1 00:00:28,051 --> 00:00:29,471 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,781 --> 00:00:32,011 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,601 --> 00:00:34,921 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,151 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:49,691 --> 00:00:56,051 {\an8}I only believe in the future-- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,051 --> 00:01:01,561 {\an8}That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,571 {\an8}It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,571 --> 00:01:11,071 {\an8}I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:14,361 {\an8}I'm really, really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,361 --> 00:01:20,981 {\an8}I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:20,981 --> 00:01:24,291 {\an8}Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:31,301 {\an8}Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,221 --> 00:01:39,431 {\an8}I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,431 --> 00:01:45,441 {\an8}I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,441 --> 00:01:48,521 {\an8}I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,521 --> 00:01:51,861 {\an8}Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:55,301 {\an8}run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,301 --> 00:02:00,951 {\an8}Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,041 --> 00:02:19,151 {\an8}"Rainbase" "Alubarna" "Yuba" "Erumalu" "Nanohana" "Katorea" "Spiders Café" 21 00:02:09,391 --> 00:02:12,901 Three years have passed since a single drop of rain fell 22 00:02:12,901 --> 00:02:14,721 in the kingdom of oases. 23 00:02:15,561 --> 00:02:18,671 The scorching land was now engulfed in wails of grief, 24 00:02:18,671 --> 00:02:20,311 along with tremendous upheaval. 25 00:02:22,871 --> 00:02:26,961 Luffy and the others had been caught in a trap inside Raindinners, 26 00:02:26,961 --> 00:02:30,541 but as a result of Sanji's actions, they were finally able to escape. 27 00:02:31,581 --> 00:02:34,351 Marine Captain Smoker, having been saved by Luffy and company, 28 00:02:34,351 --> 00:02:36,311 then allowed them to get away. 29 00:02:36,951 --> 00:02:38,481 Will Alabasta fall? 30 00:02:38,481 --> 00:02:40,231 Or will it find true peace? 31 00:02:40,661 --> 00:02:44,491 Moment by moment, the hourglass of fate marks the final hour. 32 00:02:49,581 --> 00:02:53,531 "Merciless Mortal Combat! Luffy vs. Crocodile" 33 00:02:57,681 --> 00:02:59,411 I see them! 34 00:03:00,381 --> 00:03:02,041 After them! 35 00:03:16,851 --> 00:03:18,531 Captain, aren't you going after them? 36 00:03:20,761 --> 00:03:22,501 No. I'm too tired. 37 00:03:22,501 --> 00:03:23,611 You're too tired? 38 00:03:23,611 --> 00:03:24,421 Hey... 39 00:03:24,421 --> 00:03:25,241 Sir! 40 00:03:25,511 --> 00:03:28,721 It's no use going after those guys. Tell them to stop. 41 00:03:32,341 --> 00:03:35,171 And have everyone assemble here. Contact HQ, too. 42 00:03:35,481 --> 00:03:38,351 Tell them to have all military vessels in the vicinity 43 00:03:38,351 --> 00:03:41,561 of the Kingdom of Alabasta gather here, to this land. 44 00:03:41,561 --> 00:03:43,051 You're calling for reinforcements? 45 00:03:44,101 --> 00:03:47,021 But Captain, I'm not sure our superiors will be willing 46 00:03:47,021 --> 00:03:49,641 to move those ships against such a small number of pirates. 