1 00:00:15,531 --> 00:00:17,491 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:00:17,491 --> 00:00:19,411 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:00:19,411 --> 00:00:21,291 once attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:23,261 The words he uttered just before his death 5 00:00:23,261 --> 00:00:25,021 drove people around the world to the seas. 6 00:00:25,021 --> 00:00:28,781 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 7 00:00:28,781 --> 00:00:32,401 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 8 00:00:34,991 --> 00:00:39,111 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 9 00:00:39,641 --> 00:00:42,641 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 10 00:00:43,541 --> 00:00:49,131 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 11 00:00:49,131 --> 00:00:54,971 and set out in search of something to find 12 00:00:54,971 --> 00:00:56,401 ONE PIECE! 13 00:01:01,101 --> 00:01:06,791 Compasses only cause delays 14 00:01:06,791 --> 00:01:11,841 Delirious with fever, I take the helm 15 00:01:12,481 --> 00:01:24,131 If the dusty treasure map has been verified, it’s not a legend! 16 00:01:24,741 --> 00:01:30,451 When it comes to personal storms, 17 00:01:30,451 --> 00:01:35,571 simply ride aboard someone else’s biorhythm 18 00:01:35,571 --> 00:01:38,011 and pretend it isn’t there! 19 00:01:39,381 --> 00:01:44,851 We’re going to gather up all our dreams 20 00:01:44,851 --> 00:01:50,351 and set out in search of something to find 21 00:01:50,351 --> 00:01:56,611 A coin in my pocket, and you wanna be my friend? 22 00:01:56,611 --> 00:02:01,301 We are, We are on the cruise! 23 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:03,931 We are! 24 00:02:06,851 --> 00:02:09,931 Wealth, fame, power... 25 00:02:11,071 --> 00:02:13,771 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 26 00:02:13,771 --> 00:02:16,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 27 00:02:16,831 --> 00:02:19,251 The words he uttered just before his death 28 00:02:19,251 --> 00:02:22,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 29 00:02:23,281 --> 00:02:27,361 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 30 00:02:27,361 --> 00:02:31,851 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 31 00:02:32,391 --> 00:02:36,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 32 00:02:37,441 --> 00:02:41,531 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 33 00:02:57,721 --> 00:02:58,461 I'm sorry... 34 00:03:06,521 --> 00:03:09,851 I wanted to carry you to further places. 35 00:03:12,231 --> 00:03:13,811 I'm sorry... 36 00:03:13,811 --> 00:03:16,861 I wanted to continue the adventure together forever. 37 00:03:16,861 --> 00:03:19,741 Merry! 38 00:03:20,271 --> 00:03:21,391 But I-- 39 00:03:21,391 --> 00:03:25,241 It's us who have to apologize, Merry! 40 00:03:26,101 --> 00:03:28,981 I'm not good at steering... 41 00:03:28,981 --> 00:03:31,731 ...so I ran you into icebergs at times... 42 00:03:31,731 --> 00:03:34,311 There was a time I tore the sails, too. 43 00:03:36,471 --> 00:03:41,801 Zoro and Sanji are stupid, so they broke all sorts of things! 44 00:03:41,801 --> 00:03:46,481 Usopp would fix them each time, but he isn't good at it! 45 00:03:47,971 --> 00:03:49,651 So it's us who have to... 46 00:03:56,681 --> 00:03:59,571 But I've been happy. 