1 00:00:22,311 --> 00:00:25,371 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:25,881 --> 00:00:28,901 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,901 --> 00:00:31,611 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:31,991 --> 00:00:35,401 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,931 --> 00:00:40,661 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,201 --> 00:00:50,901 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,901 --> 00:00:54,361 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,291 --> 00:01:00,641 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,641 --> 00:01:08,651 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,651 --> 00:01:16,321 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,791 --> 00:01:24,831 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,331 --> 00:01:33,301 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,301 --> 00:01:41,011 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,011 --> 00:01:46,691 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,691 --> 00:01:50,321 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,191 --> 00:01:56,441 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,441 --> 00:02:03,531 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:04,991 --> 00:02:11,191 {\an8}"Upper Yard" "Lovely Street" "Angel Beach" 19 00:02:16,571 --> 00:02:20,461 If you don't want to die, go back to the Blue Sea immediately! 20 00:02:20,461 --> 00:02:25,181 If you've got any funny ideas about doing something on this island... 21 00:02:25,671 --> 00:02:29,321 ...we'll eliminate you along with Eneru! 22 00:02:31,131 --> 00:02:32,731 Who're they? 23 00:02:41,341 --> 00:02:46,401 So he fought this hard, even though he gave us this whistle for free... 24 00:02:49,381 --> 00:02:54,461 As pirates, we can't back off when there's treasure close by, can we? 25 00:02:54,711 --> 00:02:58,671 We've got enough enemies. It's gonna be a survival game. 26 00:03:02,581 --> 00:03:06,331 Alright! Let's do it! Gold hunting!! 27 00:03:09,701 --> 00:03:12,911 "Festival on the Night Before Gold-Hunting! Feelings for Vearth!" 28 00:03:27,131 --> 00:03:28,911 Those beasts are problematic. 29 00:03:29,291 --> 00:03:31,471 Can't we draw them away somehow? 30 00:03:33,611 --> 00:03:34,971 Alright! I'll try! 31 00:03:55,031 --> 00:03:56,691 Two... Three... 32 00:04:16,361 --> 00:04:17,001 Laki! 33 00:04:18,551 --> 00:04:19,711 What are you doing? 34 00:04:20,121 --> 00:04:22,721 Though I guess there's nothing you can do, hanging there like that... 35 00:04:25,241 --> 00:04:28,261 This is that important to you, huh? 36 00:04:37,811 --> 00:04:38,861 Laki! 37 00:04:43,661 --> 00:04:45,401 Run, Kamakiri! 38 00:04:47,801 --> 00:04:49,681 I owe you one, Kamakiri... 39 00:04:52,561 --> 00:04:53,871 Kamakiri! 40 00:04:53,871 --> 00:04:55,161 Dammit! 41 00:05:00,261 --> 00:05:02,341 Wyper! Kamakiri's been hurt! 42 00:05:03,161 --> 00:05:04,051 What?! 43 00:05:08,741 --> 00:05:12,221 Dammit! And we were so close! 44 00:05:13,671 --> 00:05:15,391 How do you figure that? 45 00:05:16,181 --> 00:05:19,731 Once night falls, we'll have an even greater advantage. 46 00:05:28,501 --> 00:05:31,081 Assist the wounded! We're pulling back for now! 47 00:05:31,501 --> 00:05:33,161 Meet back at the outer island! 48 00:05:36,791 --> 00:05:38,091 I won't let you escape! 49 00:05:38,401 --> 00:05:39,791 Wait, Ohm! 50 00:05:41,401 --> 00:05:42,501 What is it? 51 00:05:43,991 --> 00:05:46,091 God Eneru wants to see us. 52 00:05:58,421 --> 00:05:59,281 What is it? 53 00:06:00,901 --> 00:06:03,771 Those sounds seem to be getting farther away. 54 00:06:04,061 --> 00:06:08,871 Yeah. The guerillas and priests are probably going home for the night. 