1 00:00:15,531 --> 00:00:17,491 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:17,491 --> 00:00:19,411 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:19,411 --> 00:00:21,291 once attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:23,261 The words he uttered just before his death 5 00:00:23,261 --> 00:00:25,021 drove people around the world to the seas. 6 00:00:25,021 --> 00:00:28,781 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 7 00:00:28,781 --> 00:00:32,401 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 8 00:00:34,991 --> 00:00:39,111 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 9 00:00:39,641 --> 00:00:42,641 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 10 00:00:43,541 --> 00:00:49,131 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 11 00:00:49,131 --> 00:00:54,971 and set out in search of something to find 12 00:00:54,971 --> 00:00:56,401 ONE PIECE! 13 00:01:01,101 --> 00:01:06,791 Compasses only cause delays 14 00:01:06,791 --> 00:01:11,841 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 15 00:01:12,481 --> 00:01:24,131 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it’s not a legend! 16 00:01:24,741 --> 00:01:30,451 When it comes to personal storms, 17 00:01:30,451 --> 00:01:35,571 simply ride aboard someone else’s biorhythm 18 00:01:35,571 --> 00:01:38,011 and pretend it isn’t there! 19 00:01:39,381 --> 00:01:44,851 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 20 00:01:44,851 --> 00:01:50,351 and set out in search of something to find 21 00:01:50,351 --> 00:01:56,611 A coin in my pocket, and you wanna be my friend? 22 00:01:56,611 --> 00:02:01,301 We are, We are on the cruise! 23 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:03,931 We are! 24 00:02:06,821 --> 00:02:09,961 Wealth, fame, power... 25 00:02:11,031 --> 00:02:13,741 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 26 00:02:13,741 --> 00:02:16,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 27 00:02:16,821 --> 00:02:19,181 The words he uttered just before his death 28 00:02:19,181 --> 00:02:22,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 29 00:02:22,891 --> 00:02:27,421 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 30 00:02:27,421 --> 00:02:31,851 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 31 00:02:32,341 --> 00:02:36,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 32 00:02:37,461 --> 00:02:41,211 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 33 00:02:46,091 --> 00:02:48,421 He slipped away from my Hair Bind! 34 00:02:48,421 --> 00:02:49,641 Rumble... 35 00:02:50,791 --> 00:02:52,921 I'm sorry, Doctorine. 36 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:58,511 Just like Doctor put his life on the line in order to save the country... 37 00:03:01,151 --> 00:03:05,431 ...I want to put my life on the line in order to save my friend. 38 00:03:07,281 --> 00:03:10,391 If I'm gonna die anyway, I'll do it! 39 00:03:11,341 --> 00:03:15,611 Just please, nobody come into this room. 40 00:03:36,351 --> 00:03:40,461 "Bubble Master Kalifa! The Soap Trap Closes in on Nami" 41 00:03:43,501 --> 00:03:44,761 Yo... 42 00:03:47,801 --> 00:03:49,271 Yoyoi... 43 00:03:57,351 --> 00:04:02,991 I don't know what's going on, but the way you firmly stand like a devil... 44 00:04:04,241 --> 00:04:07,451 I like it, my friend! 