1 00:00:28,021 --> 00:00:29,661 Inherited will... 2 00:00:29,661 --> 00:00:31,891 The tide of the times... People's dreams... 3 00:00:32,561 --> 00:00:35,401 These things cannot be stopped. 4 00:00:35,401 --> 00:00:38,501 As long as people seek the answer of freedom, 5 00:00:38,501 --> 00:00:41,141 these things will never cease to be! 6 00:00:50,051 --> 00:00:56,221 I only believe in the future -- I don't care if anyone laughs 7 00:00:56,221 --> 00:01:01,561 That racing passion makes you shine 8 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:07,561 It's too bright, but I want to gaze at it 9 00:01:07,561 --> 00:01:11,171 I sense "aesthetics" somewhere 10 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:14,571 I'm really really stuck on you 11 00:01:14,571 --> 00:01:21,011 I follow, follow in the footsteps of a dream that resembles no one 12 00:01:21,011 --> 00:01:24,351 Until I dramatically get it 13 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:30,221 Believe In Wonderland! 14 00:01:33,161 --> 00:01:39,461 I'm going to catch, catch the shape of a dream no one can see 15 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:45,601 I'm going to go with you, so passionate feelings 16 00:01:45,601 --> 00:01:48,611 I don't really need everything to add up 17 00:01:48,611 --> 00:01:51,781 Rather than run-of-the-mill daily life, 18 00:01:51,781 --> 00:01:55,381 run for paradise instead 19 00:01:55,381 --> 00:02:00,921 Believe In Wonderland! 20 00:02:05,061 --> 00:02:19,071 {\an8}"North Block" "West Block" "South Block" "East Block" 21 00:02:07,521 --> 00:02:09,391 The feelings of those who are in anguish 22 00:02:09,391 --> 00:02:11,731 are crushed by a dry cloud of sand. 23 00:02:12,541 --> 00:02:15,971 There are those who seek hope, and those who cling to hope. 24 00:02:16,521 --> 00:02:18,761 Their feelings cross each other, uncertain what to do, 25 00:02:18,761 --> 00:02:22,691 marking an era of history ending in sadness. 26 00:02:25,821 --> 00:02:28,611 Though injured head-to-toe, Karoo picks up Vivi, 27 00:02:28,951 --> 00:02:31,231 and they escape from an attacking Mr. 2, 28 00:02:31,231 --> 00:02:33,991 and run off between the battling rebel army and royal army, 29 00:02:34,391 --> 00:02:36,271 toward Alubarna Palace. 30 00:02:42,901 --> 00:02:47,351 However, Karoo falls after being hit by a stray bullet. 31 00:02:51,201 --> 00:02:54,291 Mr. 2 closes in. Just then, the supersonic duck squadron 32 00:02:54,581 --> 00:02:57,521 and Sanji appear, to rescue them from their predicament. 33 00:03:00,401 --> 00:03:02,511 Meanwhile, at the southeast gate, 34 00:03:02,511 --> 00:03:04,211 the battle between Chopper and Usopp, 35 00:03:04,211 --> 00:03:08,611 and Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4, had begun. 36 00:03:19,331 --> 00:03:24,331 "Sworn on a Friend's Dream! The Battle of Molehill, Block 4" 37 00:03:55,581 --> 00:03:56,891 They're over there?! 38 00:03:57,561 --> 00:03:59,341 When did you have time to move?! 39 00:04:02,811 --> 00:04:06,791 That form...! I get it, you're a Zoan type, are you? 40 00:04:06,791 --> 00:04:10,281 I thought you weren't just a normal person. 41 00:04:12,001 --> 00:04:13,411 Are you okay, Usopp? 42 00:04:15,171 --> 00:04:17,231 Thanks... you saved me... 43 00:04:18,321 --> 00:04:22,321 So what if he did? Our advantage over you hasn't changed a bit! 44 00:04:22,961 --> 00:04:24,621 Let's go, Mr. 4! 45 00:04:24,931 --> 00:04:28,741 Here we go! Off we go! Now we go! You lunkhead! You l'ead! 46 00:04:30,271 --> 00:04:31,671 She went underground again! 