1 00:00:19,871 --> 00:00:22,381 Has the Buster Call order been issued? 2 00:00:22,831 --> 00:00:24,231 No, we still have to be on standby. 3 00:00:25,081 --> 00:00:26,811 Hurry! 4 00:00:26,811 --> 00:00:28,841 Run to the evacuation ship! 5 00:00:32,261 --> 00:00:34,821 So this is a Poneglyph, huh? 6 00:00:34,971 --> 00:00:39,281 Yeah. I heard that even if we tried to blow it up, it wouldn't even get a scratch. 7 00:00:39,761 --> 00:00:44,311 What a creepy stone... To think that this stuff is scattered around the world... 8 00:00:45,421 --> 00:00:51,161 Get running, get running, holding our flag high in the sky 9 00:00:57,521 --> 00:01:03,541 Let's cross this endless sea to go in search of 10 00:01:03,541 --> 00:01:09,551 a global miracle no one has yet been able to find 11 00:01:09,551 --> 00:01:14,431 With our hearts pounding, we'll just charge ahead as we please 12 00:01:14,431 --> 00:01:20,311 following the footprints of those who chase their dreams 13 00:01:21,141 --> 00:01:27,111 No matter how stormy the night, if we join our hearts as one, 14 00:01:27,111 --> 00:01:31,361 we will be able to make it through 15 00:01:31,361 --> 00:01:32,621 Always! 16 00:01:33,491 --> 00:01:39,331 Get running, get running, holding our flag high in the sky 17 00:01:39,331 --> 00:01:45,301 Even though there are tears we don't want anyone to see 18 00:01:45,301 --> 00:01:51,341 Chase it, chase it, if we want to achieve our dream, 19 00:01:51,341 --> 00:01:53,931 we should always look straight ahead without fear 20 00:01:53,931 --> 00:01:56,241 We can't stop here 21 00:01:56,241 --> 00:01:59,261 Around the world 22 00:01:59,261 --> 00:02:00,521 Start me up! 23 00:02:03,561 --> 00:02:09,261 Get running, get running, head past everyone else 24 00:02:09,261 --> 00:02:15,371 So long as we don't run from it, we can grasp tomorrow in our hands 25 00:02:15,371 --> 00:02:21,331 Chase it, chase it, everything we see before us, 26 00:02:21,331 --> 00:02:26,141 let's carve it into the blank pages of our hearts 27 00:02:26,401 --> 00:02:29,091 Brand New World 28 00:02:29,291 --> 00:02:30,551 Start me up! 29 00:02:39,591 --> 00:02:43,241 "The Tragedy of Ohara! The Terror of Buster Call" 30 00:02:46,951 --> 00:02:48,351 Is that right? 31 00:02:48,351 --> 00:02:50,741 Yes, they deserve the death penalty. 32 00:02:51,521 --> 00:02:54,881 Since we seized the evidence, we'll carry out your orders. 33 00:02:55,351 --> 00:02:59,201 It cannot be helped. This is quite unfortunate; 34 00:02:59,201 --> 00:03:03,831 however, they violated the world's laws. We cannot overlook it. 35 00:03:03,831 --> 00:03:07,431 Stop the blatant superficial talk, Five Elder Stars. 36 00:03:07,701 --> 00:03:13,001 Wha...! Don't be rude! You're talking to the leaders of the world! 37 00:03:13,001 --> 00:03:16,961 Is this Ohara's Professor Clover, the authority of archaeology? 38 00:03:18,231 --> 00:03:22,821 I know your name well, since you've contributed to the world's culture. 39 00:03:23,091 --> 00:03:26,261 To think that someone of your caliber would take the wrong path... 40 00:03:26,261 --> 00:03:29,041 The past belongs to all mankind. 41 00:03:29,891 --> 00:03:36,301 No one has the right to stop one from wanting to know our unspoken history! 