1 00:00:15,531 --> 00:00:17,491 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:17,491 --> 00:00:19,411 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:19,411 --> 00:00:21,291 once attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:23,261 The words he uttered just before his death 5 00:00:23,261 --> 00:00:25,021 drove people around the world to the seas. 6 00:00:25,021 --> 00:00:28,781 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 7 00:00:28,781 --> 00:00:32,401 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 8 00:00:34,991 --> 00:00:39,111 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 9 00:00:39,641 --> 00:00:42,641 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 10 00:00:43,541 --> 00:00:49,131 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 11 00:00:49,131 --> 00:00:54,971 and set out in search of something to find 12 00:00:54,971 --> 00:00:56,401 ONE PIECE! 13 00:01:01,101 --> 00:01:06,791 Compasses only cause delays 14 00:01:06,791 --> 00:01:11,841 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 15 00:01:12,481 --> 00:01:24,131 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it’s not a legend! 16 00:01:24,741 --> 00:01:30,451 When it comes to personal storms, 17 00:01:30,451 --> 00:01:35,571 simply ride aboard someone else’s biorhythm 18 00:01:35,571 --> 00:01:38,011 and pretend it isn’t there! 19 00:01:39,381 --> 00:01:44,851 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 20 00:01:44,851 --> 00:01:50,351 and set out in search of something to find 21 00:01:50,351 --> 00:01:56,611 A coin in my pocket, and you wanna be my friend? 22 00:01:56,611 --> 00:02:01,301 We are, We are on the cruise! 23 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:03,931 We are! 24 00:02:07,731 --> 00:02:12,691 "A Big Rice Cake Tossing Race at the Castle! Red Nose's Plot" 25 00:02:14,541 --> 00:02:18,601 A joyous new year has arrived in the country of Grand Jipang. 26 00:02:18,601 --> 00:02:21,361 Well, what a blessing that is. 27 00:02:21,361 --> 00:02:26,731 We wrapped up the restless days at the end of the last year. Why don't we take it easy? 28 00:02:26,731 --> 00:02:29,941 The new year has just started. 29 00:02:32,641 --> 00:02:33,791 What's going on? 30 00:02:33,791 --> 00:02:36,601 I just said we should take it easy, and now things already seem restless! 31 00:02:36,601 --> 00:02:38,361 Who the heck is causing it?! 32 00:02:39,001 --> 00:02:42,361 Outta our way! Outta our way! Outta our way! Make way for us! 33 00:02:43,021 --> 00:02:47,741 Well, you don't have to shout like that, Onami-san. 34 00:02:47,741 --> 00:02:48,331 Huh? 35 00:02:49,021 --> 00:02:51,001 There's no one around here. 36 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:53,711 Oh... you're right. 37 00:02:58,851 --> 00:03:03,121 The sun is already high, and yet this town is like a ghost town. 38 00:03:03,121 --> 00:03:05,531 I wonder if everyone's still in bed. 39 00:03:05,531 --> 00:03:09,411 Oh, come on, Doctor, wake up! 40 00:03:09,411 --> 00:03:12,091 They've already gone to the castle. 41 00:03:12,091 --> 00:03:14,651 In any event, today is the day they hold Grand Jipang's popular event, 42 00:03:14,651 --> 00:03:17,161 the New Year's Big Rice Cake Tossing! 43 00:03:17,161 --> 00:03:20,871 If you were a resident of this town, you'd rush straight to the castle. 