1 00:00:16,201 --> 00:00:18,161 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:18,161 --> 00:00:19,951 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:19,951 --> 00:00:21,961 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:21,961 --> 00:00:25,671 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:25,671 --> 00:00:29,461 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:29,461 --> 00:00:33,031 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:35,551 --> 00:00:40,311 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:40,311 --> 00:00:43,221 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:44,161 --> 00:00:49,741 We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:49,741 --> 00:00:55,591 and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:55,591 --> 00:00:57,091 ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:01,721 --> 00:01:07,341 Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:07,341 --> 00:01:13,111 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:13,111 --> 00:01:25,231 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:25,231 --> 00:01:30,861 When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:30,861 --> 00:01:36,241 simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:36,241 --> 00:01:38,621 and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:39,941 --> 00:01:45,461 We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:45,461 --> 00:01:50,971 and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:50,971 --> 00:01:57,231 A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:57,231 --> 00:02:02,621 We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:02,621 --> 00:02:04,521 We are! 23 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:07,581 Sogeking. 24 00:02:07,581 --> 00:02:08,651 Hm? 25 00:02:09,251 --> 00:02:11,411 Shoot through that flag. 26 00:02:11,801 --> 00:02:13,001 Roger. 27 00:02:13,001 --> 00:02:14,001 Huh? 28 00:02:15,021 --> 00:02:18,261 This is my new weapon, a huge slingshot... named Kabuto! 29 00:02:18,821 --> 00:02:21,211 Have a good look at its power! 30 00:02:21,211 --> 00:02:24,641 Special Attack... Firebird Star! 31 00:02:33,781 --> 00:02:34,811 Oh, no...! 32 00:02:38,741 --> 00:02:39,941 Mission accomplished. 33 00:02:40,581 --> 00:02:43,831 Are you insane?! Don't think that you'll be able to survive 34 00:02:43,831 --> 00:02:45,661 after making the entire world your enemy! 35 00:02:45,911 --> 00:02:50,541 Bring it on! 36 00:02:54,301 --> 00:02:55,561 Robin! 37 00:02:57,261 --> 00:02:59,841 We still haven't heard you say it! 38 00:03:04,641 --> 00:03:07,881 Say you want to live! 39 00:03:11,441 --> 00:03:12,451 Robin... 40 00:03:17,031 --> 00:03:18,051 Robin! 41 00:03:20,451 --> 00:03:21,641 To live... 42 00:03:23,661 --> 00:03:27,201 I thought it was something I dared not wish for. 43 00:03:29,671 --> 00:03:33,111 No one ever let me wish for it. 44 00:03:33,341 --> 00:03:37,511 The sea is vast, so someday, definitely... 45 00:03:37,511 --> 00:03:41,541 ...you'll come across friends who'll protect you! 46 00:03:50,351 --> 00:03:55,391 If... it's really okay for me to utter my wish for once... 47 00:03:56,691 --> 00:03:57,951 I... 48 00:04:00,911 --> 00:04:02,671 I want to live! 49 00:04:04,071 --> 00:04:08,161 Take me to the sea with you! 50 00:04:28,521 --> 00:04:32,461 You guys...! I love you guys, dammit! 