1 00:00:22,391 --> 00:00:25,311 To think that you left the friends you traveled together with 2 00:00:25,311 --> 00:00:27,611 all the way from the East Blue, for the ship... 3 00:00:28,941 --> 00:00:31,571 What are you guys crying for? 4 00:00:31,571 --> 00:00:34,611 You dummy! We're not crying, you dummy! 5 00:00:34,611 --> 00:00:37,821 But it's true that I was moved by your protecting this ship all by yourself 6 00:00:37,821 --> 00:00:40,031 while all those things were happening! 7 00:00:40,031 --> 00:00:43,621 We're not crying! None of us are crying! 8 00:00:43,621 --> 00:00:45,921 What the heck is their problem? 9 00:00:48,251 --> 00:00:53,011 Anyway, now you know that those guys and I are no longer friends, right?! 10 00:00:54,301 --> 00:00:55,761 I'll... 11 00:00:56,221 --> 00:00:58,551 I'll sing about your hardships! 12 00:00:58,551 --> 00:01:01,761 The song title is, "Severed Friendship! Northern Wind Chop!" 13 00:01:01,761 --> 00:01:03,721 Yay! Bro! 14 00:01:03,721 --> 00:01:05,731 Are you making fun of me?! 15 00:01:06,641 --> 00:01:08,441 Bro! 16 00:01:11,401 --> 00:01:13,861 Help... 17 00:01:18,031 --> 00:01:21,621 I'll say hello to "Bro" for you. 18 00:01:27,411 --> 00:01:29,041 We now know the location. 19 00:01:29,751 --> 00:01:30,501 Let's go. 20 00:01:55,821 --> 00:01:59,451 Mister, I made some tea. Why don't you take a break? 21 00:02:00,281 --> 00:02:04,911 Hm? Oh, thanks. I'll have some once I finish fixing this spot. 22 00:02:16,091 --> 00:02:18,341 Ouch! 23 00:02:21,091 --> 00:02:24,311 So, brother... 24 00:02:24,311 --> 00:02:24,891 Hm? 25 00:02:25,641 --> 00:02:27,061 I'm gonna get to the main issue. 26 00:02:27,731 --> 00:02:31,351 What're you gonna do after you fix that ship? 27 00:02:31,351 --> 00:02:32,611 What am I gonna do? 28 00:02:32,611 --> 00:02:34,821 Of course, I'll go on an adventure with her again, 29 00:02:34,821 --> 00:02:37,861 and someday we'll go back to our home, the East Blue! 30 00:02:38,901 --> 00:02:41,321 It's not like we went around the world, 31 00:02:41,321 --> 00:02:43,911 but this is a ship that went to the Grand Line. 32 00:02:43,911 --> 00:02:46,991 It'll be good enough to call it a triumphant return. 33 00:02:46,991 --> 00:02:48,451 I'll hold my head up and-- 34 00:02:48,451 --> 00:02:51,081 No, you won't be able to go back... 35 00:02:51,671 --> 00:02:53,751 ...to the East Blue. 36 00:02:54,841 --> 00:02:56,841 To begin with, it's too far. 37 00:03:01,051 --> 00:03:02,091 Bro? 38 00:03:04,051 --> 00:03:07,511 When we pulled up the ship earlier, 39 00:03:07,511 --> 00:03:10,981 I was observing her very carefully. 40 00:03:10,681 --> 00:03:13,691 Stop it, you bastards! What're you gonna do with the Merry?! 41 00:03:13,691 --> 00:03:16,401 Take off the ropes! Let the ship down! 42 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:21,741 If you do something to the Merry, my 8,000 men will teach you a lesson! 43 00:03:21,741 --> 00:03:23,361 Hey, are you listening, you bikini jerk?! 44 00:03:24,031 --> 00:03:26,661 If you underestimate me, you'll regret it! 45 00:03:26,661 --> 00:03:32,161 I'm Captain Usopp, the king of the East Blue who is feared by all! 46 00:03:32,161 --> 00:03:33,331 --Shut up. --Ow, ow, ow... 47 00:03:33,961 --> 00:03:35,541 Don't pinch me. 48 00:03:35,541 --> 00:03:37,171 Be quiet. 49 00:03:37,171 --> 00:03:39,511 Shut up! Ouch! 50 00:03:39,511 --> 00:03:43,301 Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 51 00:03:44,431 --> 00:03:46,721 That ship is at the end of her life. 52 00:03:46,721 --> 00:03:49,931 The assessment by Galley-La is correct. 