1 00:00:32,311 --> 00:00:35,791 Did you know there's an awesome treasure at the end of this sea?! 2 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:40,191 And whoever gets it can be King of the Pirates! Isn't that exciting?! 3 00:00:40,191 --> 00:00:42,951 Unheard-of adventures are waiting! 4 00:00:45,401 --> 00:00:53,341 Bon voyage! Let that shred of courage grow 5 00:00:53,341 --> 00:01:00,941 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 6 00:01:00,941 --> 00:01:08,861 The horizons everyone dreamed of were separate at first 7 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:16,021 but now they can be seen through a single telescope 8 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:25,151 A bitter compass of destiny is leading your heart astray 9 00:01:25,151 --> 00:01:28,281 so turn the wheel in the other direction! 10 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:30,161 Bon voyage! 11 00:01:30,161 --> 00:01:35,241 Toss aside your bonds and your past 12 00:01:35,511 --> 00:01:42,421 We can surely smile despite that 13 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:52,011 Tears shed trying to achieve your dreams aren't for naught 14 00:01:52,011 --> 00:01:56,491 Precious in my life 15 00:01:57,311 --> 00:02:04,981 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 16 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:10,161 Another warrior has perished... 17 00:02:10,161 --> 00:02:13,251 And then there was that earthquake... Damn it! 18 00:02:17,801 --> 00:02:20,191 You're the evil spirits! 19 00:02:20,411 --> 00:02:23,391 We're going to deal with you right now! 20 00:02:21,291 --> 00:02:23,661 T-This wasn't the agreement! Stop! 21 00:02:23,661 --> 00:02:24,301 Stop! 22 00:02:24,301 --> 00:02:25,241 Look out! 23 00:02:31,951 --> 00:02:33,711 Seto! Move aside! 24 00:02:33,711 --> 00:02:34,771 What's the meaning of this?! 25 00:02:35,621 --> 00:02:38,451 The Shandoran warriors I know and look up to... 26 00:02:39,221 --> 00:02:41,651 ...have much more pride than this! 27 00:02:42,361 --> 00:02:43,531 Kid... 28 00:02:47,201 --> 00:02:51,341 "Free from the Spell! The Great Warrior Sheds Tears!!" 29 00:02:53,741 --> 00:02:58,461 When this sun lowers in the west and sinks once again... 30 00:03:01,011 --> 00:03:05,891 ...your men's lives will be offered to the gods! 31 00:03:13,421 --> 00:03:15,311 Damn it! 32 00:03:19,761 --> 00:03:23,211 The earth certainly swallowed you skillfully! 33 00:03:23,731 --> 00:03:28,441 Truly an act of god! The fact that you're alive is what's hardest to believe! 34 00:03:39,321 --> 00:03:40,851 The entire ground?! 35 00:03:55,971 --> 00:04:00,141 Prepare for the ceremony! Take every last sacrifice to the altar! 36 00:04:00,141 --> 00:04:02,121 Hey, wait a little longer! 37 00:04:02,121 --> 00:04:05,971 The commodore'll be back! Just two more hours! No, one! Please! 38 00:04:05,971 --> 00:04:08,251 Why do we have to be burned at the stake?! 39 00:04:10,151 --> 00:04:13,711 The sun is setting. The ceremony should be starting soon. 40 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:22,981 How unsightly! Is this the wreck of a man who defied the gods? 41 00:04:23,231 --> 00:04:26,031 What are you so afraid of? 42 00:04:26,301 --> 00:04:27,311 What?! 43 00:04:27,641 --> 00:04:30,291 You tremble before intangible fears 44 00:04:30,441 --> 00:04:33,771 and give up people's lives for false consolation! 45 00:04:33,771 --> 00:04:35,311 False consolation?! 46 00:04:35,671 --> 00:04:38,691 Your sacrifices are nothing but pointless deaths! 47 00:04:44,491 --> 00:04:48,901 We have lived this way for centuries now! 48 00:04:49,091 --> 00:04:51,821 That doesn't mean it's right! 