1 00:00:22,271 --> 00:00:25,321 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:26,021 --> 00:00:28,861 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,861 --> 00:00:31,501 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:32,031 --> 00:00:35,521 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,881 --> 00:00:40,431 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,211 --> 00:00:50,711 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,711 --> 00:00:54,431 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,221 --> 00:01:00,391 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,391 --> 00:01:08,731 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,731 --> 00:01:14,481 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,841 --> 00:01:24,991 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,351 --> 00:01:33,361 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,361 --> 00:01:41,031 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,031 --> 00:01:46,701 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,701 --> 00:01:50,001 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,211 --> 00:01:56,381 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,381 --> 00:02:02,741 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:04,981 --> 00:02:16,371 {\an8}"Upper Yard" "Lovely Street" "Angel Beach" 19 00:02:07,341 --> 00:02:11,721 In pursuit of Nami and the others, Luffy's group entered the Illusion Forest, 20 00:02:11,721 --> 00:02:16,151 and were greeted with a rigorous Ball Ordeal by the Priest Satori. 21 00:02:30,881 --> 00:02:34,511 You're still alive? Impressive indeed! 22 00:02:34,671 --> 00:02:39,151 Well, then, as a reward, I'll give you my prized finishing blow! 23 00:02:41,741 --> 00:02:45,741 Meanwhile, Chopper, who was looking after the ship alone on the sacrificial altar, 24 00:02:46,311 --> 00:02:49,771 was attacked by Shura, one of the four priests. 25 00:02:55,691 --> 00:02:56,531 No! 26 00:02:59,961 --> 00:03:03,911 Offer your life... to God! 27 00:03:04,631 --> 00:03:07,621 N-No!! 28 00:03:10,671 --> 00:03:11,641 Die! 29 00:03:16,061 --> 00:03:17,711 Sorry to have kept you waiting! 30 00:03:18,261 --> 00:03:21,071 Sky Knight!! 31 00:03:22,281 --> 00:03:25,541 You probably came here knowing this, but... 32 00:03:25,541 --> 00:03:28,501 ...you're already a criminal! 33 00:03:29,061 --> 00:03:34,551 Ahh, I'll show you what I do to aggravating fools like you!! 34 00:03:37,071 --> 00:03:38,921 String Ordeal! 35 00:03:44,551 --> 00:03:48,931 "Profound Mystery! Ordeal of String and Ordeal of Love?!" 36 00:04:11,181 --> 00:04:12,151 Ah! That's...! 37 00:04:12,341 --> 00:04:14,471 Come out! Ball Dragon! 38 00:04:16,491 --> 00:04:19,831 Oh, it's just a bunch of surprise clouds put together. 39 00:04:20,591 --> 00:04:23,231 Are we supposed to be surprised by that? 40 00:04:24,561 --> 00:04:30,491 I'll have you know, it's made up of surprise clouds containing explosives or sharp objects. 41 00:04:31,671 --> 00:04:33,681 What?! Then that means...! 42 00:04:34,001 --> 00:04:37,451 You touch the fire-bomb ball somewhere on its body and it's over. 43 00:04:37,451 --> 00:04:39,681 One explosion will cause another, 44 00:04:40,131 --> 00:04:43,721 and its gigantic body will instantly cause a huge explosion! 45 00:04:44,021 --> 00:04:45,721 Surprise Balls! Go, Ball Dragon! 