44 00:03:20,871 --> 00:03:22,611 Oh? Is that right? 45 00:03:23,061 --> 00:03:26,811 Anyway, it's a rice cake tossing event. They can't start it without rice cakes. 46 00:03:24,031 --> 00:03:32,751 {\an8}"Purveying to the Castle" 47 00:03:26,811 --> 00:03:31,561 It can affect our business reputation, too. Please rush to the castle! 48 00:03:31,561 --> 00:03:32,621 Okay! 49 00:03:33,211 --> 00:03:38,011 But don't they usually do the rice cake tossing at temples and shrines? 50 00:03:38,011 --> 00:03:40,571 Here, our lord tosses them at the castle. 51 00:03:40,571 --> 00:03:43,831 Every year the scramble for them is so crazy that there are even casualties. 52 00:03:43,831 --> 00:03:45,221 What?! 53 00:03:45,221 --> 00:03:47,761 Oh, he's just joking, Doctor. There're no casualties. 54 00:03:47,761 --> 00:03:52,101 But when it comes to that Boss Straw Hat, he might go that far. 55 00:03:54,671 --> 00:03:57,441 I wonder if someone's talking about me. 56 00:03:59,421 --> 00:04:05,721 Setting aside Boss, I didn't know that people in this town were so gluttonous. 57 00:04:05,721 --> 00:04:07,241 It's not like that, Doctor. 58 00:04:07,771 --> 00:04:11,701 What they're after are not regular rice cakes, but a jackpot rice cake. 59 00:04:12,101 --> 00:04:14,151 Huh? Jackpot? 60 00:04:14,671 --> 00:04:16,111 That's right. 61 00:04:16,111 --> 00:04:19,901 Tens of thousands of rice cakes will be tossed from the top of the castle tower. 62 00:04:19,901 --> 00:04:22,671 And among them is a single jackpot rice cake. 63 00:04:22,671 --> 00:04:26,531 In this rice cake, there's a treasure called a diamond. 64 00:04:26,531 --> 00:04:31,131 And believe it or not, it's worth more than 10 million Ryo-Berries! 65 00:04:31,131 --> 00:04:33,641 That sure is magnificent, don't you think? 66 00:04:34,031 --> 00:04:36,691 I'd definitely like to get it. 67 00:04:36,061 --> 00:04:43,571 {\an8}"New Year Big Rice Cake Tossing Event Held Here" 68 00:04:36,691 --> 00:04:41,161 But how do I figure out which one contains the jackpot? 69 00:04:41,161 --> 00:04:44,051 Beats me. I've never seen one before, so... 70 00:04:44,051 --> 00:04:46,031 Hey, do you know?! 71 00:04:46,031 --> 00:04:48,491 Ah... No, I don't. 72 00:04:48,491 --> 00:04:50,991 In any case, I think you just have to grab 73 00:04:50,991 --> 00:04:53,551 whatever you can lay your hands on and break them to see inside. 74 00:04:54,441 --> 00:04:57,331 It kind of sounds like a wild goose chase. 75 00:04:57,701 --> 00:05:02,461 If I get the jackpot one, I'll buy lots of books! 76 00:05:02,461 --> 00:05:05,551 I wanna take a trip to a health spa with everyone at the row house. 77 00:05:10,101 --> 00:05:13,071 Hey! You're open for business already this morning? 78 00:05:13,071 --> 00:05:16,501 Yes. Since today is the 7th, I'm selling rice porridge mixed with seven spring herbs. 79 00:05:16,501 --> 00:05:18,321 Would you like a bowl, too? 80 00:05:18,321 --> 00:05:19,861 Yeah, sounds good. 81 00:05:19,861 --> 00:05:23,821 Hey, Usopp! It's not fair that you're eating by yourself! I'll have some, too! 82 00:05:23,821 --> 00:05:27,941 You can't, Boss! You have to stay there and stand watch! 