1 00:00:15,881 --> 00:00:17,841 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:17,841 --> 00:00:19,631 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:19,631 --> 00:00:21,641 attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:21,641 --> 00:00:25,351 The words he uttered just before his death drove people to the seas. 5 00:00:25,351 --> 00:00:29,141 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 6 00:00:29,141 --> 00:00:32,711 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 7 00:00:35,231 --> 00:00:39,991 And so men head for the Grand Line in pursuit of their dreams! 8 00:00:39,991 --> 00:00:42,901 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 9 00:00:43,841 --> 00:00:49,451 We're going to gather up all our dreams 10 00:00:49,451 --> 00:00:55,271 and set out in search of something to find 11 00:00:55,271 --> 00:00:56,771 ONE PIECE! 12 00:01:01,401 --> 00:01:07,021 Compasses only cause delays 13 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:12,791 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 14 00:01:12,791 --> 00:01:24,911 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it's not a legend! 15 00:01:24,911 --> 00:01:30,541 When it comes to personal storms, 16 00:01:30,541 --> 00:01:35,921 simply ride aboard someone else's biorhythm 17 00:01:35,921 --> 00:01:38,341 and pretend it isn't there! 18 00:01:39,621 --> 00:01:45,141 We're going to gather up all our dreams 19 00:01:45,141 --> 00:01:50,651 and set out in search of something to find 20 00:01:50,651 --> 00:01:56,911 A coin in my pocket, and do you wanna be my friend? 21 00:01:56,911 --> 00:02:02,301 We are, We are on the cruise! 22 00:02:02,301 --> 00:02:04,201 We are! 23 00:02:06,061 --> 00:02:06,851 Robin! 24 00:02:07,621 --> 00:02:09,311 We're gonna rescue you for sure! 25 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:14,571 The drawbridge is coming down! 26 00:02:29,141 --> 00:02:30,721 Robin... 27 00:02:30,721 --> 00:02:32,001 It must've been really hard. 28 00:02:38,691 --> 00:02:41,031 But you're not alone anymore. 29 00:02:41,031 --> 00:02:42,931 You've got us. 30 00:02:43,281 --> 00:02:46,161 Nami would never kill Usopp! 31 00:02:46,161 --> 00:02:48,141 We're friends! 32 00:02:48,991 --> 00:02:51,111 Who're friends, Luffy? 33 00:02:51,621 --> 00:02:53,001 Nami! 34 00:02:53,001 --> 00:02:54,071 Why are you here? 35 00:02:54,661 --> 00:02:59,191 What're you talking about? You're our friend! We came to get you! 36 00:02:59,191 --> 00:03:00,501 You're a big problem. 37 00:03:00,501 --> 00:03:01,281 Nami? 38 00:03:01,711 --> 00:03:04,551 Friends? Don't make me laugh! 39 00:03:04,551 --> 00:03:07,331 You're just a pathetic bunch of people cooperating with each other. 40 00:03:09,551 --> 00:03:14,271 "A Bond of Friendship Woven by Tears! Nami's World Map" 41 00:03:30,411 --> 00:03:32,051 You really know how to trash a place. 42 00:03:32,701 --> 00:03:35,161 What's wrong, Nami? 43 00:03:35,161 --> 00:03:37,781 Nothing. I'm just here to rest a little. 44 00:03:39,291 --> 00:03:44,171 Breaking glass and furniture just to rest is a bit much. 45 00:03:46,381 --> 00:03:50,281 You have that treasure map open, even though nothing's wrong? 46 00:03:50,601 --> 00:03:52,961 Something happened to make me mad, that's all! 47 00:03:55,321 --> 00:03:57,181 Them, huh? Who are they? 48 00:03:57,721 --> 00:03:58,541 You met them?! 49 00:03:58,901 --> 00:04:02,111 Yeah. Some Captain Something-or-Other. 50 00:04:02,111 --> 00:04:03,881 He seemed kind of liar-ish, though. 