53 00:03:49,931 --> 00:03:51,811 As someone who's in the demolition business, 54 00:03:51,811 --> 00:03:53,481 I suggest you demolish her. 55 00:03:54,271 --> 00:03:56,481 What? That's ridiculous! 56 00:03:56,481 --> 00:04:00,941 I'll help you demolish your ship! 57 00:04:00,941 --> 00:04:03,821 What?! What're you saying, you jerk?! 58 00:04:04,991 --> 00:04:09,081 Wait! What're you doing?! Stop right there! 59 00:04:09,081 --> 00:04:09,991 Bro! 60 00:04:09,991 --> 00:04:14,161 I'm just saying I'll help you demolish that ship. 61 00:04:14,161 --> 00:04:17,841 Don't be ridiculous! I won't allow that! 62 00:04:18,381 --> 00:04:20,841 The Merry is my ship! 63 00:04:20,841 --> 00:04:24,091 No...! She's... 64 00:04:24,091 --> 00:04:26,551 ...no longer a ship. 65 00:04:26,551 --> 00:04:28,391 What? 66 00:04:28,391 --> 00:04:29,891 What'd you say?! 67 00:04:29,891 --> 00:04:36,061 I asked you earlier what you were gonna do after you fixed this ship, didn't I? 68 00:04:36,061 --> 00:04:41,481 If you were going to offer your life to the sea with this ship, 69 00:04:41,481 --> 00:04:44,611 I wouldn't have said anything. 70 00:04:45,071 --> 00:04:51,041 But... you said that you wanted to go back to the East Blue on this ship. 71 00:04:51,041 --> 00:04:55,041 So I'm trying to stop you... brother. 72 00:04:57,081 --> 00:05:02,921 This ship... can no longer even reach the next shore. 73 00:05:02,921 --> 00:05:05,341 Listen. Ships are born with a promise 74 00:05:05,841 --> 00:05:13,271 to carry you across the sea from one shore to another. 75 00:05:13,271 --> 00:05:18,311 In other words, once a ship can no longer carry you to shore... 76 00:05:21,151 --> 00:05:22,651 Hey! 77 00:05:22,651 --> 00:05:24,321 Stop it! 78 00:05:24,321 --> 00:05:27,571 Once she can't carry you to shore... 79 00:05:27,571 --> 00:05:29,451 ...she's no longer a ship! 80 00:05:30,951 --> 00:05:32,281 Bro! 81 00:05:39,171 --> 00:05:43,631 Stop it! 82 00:05:49,841 --> 00:05:53,721 It's all right! Now let's move forward 83 00:05:54,181 --> 00:05:57,681 with the sun always in our hearts 84 00:05:57,681 --> 00:06:01,021 As power passes through our clasped hands 85 00:06:01,021 --> 00:06:04,691 let's grab hold of our wishes 86 00:06:11,991 --> 00:06:19,671 Working together, let's ride the giant waves 87 00:06:19,671 --> 00:06:27,011 Let's hurry toward the excitement-- there's the starting signal 88 00:06:27,011 --> 00:06:33,971 Now's the time to set sail-- let's raise anchor 89 00:06:33,971 --> 00:06:41,101 Cut through the rainbow-colored wind and head for a sea of adventure 90 00:06:41,101 --> 00:06:44,481 It'll be a journey fraught with injury 91 00:06:44,481 --> 00:06:48,441 but what you cherish most will be right there 92 00:06:48,441 --> 00:06:52,411 And if you get into a jam 93 00:06:52,411 --> 00:06:55,491 I'll always be there to protect you 94 00:06:55,491 --> 00:06:59,661 It's all right! Now let's move forward 95 00:06:59,661 --> 00:07:03,211 with the sun always in our hearts 96 00:07:03,211 --> 00:07:06,211 If a storm hits, let's put our arms around each other 97 00:07:06,211 --> 00:07:10,471 and gaze at the light beyond 98 00:07:10,471 --> 00:07:14,391 If we gather up the pieces of our dreams 99 00:07:14,391 --> 00:07:17,721 they'll make a map leading to tomorrow 100 00:07:17,721 --> 00:07:20,681 So let's grab hold of our wishes 101 00:07:20,681 --> 00:07:26,481 under the same flag-- together, we're one 102 00:07:26,481 --> 00:07:29,111 One Piece 103 00:07:36,071 --> 00:07:45,041 "The Man Who Is Loved Even by His Ship! Usopp's Tears!" 104 00:07:53,181 --> 00:07:57,181 You bastard! Move away from Merry! 105 00:08:08,151 --> 00:08:09,901 You son of a bitch! 