83 00:05:27,941 --> 00:05:31,621 This is rice porridge, so I can't throw it to you. So just give up! 84 00:05:31,621 --> 00:05:34,081 Whoa! Wh-Wh-What the hell is this?! 85 00:05:34,671 --> 00:05:36,791 All right, here it comes! Thanks! 86 00:05:36,791 --> 00:05:41,461 Boss! Once you finish eating it, please go to the front and stand watch, okay?! 87 00:05:41,461 --> 00:05:43,001 Geez... 88 00:05:43,001 --> 00:05:44,601 Your duty must be tough. 89 00:05:45,611 --> 00:05:49,521 Well, the jackpot is worth 10 million Ryo-Berries, right? 90 00:05:49,521 --> 00:05:54,061 Someone blinded by greed could be up to no good, so... 91 00:06:01,981 --> 00:06:06,481 Sitting around and waiting for the jackpot when you don't know where it's gonna fall 92 00:06:06,481 --> 00:06:08,851 is just a pain in the neck! I can't do that! 93 00:06:08,851 --> 00:06:11,991 There's a way to get it for sure. 94 00:06:11,991 --> 00:06:13,411 In short... 95 00:06:15,201 --> 00:06:19,741 ...we'll get all the rice cakes before they toss them at the castle. 96 00:06:19,741 --> 00:06:24,001 Then, we'll get the jackpot one for sure. Yeah, that's my plan! 97 00:06:24,001 --> 00:06:25,131 You're right! 98 00:06:25,671 --> 00:06:29,421 Men! Get them flashily! 99 00:06:31,521 --> 00:06:33,671 There's nowhere to escape on the bridge! 100 00:06:33,671 --> 00:06:37,061 Geez... When we're almost to the castle... 101 00:06:37,061 --> 00:06:39,021 We don't have time to turn back, guys! 102 00:06:40,991 --> 00:06:41,941 Let's go, Doctor! 103 00:06:41,941 --> 00:06:42,651 Yeah! 104 00:06:50,311 --> 00:06:51,531 That was close! 105 00:06:52,161 --> 00:06:53,411 Not bad. 106 00:06:58,561 --> 00:06:59,411 Onami... 107 00:07:00,081 --> 00:07:01,331 That was cruel. 108 00:07:02,331 --> 00:07:03,131 Take this, too! 109 00:07:05,301 --> 00:07:06,501 Doctor! Watch your back! 110 00:07:09,811 --> 00:07:11,301 Mellorine! Mellorine! 111 00:07:14,251 --> 00:07:15,261 Richie! 112 00:07:15,261 --> 00:07:16,681 You son of a bitch! 113 00:07:18,911 --> 00:07:20,481 Stop, you bastards! 114 00:07:20,481 --> 00:07:23,691 If you don't wanna die, leave all the stuff on the cart here! 115 00:07:38,621 --> 00:07:41,861 Boss! They got away! 116 00:07:41,861 --> 00:07:43,521 It's not gonna work anymore! 117 00:07:43,521 --> 00:07:47,011 They'll enter the castle before we catch up with them! 118 00:07:47,011 --> 00:07:50,031 Don't be ridiculous! It's 10 million Ryo-Berries we're talking about! 119 00:07:50,031 --> 00:07:51,691 I'm not gonna give up! 120 00:07:51,691 --> 00:07:52,691 But... 121 00:07:53,511 --> 00:07:55,421 ...I'm not gonna let them get away... 122 00:07:55,421 --> 00:07:59,001 ...as I've already prepared my next move. 123 00:07:59,001 --> 00:08:02,921 If you get it, come back up already and get ready! 124 00:08:02,921 --> 00:08:04,031 Yes, sir! 125 00:08:14,121 --> 00:08:14,951 Father. 126 00:08:14,951 --> 00:08:18,451 Looks like it's getting lively down there. 127 00:08:18,451 --> 00:08:21,291 Yes. They seem like they can't wait. 128 00:08:21,711 --> 00:08:27,011 Yeah... By the way, looks like we still haven't received the rice cakes yet. 129 00:08:28,291 --> 00:08:29,211 Right... 130 00:08:29,211 --> 00:08:35,011 I'm having someone stand watch, but I haven't received any report yet. 131 00:08:35,941 --> 00:08:40,311 I'm a little worried that something might've happened on their way here. 132 00:08:40,771 --> 00:08:41,921 Oh, that's right. 