1 00:00:32,311 --> 00:00:35,791 Did you know there's an awesome treasure at the end of this sea?! 2 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:40,191 And whoever gets it can be King of the Pirates! Isn't that exciting?! 3 00:00:40,191 --> 00:00:42,951 Unheard-of adventures are waiting! 4 00:00:45,401 --> 00:00:53,341 Bon voyage! Let that shred of courage grow 5 00:00:53,341 --> 00:01:00,941 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 6 00:01:00,941 --> 00:01:08,861 The horizons everyone dreamed of were separate at first 7 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:16,021 but now they can be seen through a single telescope 8 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:25,151 A bitter compass of destiny is leading your heart astray 9 00:01:25,151 --> 00:01:28,281 so turn the wheel in the other direction! 10 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:30,161 Bon voyage! 11 00:01:30,161 --> 00:01:35,241 Toss aside your bonds and your past 12 00:01:35,511 --> 00:01:42,421 We can surely smile despite that 13 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:52,011 Tears shed trying to achieve your dreams aren't for naught 14 00:01:52,011 --> 00:01:56,491 Precious in my life 15 00:01:57,311 --> 00:02:04,981 I caught a glimpse of the tail end to the future 16 00:02:11,881 --> 00:02:12,991 Raigo! 17 00:02:28,131 --> 00:02:32,611 He eradicated Angel Island... 18 00:02:39,411 --> 00:02:41,441 Old diamond-head's ancestor... 19 00:02:41,441 --> 00:02:43,071 He wasn't lying. 20 00:02:44,281 --> 00:02:48,171 So I have to let the old guy and the others below know... 21 00:02:48,521 --> 00:02:51,331 ...that the city of gold was in the sky! 22 00:02:52,801 --> 00:02:54,961 I can't let Eneru take it! 23 00:02:55,181 --> 00:02:58,941 I'm sure the huge bell can be heard from anywhere... 24 00:02:59,961 --> 00:03:04,171 ...so that's why I'm going to ring the gold bell! 25 00:03:07,681 --> 00:03:12,231 "Knock Over Giant Jack! Last Hope For Escape" 26 00:03:20,181 --> 00:03:24,891 Even Heaven's Gate... was blown away in the blink of an eye. 27 00:03:26,541 --> 00:03:31,841 To think that Angel Island is gone... What're we supposed to do now? 28 00:03:31,841 --> 00:03:35,481 In any case, we have to escape to the Blue Sea via Cloud End! 29 00:03:35,741 --> 00:03:36,771 We have no other choice! 30 00:03:36,771 --> 00:03:40,881 But there're still many people left in the White-White Sea! 31 00:03:41,351 --> 00:03:43,271 What can we do?! 32 00:03:43,271 --> 00:03:47,471 How can we bring those ships down to the White Sea without the Milky Roads?! 33 00:03:47,471 --> 00:03:49,891 Then, are we giving up on them?! 34 00:04:16,221 --> 00:04:19,071 Even this area will be like that before long. 35 00:04:22,371 --> 00:04:24,781 The White-White Sea is... 36 00:04:27,731 --> 00:04:31,371 Skypiea is fading away... 37 00:04:33,841 --> 00:04:35,631 {\an8}"God" 38 00:04:50,021 --> 00:04:53,191 {\an8}"God" 39 00:05:10,471 --> 00:05:12,061 So this is it... 40 00:05:14,731 --> 00:05:16,301 Splendid!! 41 00:05:17,991 --> 00:05:23,131 So this is the grand belfry that was the pride of the legendary city, Shandora! 42 00:05:24,751 --> 00:05:30,551 Amazing! This is a perfect fit for me, the one who is God! 43 00:05:30,551 --> 00:05:35,421 The bell that proclaimed the start of this land's 400-year-old conflict... 44 00:05:37,381 --> 00:05:42,581 But to think that they carried on with this pointless battle for so many years... 