71 00:05:11,511 --> 00:05:14,981 Fight a duel with me! 72 00:05:20,981 --> 00:05:26,651 At 10 o'clock tonight, I'll come back here. 73 00:05:27,111 --> 00:05:29,991 Then, we'll fight a duel over the Merry! 74 00:05:29,991 --> 00:05:32,831 I'll defeat you and take the Merry. 75 00:05:32,831 --> 00:05:33,581 That's... 76 00:05:34,331 --> 00:05:37,581 ...the end of the bond between you guys and me. 77 00:05:42,541 --> 00:05:51,511 "Luffy vs. Usopp! Collision of Two Men's Pride" 78 00:05:53,721 --> 00:05:58,561 I am Usopp, leader of the great pirates who reign over this village! 79 00:05:58,561 --> 00:06:06,191 People praise me-- and then praise me more-- as "Captain Usopp"! 80 00:06:07,611 --> 00:06:09,321 You're neat! 81 00:06:09,321 --> 00:06:11,911 Hey, you! Don't insult me! 82 00:06:16,791 --> 00:06:19,371 I'm a very proud man! 83 00:06:19,371 --> 00:06:24,921 Because of my great pride, people call me "Proud Usopp"! 84 00:06:25,461 --> 00:06:29,221 You guys take care, too! Let's meet again sometime! 85 00:06:29,221 --> 00:06:34,511 --How come? --Huh? How come? Man, you're antisocial... 86 00:06:34,511 --> 00:06:37,981 I'm gonna be a pirate too, so we'll meet on the high seas eventually! 87 00:06:37,981 --> 00:06:40,391 What're you talkin' about? Get on already. 88 00:06:40,391 --> 00:06:41,851 Eh? 89 00:06:41,851 --> 00:06:43,901 We're friends now, aren't we? 90 00:06:46,821 --> 00:06:50,361 I... I get to be captain, right?! 91 00:06:50,361 --> 00:06:53,701 Don't be dumb! I'm the captain! 92 00:07:06,091 --> 00:07:08,671 So you didn't get cold feet, huh? 93 00:07:08,671 --> 00:07:11,341 You'd better be sure you're not going to regret this, no matter what happens. 94 00:07:11,341 --> 00:07:13,801 This is the duel you wanted. 95 00:07:13,801 --> 00:07:17,311 Of course. You'd better fight seriously. 96 00:07:17,311 --> 00:07:19,181 I'll turn the tables on you. 97 00:07:19,681 --> 00:07:22,811 I've already figured out how to defeat you. 98 00:07:25,771 --> 00:07:29,321 Can't we stop them? Usopp is wounded quite badly! 99 00:07:29,321 --> 00:07:31,401 If you can't bear to watch this, go inside. 100 00:07:41,831 --> 00:07:45,671 Don't lump me in with your past enemies who didn't know your skills. 101 00:07:45,671 --> 00:07:50,091 Luffy... We've known each other for a long time. 102 00:07:50,091 --> 00:07:52,971 I know about your powers very well. 103 00:07:54,931 --> 00:07:57,391 Don't be surprised when you hear this, Luffy. 104 00:07:57,391 --> 00:08:00,271 I have 8,000 men under me! 105 00:08:01,141 --> 00:08:05,021 If you don't wanna die, surrender now! 106 00:08:05,021 --> 00:08:07,731 What?! 8,000?! That many?! 107 00:08:07,731 --> 00:08:09,401 You go inside. 108 00:08:09,401 --> 00:08:12,441 You don't have any subordinates. I know that much! 109 00:08:12,441 --> 00:08:14,151 Usopp Spell! 110 00:08:15,031 --> 00:08:18,581 You've got razors stuck between all your teeth! 111 00:08:19,741 --> 00:08:21,831 It hurts just to imagine that! 112 00:08:21,831 --> 00:08:23,411 Go inside. 