51 00:04:34,391 --> 00:04:35,301 Let's go! 52 00:04:39,191 --> 00:04:40,651 The drawbridge is coming down! 53 00:04:41,321 --> 00:04:45,691 Looks like they pulled through. Good timing. 54 00:04:47,301 --> 00:04:48,121 Robin! 55 00:04:48,911 --> 00:04:50,561 We're gonna rescue you for sure! 56 00:04:51,371 --> 00:04:55,451 The drawbridge is coming down! Go! Straw Hat! 57 00:04:55,541 --> 00:04:57,461 How dare those damn pirates?! 58 00:04:57,461 --> 00:04:59,591 We're not gonna let it happen! 59 00:04:59,591 --> 00:05:04,261 Get the trench mortar ready! Stop the drawbridge! Break it if you have to! 60 00:05:04,261 --> 00:05:05,301 Yes, sir! 61 00:05:13,881 --> 00:05:15,211 The drawbridge stopped coming down?! 62 00:05:15,651 --> 00:05:18,101 How dare they get in our way?! Damn bastards! 63 00:05:18,901 --> 00:05:20,861 Who's doing this?! 64 00:05:22,111 --> 00:05:25,141 Hey, pirates! 65 00:05:25,321 --> 00:05:26,951 What?! Kokoro-san?! 66 00:05:26,951 --> 00:05:30,621 I heard everything! What're you guys wasting time for?! 67 00:05:30,621 --> 00:05:33,631 Wasting time? But the bridge is only halfway down. 68 00:05:33,911 --> 00:05:37,241 Jump with all your might towards the falls! 69 00:05:38,541 --> 00:05:39,691 The sound of the sea train? 70 00:05:41,631 --> 00:05:44,381 Huh? What's the meaning of that smile? 71 00:05:53,821 --> 00:05:55,181 Here we go! 72 00:05:55,921 --> 00:05:57,221 I knew it! 73 00:06:01,141 --> 00:06:03,131 Nooo! 74 00:06:07,491 --> 00:06:09,321 I wasn't gonna take you anyway! 75 00:06:09,661 --> 00:06:12,031 You'll never be a pirate! 76 00:06:12,531 --> 00:06:13,481 I will too! 77 00:06:13,831 --> 00:06:16,661 Someday, I'm gonna gather a crew every bit as good as yours, 78 00:06:17,331 --> 00:06:19,121 and I'm gonna find the greatest treasure in the world, 79 00:06:19,541 --> 00:06:22,761 and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates! I'll show you! 80 00:06:25,931 --> 00:06:30,211 When I was a kid, I swore that I'd gather a crew and become a pirate... 81 00:06:31,011 --> 00:06:33,351 ...like the pirate who protected me. 82 00:06:35,521 --> 00:06:37,351 You're already one of my crew. 83 00:06:37,661 --> 00:06:38,621 Robin... 84 00:06:39,311 --> 00:06:42,191 Just like the pirate who protected me, 85 00:06:42,191 --> 00:06:44,821 I'll protect you, too! 86 00:06:52,701 --> 00:06:56,041 "Jump Towards the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!!" 87 00:07:12,261 --> 00:07:15,521 Then take me on your next voyage, Shanks! 88 00:07:15,521 --> 00:07:17,481 I wanna be a pirate too! 89 00:07:19,231 --> 00:07:21,261 As if you could ever be a pirate! 90 00:07:21,901 --> 00:07:23,241 Why not?! 91 00:07:24,651 --> 00:07:29,661 Luffy. Just bein' a good swimmer doesn't mean you'd make a good pirate. 92 00:07:29,661 --> 00:07:33,111 I'm good at fighting too! My punches are like pistols! 93 00:07:33,411 --> 00:07:34,661 Oh, really? 94 00:07:34,661 --> 00:07:36,071 What's that mean?! 95 00:07:36,411 --> 00:07:39,081 He means you're too much of a kid, Luffy! 96 00:07:39,081 --> 00:07:41,531 Seriously, you're as old as my own kid! 97 00:07:41,671 --> 00:07:44,051 I'm not a kid! I'm a grownup! 98 00:07:44,051 --> 00:07:47,471 Now, now. Don't get so mad. Here! Have some juice! 