45 00:04:10,841 --> 00:04:14,141 Whether you're a devil or a demon-god, 46 00:04:14,141 --> 00:04:17,281 a real man wouldn't withdraw even a step! 47 00:04:17,281 --> 00:04:20,421 On my honor as Kumadori the lion, 48 00:04:20,421 --> 00:04:23,831 I'll bring you down! 49 00:04:24,761 --> 00:04:25,631 Shave! 50 00:04:26,501 --> 00:04:28,551 Finger Pistol! Q! Q! Q! Q! Q! 51 00:04:39,701 --> 00:04:40,441 Moon Walk! 52 00:04:42,321 --> 00:04:44,731 Shishi Kabob! 53 00:04:59,801 --> 00:05:02,451 Y-Y-Yoyoi! 54 00:05:02,451 --> 00:05:06,531 N-Now that it's come to this, I'll use my specialty attack! 55 00:05:06,531 --> 00:05:09,681 Take this! Life Return! 56 00:05:09,681 --> 00:05:12,391 Hair Bind! 57 00:05:26,401 --> 00:05:28,891 Hair Bind! 58 00:05:32,941 --> 00:05:34,751 H-Hair Bind! 59 00:05:38,091 --> 00:05:45,131 My God! My consciousness, all the way to the tip of my hair, 60 00:05:45,131 --> 00:05:50,971 is screaming that the best thing to do here is to run away. 61 00:05:51,421 --> 00:05:57,131 Even so, please don't stop me, Mother! 62 00:05:57,131 --> 00:06:00,901 A man... A man... 63 00:06:01,531 --> 00:06:09,861 A man has battles that he must face head-on! 64 00:06:10,241 --> 00:06:11,321 Shave! 65 00:06:11,611 --> 00:06:14,291 Tempest Kick! Lotus! 66 00:06:18,191 --> 00:06:22,461 Take this! Song of Willow! 67 00:06:51,111 --> 00:06:51,661 Dammit! 68 00:06:53,161 --> 00:06:58,041 I'm super this week, and yet I still had a harder time than I thought. 69 00:07:01,831 --> 00:07:03,001 But, well... 70 00:07:04,961 --> 00:07:07,251 ...I got his key. 71 00:07:10,621 --> 00:07:12,381 #4... 72 00:07:13,121 --> 00:07:16,891 The key the swordsman and the nose wanted was #2, right? 73 00:07:17,591 --> 00:07:19,351 This guy had #4. 74 00:07:19,351 --> 00:07:21,031 That guy had #3. 75 00:07:21,031 --> 00:07:23,221 And there's only one left. 76 00:07:23,221 --> 00:07:26,901 The one who has the #2 key is that secretary woman! 77 00:07:27,931 --> 00:07:29,501 I'd better hurry up. 78 00:07:30,171 --> 00:07:31,781 I'll go help them out! 79 00:07:55,051 --> 00:07:57,601 You guys don't have much time, right? 80 00:07:58,251 --> 00:08:01,091 I thought you weren't going to go easy on me. 81 00:08:01,091 --> 00:08:03,601 Did I hear you wrong? 82 00:08:05,941 --> 00:08:08,651 How dare you mock me?! I won't let you get away with it! 83 00:08:09,331 --> 00:08:11,691 Then, bring it on. 84 00:08:12,151 --> 00:08:16,951 You don't have to wait. The battle has already started, you know. 85 00:08:17,251 --> 00:08:22,581 I'm surprised that a power holder could take a bath in front of her enemy. 86 00:08:23,111 --> 00:08:26,461 If your body is halfway submerged, you shouldn't have full use of your powers. 87 00:08:27,141 --> 00:08:30,631 Are you saying that I'm leaving myself wide open? 88 00:08:35,101 --> 00:08:36,951 You don't have to worry about it, 89 00:08:37,731 --> 00:08:40,641 because just like me, you can't exert your strength, either. 90 00:08:40,991 --> 00:08:42,141 Pardon me for a bit. 91 00:08:50,691 --> 00:08:53,151 What'd you do to me?! 92 00:08:55,441 --> 00:09:01,291 Isn't solving a mystery like that one of the true joys of fighting a power holder? 93 00:09:07,341 --> 00:09:11,711 It was definitely this woman who put Sanji-kun in that state. 94 00:09:12,571 --> 00:09:16,341 I have to be careful. Or there's no point in me taking his place to fight. 95 00:09:19,161 --> 00:09:21,611 The strength that ebbed away is coming back little by little. 