113 00:08:23,411 --> 00:08:26,541 You've got cactus spines inside your fingernails! 114 00:08:27,881 --> 00:08:31,421 Gum-Gum... Pistol! 115 00:08:36,801 --> 00:08:38,101 Usopp! 116 00:08:39,601 --> 00:08:42,061 See?! His body is already... 117 00:08:43,681 --> 00:08:46,521 Special Attack... Ketchup Star! 118 00:08:47,061 --> 00:08:51,651 What? Are you sympathizing with your enemy? What confidence...! 119 00:08:51,651 --> 00:08:52,781 Flash Dial! 120 00:08:58,451 --> 00:09:00,621 Special Attack! Egg Star! 121 00:09:02,791 --> 00:09:05,041 Star! Star! Star! 122 00:09:07,541 --> 00:09:09,591 It stinks! They're rotten! 123 00:09:09,591 --> 00:09:12,501 Dammit! You jerk! Be serious! 124 00:09:13,171 --> 00:09:15,881 Is this silly? I'm very serious, Luffy! 125 00:09:15,881 --> 00:09:19,141 --What? --This is my way of fighting! 126 00:09:19,681 --> 00:09:22,641 Hey, if you open your mouth that big, you'll have a burn! 127 00:09:26,231 --> 00:09:28,651 Special Attack! Tabasco Star! 128 00:09:28,651 --> 00:09:31,611 It's hooot!! 129 00:09:31,611 --> 00:09:34,571 Watch out when you wriggle! 130 00:09:34,571 --> 00:09:37,901 Beneath your feet, it's already Caltrop Hell! 131 00:09:39,741 --> 00:09:41,201 Ouch! 132 00:09:42,161 --> 00:09:43,661 Usopp is in control of the fight! 133 00:09:44,541 --> 00:09:46,501 Listen, Luffy! 134 00:09:46,501 --> 00:09:49,881 I'll defeat you without fail and take the Merry... 135 00:09:49,881 --> 00:09:52,341 ...no matter what it takes! 136 00:09:58,381 --> 00:10:01,051 Usopp... 137 00:10:01,051 --> 00:10:02,801 Special Attack! Pepper Star! 138 00:10:04,101 --> 00:10:06,771 Owwww! 139 00:10:13,651 --> 00:10:18,071 I told you. I won't use attacks that won't work on you. 140 00:10:24,581 --> 00:10:29,831 Dammit. It stinks... My mouth is burning... 141 00:10:29,831 --> 00:10:31,331 And it hurts! 142 00:10:31,331 --> 00:10:33,501 I won't give you even the slightest chance to attack! 143 00:10:33,501 --> 00:10:36,301 Special Attack! Shuriken Shooting Stars! 144 00:11:19,671 --> 00:11:20,591 Smoke? 145 00:11:23,551 --> 00:11:25,601 I'm using a Breath Dial. 146 00:11:27,391 --> 00:11:30,521 You didn't notice the smell because of the eggs, did you? 147 00:11:34,271 --> 00:11:37,731 The smell of the gas that's filling the area around you...! 148 00:11:39,611 --> 00:11:40,611 Gas? 149 00:11:40,611 --> 00:11:42,611 Don't tell me...! 150 00:11:42,611 --> 00:11:44,991 Sorry! Take this! 151 00:11:44,991 --> 00:11:46,781 Flame Star! 152 00:11:59,131 --> 00:12:00,961 What an explosion! 153 00:12:07,641 --> 00:12:09,851 Luffy! Usopp! 154 00:12:20,861 --> 00:12:25,741 I am Usopp, leader of the great pirates who reign over this village! 155 00:12:25,741 --> 00:12:32,001 People praise me-- and then praise me more-- as "Captain Usopp"! 156 00:12:40,921 --> 00:12:43,131 You're neat! 157 00:12:43,131 --> 00:12:45,721 Hey, you! Don't insult me! 158 00:12:45,721 --> 00:12:46,721 How come? 159 00:12:46,721 --> 00:12:49,471 We're friends now, aren't we? 160 00:12:53,311 --> 00:12:55,941 I see an island! 