46 00:04:51,031 --> 00:04:53,651 Gum-Gum... Pistol!! 47 00:04:55,421 --> 00:04:57,871 No! Wait, Luffy!! 48 00:05:03,181 --> 00:05:05,001 Whatever you do, don't touch that thing!! 49 00:05:05,001 --> 00:05:07,341 If you lay even one finger on it, 50 00:05:07,341 --> 00:05:09,701 we'll be blown to bits! 51 00:05:11,021 --> 00:05:13,501 How are we gonna fight it if we can't touch it?! 52 00:05:13,501 --> 00:05:16,281 Exactly! Forget about fighting that thing! 53 00:05:16,281 --> 00:05:18,291 Our only option is to run! 54 00:05:25,141 --> 00:05:26,621 So we just keep running?! 55 00:05:26,621 --> 00:05:28,361 How should I know?! 56 00:05:29,141 --> 00:05:30,851 Here it comes!! Jump!! 57 00:05:37,371 --> 00:05:38,781 Why'd we hafta land here?! 58 00:05:44,581 --> 00:05:47,031 You're quite the stubborn ones. 59 00:05:49,531 --> 00:05:51,591 It's the same result either way! 60 00:05:52,061 --> 00:05:57,641 But if you died before you experienced the power of Ball Dragon... 61 00:05:59,541 --> 00:06:01,591 ...it wouldn't be fun! 62 00:06:29,201 --> 00:06:30,081 Aisa! 63 00:06:33,061 --> 00:06:34,201 Where have you been? 64 00:06:34,421 --> 00:06:36,201 Ah! Kamakiri! 65 00:06:36,521 --> 00:06:40,851 Upper Yard again? That's Vearth in your bag, isn't it? 66 00:06:42,581 --> 00:06:44,151 Don't go there too often... 67 00:06:46,001 --> 00:06:47,411 ...or you'll lose your life. 68 00:06:50,391 --> 00:06:53,761 Bahhhh! Don't tell me what to do! 69 00:06:54,321 --> 00:06:56,861 You haven't even been able to beat Eneru yet! 70 00:07:01,601 --> 00:07:02,741 That damn brat! 71 00:07:04,271 --> 00:07:05,311 A chance? 72 00:07:05,311 --> 00:07:06,471 That's right. 73 00:07:07,061 --> 00:07:10,911 For some reason, Gan Fall entered Upper Yard. 74 00:07:10,911 --> 00:07:16,001 That old geezer thinks that he can settle everything in Skypiea peacefully. 75 00:07:16,921 --> 00:07:18,841 He's got it all wrong. 76 00:07:21,621 --> 00:07:26,811 Win or lose... Those are the only two outcomes in a battle. 77 00:07:28,761 --> 00:07:33,281 The Great Warrior Calgara said, "Light the fire of Shandora." 78 00:07:28,761 --> 00:07:33,281 {\an8}"Wyper Shandian (a warrior of Shandora)" 79 00:07:33,891 --> 00:07:35,901 We'll follow those words. 80 00:07:36,271 --> 00:07:41,771 It doesn't matter who we have to fight-- the former God Gan Fall, or Eneru. 81 00:07:42,241 --> 00:07:44,171 So long as they reign as "God," 82 00:07:44,631 --> 00:07:46,931 no matter what their differences are, 83 00:07:47,281 --> 00:07:50,711 to us they're the same! 84 00:07:51,031 --> 00:07:54,041 They all have to be eliminated! 85 00:07:54,321 --> 00:07:55,321 Wyper. 86 00:07:55,321 --> 00:07:55,971 Hm? 87 00:07:56,661 --> 00:07:59,621 A rebel against Eneru appeared on Angel Island. 88 00:07:59,991 --> 00:08:01,591 I heard it's a young woman. 89 00:08:02,561 --> 00:08:04,481 It's been six years since Eneru started reigning, 90 00:08:04,481 --> 00:08:05,921 and this is the first time. 91 00:08:06,461 --> 00:08:08,061 So what? 92 00:08:08,331 --> 00:08:11,821 Since Gan Fall saved her from judgment, 93 00:08:11,821 --> 00:08:16,111 Eneru now has a reason to judge even the former God. 94 00:08:16,951 --> 00:08:19,121 Gan Fall has never harmed any of us, 95 00:08:19,121 --> 00:08:25,071 not only as the Sky Knight, but also as the former God... 96 00:08:25,611 --> 00:08:28,871 ...nor has he tried to directly confront Eneru, either. 