55 00:06:08,871 --> 00:06:11,181 We better hurry and get back, too. 56 00:06:12,421 --> 00:06:15,541 --Wait for me, Zoro! --Hurry, or I'll leave you behind! 57 00:06:15,541 --> 00:06:17,931 You don't know the way back! 58 00:06:45,581 --> 00:06:47,061 Man, this is boring! 59 00:06:47,061 --> 00:06:49,101 Who told you to stare at it?! 60 00:06:49,861 --> 00:06:53,551 Your only job is to put the distilled water that collects in the container 61 00:06:53,551 --> 00:06:59,081 into the canteens, so that we'll have drinking water for tomorrow! 62 00:07:01,001 --> 00:07:03,121 Still... 63 00:07:03,121 --> 00:07:05,381 Sanji! We got lots of things! 64 00:07:05,381 --> 00:07:07,891 Oh! Good work! What'd you find? 65 00:07:07,891 --> 00:07:10,291 Walnuts, aloe, bananas, and garlic! 66 00:07:10,291 --> 00:07:11,381 And rats and frogs. 67 00:07:11,641 --> 00:07:13,741 Great! Toss it into the stew! 68 00:07:13,741 --> 00:07:17,281 Hold it! There were some weird ingredients just now! 69 00:07:17,281 --> 00:07:20,081 You're right! How careless of me! 70 00:07:20,081 --> 00:07:21,601 No garlic? 71 00:07:21,601 --> 00:07:23,351 No! I wasn't talking about that! 72 00:07:23,351 --> 00:07:26,701 What's wrong, Navigator? 73 00:07:27,271 --> 00:07:31,021 Wow! Robin! What's that blue thing?! A gem?! 74 00:07:31,341 --> 00:07:33,741 Pretty, isn't it? But no, it's not a gem. 75 00:07:33,741 --> 00:07:38,451 Oh, a salt crystal, huh? That's a great find, Robin-chan! 76 00:07:38,811 --> 00:07:42,411 I found it on the lakeshore. I thought it would be useful to have... 77 00:07:42,411 --> 00:07:46,921 It sure would! Salt is vital to surviving in the wilderness! 78 00:07:48,951 --> 00:07:51,621 I'll take half the garlic and aloe! 79 00:07:51,621 --> 00:07:55,641 I can use it to make burn medicine and antiseptic for the Sky Knight! 80 00:07:55,641 --> 00:07:56,431 Yeah? 81 00:07:56,901 --> 00:07:58,981 --What about the frogs? --No frogs. 82 00:07:58,981 --> 00:08:00,141 Hey, Zoro! 83 00:08:00,971 --> 00:08:02,891 You're not doing anything. Help out. 84 00:08:05,741 --> 00:08:09,691 You know, my swords aren't meant to be used like this... 85 00:08:10,151 --> 00:08:14,161 Quiet! Disobey the cook and you'll go without dinner! 86 00:08:18,091 --> 00:08:21,411 Eh?! We're eating rocks, too?! Are they any good? 87 00:08:21,411 --> 00:08:23,621 Get real. This is stone stew. 88 00:08:23,911 --> 00:08:26,581 The heat from the cooked stone boils the stew. 89 00:08:26,581 --> 00:08:27,801 Oh...! 90 00:08:27,801 --> 00:08:32,301 Stew is great! You get all the ingredients' nutrition without any waste! 91 00:08:32,781 --> 00:08:35,951 --I see! --Ah! We're having stew... 92 00:08:35,951 --> 00:08:37,181 Don't open it! 93 00:08:38,821 --> 00:08:41,631 Sanji! I'm hungry! 94 00:08:41,631 --> 00:08:43,181 It's not even cooked yet! 95 00:08:43,751 --> 00:08:47,761 Besides, didn't you just roast and eat an entire skyshark?! 96 00:08:47,761 --> 00:08:51,071 Yeah... but that was just to tide me over. 97 00:08:51,421 --> 00:08:54,211 Geez, what kind of stomach does he have? 98 00:08:54,211 --> 00:08:55,391 How uneconomical... 99 00:08:59,751 --> 00:09:02,911 What're you doing, Usopp? Dinner's almost ready. 100 00:09:02,911 --> 00:09:09,021 Yeah, just thought I'd start hauling the wood for the ship's repairs... 101 00:09:09,021 --> 00:09:11,451 --You planning to swim across? --Huh? Yeah. 102 00:09:11,901 --> 00:09:14,241 Those big sharks are in there. 103 00:09:18,971 --> 00:09:22,591 I can fix it tomorrow! Let's get dinner, Zoro! 104 00:09:24,661 --> 00:09:26,061 Yeesh... 