161 00:12:55,941 --> 00:12:59,271 Whoa! Incredible! What kind of island is that?! 162 00:12:59,271 --> 00:13:01,731 All right! Go! 163 00:13:01,731 --> 00:13:04,651 Merry! Full speed ahead! 164 00:13:04,651 --> 00:13:07,241 Full speed ahead! 165 00:14:04,671 --> 00:14:06,261 I can't stand this. 166 00:14:06,261 --> 00:14:09,801 Luffy! Usopp! 167 00:14:29,281 --> 00:14:33,911 I know... that an attack like that wouldn't take you out. 168 00:14:37,161 --> 00:14:39,121 I know, Luffy... 169 00:14:39,961 --> 00:14:43,251 ...that you fight every battle with all your strength. 170 00:14:44,841 --> 00:14:47,551 I know every detail of your skills! 171 00:14:51,971 --> 00:14:53,301 Special Attack...! 172 00:14:53,301 --> 00:14:57,021 Gum-Gum... Gatling! 173 00:14:57,021 --> 00:14:59,231 ...Bursting Cactus Star! 174 00:15:05,521 --> 00:15:06,901 Ouch! 175 00:15:09,821 --> 00:15:12,241 Triple Exploding Stars! 176 00:15:26,131 --> 00:15:29,211 Gum-Gum... Pistol! 177 00:15:41,521 --> 00:15:46,731 Gum-Gum... Bazooka! 178 00:15:51,741 --> 00:15:54,071 I have a dial here. 179 00:15:54,071 --> 00:15:57,661 I got... your impact! 180 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:00,661 Impact! 181 00:16:06,331 --> 00:16:07,921 An Impact Dial! 182 00:16:15,591 --> 00:16:18,561 How'd you like that?! Dammit! 183 00:16:47,331 --> 00:16:53,591 I am Usopp, leader of the great pirates who reign over this village! 184 00:16:58,851 --> 00:17:01,221 To our new ship and crewmate! 185 00:17:01,221 --> 00:17:04,181 Cheers! 186 00:17:06,521 --> 00:17:07,731 I guess that's more like it. 187 00:17:07,731 --> 00:17:09,901 It's good! Let's draw it on the sail, too! 188 00:17:10,401 --> 00:17:11,861 Alright! All done! 189 00:17:11,861 --> 00:17:16,111 Now the Going Merry pirate ship is all set! 190 00:17:17,201 --> 00:17:21,161 Gum-Gum... 191 00:17:21,161 --> 00:17:23,411 ...Bullet! 192 00:17:33,301 --> 00:17:35,301 Usopp! 193 00:18:03,081 --> 00:18:04,661 Game over. 194 00:18:19,091 --> 00:18:21,011 You fool...! 195 00:18:22,761 --> 00:18:27,891 There's no way that you could defeat me, is there?! 196 00:18:54,291 --> 00:18:57,171 I can't stand this... 197 00:19:06,311 --> 00:19:09,351 Do what you want with the Merry. 198 00:19:12,901 --> 00:19:19,781 We'll get a new ship and move on to the seas ahead! 199 00:19:19,781 --> 00:19:21,951 Hey! Let me sit there, too, Luffy! 200 00:19:21,951 --> 00:19:24,741 No! This is my special seat! 201 00:19:24,741 --> 00:19:26,741 Oh? What's that?! 202 00:19:26,741 --> 00:19:28,241 What're you making, Usopp? 203 00:19:28,241 --> 00:19:32,621 Whoa! Hey, you guys! No shoes in Usopp Factory! 204 00:19:42,261 --> 00:19:45,931 Someday, I will go to Elbaf! 205 00:19:45,931 --> 00:19:48,561 To the village of warriors! 206 00:19:48,561 --> 00:19:52,561 All right, Usopp! Let's go there for sure! 207 00:19:53,061 --> 00:19:58,611 Let's get this party goin'! It's the night festival before gold-hunting! 208 00:20:07,951 --> 00:20:10,871 Well then, bye, Usopp... 209 00:20:10,871 --> 00:20:13,791 It's been fun. 210 00:20:18,421 --> 00:20:20,341 Hey, don't go, Chopper! 