47 00:04:03,821 --> 00:04:08,851 Thank you very much... for taking good care of me. 48 00:04:14,171 --> 00:04:17,751 I really have been happy... 49 00:04:21,761 --> 00:04:23,991 ...because I had you. 50 00:04:33,961 --> 00:04:37,841 Merry! 51 00:04:57,921 --> 00:05:00,791 {\an8}"Two days later" 52 00:05:03,961 --> 00:05:09,161 "Peace Interrupted! A Navy Vice Admiral with a Fist of Love!" 53 00:05:20,971 --> 00:05:23,001 --Yaay! --Blue Station... 54 00:05:23,001 --> 00:05:25,821 --Hurry! Hurry! --Blue Station, Water Seven. 55 00:05:25,821 --> 00:05:30,531 All passengers, please make sure not to forget your belongings when you get off. 56 00:05:48,191 --> 00:05:53,641 Forget the money. Just take it. I wish you good luck! 57 00:06:00,461 --> 00:06:02,221 This bites... 58 00:06:08,811 --> 00:06:09,931 How're things over there? 59 00:06:09,931 --> 00:06:11,531 No good, it's a total mess! 60 00:06:14,791 --> 00:06:18,791 At any rate, this year's Aqua Laguna was terribly destructive. 61 00:06:18,791 --> 00:06:22,991 This is far beyond our ability to repair on our own. 62 00:06:23,971 --> 00:06:25,131 Hm? That's... 63 00:06:27,911 --> 00:06:31,471 Paulie from Dock #1! What's he doing in a backstreet like this? 64 00:06:31,471 --> 00:06:33,971 Paulie-san! 65 00:06:35,151 --> 00:06:38,561 Out of our way! You guys stay away! You're in our way! 66 00:06:41,681 --> 00:06:44,501 Guys from Dock #3! I'll leave this block to you! 67 00:06:44,501 --> 00:06:45,701 Okay! 68 00:06:45,701 --> 00:06:48,931 Guys from Dock #5! Take the block next to the scrap heap island! Start with private houses! 69 00:06:48,931 --> 00:06:49,741 Okay! 70 00:06:49,741 --> 00:06:52,771 You've got your regular work, too! So work on the backstreets 71 00:06:52,771 --> 00:06:55,501 during your breaks! I want it all restored within a month! 72 00:06:55,501 --> 00:06:56,951 Got it! 73 00:06:56,951 --> 00:06:58,181 Get on it! 74 00:06:58,181 --> 00:06:59,961 Yeah! 75 00:07:00,531 --> 00:07:02,851 Whoa! They're too dependable! 76 00:07:02,851 --> 00:07:05,091 That's our Galley-La Company! 77 00:07:05,381 --> 00:07:09,051 {\an8}"Remains of Franky House, north shore" 78 00:07:17,021 --> 00:07:18,771 This sure takes a lot of time to build. 79 00:07:19,161 --> 00:07:21,581 Well, our specialty is demolition. 80 00:07:21,581 --> 00:07:23,281 So we'll be camping out tonight again, huh? 81 00:07:25,501 --> 00:07:26,691 There, there. 82 00:07:27,181 --> 00:07:29,241 Sodom... and Gomorrah. 83 00:07:29,241 --> 00:07:31,321 You two get a good rest, okay? 84 00:07:34,451 --> 00:07:38,281 That reindeer guy said that Gomorrah's eyes will get better if he keeps resting. 85 00:07:38,281 --> 00:07:40,501 Is that right? That's good news! 86 00:07:40,851 --> 00:07:44,171 Hey, guys. Give me a hand, will you? 87 00:07:44,171 --> 00:07:46,111 I need to go pick up a shipment at the station. 88 00:07:46,111 --> 00:07:47,231 A shipment? 89 00:07:47,231 --> 00:07:48,711 Could it be...? 90 00:07:48,711 --> 00:07:52,881 Yep. It seems like that stuff has arrived. 91 00:07:53,181 --> 00:08:00,851 {\an8}"Dock #1, shipbuilding island" 92 00:07:56,091 --> 00:07:58,091 Let us see the pirates 93 00:07:58,091 --> 00:07:59,621 and let us apologize to them 94 00:07:59,621 --> 00:08:01,141 for calling them assassins! 95 00:08:01,141 --> 00:08:03,561 You can't! The pirates won't see anyone! 