42 00:03:36,301 --> 00:03:37,171 Professor... 43 00:03:37,441 --> 00:03:41,491 Reading the Poneglyphs makes it possible to revive the ancient weapon, 44 00:03:41,491 --> 00:03:43,451 which puts the world in danger. 45 00:03:44,741 --> 00:03:46,741 Even if your research has the best of intentions, 46 00:03:46,741 --> 00:03:49,751 all it takes is for someone to come along and use your research. 47 00:03:51,251 --> 00:03:55,251 No matter what happened in the past, if humans created that history, 48 00:03:55,251 --> 00:03:56,971 we should accept it all. 49 00:03:57,491 --> 00:03:59,511 If we don't succumb to fear and learn all of history, 50 00:03:59,511 --> 00:04:02,131 we can take countermeasures no matter what happens. 51 00:04:02,131 --> 00:04:03,431 That's an idealistic argument. 52 00:04:03,431 --> 00:04:08,191 Is that so? Isn't that reasoning just a convenient excuse for you? 53 00:04:09,431 --> 00:04:12,391 Out of what is still left to us, 54 00:04:12,391 --> 00:04:17,021 what interests us the most are the contents of the Poneglyphs, along with their reason 55 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:18,581 for existing in the first place. 56 00:04:19,111 --> 00:04:23,031 Why did the ancients take the trouble to inscribe the text on hard stones 57 00:04:23,031 --> 00:04:25,911 in order to pass it down to the future? 58 00:04:25,911 --> 00:04:28,121 They inscribed history on unbreakable stones 59 00:04:28,121 --> 00:04:30,581 and scattered them around the world. 60 00:04:30,581 --> 00:04:34,331 Is it not because they thought that their message would be eradicated 61 00:04:34,331 --> 00:04:38,551 if they wrote it on paper or in books? 62 00:04:38,841 --> 00:04:42,671 In other words, it is the proof that those who left the Poneglyphs 63 00:04:42,671 --> 00:04:44,571 clearly had an enemy. 64 00:04:47,051 --> 00:04:49,851 What're you trying to say, Professor Clover? 65 00:04:49,851 --> 00:04:52,811 If we assume that they were defeated by some kind of enemy 66 00:04:52,811 --> 00:04:55,141 and so ceased to exist, 67 00:04:55,141 --> 00:04:58,581 this enemy must've remained in history from that point on. 68 00:05:00,571 --> 00:05:06,661 Coincidentally, just when the "Blank Century" ended 800 years ago, 69 00:05:07,201 --> 00:05:11,381 the World Government was founded. 70 00:05:14,501 --> 00:05:19,341 If the current World Government was the "enemy" of those that ceased to exist, 71 00:05:19,341 --> 00:05:22,841 one could think that the "Blank Century" is an inconvenient history 72 00:05:22,841 --> 00:05:26,321 that was hushed up by the World Government. 73 00:05:26,511 --> 00:05:32,031 By analyzing the ancient documents and some Poneglyphs, 74 00:05:32,351 --> 00:05:35,991 we eventually noticed the existence of a country. 75 00:05:36,271 --> 00:05:41,941 What the documents brought to light was the existence of a grand kingdom. 76 00:05:41,941 --> 00:05:44,901 Although it seems to have boasted much power in the past, 77 00:05:44,901 --> 00:05:49,281 the information on this country has obsessively been erased. 