47 00:03:50,591 --> 00:03:53,601 When did I ask for the opinions of our superiors? 48 00:03:54,031 --> 00:03:56,601 Er, y-yes, sir! Right away! 49 00:03:57,561 --> 00:04:01,151 Hey! Come back! Come back here! 50 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:18,201 Hurry! 51 00:04:19,961 --> 00:04:21,461 Mm-hmm, this way. 52 00:04:21,731 --> 00:04:24,171 The scent of Nami's perfume is getting stronger. 53 00:04:27,541 --> 00:04:29,771 Hey, we're not, by any chance, 54 00:04:29,771 --> 00:04:31,641 just going to run all the way to Alubarna like this, right?! 55 00:04:32,471 --> 00:04:33,641 That's right, Lashes! 56 00:04:33,931 --> 00:04:35,851 Where has Lashes gone?! 57 00:04:36,311 --> 00:04:37,361 Now that you mention it, 58 00:04:38,121 --> 00:04:40,281 this town has a stable or something! 59 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:41,681 Let's get horses! 60 00:04:41,681 --> 00:04:43,851 But the marines are in town. 61 00:04:44,391 --> 00:04:47,031 Not to worry. Look in front of you. 62 00:04:47,271 --> 00:04:49,251 Hey, guys! 63 00:04:52,651 --> 00:04:53,791 A crab?! 64 00:04:53,921 --> 00:04:55,201 Chopper! 65 00:04:55,201 --> 00:04:57,161 That's a Moving Crab! 66 00:04:57,161 --> 00:04:58,851 Looks yummy! 67 00:05:13,561 --> 00:05:16,521 Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! That's awesome! 68 00:05:16,521 --> 00:05:17,731 Hop on board! 69 00:05:17,931 --> 00:05:20,481 We get to ride it?! Woo-hoo! 70 00:05:21,571 --> 00:05:22,701 The pleasure's mine! 71 00:05:22,861 --> 00:05:25,091 Its face looks kind of iffy, doesn't it? 72 00:05:25,091 --> 00:05:27,341 And you've got yet another amazing thing in tow, huh? 73 00:05:28,811 --> 00:05:30,741 He's Lashes's friend. 74 00:05:34,001 --> 00:05:38,881 Lashes was born in this town, and has lots of friends in the area. 75 00:05:39,321 --> 00:05:40,831 He is kind of pervy, though. 76 00:05:42,601 --> 00:05:46,071 Amazing! Moving Crabs are always submerged under the sand, 77 00:05:46,071 --> 00:05:48,021 so they're very nearly phantom crabs! 78 00:05:48,261 --> 00:05:50,931 This guy's pretty fast, isn't he? 79 00:05:51,101 --> 00:05:53,071 Guys, hang on tight! 80 00:05:53,701 --> 00:05:56,111 All right, let's go! We're off! 81 00:06:17,461 --> 00:06:18,161 What?! 82 00:06:19,541 --> 00:06:20,921 Stop, Chopper! 83 00:06:26,421 --> 00:06:29,511 It's him! Why, you...! 84 00:06:35,371 --> 00:06:36,751 Hey! Luffy! 85 00:06:36,751 --> 00:06:37,811 That idiot! 86 00:06:38,621 --> 00:06:39,441 Luffy-san! 87 00:06:42,231 --> 00:06:45,401 You guys go on ahead! I can handle this myself! 88 00:06:56,541 --> 00:07:00,921 Make sure you deliver Vivi back to her home! Make sure, now! 89 00:07:13,411 --> 00:07:14,531 Make sure, now. 90 00:07:16,091 --> 00:07:17,221 That idiot... 91 00:07:19,101 --> 00:07:20,071 Hey! 92 00:07:20,511 --> 00:07:23,271 Go, Chopper! Keep going, to Alubarna! 