1 00:00:28,041 --> 00:00:29,801 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,801 --> 00:00:32,121 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,581 --> 00:00:35,021 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,381 --> 00:00:38,531 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,531 --> 00:00:41,291 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,981 --> 00:00:56,051 I only believe in the future -- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,071 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 I'm really really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,581 --> 00:01:20,991 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,991 --> 00:01:24,291 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:30,081 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,211 --> 00:01:39,431 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,681 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,681 --> 00:01:48,521 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,411 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,411 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,041 --> 00:02:14,761 {\an8}"Yuba" "Erumalu" "Nanohana" "Katorea" 21 00:02:06,621 --> 00:02:10,911 Three years have passed since a single drop of rain fell 22 00:02:10,911 --> 00:02:12,041 in the kingdom of oases. 23 00:02:12,501 --> 00:02:15,921 The burning land is now enveloped by a sad bellowing. 24 00:02:16,331 --> 00:02:18,831 As Luffy and company left the green city of Erumalu 25 00:02:18,831 --> 00:02:21,891 for the Yuba oasis, where the rebel army is, 26 00:02:21,891 --> 00:02:26,391 they met sand pirates, and set out after attaining new friendship. 27 00:02:29,861 --> 00:02:34,201 "False Fortitude! Camu, Rebel Soldier at Heart!" 28 00:02:39,691 --> 00:02:41,901 Ahead is a village called Ido. 29 00:02:41,901 --> 00:02:45,081 You should be able to get water there. 30 00:02:45,401 --> 00:02:47,681 Huh? You're not coming? 31 00:02:47,681 --> 00:02:51,061 We sand pirates can't go any further ahead. 32 00:02:51,061 --> 00:02:53,681 This land belongs to the people 33 00:02:53,681 --> 00:02:56,641 who've lived and died here for generations, you see. 34 00:02:56,641 --> 00:02:58,051 Is that how it is? 35 00:02:58,051 --> 00:03:01,701 Yeah. The desert is the land of the free. 36 00:03:01,701 --> 00:03:05,061 But not everyone can survive in the harsh desert. 37 00:03:05,061 --> 00:03:09,731 The village ahead is a place where such people eke out a living. 38 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:12,481 So, what're you gonna do? 39 00:03:14,331 --> 00:03:15,781 Nothing much! 40 00:03:15,781 --> 00:03:20,571 We've freely lived as we pleased on this ocean of sand, and that's what we'll keep on doing! 41 00:03:21,941 --> 00:03:23,741 That's just like us, then! 42 00:03:23,741 --> 00:03:26,161 Yeah? That's great! 43 00:03:30,141 --> 00:03:32,831 --So long! --Take care! 44 00:03:32,831 --> 00:03:36,041 See ya, old umbrella guy! 45 00:03:36,661 --> 00:03:39,001 --They were great guys! --Yeah! 46 00:03:39,821 --> 00:03:42,331 By the way, where'd your brother go? 47 00:03:43,031 --> 00:03:46,001 Dunno. But he's Ace. Nothing to worry about. 48 00:03:46,001 --> 00:03:47,721 He'll suddenly show up again out of nowhere! 49 00:03:47,721 --> 00:03:51,281 Why do you keep making such groundless claims? 50 00:03:51,721 --> 00:03:54,731 Anyways, let's hurry to this Udo village! 