51 00:04:05,401 --> 00:04:11,031 I hear you smiled happily when you were traveling with them. 52 00:04:11,031 --> 00:04:14,581 Even though I haven't seen you like that in years. 53 00:04:16,371 --> 00:04:18,721 Talk to me! Who are those guys? 54 00:04:22,921 --> 00:04:25,951 We agreed you could tell me anything, remember? 55 00:04:31,721 --> 00:04:36,181 I had planned to forget about them... 56 00:04:40,061 --> 00:04:43,341 I thought I had erased them from my mind. 57 00:04:43,651 --> 00:04:48,901 Who do you take your friends for?! 58 00:05:09,091 --> 00:05:15,421 I honestly felt like always being with them, if it were possible. 59 00:05:22,351 --> 00:05:23,601 Now I see... 60 00:05:25,271 --> 00:05:27,531 Yeah, that'd hit you hard. 61 00:05:27,531 --> 00:05:31,361 To think that someone really showed up for her... 62 00:05:34,951 --> 00:05:36,531 Friends, huh? 63 00:05:38,911 --> 00:05:46,091 The most painful word for her... 64 00:05:47,551 --> 00:05:49,511 What's wrong, girlie? 65 00:05:55,011 --> 00:05:58,841 Do you want me to return the village that badly? 66 00:06:01,311 --> 00:06:04,731 Then how's this? Let's make an agreement. 67 00:06:04,731 --> 00:06:06,151 Agreement? 68 00:06:06,151 --> 00:06:07,361 That's right. 69 00:06:07,361 --> 00:06:10,361 Gather up 100 million Berries and bring it here. 70 00:06:10,361 --> 00:06:14,341 Do so and I'll let the village go and give you freedom. 71 00:06:14,621 --> 00:06:15,561 Honest?! 72 00:06:15,821 --> 00:06:17,531 Honest! 73 00:06:17,531 --> 00:06:21,961 I'd die before I'd break an agreement concerning money. 74 00:06:21,961 --> 00:06:25,531 It doesn't matter how many years it takes. I'll honor our agreement. 75 00:06:31,301 --> 00:06:33,861 I absolutely will save up 100 million Berries! 76 00:06:35,221 --> 00:06:36,701 Arlong! 77 00:06:38,811 --> 00:06:45,441 Oh? What's wrong, skilled surveyor of ours? Why the angry look? 78 00:06:47,441 --> 00:06:51,301 The Navy men you have under your control stole all my money! 79 00:06:52,191 --> 00:06:56,571 What happened to dying before breaking promises about money?! 80 00:06:56,571 --> 00:06:57,701 Why?! 81 00:06:57,701 --> 00:07:00,031 When did I break our promise? 82 00:07:00,371 --> 00:07:03,471 Don't play dumb! You teamed up with the Navy to--! 83 00:07:05,581 --> 00:07:09,291 When did I break our promise? Let's hear it! 84 00:07:17,511 --> 00:07:21,351 Damn you... Damn you! Damn you! 85 00:07:23,391 --> 00:07:28,941 I see! So your money's been stolen? How unfortunate. 86 00:07:28,941 --> 00:07:31,271 But an agreement is an agreement. 87 00:07:31,271 --> 00:07:34,321 If you can't gather up 100 million Berries for me to see, 88 00:07:34,321 --> 00:07:38,281 I'm afraid I can't give you the village back. 89 00:07:39,861 --> 00:07:40,761 Scum! 90 00:07:44,001 --> 00:07:48,281 It's only 100 million Berries! Just start saving up again! 91 00:07:51,791 --> 00:07:54,421 Or are you gonna run out on me? 92 00:07:56,221 --> 00:08:01,001 But if you do run away, I'll kill everyone in Cocoyashi Village. 93 00:08:04,851 --> 00:08:06,141 Nami... 94 00:08:06,141 --> 00:08:08,941 We pretended we didn't know. 95 00:08:08,941 --> 00:08:12,021 Because our hopes would keep you from running away from Arlong 96 00:08:12,021 --> 00:08:15,491 if you ever decided to. 97 00:08:22,331 --> 00:08:24,891 No more of this! Take up your weapons! Let's fight! 98 00:08:25,241 --> 00:08:28,371 Eight years ago, we swore not to throw away our lives! 