47 00:04:31,671 --> 00:04:35,681 Usopp, you'd best consider yourself done for if you stop moving. 48 00:04:36,041 --> 00:04:40,271 I get you. You mean, if we stop, they'll fire dozens more at us, huh? 49 00:04:44,441 --> 00:04:45,231 Here they come! 50 00:04:57,151 --> 00:05:00,041 If I can just knock you flying...! 51 00:05:01,321 --> 00:05:07,181 Wait up. If we don't have a batter, the game won't be any fun, will it? 52 00:05:11,301 --> 00:05:12,091 Chopper! 53 00:05:17,371 --> 00:05:19,571 Whew, I can do that. 54 00:05:20,281 --> 00:05:21,771 Why, you dirty mole! 55 00:05:23,001 --> 00:05:24,681 You bastard! 56 00:05:28,651 --> 00:05:31,791 Damn. If they keep running away through these mole holes, 57 00:05:31,791 --> 00:05:35,051 then even if I use a Rumble Ball, time will run out on it right away. 58 00:05:37,851 --> 00:05:38,481 Huh? 59 00:05:39,191 --> 00:05:40,111 Huh...? 60 00:05:40,851 --> 00:05:44,681 Eh? Just where did that guy with the long nose disappear to? 61 00:05:46,531 --> 00:05:49,011 They're right. Usopp is gone! 62 00:05:49,011 --> 00:05:51,711 I should warn you guys...! 63 00:05:53,911 --> 00:05:57,021 My goodness, I'm impressed you could create all of these 64 00:05:57,021 --> 00:06:00,361 underground tunnels without it becoming tiresome. Good work! 65 00:06:00,361 --> 00:06:03,341 Then again, there can be some literal "pitfalls" 66 00:06:03,341 --> 00:06:06,801 when it comes to fighting like this, you know? 67 00:06:07,211 --> 00:06:09,571 Where are you?! Where did you go?! 68 00:06:10,571 --> 00:06:11,321 He wouldn't...! 69 00:06:11,321 --> 00:06:12,241 Yes! 70 00:06:12,241 --> 00:06:14,701 You took the trouble to make these underground tunnels. 71 00:06:14,701 --> 00:06:16,281 You're not the only ones... 72 00:06:16,821 --> 00:06:19,491 ...who can move around in them. 73 00:06:21,831 --> 00:06:23,361 Usopp... 74 00:06:23,561 --> 00:06:27,121 You bastard! You were in one of the holes?! 75 00:06:27,501 --> 00:06:30,301 ...Pound!! 76 00:06:41,481 --> 00:06:42,721 Mr. 4! 77 00:06:47,901 --> 00:06:51,011 A f-five ton hammer?! 78 00:06:51,311 --> 00:06:54,501 Where does that kid keep that kind of power?! 79 00:07:02,021 --> 00:07:02,941 Five tons...! 80 00:07:03,951 --> 00:07:06,241 Who are you? 81 00:07:08,371 --> 00:07:10,191 Traveler of the world's oceans, 82 00:07:10,881 --> 00:07:13,361 crusher of notorious foes as I go, 83 00:07:13,361 --> 00:07:15,971 and sinker of countless ships. 84 00:07:15,971 --> 00:07:20,221 Out of fear, people call me the "Dynast of Destruction." 85 00:07:22,411 --> 00:07:25,131 Remember my name well. 86 00:07:25,831 --> 00:07:30,141 Captain Usopp! 87 00:07:30,391 --> 00:07:32,651 Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! 88 00:07:32,651 --> 00:07:35,321 That was awesome, Usopp! 89 00:07:33,181 --> 00:07:35,571 Yeah, thank you, thank you, baby! 90 00:07:35,321 --> 00:07:37,051 Awesome! Awesome! 91 00:07:35,571 --> 00:07:37,921 Thank you. I'll be signing autographs later. 92 00:07:37,051 --> 00:07:39,871 I've underestimated your ability up until now! 93 00:07:39,871 --> 00:07:40,561 Hey... 94 00:07:42,391 --> 00:07:44,341 Mr. 4 is... 95 00:07:45,691 --> 00:07:49,871 He's not moving. C-Could I have hit him that hard? 96 00:07:50,361 --> 00:07:54,291 No, hold on. Either way, this is my chance, huh? 97 00:07:54,581 --> 00:07:56,631 You, too, penguin! 98 00:07:56,631 --> 00:07:59,591 Take this five-ton hammer! 99 00:08:01,301 --> 00:08:03,591 Usopp Pound!! 100 00:08:04,971 --> 00:08:08,481 Tch, she got away! Where are you, penguin?! 101 00:08:08,481 --> 00:08:10,911 I told you, I'm a mole, you "ba"! 