96 00:09:27,501 --> 00:09:31,941 I'll show you the power of the Perfect Clima Takt! 97 00:09:32,511 --> 00:09:36,151 You're mistaken if you think I'm just a cute beauty! 98 00:09:39,661 --> 00:09:41,031 I can move my legs, too! 99 00:09:46,721 --> 00:09:48,271 Here I come! 100 00:09:49,221 --> 00:09:50,831 Thunder Charge! 101 00:09:53,381 --> 00:09:55,031 Swing Arm! 102 00:10:09,471 --> 00:10:11,021 That's an amazing weapon. 103 00:10:15,511 --> 00:10:16,691 These are... 104 00:10:17,901 --> 00:10:19,401 ...clouds? 105 00:10:19,401 --> 00:10:22,251 There's no way I'd just lay on the floor doing nothing, is there? 106 00:10:24,031 --> 00:10:28,411 Thunderbolt... Tempo! 107 00:10:39,881 --> 00:10:42,931 It's your own fault for acting so confident. 108 00:11:04,231 --> 00:11:06,041 That was a surprise. 109 00:11:06,041 --> 00:11:09,041 I never thought I'd be hit by lightning indoors. 110 00:11:11,241 --> 00:11:14,781 What was that thing that guarded you from the lightning? 111 00:11:14,781 --> 00:11:16,461 It turned into bubbles and disappeared. 112 00:11:16,901 --> 00:11:20,471 You have no chance against me unless you solve that mystery. 113 00:11:22,161 --> 00:11:24,141 I wonder if you can do it. 114 00:11:24,631 --> 00:11:27,621 It was as if soap turned into bubbles. 115 00:11:27,621 --> 00:11:29,811 A soap human with Bubble-Bubble Fruit powers... 116 00:11:30,261 --> 00:11:31,841 I wonder if it's something like that. 117 00:11:33,311 --> 00:11:37,181 B-But even if, for example, you figured out what kind of powers they are, 118 00:11:37,181 --> 00:11:40,171 it's not like you have a chance to win! How insolent! 119 00:11:40,881 --> 00:11:44,241 So that was right on the mark. Now I kinda feel guilty. 120 00:11:44,791 --> 00:11:47,741 You're right. My selling point is cleanliness. 121 00:11:48,261 --> 00:11:50,871 I ate the Bubble-Bubble Fruit 122 00:11:50,871 --> 00:11:53,461 and became a soap human whose entire body lathers. 123 00:11:57,151 --> 00:11:58,381 Isn't it wonderful? 124 00:11:58,761 --> 00:12:02,511 Whoa! How sexy! To be honest, I'd be happy to have a secretary like her. 125 00:12:02,511 --> 00:12:03,841 Hey! What am I, a middle-aged guy?! 126 00:12:04,631 --> 00:12:09,181 But isn't that poorly suited for fighting? That doesn't look very strong. 127 00:12:09,561 --> 00:12:14,511 But I can freely manipulate the bubbles that come out of my body. 128 00:12:18,231 --> 00:12:19,941 What? What's going on? 129 00:12:19,941 --> 00:12:21,431 I'll show you. 130 00:12:22,351 --> 00:12:23,651 The bubbles from the bathtub are...! 131 00:12:24,361 --> 00:12:26,031 Bubble Master! 132 00:12:26,491 --> 00:12:27,911 Soap Sheep! 133 00:12:32,081 --> 00:12:33,211 This is... 134 00:12:35,041 --> 00:12:36,671 How's this? Isn't it wonderful? 135 00:12:38,261 --> 00:12:39,881 You're an idiot, aren't you? 136 00:12:40,881 --> 00:12:42,881 You shouldn't be deceived by my appearance. 137 00:12:42,881 --> 00:12:43,881 What? 138 00:12:44,331 --> 00:12:47,091 Sheep Cloud! Relaxing Bubbles! 139 00:12:48,461 --> 00:12:53,101 You did lose your strength at the entrance of the room. Why was that? 140 00:12:53,821 --> 00:12:55,001 That's right...! 141 00:12:55,001 --> 00:12:57,841 That must've been her powers, too. 142 00:12:57,841 --> 00:12:58,961 Bubbles! 143 00:12:58,961 --> 00:13:01,981 Come to think of it, when I stepped into this room... 144 00:13:05,541 --> 00:13:07,451 ...there were bubbles all over the floor! 145 00:13:10,131 --> 00:13:10,741 Shoot! 