51 00:03:54,731 --> 00:03:56,821 --You mean Ido. --Ido? 52 00:03:56,821 --> 00:03:57,661 Yeah. 53 00:04:02,921 --> 00:04:04,781 Th-That's a desert pirate flag! 54 00:04:05,191 --> 00:04:08,241 Crap! I gotta tell Big Bro! 55 00:04:13,061 --> 00:04:17,661 Yes, you utterly are rebel army soldiers! 56 00:04:17,661 --> 00:04:19,901 Ever since you and your companions arrived, Camu-sama, 57 00:04:19,901 --> 00:04:23,131 attacks on the village have utterly stopped! 58 00:04:23,461 --> 00:04:28,851 Yup! You'd have to be pretty crazy to take us on! 59 00:04:29,221 --> 00:04:32,141 Rest easy and leave it to us, Mayor! 60 00:04:34,251 --> 00:04:37,221 Yes! You're utterly correct! 61 00:04:37,221 --> 00:04:41,361 But word is the rebel army and the royal army will be clashing soon. 62 00:04:41,941 --> 00:04:45,171 Won't staying in a place like this interfere with that? 63 00:04:46,031 --> 00:04:50,781 No, we can't just leave a place that lets us eat all we-- 64 00:04:50,781 --> 00:04:53,681 Nah, this is this, that is that! 65 00:04:53,681 --> 00:04:58,831 We may be rebels, but we haven't completely given up on the king! 66 00:04:59,321 --> 00:05:04,821 Yes, we have utter faith in the king as well, 67 00:05:04,821 --> 00:05:09,551 so we were hoping things could be handled carefully. 68 00:05:09,881 --> 00:05:12,021 Say no more! 69 00:05:12,021 --> 00:05:16,961 After careful consideration, we've decided to keep you guys safe, too! 70 00:05:16,961 --> 00:05:20,741 All we ask for in return is booze and food! 71 00:05:20,741 --> 00:05:23,171 Yes! Of course! 72 00:05:23,171 --> 00:05:25,421 Well, I must be going now... 73 00:05:28,171 --> 00:05:29,521 Big Bro Camu. 74 00:05:29,521 --> 00:05:33,021 Would giving up on the king make us real rebel soldiers? 75 00:05:33,021 --> 00:05:34,931 C'mon, get real. 76 00:05:34,931 --> 00:05:39,931 We can't leave this village until we've sucked all of its sweet nectar! 77 00:05:43,711 --> 00:05:46,911 Big Bro! Terrible news, Big Bro! 78 00:05:47,621 --> 00:05:50,591 What do you want?! Pipe down, I'm trying to eat! 79 00:05:51,091 --> 00:05:53,851 Sand pirates! Sand pirates are attacking! 80 00:05:55,451 --> 00:05:58,021 For real?! What do we do?! 81 00:05:58,021 --> 00:06:01,711 What do you mean?! There's nothing we can do against them! 82 00:06:02,221 --> 00:06:05,851 But we can't stick our tails between our legs and run, either! 83 00:06:06,631 --> 00:06:08,701 Tell us, Big Bro! What should we do? 84 00:06:11,671 --> 00:06:14,211 Alright! Let's stick our tails between our legs and run! 85 00:06:14,211 --> 00:06:15,411 We're running away?! 86 00:06:16,011 --> 00:06:18,851 But what happens after we run away? 87 00:06:18,851 --> 00:06:20,871 Live on the edge of starvation again? 88 00:06:20,871 --> 00:06:23,711 You moron! Staying alive is all that matters! 89 00:06:24,061 --> 00:06:27,101 There are plenty of other villages like this! 90 00:06:27,101 --> 00:06:28,921 Now let's scram! 91 00:06:29,701 --> 00:06:30,681 That's for sure... 92 00:06:33,881 --> 00:06:35,311 What're you? 93 00:06:36,651 --> 00:06:40,641 You cowards got real guts to call yourselves rebel soldiers. 94 00:06:41,241 --> 00:06:45,981 If you ask me, it's a pretty despicable thing for four grown men to do. 95 00:06:46,311 --> 00:06:48,591 Who the hell're you?! Mind your own business! 96 00:06:48,591 --> 00:06:50,541 When did you get in here, anyway?! 97 00:06:50,541 --> 00:06:51,411 Food thief! 