102 00:08:11,251 --> 00:08:12,411 There you are! 103 00:08:12,411 --> 00:08:14,361 Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! 104 00:08:14,361 --> 00:08:15,991 Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! 105 00:08:15,991 --> 00:08:17,791 Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! 106 00:08:17,791 --> 00:08:19,531 Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! 107 00:08:19,531 --> 00:08:20,531 Rubber band! 108 00:08:20,531 --> 00:08:22,901 Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! Pound!! 109 00:08:27,241 --> 00:08:29,301 Damn, you're all over the place...! 110 00:08:29,821 --> 00:08:33,171 Ha! "Ba"! You "ba"! What's the point... 111 00:08:33,931 --> 00:08:35,371 ...if you can't hit me?! 112 00:08:37,501 --> 00:08:39,221 Let me inform you of something... 113 00:08:40,171 --> 00:08:42,991 You must have heard that a good number 114 00:08:42,991 --> 00:08:45,911 of Baroque Works staff have been eliminated by us, right? 115 00:08:47,171 --> 00:08:50,231 The truth is, that was all my doing! 116 00:08:50,231 --> 00:08:51,661 W-What?! 117 00:08:51,661 --> 00:08:52,921 And what's more... 118 00:08:54,511 --> 00:08:56,401 I have 8,000 men under me! 119 00:09:00,351 --> 00:09:02,151 Really?! 120 00:09:04,821 --> 00:09:07,321 Five tons! Five tons! 121 00:09:05,681 --> 00:09:08,721 Wow, awesome! Wow, awesome! 122 00:09:08,721 --> 00:09:10,791 Five tons! Five tons! 123 00:09:09,241 --> 00:09:12,131 Wow! Awesome! 124 00:09:11,261 --> 00:09:13,511 Five tons! Five tons! 125 00:09:12,131 --> 00:09:14,551 Wow! Awesome--! 126 00:09:14,961 --> 00:09:16,951 Ee-yow...! 127 00:09:16,951 --> 00:09:18,451 What, just now?! 128 00:09:18,811 --> 00:09:23,291 Whoa! He took a five-ton hammer, too! He's a monster! 129 00:09:23,291 --> 00:09:26,351 He doesn't have the slightest bump, does he? 130 00:09:26,961 --> 00:09:29,631 He took a direct blow to the head by a five-ton hammer, 131 00:09:29,631 --> 00:09:31,071 and he's uninjured? 132 00:09:42,161 --> 00:09:45,531 Papier-mâché?! Hey, that was fake?! 133 00:09:45,531 --> 00:09:48,961 Of course it was! You think I can carry five tons?! 134 00:09:48,961 --> 00:09:51,211 I have to give up after 5 kg! 135 00:09:51,211 --> 00:09:56,191 This is a light, folding model I made out of frying pans and a stick! 136 00:10:02,761 --> 00:10:06,841 Why, you... You tricked me, didn't you? 137 00:10:07,131 --> 00:10:09,311 No more mercy! 138 00:10:10,311 --> 00:10:11,801 Mole art of escaping! 139 00:10:12,191 --> 00:10:13,551 Mole-fish!! 140 00:10:15,231 --> 00:10:17,751 She's gone into the molehill again! 141 00:10:18,531 --> 00:10:19,941 Watch out for the holes! 142 00:10:20,311 --> 00:10:22,631 W-What's she planning to do this time? 143 00:10:35,451 --> 00:10:38,441 Where are you, you bastard?! Where did you go?! 144 00:10:40,751 --> 00:10:43,301 Watch out for the holes, you say? 145 00:10:43,941 --> 00:10:46,041 That won't do any good. 146 00:10:46,041 --> 00:10:50,711 Under the ground is like a swimming pool to me! 147 00:10:55,051 --> 00:10:56,021 A pool? 148 00:11:00,431 --> 00:11:01,991 You mean...? 149 00:11:02,911 --> 00:11:03,891 Mole... 150 00:11:03,891 --> 00:11:04,781 Usopp! 151 00:11:04,781 --> 00:11:06,161 ...Banana!! 152 00:11:10,231 --> 00:11:15,421 Mr. 4! Lassoo! You guys take care of the reindeer man! 153 00:11:16,521 --> 00:11:18,871 Show off your 400-swing punk knocks! 154 00:11:26,201 --> 00:11:29,961 It's no use! I can't take an attack like this anymore! 155 00:11:30,541 --> 00:11:34,361 It's all or nothing! I'll have to use these three minutes 156 00:11:34,361 --> 00:11:37,441 to think up a way to beat this guy! 157 00:11:38,941 --> 00:11:39,961 Rumble!! 