146 00:13:17,431 --> 00:13:19,041 You noticed it too late. 147 00:13:22,341 --> 00:13:24,061 My strength is ebbing away. 148 00:13:24,061 --> 00:13:28,511 This happened earlier, too, because I stepped on the bubbles on the floor. 149 00:13:29,261 --> 00:13:33,511 You'll learn the horror of this power little by little. 150 00:13:43,701 --> 00:13:48,071 The bubbles that come out of my body scrape away all sorts of things... 151 00:13:48,561 --> 00:13:52,841 Obviously filth and spots, but also your strength, among other things. 152 00:13:53,951 --> 00:14:00,001 And I don't want you to forget that I'm an assassin from a secret organization. 153 00:14:02,561 --> 00:14:05,881 I can move my body! Her kicking me made the bubbles go away! 154 00:14:06,971 --> 00:14:09,091 I'm not gonna take this anymore! 155 00:14:09,091 --> 00:14:11,141 Thunder Ball! 156 00:14:13,701 --> 00:14:15,151 That weapon's power alone... 157 00:14:16,951 --> 00:14:18,521 ...is still an unknown quantity to me. 158 00:14:36,781 --> 00:14:38,591 My strength is ebbing away. 159 00:14:38,591 --> 00:14:43,001 This happened earlier, too, because I stepped on the bubbles on the floor. 160 00:14:43,801 --> 00:14:47,931 You'll learn the horror of this power little by little. 161 00:14:58,111 --> 00:15:02,521 The bubbles that come out of my body scrape away all sorts of things... 162 00:15:03,021 --> 00:15:07,351 Obviously filth and spots, but also your strength, among other things. 163 00:15:08,441 --> 00:15:14,451 And I don't want you to forget that I'm an assassin from a secret organization. 164 00:15:17,071 --> 00:15:20,371 I can move my body! Her kicking me made the bubbles go away! 165 00:15:21,461 --> 00:15:23,601 I'm not gonna take this anymore! 166 00:15:23,601 --> 00:15:25,631 Thunder Ball! 167 00:15:28,271 --> 00:15:29,761 That weapon's power alone... 168 00:15:30,611 --> 00:15:32,011 ...is still an unknown quantity to me. 169 00:15:34,681 --> 00:15:37,391 Golden Bubbles! 170 00:15:41,851 --> 00:15:43,401 What're you doing?! 171 00:15:46,671 --> 00:15:48,921 I can't stand! 172 00:15:48,921 --> 00:15:51,691 What?! What's wrong with my legs?! 173 00:15:55,041 --> 00:15:56,281 They look pretty, don't they? 174 00:15:56,831 --> 00:16:01,411 Everything I touch gains a beautiful gloss. 175 00:16:02,021 --> 00:16:04,331 I'll make your skin shiny... 176 00:16:05,211 --> 00:16:07,581 Every inch of your body. 177 00:17:06,571 --> 00:17:07,561 Iron Body! 178 00:17:31,861 --> 00:17:34,801 I don't know what's coming next, 179 00:17:34,801 --> 00:17:37,301 so I'm gonna go ahead and replenish my cola first. 180 00:17:37,861 --> 00:17:41,011 Come to think of it, I wonder how that deer's doing. 181 00:17:44,541 --> 00:17:46,681 What the heck's going on?! 182 00:17:58,391 --> 00:18:00,201 Wh-What the hell... 183 00:18:00,911 --> 00:18:02,161 ...is this?! 184 00:18:07,121 --> 00:18:10,881 That's the CP9 guy who was in the fridge! 185 00:18:11,311 --> 00:18:14,001 What?! Did this monster bring him down?! 186 00:18:22,931 --> 00:18:25,011 What the hell is this? 187 00:18:30,951 --> 00:18:34,401 I feel like that deer was wearing the same kind of hat... 188 00:18:34,901 --> 00:18:38,861 Hey! You're not that deer-gorilla, are you?! 189 00:18:53,251 --> 00:18:55,591 Hey... This can't be happening...! 190 00:18:56,181 --> 00:18:57,771 There's no mistake. 191 00:18:59,691 --> 00:19:01,341 Kumadori-san! 192 00:19:01,341 --> 00:19:04,601 He flew from the Tower of Law?! 193 00:19:04,601 --> 00:19:06,811 Can't be...! Who on earth could...? 