97 00:08:29,271 --> 00:08:33,661 That very man finally stepped into Upper Yard. 98 00:08:34,331 --> 00:08:39,221 And if he and one of the priests kill each other, that'd be great. 99 00:08:39,671 --> 00:08:44,921 Or do you mean to say that Gan Fall is no longer our enemy? 100 00:08:45,671 --> 00:08:47,961 When men have a common enemy, 101 00:08:47,961 --> 00:08:50,431 they get deluded into thinking that the one next to them is an ally. 102 00:08:53,661 --> 00:08:56,891 If you have doubts, then stay out of the fight, Laki! 103 00:08:58,181 --> 00:08:59,761 You'll only be in our way! 104 00:09:04,251 --> 00:09:04,971 Aisa! 105 00:09:07,391 --> 00:09:10,621 What?! I didn't go to Upper Yard! 106 00:09:11,401 --> 00:09:13,731 Don't go into the tent yet. 107 00:09:15,671 --> 00:09:21,121 Wyper, or rather, the man descended from the Great Warrior Calgara, is angry. 108 00:09:23,111 --> 00:09:25,311 Yeah, that's scary. 109 00:09:28,321 --> 00:09:29,861 He's scarier than God. 110 00:09:33,751 --> 00:09:36,301 Help... them? 111 00:09:37,721 --> 00:09:39,061 Us? 112 00:09:39,561 --> 00:09:41,661 Yes, that's right. 113 00:09:42,511 --> 00:09:46,391 Let's try to create a way for them to escape somehow. 114 00:10:06,451 --> 00:10:09,921 I can't tell what they're doing... Amazing! 115 00:10:12,161 --> 00:10:16,391 I no longer think that I can negotiate with your group! 116 00:10:16,731 --> 00:10:19,701 Ha! You're as soft as ever! 117 00:10:21,671 --> 00:10:24,761 What is this fight? 118 00:10:32,151 --> 00:10:34,341 Heaven's Judgment... 119 00:10:35,821 --> 00:10:38,641 That young woman did something foolish. 120 00:10:40,261 --> 00:10:44,681 We are never to... anger God Eneru. 121 00:11:04,881 --> 00:11:06,531 Please come back... 122 00:11:06,881 --> 00:11:07,961 ...God! 123 00:11:16,301 --> 00:11:17,721 I got you. 124 00:11:23,531 --> 00:11:26,011 Is something wrong, Gan Fall?! 125 00:11:26,471 --> 00:11:28,301 What did you do?! 126 00:11:28,941 --> 00:11:31,511 Why...?! Why can't we move?! 127 00:11:31,871 --> 00:11:33,391 You won't need the answer... 128 00:11:34,541 --> 00:11:36,471 ...when you're dead! 129 00:11:49,591 --> 00:11:52,351 Profound mystery... String Ordeal! 130 00:11:54,261 --> 00:11:59,121 You can enter Upper Yard, but you have to face difficult ordeals from us, the four priests! 131 00:12:00,371 --> 00:12:04,071 Don't think they can be beaten so easily! 132 00:12:08,641 --> 00:12:10,081 God Eneru is... 133 00:12:11,611 --> 00:12:14,641 ...someone who is glorious and distant. 134 00:12:19,921 --> 00:12:24,421 That's right. The sacred ground will sing again... 135 00:12:24,421 --> 00:12:25,731 ...someday, for sure... 136 00:12:27,011 --> 00:12:28,451 Sky... 137 00:12:29,771 --> 00:12:32,911 Sky Knight!! 138 00:12:57,991 --> 00:12:59,751 I've gotta save him. I've gotta save him! 139 00:12:59,751 --> 00:13:01,281 There're skysharks here! 140 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:03,421 The Sky Knight'll be eaten by them! 141 00:13:04,481 --> 00:13:07,401 Ha! Think of it as Eneru-sama's anger! 142 00:13:07,671 --> 00:13:10,731 B-But how can I save him? 143 00:13:11,671 --> 00:13:16,111 I can't swim... and I'll be eaten by the skysharks, too. 144 00:13:16,611 --> 00:13:18,591 He says not to harm his friends. 