133 00:08:41,921 --> 00:08:45,531 You know the people we're getting the rice cakes from well. 134 00:08:45,531 --> 00:08:48,981 I wonder if we should send someone for them. 135 00:08:49,451 --> 00:08:54,631 Ahh... Since she said, "We don't need guards, so pay us generously instead," 136 00:08:54,631 --> 00:08:58,991 I didn't send any guards. I hope Onami-san and the others are okay. 137 00:08:59,481 --> 00:09:02,321 Hm? There they are! 138 00:09:02,321 --> 00:09:06,711 What took Onami so long? Rice cakes taste better right after they're made. 139 00:09:07,161 --> 00:09:08,021 Hm? 140 00:09:08,531 --> 00:09:10,211 What's that kite doing?! 141 00:09:12,871 --> 00:09:13,881 Hey! What's going on?! 142 00:09:15,191 --> 00:09:17,411 Whoa! We're floating in the air! 143 00:09:17,411 --> 00:09:18,961 Hold on tight! 144 00:09:18,961 --> 00:09:21,341 They're waiting in ambush again?! 145 00:09:21,861 --> 00:09:23,721 Those bastards! 146 00:09:23,721 --> 00:09:27,211 Who are you?! Actually, you're from the Buggy Family, aren't you?! 147 00:09:27,211 --> 00:09:30,591 You're left... I mean, you're right! 148 00:09:30,591 --> 00:09:35,151 By order of Boss Buggy, I came to take all the rice cakes. 149 00:09:35,151 --> 00:09:37,111 My name is Hachi. Nice to meet you. 150 00:09:37,111 --> 00:09:39,871 {\an8}"And there's one more person right here!" 151 00:09:39,871 --> 00:09:45,871 {\an8}"I, the martial artist Gedatsu of the Buggy Family!!" 152 00:09:45,871 --> 00:09:51,401 Well, don't worry. Once I get the rice cakes, I won't even touch you guys. 153 00:09:51,401 --> 00:09:53,361 I'll make sure to put you back on the ground safely. 154 00:09:53,361 --> 00:09:54,861 Don't be ridiculous! 155 00:09:54,861 --> 00:09:57,051 If we can't deliver them after coming this far, 156 00:09:57,051 --> 00:10:00,661 our business reputation will be totally ruined! Do something, Sanji-kun! 157 00:10:00,661 --> 00:10:03,561 Well, I can't do anything like this. 158 00:10:03,561 --> 00:10:07,171 --Argh! --Ahh! Help! 159 00:10:07,171 --> 00:10:12,561 Hey, hey. Don't move around. Don't blame me if you fall. 160 00:10:15,081 --> 00:10:19,361 You rice cake thief! Surrender peacefully! 161 00:10:23,491 --> 00:10:25,111 Gum-Gum... 162 00:10:25,821 --> 00:10:28,161 Idiot! Don't cling to me! 163 00:10:37,051 --> 00:10:40,141 Hmm... Why am I falling too? 164 00:10:40,811 --> 00:10:46,101 Oh, that's right! I should've let the kite string go! How careless of me! 165 00:10:50,461 --> 00:10:52,931 --Ow, ow, ow... --Well, we're okay now. 166 00:10:52,931 --> 00:10:54,821 No, we aren't! The cart is...! 167 00:10:58,111 --> 00:10:59,241 Those guys...! 168 00:11:02,131 --> 00:11:05,701 Look at that, guys! The rice cakes are coming our way! 169 00:11:05,701 --> 00:11:08,311 The jackpot's gonna be mine! 170 00:11:13,171 --> 00:11:14,611 Igaram-san! 171 00:11:14,611 --> 00:11:16,871 Chaka! Pell! Get the cart! 172 00:11:16,871 --> 00:11:17,801 Yes, sir! 173 00:11:18,681 --> 00:11:22,141 How dare you get in my way?! 174 00:11:22,141 --> 00:11:25,891 It doesn't matter who they are! Take them down! 175 00:11:26,181 --> 00:11:28,601 What're you guys doing?! 176 00:11:28,601 --> 00:11:32,861 But, Boss... We're carrying this heavy stuff on a slope. 177 00:11:32,861 --> 00:11:34,901 Let's take a little break. 