105 00:09:30,041 --> 00:09:31,321 Alright! Finished! 106 00:09:31,781 --> 00:09:34,171 Ladies first. Got it? 107 00:09:34,171 --> 00:09:34,821 Yeah. 108 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:37,601 Alright! Everyone in your seats! 109 00:09:37,601 --> 00:09:39,991 I'll come around and serve it, so eat before it gets cold! 110 00:09:40,421 --> 00:09:41,581 Alright, guys! 111 00:09:41,581 --> 00:09:45,041 Let's begin our strategy meeting to decide what to do tomorrow! 112 00:09:45,041 --> 00:09:47,051 Ooh! Looks great! 113 00:09:47,501 --> 00:09:49,621 Guys! T-Thanks. 114 00:09:49,621 --> 00:09:51,461 We can do this while eating, so listen! 115 00:09:51,901 --> 00:09:54,091 --Right! --Right! 116 00:09:55,011 --> 00:09:57,761 Oh! Heart-shaped carrots! 117 00:10:00,141 --> 00:10:01,901 You're really meticulous, Sanji! 118 00:10:02,651 --> 00:10:08,271 How is it, huh?! Do you like my love stew?! 119 00:10:08,271 --> 00:10:09,851 Eh? What? 120 00:10:10,681 --> 00:10:12,051 Everyone ready? 121 00:10:12,051 --> 00:10:14,321 First, let's review Noland's picture book! 122 00:10:14,321 --> 00:10:18,641 It was 400 years ago when Noland first discovered the city of gold. 123 00:10:18,641 --> 00:10:24,821 But when he returned to Jaya years later, the gold ruins were gone! 124 00:10:24,821 --> 00:10:27,471 This stew sure is good! Just like-- 125 00:10:28,601 --> 00:10:30,581 Hey! Are you listening?! 126 00:10:30,581 --> 00:10:32,981 I'm sorry, Nami-san! But he was... 127 00:10:32,981 --> 00:10:36,891 These sky island boxed lunches are great, too! 128 00:10:37,631 --> 00:10:39,401 Back to the story! 129 00:10:39,401 --> 00:10:43,631 Basically, during those few years, this island, which is part of Jaya, 130 00:10:43,631 --> 00:10:44,971 came up into the sky! 131 00:10:46,011 --> 00:10:48,931 You mean it rode up the Knock-Up Stream?! 132 00:10:49,271 --> 00:10:51,451 Yeah. That's the only possibility I can think of; 133 00:10:51,821 --> 00:10:56,121 Cricket-san said the sea floor explodes at different places each time. 134 00:10:56,121 --> 00:10:59,651 I could see an island flying after an explosion like that! 135 00:11:00,621 --> 00:11:06,781 But it's hard to believe that forest on Jaya is the same as this one... 136 00:11:06,781 --> 00:11:11,121 That's probably due to the composition of sea and island clouds. 137 00:11:11,851 --> 00:11:13,941 It appears the environment around this sky island 138 00:11:13,941 --> 00:11:17,331 allows animals and plants to develop unusually quickly. 139 00:11:17,331 --> 00:11:22,281 That also explains the civilization that was swallowed up by this forest. 140 00:11:22,281 --> 00:11:23,761 So dejected... 141 00:11:24,071 --> 00:11:29,491 Say, the South Birds that saved us at the lake were this big! 142 00:11:29,491 --> 00:11:32,371 Yeah, they probably got bigger over those 400 years. 143 00:11:32,371 --> 00:11:33,951 But it's strange... 144 00:11:34,521 --> 00:11:37,861 Why did those huge South Birds save you? 145 00:11:37,861 --> 00:11:45,231 Yeah, I'm not really sure. But they all called the Sky Knight "God"... 146 00:11:46,011 --> 00:11:49,791 God?! Does that mean we should beat up this old man?! 147 00:11:49,791 --> 00:11:52,161 Of course not, you stupid loudmouth! 148 00:11:52,551 --> 00:11:55,171 Alright, that's enough! Sit down, loudmouth! 149 00:11:55,171 --> 00:11:58,131 --Yeah! Sit down! --Who's this "loudmouth"?! --It's you! 150 00:11:58,491 --> 00:12:04,151 Anyways, remember what Noland's log said about the city of gold?! 151 00:12:04,151 --> 00:12:05,951 I know! He saw gold! 152 00:12:05,951 --> 00:12:09,281 Obviously, you loud loudmouth! Quit sayin' whatever comes to mind! 153 00:12:09,281 --> 00:12:14,481 I recall there being a giant gold bell, and that there were South Birds... 