99 00:07:47,471 --> 00:07:49,341 Wow! Thanks! 100 00:07:50,801 --> 00:07:52,931 See, you are a kid! Ha! 101 00:07:52,931 --> 00:07:54,621 That wasn't fair, Shanks! 102 00:07:56,571 --> 00:07:57,721 Don't laugh! 103 00:07:58,391 --> 00:08:00,521 Stupid cheapskate Shanks! 104 00:08:10,821 --> 00:08:12,241 Pardon us. 105 00:08:18,161 --> 00:08:23,111 Oh... So these are "pirates." Look pretty damn dumb. 106 00:08:28,011 --> 00:08:29,361 Welcome... 107 00:08:31,881 --> 00:08:36,351 We're mountain bandits. But we ain't here to tear up the place. 108 00:08:36,811 --> 00:08:39,651 Sell us some booze. Ten barrels oughta do. 109 00:08:40,961 --> 00:08:44,651 I'm sorry. I just ran out of alcohol. 110 00:08:44,651 --> 00:08:46,191 That's odd. 111 00:08:46,191 --> 00:08:50,031 These pirates seem to be drinking something... What is it, water? 112 00:08:50,031 --> 00:08:53,151 No, what they're drinking is the last of it. 113 00:08:53,611 --> 00:08:58,361 My apologies. Looks like we drank the whole place dry. 114 00:08:58,601 --> 00:08:59,321 Sorry! 115 00:09:00,201 --> 00:09:03,591 You can have this, if you'd like. It hasn't been opened yet. 116 00:09:11,101 --> 00:09:14,841 There's an eight-million-Berry bounty on my head, you know. 117 00:09:14,841 --> 00:09:18,791 One bottle ain't even enough for a bedtime drink! Don't insult me! 118 00:09:22,731 --> 00:09:24,061 Now the floor's all wet. 119 00:09:25,401 --> 00:09:28,481 Sorry about that, Makino-san. Do you have a rag? 120 00:09:28,691 --> 00:09:30,931 Oh, I'll do that! 121 00:09:37,091 --> 00:09:41,791 Seems you like to clean. Then maybe you'll find this more fulfilling. 122 00:09:42,461 --> 00:09:46,891 Not worth our time if they're out of booze. Let's go! 123 00:09:49,421 --> 00:09:51,201 Later, wimps! 124 00:10:02,351 --> 00:10:04,641 Are you all right, Captain? Are you hurt?! 125 00:10:04,641 --> 00:10:06,841 Oh, I'm fine. No problem at all. 126 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:13,651 He got you good, boss! 127 00:10:13,651 --> 00:10:15,071 Talk about lame! 128 00:10:18,371 --> 00:10:19,651 Why are you laughing?! 129 00:10:20,281 --> 00:10:23,951 That was so uncool! Why didn't you fight them?! 130 00:10:24,461 --> 00:10:26,921 No matter how many there are or how strong they seem, 131 00:10:26,921 --> 00:10:30,581 you're not men--or pirates--if you laugh after something like that! 132 00:10:32,961 --> 00:10:37,761 I can understand how you feel, but he only spilled some booze on me. 133 00:10:37,761 --> 00:10:39,681 It's nothing worth getting mad over. 134 00:10:39,681 --> 00:10:40,721 Whatever! 135 00:10:49,161 --> 00:10:50,361 Eating out of frustration, Luffy? 136 00:10:50,361 --> 00:10:51,021 Shut up! 137 00:10:53,781 --> 00:10:55,151 Wait, what're you eating?! 138 00:10:57,281 --> 00:11:00,781 That box! Did you eat what was in that box?! 139 00:11:00,781 --> 00:11:01,521 Y-Yeah... 140 00:11:02,751 --> 00:11:05,411 Spit it out! Right now! Every last bite! 141 00:11:05,411 --> 00:11:07,701 W-What're you doing, Shanks?! 142 00:11:17,551 --> 00:11:19,381 What... was that? 143 00:11:19,681 --> 00:11:22,431 What you ate was the Gum-Gum Fruit! 144 00:11:22,431 --> 00:11:24,061 The Gum-Gum Fruit is known as a Devil Fruit! 