211 00:20:21,631 --> 00:20:25,431 Why not?! He was already wounded so badly to start with, 212 00:20:25,431 --> 00:20:27,011 and now he got beat up worse! 213 00:20:27,761 --> 00:20:30,141 This isn't a quarrel or a game. 214 00:20:30,141 --> 00:20:34,311 So what?! I'm a doctor! Let me at least treat him! 215 00:20:39,231 --> 00:20:42,991 He lost the duel. On top of that, he gets pitied. 216 00:20:42,991 --> 00:20:45,241 Imagine just how miserable that must make him feel! 217 00:20:47,701 --> 00:20:52,951 Imagine how much suffering careless kindness can cause the loser! 218 00:20:53,711 --> 00:20:58,381 He fought a duel knowing full well this was how it might turn out! 219 00:21:10,641 --> 00:21:12,471 This is really tough... 220 00:21:13,851 --> 00:21:16,021 That's what it means to be a captain, isn't it? 221 00:21:17,101 --> 00:21:18,981 Don't lose yourself. 222 00:21:21,441 --> 00:21:27,071 If you waver, who can we trust? 223 00:21:38,671 --> 00:21:40,591 Let's vacate the ship. 224 00:21:51,141 --> 00:21:57,481 We can't come back... to this ship, so... 225 00:22:20,671 --> 00:22:23,091 A piece of a dream that we started grasping 226 00:22:23,091 --> 00:22:26,631 Chasing after something constant 227 00:22:26,631 --> 00:22:32,221 We send our aspirations sailing into the sky 228 00:22:32,221 --> 00:22:34,511 Even when we're exhausted 229 00:22:34,511 --> 00:22:37,681 We have a compass that can search for something constant 230 00:22:37,681 --> 00:22:43,111 Say, do you think we can keep it forever? 231 00:22:43,111 --> 00:22:46,031 At the end of the dream that we will reach someday 232 00:22:46,031 --> 00:22:48,991 We want to be adults as we are now as much as possible 233 00:22:48,991 --> 00:22:51,781 We pray to this endless sky that we look up at 234 00:22:51,781 --> 00:22:54,871 Eternally... Eternally... 235 00:22:54,871 --> 00:22:57,661 Wild fantasies from our childhood 236 00:22:57,661 --> 00:23:00,501 We trace unforgettable memories 237 00:23:00,501 --> 00:23:06,171 And try to keep the embers burning that still consume us 238 00:23:06,171 --> 00:23:09,011 To this familiar sunny sky 239 00:23:09,011 --> 00:23:11,801 Together we entrust our feelings 240 00:23:11,801 --> 00:23:14,391 We go beyond the changing time 241 00:23:14,391 --> 00:23:19,021 Eternally... Eternally... 242 00:23:25,191 --> 00:23:29,031 Luffy, there's trouble! The whole town is talking about this! 243 00:23:29,031 --> 00:23:32,781 --What's the matter? --They say that Iceberg-san was shot at home and is unconscious. 244 00:23:32,781 --> 00:23:34,741 Ice pops is?! I'll go check. 245 00:23:34,741 --> 00:23:38,491 --I'll go, too. --Then, Chopper and I'll go look for Robin-chan. 246 00:23:38,491 --> 00:23:40,541 I kinda have a bad feeling. 247 00:23:40,541 --> 00:23:41,621 On the next episode of One Piece! 248 00:23:41,621 --> 00:23:45,131 "Severe Shock Hits the City of Water! Iceberg Targeted!" 249 00:23:45,131 --> 00:23:47,551 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!