98 00:06:57,981 --> 00:06:58,501 More. 99 00:06:59,231 --> 00:07:02,591 Yes, yes, yes! I'm sorry, sir! 100 00:07:02,591 --> 00:07:04,241 This place has good food. 101 00:07:04,241 --> 00:07:06,721 Yes, thank you! 102 00:07:14,061 --> 00:07:17,541 I'm sorry! I now realize you're no ordinary person! 103 00:07:17,541 --> 00:07:21,981 As you can see, we stand no chance at all against sand pirates! 104 00:07:21,981 --> 00:07:24,441 Please lend us your help! 105 00:07:25,061 --> 00:07:28,561 Hmm. I'm not against the idea... 106 00:07:28,561 --> 00:07:29,401 ...but on one condition. 107 00:07:31,401 --> 00:07:33,161 Yes! Anything you want! 108 00:07:35,211 --> 00:07:36,601 Hey! 109 00:07:37,491 --> 00:07:41,251 --Hey! --Ace! 110 00:07:41,251 --> 00:07:42,751 That's where he was? 111 00:07:43,881 --> 00:07:44,931 What is this thing? 112 00:07:44,931 --> 00:07:48,101 Oh! So you're the sand pirates? 113 00:07:48,101 --> 00:07:52,541 Huh? What do you mean? We just left the sand pirates. 114 00:07:52,541 --> 00:07:55,141 Oh? Really? Well, whatever. 115 00:07:55,661 --> 00:08:01,101 Anyways, great news, Luffy! I brought plenty of food and water! 116 00:08:01,401 --> 00:08:03,561 Oh! Much appreciated! 117 00:08:03,961 --> 00:08:06,581 This should be more than enough for a good while! 118 00:08:06,581 --> 00:08:08,721 Ace is incredible... 119 00:08:08,981 --> 00:08:12,721 That's for sure! He's nothing like a certain little brother we know! 120 00:08:12,721 --> 00:08:13,701 You can say that again. 121 00:08:14,011 --> 00:08:17,241 --I was so thirsty... --Oh! Drink up, drink up! 122 00:08:17,241 --> 00:08:18,661 Me too! 123 00:08:18,661 --> 00:08:20,491 Umm, Ace-san? 124 00:08:21,591 --> 00:08:24,251 I assume you don't have the money for that. 125 00:08:24,251 --> 00:08:27,211 Don't tell me you stole it from that village... 126 00:08:27,211 --> 00:08:30,381 Nothing of the sort! The rebel army gave it to me! 127 00:08:31,301 --> 00:08:32,571 The rebel army?! 128 00:08:33,011 --> 00:08:36,991 Well, I should say "clearly fake rebel soldiers" to be more precise. 129 00:08:36,991 --> 00:08:40,101 --Eh? --Fake? What do you mean? 130 00:08:40,381 --> 00:08:42,621 Basically, they call themselves rebel soldiers 131 00:08:42,621 --> 00:08:44,861 and were hired to protect the village. 132 00:08:45,291 --> 00:08:48,061 The villagers are so grateful that they've been completely fooled. 133 00:08:48,461 --> 00:08:50,301 They're really just some hoodlums. 134 00:08:51,691 --> 00:08:55,951 And they're bodyguards? Wouldn't they get found out right away? 135 00:08:56,391 --> 00:08:59,121 Apparently, the mere mention of the rebel army 136 00:08:59,121 --> 00:09:01,281 will send most bandits running. 137 00:09:01,281 --> 00:09:02,331 It's real convenient. 138 00:09:02,951 --> 00:09:07,461 Makes money and prestige come rolling your way on its own. 139 00:09:08,961 --> 00:09:13,671 Rebel soldiers aren't hoodlums, nor does the title serve as decoration. 140 00:09:16,381 --> 00:09:20,101 Vivi-chan. Should we teach 'em a lesson? 141 00:09:20,421 --> 00:09:27,421 I dunno. Duping the villagers isn't so different from what bandits do. 142 00:09:27,741 --> 00:09:31,821 At the very least, the villagers live in peace with them around. 143 00:09:31,821 --> 00:09:32,941 Should we get 'em just the same? 144 00:09:33,591 --> 00:09:37,951 But, big brother. Consider it from Vivi-chan's perspective. 145 00:09:37,951 --> 00:09:40,911 Surely you'd want to pulverize people like them. 146 00:09:40,911 --> 00:09:44,451 Yeah, she should do what she wants. I only gave my own thoughts. 