45 00:05:49,481 --> 00:05:52,641 ...only to see everything disappear... 46 00:06:03,671 --> 00:06:06,271 Luffy, you can't catch up with him any longer! 47 00:06:10,621 --> 00:06:14,801 Eneru's ship is not moving from that place... 48 00:06:23,171 --> 00:06:28,621 Luffy... Eneru must've taken the golden bell by now. 49 00:06:32,131 --> 00:06:35,651 No matter how hard you stretch your arms, you can't reach up there. 50 00:06:35,821 --> 00:06:38,541 If he took it, then I'll take it back!! 51 00:06:39,061 --> 00:06:40,111 Let me use this! 52 00:06:58,521 --> 00:07:03,711 Eneru's ship is too far from the top of this vine. What should we do?! 53 00:07:07,311 --> 00:07:09,771 How can we get there? 54 00:07:13,991 --> 00:07:15,021 Everyone... 55 00:07:16,431 --> 00:07:19,881 No one can be allowed to escape now! 56 00:07:20,921 --> 00:07:24,981 Including the several unmoving voices directly below you! 57 00:07:27,921 --> 00:07:29,061 That's right! 58 00:07:30,261 --> 00:07:35,111 They haven't escaped yet... Everyone's still down there! 59 00:07:55,631 --> 00:07:59,131 Watch out! Something's falling again! 60 00:07:59,131 --> 00:07:59,671 What's that? 61 00:07:59,671 --> 00:08:01,121 Everyone, heads down! 62 00:08:05,231 --> 00:08:06,271 A leaf... 63 00:08:11,891 --> 00:08:15,251 Oh? There's something written on it. 64 00:08:16,311 --> 00:08:18,951 It's a message! From Luffy and Nami! 65 00:08:20,761 --> 00:08:22,221 What does it say?! 66 00:08:24,901 --> 00:08:29,001 "Cut down this huge vine so it falls towards the west." 67 00:08:29,311 --> 00:08:31,581 What?! 68 00:08:32,091 --> 00:08:35,501 Um, what'll happen... if we do that? 69 00:08:36,691 --> 00:08:39,031 Hey, where's west? 70 00:08:39,951 --> 00:08:41,931 A-Are we really gonna do it?! 71 00:08:42,291 --> 00:08:44,751 So... where's west? 72 00:08:44,951 --> 00:08:49,101 It's the direction where Eneru's ship is. 73 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:18,831 I've accomplished all my objectives. 74 00:09:18,831 --> 00:09:20,131 All that's left now is... 75 00:09:23,591 --> 00:09:27,621 ...to destroy this land together with the cumuloregalis clouds using Raigo, 76 00:09:27,621 --> 00:09:30,641 and set off for the Endless Vearth. 77 00:09:33,731 --> 00:09:37,321 Now that the time has come, I almost hate to go. 78 00:09:41,811 --> 00:09:42,771 Eneru!! 79 00:09:43,681 --> 00:09:45,451 Damn him! 80 00:09:46,351 --> 00:09:50,111 That is way bigger than the one from earlier! 81 00:09:51,021 --> 00:09:57,281 We... won't be able to escape from this land... any longer! 82 00:10:04,311 --> 00:10:06,421 Farewell, Skypiea. 83 00:10:09,641 --> 00:10:12,881 It's bigger than the last one! That bastard! 84 00:10:12,971 --> 00:10:16,401 Yeah. Now that he's got the golden bell, 85 00:10:16,401 --> 00:10:18,861 he no longer has any business with this land. 86 00:10:19,031 --> 00:10:19,901 He's easy to figure out. 87 00:10:20,421 --> 00:10:24,651 I'm not gonna let him have his way! 88 00:10:25,931 --> 00:10:28,531 Nami, weren't you going to escape? 89 00:10:30,841 --> 00:10:32,841 You expect me to leave now? 90 00:10:32,841 --> 00:10:35,071 You want to ring it, right? That golden bell? 91 00:10:35,601 --> 00:10:37,791 Yeah! I'm gonna ring it! 92 00:10:39,301 --> 00:10:43,001 Honestly... you can't even control the waver. 93 00:10:42,991 --> 00:10:45,791 Even if I just leave you here, you'll keep trying to jump anyway, 94 00:10:45,791 --> 00:10:48,011 so I'll give you a ride and shoot you up there. 