154 00:12:15,271 --> 00:12:19,061 There was an incomprehensible line on the last page of his log. 155 00:12:19,061 --> 00:12:22,071 Just before he died, Noland wrote a passage 156 00:12:22,551 --> 00:12:25,041 that said he saw gold in the "skull's right eye"... 157 00:12:25,041 --> 00:12:27,521 That's it! Look at this! 158 00:12:27,521 --> 00:12:32,831 I matched the size of Robin's Jaya map with the old Skypiea map! 159 00:12:33,191 --> 00:12:34,611 It's just an approximation, 160 00:12:34,611 --> 00:12:38,421 but when you put their locations of the beach house together... 161 00:12:40,041 --> 00:12:43,201 See! This is how Jaya looked 400 years ago! 162 00:12:44,821 --> 00:12:47,891 --Whoa! It's a skull! --It looks like a skull! 163 00:12:49,421 --> 00:12:51,461 --Well? --Awesome! 164 00:12:51,461 --> 00:12:54,991 --Way to go, Nami-san! --We did it! 165 00:12:54,991 --> 00:12:57,851 Then, the "skull's right eye" is... 166 00:12:59,581 --> 00:13:00,521 Right here! 167 00:13:01,661 --> 00:13:05,121 Noland was referring to the shape of the entire island. 168 00:13:05,431 --> 00:13:09,991 But only half of it is left now, so nobody could solve the mystery! 169 00:13:10,781 --> 00:13:14,371 I see! So that's why... 170 00:13:14,821 --> 00:13:16,251 Interesting... 171 00:13:16,251 --> 00:13:19,001 --Treasure! --Treasure! 172 00:13:19,481 --> 00:13:22,341 So we just need to go straight to this spot! 173 00:13:23,061 --> 00:13:27,521 We can't leave the boat, though, so let's split into two teams tomorrow! 174 00:13:28,901 --> 00:13:30,381 No doubt about it! 175 00:13:30,711 --> 00:13:34,151 There's an enormous amount of gold waiting for us here! 176 00:13:57,581 --> 00:13:58,461 Wyper... 177 00:13:58,681 --> 00:14:01,551 Genbou! How are Kamakiri's wounds? 178 00:14:02,581 --> 00:14:05,261 They're tending to him over there right now. 179 00:14:05,711 --> 00:14:06,761 Are they deep? 180 00:14:07,261 --> 00:14:08,261 Yeah. 181 00:14:08,261 --> 00:14:11,381 It's hard to believe he would be beaten...! 182 00:14:11,381 --> 00:14:13,921 Ohm really is formidable... 183 00:14:14,331 --> 00:14:15,731 I-I'm sorry... 184 00:14:19,701 --> 00:14:20,861 It's... 185 00:14:21,701 --> 00:14:23,341 It's my fault! 186 00:14:32,951 --> 00:14:34,511 What a meal! 187 00:14:35,661 --> 00:14:38,271 --We get gold tomorrow! --That's right! 188 00:14:39,221 --> 00:14:41,411 Do you think tomorrow'll be sunny, too? 189 00:14:41,411 --> 00:14:43,471 Well, we are above the clouds... 190 00:14:43,471 --> 00:14:47,131 It's gotten pretty late. We need to put out any unnecessary fires. 191 00:14:47,641 --> 00:14:49,961 They'll only reveal our location to the enemy... 192 00:14:51,111 --> 00:14:56,811 How foolish! Did you hear that, Usopp?! She wants to put out the fire! 193 00:14:57,701 --> 00:15:04,191 It's not her fault. She's lived in darkness until now. 194 00:15:04,191 --> 00:15:05,151 She just doesn't know. 195 00:15:06,821 --> 00:15:08,281 What do you mean? 196 00:15:09,531 --> 00:15:13,221 You're always supposed to have a campfire! 197 00:15:13,221 --> 00:15:16,321 The desire to have a campfire when camping at night, 198 00:15:16,321 --> 00:15:19,221 even if you're on your last legs, is what makes one human! 199 00:15:19,221 --> 00:15:21,501 You're the stupid ones! 200 00:15:21,861 --> 00:15:28,431 Will you cut the crap already?! You know how dangerous this forest is! 201 00:15:28,431 --> 00:15:31,491 --Do not! --There are priests! There are guerrillas! 