49 00:04:51,821 --> 00:04:54,991 Silence, outsider! 50 00:04:56,961 --> 00:05:00,501 However great your gods may be, 51 00:05:00,501 --> 00:05:03,681 people's lives are even more precious! 52 00:05:06,241 --> 00:05:08,511 Take the sacrifices to the altar! 53 00:05:08,511 --> 00:05:11,671 Burn them at the stake and send them into the heavens! 54 00:05:17,081 --> 00:05:19,221 Commodore! 55 00:05:19,221 --> 00:05:21,481 We're gonna be set on fire! 56 00:05:24,071 --> 00:05:26,891 You can send an innocent girl to her death... 57 00:05:28,791 --> 00:05:32,571 ...and have no qualms about it, so I doubt you'd understand! 58 00:05:32,801 --> 00:05:36,361 What you're doing is less than human! 59 00:05:39,441 --> 00:05:41,681 No qualms, you say?! 60 00:05:44,141 --> 00:05:46,031 The girl yesterday... 61 00:05:47,811 --> 00:05:50,401 ...was my daughter! 62 00:05:51,721 --> 00:05:56,441 You would tell your own daughter to end her life?! 63 00:05:56,601 --> 00:06:01,721 It's you people who don't understand how much power there is 64 00:06:01,721 --> 00:06:04,201 in the words our priests hear from the gods! 65 00:06:04,771 --> 00:06:07,281 Our village is commanded to obey! 66 00:06:07,751 --> 00:06:10,981 We can't beg for our children's lives! 67 00:06:18,241 --> 00:06:21,661 It's one size smaller... It must be the Kashi God's child! 68 00:06:22,881 --> 00:06:26,531 The gods' blood has come to pass judgment on you! 69 00:06:26,921 --> 00:06:29,091 Judgment, my ass! 70 00:06:30,991 --> 00:06:36,271 Sixty years ago, my own land lost hundreds of thousands of lives 71 00:06:36,271 --> 00:06:40,941 to the Kinetsu plague that is ravaging your village now! 72 00:06:41,261 --> 00:06:45,891 But, in recent years, there've been absolutely no deaths to this disease! 73 00:06:46,541 --> 00:06:48,621 Do you know why?! 74 00:06:49,891 --> 00:06:52,851 Because we discovered a cure for it! 75 00:06:54,081 --> 00:06:57,741 What I'm holding in my right hand is the bark of a Cona tree! 76 00:06:58,211 --> 00:07:02,571 The Conine I can extract from it is the cure! 77 00:07:02,961 --> 00:07:06,911 If I return with this, I can save the village! 78 00:07:11,051 --> 00:07:15,011 Do you know how many man-hours have been spent around the world, 79 00:07:15,211 --> 00:07:19,801 and how many victims there have been?! 80 00:07:20,091 --> 00:07:25,191 And you people are trampling all over this great advancement! 81 00:07:25,201 --> 00:07:32,201 That's why I say your "ceremonies" are insults to those people! 82 00:07:33,151 --> 00:07:38,821 Will I die in judgment, or in an accident?! 83 00:07:39,251 --> 00:07:44,031 Will your village die by curse, or by disease?! 84 00:07:44,031 --> 00:07:48,791 Are you that afraid of gods?! 85 00:07:50,461 --> 00:07:54,391 I do know when a man is speaking earnest words... 86 00:07:57,561 --> 00:07:59,321 Answer me. 87 00:08:01,581 --> 00:08:04,701 What did I just kill?! 88 00:08:07,751 --> 00:08:08,751 A snake. 89 00:08:08,751 --> 00:08:09,981 No! 90 00:08:10,391 --> 00:08:14,691 I just broke our commandments and killed a god! 91 00:08:15,131 --> 00:08:22,451 But you call it a snake, and our deadly curse a curable disease! 92 00:08:26,901 --> 00:08:32,261 Will you really save my beloved village?! 93 00:08:32,261 --> 00:08:34,931 Can you save it?! 94 00:08:36,381 --> 00:08:37,661 I can! 95 00:09:51,621 --> 00:09:53,591 A-A snake! 96 00:09:53,861 --> 00:09:55,051 Is this...? 97 00:09:55,471 --> 00:09:57,901 Hey, Calgara! Look at this! 98 00:09:59,201 --> 00:10:02,941 What a shock! I didn't know that snake had a grandchild... 99 00:10:04,051 --> 00:10:05,541 "That snake"? 