99 00:08:28,371 --> 00:08:30,901 No matter how painful and insulting it was to be ruled by them, 100 00:08:31,581 --> 00:08:36,401 we swore to fight the patient fight as long as Nami was cheerful! 101 00:08:36,401 --> 00:08:39,081 But this is their answer! 102 00:08:39,551 --> 00:08:44,041 Now that our village's chance for freedom is gone, we have no hope! 103 00:08:44,041 --> 00:08:45,041 More than that, 104 00:08:45,521 --> 00:08:49,961 we must make those fishmen pay for toying with that girl's kindness! 105 00:08:49,961 --> 00:08:50,761 Any objections?! 106 00:08:51,021 --> 00:08:52,911 Of course not! Let's go! 107 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:55,411 Wait, everyone! 108 00:08:57,741 --> 00:08:58,961 Nami! 109 00:09:02,351 --> 00:09:06,811 Just a little more! Just wait a little more! I'll work hard again! 110 00:09:07,661 --> 00:09:09,641 I'll save up the money again! 111 00:09:10,141 --> 00:09:11,771 It'll be easy this time! 112 00:09:12,151 --> 00:09:16,061 I'm used to it! I'll be fine! There's no need to worry at all! 113 00:09:17,091 --> 00:09:19,461 This is nothing compared to back then! 114 00:09:21,841 --> 00:09:23,711 Please, no more dying! 115 00:09:24,221 --> 00:09:27,911 Everyone! I'm fine! I'm just fine! 116 00:09:35,731 --> 00:09:37,231 You can stop now... 117 00:09:37,231 --> 00:09:39,141 Even you know there's no point now... 118 00:09:40,241 --> 00:09:44,471 You fought very well, carrying our lives on your back all this time... 119 00:09:44,911 --> 00:09:48,121 Joining them must've been even more painful for you 120 00:09:48,121 --> 00:09:50,481 than being cut through the heart... 121 00:09:51,871 --> 00:09:53,881 You fought very well. 122 00:09:55,591 --> 00:09:57,091 Gen-san... 123 00:10:02,971 --> 00:10:04,871 Leave the village now. 124 00:10:06,481 --> 00:10:07,321 Gen-san?! 125 00:10:08,391 --> 00:10:10,141 Do it, Nami. 126 00:10:10,141 --> 00:10:11,171 W-What?! 127 00:10:11,981 --> 00:10:13,101 Nacchan... 128 00:10:13,101 --> 00:10:14,031 Nami... 129 00:10:15,271 --> 00:10:18,371 You're crafty, and you have a dream. 130 00:10:18,721 --> 00:10:20,151 Nojiko! Everyone! 131 00:10:21,621 --> 00:10:22,971 I won't let you go! 132 00:10:24,281 --> 00:10:28,511 Stop it, everyone! I don't want to see anyone else get hurt by them! 133 00:10:31,251 --> 00:10:32,331 You'll die, you know! 134 00:10:33,371 --> 00:10:34,601 We know. 135 00:10:41,761 --> 00:10:44,921 It's no use! We've made up our minds! 136 00:10:48,671 --> 00:10:50,201 Get out of our way, Nami! 137 00:10:52,721 --> 00:10:54,191 Let's go, everyone! 138 00:10:54,191 --> 00:10:57,441 Even if we can't win, let's show 'em what we're made of! 139 00:11:38,861 --> 00:11:41,721 Arlong! Arlong! 140 00:11:44,031 --> 00:11:46,051 Arlong! Arlong! 141 00:11:46,321 --> 00:11:47,911 Arlong! 142 00:11:55,541 --> 00:11:56,861 Luffy... 143 00:12:00,211 --> 00:12:03,751 What do you want?! You don't even know anything! 144 00:12:03,751 --> 00:12:07,551 You don't even know what's happened on this island the past eight years! 145 00:12:07,551 --> 00:12:09,161 Yeah. I don't know. 146 00:12:10,261 --> 00:12:12,011 This has nothing to do with you! 147 00:12:12,851 --> 00:12:15,451 I told you, leave the damn island already! 148 00:12:15,451 --> 00:12:17,341 Yeah. You told me. 149 00:12:17,341 --> 00:12:20,191 Leave! I don't need you! 150 00:12:20,191 --> 00:12:23,571 Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! 151 00:12:23,571 --> 00:12:27,111 Leave! Leave! Leave! 152 00:12:27,111 --> 00:12:28,861 Leave! 153 00:12:49,761 --> 00:12:51,891 Luffy... 