106 00:08:12,321 --> 00:08:14,821 If you don't get it... 107 00:08:19,701 --> 00:08:25,081 ...take a good look at her... with your own eyes! 108 00:11:41,071 --> 00:11:43,161 Sorry, Merry. 109 00:11:47,491 --> 00:11:49,751 I'll fix you right away. 110 00:11:49,751 --> 00:11:53,421 I'll fix you right away... I'll... 111 00:11:54,001 --> 00:11:56,171 As many times as you need... 112 00:11:56,171 --> 00:11:59,631 I'll fix you as many times as you need! 113 00:12:00,671 --> 00:12:02,631 As many times as you need! 114 00:12:06,301 --> 00:12:09,641 Hey! Enough already, Long-nose! 115 00:12:09,641 --> 00:12:11,481 You saw the bottom of the ship, right?! 116 00:12:11,481 --> 00:12:13,601 With the broken keel at the root of her, 117 00:12:13,601 --> 00:12:16,611 the outer panels are slipping off and the frames are torn, too! 118 00:12:16,611 --> 00:12:19,901 When a ship is like that, she'll just fall apart from the outside with each wave! 119 00:12:20,611 --> 00:12:24,491 And yet, you think a total amateur like you can... 120 00:12:32,081 --> 00:12:34,291 Shut up! 121 00:12:35,121 --> 00:12:37,791 I don't want you to tell me anything! 122 00:12:37,791 --> 00:12:41,801 Keep your mouth shut, or I'll beat you up, you hooligan! 123 00:13:01,781 --> 00:13:04,111 At... 124 00:13:05,821 --> 00:13:07,781 At heart... 125 00:13:11,161 --> 00:13:13,541 ...I know it. 126 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:16,291 Huh?! What did you say?! 127 00:13:17,711 --> 00:13:19,541 At heart... 128 00:13:21,751 --> 00:13:23,671 At heart... 129 00:13:25,421 --> 00:13:29,721 At heart... I know it all. 130 00:13:31,601 --> 00:13:34,851 I... I... 131 00:13:36,481 --> 00:13:41,611 I know that Merry is at the end of her life! 132 00:14:05,551 --> 00:14:08,431 At heart... 133 00:14:09,051 --> 00:14:12,471 I... know... 134 00:14:13,641 --> 00:14:16,311 When I heard the assessment, 135 00:14:16,981 --> 00:14:22,061 I was convinced that what I saw on that day really happened. 136 00:14:23,061 --> 00:14:26,861 First, I thought I was dreaming. 137 00:14:26,861 --> 00:14:30,111 I thought there was no way something like that could happen. 138 00:14:31,621 --> 00:14:36,911 On one foggy night... in a forest under the moonlight, 139 00:14:36,911 --> 00:14:40,581 I heard the strikes of a wooden hammer. 140 00:14:40,581 --> 00:14:43,171 The sound was coming from the ship, 141 00:14:43,171 --> 00:14:45,961 although no one was supposed to be on her at the time. 142 00:14:45,961 --> 00:14:52,681 It came from our ship, which was scarred and washed ashore. 143 00:14:53,431 --> 00:14:57,681 It was very foggy, but I definitely saw someone there... 144 00:14:57,681 --> 00:15:00,021 ...striking a wooden hammer. 145 00:15:00,021 --> 00:15:03,941 I couldn't figure out who it was. 146 00:15:06,191 --> 00:15:09,241 But then, when the morning came the next day, 147 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:13,281 the ship was lousily fixed. 148 00:15:13,281 --> 00:15:15,991 The completely broken mast was also fixed as it used to be. 149 00:15:15,991 --> 00:15:19,501 But the really mysterious thing was that... 150 00:15:20,711 --> 00:15:26,751 ...whoever fixed the Merry knew how she originally looked. 151 00:15:26,751 --> 00:15:29,511 Despite the fact that we had added lots of tweaks, 152 00:15:29,511 --> 00:15:33,511 this person put the Merry back to how she used to look! 153 00:15:36,301 --> 00:15:38,471 Everything was a mystery to us, but... 154 00:15:38,471 --> 00:15:41,981 ...for some reason, these words remained in my heart. 155 00:15:42,981 --> 00:15:47,441 I don't even know if this person actually said it or I was imagining things... 156 00:15:49,321 --> 00:15:50,401 Don't worry. 