95 00:10:50,771 --> 00:10:51,511 But... 96 00:10:53,741 --> 00:10:56,981 ...you have to guarantee my life! 97 00:10:57,821 --> 00:10:59,891 Okay, got it! Thanks! 98 00:11:03,311 --> 00:11:06,141 We're just gonna get one chance, one moment! 99 00:11:07,841 --> 00:11:12,041 I hope they got my message okay. 100 00:11:28,711 --> 00:11:32,641 They're gonna jump to the ship by crossing the falling vine?! 101 00:11:33,071 --> 00:11:34,891 What else could it mean? 102 00:11:35,491 --> 00:11:37,721 That's crazy... 103 00:11:37,721 --> 00:11:40,481 Then you go up there and stop them. 104 00:11:40,481 --> 00:11:41,781 As if he could be stopped!! 105 00:11:43,611 --> 00:11:47,741 In any case, reckless or not, we've got no choice but to let him do this! 106 00:11:50,781 --> 00:11:51,531 Wh-What the...?! 107 00:11:51,771 --> 00:11:52,971 Long-nose! 108 00:11:52,971 --> 00:11:53,921 Ah, got 'im! 109 00:11:55,881 --> 00:11:58,101 If we stay here, we'll be pushed off to the ruins below. 110 00:11:58,211 --> 00:11:59,751 Everyone, get away from the vine for now! 111 00:11:59,881 --> 00:12:01,601 Escape to solid ground! 112 00:12:03,891 --> 00:12:07,441 Anyhow, I'm gonna do it! I need to cut the vine down towards the ship, right?! 113 00:12:07,441 --> 00:12:08,211 What?! But...! 114 00:12:08,651 --> 00:12:12,871 The only ones on this sky island who can reach Eneru 115 00:12:12,871 --> 00:12:14,401 before that thing is dropped... 116 00:12:14,401 --> 00:12:15,301 Hey, Zoro! 117 00:12:15,301 --> 00:12:17,051 ...are those two!! 118 00:12:23,011 --> 00:12:25,581 You just don't know when to give up. 119 00:12:25,581 --> 00:12:28,471 It's too late to struggle or escape now. 120 00:12:28,881 --> 00:12:30,831 You still don't get it? 121 00:12:30,951 --> 00:12:36,951 When you entered the survival game, your fate was already decided. 122 00:12:39,561 --> 00:12:42,161 I-I-Is he okay?! 123 00:12:42,161 --> 00:12:47,871 We're counting on you! You're the only one who can cut that thing down! 124 00:12:50,901 --> 00:12:54,051 Damn you, making all these holes! 125 00:13:07,411 --> 00:13:08,941 Alright!! He cut it!! 126 00:13:13,091 --> 00:13:14,831 Ahhh! Zoro!! 127 00:13:23,571 --> 00:13:25,441 You worms! 128 00:13:30,441 --> 00:13:32,321 You bastard!! 129 00:13:32,321 --> 00:13:36,201 B-B-But he did it! He cut it!! 130 00:13:36,201 --> 00:13:38,431 Oh, no... Look! 131 00:13:41,281 --> 00:13:44,981 It's not coming down... even though it was cut... 132 00:13:45,491 --> 00:13:50,781 What a strong vine! Is that thing really a plant?! 133 00:13:51,021 --> 00:13:55,751 How pathetic... This is what you outsiders get for butting in. 134 00:13:55,971 --> 00:13:57,991 Wyper! Don't be reckless! 135 00:13:57,991 --> 00:13:59,141 Quiet! 136 00:13:59,841 --> 00:14:03,851 It is important that we, the inheritors of Calgara's wishes, ring that bell! 137 00:14:04,511 --> 00:14:07,881 What does this have to do with that Straw Hat?! 138 00:14:07,881 --> 00:14:11,761 Leave him be, Robin! He can't stop us when he's seriously injured like that. 139 00:14:11,761 --> 00:14:13,961 Our priority now is knocking over that vine! 140 00:14:14,351 --> 00:14:15,771 Luffy and Nami are waiting up there! 141 00:14:16,621 --> 00:14:19,591 In any case, Zoro cut half of the stem. 142 00:14:20,421 --> 00:14:23,261 The whole thing should be tilting by now. 143 00:14:23,471 --> 00:14:26,651 By hitting it with my Dance of Exploding Stars... 