145 00:13:19,021 --> 00:13:21,231 He says not to damage the ship. 146 00:13:21,611 --> 00:13:24,141 He says he doesn't want to die. 147 00:13:24,981 --> 00:13:26,111 What a dilemma. 148 00:13:26,921 --> 00:13:29,491 Such a damned selfish animal! 149 00:13:29,491 --> 00:13:31,551 He really irks me! 150 00:13:32,211 --> 00:13:34,831 If you want to live so much, then why are you so weak?! 151 00:13:36,001 --> 00:13:36,981 Damn you! 152 00:13:44,801 --> 00:13:49,001 Sky Knight?! Hah! You were forced out from your position as God, you old fool! 153 00:13:49,001 --> 00:13:52,551 In the end, you were no match for us, the priests. 154 00:13:51,241 --> 00:13:52,551 Ahhhhh! 155 00:13:52,921 --> 00:13:55,491 Sky Knight!! 156 00:13:59,961 --> 00:14:02,111 Ha! You're a Zoan, aren't you?! 157 00:14:04,151 --> 00:14:06,701 Are you stupid? You can't even swim! 158 00:14:12,031 --> 00:14:15,591 Oh, yeah, you're a Zoan, too. 159 00:14:16,371 --> 00:14:17,811 How inconvenient... 160 00:14:21,781 --> 00:14:24,501 Why don't you follow your master?! 161 00:14:33,701 --> 00:14:35,341 Ahh, how absurd! 162 00:14:35,731 --> 00:14:38,471 I can't stand how weak they all are. 163 00:14:38,941 --> 00:14:42,251 If this was a bottomless river, there'd still have been some hope. 164 00:14:42,251 --> 00:14:45,751 But unfortunately, this river does have a bottom. 165 00:14:47,531 --> 00:14:52,521 Let's see... I wonder if those three escapees have already been hunted. 166 00:14:56,081 --> 00:14:58,171 Is that well that strange? 167 00:14:58,171 --> 00:14:58,761 Yes. It's unbelievable that a well would be stuck underneath a tree. 168 00:15:03,081 --> 00:15:05,921 The balance between civilization and nature here is off. 169 00:15:06,301 --> 00:15:09,901 Well, in any case, unless we come up with a way to cross this cloud river, 170 00:15:10,341 --> 00:15:13,231 we can't walk around this forest. 171 00:15:15,281 --> 00:15:17,751 We're far from meeting God. 172 00:15:17,751 --> 00:15:20,861 The civilization couldn't estimate the growth of this tree. 173 00:15:21,731 --> 00:15:23,531 I've never seen a case like this before. 174 00:15:24,401 --> 00:15:27,971 Hey, Nami! Can you see anything from up there?! 175 00:15:33,081 --> 00:15:36,511 The island where God lives... Upper Yard... 176 00:15:40,851 --> 00:15:45,101 Hey! Say something! Did you find God?! 177 00:15:46,681 --> 00:15:48,431 I wonder if she saw something. 178 00:15:53,301 --> 00:15:55,751 This island... Can't be...! 179 00:16:01,421 --> 00:16:05,521 You're pretty much dead. Hurry up and rest in peace. 180 00:16:05,811 --> 00:16:08,561 I'm a priest. There's no way you can win. 181 00:16:10,971 --> 00:16:15,201 I-I can't go on anymore! My heart can't take any more surprises. 182 00:16:15,791 --> 00:16:18,191 Soon, you'll be out of options. 183 00:16:19,591 --> 00:16:24,091 Your boat has nearly reached this forest's exit. 184 00:16:24,651 --> 00:16:26,801 When that happens, it's all over! 185 00:16:30,141 --> 00:16:33,981 So long as you can't fly like birds, 186 00:16:33,981 --> 00:16:35,591 you won't be able to get out of here. 187 00:16:38,921 --> 00:16:43,341 You'll wander around in this forest and die of exhaustion! 188 00:16:46,471 --> 00:16:47,781 That won't... 189 00:16:49,191 --> 00:16:51,141 ...happen!! 190 00:16:51,141 --> 00:16:52,401 It will! 191 00:16:52,801 --> 00:16:54,281 Surprise Balls! 