1 00:00:32,321 --> 00:00:35,791 Did you know there's an awesome treasure at the end of this sea?! 2 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:40,191 And whoever gets it can be King of the Pirates! Isn't that exciting?! 3 00:00:40,191 --> 00:00:43,291 Unheard-of adventures are waiting! 4 00:00:45,081 --> 00:00:53,341 Bon voyage! Let that shred of courage grow 5 00:00:53,341 --> 00:01:00,941 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 6 00:01:00,941 --> 00:01:08,861 The horizons everyone dreamed of were separate at first 7 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:16,021 but now they can be seen through a single telescope 8 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:25,081 A bitter compass of destiny is leading your heart astray 9 00:01:25,151 --> 00:01:28,211 so turn the wheel in the other direction! 10 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:30,161 Bon voyage! 11 00:01:30,161 --> 00:01:35,261 Toss aside your bonds and your past 12 00:01:35,511 --> 00:01:42,421 We can surely smile despite that 13 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:52,011 Tears shed trying to achieve your dreams aren't for naught 14 00:01:52,011 --> 00:01:56,791 Precious in my life 15 00:01:57,321 --> 00:02:05,451 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 16 00:02:05,451 --> 00:02:10,681 {\an8}"Upper Yard" "Angel Island" 17 00:02:13,931 --> 00:02:16,101 Nami's group was planning to escape from Upper Yard 18 00:02:16,101 --> 00:02:20,061 when God Eneru appeared and demonstrated his might. 19 00:02:20,821 --> 00:02:25,711 Meanwhile, the four search team members wound up separated, 20 00:02:25,711 --> 00:02:29,761 and Luffy was confronted by the Shandian warrior Wyper. 21 00:02:30,691 --> 00:02:32,481 Gum-Gum... 22 00:02:33,401 --> 00:02:34,841 Burn... 23 00:02:38,441 --> 00:02:40,641 Bazooka! 24 00:02:38,441 --> 00:02:40,641 Bazooka! 25 00:02:53,771 --> 00:02:56,711 Nami's group then encountered a new enemy... 26 00:02:56,711 --> 00:02:59,421 Don't play dumb! My name is Hotori! 27 00:03:00,421 --> 00:03:02,731 My name is Kotori! 28 00:03:03,281 --> 00:03:06,391 You guys killed our brother! 29 00:03:08,011 --> 00:03:12,461 And Chopper, after losing his way, encountered Priest Gedatsu. 30 00:03:12,771 --> 00:03:14,711 Where did you go?! 31 00:03:17,351 --> 00:03:19,731 Yikes! 32 00:03:22,831 --> 00:03:27,201 "The Ordeal of the Swamp! Chopper vs. Sky Punk Gedatsu!!" 33 00:03:59,981 --> 00:04:03,681 A memorial for the very city itself... 34 00:04:07,471 --> 00:04:11,901 Descendants built this after the city fell... 35 00:04:14,271 --> 00:04:18,351 Shandora... That was this ancient city's name... 36 00:04:23,511 --> 00:04:25,771 402 S.E. 37 00:04:26,121 --> 00:04:30,431 The city flourished over 1,100 years ago, 38 00:04:30,891 --> 00:04:32,891 and it was 800 years ago when it fell. 39 00:04:36,351 --> 00:04:41,581 That matches the "Blank Century" that's missing throughout the world. 40 00:04:42,411 --> 00:04:45,851 This island might know about the "unspoken history" 41 00:04:45,851 --> 00:04:50,281 that's gone from the world below. 42 00:04:52,521 --> 00:04:54,591 This is a complete map of Shandora... 43 00:04:55,391 --> 00:04:58,431 Perhaps I'll find more clues about the "unspeakable history" 44 00:04:58,691 --> 00:05:01,041 in the center of the city... 45 00:05:01,951 --> 00:05:02,541 Who's there?! 