157 00:15:53,531 --> 00:15:56,831 I'll carry you guys for a little bit longer. 158 00:15:58,281 --> 00:16:02,501 This may sound stupid, but... 159 00:16:02,501 --> 00:16:08,841 ...I feel that it might've been an incarnation of the Merry. 160 00:16:13,051 --> 00:16:17,721 I bet the ship was already at her limits then. 161 00:16:18,181 --> 00:16:23,521 So she might've turned into that form to let us know it. 162 00:16:25,481 --> 00:16:29,481 When I heard the assessment, that's what I thought. 163 00:16:33,361 --> 00:16:37,531 You think I'm crazy, don't you? You don't have to believe me. 164 00:16:40,331 --> 00:16:41,621 Bro? 165 00:16:42,541 --> 00:16:44,541 Believe you? 166 00:16:45,081 --> 00:16:49,591 This person looked like a sailor holding a wooden hammer, right? 167 00:16:50,051 --> 00:16:52,131 What...? Why...? 168 00:16:52,131 --> 00:16:53,211 Do you know? 169 00:16:54,921 --> 00:16:56,591 Brother... 170 00:16:56,591 --> 00:16:59,391 You saw a Klabautermann. 171 00:17:00,141 --> 00:17:01,931 K-Klabau...? 172 00:17:03,061 --> 00:17:05,561 Klabautermann. 173 00:17:05,561 --> 00:17:08,481 It's one of the legends known among sailors. 174 00:17:09,521 --> 00:17:14,401 It's a fairy that dwells only on a ship that's treated with great care. 175 00:17:14,401 --> 00:17:17,111 Well, you could say it's a ship's incarnation. 176 00:17:18,491 --> 00:17:20,241 They carry wooden hammers in their hands 177 00:17:20,241 --> 00:17:22,831 and are dressed in sailor's raincoats. 178 00:17:22,831 --> 00:17:24,451 When danger approaches the ship, 179 00:17:24,451 --> 00:17:27,961 they run around inside the ship and let people know about it. 180 00:17:28,371 --> 00:17:32,461 It is said that they sometimes help sailors quite a bit. 181 00:17:32,461 --> 00:17:36,761 But to be honest, this is the first time I've heard someone say they saw one. 182 00:17:38,721 --> 00:17:43,221 The more care the ship receives, the more it appreciates the sailors. 183 00:17:44,061 --> 00:17:49,191 This ship probably wanted to somehow carry you across to the other shore. 184 00:17:49,191 --> 00:17:54,731 She was able to encounter a crew that she wanted to carry so badly 185 00:17:54,731 --> 00:17:58,571 that she'd borrow a human form to appear... 186 00:17:58,571 --> 00:18:01,661 I bet she's been very happy. 187 00:18:06,791 --> 00:18:08,331 Merry... 188 00:18:14,001 --> 00:18:16,211 I see... 189 00:18:16,211 --> 00:18:17,591 Then, the one... 190 00:18:18,421 --> 00:18:21,141 ...who talked to me then... 191 00:18:21,891 --> 00:18:23,931 ...was really you, huh? 192 00:18:24,641 --> 00:18:26,141 Merry... 193 00:18:35,361 --> 00:18:38,571 At any rate, for Heaven's sake... 194 00:18:39,151 --> 00:18:45,621 You had a big fight with your friends knowing your ship is at her limits, then? 195 00:18:47,831 --> 00:18:50,371 It's not that simple. 196 00:18:50,961 --> 00:18:54,171 How inept men are! 197 00:18:54,171 --> 00:18:55,841 They're fools! 198 00:19:04,551 --> 00:19:06,851 Looks like someone's here. 199 00:19:07,851 --> 00:19:11,771 "Someone's here"? Who else could it be but Zambai and the others! 200 00:19:12,771 --> 00:19:16,361 Why did they take the trouble of coming from the sea side? 201 00:19:16,361 --> 00:19:21,111 Yeah... when they usually use the upper entrance... 202 00:19:21,111 --> 00:19:23,781 They might've brought Straw Hat. 203 00:19:23,781 --> 00:19:25,331 Oh, that's right! 204 00:19:25,331 --> 00:19:29,081 I forgot that I sent for Straw Hat and the others with you as bait! 205 00:19:29,701 --> 00:19:33,371 They won't come. We're no longer friends. 