145 00:11:24,431 --> 00:11:26,061 Eating it turns your body to rubber, 146 00:11:26,311 --> 00:11:29,961 and makes you lose the ability to swim for the rest of your life! 147 00:11:30,151 --> 00:11:32,571 Eh?! No way! 148 00:11:32,571 --> 00:11:34,441 You dumbass! 149 00:11:52,241 --> 00:11:57,751 What's the idea, boy? People were drinkin' and havin' a nice time. 150 00:11:58,071 --> 00:12:01,171 Dammit! Apologize! How dare you make fun of Shanks and his crew?! 151 00:12:03,521 --> 00:12:06,781 Did I say something to offend you? 152 00:12:06,781 --> 00:12:08,521 You did! Now apologize! 153 00:12:09,061 --> 00:12:09,971 Mayor! 154 00:12:15,361 --> 00:12:17,861 You see the looks on those pirates' faces?! 155 00:12:17,861 --> 00:12:22,311 He got covered in booze, but didn't say a word! Talk about pathetic! 156 00:12:22,951 --> 00:12:26,861 Pirates are just a bunch of wimps. They're nothing but talk. 157 00:12:27,201 --> 00:12:28,161 Stop it! 158 00:12:30,001 --> 00:12:33,461 Stop making fun of Shanks and the others! They are not wimps! 159 00:12:33,461 --> 00:12:34,831 Stop, Luffy! 160 00:12:37,211 --> 00:12:39,631 Stop making fun of Shanks and the others! You stupid bandits! 161 00:12:44,401 --> 00:12:47,551 You oughta watch your mouth, boy. 162 00:12:47,551 --> 00:12:51,761 No one who's ever made me mad has lived to tell the tale. 163 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:53,851 Wait! 164 00:12:54,191 --> 00:12:56,301 Let the boy go! Please! 165 00:12:58,731 --> 00:13:02,991 I don't know what Luffy has done, nor do I intend to fight with you! 166 00:13:02,991 --> 00:13:05,281 If you're not offended, I'll even pay you! 167 00:13:05,281 --> 00:13:07,981 Just, please! Spare the boy's life! 168 00:13:08,241 --> 00:13:09,481 Mayor! 169 00:13:10,121 --> 00:13:13,661 Leave it to senior citizens to know how the world works. 170 00:13:14,081 --> 00:13:16,501 But no, it's too late for him now. 171 00:13:16,501 --> 00:13:19,421 After all, he's made me angry... 172 00:13:20,421 --> 00:13:22,661 You're the bad guys! You mountain apes! 173 00:13:24,841 --> 00:13:28,601 You're a lost cause, kid. You can regret all this in the next life! 174 00:13:28,811 --> 00:13:32,411 --Luffy! --Please! Let him go! 175 00:13:32,411 --> 00:13:35,311 I was wondering why the bar was empty... 176 00:13:36,371 --> 00:13:38,101 Looks like it's those mountain bandits from before. 177 00:13:38,611 --> 00:13:40,311 Captain! 178 00:13:44,741 --> 00:13:46,151 Shanks! 179 00:14:08,041 --> 00:14:11,431 So you pirates are still here, huh? 180 00:14:11,431 --> 00:14:13,681 Have you been scrubbing the village clean this whole time? 181 00:14:13,681 --> 00:14:14,641 Luffy! 182 00:14:15,231 --> 00:14:17,841 I thought your punches were as strong as pistols? 183 00:14:18,121 --> 00:14:19,021 S-Shut up! 184 00:14:19,871 --> 00:14:23,731 I dunno why you're here, but you'd best leave before you get hurt. 185 00:14:24,091 --> 00:14:27,951 Any closer and he'll shoot your head off, wimp. 186 00:14:29,831 --> 00:14:33,451 He said no closer! Don't make me blow your head off! 187 00:14:40,651 --> 00:14:42,261 Put your life on the line. 188 00:14:42,471 --> 00:14:43,241 Huh?! 189 00:14:44,381 --> 00:14:46,961 Now that you've drawn your pistol, put your life on the line. 190 00:14:47,641 --> 00:14:49,221 What the hell're you talkin' about? 191 00:14:49,951 --> 00:14:52,671 I'm saying those aren't for threatening people. 