93 00:07:23,751 --> 00:07:25,611 G-Got it. 94 00:07:26,121 --> 00:07:27,281 We're off! 95 00:07:28,581 --> 00:07:29,481 Hold on...! 96 00:07:30,431 --> 00:07:33,951 Hey Zoro, are we leaving him behind?! Hey, that's cold! 97 00:07:34,371 --> 00:07:35,621 That's cold of you! 98 00:07:35,621 --> 00:07:39,511 From now on, you've got to protect me, got it?! 99 00:07:39,511 --> 00:07:41,921 Where do you get off always doing this?! 100 00:07:43,681 --> 00:07:45,081 Luffy-san! 101 00:07:45,491 --> 00:07:48,631 It's all right, Vivi! He'll be fine! 102 00:07:48,841 --> 00:07:51,171 I feel sorry for the other guys. 103 00:07:51,171 --> 00:07:53,271 After all, there isn't a single person 104 00:07:54,011 --> 00:07:57,351 that Luffy has gone after before, who has come out all right. 105 00:07:57,621 --> 00:07:58,871 Listen to me, Vivi. 106 00:07:58,871 --> 00:08:01,921 He will keep Crocodile under control. 107 00:08:03,071 --> 00:08:05,601 The moment that the rebel army started running, 108 00:08:05,601 --> 00:08:07,781 the time limit on this land was set. 109 00:08:09,351 --> 00:08:11,601 Once the royal army and the rebel army meet, 110 00:08:12,051 --> 00:08:15,001 this land, the Kingdom of Alabasta, will be gone. 111 00:08:16,311 --> 00:08:19,371 If you are the one and only hope for preventing that, 112 00:08:20,271 --> 00:08:22,201 then you have to survive, no matter what. 113 00:08:23,381 --> 00:08:28,881 No matter what might happen to any of us here, from now on! 114 00:08:31,381 --> 00:08:33,051 B-But... 115 00:08:36,441 --> 00:08:40,181 Vivi-chan, this is a fight that you started. 116 00:08:41,381 --> 00:08:44,651 You're the one who ran out of this land years ago, 117 00:08:44,651 --> 00:08:47,661 and challenged this unknown organization to battle. 118 00:08:49,281 --> 00:08:50,301 However... 119 00:08:51,401 --> 00:08:54,051 ...don't go thinking that you're fighting alone anymore. 120 00:08:58,021 --> 00:09:03,081 V-V-Vivi! Don't you wor-- wor-- don't worry! I'm g-gonna... 121 00:09:04,231 --> 00:09:06,151 Luffy-san! 122 00:09:09,201 --> 00:09:12,041 We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna, okay?! 123 00:09:14,771 --> 00:09:16,601 Yeah! 124 00:09:42,191 --> 00:09:45,001 Princess Vivi got away from us, huh? 125 00:09:46,481 --> 00:09:49,881 Either way, the Agents are scheduled to gather in Alubarna. 126 00:09:50,391 --> 00:09:51,991 Contact them at once. 127 00:09:55,351 --> 00:09:59,841 You've taken your nonsense a little too far, Straw Hat Luffy. 128 00:10:03,591 --> 00:10:04,871 She tries, you see, 129 00:10:05,751 --> 00:10:10,281 to help everyone she sees, despite how weak she might be. 130 00:10:12,281 --> 00:10:15,701 She can't bear to abandon anything, so she's always in pain. 131 00:10:16,231 --> 00:10:19,351 She doesn't think that anyone needs to die in this revolt. 132 00:10:19,951 --> 00:10:21,741 Nobody needs to die? 133 00:10:22,321 --> 00:10:25,661 There are many maudlin, peace-loving fools like that. 134 00:10:26,651 --> 00:10:29,131 That's because they don't know what a real fight is. 135 00:10:29,731 --> 00:10:31,481 You think so too, don't you? 136 00:10:32,081 --> 00:10:32,881 Yeah. 137 00:10:41,691 --> 00:10:44,711 But as long as you're around, 138 00:10:44,711 --> 00:10:47,111 she's going to go at you, until she dies. 139 00:10:49,421 --> 00:10:52,531 So I'm going to put you down, right here! 140 00:10:55,991 --> 00:10:57,481 That's worse than nonsense. 141 00:10:58,211 --> 00:11:00,551 You're the unsalvageable fool here. 142 00:11:00,551 --> 00:11:01,951 This is a good example. 