147 00:09:47,641 --> 00:09:49,831 I don't want to hear your excuses! 148 00:09:50,181 --> 00:09:54,751 I waited all alone in the middle of this vast desert! 149 00:09:56,281 --> 00:09:59,731 There's no reason to cover for these bastards. 150 00:09:59,731 --> 00:10:04,831 I'm not. I just know you guys are in a hurry here... 151 00:10:04,831 --> 00:10:08,931 Now that the kingdom can't keep watch over every little place, 152 00:10:08,931 --> 00:10:12,241 there's nothing wrong with villages upholding public safety 153 00:10:12,241 --> 00:10:13,821 on their own whenever possible. 154 00:10:14,381 --> 00:10:15,481 Then... 155 00:10:16,151 --> 00:10:19,201 No. I want to test them first. 156 00:10:19,661 --> 00:10:21,451 --Test? --Yes. 157 00:10:21,771 --> 00:10:27,621 If these impostor rebel soldiers truly wish to protect the villagers, 158 00:10:27,621 --> 00:10:30,541 I don't think it matters what they call themselves. 159 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:34,291 So you want to test what's in their hearts, huh? 160 00:10:34,761 --> 00:10:40,681 Yes. So, I hate to ask, but there's something I'd like you all to do. 161 00:10:41,861 --> 00:10:43,641 No sweat, Vivi-chan! 162 00:10:45,081 --> 00:10:47,861 Alright! Things are getting interesting now! 163 00:10:47,861 --> 00:10:49,651 Eh? It's going to be interesting?! 164 00:10:49,651 --> 00:10:53,381 Hold on, Luffy! This isn't going to be a game! Understand?! 165 00:10:53,381 --> 00:10:55,141 Yeah, I get it! 166 00:10:55,141 --> 00:10:58,751 We're basically gonna beat these fake rebel guys up, right?! 167 00:10:59,141 --> 00:11:02,741 He doesn't understand a thing! Someone do something about him! 168 00:11:03,341 --> 00:11:05,381 He's been gone a long time. 169 00:11:05,381 --> 00:11:09,071 It's been almost an hour since he said, "Leave it to me!" and left... 170 00:11:09,071 --> 00:11:10,051 You saw his strength! 171 00:11:10,051 --> 00:11:12,531 I bet he's beating the sand pirates up as we speak! 172 00:11:12,531 --> 00:11:14,141 No, think about who he's fighting! 173 00:11:14,141 --> 00:11:16,081 They might've beaten him before he even got a chance! 174 00:11:16,081 --> 00:11:18,661 In which case, we're next, huh? 175 00:11:20,311 --> 00:11:21,681 No, I can't do this! 176 00:11:21,681 --> 00:11:24,221 I hate to lose such good room and board... 177 00:11:24,491 --> 00:11:26,471 ...but staying alive is all that matters! 178 00:11:27,241 --> 00:11:28,331 That's for sure. 179 00:11:42,901 --> 00:11:46,021 --Good luck! --We're counting on you! 180 00:11:49,081 --> 00:11:52,141 --You can do it! --Camu-sama! 181 00:11:52,141 --> 00:11:54,841 Camu-sama! We're relying on you! 182 00:11:55,781 --> 00:11:59,281 I was utterly about to come calling for you, 183 00:11:59,281 --> 00:12:02,881 but I should've known you already knew the sea pirates were here! 184 00:12:03,111 --> 00:12:04,801 Eh?! Sea pirates?! 185 00:12:04,801 --> 00:12:06,091 Not sand pirates?! 186 00:12:07,191 --> 00:12:08,941 That's correct. Sea pirates. 187 00:12:08,941 --> 00:12:11,641 They're far more ferocious than sand pirates. 188 00:12:11,961 --> 00:12:16,861 Plus one is a special-edition pirate with a 30 million-Berry bounty! 189 00:12:17,921 --> 00:12:21,941 Once we heard you were going to go, "Hiyaaah!" and get rid of them, 190 00:12:21,941 --> 00:12:24,321 we were so utterly moved and grateful! 