192 00:15:06,961 --> 00:15:08,581 N-Now you've done it! 193 00:15:08,581 --> 00:15:09,991 These bastards fight dirty! 194 00:15:10,531 --> 00:15:13,201 --Dirty? --Cut the crap. 195 00:15:13,201 --> 00:15:15,701 What, do you think you're dealing with saints or something? 196 00:15:16,081 --> 00:15:18,371 You're looking at pirates! 197 00:15:18,741 --> 00:15:21,571 Shut up! You got nothin' to do with this in the first place! 198 00:15:22,021 --> 00:15:23,571 Listen, bandits. 199 00:15:23,571 --> 00:15:28,131 Whether I'm splattered with alcohol or food or even spit on, 200 00:15:28,131 --> 00:15:30,641 most of the time I'd just laugh and forget about it. 201 00:15:30,641 --> 00:15:31,591 But...! 202 00:15:31,971 --> 00:15:33,721 No matter what the reason, 203 00:15:33,721 --> 00:15:35,881 anyone who hurts my friends has to pay! 204 00:15:37,131 --> 00:15:38,341 Shanks... 205 00:15:40,551 --> 00:15:41,971 Has to pay, huh?! 206 00:15:42,151 --> 00:15:45,141 Lousy pirates! Kill 'em, men! 207 00:15:47,571 --> 00:15:49,611 I'll handle this. Should be easy enough. 208 00:16:00,051 --> 00:16:02,291 Don't get cocky, bandit. 209 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:06,651 If you wanna fight us, then go drag a warship here or somethin'. 210 00:16:07,591 --> 00:16:09,171 So strong! 211 00:16:09,431 --> 00:16:13,561 H-Hold on! The kid attacked us! 212 00:16:13,861 --> 00:16:15,141 You are a wanted man. 213 00:16:16,721 --> 00:16:17,871 Damn it! 214 00:16:18,831 --> 00:16:19,761 A smokescreen! 215 00:16:23,271 --> 00:16:24,181 Luffy! 216 00:16:26,041 --> 00:16:27,941 I made a clean getaway! 217 00:16:27,941 --> 00:16:30,141 They'll never expect a mountain bandit to escape onto the sea! 218 00:16:30,821 --> 00:16:35,151 Dammit! Let me go, you stupid ape! I hope you die! 219 00:16:35,911 --> 00:16:38,321 You wish! You're the one who's gonna die! 220 00:16:38,911 --> 00:16:41,281 After all, you've made me mad! 221 00:16:41,681 --> 00:16:42,791 So long! 222 00:16:44,841 --> 00:16:46,211 Dammit! Dammit! 223 00:16:46,211 --> 00:16:49,991 Those guys are scum, but I couldn't even hit them once! Dammit! 224 00:16:55,431 --> 00:16:59,071 Sorry! I got no use for you anymore! 225 00:17:07,731 --> 00:17:10,221 W-What the hell?! 226 00:17:17,831 --> 00:17:19,181 Help...! 227 00:17:35,871 --> 00:17:37,181 Shanks! 228 00:17:45,401 --> 00:17:46,511 Get lost! 229 00:18:05,751 --> 00:18:10,211 I'm in your debt, Luffy... Makino-san told me everything. 230 00:18:10,211 --> 00:18:12,461 You fought for us. 231 00:18:16,181 --> 00:18:19,551 Hey, don't cry! You're a man! 232 00:18:19,551 --> 00:18:21,741 But... Shanks...! 233 00:18:22,471 --> 00:18:24,761 Your arm! 234 00:18:25,891 --> 00:18:28,511 It's only an arm. It's no big deal. 235 00:18:29,521 --> 00:18:30,881 I'm just glad you're alright... 236 00:18:52,171 --> 00:18:53,251 You're leaving, then? 237 00:18:53,621 --> 00:18:57,601 Yeah. It was a long stay, but now we part ways. 238 00:18:57,601 --> 00:18:58,751 Bet you'll miss me, huh? 239 00:18:59,301 --> 00:19:03,971 Well, yeah, but I won't ask you to take me anymore. 240 00:19:03,971 --> 00:19:06,921 I've decided to become a pirate on my own now! 241 00:19:08,851 --> 00:19:10,781 I wasn't gonna take you anyway! 242 00:19:11,191 --> 00:19:13,981 You'll never be a pirate! 