154 00:12:51,891 --> 00:12:53,681 Help me... 155 00:13:08,741 --> 00:13:11,101 Of course I will! 156 00:13:14,121 --> 00:13:16,181 Don't touch my treasure! 157 00:13:18,481 --> 00:13:19,641 Luffy... 158 00:13:28,351 --> 00:13:29,121 Let's go. 159 00:13:30,801 --> 00:13:31,871 Yeah! 160 00:13:48,151 --> 00:13:49,581 What the...?! 161 00:13:52,281 --> 00:13:54,381 Which one of you is Arlong?! 162 00:14:10,451 --> 00:14:12,291 You can no longer escape. 163 00:14:13,341 --> 00:14:16,951 This is the top floor of Arlong Park. 164 00:14:17,561 --> 00:14:19,701 What's this room? 165 00:14:19,701 --> 00:14:20,821 Full of papers... 166 00:14:21,311 --> 00:14:23,351 These're not just ordinary papers. 167 00:14:23,351 --> 00:14:27,301 This room is where I make that woman draw sea charts. It's... 168 00:14:29,021 --> 00:14:30,261 ...the survey room! 169 00:14:30,991 --> 00:14:32,531 Nami's room... 170 00:14:32,531 --> 00:14:36,431 These're all sea charts that Nami drew. 171 00:14:36,871 --> 00:14:42,761 She's going to continue drawing sea charts! For my ambition! 172 00:14:42,761 --> 00:14:46,441 And once her charts give me full knowledge of all the world's seas... 173 00:14:46,451 --> 00:14:52,361 ...we fishmen will be invincible, and the world will become our empire! 174 00:14:52,631 --> 00:14:57,331 Our first stepping stone is this island... and the East Blue! 175 00:15:00,121 --> 00:15:04,721 Could you use the girl as efficiently as that?! 176 00:15:06,461 --> 00:15:07,631 "Use"?! 177 00:15:10,381 --> 00:15:11,101 What's that?! 178 00:15:14,171 --> 00:15:15,221 A desk... 179 00:15:16,851 --> 00:15:18,591 What do you think you're doing?! 180 00:15:20,921 --> 00:15:24,321 What in the...?! There's an awful lot of stuff flying! 181 00:15:35,531 --> 00:15:36,621 Stop that! 182 00:15:38,661 --> 00:15:39,751 The charts! 183 00:15:41,701 --> 00:15:43,091 M-My charts! 184 00:15:51,941 --> 00:15:55,111 This... is a pretty intense fight! 185 00:15:55,111 --> 00:15:57,581 Yeah! Looks like a fight to the death! 186 00:15:57,581 --> 00:15:58,521 Definitely! 187 00:16:07,051 --> 00:16:08,411 Thank you... 188 00:16:26,241 --> 00:16:29,131 You've gone too far, you damn rubber man! 189 00:16:31,061 --> 00:16:37,951 "Fishmen are great" and "sea charts" this, "circumstances" that... 190 00:16:37,951 --> 00:16:40,821 I don't know much about any of that stuff... 191 00:16:40,821 --> 00:16:45,161 But I finally figured out how to save her! 192 00:16:50,881 --> 00:16:54,001 She can't go because this room is here! 193 00:16:54,001 --> 00:16:58,741 If she doesn't want to be here, then I'll just destroy it all! 194 00:16:59,691 --> 00:17:01,621 Gum-Gum... 195 00:17:03,891 --> 00:17:05,721 ...Battle-Axe! 196 00:17:21,811 --> 00:17:23,201 Impossible! It's gonna collapse! 197 00:17:23,201 --> 00:17:24,821 This is dangerous! Everyone, get away! 198 00:17:26,261 --> 00:17:27,661 Big Sis Nami! Hurry! 199 00:17:27,661 --> 00:17:28,831 But Luffy's still inside! 200 00:17:28,831 --> 00:17:31,031 --Big Sis! --Luffy! Luffy's still...! 201 00:17:35,431 --> 00:17:37,921 Luffy! 202 00:17:47,011 --> 00:17:48,161 Luffy... 203 00:17:49,821 --> 00:17:51,471 Which one won?! 204 00:17:51,471 --> 00:17:54,661 Given all this debris... Don't tell me it was--! 205 00:17:56,041 --> 00:17:57,441 Luffy... 206 00:18:11,811 --> 00:18:12,821 Luffy! 207 00:18:12,821 --> 00:18:16,401 Big Bro! 208 00:18:25,241 --> 00:18:27,831 Is he okay?! 209 00:18:33,961 --> 00:18:35,761 Nami! 210 00:18:44,011 --> 00:18:47,021 You're my friend! 