191 00:12:24,321 --> 00:12:26,271 We know you can do it! 192 00:12:26,271 --> 00:12:28,331 Good luck, mister! 193 00:12:29,781 --> 00:12:32,101 Don't lose to some stupid sea pirates! 194 00:12:32,101 --> 00:12:34,721 I'm gonna get strong just like you! 195 00:12:36,731 --> 00:12:38,191 Let's go! 196 00:12:42,661 --> 00:12:45,181 H-Hey, Big Bro. Are you serious about this? 197 00:12:45,861 --> 00:12:48,551 Don't be stupid. Of course he isn't serious. 198 00:12:48,891 --> 00:12:51,181 Shut up, you guys! 199 00:12:51,181 --> 00:12:54,521 Once we've left town, we run in the opposite direction of the pirates! 200 00:12:55,021 --> 00:12:59,001 We run to our last gasp! What other way is there?! 201 00:12:59,721 --> 00:13:00,521 That's for sure. 202 00:13:13,331 --> 00:13:15,251 Dammit. 203 00:13:15,771 --> 00:13:18,351 They're following us... 204 00:13:19,511 --> 00:13:22,491 What a bunch of jerks... 205 00:13:30,301 --> 00:13:32,781 Alright. We got one shot at this. 206 00:13:33,101 --> 00:13:36,021 Once we're out, immediately figure out which direction is pirate-free 207 00:13:36,021 --> 00:13:38,301 and then run for your lives! Got it?! 208 00:13:38,301 --> 00:13:39,731 Gotcha, loud and clear! 209 00:13:40,061 --> 00:13:43,131 Here goes! One! Two! Three! 210 00:13:56,711 --> 00:13:58,591 O-Oh, crap... 211 00:13:58,591 --> 00:14:01,971 Get 'em, get 'em, rebel army! 212 00:14:01,971 --> 00:14:04,051 Give that a rest, will ya?! 213 00:14:21,021 --> 00:14:23,701 What's that?! You're a rebel soldier?! 214 00:14:25,401 --> 00:14:29,011 N-No, nothing of the sort! We're just travelers passing through! 215 00:14:29,011 --> 00:14:30,931 Say your prayers, sea pirates! 216 00:14:30,931 --> 00:14:37,501 These rebel soldiers are gonna make mincemeat out of you! 217 00:14:37,501 --> 00:14:39,411 Be quiet, you! 218 00:14:39,411 --> 00:14:44,631 Right! How utterly rude of me! Good luck, Camu-sama! 219 00:14:44,951 --> 00:14:48,511 He seems especially spineless to me. 220 00:14:48,511 --> 00:14:50,541 Doesn't seem reliable at all. 221 00:14:50,541 --> 00:14:51,301 Yes... 222 00:14:51,591 --> 00:14:52,881 Are you sure about this? 223 00:14:52,881 --> 00:14:56,511 It might be best for the village if we take care of them now. 224 00:14:57,511 --> 00:15:01,141 A little more. Let's watch things just a little more... 225 00:15:01,141 --> 00:15:05,111 --Get 'em, rebel soldiers! --You can do it! 226 00:15:05,461 --> 00:15:06,271 Hey! 227 00:15:07,191 --> 00:15:09,191 You really are rebel soldiers after all! 228 00:15:09,511 --> 00:15:11,981 N-No, it isn't, uhh... 229 00:15:11,981 --> 00:15:13,411 Wh-What now, Big Bro? 230 00:15:13,411 --> 00:15:15,661 We lost our chance to escape... 231 00:15:17,021 --> 00:15:18,201 Hey, you guys! 232 00:15:19,061 --> 00:15:21,921 --Ace-sama? --Please help... 233 00:15:22,471 --> 00:15:24,961 This is your fight. 234 00:15:25,421 --> 00:15:27,921 Try to get through it on your own. 235 00:15:27,921 --> 00:15:32,341 We can't do that! We're fakes! 236 00:15:32,661 --> 00:15:34,661 If you're men, act like it! 237 00:15:34,661 --> 00:15:37,791 How long are you gonna keep up this petty crap of yours? 238 00:15:42,221 --> 00:15:43,521 What do we do, Big Bro? 239 00:15:44,661 --> 00:15:47,261 Wh-What do you mean, what do we do? 240 00:15:49,981 --> 00:15:54,741 We have no choice now but to lie our way out of this, impostor-style! 241 00:15:55,141 --> 00:15:56,241 Impostor-style? 