78 00:05:49,281 --> 00:05:53,171 They probably sensed they'd be defeated by the allied countries, 79 00:05:53,521 --> 00:05:55,461 later to become the World Government, 80 00:05:55,461 --> 00:06:00,511 and so inscribed all the truth on stones to pass it down to the future. 81 00:06:01,161 --> 00:06:04,981 Indeed, those stones are the Poneglyphs that remain to this very day. 82 00:06:05,881 --> 00:06:08,931 I see. That's a bold hypothesis. 83 00:06:08,931 --> 00:06:12,451 It's true that the ancient weapon would threaten the world. 84 00:06:12,681 --> 00:06:18,271 However, isn't it actually that the World Government is more threatened 85 00:06:18,271 --> 00:06:23,531 by people becoming aware of that kingdom's existence and ideology? 86 00:06:25,291 --> 00:06:28,911 We still have to analyze what this threat is, 87 00:06:28,911 --> 00:06:34,301 but the name of this once-prosperous kingdom that holds the key to everything is... 88 00:06:39,081 --> 00:06:39,931 Eliminate him! 89 00:06:50,641 --> 00:06:52,681 Professor! 90 00:06:55,641 --> 00:06:57,161 Ohara has... 91 00:07:00,631 --> 00:07:02,531 --You bastards! --How dare you...! 92 00:07:02,531 --> 00:07:04,301 Professor Clover! 93 00:07:05,231 --> 00:07:07,071 ...come to know too much. 94 00:07:09,611 --> 00:07:11,671 Give the attack signal. 95 00:07:12,491 --> 00:07:14,581 Don't move! 96 00:07:14,581 --> 00:07:16,851 Don't let even a single person escape. 97 00:07:24,171 --> 00:07:26,921 Well then, using this golden transponder snail 98 00:07:26,921 --> 00:07:29,151 entrusted to me by Admiral Sengoku... 99 00:07:29,151 --> 00:07:30,471 Professor! 100 00:07:30,471 --> 00:07:32,091 Robin... 101 00:07:32,091 --> 00:07:35,601 You fool! You shouldn't be here. Run! 102 00:07:35,891 --> 00:07:37,581 ...I'll initiate a Buster Call! 103 00:07:38,311 --> 00:07:39,741 Take care of the rest. 104 00:07:41,031 --> 00:07:42,981 He did something! 105 00:07:44,231 --> 00:07:47,231 Hurry to the evacuation ship, Robin. 106 00:07:47,231 --> 00:07:49,401 No! I don't wanna be alone! 107 00:07:49,401 --> 00:07:52,531 Don't say such a foolish thing at a time like this. 108 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:55,051 Robin... 109 00:07:59,161 --> 00:08:00,881 That's the Buster Call request! 110 00:08:01,371 --> 00:08:04,601 All battleships, to your positions! Prepare to open fire! 111 00:08:07,131 --> 00:08:08,581 Hey... 112 00:08:08,581 --> 00:08:09,461 Look! 113 00:08:10,671 --> 00:08:12,971 The Tree of Knowledge is on fire! 114 00:08:13,341 --> 00:08:15,891 Hey, World Government! What're you doing?! 115 00:08:15,891 --> 00:08:19,421 Taking our lives should be enough! 116 00:08:19,421 --> 00:08:23,161 Don't look at me. It must've caught fire from the explosions earlier. 117 00:08:25,861 --> 00:08:27,151 This isn't a joke! 118 00:08:27,151 --> 00:08:29,981 Do you realize how many important documents there are in there?! 119 00:08:29,981 --> 00:08:31,151 Hey! Don't move! 120 00:08:31,441 --> 00:08:33,641 Ah... We don't need guns anymore. 121 00:08:35,361 --> 00:08:37,301 Those from the Government, pull out. 122 00:08:38,941 --> 00:08:40,731 Hurry up and get the books! 123 00:08:42,451 --> 00:08:44,391 Put out the fire in the library! 124 00:08:55,051 --> 00:08:56,811 Circulate water! 