96 00:08:04,031 --> 00:08:07,431 We owe them for saving Iceberg-san's life. Let us at least thank them! 97 00:08:07,431 --> 00:08:08,861 I'm from the Water Seven Newspaper! 98 00:08:08,861 --> 00:08:11,741 Let me have some comments from the heroes who saved our mayor! Please! 99 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:13,701 Just give up! You can't see them now! 100 00:08:13,701 --> 00:08:14,931 Let us at least take their pictures, then! 101 00:08:14,931 --> 00:08:17,781 --I said no! Are you all deaf?! --I'll work as a secretary in place of Kalifa-san! 102 00:08:17,781 --> 00:08:19,021 Let me do something to help! 103 00:08:19,021 --> 00:08:20,831 Let us see the pirates! 104 00:08:20,831 --> 00:08:22,701 No means no means no! 105 00:08:36,301 --> 00:08:39,161 Amazing! They've got unbelievable superhuman strength! 106 00:08:39,161 --> 00:08:40,441 Is this how you want it? 107 00:08:40,441 --> 00:08:43,871 Thank you! That's giants for you! 108 00:08:43,871 --> 00:08:47,891 If we can do something like this to help, just let us know any time! 109 00:08:50,811 --> 00:08:53,041 You guys really are great! 110 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:55,901 Say, king of snipers... 111 00:08:55,901 --> 00:08:56,611 Hm? 112 00:08:57,191 --> 00:08:59,411 Is it okay for you to stay here? 113 00:08:59,411 --> 00:09:00,121 What? 114 00:09:00,711 --> 00:09:02,291 We were thinking... 115 00:09:05,531 --> 00:09:11,171 If our bosses are still fighting, we can't set foot on that island. 116 00:09:11,731 --> 00:09:14,071 So we decided to help out the guys on this island a bit 117 00:09:14,071 --> 00:09:17,151 and then take our time going back to Elbaf. 118 00:09:17,151 --> 00:09:20,291 If you like Elbaf, we can take you with us. 119 00:09:23,191 --> 00:09:24,641 I... 120 00:09:25,481 --> 00:09:27,981 Where I'm going is my own business. 121 00:09:27,981 --> 00:09:30,521 I'm... leaving the gang! 122 00:09:31,141 --> 00:09:34,111 Fight a duel with me! 123 00:09:35,631 --> 00:09:37,021 I... 124 00:09:38,411 --> 00:09:41,621 {\an8}"Remains of Galley-La Company headquarters-- Iceberg's residence" 125 00:09:41,911 --> 00:09:47,251 {\an8}"Temporary headquarters building" 126 00:09:43,561 --> 00:09:47,251 I see... So you burned the blueprints... 127 00:09:48,371 --> 00:09:49,931 That's for the best. 128 00:09:52,351 --> 00:09:54,711 You made an enemy of the government too, huh? 129 00:09:58,451 --> 00:09:59,881 Guess I did. 130 00:09:59,881 --> 00:10:03,601 So... what are those plans you've been drawing up? 131 00:10:04,371 --> 00:10:06,661 Seeing the scale of this past Aqua Laguna 132 00:10:06,661 --> 00:10:08,961 must have made the citizens worry 133 00:10:08,961 --> 00:10:12,561 that this island itself might be swallowed by the sea some time soon. 134 00:10:18,011 --> 00:10:21,531 Well, if something like that keeps attacking, 135 00:10:21,531 --> 00:10:23,881 the island might sink, too. 136 00:10:23,881 --> 00:10:25,411 So what're you gonna do? 137 00:10:25,911 --> 00:10:27,871 I'll have the entire island float on the sea. 138 00:10:27,871 --> 00:10:29,131 What?! 139 00:10:29,131 --> 00:10:32,041 Turn Water Seven into a ship?! 140 00:10:32,041 --> 00:10:34,551 But i-is something like that possible?! 141 00:10:35,681 --> 00:10:37,011 Did you forget...? 142 00:10:37,701 --> 00:10:40,871 We witnessed a great man who made the impossible possible 143 00:10:40,871 --> 00:10:43,021 for quite some time, didn't we? 144 00:10:45,001 --> 00:10:48,181 If you're a man... do it resolutely! 