178 00:11:34,901 --> 00:11:36,771 Stop whining! Just go after them! 179 00:11:37,811 --> 00:11:38,861 Onami-dono! 180 00:11:39,801 --> 00:11:41,081 Are you okay? 181 00:11:41,081 --> 00:11:44,901 Yes! Well then, we certainly delivered what you ordered. 182 00:11:44,901 --> 00:11:46,701 Yes. Thank you. 183 00:11:47,121 --> 00:11:50,051 What about the payment? I can get it right here and now, right? 184 00:11:50,051 --> 00:11:52,471 The task was more dangerous than we thought. 185 00:11:52,471 --> 00:11:54,801 Oh, about that... 186 00:11:54,801 --> 00:11:58,391 Hey... This is business with the castle. You can't put it on a tab. 187 00:11:58,391 --> 00:12:02,221 Princess Vivi said that she herself will bring it to your place. 188 00:12:02,221 --> 00:12:03,651 So wait until then. 189 00:12:04,821 --> 00:12:06,181 Well then, goodbye. 190 00:12:08,621 --> 00:12:11,141 Tell Vivi to stop by any time! 191 00:12:13,161 --> 00:12:15,451 They still haven't given up yet?! 192 00:12:15,451 --> 00:12:19,111 Don't worry about them, Sanji-kun! Let's go to the event site. 193 00:12:20,381 --> 00:12:23,371 Just leave the rest to the castle people. It'll be fine. 194 00:12:24,631 --> 00:12:27,931 Hey, Boss! If it turns out that they can't do the rice cake tossing or something, 195 00:12:27,931 --> 00:12:30,341 you'll be forbidden to come to our eatery! 196 00:12:30,341 --> 00:12:32,141 So work hard, got that?! 197 00:12:32,141 --> 00:12:33,831 Yeah... 198 00:12:38,951 --> 00:12:41,511 Boss! They're already going into the castle! 199 00:12:41,901 --> 00:12:44,841 Shut up! It doesn't matter! We'll force our way through! 200 00:12:44,841 --> 00:12:46,911 We'll do it flashily! 201 00:12:50,511 --> 00:12:53,431 They've started the rice cake tossing? I got a late start! 202 00:12:54,661 --> 00:12:56,131 Intruders! 203 00:12:56,131 --> 00:12:57,401 Don't let them get away! 204 00:12:59,431 --> 00:13:01,301 It's the Buggy Family! 205 00:13:01,301 --> 00:13:02,661 They're after these rice cakes! 206 00:13:02,661 --> 00:13:04,191 Got it. Please hurry! 207 00:13:06,151 --> 00:13:07,911 Hey! Where's the event site? 208 00:13:07,911 --> 00:13:10,411 Hm? Oh, it's you! 209 00:13:11,171 --> 00:13:13,621 Good timing! Give us a hand. 210 00:13:13,621 --> 00:13:15,951 --Huh? --A rice cake thief showed up! 211 00:13:15,951 --> 00:13:18,291 I heard that he's going on a rampage in the castle! 212 00:13:18,291 --> 00:13:23,041 What?! I've been looking forward to those rice cakes! Where's the thief?! 213 00:13:23,041 --> 00:13:24,761 --Over there! --All right! 214 00:13:24,761 --> 00:13:27,981 Trying to get them all to himself?! How despicable! 215 00:13:27,981 --> 00:13:30,411 Those rice cakes are mine! 216 00:13:30,411 --> 00:13:32,641 What? Hey, hey... You too? 217 00:13:34,991 --> 00:13:39,021 Rice cake thief! I'm gonna capture you at any cost! 218 00:13:40,021 --> 00:13:42,021 Where are the rice cakes?! 219 00:13:47,911 --> 00:13:51,161 We're not gonna let him destroy the castle any more! 220 00:13:51,161 --> 00:13:53,831 Well, I have an idea as to where he's headed. 221 00:13:53,831 --> 00:13:57,121 I know a short cut. Leave it to me! Let's catch up with them quickly, Mr. Monk! 222 00:13:57,671 --> 00:14:00,831 Hey, Usopp. Who have you been talking to all this time? 223 00:14:00,831 --> 00:14:04,601 Hm? Oh, Boss! Who've I been talking to? Of course... 