243 00:19:14,361 --> 00:19:15,221 I will too! 244 00:19:15,991 --> 00:19:19,181 Someday, I'm gonna gather a crew every bit as good as yours, 245 00:19:19,541 --> 00:19:21,661 and I'm gonna find the greatest treasure in the world, 246 00:19:21,861 --> 00:19:25,131 and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates! I'll show you! 247 00:19:26,371 --> 00:19:29,081 You're gonna surpass us, huh? 248 00:19:32,121 --> 00:19:32,951 In that case... 249 00:19:35,831 --> 00:19:38,431 ...I'll leave this hat with you. 250 00:19:38,431 --> 00:19:40,551 It's dear to me. 251 00:19:41,231 --> 00:19:42,511 Take good care of it! 252 00:20:00,341 --> 00:20:02,001 Ten years later, 253 00:20:02,001 --> 00:20:04,481 I sailed out and became a pirate. 254 00:20:05,741 --> 00:20:10,741 Just like Shanks protected me, I'll protect my friends! 255 00:20:19,841 --> 00:20:21,801 Nooo! 256 00:20:26,811 --> 00:20:29,071 Just wait, Robin! 257 00:20:30,641 --> 00:20:34,111 "Straw Hat Theater" 258 00:20:34,361 --> 00:20:35,531 "Part 1" 259 00:20:43,831 --> 00:20:45,601 That bastard...! 260 00:20:44,491 --> 00:20:45,611 {\an8}"Usodaba Gang's base of evil" 261 00:20:45,821 --> 00:20:47,661 That detestable Chopper Man! 262 00:20:47,661 --> 00:20:50,941 I'm not gonna let him thwart my plans to take over the world anymore! 263 00:20:50,961 --> 00:21:04,441 {\an8}"Evil Incarnate, Usodaba" 264 00:20:51,501 --> 00:20:53,881 This is Dr. Usodaba, evil incarnate! 265 00:20:53,881 --> 00:20:57,461 He leads the evil Usodaba Gang and schemes to take over the world! 266 00:20:57,461 --> 00:21:01,721 He's an evil scientist who produces evil phantoms, monsters, robots--anything! 267 00:21:01,721 --> 00:21:04,421 Those are some of his underlings behind him. 268 00:21:04,811 --> 00:21:08,681 I'll lure him out to my base and wait for him here, ready to strike. 269 00:21:08,681 --> 00:21:11,941 And then, I'll crush him with my gang's full fighting power! 270 00:21:12,381 --> 00:21:13,521 Swoosh! 271 00:21:13,521 --> 00:21:15,131 His weakness is... 272 00:21:15,271 --> 00:21:17,071 That's right, his assistant, Namifia! 273 00:21:16,571 --> 00:21:21,531 {\an8}"Pretty Assistant, Namifia" 274 00:21:17,071 --> 00:21:18,691 This is Namifia, a pretty assistant! 275 00:21:18,691 --> 00:21:21,531 She efficiently manages Chopper Man's missions. 276 00:21:21,951 --> 00:21:23,321 Now, men, go! 277 00:21:23,321 --> 00:21:24,741 First, bring me a hostage! 278 00:21:25,741 --> 00:21:27,181 Dabada! 279 00:21:27,631 --> 00:21:29,161 We brought one! 280 00:21:29,161 --> 00:21:30,911 --'Sup! --Hey, you brought him?! 281 00:21:30,951 --> 00:21:39,311 {\an8}"Champion of Justice, Chopper Man" 282 00:21:31,161 --> 00:21:33,831 This is Chopper Man, our hero and champion of justice! 283 00:21:33,831 --> 00:21:38,311 He flies around using his Chopper cape and fights for world peace! 284 00:21:38,311 --> 00:21:39,431 His weapon is his cuteness! 285 00:21:39,681 --> 00:21:49,391 {\an8}"Cute Spark!!" 286 00:21:41,051 --> 00:21:44,301 With his killer "Cute Spark," he can make any enemy's heart melt. 287 00:21:44,301 --> 00:21:49,391 If that doesn't work, he uses "Chopper Violence" to beat the crap out of them! 288 00:21:50,771 --> 00:21:51,901 I want tea. 289 00:21:51,901 --> 00:21:54,131 Hey, what's the big deal, relaxing at my base?! 290 00:21:54,811 --> 00:21:57,731 Hm?! What's that big thing in the garden?! 