145 00:10:55,231 --> 00:10:59,071 "If you're a man, do it resolutely," huh? 146 00:11:00,371 --> 00:11:02,031 Now I remember. 147 00:11:03,211 --> 00:11:04,491 You're right. 148 00:11:06,461 --> 00:11:07,321 Hm? 149 00:11:07,321 --> 00:11:09,291 --Click. --Hello?! 150 00:11:09,291 --> 00:11:11,071 Oh, is this Bro? 151 00:11:11,071 --> 00:11:12,991 Oh, hey, Zambai! What's up? 152 00:11:12,991 --> 00:11:16,091 Please rejoice, Bro! It's finally here! 153 00:11:16,091 --> 00:11:18,171 It's just arrived by sea train! 154 00:11:18,641 --> 00:11:20,651 The item that you purchased for 200 million Berries! 155 00:11:21,811 --> 00:11:23,891 So it's finally arrived... 156 00:11:24,181 --> 00:11:28,891 {\an8}"Special pirate room with kitchen and bathroom, temporary headquarters building" 157 00:11:37,311 --> 00:11:38,861 I'm coming in, guys! 158 00:11:38,861 --> 00:11:40,091 Granny Kokoro! 159 00:11:40,091 --> 00:11:41,591 Hey! I'm coming in! 160 00:11:41,591 --> 00:11:42,831 And you kids... 161 00:11:45,321 --> 00:11:48,491 Ribbit! Ribbit?! 162 00:11:48,491 --> 00:11:50,161 Ribbit! 163 00:11:52,491 --> 00:11:54,711 You stay outside. 164 00:11:58,341 --> 00:12:00,341 Ribbit, ribbit. 165 00:12:01,171 --> 00:12:05,391 Looks like everyone's finally woken up, huh? You guys slept for two days. 166 00:12:05,391 --> 00:12:08,351 You must've been quite exhausted... of course, it's only natural after everything. 167 00:12:08,751 --> 00:12:12,171 Oh? The King of the Pirates is doing pretty good, too, huh? 168 00:12:12,171 --> 00:12:14,591 Oh... It's not like that. 169 00:12:14,591 --> 00:12:16,101 What do you mean? 170 00:12:16,511 --> 00:12:20,691 Because he doesn't want to collapse and miss any meals after fights... 171 00:12:20,691 --> 00:12:21,611 Huh? 172 00:12:24,261 --> 00:12:27,021 ...he said he acquired the skill of eating while sleeping. 173 00:12:27,021 --> 00:12:28,581 He's actually sleeping?! 174 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:31,031 Amazing! Pirate guy! 175 00:12:32,311 --> 00:12:34,451 What a skillful man! 176 00:12:34,451 --> 00:12:35,621 Ribbit... 177 00:12:37,081 --> 00:12:41,771 By the way, the Log for the Log Pose should be ready in 2-3 days, right? 178 00:12:41,771 --> 00:12:44,051 Hey, what's going on over here?! 179 00:12:45,981 --> 00:12:50,891 Even if the Log is ready, we can't move forward for a while. 180 00:12:52,761 --> 00:12:56,701 The whole 100 million Berries we saved to buy a new ship, 181 00:12:56,701 --> 00:13:01,231 our clothes, furniture, and Bellemere-san's tangerine trees... Everything... 182 00:13:01,231 --> 00:13:03,681 ...was swept away by the Aqua Laguna. 183 00:13:03,681 --> 00:13:05,571 We can no longer go anywhere. 184 00:13:07,691 --> 00:13:09,281 How gloomy... 185 00:13:09,721 --> 00:13:12,591 We entrusted them all with a backstreet inn, so... 186 00:13:14,101 --> 00:13:16,541 Then I wonder if the visitors outside have something to do with that... 187 00:13:17,071 --> 00:13:18,041 Visitors? 188 00:13:18,911 --> 00:13:20,291 --Excuse me... --Hm? 189 00:13:20,801 --> 00:13:23,031 Actually, we came to deliver these. 