125 00:08:58,851 --> 00:09:00,571 Take the books out of the library! 126 00:09:15,151 --> 00:09:17,201 Bring that woman with us. 127 00:09:18,161 --> 00:09:19,061 Come. 128 00:09:20,761 --> 00:09:24,011 There's a piece of information that only she knows. 129 00:09:25,001 --> 00:09:26,471 It'll cause a problem if she dies here. 130 00:09:30,991 --> 00:09:32,231 Mommy. 131 00:09:36,511 --> 00:09:40,851 Robin...! Please... make sure you escape. 132 00:09:40,851 --> 00:09:42,861 Don't die, no matter what! 133 00:09:43,891 --> 00:09:45,211 Your nose! 134 00:09:49,061 --> 00:09:51,321 Robin! Hurry! 135 00:09:51,321 --> 00:09:53,181 Get out of here now! 136 00:09:56,951 --> 00:09:58,701 --Robin-chan! --Robin! 137 00:10:07,081 --> 00:10:09,721 Are you... my mom? 138 00:10:15,301 --> 00:10:18,151 Olvia! Are you gonna come aboard the ship or not? 139 00:10:18,681 --> 00:10:20,091 Mommy! 140 00:10:20,341 --> 00:10:25,221 --I'll hold her, so go already! --Mommy! Don't go! Mommy! 141 00:10:25,221 --> 00:10:28,391 Mommy! Mommy! 142 00:10:28,391 --> 00:10:30,151 I'm sorry, Robin. 143 00:10:30,151 --> 00:10:33,401 I can never call myself your mother again. 144 00:10:33,401 --> 00:10:38,171 I can't be allowed... to be your mother after all these years. 145 00:10:47,291 --> 00:10:49,461 --Monster! --Monster! 146 00:10:49,831 --> 00:10:52,211 Her mom abandoned her! 147 00:10:52,331 --> 00:10:55,131 Robin! Those are my daughter's clothes! 148 00:10:55,131 --> 00:10:57,561 I'm sorry, Aunt Roji! I wanted to try them on just once! 149 00:10:57,881 --> 00:11:00,781 You eat a lot for someone who lives here free. 150 00:11:09,391 --> 00:11:10,831 Are you... 151 00:11:13,561 --> 00:11:15,121 ...my mom?! 152 00:11:20,361 --> 00:11:23,991 Hmm? What? You have a kid? 153 00:11:26,291 --> 00:11:27,341 No. 154 00:11:28,121 --> 00:11:29,421 Olvia-san... 155 00:11:30,371 --> 00:11:31,731 I'm sorry... 156 00:11:33,381 --> 00:11:37,341 ...but I think you're confusing me with someone else. 157 00:11:37,341 --> 00:11:41,911 Forgive me, Robin! I don't wanna make you a "criminal's daughter"! 158 00:11:42,181 --> 00:11:43,851 Olvia... 159 00:11:44,431 --> 00:11:46,561 What a weird brat. 160 00:11:46,561 --> 00:11:48,101 Hey, let's go! 161 00:12:03,111 --> 00:12:05,951 I'm Robin! 162 00:12:05,951 --> 00:12:10,081 I've grown, but don't you remember me?! 163 00:12:10,081 --> 00:12:13,041 I've been waiting for you to return all this time! 164 00:12:13,041 --> 00:12:14,451 Are you... 165 00:12:16,041 --> 00:12:17,751 ...really not... 166 00:12:18,671 --> 00:12:20,211 ...my mom? 167 00:12:21,721 --> 00:12:24,471 I wanted you... 168 00:12:24,471 --> 00:12:26,031 ...to hold my hand... 169 00:12:27,471 --> 00:12:29,991 ...and walk with me someday... 170 00:12:29,991 --> 00:12:35,101 So I studied hard and was able to become an archaeologist! 171 00:12:35,101 --> 00:12:37,021 I can read Poneglyphs, too! 172 00:12:39,231 --> 00:12:40,371 That brat can?! 173 00:12:40,371 --> 00:12:41,871 Stop it, Robin! 174 00:12:42,571 --> 00:12:43,861 So... 175 00:12:43,861 --> 00:12:46,841 ...please let me stay... with you! 176 00:12:47,281 --> 00:12:48,851 Mom! 177 00:12:49,621 --> 00:12:50,811 Robin...! 