144 00:14:28,281 --> 00:14:32,111 ...it'll be leveled with a loud scream! 145 00:14:33,121 --> 00:14:37,621 As expected, I am the last line of defense of this pirate group! 146 00:14:37,761 --> 00:14:42,601 Robin, take care of those who have fallen! 147 00:14:43,361 --> 00:14:44,781 They look like a kashiwa-mochi cake. 148 00:14:45,371 --> 00:14:47,091 Move out! 149 00:14:58,291 --> 00:15:04,871 Four hundred years ago, an explorer told a lie that he saw a city of gold. 150 00:15:06,901 --> 00:15:11,401 Although people laughed at him, his descendants believed his words 151 00:15:11,651 --> 00:15:15,451 and are still searching for this city of gold in the Blue Sea. 152 00:15:26,011 --> 00:15:31,011 If we ring the golden bell, we can let them know the city of gold is in the sky. 153 00:15:32,331 --> 00:15:35,091 That's what that straw hat boy is thinking. 154 00:15:35,421 --> 00:15:36,691 Exploding Star! 155 00:15:37,701 --> 00:15:41,821 That's a wonderful reason, isn't it? It has romanticism. 156 00:15:43,161 --> 00:15:44,471 Even in a situation like this... 157 00:15:46,081 --> 00:15:48,631 ...going so far as to lose his chance to escape... 158 00:15:50,221 --> 00:15:51,641 He's nuts! 159 00:15:51,641 --> 00:15:53,671 Exploding Star! Exploding Star Star!! 160 00:15:53,671 --> 00:15:57,521 Usopp Rubber Band! Rolling Exploding Star! Exploding Star!! 161 00:16:05,591 --> 00:16:10,101 What... is the name of this explorer's descendant? 162 00:16:10,921 --> 00:16:13,281 Montblanc Cricket... 163 00:16:15,601 --> 00:16:24,091 Then... is the name... of his ancestor from 400 years ago Noland? 164 00:16:25,411 --> 00:16:26,121 What? 165 00:16:27,611 --> 00:16:28,641 Wyper? 166 00:16:29,751 --> 00:16:32,191 What're you doing all of a sudden, Wyper?! 167 00:16:34,801 --> 00:16:37,751 Is this a miracle... 168 00:16:39,441 --> 00:16:41,971 ...Great Warrior Calgara?! 169 00:16:46,101 --> 00:16:48,301 Come on, Nola! We'll ring the bell again today 170 00:16:48,301 --> 00:16:50,611 so that the sound reaches to the end of the sky! 171 00:16:51,241 --> 00:16:55,791 Let's send the sound that you love to Noland! 172 00:17:22,741 --> 00:17:23,681 What the...?! 173 00:17:31,251 --> 00:17:32,881 What was that? 174 00:17:33,881 --> 00:17:37,461 But... to think that this vine wasn't affected by that shock at all... 175 00:17:37,651 --> 00:17:39,711 Dammit! This time'll be Triple Explo... 176 00:17:39,711 --> 00:17:40,691 Out of my way! 177 00:17:49,531 --> 00:17:50,471 Calgara... 178 00:17:52,081 --> 00:17:54,331 They say that the descendants of your best friend 179 00:17:54,811 --> 00:17:59,811 are still waiting for... the ring of the golden bell! 180 00:18:03,431 --> 00:18:05,571 What patience those guys have! 181 00:18:07,361 --> 00:18:09,001 Reject!! 182 00:18:16,831 --> 00:18:18,791 Ugh! What the heck was that?! 183 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:19,801 Wyper!! 184 00:18:21,831 --> 00:18:24,931 How foolish... A Reject Dial... 185 00:18:26,171 --> 00:18:30,241 Break! Giant Jack!! 186 00:18:40,451 --> 00:18:44,661 It's coming down!! 187 00:18:47,341 --> 00:18:49,781 Here goes! Get on, Luffy! 188 00:18:50,351 --> 00:18:51,661 Run it at full power! 189 00:18:53,941 --> 00:19:00,671 To be honest, I've never tried the maximum power of this Jet Dial 190 00:19:00,811 --> 00:19:05,821 because it's too strong for me to control. 191 00:19:06,281 --> 00:19:07,351 Then use it! 192 00:19:07,561 --> 00:19:08,551 Okay! 193 00:19:12,451 --> 00:19:13,971 Here we go, Luffy!! 