46 00:05:03,071 --> 00:05:05,561 Why, hello there, cutie-pie. 47 00:05:06,381 --> 00:05:08,161 Are you another of God's henchmen?! 48 00:05:08,591 --> 00:05:09,991 Henchmen? 49 00:05:10,641 --> 00:05:12,551 Watch your mouth. 50 00:05:12,881 --> 00:05:17,051 I am Yama, Divine Commander for God Eneru! 51 00:05:17,351 --> 00:05:20,921 So, what brings you here, Divine Commander? 52 00:05:21,101 --> 00:05:22,891 Enough talk! 53 00:05:36,161 --> 00:05:38,011 Where did you disappear to?! 54 00:05:40,551 --> 00:05:41,251 Eh?! 55 00:05:41,651 --> 00:05:43,431 A concealment technique?! 56 00:05:43,431 --> 00:05:46,251 Oh! His eyes are rolled back in his head! 57 00:05:46,251 --> 00:05:48,421 That's so scary! 58 00:05:53,981 --> 00:05:57,301 Gedatsu-sama! You cannot see the enemy with your eyes rolled back! 59 00:05:58,131 --> 00:05:59,771 How careless of me! 60 00:06:00,911 --> 00:06:02,491 Is this guy an idiot?! 61 00:06:03,921 --> 00:06:08,441 An enemy?! I guess so, huh?! Are you... a priest?! 62 00:06:14,771 --> 00:06:20,031 Indeed, I am! Heso! My name is Sky Punk Gedatsu! 63 00:06:20,031 --> 00:06:23,791 Priest of the almighty God Eneru! 64 00:06:23,791 --> 00:06:27,461 I am in charge of Upper Yard's "Swamp Ordeal"! 65 00:06:28,861 --> 00:06:31,201 Say something, you jerk! 66 00:06:32,721 --> 00:06:35,801 Gedatsu-sama! He cannot hear you unless you speak out loud! 67 00:06:36,171 --> 00:06:37,641 How careless of me! 68 00:06:37,861 --> 00:06:39,881 Is that something you normally forget?! 69 00:06:44,201 --> 00:06:50,271 You had best watch your step! This area is already my territory! 70 00:06:50,851 --> 00:06:52,811 We are surrounded by Swamp Clouds! 71 00:06:52,821 --> 00:06:57,901 Once you're caught by one, there is no way to escape on your own! 72 00:06:57,901 --> 00:07:01,391 The survival rate here is 50%-- 73 00:07:01,401 --> 00:07:02,741 How careless of me! 74 00:07:03,011 --> 00:07:03,831 Swamp?! 75 00:07:04,051 --> 00:07:05,581 The "Swamp Ordeal"! 76 00:07:06,321 --> 00:07:08,451 You're sinking?! 77 00:07:08,761 --> 00:07:10,921 Fool! It has no effect on me! 78 00:07:11,491 --> 00:07:12,961 Swamp Cloud... 79 00:07:14,171 --> 00:07:17,201 ...Milky Dials! 80 00:07:23,351 --> 00:07:26,231 Wow! Awesome! 81 00:07:27,511 --> 00:07:30,701 He's shooting stuff out of his feet to fly! 82 00:07:33,331 --> 00:07:34,861 So cool! 83 00:07:38,451 --> 00:07:40,441 Something came out of his hands, too... 84 00:07:40,441 --> 00:07:44,411 A single raccoon dog will be no trouble at all. 85 00:07:45,651 --> 00:07:46,541 Take this! 86 00:07:47,691 --> 00:07:50,001 Swamp Cloud Burger! 87 00:07:50,791 --> 00:07:53,471 With the weight of a cloud, and the properties of a swamp! 88 00:07:53,471 --> 00:07:55,181 Once you touch it, there is no hope for survival! 89 00:07:56,841 --> 00:07:59,601 Gedatsu-sama! No! I'm not the one you're--! 90 00:08:07,931 --> 00:08:09,731 He can't get it off! 91 00:08:11,571 --> 00:08:16,401 I see! It is a cloud! If you try to lift it, your hands will just go through! 92 00:08:20,531 --> 00:08:24,371 The more you struggle to get it off, the deeper you're dragged inside... 93 00:08:29,131 --> 00:08:30,421 I have to help him! 94 00:08:30,421 --> 00:08:32,251 There you are, raccoon dog! 95 00:08:32,871 --> 00:08:35,251 Swamp Cloud Burger! 96 00:08:39,181 --> 00:08:41,471 Yikes! If one of those hits me, I'm dead! 97 00:08:44,471 --> 00:08:48,261 Hey! Are you all right?! Hang in there! 98 00:08:48,831 --> 00:08:49,651 Hey! 99 00:08:50,911 --> 00:08:52,291 Breathe! 