100 00:10:07,841 --> 00:10:09,111 A snake, huh? 101 00:10:13,141 --> 00:10:16,211 Those two make no sense... 102 00:10:16,211 --> 00:10:19,271 They were trying to kill each other until just recently... 103 00:10:19,271 --> 00:10:21,521 Now, they're such good friends! 104 00:10:22,101 --> 00:10:25,491 Calgara is never very friendly with any of the villagers, either. 105 00:10:26,411 --> 00:10:28,711 I've never seen him smile like that before... 106 00:10:31,161 --> 00:10:33,211 Just follow me. 107 00:10:34,301 --> 00:10:36,051 We climb down here. 108 00:10:36,271 --> 00:10:37,281 Climb down? 109 00:10:48,911 --> 00:10:50,781 This ringing... 110 00:10:51,781 --> 00:10:55,051 Hey, Calgara! Where is this beautiful ringing coming from?! 111 00:10:55,251 --> 00:10:57,461 Follow me and you'll see. 112 00:11:43,611 --> 00:11:44,611 They're here! 113 00:11:45,371 --> 00:11:47,211 Lost for words? 114 00:11:47,211 --> 00:11:52,091 This is Shandora, a city of gold. We are its survivors! 115 00:11:52,711 --> 00:11:54,311 A city of gold... 116 00:11:55,721 --> 00:11:57,731 It's like I'm dreaming! 117 00:12:13,001 --> 00:12:18,441 W-Whoa! It's gold everywhere! It's a city of treasure! 118 00:12:19,961 --> 00:12:22,701 Hey, guys! Stop! 119 00:12:23,591 --> 00:12:24,841 It's fine. 120 00:12:24,841 --> 00:12:29,781 Load your ship with all the treasure you can, aside from the gold bell! 121 00:12:31,481 --> 00:12:34,951 Seto! Show them where the treasure is! 122 00:12:35,991 --> 00:12:36,791 Right! 123 00:12:36,981 --> 00:12:39,301 Are you sure this is okay? 124 00:12:39,421 --> 00:12:42,111 The villagers already agreed to it. 125 00:12:42,111 --> 00:12:46,261 We owe you for saving our tribe from that terrible disease. 126 00:12:46,741 --> 00:12:48,361 This is nothing at all. 127 00:12:48,841 --> 00:12:50,921 You're so generous, Great Warrior! 128 00:12:50,921 --> 00:12:55,511 But haven't your people been protecting the city all this time? 129 00:12:55,681 --> 00:13:04,611 Yes. We've protected the city... but not necessarily its treasure! 130 00:13:05,091 --> 00:13:07,061 To be more specific... 131 00:13:15,221 --> 00:13:16,921 ...only this stone. 132 00:13:19,561 --> 00:13:23,321 What is this? Writing? 133 00:13:23,791 --> 00:13:28,451 Writings of history. It's known as a "Poneglyph." 134 00:13:28,661 --> 00:13:30,661 We can't read it, either. 135 00:13:31,371 --> 00:13:35,431 You mean your ancestors didn't write this? 136 00:13:37,681 --> 00:13:42,031 All we know for certain is that this city of Shandora 137 00:13:42,031 --> 00:13:45,601 fought and fell trying to protect this stone. 138 00:13:46,921 --> 00:13:51,171 We must continue to protect it with that amount of resolve. 139 00:13:51,391 --> 00:13:54,061 As descendants, it is our duty to protect the proof 140 00:13:54,061 --> 00:13:57,531 that our ancestors fought and survived. 141 00:14:00,111 --> 00:14:03,851 We revere our ancestors as if they were gods. 142 00:14:04,141 --> 00:14:10,071 Still, I had no idea it was this giant, gold bell I had heard... 143 00:14:12,351 --> 00:14:15,091 This bell's ringing has words to it. 144 00:14:15,271 --> 00:14:16,201 Words? 145 00:14:16,691 --> 00:14:20,551 So that the spirits of our ancestors who were greeted by the heavens 146 00:14:20,551 --> 00:14:25,281 can return to this land at any time without getting lost, 147 00:14:25,651 --> 00:14:32,791 we continue to ring this bell, as a way to say, "We are here!" 148 00:14:34,001 --> 00:14:38,791 Its sound proclaims the unquestionable glory Shandora once had, 149 00:14:39,281 --> 00:14:42,521 and makes its existence known to the ends of the sea! 150 00:14:42,751 --> 00:14:45,911 We will never run or hide! 151 00:14:46,921 --> 00:14:51,561 That's why we call this city's grand bell the "fire of Shandora." 