224 00:14:04,601 --> 00:14:07,341 Huh?! He's gone! When did that happen? 225 00:14:09,961 --> 00:14:12,281 Anyway, I'm going on ahead, okay? 226 00:14:14,501 --> 00:14:19,711 At any rate, that monk isn't reliable. Where did he go? 227 00:14:24,661 --> 00:14:26,071 Where are the rice cakes?! 228 00:14:26,071 --> 00:14:29,011 Ahhh! 229 00:14:29,011 --> 00:14:30,491 H-H-Hey... 230 00:14:31,991 --> 00:14:36,241 Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! 231 00:14:36,241 --> 00:14:38,521 Amazon-dono! Are you okay?! 232 00:14:38,521 --> 00:14:40,501 Someone! 233 00:14:40,501 --> 00:14:42,081 What's going on?! 234 00:14:42,471 --> 00:14:44,041 A deviant is in here! 235 00:14:44,041 --> 00:14:45,801 How rude! 236 00:14:54,601 --> 00:14:57,031 What did I do?! 237 00:14:57,991 --> 00:14:59,271 Hold it! 238 00:15:04,201 --> 00:15:06,571 All right! Just go ahead and charge in! 239 00:15:09,491 --> 00:15:10,531 Boss! 240 00:15:11,441 --> 00:15:13,241 It's all over for you, Buggy Family! 241 00:15:14,481 --> 00:15:17,571 I won't allow any more violence in the castle! 242 00:15:17,571 --> 00:15:18,831 Be prepared! 243 00:15:19,201 --> 00:15:22,801 Oh, my, my... Princess. 244 00:15:22,801 --> 00:15:26,921 Thank you very much for greeting me yourself! 245 00:15:29,721 --> 00:15:32,661 You don't know the Chop-Chop Fruit's powers? 246 00:15:32,661 --> 00:15:34,471 This is your own fault for butting in. 247 00:15:38,711 --> 00:15:42,101 Oh, don't get me wrong. 248 00:15:42,101 --> 00:15:45,691 I didn't come here for her. I came here to get the jackpot rice cake! 249 00:15:46,511 --> 00:15:48,981 Bring the rice cake cart here right away! 250 00:15:48,981 --> 00:15:51,141 I'll exchange her for the cart. Move it already! 251 00:15:51,141 --> 00:15:53,621 Don't blame me if the princess's neck gets broken! 252 00:15:53,621 --> 00:15:55,741 Wait! We get it. 253 00:15:55,741 --> 00:15:58,501 We have no choice but to do what he says. 254 00:15:58,501 --> 00:16:02,831 Oh? So a lackey realizes the situation faster than the samurais, huh? Okay, then! 255 00:16:02,831 --> 00:16:04,651 You go and bring the cart here. 256 00:16:04,651 --> 00:16:08,381 Well, the jackpot rice cake isn't on that cart. 257 00:16:09,831 --> 00:16:11,211 Then, where is it? 258 00:16:12,961 --> 00:16:14,471 The jackpot rice cake is... 259 00:16:14,471 --> 00:16:15,341 Don't! 260 00:16:16,271 --> 00:16:18,051 ...with our lord! 261 00:16:18,051 --> 00:16:19,871 Oh...? 262 00:16:20,791 --> 00:16:22,101 Is that right? 263 00:16:24,481 --> 00:16:25,521 It's over there. 264 00:16:28,481 --> 00:16:32,141 What?! I-Is it okay to take it so easily? Huh? 265 00:16:32,141 --> 00:16:33,011 That's fine. 266 00:16:37,101 --> 00:16:41,841 I-I-It... 267 00:16:41,841 --> 00:16:45,371 It's empty! 268 00:16:45,891 --> 00:16:48,931 Oh? So that's where big nose was? 269 00:16:51,001 --> 00:16:55,001 You son of a bitch! You flashily deceived me! 270 00:16:55,001 --> 00:16:55,801 Yep. 271 00:16:56,221 --> 00:17:00,511 Buggy, was it? Look outside the window. On the ground are... 272 00:17:04,151 --> 00:17:06,641 Hey! Don't break the castle! 273 00:17:06,641 --> 00:17:10,231 Hey, big nose! We're not gonna let you have the jackpot, you bastard! 