178 00:12:52,451 --> 00:12:53,811 Please... 179 00:12:54,871 --> 00:12:56,091 ...don't leave me... 180 00:12:57,381 --> 00:12:59,381 ...alone anymore! 181 00:13:19,061 --> 00:13:22,401 What?! What the hell is this attack?! 182 00:13:22,401 --> 00:13:24,131 I'm exercising a Buster Call. 183 00:13:25,201 --> 00:13:27,541 Commence concerted fire! 184 00:13:27,541 --> 00:13:31,711 We're targeting everything on Ohara, the island of archaeology! 185 00:13:31,711 --> 00:13:37,001 The research by the Ohara scholars has reached a level we never imagined. 186 00:13:37,001 --> 00:13:41,501 Knowledge can be transferred. Don't let it out of that island. 187 00:13:41,501 --> 00:13:46,511 Annihilate the devils living in Ohara! In the name of justice! 188 00:13:50,851 --> 00:13:53,311 Dammit! What's going on?! 189 00:13:53,311 --> 00:13:57,401 We haven't gotten off of the island yet! Are they trying to kill us?! 190 00:13:58,761 --> 00:14:01,121 The Tree of Knowledge is directly being hit by cannonballs, too! 191 00:14:01,121 --> 00:14:03,781 There's no mistaking that this is Headquarters' military power. 192 00:14:03,781 --> 00:14:07,871 The government was probably going to do this from the start. How foolish. 193 00:14:08,361 --> 00:14:11,381 Chief. That brat said that she's an archaeologist. 194 00:14:11,381 --> 00:14:14,871 Yeah, she did say that. I don't know if it's true or not, 195 00:14:15,171 --> 00:14:17,841 but when we don't know, eliminating them solves the problem. 196 00:14:17,841 --> 00:14:20,841 Remember her face well so that you don't let her leave the island. 197 00:14:21,211 --> 00:14:22,381 Retreat! 198 00:14:22,381 --> 00:14:23,471 Then I'll take Olvia. 199 00:14:25,541 --> 00:14:28,761 Forget her! No time for that now! Just leave her here! 200 00:14:28,761 --> 00:14:31,261 If we stay here, we'll get killed, too! 201 00:14:31,511 --> 00:14:33,981 My life is the most important thing! 202 00:14:34,221 --> 00:14:36,781 All, retreat! Go back to the ship! 203 00:14:45,381 --> 00:14:47,381 Do something about the fire in the library! 204 00:14:47,721 --> 00:14:49,591 Protect the Tree of Knowledge! 205 00:15:10,811 --> 00:15:12,301 I wanted to do this... 206 00:15:16,131 --> 00:15:17,521 ...all this time! 207 00:15:20,801 --> 00:15:22,131 Robin! 208 00:15:25,051 --> 00:15:26,741 Mom! 209 00:15:29,891 --> 00:15:32,491 It's my fault... Robin... 210 00:15:33,261 --> 00:15:36,461 Is it true that you can read Poneglyphs? 211 00:15:37,541 --> 00:15:40,651 If I had properly kept an eye on you... 212 00:15:41,541 --> 00:15:45,131 I'm sorry. I wanted to be able to read them at any cost, so-- 213 00:15:45,131 --> 00:15:49,101 I'm really surprised to know that you've become able to do things like that. 214 00:15:49,591 --> 00:15:53,011 You must've tried hard and studied a lot. 215 00:15:53,011 --> 00:15:56,811 It's not something anyone can do. That's amazing, Robin! 216 00:16:03,561 --> 00:16:07,841 Fortunately, the officials from earlier are the only ones who know about it. 217 00:16:08,151 --> 00:16:10,401 This is no time to be sitting around here. 218 00:16:10,401 --> 00:16:12,911 Olvia! Take Robin and run! 219 00:16:12,911 --> 00:16:15,951 If you can somehow sneak Robin onto the evacuation ship, 220 00:16:15,951 --> 00:16:17,301 you can leave the island! 