100 00:08:53,271 --> 00:08:54,491 Don't die! 101 00:08:58,891 --> 00:09:00,281 Thank goodness! You're alive! 102 00:09:02,161 --> 00:09:04,711 I owe you my life... 103 00:09:07,801 --> 00:09:11,621 Being saved by an enemy... Pathetic! 104 00:09:11,621 --> 00:09:12,631 Uh oh! 105 00:09:13,131 --> 00:09:18,591 And you call yourself one of the 50 Skypiean Divine Soldiers who serve God?! 106 00:09:19,921 --> 00:09:24,591 How dare you speak that way?! You'll pay! I'll never serve you again! 107 00:09:26,711 --> 00:09:29,541 I'll make you prey for my Axe Dial! 108 00:09:30,871 --> 00:09:33,981 Alright! We can do it! Let's fight together! 109 00:09:34,471 --> 00:09:38,741 Hey, you! You don't scare us! 110 00:09:41,511 --> 00:09:44,461 Very well. Jet Punch! 111 00:10:01,671 --> 00:10:04,301 The destructive Jet Dial! 112 00:10:04,301 --> 00:10:06,381 If you accelerate your punch with it, 113 00:10:06,381 --> 00:10:09,051 your opponent doesn't even have time to feel his own defeat. 114 00:10:10,921 --> 00:10:13,771 Though the fact that it rips clothing is a problem... 115 00:10:14,141 --> 00:10:16,671 This is a priest?! 116 00:10:17,441 --> 00:10:20,401 I have to run with everything I've got... or I'll die! 117 00:10:25,441 --> 00:10:29,011 No, stay off the clouds! There are Swamp Cloud traps! 118 00:10:29,751 --> 00:10:32,251 I gotta go on top of the ruins and into the forest! 119 00:10:37,641 --> 00:10:40,841 Where do you think you're going, raccoon dog? 120 00:10:42,491 --> 00:10:44,301 Jet Punch! 121 00:10:44,451 --> 00:10:46,971 Rumble! Jumping Point! 122 00:10:51,561 --> 00:10:53,831 Rumble Balls last for three minutes! 123 00:10:53,831 --> 00:10:57,571 If I don't escape within three minutes, I will be killed! 124 00:10:57,571 --> 00:11:00,391 So you have Zoan-type powers! 125 00:11:03,181 --> 00:11:06,031 It's no use! Jet Punch! 126 00:11:06,341 --> 00:11:07,531 Heavy Point! 127 00:11:10,761 --> 00:11:12,371 Swamp Cloud Burger! 128 00:11:12,571 --> 00:11:13,961 It's that! 129 00:11:14,661 --> 00:11:15,961 Guard Point! 130 00:11:19,131 --> 00:11:21,081 You insolent little...! 131 00:11:21,681 --> 00:11:23,081 Brain Point! 132 00:11:25,171 --> 00:11:26,011 Scope! 133 00:11:26,521 --> 00:11:28,791 A weak point! Some sort of weak point! 134 00:11:29,391 --> 00:11:32,341 Anything at all! I gotta find an opening and escape! 135 00:11:32,341 --> 00:11:35,101 Jet Punch! 136 00:11:48,801 --> 00:11:51,911 I even had my guard up... 137 00:12:19,651 --> 00:12:23,191 What do you think this place is?! Don't destroy the ruins! 138 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:33,331 Why don't you worry about yourself instead of some ruins, Missy? 139 00:12:34,751 --> 00:12:36,571 Punch Mountain! 140 00:12:39,631 --> 00:12:40,461 Oh, no! 141 00:12:50,311 --> 00:12:52,441 You simpleton... 142 00:13:02,621 --> 00:13:05,411 How far does this cave go? 143 00:13:05,751 --> 00:13:08,521 I can't find any exits, no matter how much I walk... 144 00:13:09,821 --> 00:13:12,701 Man, I'm hungry... 145 00:13:12,831 --> 00:13:15,731 But I don't see anything edible at all... 146 00:13:16,091 --> 00:13:19,701 I wonder what Chopper and the rest are up to right now... 147 00:13:20,101 --> 00:13:23,111 Are they actually heading for the city of gold? 148 00:13:48,461 --> 00:13:49,401 His feet... 149 00:13:52,281 --> 00:13:54,421 I see... a weak spot... 150 00:13:58,531 --> 00:13:59,911 Walk Point! 