242 00:15:57,371 --> 00:15:59,701 Listen, you! Don't be shocked by what I have to say! 243 00:16:00,201 --> 00:16:02,041 We're not the only rebel soldiers here! 244 00:16:02,351 --> 00:16:04,291 In the village there are... 245 00:16:04,901 --> 00:16:07,211 ...100 million more soldiers like us! 246 00:16:09,541 --> 00:16:12,141 Oh, geez. That's worse than a kid's lie. 247 00:16:12,141 --> 00:16:13,221 You're no one to talk. 248 00:16:15,181 --> 00:16:18,161 What?! 100 million?! 249 00:16:18,161 --> 00:16:20,101 Hold on, you! That's not even believable! 250 00:16:20,411 --> 00:16:22,161 He's obviously bluffing! 251 00:16:22,161 --> 00:16:24,271 What?! It's a lie?! 252 00:16:24,271 --> 00:16:25,391 Obviously! 253 00:16:25,391 --> 00:16:27,611 --Oh, it was a lie? --Oh, geez! 254 00:16:27,961 --> 00:16:30,941 You! How dare you trick me?! 255 00:16:31,691 --> 00:16:33,821 Damn! They realized I was lying! 256 00:16:33,821 --> 00:16:35,821 Did you really think that would fool them?! 257 00:16:35,821 --> 00:16:39,991 Gum-Gum Pistol! 258 00:16:49,861 --> 00:16:51,251 What was that?! 259 00:16:52,301 --> 00:16:54,131 He has Devil Fruit powers! 260 00:16:54,131 --> 00:16:55,811 One hit knocked him out! 261 00:16:55,811 --> 00:16:58,681 Not even rebel soldiers stand a chance against something like that! 262 00:16:58,921 --> 00:17:01,931 Luffy, you idiot! It's all over if you knock him out! 263 00:17:02,381 --> 00:17:04,271 Then what would we do?! 264 00:17:17,451 --> 00:17:19,301 Big Brother Camu! 265 00:17:19,301 --> 00:17:20,911 You can do it! 266 00:17:20,911 --> 00:17:22,411 The sea pirate is coming! 267 00:17:22,711 --> 00:17:25,651 --You can do it! --Big Brother! 268 00:17:25,651 --> 00:17:26,291 Stand up! 269 00:17:36,781 --> 00:17:38,001 That's right... 270 00:17:38,461 --> 00:17:42,271 When I was a kid, I looked up to the warriors of Alabasta 271 00:17:42,631 --> 00:17:46,351 and wanted to be as strong as them someday... 272 00:17:46,781 --> 00:17:49,311 No, even now I do... 273 00:17:49,811 --> 00:17:54,041 Someday, I want to be as strong as the warriors I saw as a child... 274 00:17:54,781 --> 00:17:56,281 Someday... 275 00:17:57,211 --> 00:18:00,621 How long are you gonna keep up this petty crap of yours? 276 00:18:15,301 --> 00:18:16,671 Big Bro! 277 00:18:21,591 --> 00:18:24,171 Yes, we're fake rebel soldiers. 278 00:18:24,821 --> 00:18:28,741 Even if all we want is to be as strong as the heroes we saw as kids, 279 00:18:28,741 --> 00:18:31,091 we're just a bunch of scoundrels now. 280 00:18:31,091 --> 00:18:34,851 But, even if my dream never comes true, 281 00:18:34,851 --> 00:18:37,681 I can't take those kids' dreams away! 282 00:18:37,681 --> 00:18:39,951 Even if I'm no match for you, 283 00:18:39,951 --> 00:18:44,881 I'm going to fight so that someday those kids can beat you all! 284 00:18:46,621 --> 00:18:51,671 If my only other choice is to remain a punk in those kids' memories, 285 00:18:51,671 --> 00:18:55,131 then I'd rather die as a hero right here! 286 00:19:06,251 --> 00:19:07,061 Big Bro! 287 00:19:08,711 --> 00:19:09,841 Bastard! 288 00:19:12,811 --> 00:19:14,061 What's your deal? 289 00:19:17,581 --> 00:19:19,281 I'll fight, too! 290 00:19:19,281 --> 00:19:21,611 Your dream is my dream, Big Bro! 291 00:19:22,861 --> 00:19:27,651 We've done all sorts of petty things since we were kids, 292 00:19:27,651 --> 00:19:30,831 but you were always there to protect the weak, Big Bro! 293 00:19:32,041 --> 00:19:33,561 Hyaaaa! 