221 00:16:21,211 --> 00:16:24,421 Robin! There you are! I looked all over for you! 222 00:16:24,421 --> 00:16:25,631 Saul! 223 00:16:25,791 --> 00:16:27,881 So you were able to see Olvia! 224 00:16:27,881 --> 00:16:30,731 Saul! What are you doing on this island?! 225 00:16:30,731 --> 00:16:36,561 By some twist of fate, I got shipwrecked and saved by Robin on the beach. 226 00:16:36,561 --> 00:16:38,751 More importantly, the situation is terrible! 227 00:16:39,181 --> 00:16:40,941 You have to leave the island immediately! 228 00:16:41,481 --> 00:16:42,641 Please take care of Robin! 229 00:16:42,641 --> 00:16:44,861 Please let my daughter escape from the island at any cost! 230 00:16:44,861 --> 00:16:49,041 What?! No! What about you, Mom?! Aren't you gonna come with me?! 231 00:16:50,311 --> 00:16:51,501 Olvia... What are you gonna... 232 00:16:52,071 --> 00:16:54,421 There's still something that I have to do here, so... 233 00:16:54,661 --> 00:16:58,731 Mom! I don't wanna be separated! I was finally able to meet you! 234 00:16:58,731 --> 00:17:00,051 I'll stay here, too! 235 00:17:00,471 --> 00:17:02,081 Robin... 236 00:17:02,081 --> 00:17:05,081 You're an Ohara scholar, so you should know this very well. 237 00:17:05,081 --> 00:17:07,041 History is the treasure of mankind. 238 00:17:07,041 --> 00:17:10,261 It'll certainly light up the future you young ones will live in. 239 00:17:10,571 --> 00:17:14,011 But the history we received from the past will disappear 240 00:17:14,011 --> 00:17:16,601 unless we pass it on to the next era. 241 00:17:16,601 --> 00:17:18,571 --Put out the fire! --Protect the books! 242 00:17:19,291 --> 00:17:22,561 Revealing the history isn't what Ohara was trying to do. 243 00:17:22,561 --> 00:17:25,031 We just wanted to accept the voices of the past and protect them. 244 00:17:25,901 --> 00:17:31,721 Our research will end now, but even if Ohara is obliterated... 245 00:17:33,201 --> 00:17:38,181 ...we cannot give up the future you young ones will live in! 246 00:17:39,411 --> 00:17:40,871 I don't understand! 247 00:17:42,761 --> 00:17:45,121 You will understand someday. 248 00:17:47,841 --> 00:17:50,181 Now, go, Saul! 249 00:17:52,861 --> 00:17:54,021 Are you sure about this? 250 00:17:54,361 --> 00:17:55,341 Yes. 251 00:17:56,221 --> 00:17:59,411 No! I'll stay here, too! Mom! 252 00:17:59,971 --> 00:18:02,391 Mom! 253 00:18:02,391 --> 00:18:05,171 I was happy to hear you call me that. 254 00:18:06,141 --> 00:18:07,381 Thank you! 255 00:18:08,151 --> 00:18:11,081 From now on, for you and me both... 256 00:18:11,081 --> 00:18:12,341 Live, Robin! 257 00:18:30,091 --> 00:18:32,881 What?! Vice Admiral! Vice Admiral Kuzan! 258 00:18:32,881 --> 00:18:34,021 What?! 259 00:18:34,021 --> 00:18:36,851 On the island... Yes, there's no doubt about it! 260 00:18:36,851 --> 00:18:40,391 So what's the matter?! Just spit it out! 261 00:18:40,391 --> 00:18:42,941 It's the deserter, Vice Admiral Saul! 262 00:18:43,351 --> 00:18:45,321 Saul! Go back! Please! 