211 00:18:59,861 --> 00:19:00,861 Yeah! 212 00:19:04,121 --> 00:19:06,701 My friends helped me. 213 00:19:08,201 --> 00:19:11,871 This time, I'll fight for one of my friends, too. 214 00:19:11,871 --> 00:19:16,671 So, Robin, have faith in us... in Luffy! 215 00:19:16,671 --> 00:19:18,921 He'll respond to your feelings without fail. 216 00:19:21,511 --> 00:19:25,011 Hey, pirates! What're you guys wasting time for?! 217 00:19:32,341 --> 00:19:33,851 Huh? What's the meaning of that smile? 218 00:19:40,901 --> 00:19:42,481 Here we go! 219 00:19:42,611 --> 00:19:44,411 I knew it! 220 00:19:48,331 --> 00:19:50,331 Nooo! 221 00:19:55,051 --> 00:19:58,531 "Straw Hat Theater" 222 00:19:58,761 --> 00:19:59,921 "Part 3" 223 00:20:00,051 --> 00:20:03,221 [Obahan: Middle-aged Woman] 224 00:20:05,011 --> 00:20:08,021 "If the Straw Hats were all middle-aged women..." 225 00:20:08,021 --> 00:20:10,981 "...who would be the strongest?!" 226 00:20:15,351 --> 00:20:16,821 "Luffizaki" 227 00:20:17,271 --> 00:20:19,651 Oh, dear! I'm out of soy sauce! 228 00:20:19,651 --> 00:20:21,611 And here I was gonna make soy sauce meat steak, 229 00:20:21,611 --> 00:20:24,201 meat salad and meat miso soup today...! 230 00:20:21,661 --> 00:20:24,191 {\an8}"Today's menu soy sauce meat steak meat salad (no veggies) meat miso soup (without soup)" 231 00:20:25,071 --> 00:20:26,491 Pardon me, I'm coming in, okay? 232 00:20:26,491 --> 00:20:29,291 Hey, Zoroyama-san, I'm out of soy sauce. 233 00:20:29,291 --> 00:20:31,091 Now, be a dearie and spare me some, would you? Whoa! 234 00:20:33,161 --> 00:20:35,791 That gave me a start! Hey, are you in the middle of training? 235 00:20:35,791 --> 00:20:37,841 Oh, dearie me, if it isn't Luffizaki-san. 236 00:20:37,841 --> 00:20:41,471 My, no, I'm not training. We're having sashimi today... 237 00:20:41,921 --> 00:20:44,131 ...so I was just cutting some raw fish. 238 00:20:44,131 --> 00:20:45,931 My, my, seems like you cut the whole kitchen. 239 00:20:45,931 --> 00:20:47,141 Oh, that's right, soy sauce! 240 00:20:47,641 --> 00:20:49,761 We're... all out, too. 241 00:20:49,761 --> 00:20:51,381 Oh, my, your bottle's been cut in two. 242 00:20:51,401 --> 00:20:53,401 "Supermarket Isoflavone" 243 00:20:53,501 --> 00:20:54,841 Ma'am, you can't do that. 244 00:20:55,061 --> 00:20:57,771 Oh, my word... My word...! This ham is the bee's knees! 245 00:20:57,771 --> 00:20:59,611 This one with the cheese wrapped in ham is simply to die for! 246 00:20:59,611 --> 00:21:01,571 Be a dear and get me some jam. 247 00:21:01,571 --> 00:21:10,411 {\an8}"Sampling" "Half Price" "Ham" 248 00:21:01,731 --> 00:21:05,611 Ma'am, you can't bring rice into the sampling section! 249 00:21:05,611 --> 00:21:08,621 Why?! Come now, Luffizaki-san does this all the time! 250 00:21:08,621 --> 00:21:10,411 She's always causing us trouble, too! 251 00:21:10,621 --> 00:21:13,831 Can it! Now bring me some sweet jam for this ham! 252 00:21:13,831 --> 00:21:15,961 Make it sweet and tasty! 253 00:21:17,041 --> 00:21:19,251 It's the grabby fiend, Sanjida! 254 00:21:19,631 --> 00:21:24,131 My, my! Just what is the problem? We're all ladies here. 255 00:21:24,131 --> 00:21:26,331 Hey, you! Let me touch your butt! 256 00:21:28,341 --> 00:21:30,511 --Enough of that, you two! --Oh, no, Mellorine... 257 00:21:30,511 --> 00:21:33,771 Oh, good! It's the middle-aged woman of once-a-month justice, Namijima-san! 258 00:21:33,771 --> 00:21:35,891 She forgets her own faults and tells off 259 00:21:35,891 --> 00:21:38,851 the middle-aged woman pirate gang once a month for some reason! 