158 00:11:46,271 --> 00:11:48,011 Brain Point!! 159 00:11:55,611 --> 00:11:56,401 Scope!! 160 00:12:37,031 --> 00:12:42,421 Koza, where are you now? 161 00:13:06,901 --> 00:13:09,871 Remember, the people are the country. 162 00:13:10,781 --> 00:13:11,921 Father... 163 00:13:14,851 --> 00:13:18,291 You still have a rebellion to stop, right, Vivi-chan? 164 00:13:19,251 --> 00:13:23,121 You want it so nobody dies in this fight. 165 00:13:24,181 --> 00:13:25,991 Don't you think that's too soft-hearted? 166 00:13:27,191 --> 00:13:28,141 People die. 167 00:13:28,631 --> 00:13:31,071 Stop talking like that! 168 00:13:32,381 --> 00:13:35,691 If you are the one and only hope for preventing the rebellion, 169 00:13:36,531 --> 00:13:38,681 then you have to survive, no matter what. 170 00:13:39,371 --> 00:13:42,361 No matter what might happen to any of us here. 171 00:13:49,091 --> 00:13:51,891 You guys go on ahead! 172 00:13:51,891 --> 00:13:55,071 We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna, okay?! 173 00:13:55,311 --> 00:13:57,791 Yeah! 174 00:14:06,561 --> 00:14:08,081 It will be... 175 00:14:09,731 --> 00:14:13,021 ...this pathetic little kingdom that dies. 176 00:14:17,341 --> 00:14:21,021 I'll stop this! No matter what I have to do! 177 00:14:35,191 --> 00:14:36,271 Chopper...? 178 00:14:57,211 --> 00:14:58,401 Chopper... 179 00:14:59,971 --> 00:15:03,161 Is this the time for you to be concerned about someone else? 180 00:15:05,891 --> 00:15:09,371 I told you, no more mercy, you "ba"! 181 00:15:09,371 --> 00:15:13,551 I'll torment you as much as I like, and turn you into desert dried fish! 182 00:15:14,231 --> 00:15:16,811 Mole Banana!! Here goes! 183 00:15:21,151 --> 00:15:23,991 You can't go after that spot on a guy! 184 00:15:23,991 --> 00:15:25,821 Quit your griping, you "ba"! 185 00:15:27,011 --> 00:15:33,081 Mole Banana!! Mole Banana!! Banana!! Banana!! Banana!! 186 00:15:34,511 --> 00:15:35,971 Terrific! 187 00:15:35,971 --> 00:15:38,211 There are ruins of a wall over there! 188 00:15:38,211 --> 00:15:40,291 If I keep dashing at this speed toward it, 189 00:15:40,291 --> 00:15:42,391 she'll hit the part of the wall buried under the sand 190 00:15:42,861 --> 00:15:45,671 with a major crash! 191 00:15:45,941 --> 00:15:47,971 Banana!! Banana!! 192 00:15:47,971 --> 00:15:50,481 Come on, come on, come on, 193 00:15:50,481 --> 00:15:51,421 come on! 194 00:15:51,421 --> 00:15:55,181 Now bash your head open! 195 00:16:09,551 --> 00:16:10,781 Wha--?! 196 00:16:21,711 --> 00:16:23,031 Usopp! 197 00:16:50,051 --> 00:16:50,991 Usopp... 198 00:17:03,141 --> 00:17:04,871 I don't have time for that. 199 00:17:05,561 --> 00:17:07,831 The Rumble Ball will only last for two more minutes. 200 00:17:08,211 --> 00:17:11,511 Usopp will be fine. It will take more than that to beat him. 201 00:17:11,951 --> 00:17:14,741 Right now, finding their weakness comes first. 202 00:17:14,741 --> 00:17:17,041 Otherwise, we're going to get beaten here. 203 00:17:17,381 --> 00:17:21,581 Yeah, it's just like Usopp said, isn't it? Right now, 204 00:17:22,221 --> 00:17:24,601 I'll just do whatever I can! 205 00:18:03,861 --> 00:18:07,351 Got crushed, did you?! You old penguin hag! Serves you right! 206 00:18:07,351 --> 00:18:08,731 I told you, I'm a mole! 207 00:18:10,461 --> 00:18:12,491 Molehill Highway!! 208 00:18:15,811 --> 00:18:18,291 What are you doing?! Let me go! 209 00:18:18,291 --> 00:18:22,631 Stop it! This is dangerous to do out here! If you go too fast, you'll-- 210 00:18:22,631 --> 00:18:25,631 Wah! In front of you! Look! A wall! A wall in front of you! 211 00:18:25,631 --> 00:18:28,761 Can't you see that?! Stop it! 212 00:18:29,161 --> 00:18:30,981 Mole-Mole Impact!! 