274 00:17:10,231 --> 00:17:14,111 Like I said, it's empty! I'm gonna beat you till you cry! 275 00:17:14,571 --> 00:17:18,771 Well, listen. On the ground are this town's residents 276 00:17:18,771 --> 00:17:21,801 who have been looking forward to this rice cake tossing event. 277 00:17:21,801 --> 00:17:25,021 This event is held for them so that they can start the new year cheerfully. 278 00:17:25,021 --> 00:17:28,571 This is a gathering in which they try their luck, so to speak. 279 00:17:28,571 --> 00:17:31,081 It all depends on your luck whether you get a prize or not, 280 00:17:31,081 --> 00:17:34,941 but the chance of winning should be equal for everyone. 281 00:17:34,941 --> 00:17:38,511 So I can't give it to you alone now. 282 00:17:40,511 --> 00:17:42,351 If you want the prize, then go down there 283 00:17:42,351 --> 00:17:46,771 and wait with everyone for the rice cake tossing to start. 284 00:17:48,341 --> 00:17:52,381 Just as we'd expect from you, my lord. Splendid persuasion. I'm impressed. 285 00:17:53,001 --> 00:17:53,941 Yep. 286 00:17:53,941 --> 00:17:56,781 Say, my lord. Let's start it already. 287 00:17:56,781 --> 00:17:59,741 If we don't hurry up, Onami is gonna beat me. 288 00:17:59,741 --> 00:18:03,621 Hey! You're being rude! To think that you speak to our lord that way! 289 00:18:05,921 --> 00:18:07,041 I give up! 290 00:18:07,041 --> 00:18:10,791 I won't need such a small thing! How dare you mock me?! 291 00:18:14,071 --> 00:18:17,511 I found something better, my lord. 292 00:18:17,511 --> 00:18:21,541 Forget the 10 million Ryo-Berry jackpot! 293 00:18:21,541 --> 00:18:24,521 If I kill you, I'll have this entire country all to myself! 294 00:18:24,521 --> 00:18:26,981 Now that it's come to this, I'm gonna blow you up flashily! 295 00:18:26,981 --> 00:18:30,531 Men! Prepare the Special Buggy Ball! 296 00:18:30,531 --> 00:18:31,271 Yes, sir! 297 00:18:32,751 --> 00:18:37,241 I'll teach you a lesson for deceiving me! Be prepared! 298 00:18:38,621 --> 00:18:41,011 It's ready. 299 00:18:44,361 --> 00:18:46,681 There's no need for formality. Go ahead and fire now! 300 00:19:05,191 --> 00:19:07,641 --Rice cakes! --The rice cake tossing has started! 301 00:19:12,731 --> 00:19:14,151 Ah! You bastards! 302 00:19:14,151 --> 00:19:17,891 The one with the jackpot might've been among the ones we just tossed. 303 00:19:17,891 --> 00:19:19,991 Well, he said he didn't want it anymore. 304 00:19:19,991 --> 00:19:23,741 You bastards! It was a slip of the tongue! 305 00:19:25,591 --> 00:19:27,701 You're causing trouble! Time for you to go flying! 306 00:19:30,831 --> 00:19:32,791 Good job, guys! 307 00:19:41,841 --> 00:19:46,171 You guys got it, right?! Find the jackpot no matter what! 308 00:19:46,171 --> 00:19:47,181 Alrighty! 309 00:19:56,611 --> 00:20:01,241 This one-thousand-year-old famous Alabasta Castle now has three big holes 310 00:20:01,241 --> 00:20:05,651 in its castle tower. This is all because of... 311 00:20:06,291 --> 00:20:07,911 Hey, Straw Hat! 312 00:20:07,911 --> 00:20:11,501 Luffy-san has already gone down to pick up rice cakes. 313 00:20:11,501 --> 00:20:15,711 Yummy! Yummy! 314 00:20:15,711 --> 00:20:19,001 What's the matter, Igaram? Why don't you toss the rice cake, too? 315 00:20:19,001 --> 00:20:20,961 This is no time for that, my lord! 316 00:20:20,961 --> 00:20:22,921 The castle tower is the stronghold of the castle! 