291 00:21:57,731 --> 00:22:00,511 It's my secret weapon! Stop checking it out, you jerk! 292 00:22:01,031 --> 00:22:02,221 Can I try riding on you? 293 00:22:02,221 --> 00:22:03,191 Sure, go ahead. 294 00:22:03,191 --> 00:22:05,531 Hey! Why are you making friends with him, Luffybomber?! 295 00:22:05,531 --> 00:22:18,491 {\an8}"Secret Weapon, Giant Robot, Giant Luffybomber" 296 00:22:06,071 --> 00:22:09,041 This is Giant Luffybomber, a giant robot and their secret weapon. 297 00:22:09,041 --> 00:22:11,201 It's a giant robot that's fifty meters tall. 298 00:22:11,201 --> 00:22:14,671 When Usodaba comes on board, it becomes your worst, strongest enemy. 299 00:22:14,671 --> 00:22:16,461 Special traits: It can speak. 300 00:22:16,461 --> 00:22:18,501 Personality: It does its own thing! 301 00:22:30,601 --> 00:22:36,311 {\an8}"Rice Ball Monster, Zorokiller" 302 00:22:30,721 --> 00:22:32,351 This is the rice ball monster, Zorokiller! 303 00:22:32,351 --> 00:22:34,391 When he demands rice balls, if you don't have any, 304 00:22:34,391 --> 00:22:36,311 he gets angry and says, "Make sure you have some from now on!" 305 00:22:36,311 --> 00:22:42,281 {\an8}"Flower Monster, Robiflowern" 306 00:22:36,651 --> 00:22:39,021 This is the flower monster, Robiflowern. She's an evil woman 307 00:22:39,021 --> 00:22:42,271 who's been defeated by Chopper Man's killer "Cute Spark" time after time. 308 00:22:42,281 --> 00:22:48,741 {\an8}"Naughty Monster, Sanjiropus" 309 00:22:42,361 --> 00:22:43,951 This is the naughty monster, Sanjiropus. 310 00:22:43,951 --> 00:22:47,121 He insists that he isn't naughty, but he's always thinking about naughty stuff. 311 00:22:47,121 --> 00:22:48,741 He shows no mercy to guys. 312 00:22:48,741 --> 00:22:53,191 {\an8}"The Usodaba Gang's Evil Three" 313 00:22:49,291 --> 00:22:51,521 They are the Usodaba Gang's Evil Three. 314 00:22:51,521 --> 00:22:53,201 They have nothing to do with this story, though... 315 00:22:53,331 --> 00:22:57,011 Thus, the evil gang has been wiped out. 316 00:22:57,011 --> 00:22:58,461 Whoa! Amazing! 317 00:22:58,461 --> 00:23:00,241 You're cool, Luffybomber! 318 00:23:00,241 --> 00:23:01,251 Darn straight I am! 319 00:23:04,341 --> 00:23:06,541 Chopper Man! There's trouble in one of the eastern towns! 320 00:23:06,801 --> 00:23:11,001 Okay! I'll head there in Luffybomber, the giant robot I obtained the other day! 321 00:23:11,351 --> 00:23:13,181 --It's not here! --I sold it. 322 00:23:13,181 --> 00:23:15,561 --What?! --Go! Go! Our Chopper Man! 323 00:23:15,561 --> 00:23:17,641 Fight for world peace! 324 00:23:26,211 --> 00:23:29,701 D-Don't worry, Robin-kun. Y-You've got us on your side. 325 00:23:29,701 --> 00:23:32,741 He says, while trembling in his boots. 326 00:23:32,741 --> 00:23:34,661 I-I'm just trembling with anticipation! 327 00:23:34,661 --> 00:23:38,541 Yeah? Well then, let's hurry up and take care of these World Government guys! 328 00:23:38,541 --> 00:23:41,211 Then we'll rescue Robin-kun without fail! 329 00:23:41,211 --> 00:23:42,841 On the next episode of One Piece! 330 00:23:42,841 --> 00:23:46,351 "The Ways of Men! Zoro's Techniques, Usopp's Dream" 331 00:23:46,351 --> 00:23:48,651 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!