190 00:13:23,031 --> 00:13:24,011 Hm? 191 00:13:24,831 --> 00:13:29,341 Tangerine trees! I thought I'd never get them back! 192 00:13:29,341 --> 00:13:30,401 I'm so glad! 193 00:13:30,401 --> 00:13:34,491 Well, when we were chasing you guys around as Iceberg-san's assassins, 194 00:13:34,491 --> 00:13:39,251 we confiscated everything as pirates' belongings. Sorry about that. 195 00:13:39,251 --> 00:13:41,441 Not at all! Thank you! 196 00:13:42,631 --> 00:13:43,921 I'm happy for you. 197 00:13:44,581 --> 00:13:47,161 Hey! We're back! 198 00:13:47,161 --> 00:13:51,481 --We're back. --Hey, Chopper! And Robin-chan! 199 00:13:51,481 --> 00:13:53,831 It must've been heavy. Now, give me your hand. 200 00:13:53,831 --> 00:13:54,831 Thank you. 201 00:13:55,341 --> 00:13:57,611 I went to check on the Franky Family guys' injuries. 202 00:13:57,611 --> 00:14:00,291 Also, I didn't take my eyes off of Robin! 203 00:14:00,291 --> 00:14:01,691 Okay! Well done! 204 00:14:01,691 --> 00:14:02,381 Yep! 205 00:14:03,301 --> 00:14:05,131 I told you, I'm not going anywhere. 206 00:14:05,511 --> 00:14:06,741 It's a promise, okay?! 207 00:14:06,741 --> 00:14:08,171 Yes, it's a promise. 208 00:14:08,171 --> 00:14:10,051 Both of you! Look at this! 209 00:14:10,051 --> 00:14:12,161 The tangerine trees were okay! 210 00:14:12,161 --> 00:14:14,201 We got everything back, including our money and belongings! 211 00:14:14,201 --> 00:14:15,111 Yeah! 212 00:14:15,111 --> 00:14:16,991 We can now continue our journey! 213 00:14:16,991 --> 00:14:18,231 All right! I'm so glad! 214 00:14:26,361 --> 00:14:27,111 Hm? 215 00:14:27,111 --> 00:14:31,071 Yow! Are you guys super?! Everyone... 216 00:14:31,761 --> 00:14:34,781 ...isn't here, but that's okay. 217 00:14:35,161 --> 00:14:37,101 What is it, Franky, all of a sudden?! 218 00:14:37,101 --> 00:14:38,081 Listen! 219 00:14:39,641 --> 00:14:42,041 I've got something important to discuss with you. 220 00:15:00,751 --> 00:15:03,521 On an island where wars happen one after another... 221 00:15:03,521 --> 00:15:05,141 What is it all of a sudden? 222 00:15:05,141 --> 00:15:08,031 You just barged in here. If it's a stupid story, we're not gonna listen. 223 00:15:08,031 --> 00:15:10,161 Shut up! Just listen to my story! 224 00:15:11,831 --> 00:15:17,041 No matter if the islanders start a war where cannonballs fall incessantly, 225 00:15:17,851 --> 00:15:22,001 or if everyone dies and the town also dies and turns to ruins... 226 00:15:22,811 --> 00:15:26,461 ...this huge tree would continue to stand. 227 00:15:27,521 --> 00:15:29,951 No matter what happens, this tree will not fall. 228 00:15:29,951 --> 00:15:34,971 People once again nestle close to that tree and create a town... A country. 229 00:15:36,081 --> 00:15:38,431 Only a few trees like this exist in the world. 230 00:15:39,421 --> 00:15:42,141 The name given to the strongest of all trees is... 231 00:15:43,061 --> 00:15:45,861 ..."Adam," the treasure tree. 232 00:15:45,861 --> 00:15:47,321 A tree? 233 00:15:47,321 --> 00:15:49,941 What about the tree? 234 00:15:49,941 --> 00:15:54,781 Its wood appears on the black market on rare occasions. 235 00:15:55,251 --> 00:15:59,911 I wanted it... but it cost almost 200 million. 236 00:16:00,461 --> 00:16:02,381 So it was impossible for me to buy it. 237 00:16:02,381 --> 00:16:07,441 And then, there appeared pirates with a lot of money--in other words, you guys. 238 00:16:07,441 --> 00:16:11,261 You jerk! You'd better not have bought something like that with our money! 239 00:16:11,261 --> 00:16:12,761 Just keep listening! 