317 00:20:22,921 --> 00:20:25,721 Showing such a pitiful figure is unprecedented! 318 00:20:25,721 --> 00:20:27,991 This'll hurt the country's dignity, too! 319 00:20:27,991 --> 00:20:30,041 Where are you saying the damage is? 320 00:20:30,041 --> 00:20:30,681 Huh?! 321 00:20:32,621 --> 00:20:36,191 Look at them, Igaram. They all look like they're having fun. 322 00:20:36,691 --> 00:20:38,381 A country is its people. 323 00:20:38,381 --> 00:20:42,231 People's vitality is indeed the source of the country's dignity. 324 00:20:42,231 --> 00:20:44,931 The country wouldn't decline for a reason as small 325 00:20:44,931 --> 00:20:47,121 as the appearance of the castle falling apart. 326 00:20:47,491 --> 00:20:48,981 Here you go! 327 00:20:50,471 --> 00:20:54,501 If people are full of energy, the country will become full of energy, 328 00:20:54,501 --> 00:20:57,371 and that will become our vitality, too. 329 00:20:57,371 --> 00:21:01,441 Although there was some trouble, everyone is rejoicing. 330 00:21:01,441 --> 00:21:03,461 That's all we ask, right? 331 00:21:04,421 --> 00:21:06,201 A country is its people. 332 00:21:06,201 --> 00:21:09,681 That certainly is true, right, Igaram? 333 00:21:14,111 --> 00:21:15,441 Indeed... 334 00:21:16,921 --> 00:21:21,991 But my lord, how will you come up with the repair cost for all this? 335 00:21:21,991 --> 00:21:24,971 Do as you see fit. 336 00:21:24,971 --> 00:21:26,161 Yes, sire. 337 00:21:29,041 --> 00:21:31,451 You're too avaricious, Boss. 338 00:21:31,831 --> 00:21:33,081 This isn't the one. 339 00:21:33,941 --> 00:21:35,411 Where's the jackpot?! 340 00:21:36,021 --> 00:21:39,431 Onami... I can't eat anymore. 341 00:21:39,431 --> 00:21:41,811 Thanks for waiting! I gathered more! 342 00:21:41,811 --> 00:21:43,001 No way! 343 00:21:44,181 --> 00:21:48,231 Come to think of it, Father, where's the one with the jackpot? 344 00:21:48,231 --> 00:21:49,921 Oh, that's right. 345 00:21:51,931 --> 00:21:54,521 --Oh, my... --I almost forgot. 346 00:21:54,521 --> 00:21:58,231 Let's see who'll get it. 347 00:21:58,231 --> 00:21:59,951 There! 348 00:22:08,001 --> 00:22:08,981 Whoa! 349 00:22:10,111 --> 00:22:13,051 I finally got a rice cake! Thank heavens! 350 00:22:16,181 --> 00:22:18,961 What's this? A rice cake with a seed? 351 00:22:19,351 --> 00:22:21,881 I can't eat something like this! 352 00:22:23,021 --> 00:22:24,251 Oh, boy... 353 00:22:25,081 --> 00:22:26,991 He sure doesn't have any interest in money. 354 00:22:37,021 --> 00:22:40,061 {\an8}"Happy New Year" 355 00:22:45,111 --> 00:22:48,691 My strength... is ebbing away. What'd you do to me?! 356 00:22:48,691 --> 00:22:51,991 Can you figure out the mystery of my powers? 357 00:22:51,991 --> 00:22:54,621 I'll let you fully experience them now. 358 00:22:54,621 --> 00:22:58,041 Oh? You thought I'd stay on the floor without fighting? 359 00:22:58,041 --> 00:23:02,081 Just watch! You're mistaken if you think I'm just a cute beauty! 360 00:23:02,081 --> 00:23:03,501 On the next episode of One Piece! 361 00:23:03,501 --> 00:23:06,621 "Bubble Master Kalifa! The Soap Trap Closes in on Nami" 362 00:23:06,621 --> 00:23:08,751 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!