152 00:14:52,161 --> 00:14:55,841 That explains why it has such a majestic sound! 153 00:14:55,841 --> 00:14:57,211 Do you think so?! 154 00:14:57,211 --> 00:14:58,141 Yes! 155 00:14:59,861 --> 00:15:04,461 This fire reached out to us and helped us arrive here. 156 00:15:06,431 --> 00:15:12,871 I heard this bell in a storm where it shouldn't have been audible... 157 00:15:17,581 --> 00:15:21,201 You like this bell's sound, too? 158 00:15:21,351 --> 00:15:25,811 Are you going to grow up to be like that other giant snake someday? 159 00:15:30,881 --> 00:15:33,591 Probably not for a hundred more years! 160 00:15:36,101 --> 00:15:39,351 Hey! Stay here as long as you like, Noland! 161 00:15:40,081 --> 00:15:45,581 You're the first guests here in the 400 years since Shandora fell! 162 00:15:45,581 --> 00:15:47,561 I want to treat you with lavish hospitality! 163 00:15:49,251 --> 00:15:53,811 I'd love that! I do want to collect plants from the forest, 164 00:15:53,811 --> 00:15:56,791 and I want to see this plague all the way through. 165 00:15:56,791 --> 00:16:00,111 Commodore! Commodore! 166 00:16:00,111 --> 00:16:02,131 Hold on, now. What's with the clothes? 167 00:16:02,131 --> 00:16:03,961 Look, look! An Eternal Pose! 168 00:16:03,961 --> 00:16:06,341 And a map, Commodore! A map! 169 00:16:06,681 --> 00:16:10,091 We took these from intruders. 170 00:16:10,631 --> 00:16:13,411 Is that a map of this island?! 171 00:16:14,051 --> 00:16:18,171 Yeah. This skull shape is definitely this island. 172 00:16:18,441 --> 00:16:22,881 The name "Shandora" means "the skull's right eye," 173 00:16:23,081 --> 00:16:26,001 which refers to this city's location. 174 00:16:28,821 --> 00:16:33,101 Well, take care! Be sure she gets lots of rest! 175 00:16:33,101 --> 00:16:35,401 Thank you, Doctor! 176 00:16:37,931 --> 00:16:42,871 Hey! Come look, everyone! Noland's giving us some weird crops! 177 00:16:43,091 --> 00:16:47,371 I have a greenhouse on our ship, with all kinds of plant samples. 178 00:16:48,041 --> 00:16:51,331 I'll leave some seeds and sprouts that are suited for your soil. 179 00:16:51,671 --> 00:16:53,481 Is that any good? 180 00:16:53,481 --> 00:16:56,361 Sure is! It's also full of nutrients! 181 00:17:57,001 --> 00:18:00,451 All right! Let's work hard again today! 182 00:18:00,801 --> 00:18:04,661 Work hard doing what? Having a campfire party?! 183 00:18:12,811 --> 00:18:16,891 Why?! Why would the doctor and the others do this?! 184 00:18:21,731 --> 00:18:24,571 Chief! Noland and the others are coming! 185 00:18:25,461 --> 00:18:28,761 Listen! Do not speak of last night! 186 00:18:29,241 --> 00:18:32,261 They said they are going to set sail in a few days. 187 00:18:32,671 --> 00:18:36,561 Do not do anything rash! 188 00:18:36,951 --> 00:18:40,871 I guess we can't understand each other after all! 189 00:18:41,601 --> 00:18:46,451 No matter how good his medicine is, he's still a god-killer! 190 00:18:46,451 --> 00:18:50,871 Do they think they're great enough to stomp all over our history?! 191 00:18:51,461 --> 00:18:57,411 Endure it! Suppress your feelings, and quietly wait for them to leave! 192 00:18:57,621 --> 00:18:58,631 They're here! 193 00:19:02,141 --> 00:19:04,981 Hey, guys! Is Calgara around? 194 00:19:14,111 --> 00:19:18,191 Why is everyone acting so coldly all of a sudden? Where's Calgara? 195 00:19:18,191 --> 00:19:20,921 You guys are outsiders! 196 00:19:21,381 --> 00:19:24,651 Calgara doesn't want to see you anymore! 197 00:19:24,961 --> 00:19:25,831 Seto! 198 00:19:29,251 --> 00:19:32,471 When are you gonna leave, anyway?! 