151 00:14:02,711 --> 00:14:06,661 Can I escape? I can't see straight... 152 00:14:08,341 --> 00:14:10,001 You can still move? 153 00:14:13,121 --> 00:14:20,281 My legs are unsteady... And the Rumble Ball is about to wear off... 154 00:14:50,311 --> 00:14:54,031 Yes. It's time to stop running... 155 00:14:56,561 --> 00:14:58,141 You can beat him! 156 00:15:02,051 --> 00:15:05,521 You little...! What do you think you're doing?! 157 00:15:06,631 --> 00:15:08,731 Swamp Cloud Burger! 158 00:15:10,691 --> 00:15:14,901 Everyone protects me because I always run away! 159 00:15:17,161 --> 00:15:19,541 That's why they don't rely on me! 160 00:15:20,901 --> 00:15:24,791 I'm going to raise a pirate flag right here! 161 00:15:33,511 --> 00:15:39,141 Sore loser. Even the air is my realm! Do you still not get it?! 162 00:15:39,511 --> 00:15:40,371 Come! 163 00:15:50,231 --> 00:15:54,571 Oh! He removed my shoe just now! 164 00:16:00,701 --> 00:16:04,071 Damn you and your insolence, raccoon dog! 165 00:16:09,591 --> 00:16:14,541 I'm a monster! I'm strong! 166 00:16:14,541 --> 00:16:16,751 The weakest beasts howl the most! 167 00:16:16,751 --> 00:16:19,601 Jet Punch! 168 00:16:27,421 --> 00:16:30,711 I lost my composure and control of my Mantra! 169 00:16:32,031 --> 00:16:34,371 He grazed me! That was close! 170 00:16:34,371 --> 00:16:36,071 Arm Point! 171 00:16:36,781 --> 00:16:37,441 I'm alive! 172 00:16:38,381 --> 00:16:39,401 Cloven... 173 00:16:40,761 --> 00:16:42,071 ...Cross! 174 00:17:04,151 --> 00:17:08,311 Now I'm a pirate, too! 175 00:17:17,341 --> 00:17:21,151 It looks like he fell right into a swamp! Thank goodness! 176 00:17:21,341 --> 00:17:25,691 Don't come back up! Please, just keep sinking! 177 00:17:31,881 --> 00:17:33,131 He's moving! 178 00:17:36,791 --> 00:17:38,301 He's still alive...! 179 00:17:38,601 --> 00:17:43,851 H-How stupid of me! I can't believe that raccoon dog overpowered me! 180 00:17:44,071 --> 00:17:47,771 How careless of me! I'm sinking into a swamp! I must escape! 181 00:17:50,841 --> 00:17:52,281 Don't come back up! 182 00:17:52,871 --> 00:17:54,901 Sink! Sink! 183 00:17:55,161 --> 00:17:57,611 Escape! Milky Dial! 184 00:17:59,161 --> 00:18:00,821 He really sank! 185 00:18:03,181 --> 00:18:05,401 How careless of me! 186 00:18:07,121 --> 00:18:11,741 Y-Yes! I beat him! 187 00:18:14,721 --> 00:18:17,061 How careless of me! 188 00:18:19,891 --> 00:18:23,271 Another of the priests' voices disappeared... 189 00:18:23,581 --> 00:18:26,631 This is bad! I have to hurry to the others! 190 00:18:30,871 --> 00:18:34,891 Huh? What's going on?! A breakdown at a time like this?! 191 00:18:34,891 --> 00:18:37,521 Come on, work! Work, you! 192 00:18:37,521 --> 00:18:42,791 I can barely even ride it, much less fix it... 193 00:19:09,141 --> 00:19:11,491 H-Help! 194 00:19:18,561 --> 00:19:22,111 Please! Stay away from me! 195 00:19:24,731 --> 00:19:26,131 Father! Hurry! 196 00:19:26,131 --> 00:19:31,731 I know! Hold on tight, Conis-san! Here we go! 197 00:19:31,731 --> 00:19:32,371 Right! 198 00:19:40,311 --> 00:19:41,691 Now, Conis-san! 199 00:19:41,691 --> 00:19:42,221 Right! 200 00:19:42,391 --> 00:19:44,881 Here! Grab my hand! 201 00:19:57,411 --> 00:19:58,681 That was close... 202 00:19:58,991 --> 00:20:02,951 You're safe now. You're a Shandian child, right? 203 00:20:06,891 --> 00:20:09,891 Don't be afraid. We're... 204 00:20:09,891 --> 00:20:11,311 I'm not afraid! 