202 00:15:31,491 --> 00:15:35,791 And even without them, forests at night are dangerous anyways! 203 00:15:35,791 --> 00:15:38,581 Who knows? There could be wild animals or monsters out there! 204 00:15:38,581 --> 00:15:39,921 Monsters?! 205 00:15:39,921 --> 00:15:42,021 Sky islands are scary, sky islands are scary... 206 00:15:42,021 --> 00:15:43,271 Hey, Luffy! 207 00:15:44,361 --> 00:15:46,471 Is this wood pile good enough? 208 00:15:46,471 --> 00:15:48,731 You guys are serious about this, too?! 209 00:15:49,801 --> 00:15:54,301 It's all right, Nami-san. Wild animals are actually afraid of fires. 210 00:15:54,791 --> 00:15:58,241 Behind you! There's already something behind you! 211 00:16:05,771 --> 00:16:08,551 Hey! It's saying something! C'mere, Chopper! 212 00:16:08,981 --> 00:16:09,751 Eh? 213 00:16:11,271 --> 00:16:16,511 "You outsiders are being too damn loud! Get to bed, you dumbasses!" 214 00:16:16,951 --> 00:16:18,301 --Say what?! --Say what?! 215 00:16:18,301 --> 00:16:20,321 I'm not the one saying it! 216 00:16:20,811 --> 00:16:25,941 "Don't tell me you bastards are thinkin' about trashin' our turf!" 217 00:16:25,941 --> 00:16:29,151 No, we were brought here against our will! 218 00:16:29,151 --> 00:16:33,941 "This is our land! Who said you jerks could cook here?!" 219 00:16:33,941 --> 00:16:35,621 Uh... Sorry! 220 00:16:35,621 --> 00:16:38,951 "This forest is ours! The trees, the grass, everything!" 221 00:16:43,511 --> 00:16:46,041 I won't let you have our treasure! 222 00:16:48,581 --> 00:16:52,801 Hey, look! Things seem even worse now! What do we do?! 223 00:16:52,801 --> 00:16:55,091 --Do something! --Me?! 224 00:16:57,461 --> 00:17:02,601 "Forget it, guys. You ain't no match for them, even as a pack..." 225 00:17:03,671 --> 00:17:08,941 "Girlie! You pack a mean punch! I like ya!" 226 00:17:11,931 --> 00:17:14,241 Did we just work things out? 227 00:17:14,241 --> 00:17:14,901 Seems that way. 228 00:17:15,461 --> 00:17:18,661 Then let's all have a campfire together! 229 00:17:18,661 --> 00:17:20,481 Yeah! 230 00:17:27,031 --> 00:17:30,591 Let's get this party goin'! It's the night festival before gold-hunting! 231 00:17:34,841 --> 00:17:36,801 What is this?! It's delicious! 232 00:17:37,241 --> 00:17:40,601 Did you guys make this juice? It's delicious! More, please! 233 00:17:47,271 --> 00:17:48,481 Yay! 234 00:17:54,921 --> 00:17:56,361 What is this?! It's delicious! 235 00:17:56,361 --> 00:17:58,321 Let's get the treasure! 236 00:17:58,321 --> 00:18:00,321 --Gold! --Gold! 237 00:18:04,761 --> 00:18:07,561 They even tamed the cloud wolves... 238 00:18:09,221 --> 00:18:14,421 No one else living on Eneru's land would have such a wild party... 239 00:18:14,421 --> 00:18:16,761 Oh, you're awake! Should you be moving about? 240 00:18:16,761 --> 00:18:20,161 I apologize for trying to help but causing trouble instead... 241 00:18:20,161 --> 00:18:22,541 What're you talking about? You helped a lot! 242 00:18:22,541 --> 00:18:26,751 Thanks! I hear you saved Chopper and our ship. 243 00:18:26,751 --> 00:18:29,981 --It was nothing... --There's still some stew. Would you like some? 244 00:18:29,981 --> 00:18:33,391 No, no. I thank you, but I'm afraid I can't right now. 245 00:18:35,271 --> 00:18:38,881 Oh! You're up, weird old man! Thanks for your help! 246 00:18:38,881 --> 00:18:41,701 --Let's dance! --Let's dance, Sky Knight! 247 00:18:41,701 --> 00:18:43,031 You're supposed to be a doctor! 248 00:18:44,901 --> 00:18:48,041 Old man! How is Conis-chan? Is she all right? 249 00:18:48,341 --> 00:18:52,721 Yes. She and her father are at my house. Fear not. 250 00:18:52,721 --> 00:18:56,001 Really?! That's great! I was so worried! 