199 00:19:32,811 --> 00:19:33,671 Eh?! 200 00:19:34,771 --> 00:19:38,801 They suddenly seem to hate us now... 201 00:19:39,501 --> 00:19:43,731 Hey, hold on, you guys! You can't just start acting like this! 202 00:19:43,731 --> 00:19:44,511 Stop. 203 00:19:46,681 --> 00:19:48,341 Let's continue our work. 204 00:19:50,441 --> 00:19:52,881 We still have some forest to inspect. 205 00:19:56,061 --> 00:20:00,111 Here you are, Calgara! Noland was looking for you! 206 00:20:00,111 --> 00:20:03,371 Yeah. I don't want to see his face anymore. 207 00:20:04,031 --> 00:20:08,531 If I do, I think I might kill him! 208 00:20:14,811 --> 00:20:17,571 The bell didn't ring today... 209 00:20:17,571 --> 00:20:22,251 Yeah. It's the first time this's happened in the month we've been here. 210 00:20:22,821 --> 00:20:24,001 Commodore... 211 00:20:24,291 --> 00:20:27,461 I'll be finished exploring the forest in two days. 212 00:20:27,461 --> 00:20:28,921 Y-Yes, sir... 213 00:20:29,601 --> 00:20:34,401 Tell the crew we set sail again in three days, 214 00:20:34,401 --> 00:20:38,141 so now's their last chance to enjoy solid ground for a while. 215 00:20:38,751 --> 00:20:43,151 Commodore... To be honest, I wanna get off this awkward island... 216 00:20:43,151 --> 00:20:46,501 Only after we've finished our duties! Get some sleep. 217 00:20:49,061 --> 00:20:51,151 Live here, Noland! 218 00:20:51,151 --> 00:20:54,641 I know! Why don't you make Mousse your wife?! 219 00:20:55,111 --> 00:20:56,261 Don't be silly. 220 00:20:56,261 --> 00:21:00,601 I have a family back home, with kids about her age. I have to go back. 221 00:21:00,871 --> 00:21:04,411 Calgara doesn't want to see you anymore! 222 00:21:05,611 --> 00:21:09,021 When are you gonna leave, anyway?! 223 00:21:21,851 --> 00:21:25,331 I know you're here, Calgara! Come out! 224 00:21:26,091 --> 00:21:28,931 Don't you think this is too one-sided?! 225 00:21:29,191 --> 00:21:32,781 Tell me why! I won't understand unless you tell me! 226 00:21:33,591 --> 00:21:38,481 We're going to set sail very soon! I don't want to part ways like this! 227 00:21:51,961 --> 00:21:55,151 Don't show your face around me! 228 00:21:55,151 --> 00:21:58,481 Do you want your wife to end up a widow?! 229 00:22:02,111 --> 00:22:03,561 Calgara! 230 00:22:09,111 --> 00:22:14,731 If you're feeling lonely, talk to me 231 00:22:14,731 --> 00:22:19,941 You gaze at the heavens as you wander about 232 00:22:19,941 --> 00:22:27,561 Just like the moon, you keep your gaze constant 233 00:22:30,801 --> 00:22:39,941 And your deep reflection wanes as you slowly disappear 234 00:22:39,941 --> 00:22:53,471 Stay as you are, let those words guide you 235 00:22:54,281 --> 00:23:07,191 Dream, you travelers who spend countless nights drifting 236 00:23:07,191 --> 00:23:11,721 Even if you may not be able to go back 237 00:23:11,721 --> 00:23:18,071 you will surely start moving forward again 238 00:23:25,271 --> 00:23:27,731 The bell has lost all its meaning! 239 00:23:27,731 --> 00:23:30,491 I only did what satisfied me! 240 00:23:30,491 --> 00:23:33,051 If these were sacrifices for your "advancements," 241 00:23:33,051 --> 00:23:36,071 we should never have accepted you! 242 00:23:36,071 --> 00:23:39,071 They're right to be angry. We have no reason to be forgiven! 243 00:23:39,701 --> 00:23:41,871 We're returning to the Lvneel Kingdom! 244 00:23:41,871 --> 00:23:43,031 On the next episode of One Piece! 245 00:23:43,031 --> 00:23:46,561 "Eternal Friends! The Vowed Bell Echoes Across the Mighty Seas!!" 246 00:23:46,561 --> 00:23:48,621 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!