194 00:19:13,971 --> 00:19:14,531 Yeah!! 195 00:19:21,911 --> 00:19:23,271 It's coming down! 196 00:19:23,981 --> 00:19:24,921 Look! 197 00:19:25,371 --> 00:19:27,671 What on earth is going on?! 198 00:19:28,231 --> 00:19:30,911 We're counting on you two! Luffy! Nami! 199 00:19:31,571 --> 00:19:36,381 If the sky island disappears now, we won't be able to ring the golden bell! 200 00:19:36,771 --> 00:19:41,201 You'll ring it, right?! You'll let old-timer Cricket hear it, right?! 201 00:19:43,111 --> 00:19:45,751 Jump to where Eneru is! 202 00:19:46,711 --> 00:19:51,221 Go!! Everything depends on you two!! 203 00:19:51,221 --> 00:19:52,101 Go!! 204 00:20:01,301 --> 00:20:07,321 My, my... Why can't you quietly wait for the completion of Raigo? 205 00:20:08,171 --> 00:20:10,801 How impatient they are... 206 00:20:12,501 --> 00:20:14,321 I have no choice, then. 207 00:20:19,281 --> 00:20:20,381 Something's coming! 208 00:20:20,451 --> 00:20:24,181 Don't slow down! I'll repel those things! 209 00:20:30,691 --> 00:20:32,511 It's missing us! You're a bad shot! 210 00:20:36,371 --> 00:20:42,981 It's insolent of you to try and come to me! You need to be taught a lesson! 211 00:20:43,531 --> 00:20:45,081 Mamaragan! 212 00:20:54,961 --> 00:20:59,241 That bastard! He's trying to sink the vine from the base! 213 00:21:01,781 --> 00:21:03,131 Do something, Nami! 214 00:21:03,131 --> 00:21:06,331 I can't do anything! We're already climbing up! 215 00:21:06,631 --> 00:21:10,751 If this vine loses its foundation, we'll no longer be able to come up this high! 216 00:21:10,751 --> 00:21:12,471 We won't be able to get close to Eneru! 217 00:21:21,021 --> 00:21:23,291 Upper Yard is being pummeled with attacks! 218 00:21:31,711 --> 00:21:34,551 Luffy! Nami! 219 00:21:45,281 --> 00:21:47,601 Even if the lightning doesn't work on you, 220 00:21:45,291 --> 00:21:50,421 {\an8}"God" 221 00:21:47,771 --> 00:21:50,421 it doesn't mean anything unless you can reach here! 222 00:21:51,151 --> 00:21:56,301 Fall down below and wait for the completion of Raigo, rubber man! 223 00:22:09,111 --> 00:22:14,731 If you're feeling lonely, talk to me 224 00:22:14,731 --> 00:22:19,941 You gaze at the heavens as you wander about 225 00:22:19,941 --> 00:22:27,561 Just like the moon, you keep your gaze constant 226 00:22:30,801 --> 00:22:39,941 And your deep reflection wanes as you slowly disappear 227 00:22:39,941 --> 00:22:53,471 Stay as you are, let those words guide you 228 00:22:54,281 --> 00:23:07,191 Dream, you travelers who spend countless nights drifting 229 00:23:07,191 --> 00:23:11,721 Even if you may not be able to go back 230 00:23:11,721 --> 00:23:18,071 you will surely start moving forward again 231 00:23:25,311 --> 00:23:28,261 Listen, Luffy, make sure you end it this time! 232 00:23:28,261 --> 00:23:30,111 Disappear with the land! 233 00:23:31,011 --> 00:23:34,571 No matter how much you destroy,the land won't be beaten! 234 00:23:34,571 --> 00:23:36,901 What God wouldn't save anything at all?! 235 00:23:37,371 --> 00:23:39,111 I'm gonna ring the bell no matter what!! 236 00:23:39,111 --> 00:23:41,801 Let us hear the singing voice of the island. 237 00:23:41,801 --> 00:23:43,301 On the next episode of One Piece! 238 00:23:43,491 --> 00:23:46,641 "Miracle on God's Land! The Love Song That Reached the Angels" 239 00:23:46,761 --> 00:23:48,791 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!