263 00:18:45,321 --> 00:18:47,581 No! I can't do that! 264 00:18:48,181 --> 00:18:50,531 Robin! Be proud, Robin! 265 00:18:50,771 --> 00:18:54,491 Your mom is honorable! Ohara is honorable! 266 00:18:54,491 --> 00:18:59,031 Someday, pass down this island's history, Robin! 267 00:18:59,281 --> 00:19:02,911 Ohara fought against the world! 268 00:19:05,791 --> 00:19:08,441 Stop it! Capturing them is enough! 269 00:19:09,091 --> 00:19:13,801 They're not even violent pirates! Are you so weak that you can't suppress them?! 270 00:19:14,591 --> 00:19:17,761 We've caught history exploration ships many times, 271 00:19:17,761 --> 00:19:21,581 but I don't understand why they had to die. 272 00:19:22,011 --> 00:19:25,271 Vice Admiral Saul! We found one survivor! 273 00:19:26,031 --> 00:19:27,481 How dare you kill my fellow scholars?! 274 00:19:29,061 --> 00:19:31,451 Do you really want the weapon? 275 00:19:31,851 --> 00:19:32,901 What pitiful people... 276 00:19:33,691 --> 00:19:35,611 You don't have your own will and yet you cast judgment on us... 277 00:19:35,611 --> 00:19:37,071 Hey! He's a Vice Admiral! 278 00:19:37,071 --> 00:19:40,521 ...not doubting laws and saying it's to prevent the revival of the weapon! 279 00:19:41,661 --> 00:19:45,501 You're just frightened by the history that you don't even know! 280 00:19:47,201 --> 00:19:48,561 This is a top-secret mission. 281 00:19:48,861 --> 00:19:50,721 Buster Call? 282 00:19:51,141 --> 00:19:54,821 Five Vice Admirals command ten battleships in a Buster Call. 283 00:19:54,821 --> 00:19:56,221 I want you to be one of them. 284 00:19:56,381 --> 00:20:00,341 They are just scholars. Why do we have to go that far? 285 00:20:00,341 --> 00:20:02,841 Those scholars that we've captured, too! 286 00:20:02,841 --> 00:20:06,181 They look like they just really want to know the history to me! 287 00:20:06,181 --> 00:20:09,951 If their research is so dangerous, the Government should help them, too! 288 00:20:10,351 --> 00:20:12,871 We're the ones who actually have to kill people! 289 00:20:13,361 --> 00:20:16,401 Give me the proof that they're completely evil! 290 00:20:16,401 --> 00:20:19,371 Are you doubting the Government? Don't fight! Just follow orders! 291 00:20:24,531 --> 00:20:28,131 I'd like to ask you some questions. 292 00:20:28,131 --> 00:20:32,091 This is an emergency! Vice Admiral Saul took a criminal and deserted! 293 00:20:33,291 --> 00:20:36,571 He knows everything about the operation. 294 00:20:37,001 --> 00:20:39,761 After them! Capture Saul and Olvia without fail! 295 00:20:40,511 --> 00:20:42,011 You can shoot them if needed! 296 00:20:42,681 --> 00:20:45,711 Pursuers are coming! I'll deal with them! 297 00:20:45,891 --> 00:20:48,691 You'll never be able to go back to the Navy, Saul. 298 00:20:49,061 --> 00:20:53,661 That's fine. I can't stay in the Navy having this sense of distrust. 299 00:20:54,231 --> 00:20:58,361 Even if they're obeying the law, this operation is too tyrannical. 300 00:20:58,361 --> 00:21:00,611 I'm just following my sense of justice. 