205 00:20:12,281 --> 00:20:16,541 I'm a warrior of Shandora! I'm not afraid of you Skypieans! 206 00:20:21,411 --> 00:20:25,071 Her name is Suu! I think she likes you! 207 00:20:25,071 --> 00:20:25,921 Suu? 208 00:20:30,881 --> 00:20:32,891 My name is Conis. 209 00:20:32,891 --> 00:20:37,901 Hello, my name is Pagaya. I'm sorry. 210 00:20:37,901 --> 00:20:39,481 What's your name? 211 00:20:39,481 --> 00:20:40,901 I'm Aisa... 212 00:20:41,431 --> 00:20:47,931 I know you just saved me, but I want you to take me to Upper Yard. 213 00:20:47,931 --> 00:20:48,441 Eh?! 214 00:20:49,651 --> 00:20:54,091 Even as we speak, everyone's voices disappear more and more... 215 00:20:54,381 --> 00:20:59,021 It's the truth! I can hear voices, even from far away... 216 00:20:59,261 --> 00:21:00,681 All kinds of voices... 217 00:21:01,851 --> 00:21:05,381 Actually, we're headed for Upper Yard, too. 218 00:21:05,381 --> 00:21:06,151 Eh?! 219 00:21:06,151 --> 00:21:12,631 We want to lead the Blue Sea people in Upper Yard to the end of Skypiea. 220 00:21:12,631 --> 00:21:14,511 You mean the guys on the ship? 221 00:21:14,511 --> 00:21:15,921 Eh? Yes... 222 00:21:16,141 --> 00:21:19,421 I think they're trying to escape from the forest... 223 00:21:19,781 --> 00:21:22,441 Do you know where their ship is?! 224 00:21:22,851 --> 00:21:23,581 Yeah. 225 00:21:24,121 --> 00:21:25,201 Father! 226 00:21:25,201 --> 00:21:29,581 Yes. I'm sorry. Please lead us there. 227 00:21:29,581 --> 00:21:31,151 A-Alright. 228 00:21:36,901 --> 00:21:42,961 I'm finally a pirate! I think I'll look for the gold instead of the others! 229 00:21:42,961 --> 00:21:44,871 I'm going to surprise them all! 230 00:21:48,251 --> 00:21:51,141 That seems suspicious to me... 231 00:21:51,731 --> 00:21:55,931 Who knows? Maybe everyone is already up there... 232 00:22:09,071 --> 00:22:12,821 Racing full speed ahead as always 233 00:22:12,821 --> 00:22:16,571 A to Z, we run through it 234 00:22:16,781 --> 00:22:20,371 We all have worries and fall many times 235 00:22:20,601 --> 00:22:24,291 But we just need to rise to the top someday 236 00:22:24,291 --> 00:22:31,761 What could be beyond the sea in which the morning sun rises? 237 00:22:31,991 --> 00:22:39,821 Let's go little by little toward the brilliantly shining sun 238 00:22:40,391 --> 00:22:43,321 I never treat you "bad" 239 00:22:43,321 --> 00:22:45,021 How many times did we fall? 240 00:22:45,021 --> 00:22:55,111 It's all right, we're definitely pointing at tomorrow now 241 00:22:55,571 --> 00:22:58,651 Smile! Come back to you, friends 242 00:22:58,651 --> 00:23:02,461 Come back to you, friends Come back to you, friends 243 00:23:02,461 --> 00:23:04,381 Come back to you, friends 244 00:23:04,381 --> 00:23:08,221 Come back to you, friends Come back to you, friends 245 00:23:08,221 --> 00:23:10,921 Come back to you, friends 246 00:23:25,451 --> 00:23:27,211 Whew, I'm hungry! 247 00:23:27,531 --> 00:23:30,401 Are there any yakiniku shops? I guess not. 248 00:23:31,101 --> 00:23:33,981 Are you all right? You've been shaking for a while now. 249 00:23:34,211 --> 00:23:37,451 I've never felt this afraid before. 250 00:23:37,711 --> 00:23:40,691 Everyone's voices are disappearing more and more... 251 00:23:40,691 --> 00:23:42,101 On the next episode of One Piece! 252 00:23:42,121 --> 00:23:45,371 "Unbeatable Powers! Eneru's True Form is Revealed" 253 00:23:45,371 --> 00:23:47,591 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!