251 00:18:56,001 --> 00:18:58,961 That's great! They're both safe! 252 00:18:58,961 --> 00:19:01,471 Alright! Let's all toss Chopper into the air! 253 00:19:01,471 --> 00:19:02,181 What for?! 254 00:19:17,501 --> 00:19:20,321 I heard you talking earlier... 255 00:19:21,051 --> 00:19:24,831 --So this island was originally known as Jaya? --Yes. 256 00:19:25,211 --> 00:19:32,671 I take it you don't know why this place is now known as holy ground? 257 00:19:39,991 --> 00:19:42,991 It's stuff like this that causes distractions in battle! 258 00:19:42,991 --> 00:19:46,011 Are you here to get in our way, Laki?! 259 00:19:47,371 --> 00:19:50,931 I feel truly sorry for Kamakiri... 260 00:19:51,481 --> 00:19:52,881 We're up against priests! 261 00:19:52,881 --> 00:19:55,861 If we lack any strength in battle, we'll never make it to God's Shrine! 262 00:19:55,861 --> 00:19:58,291 I know apologizing won't fix everything! 263 00:19:58,291 --> 00:20:01,901 But give that back! It's Aisa's treasure! 264 00:20:01,901 --> 00:20:05,951 I promised I would get some Vearth for her! 265 00:20:05,951 --> 00:20:08,121 --Shut up! --Forgive me! Don't throw it away! 266 00:20:11,561 --> 00:20:14,751 Kamakiri... Your wounds... 267 00:20:15,351 --> 00:20:17,281 I can still fight. 268 00:20:20,151 --> 00:20:23,711 You're right-- now is the time to take down Upper Yard. 269 00:20:27,671 --> 00:20:32,141 With Satori gone, we put up a good fight during today's battle... 270 00:20:32,651 --> 00:20:36,041 So let's attack again tomorrow, Wyper... 271 00:20:43,991 --> 00:20:50,291 For you Blue Sea people, the ground here must seem quite natural. 272 00:20:50,761 --> 00:20:51,791 Yeah. 273 00:20:52,871 --> 00:20:54,661 I see. 274 00:20:55,431 --> 00:21:00,301 But this is something that does not normally exist in the sky. 275 00:21:00,811 --> 00:21:05,971 Island cloud does raise plant life, but it does not give birth to it. 276 00:21:05,971 --> 00:21:09,261 Neither greenery nor soil is naturally found in the sky... 277 00:21:16,571 --> 00:21:20,161 We call this "Vearth." 278 00:21:21,901 --> 00:21:27,701 It is the very object of eternal admiration for those living in the sky. 279 00:21:30,331 --> 00:21:35,871 Once we defeat Eneru, we won't need to revere a single bag of Vearth. 280 00:21:37,221 --> 00:21:39,081 Right, Wyper? 281 00:21:43,661 --> 00:21:48,001 We're going back. To the 400-year-old homeland of the Shandians! 282 00:22:15,411 --> 00:22:22,131 Even if we're far apart 283 00:22:22,131 --> 00:22:28,591 I don't want you to forget 284 00:22:28,591 --> 00:22:37,971 That on those days when you're brought to tears 285 00:22:37,971 --> 00:22:43,501 You have a friend here to share the pain 286 00:22:45,481 --> 00:22:52,101 That far-off feeling we refuse to concede 287 00:22:52,371 --> 00:22:58,691 I won't let it just be a dream 288 00:22:58,691 --> 00:23:05,631 The eternal brilliance that everyone is searching for 289 00:23:05,631 --> 00:23:13,331 We will surely embrace it with our own hands 290 00:23:25,801 --> 00:23:27,531 Gold-hunting, at last! 291 00:23:27,531 --> 00:23:31,071 I, Usopp-sama, am president of the Lowering-the-Merry Company! 292 00:23:31,071 --> 00:23:33,461 --Hold on, President! --President! 293 00:23:33,461 --> 00:23:36,121 --There is nothing I can't do! --Just get working, President. 294 00:23:36,121 --> 00:23:39,831 But now you're complete enemies of Eneru... 295 00:23:40,421 --> 00:23:41,871 On the next episode of One Piece! 296 00:23:41,871 --> 00:23:45,131 "Enter God Eneru!! Farewell to the Survivors" 297 00:23:45,131 --> 00:23:47,371 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!