206 00:19:33,371 --> 00:19:35,081 I told you so, didn't I? 207 00:19:40,921 --> 00:19:43,591 Why aren't they coming in? 208 00:19:44,681 --> 00:19:47,761 Okay, okay. I'll open the door now! 209 00:19:49,141 --> 00:19:52,481 Okay, okay. Geez, stop ringing the bell! 210 00:19:57,151 --> 00:20:00,941 Brother... Go back to your friends. 211 00:20:03,531 --> 00:20:07,991 I can't do that now. I fought a duel with my captain. 212 00:20:07,991 --> 00:20:10,581 Besides, the ship stuff isn't settled yet, so... 213 00:20:12,501 --> 00:20:15,041 What do you mean it hasn't been settled? 214 00:20:15,041 --> 00:20:20,001 If you know that your ship can't sail anymore, it's simple, isn't it? 215 00:20:24,091 --> 00:20:26,341 Leave her with me. 216 00:20:26,341 --> 00:20:29,141 I'll take care of her in a way that you'd approve of. 217 00:20:29,601 --> 00:20:31,601 What I did earlier, too, you know... 218 00:20:31,601 --> 00:20:36,601 I tried to destroy the ship thinking that it would be best for you. 219 00:20:36,601 --> 00:20:39,231 Don't stick your nose into things! It's my business! 220 00:20:39,231 --> 00:20:43,361 --Hey, I'm trying to solve your problem! --Is it Zambai? 221 00:20:43,361 --> 00:20:44,611 You should appreciate it! 222 00:20:44,611 --> 00:20:48,201 I should appreciate it? Give me a break! 223 00:20:48,831 --> 00:20:53,451 Don't you get it?! It's a nuisance for the ship, too! 224 00:20:53,451 --> 00:20:58,081 She loves you guys so much that she appeared in human form. 225 00:20:58,081 --> 00:21:01,881 If she sinks in the middle of the sea while you guys are on board... 226 00:21:01,881 --> 00:21:05,431 Hey! If that happens, even if she dies, she'll be filled with regret! 227 00:21:05,431 --> 00:21:07,341 She won't be able to rest in peace! 228 00:21:07,891 --> 00:21:11,351 Then, when your friends are dying, can you just leave them saying, 229 00:21:11,351 --> 00:21:15,101 "Well, I hope you die without suffering at least"?! 230 00:21:15,101 --> 00:21:18,731 If you put it that way, that's a whole different discussion! 231 00:21:18,731 --> 00:21:21,901 No, it's not! It's that kind of matter! 232 00:21:21,901 --> 00:21:23,901 You just don't get it, do you?! 233 00:21:28,031 --> 00:21:30,031 Huh?! 234 00:21:30,031 --> 00:21:32,041 Mozu! 235 00:21:37,751 --> 00:21:38,541 Kiwi! 236 00:21:39,291 --> 00:21:41,251 Wh-Who's there?! 237 00:21:43,211 --> 00:21:46,381 Pardon me... for interrupting. 238 00:21:48,631 --> 00:21:53,851 It's just, these two ladies didn't let us in, so... 239 00:21:57,691 --> 00:22:00,811 The secretary at Galley-La! 240 00:22:03,111 --> 00:22:06,071 What the hell are you bastards doing here?! 241 00:22:28,761 --> 00:22:33,351 We had a dream that day 242 00:22:33,351 --> 00:22:38,181 Our belief in ourselves 243 00:22:38,181 --> 00:22:47,321 makes us able to cross the wildly surging ocean 244 00:22:47,321 --> 00:22:56,871 You're braver and more caring than anyone else 245 00:22:56,871 --> 00:23:07,051 If you ever depart this ship and live in a different world 246 00:23:07,051 --> 00:23:15,761 In the end, we can all surely smile 247 00:23:25,271 --> 00:23:27,401 Galley-La! What the hell are you bastards... 248 00:23:27,401 --> 00:23:30,111 We're Government intelligence agents, Cutty Flam. 249 00:23:30,651 --> 00:23:31,651 Why do you know that name?! 250 00:23:31,651 --> 00:23:36,451 You've been entrusted with something by the legendary shipwright Tom. 251 00:23:36,451 --> 00:23:40,331 Now, could you please hand over your secret? 252 00:23:40,911 --> 00:23:42,171 On the next episode of One Piece! 253 00:23:42,171 --> 00:23:45,711 "Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train First Ran" 254 00:23:45,711 --> 00:23:48,211 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!