143 00:11:02,581 --> 00:11:05,911 You get close to someone, and then die because of it. 144 00:11:06,501 --> 00:11:11,191 I've forsaken tons of people like that. 145 00:11:12,451 --> 00:11:15,771 Then, you're the fool, aren't you? 146 00:11:21,011 --> 00:11:22,511 What's so funny? 147 00:11:23,481 --> 00:11:26,351 You want to die, too, Nico Robin? 148 00:11:26,821 --> 00:11:29,061 If you feel like it, go right ahead. 149 00:11:29,231 --> 00:11:31,961 Besides, didn't you promise not to call me by that name? 150 00:11:32,361 --> 00:11:33,521 Where are you going? 151 00:11:34,061 --> 00:11:36,141 I'm going on ahead to Alubarna. 152 00:11:37,271 --> 00:11:39,481 I can't figure that woman out. 153 00:11:43,091 --> 00:11:44,531 I'll give you three minutes. 154 00:11:48,371 --> 00:11:49,671 I don't have time... 155 00:11:50,481 --> 00:11:53,021 ...to mess with you any longer than that. 156 00:12:36,391 --> 00:12:37,991 I'll give you three minutes. 157 00:12:38,481 --> 00:12:41,881 I don't have time to mess with you any longer than that. 158 00:12:49,451 --> 00:12:50,781 You don't mind, do you? 159 00:12:52,281 --> 00:12:53,411 No, that's fine. 160 00:12:55,511 --> 00:12:56,611 Gum-Gum... 161 00:12:57,401 --> 00:12:58,391 ...Pistol!! 162 00:13:11,421 --> 00:13:12,961 Gum-Gum... 163 00:13:13,881 --> 00:13:15,461 ...Stamp!! 164 00:13:26,081 --> 00:13:30,891 I should warn you, Straw Hat Luffy, that no matter how hard you try, 165 00:13:30,891 --> 00:13:33,241 there is no way that you'll ever beat me. 166 00:13:33,751 --> 00:13:36,851 Gum-Gum Gatling!! 167 00:13:54,361 --> 00:13:56,491 Listen here, Straw Hat Luffy, 168 00:13:56,951 --> 00:14:01,121 you can continue these mosquito-like attacks of yours forever, 169 00:14:01,121 --> 00:14:02,451 but you will never-- 170 00:14:02,451 --> 00:14:04,241 Gum-Gum... 171 00:14:04,761 --> 00:14:05,801 ...Bazooka!! 172 00:14:26,021 --> 00:14:28,661 Why, you... you... you...! Did that smash you?! 173 00:14:28,911 --> 00:14:30,531 You sand gator! 174 00:14:33,681 --> 00:14:35,641 I told you, that won't work. 175 00:14:37,391 --> 00:14:38,371 You bastard...! 176 00:14:38,581 --> 00:14:42,381 No matter how hard a rubber man like you might try, 177 00:14:42,381 --> 00:14:44,631 there is no way... 178 00:14:45,861 --> 00:14:46,981 ...you'll ever peat-- 179 00:14:48,371 --> 00:14:51,601 "Peat"? What was that you were just trying to say? 180 00:15:01,031 --> 00:15:04,481 I think that is just about enough fun and games, 181 00:15:05,441 --> 00:15:06,951 Straw Hat Luffy. 182 00:15:07,381 --> 00:15:09,881 I've been taking this seriously the whole time! 183 00:15:10,981 --> 00:15:14,821 But he's got me. I can't slug him at all like this. 184 00:15:14,821 --> 00:15:16,581 He's too dry and grainy. 185 00:15:16,581 --> 00:15:20,681 There's a difference in the level of pirate that you and I are. 186 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:22,551 Desert Spada!! 187 00:15:34,751 --> 00:15:36,581 Nicely judged. 188 00:15:37,061 --> 00:15:39,991 If you'd taken that, it would have gotten more than an "ow" from you. 189 00:15:42,021 --> 00:15:44,951 What?! The desert's been split! 190 00:15:45,251 --> 00:15:48,681 Depending on one's training and how they're used, Devil Fruit abilities 191 00:15:48,681 --> 00:15:51,911 can become a means of fighting as powerful as any. 192 00:15:52,391 --> 00:15:56,301 I'm not like you other fools, who are only preoccupied with your abilities. 