260 00:21:40,691 --> 00:21:42,781 Hey, hey, hey, hey...! 261 00:21:43,611 --> 00:21:45,821 Hey, hey, Luffizaki-san! Have I got news for you! 262 00:21:45,821 --> 00:21:47,701 The supermarket in front of the train station has some super bargains! 263 00:21:47,701 --> 00:21:49,111 The meat is freakin' cheap, too! 264 00:21:49,111 --> 00:21:51,241 Meat is?! Usokawa-san, you aren't fooling me, are you?! 265 00:21:51,241 --> 00:21:52,781 Yeah, I was lying. I brought you the circular. 266 00:21:51,871 --> 00:21:52,791 {\an8}"Circular" 267 00:21:52,781 --> 00:21:55,001 --Oh, phooey! --But forget that, I have terrible news! 268 00:21:55,001 --> 00:21:58,331 Chopamori-san and Sanjida-san were caught at the supermarket. 269 00:21:58,331 --> 00:22:01,461 --Ah, I need some tea! --Oh, dear! Could it be that Namijima-san is at it again? 270 00:22:01,961 --> 00:22:04,881 Hey, hey, hey...! 271 00:22:04,881 --> 00:22:08,181 Robino-san! Let us hide here! Namijima-san's gonna kill us! 272 00:22:08,381 --> 00:22:10,721 Oh, my, good timing. 273 00:22:10,721 --> 00:22:14,261 I've been warning you guys about sorting your trash. 274 00:22:14,261 --> 00:22:17,431 Please stop insisting that everything is burnable trash. 275 00:22:17,431 --> 00:22:19,521 What's with that nonsense?! It's burnable if there's enough spirit! 276 00:22:19,521 --> 00:22:21,561 Why, good point, Luffizaki-san! She's right! 277 00:22:21,561 --> 00:22:23,731 It's a matter of spirit... The incinerator's. 278 00:22:23,731 --> 00:22:25,141 What silly nonsense. 279 00:22:25,281 --> 00:22:27,151 Oh? Pickled vegetables?! 280 00:22:27,151 --> 00:22:30,201 Your pickled vegetables are the best, Robino-san! I love them! 281 00:22:30,201 --> 00:22:34,121 Oh, my! Then let's take a break and have this barley tea I found in the fridge! 282 00:22:35,421 --> 00:22:36,111 Click. 283 00:22:37,451 --> 00:22:38,751 Hello? 284 00:22:39,651 --> 00:22:41,781 Why, yes, they're here. Sure. 285 00:22:42,321 --> 00:22:45,501 Oh, Robino-san? Who just called? 286 00:22:45,501 --> 00:22:46,851 Namijima-san. 287 00:22:51,221 --> 00:22:53,971 So... mind telling me what happened to this month's rent? 288 00:22:53,971 --> 00:22:55,891 Big landowner, Namijima-san... 289 00:22:55,891 --> 00:22:59,231 Could you be a dearie and wait until tomorrow's town raffle event? 290 00:22:59,231 --> 00:23:03,731 No! I'm gonna go to your employers and collect the money directly from them. 291 00:23:03,731 --> 00:23:06,781 No, Namijima-san! Not that! 292 00:23:06,781 --> 00:23:09,151 Tomorrow is gonna mark the end of our lives! 293 00:23:09,151 --> 00:23:10,201 --Fine by me. --What?! 294 00:23:12,611 --> 00:23:14,911 Even if they're all middle-aged women, 295 00:23:14,911 --> 00:23:16,531 the strongest one is Namijima-san! 296 00:23:25,871 --> 00:23:29,251 Robin has been alone all this time... just like I used to be. 297 00:23:29,251 --> 00:23:31,761 But our paths crossed and we became friends. 298 00:23:31,761 --> 00:23:33,391 You're not alone anymore, Robin-chan. 299 00:23:33,391 --> 00:23:35,681 He's right. You've got Luffy and all of us! 300 00:23:35,681 --> 00:23:37,601 We're not gonna let anyone sacrifice themselves. 301 00:23:37,601 --> 00:23:38,601 Just wait, Robin! 302 00:23:38,601 --> 00:23:40,811 We'll rescue you for sure! 303 00:23:40,811 --> 00:23:42,311 On the next episode of One Piece! 304 00:23:42,311 --> 00:23:45,521 "Parting Builds a Man's Character! Sanji and Chopper" 305 00:23:45,521 --> 00:23:47,941 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!