213 00:18:41,501 --> 00:18:43,941 I see it! I know your weakness! 214 00:19:03,861 --> 00:19:04,681 Now! 215 00:19:09,531 --> 00:19:11,121 Usopp! 216 00:19:11,831 --> 00:19:14,631 Usopp, can you get up?! Usopp! 217 00:19:15,091 --> 00:19:17,791 Get away from the mole, and her holes! 218 00:19:19,221 --> 00:19:22,151 You don't have to tell me! 219 00:19:22,811 --> 00:19:23,691 Hurry! 220 00:19:23,981 --> 00:19:26,521 What are those guys doing now? 221 00:19:50,021 --> 00:19:51,341 W-What? 222 00:20:04,851 --> 00:20:06,941 The molehill's weakness... 223 00:20:08,491 --> 00:20:11,831 ...is that all of the tunnels are connected. 224 00:20:12,371 --> 00:20:13,511 Oh... 225 00:20:15,601 --> 00:20:16,451 ...yeah...? 226 00:20:37,881 --> 00:20:39,251 They're alive! 227 00:20:39,551 --> 00:20:44,141 This is bad. My Rumble Ball's effectiveness is already half gone. 228 00:20:48,731 --> 00:20:49,551 No more... 229 00:20:51,561 --> 00:20:54,141 No more! No more! We're gonna get killed! 230 00:20:54,141 --> 00:20:55,301 Usopp! 231 00:20:55,301 --> 00:20:58,291 You've gotta be kidding me! There's no way we can beat them! 232 00:20:58,291 --> 00:21:01,501 Not those monsters! They're still alive, after that! 233 00:21:01,501 --> 00:21:04,611 No, we can't run away! Not from these guys! 234 00:21:04,611 --> 00:21:05,841 Usopp! 235 00:21:06,831 --> 00:21:08,831 He's right! 236 00:21:11,991 --> 00:21:14,741 That was an insolent stunt for you to pull! 237 00:21:14,741 --> 00:21:18,511 After going that far, you can't just run away, you know! 238 00:21:19,121 --> 00:21:20,631 Usopp! 239 00:21:24,551 --> 00:21:30,011 Ha! I guess if the captain is that feeble, his crew must be wimps, too! 240 00:21:35,001 --> 00:21:36,161 Captain...? 241 00:21:37,211 --> 00:21:39,321 What about Luffy? 242 00:21:39,881 --> 00:21:45,571 If you mean Straw Hat Luffy, he got killed a while ago, at the boss's hand. 243 00:21:45,571 --> 00:21:48,211 The rebellion has begun, and all... 244 00:21:49,021 --> 00:21:51,911 You guys picked the wrong people to mess with. 245 00:21:59,411 --> 00:22:01,881 Luffy... is dead...? 246 00:22:04,901 --> 00:22:09,071 Don't you lie to us! 247 00:22:20,601 --> 00:22:24,871 I always wanted to talk about it 248 00:22:24,871 --> 00:22:31,811 I couldn't even say half of it 249 00:22:31,811 --> 00:22:42,121 I'm by your side, I glitter every time we share a dream 250 00:22:42,121 --> 00:22:55,671 The smile you gently gave me was a very happy and kind one 251 00:22:55,671 --> 00:22:58,041 Glory glory you're my shine 252 00:22:58,041 --> 00:23:06,581 Because you're here, even these tears turn to courage 253 00:23:06,581 --> 00:23:12,121 I want to be strong, I want to share with you 254 00:23:12,121 --> 00:23:17,991 I'm sure I'll make it there 255 00:23:25,331 --> 00:23:26,661 Luffy is dead? 256 00:23:26,661 --> 00:23:29,001 Don't you lie to us, you haggy old mole! 257 00:23:29,001 --> 00:23:31,301 Luffy... Luffy can't be dead! 258 00:23:31,301 --> 00:23:32,011 Usopp! 259 00:23:32,011 --> 00:23:35,681 Hmph! You're a pesky dancing bastard, to take me on. 260 00:23:35,681 --> 00:23:39,951 The Copy-Copy ability? Ha! So what if your face has changed? 261 00:23:40,441 --> 00:23:42,351 Let's see what you've got! 262 00:23:42,351 --> 00:23:43,691 On the next episode of One Piece! 263 00:23:43,691 --> 00:23:46,361 "Big Opening Day Today! The Copy-Copy Montage!" 264 00:23:46,361 --> 00:23:48,641 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!