192 00:16:55,511 --> 00:16:57,071 Ball Dragon! 193 00:16:57,861 --> 00:17:00,001 Now, it's show time! 194 00:17:01,201 --> 00:17:03,611 Which one is the fire-bomb ball? 195 00:17:04,051 --> 00:17:07,021 Touch it, and there'll be an astonishingly huge explosion! 196 00:17:12,211 --> 00:17:15,291 Good, now's the time. We can still make it! 197 00:17:15,291 --> 00:17:17,381 I'll leave things here to you, Luffy! 198 00:17:19,701 --> 00:17:20,201 Hm? 199 00:17:22,071 --> 00:17:25,191 Oh? You're gonna climb up that tree to escape? 200 00:17:25,451 --> 00:17:28,051 Why can he read my mind?! 201 00:17:28,051 --> 00:17:29,651 Don't follow me!! 202 00:17:32,301 --> 00:17:33,041 Wh-What?! 203 00:17:35,401 --> 00:17:36,491 Oh, I see! 204 00:17:37,201 --> 00:17:39,931 It was controlled by this string. 205 00:17:40,211 --> 00:17:41,211 I'll take care... 206 00:17:42,641 --> 00:17:44,541 ...of this thing! 207 00:17:46,551 --> 00:17:49,511 I can't control Ball Dragon anymore! 208 00:17:49,851 --> 00:17:51,301 What impudence! 209 00:17:51,301 --> 00:17:53,301 Just hang on and come to me!! 210 00:17:59,411 --> 00:18:02,711 Hey, don't hang on with the other hand, too! 211 00:18:27,621 --> 00:18:29,301 There it is!! 212 00:18:29,471 --> 00:18:33,251 So I was right! There's no doubt! That's the exit! 213 00:18:33,841 --> 00:18:37,721 Of course! Why didn't I think of this sooner? 214 00:18:37,721 --> 00:18:40,731 We fell from such a high place. 215 00:18:41,151 --> 00:18:44,161 It's natural that the exit is at the same height! 216 00:18:45,151 --> 00:18:48,431 Now that I know where the exit is, the boat rule doesn't matter! 217 00:18:48,941 --> 00:18:51,991 I have to hurry. I'm worried about that huge explosion earlier. 218 00:18:51,991 --> 00:18:54,311 They'd better be okay! 219 00:18:54,311 --> 00:18:55,001 Ow, ow, ow, ow... 220 00:19:01,461 --> 00:19:05,071 That was close! What an unbelievable idiot! 221 00:19:05,611 --> 00:19:09,481 No, he might've been determined to take me with him. 222 00:19:09,481 --> 00:19:12,501 This isn't good. I'm still insufficiently trained! 223 00:19:12,501 --> 00:19:14,871 He took control of the pace for a second! 224 00:19:14,871 --> 00:19:17,521 If I can't stay calm over a little thing like this, 225 00:19:18,521 --> 00:19:20,601 it'll hinder my Mantra! 226 00:19:20,601 --> 00:19:21,491 You're right! 227 00:19:22,611 --> 00:19:23,311 That was close! 228 00:19:25,141 --> 00:19:27,271 Ah! You're still alive?! 229 00:19:27,931 --> 00:19:31,101 Ahhh! Get off of me! You idiot! 230 00:19:31,101 --> 00:19:32,721 Don't stick to me, you weirdo! 231 00:19:32,721 --> 00:19:36,841 I said get off of me, now! You idiot! Idiot! 232 00:19:36,841 --> 00:19:38,701 Don't let him go, Luffy! 233 00:19:36,841 --> 00:19:38,701 Get off of me! 234 00:19:38,701 --> 00:19:40,871 Don't ever let go of that doughboy! 235 00:19:41,881 --> 00:19:42,501 You...! 236 00:19:42,501 --> 00:19:44,721 Oh, Sanji! You're alive?! 237 00:19:45,001 --> 00:19:47,391 I almost died because of you!! 238 00:19:47,411 --> 00:19:49,261 Pay more attention to others! 239 00:19:49,831 --> 00:19:52,541 Well, in any case, doughboy... 240 00:19:56,671 --> 00:19:59,331 You keep saying "ordeal this," "ordeal that," 241 00:19:59,331 --> 00:20:02,371 but frankly, it's got nothing to do with us. 242 00:20:02,711 --> 00:20:05,831 However, we accept that stupid sky ordeal... 