301 00:21:00,611 --> 00:21:03,571 Now, hurry to your hometown to let people know. 302 00:21:03,571 --> 00:21:05,121 I'm not gonna thank you for this. 303 00:21:05,121 --> 00:21:07,061 Good luck. 304 00:21:10,911 --> 00:21:12,261 Fire! 305 00:21:14,421 --> 00:21:16,551 They're aiming at me! 306 00:21:21,841 --> 00:21:23,421 Saul! 307 00:21:23,761 --> 00:21:25,051 Ah! It hit him! 308 00:21:25,051 --> 00:21:26,181 I'm sorry! 309 00:21:26,181 --> 00:21:29,601 Don't apologize! He's already those evil people's accomplice! 310 00:21:29,601 --> 00:21:33,481 I'm sorry, Robin. That must've scared you. 311 00:21:34,811 --> 00:21:36,571 Hold on a sec. 312 00:21:37,031 --> 00:21:42,501 That must be it! Firing this close? What if you had hurt Robin?! 313 00:21:43,031 --> 00:21:45,451 Vice Admiral! Please stop! What're you doing?! 314 00:21:45,451 --> 00:21:50,621 I don't know what justice is in this situation, so I'll just protect my friend! 315 00:21:50,621 --> 00:21:52,761 Stop it! Saul! 316 00:21:53,251 --> 00:21:54,621 Be prepared! 317 00:21:54,621 --> 00:22:00,941 If you make an enemy of me, I'll make you pay for it! 318 00:22:13,761 --> 00:22:17,861 We fight harder against the wall that confronts us 319 00:22:17,861 --> 00:22:21,781 We charge ahead stronger with overflowing power 320 00:22:21,781 --> 00:22:25,911 We won't fear even if we have to give up everything 321 00:22:25,911 --> 00:22:28,911 Because it's all to ensure we smile in the end 322 00:22:30,331 --> 00:22:32,171 We'll become No. 1 323 00:22:32,171 --> 00:22:34,041 We'll aim for freedom in wonderland 324 00:22:34,041 --> 00:22:36,251 Look, there's a faint light showing us the road to tomorrow, 325 00:22:36,251 --> 00:22:38,421 an era created by risking everything 326 00:22:38,421 --> 00:22:40,551 We always try our best, let's go! 327 00:22:40,551 --> 00:22:42,551 If we want to achieve glory, 328 00:22:42,551 --> 00:22:43,931 now is the time--don't be afraid 329 00:22:43,931 --> 00:22:45,851 We'll surely win the future together with friends 330 00:22:45,851 --> 00:22:49,811 Now, we start running faster towards the vast world 331 00:22:49,811 --> 00:22:53,811 We can take off with unknown powers 332 00:22:53,811 --> 00:22:56,071 We don't fear, and we don't waver 333 00:22:56,071 --> 00:22:59,781 No matter what happens, in the end we'll surely... 334 00:22:59,781 --> 00:23:03,821 We fight harder against the wall that confronts us 335 00:23:03,821 --> 00:23:07,791 We charge ahead stronger with overflowing power 336 00:23:07,791 --> 00:23:12,041 We won't fear even if we have to give up everything 337 00:23:12,041 --> 00:23:14,041 Charge ahead 338 00:23:14,041 --> 00:23:15,921 Let's start running towards tomorrow 339 00:23:15,921 --> 00:23:18,921 Because it's all to ensure we smile in the end 340 00:23:26,091 --> 00:23:29,301 Robin! We still haven't heard you say it! 341 00:23:29,301 --> 00:23:31,431 Say you want to live! 342 00:23:31,431 --> 00:23:32,681 Robin! 343 00:23:32,681 --> 00:23:33,721 Robin... 344 00:23:33,721 --> 00:23:35,431 --Robin... --Robin-chan! 345 00:23:35,431 --> 00:23:37,231 Robin! 346 00:23:37,231 --> 00:23:40,571 I... I... 347 00:23:41,441 --> 00:23:43,191 On the next episode of One Piece! 348 00:23:43,191 --> 00:23:46,791 "Say You Want to Live! We Are Your Friends!!" 349 00:23:46,791 --> 00:23:49,181 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!