194 00:19:09,431 --> 00:19:13,401 Seriously... what the hell is he?! 195 00:19:27,901 --> 00:19:28,911 A voice...? 196 00:19:33,561 --> 00:19:34,621 Hm? 197 00:19:34,621 --> 00:19:35,841 Hey, hurry up! 198 00:19:36,371 --> 00:19:39,801 Why are you stopping, Nico Robin?! 199 00:19:40,521 --> 00:19:44,511 Hey, are you listening, you woman whose very life is a crime?! 200 00:19:45,201 --> 00:19:47,471 Hey, Lucci! Drag her along! 201 00:19:47,471 --> 00:19:49,471 Grab her by her hair! 202 00:19:53,691 --> 00:19:54,771 It's an order. 203 00:19:55,331 --> 00:19:57,541 Get moving, Nico Robin. 204 00:20:00,471 --> 00:20:07,891 Don't tell me... you still think that the Straw Hats are coming to your rescue? 205 00:20:09,301 --> 00:20:10,041 How stupid! 206 00:20:10,641 --> 00:20:15,381 Are you seriously still laying your hopes on such weak-looking pirates? 207 00:20:16,071 --> 00:20:19,241 That explosion earlier was surely just our imagination. 208 00:20:19,241 --> 00:20:21,511 There's no way that they can come here! 209 00:20:21,931 --> 00:20:27,351 While you're enjoying your little dream, we'll pass the Gates of Justice. 210 00:20:28,101 --> 00:20:31,891 {\an8}"Underground passage (current location)" 211 00:20:28,301 --> 00:20:32,101 The Bridge of Hesitation lies in front of the Gates of Justice. 212 00:20:31,891 --> 00:20:40,401 {\an8}"Bridge of Hesitation (halfway)" 213 00:20:32,691 --> 00:20:35,521 First we'll cross half of the bridge. 214 00:20:35,521 --> 00:20:40,411 When the gates are opened, the other half will rise from the sea, 215 00:20:40,401 --> 00:20:43,821 {\an8}"Gates of Justice (cross-section)" 216 00:20:40,411 --> 00:20:43,051 and we'll finally go through the Gates of Justice. 217 00:20:44,351 --> 00:20:46,851 Once the gates are closed again, 218 00:20:46,851 --> 00:20:52,041 you'll never have the feeling of hope... 219 00:20:52,521 --> 00:20:54,121 ...ever again. 220 00:20:55,031 --> 00:20:59,381 The only feeling you'll have is a sense of guilt. 221 00:20:59,961 --> 00:21:04,721 You'll endlessly atone for your sin of having lived until today. 222 00:21:05,491 --> 00:21:07,921 Right, Nico Robin? 223 00:21:28,361 --> 00:21:29,951 Now, let's hurry. 224 00:21:29,951 --> 00:21:31,921 Come on already! 225 00:21:37,581 --> 00:21:40,841 Robin! 226 00:21:53,401 --> 00:21:56,471 Wh-Wh-What was that?! I just heard a voice! 227 00:21:56,471 --> 00:21:58,191 Hey! What was that voice?! 228 00:22:01,171 --> 00:22:05,861 Chief, please take Nico Robin and hurry on ahead. 229 00:22:08,031 --> 00:22:09,711 Hm? Doors? 230 00:22:10,871 --> 00:22:14,121 They don't look like iron this time. 231 00:22:25,291 --> 00:22:28,721 Hm? The space has opened up. Where am I? 232 00:22:31,621 --> 00:22:34,011 There you are! Pigeon guy! 233 00:22:37,401 --> 00:22:38,961 I'm glad you came. 234 00:22:45,191 --> 00:22:47,941 Hey! Come in, CP9! 235 00:22:47,941 --> 00:22:50,781 A pirate strayed in! 236 00:22:50,781 --> 00:22:53,201 Geez... Hey, are you listening?! 237 00:22:53,201 --> 00:22:55,161 Wait! What you're holding is... 238 00:22:55,341 --> 00:22:56,161 Hm?! 239 00:22:56,611 --> 00:23:00,711 Ahhh! I pressed the button on the golden transponder snail! 240 00:23:00,711 --> 00:23:02,051 On the next episode of One Piece! 241 00:23:02,051 --> 00:23:05,491 "Resounding Bad News! Buster Call Invoked!" 242 00:23:05,491 --> 00:23:07,601 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!