193 00:15:57,501 --> 00:16:01,701 You can regret defying me as much as you want, now. 194 00:16:05,361 --> 00:16:07,351 Desert Girasole!! 195 00:16:19,641 --> 00:16:22,361 What?! What?! What?! What?! 196 00:16:28,271 --> 00:16:32,231 The sand! It's being sucked into the ground! 197 00:16:38,781 --> 00:16:40,651 You don't know about quicksand? 198 00:16:41,471 --> 00:16:45,381 It makes for a handy desert coffin, with no need for a tombstone. 199 00:16:46,001 --> 00:16:49,301 The sand is drawn down into underground waterways. 200 00:16:50,331 --> 00:16:53,071 I am able to detect where those are. 201 00:16:53,861 --> 00:16:58,011 No one in the world can stand up to me when fighting in the desert. 202 00:17:00,981 --> 00:17:02,431 I'm not about... 203 00:17:03,801 --> 00:17:06,641 ...to let myself be buried alive in sand! 204 00:17:08,761 --> 00:17:10,181 You bastard! 205 00:17:10,471 --> 00:17:12,581 Gum-Gum... 206 00:17:12,581 --> 00:17:14,451 ...Bazooka!! 207 00:17:15,971 --> 00:17:19,431 If I can't slug you, then how about I catch you? 208 00:17:19,431 --> 00:17:21,991 Gum-Gum Finger Net!! 209 00:17:25,081 --> 00:17:27,781 Can't you learn anything? 210 00:17:27,781 --> 00:17:29,321 That won't work. 211 00:17:29,651 --> 00:17:31,181 Gum-Gum... 212 00:17:31,181 --> 00:17:32,881 ...Whip!! 213 00:17:35,191 --> 00:17:37,191 Are you planning to keep doing that? 214 00:17:39,461 --> 00:17:40,801 Let go of me, you bastard! 215 00:17:41,731 --> 00:17:42,571 Crescent Cutlass!! 216 00:17:48,171 --> 00:17:49,781 M-My arm! 217 00:17:55,671 --> 00:17:57,561 My arm...! My arm...! 218 00:17:57,561 --> 00:18:00,721 It's turned into a mummy! My arm has become a mummy! 219 00:18:00,721 --> 00:18:02,471 Because of the sand. 220 00:18:02,871 --> 00:18:06,211 The hydration in your arm has been sucked out. 221 00:18:06,781 --> 00:18:09,431 I could go on wringing the water out of your whole body like that, 222 00:18:09,431 --> 00:18:11,671 until you shrivel up and die. 223 00:18:12,771 --> 00:18:15,281 Such is the essence of the desert. 224 00:18:16,961 --> 00:18:18,381 Y-You've gotta be kidding me! 225 00:18:19,941 --> 00:18:22,131 I know! Water! 226 00:18:28,691 --> 00:18:29,841 That was worthless. 227 00:18:30,341 --> 00:18:31,781 Nothing worthless about it! 228 00:18:32,121 --> 00:18:35,001 The dried-up old man in Yuba spent all night 229 00:18:35,001 --> 00:18:37,371 preparing this water for me! 230 00:18:37,871 --> 00:18:40,751 Luffy-kun, take this with you. 231 00:18:41,081 --> 00:18:43,131 The old guy told me... 232 00:18:45,711 --> 00:18:48,711 ...Yuba wasn't going to give in to the sand. 233 00:18:48,711 --> 00:18:50,391 Gum-Gum... 234 00:18:51,121 --> 00:18:53,161 Are you still planning to do something? 235 00:18:53,491 --> 00:18:55,051 ...Munch-Munch!! 236 00:19:00,951 --> 00:19:03,361 Don't go pulling ridiculous crap like that! 237 00:19:07,881 --> 00:19:13,161 Die. You, along with the indomitable land of Yuba. 238 00:19:15,081 --> 00:19:18,751 Your three minutes are up. Like I said at the start, 239 00:19:19,331 --> 00:19:22,401 I don't have time to hang around with you any longer. 240 00:19:23,171 --> 00:19:24,631 Sables!! 241 00:19:41,581 --> 00:19:44,471 The sand is nice and dry. 242 00:19:44,921 --> 00:19:47,481 It's a sandstorm! I can see a sandstorm in the sky to the south! 243 00:19:47,651 --> 00:19:48,651 Take shelter! 