294 00:19:36,731 --> 00:19:41,261 I-I'll always be there with you, Big Bro! 295 00:19:41,501 --> 00:19:44,321 I'm gonna be a hero with you! 296 00:19:48,871 --> 00:19:49,931 He's... 297 00:19:52,841 --> 00:19:55,071 That's for sure! What do we have to lose?! 298 00:19:55,071 --> 00:19:56,941 I can show you my spirit, too! 299 00:19:56,941 --> 00:20:00,401 Yeah! There's no running away now, anyways! 300 00:20:03,191 --> 00:20:04,571 Guys... 301 00:20:05,131 --> 00:20:08,031 They're looking different now... 302 00:20:08,331 --> 00:20:12,001 Though part of it seems because their backs are to the wall... 303 00:20:12,001 --> 00:20:13,011 Yes. 304 00:20:13,011 --> 00:20:15,011 But I don't think they could change like that 305 00:20:15,011 --> 00:20:18,631 unless they're holding something dear in their hearts. 306 00:20:18,941 --> 00:20:20,711 Then... they're okay? 307 00:20:21,031 --> 00:20:25,681 Yes. Let's go. We'll entrust this place to them for now. 308 00:20:31,641 --> 00:20:33,981 Hey! Retreat! Retreat! 309 00:20:34,311 --> 00:20:37,191 Sea pirates or not, bring it on! 310 00:20:37,821 --> 00:20:41,821 Over my dead body will I let you take one step into this village! 311 00:20:43,561 --> 00:20:45,531 Yeah, now that's more like it! 312 00:20:46,091 --> 00:20:48,991 Now I can go beat up Crocodile without worrying! 313 00:20:49,341 --> 00:20:51,621 Whew! What a relief! 314 00:20:51,621 --> 00:20:53,411 Shut your trap and come on! 315 00:20:53,411 --> 00:20:56,331 Those bastards! Those are rebel soldiers for ya! 316 00:20:56,331 --> 00:20:59,171 I've never seen such strong people before! 317 00:20:59,531 --> 00:21:01,841 I suck at plays like this! 318 00:21:01,841 --> 00:21:03,761 W-Wait for me! 319 00:21:05,241 --> 00:21:07,881 Wh-What just happened? 320 00:21:13,771 --> 00:21:16,731 Utterly well done, rebel soldiers! 321 00:21:37,701 --> 00:21:40,461 --Hey, Luffy! --Oh, Ace! 322 00:21:40,461 --> 00:21:44,211 How long are we gonna run?! The act's over by now, right?! 323 00:21:44,651 --> 00:21:47,431 The way they abandoned their lives was scary! 324 00:21:49,691 --> 00:21:50,801 I see. 325 00:21:53,771 --> 00:21:56,061 Protect her to the death, Sand-Sand Clan! 326 00:21:59,381 --> 00:22:02,771 Bye, Vivi! Grow up to be a great princess! 327 00:22:15,121 --> 00:22:20,961 Like the adventurers I dreamed of when I was a child 328 00:22:20,961 --> 00:22:26,051 I continue on to the ends of emotion 329 00:22:26,051 --> 00:22:32,141 I scoop up my hands, 330 00:22:32,141 --> 00:22:38,641 and the sand and time that spills from them 331 00:22:38,641 --> 00:22:45,651 show me that this is what I was born to do 332 00:22:45,651 --> 00:22:56,611 Let's continue swimming at a near-tumbling speed 333 00:22:57,751 --> 00:23:08,511 Until we wash up someday on a white sandy beach 334 00:23:08,511 --> 00:23:11,181 no one knows about 335 00:23:25,271 --> 00:23:27,611 Say, Vivi. How are we going to stop the rebel army? 336 00:23:27,911 --> 00:23:30,781 When we get to Yuba, I'll meet him-- Koza-- first. 337 00:23:30,781 --> 00:23:33,101 --Koza? --We just need to beat him up, right?! 338 00:23:33,101 --> 00:23:35,871 --Please stop! --Pay attention more! 339 00:23:35,871 --> 00:23:37,621 Who is this Koza guy? 340 00:23:37,621 --> 00:23:40,711 Koza is my friend, and the leader of the rebel army! 341 00:23:41,111 --> 00:23:42,561 On the next episode of One Piece! 342 00:23:42,561 --> 00:23:46,081 "Rebel Warrior Koza! The Dream Vowed to Vivi!" 343 00:23:46,081 --> 00:23:48,521 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!