243 00:20:06,321 --> 00:20:11,291 ...because two helpless ladies are waiting for me to come to their rescue. 244 00:20:12,291 --> 00:20:13,781 In other words, yes... 245 00:20:15,751 --> 00:20:18,241 ...this is... a love ordeal! 246 00:20:18,241 --> 00:20:20,371 Is this guy an idiot, too?! 247 00:20:20,371 --> 00:20:22,371 Ahh! I said get off of me!! 248 00:20:23,401 --> 00:20:26,981 Y-You! You! Dammit! Let me go! 249 00:20:26,981 --> 00:20:29,671 You guys play dirty, attacking two on one! 250 00:20:33,081 --> 00:20:35,851 You creeps kidnapped our friends. 251 00:20:36,241 --> 00:20:40,141 You made a cute angel cry and tried to kill her. 252 00:20:40,141 --> 00:20:42,881 You have no right to say we play dirty. 253 00:20:42,881 --> 00:20:44,561 He's right. 254 00:20:44,561 --> 00:20:48,361 It's amazing that you can predict our movements. 255 00:20:48,361 --> 00:20:49,801 But even if you can predict them, 256 00:20:50,461 --> 00:20:53,211 it doesn't mean anything if you can't avoid them, does it? 257 00:20:55,231 --> 00:20:59,201 I-Idiots! Stop it! I'm one of the priests that serve God! 258 00:20:59,201 --> 00:21:01,371 Let me go! Hey, are you listening?! 259 00:21:01,371 --> 00:21:06,411 Not being judged by a priest is a 1st degree crime in Skypiea! 260 00:21:06,901 --> 00:21:13,301 Now listen here! Attacking me means you declare war on the Almighty God Eneru! 261 00:21:13,301 --> 00:21:15,871 Shut your mouth! Or the flavor will escape. 262 00:21:17,301 --> 00:21:21,201 For example, when you want to produce the supreme mignonnette from pepper... 263 00:21:24,451 --> 00:21:27,691 ...the important thing is to, strongly, roughly 264 00:21:28,471 --> 00:21:30,931 and without hesitation, beat it to a pulp. 265 00:21:36,161 --> 00:21:39,441 Then, the wonderful flavor confined inside will be... 266 00:21:39,641 --> 00:21:42,401 Ahhh! Ahhh! Stop it! 267 00:21:43,641 --> 00:21:46,281 Ahhh! Stop it! Stop it! 268 00:21:46,281 --> 00:21:48,161 It's gonna hurt! So stop it! 269 00:21:50,451 --> 00:21:52,411 Concasser! 270 00:22:15,621 --> 00:22:22,381 Even if we're far apart 271 00:22:22,381 --> 00:22:28,761 I don't want you to forget 272 00:22:28,761 --> 00:22:38,441 That on those days when you're brought to tears 273 00:22:38,441 --> 00:22:44,021 You have a friend here to share the pain 274 00:22:45,611 --> 00:22:52,621 That far-off feeling we refuse to concede 275 00:22:52,621 --> 00:22:59,121 I won't let it just be a dream 276 00:22:59,121 --> 00:23:05,841 The eternal brilliance that everyone is searching for 277 00:23:05,841 --> 00:23:13,601 We will surely embrace it with our own hands 278 00:23:25,821 --> 00:23:28,881 Phew, it's finally quiet. What's the next ordeal? 279 00:23:28,881 --> 00:23:32,021 After a love ordeal is, of course, a romance ordeal! 280 00:23:32,021 --> 00:23:34,631 Follow me! We have to somehow get to the seashore. 281 00:23:34,631 --> 00:23:36,681 It looks like things're gonna get crazy! 282 00:23:36,681 --> 00:23:38,021 This is our chance! 283 00:23:38,021 --> 00:23:41,891 Today we'll definitely crush the priests and take Upper Yard back! 284 00:23:42,481 --> 00:23:43,721 On the next episode of One Piece! 285 00:23:43,721 --> 00:23:46,461 "Light the Fire of Shandora! Wyper, the Warrior" 286 00:23:46,461 --> 00:23:48,721 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!