244 00:19:48,651 --> 00:19:50,551 Wait, the sandstorm isn't coming this way! 245 00:19:50,551 --> 00:19:52,391 It's headed to the south! 246 00:19:52,621 --> 00:19:55,181 Captain Smoker, over there! 247 00:20:01,051 --> 00:20:02,701 Vivi, what's wrong? 248 00:20:02,931 --> 00:20:05,481 There's a sandstorm over toward Rainbase! 249 00:20:07,091 --> 00:20:08,491 It's him. 250 00:20:12,011 --> 00:20:13,111 Luffy... 251 00:20:21,291 --> 00:20:23,381 Listen here, Straw Hat Luffy. 252 00:20:23,721 --> 00:20:27,901 The prevailing winds here always blow from north to south. 253 00:20:28,501 --> 00:20:32,281 If this baby sandstorm of mine were to catch one of them 254 00:20:32,281 --> 00:20:35,721 and grow as it headed south, 255 00:20:35,721 --> 00:20:39,091 where do you think the larger sandstorm will hit? 256 00:20:40,761 --> 00:20:41,911 South, you say? 257 00:20:43,591 --> 00:20:44,581 Yuba. 258 00:20:47,991 --> 00:20:49,131 Why?! 259 00:20:50,641 --> 00:20:53,301 Hey, you! What are you doing?! Stop it! 260 00:20:54,501 --> 00:20:57,501 Look. Little by little, it's starting to head south. 261 00:20:58,181 --> 00:21:00,761 That dried-up old man has nothing to do with this! 262 00:21:02,101 --> 00:21:05,301 Why, you...! Stop it, you! 263 00:21:05,911 --> 00:21:08,261 Stop, you bastard! Stop! 264 00:21:12,191 --> 00:21:14,181 Give it up, it won't work. 265 00:21:14,771 --> 00:21:17,151 That sandstorm will pick up strength, 266 00:21:17,431 --> 00:21:21,161 and obtain wind speeds that even I can't stop. 267 00:21:21,411 --> 00:21:23,051 You've gotta be yanking me! 268 00:21:24,341 --> 00:21:26,111 Yuba is finished. 269 00:21:26,351 --> 00:21:28,621 Stop it! Right now! Stop-- 270 00:21:42,261 --> 00:21:44,861 Who do you think I am? 271 00:21:51,971 --> 00:21:55,471 There are any number of rookies like you, 272 00:21:56,231 --> 00:21:58,331 who are nothing but talk, 273 00:21:59,161 --> 00:22:01,111 Straw Hat Luffy, 274 00:22:02,461 --> 00:22:05,571 here in the Grand Line. 275 00:22:20,601 --> 00:22:24,791 I always wanted to talk about it 276 00:22:24,791 --> 00:22:31,601 I couldn't even say half of it 277 00:22:31,601 --> 00:22:42,121 I'm by your side, I glitter every time we share a dream 278 00:22:42,121 --> 00:22:55,501 The smile you gently gave me was a very happy and kind one 279 00:22:55,501 --> 00:22:57,711 Glory glory you're my shine 280 00:22:57,711 --> 00:23:06,471 Because you're here, even these tears turn to courage 281 00:23:06,471 --> 00:23:12,221 I want to be strong, I want to share with you 282 00:23:12,221 --> 00:23:17,521 I'm sure I'll make it there 283 00:23:25,401 --> 00:23:27,741 What?! The crab can't cross this river?! 284 00:23:27,741 --> 00:23:30,231 He's a desert creature, so he can't handle the water. 285 00:23:30,231 --> 00:23:31,731 But it's still a crab. Do something! 286 00:23:31,731 --> 00:23:33,691 Do something. Scissors-kun. 287 00:23:33,691 --> 00:23:35,911 I know! Scissors loves dancing girls! 288 00:23:35,911 --> 00:23:36,941 Will this do? 289 00:23:38,111 --> 00:23:40,171 You're messing him up with this nonsense! 290 00:23:40,351 --> 00:23:41,681 On the next episode of One Piece! 291 00:23:41,681 --> 00:23:44,641 "Dash For a Miracle! Alabasta Animal Land" 292 00:23:44,641 --> 00:23:46,801 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!