240 00:16:21,431 --> 00:16:26,731 A long time ago, I made the decision that I'd never again build a ship. 241 00:16:27,611 --> 00:16:31,611 But I wanted to catch up to the person who was my goal after all. 242 00:16:31,611 --> 00:16:34,281 The next thing I knew, I was drawing blueprints for a ship. 243 00:16:38,241 --> 00:16:41,911 My dream is... to use that treasure tree... 244 00:16:41,911 --> 00:16:47,921 ...to build one last ship... A dream ship that crosses any sea! 245 00:16:57,031 --> 00:16:58,891 I've already obtained this treasure tree. 246 00:16:59,421 --> 00:17:01,141 I've already got blueprints, too. 247 00:17:01,701 --> 00:17:03,481 I'm going to build this ship now. 248 00:17:04,501 --> 00:17:07,901 So... when it's completed... 249 00:17:08,811 --> 00:17:14,691 ...will you set sail on the ship I've built?! 250 00:17:16,581 --> 00:17:17,661 What? 251 00:17:22,161 --> 00:17:24,501 What? What? Th-Then... 252 00:17:24,501 --> 00:17:27,121 Then... a-are you going to give that ship to us?! 253 00:17:27,641 --> 00:17:33,301 That's right. Nothing would make me happier than for people I like to travel on my ship. 254 00:17:34,031 --> 00:17:37,051 Well, that, and it's kinda like you gave me the money for it, so... 255 00:17:37,411 --> 00:17:41,481 The Oro Jackson, the ship of Gold Roger, the only man who completed 256 00:17:40,561 --> 00:17:45,141 the round-the-world journey, was also built using this treasure tree. 257 00:17:45,661 --> 00:17:49,851 I swear... I'll build an incredible ship! 258 00:17:52,171 --> 00:17:53,791 I guess it can't be helped, huh? 259 00:17:53,791 --> 00:17:58,531 Tom-san and you are both craftsmen after all. 260 00:18:01,461 --> 00:18:04,161 Yeah... Now... 261 00:18:07,301 --> 00:18:14,091 Now... I can understand the feelings of Tom-san, who died with pride. 262 00:18:14,091 --> 00:18:17,051 All right! 263 00:18:17,051 --> 00:18:21,291 --You're a nice guy! We'll take it! Thank you, Franky! --Ribbit, ribbit! Ribbit, ribbit... 264 00:18:21,291 --> 00:18:23,851 All right! We can travel to the next island! 265 00:18:23,851 --> 00:18:27,061 Oh, I'm so happy! Luffy! We're gonna get a ship! 266 00:18:27,391 --> 00:18:28,481 Ribbit! 267 00:18:41,991 --> 00:18:44,991 This is bad. To think that they figured out our whereabouts this soon... 268 00:18:44,991 --> 00:18:47,551 And Luffy's still sleeping! 269 00:18:47,551 --> 00:18:49,661 I have to let them know immediately! 270 00:18:53,921 --> 00:18:54,791 What?! 271 00:18:56,221 --> 00:18:58,081 Sea...? 272 00:19:00,701 --> 00:19:03,511 Crap! I went the opposite way! 273 00:19:17,471 --> 00:19:20,321 What?! Sea again?! Dammit! 274 00:19:20,321 --> 00:19:22,451 Give me a break! Is this island a maze?! 275 00:19:25,051 --> 00:19:27,951 This is terrible. They came to capture the pirates. 276 00:19:27,951 --> 00:19:31,371 They saved Iceberg-san's life! 277 00:19:31,371 --> 00:19:33,371 Hey, take a good look at that! 278 00:19:34,391 --> 00:19:37,461 That battleship belongs to Vice Admiral Garp from headquarters! 279 00:19:37,461 --> 00:19:39,341 Garp, you said?! 280 00:19:39,341 --> 00:19:44,381 That's the legendary marine who cornered Gold Roger many times! 281 00:19:45,391 --> 00:19:48,031 Why did such a high-level marine come? 282 00:19:48,031 --> 00:19:50,351 Aren't the pirates in big trouble?! 283 00:19:59,601 --> 00:20:04,201 Enough already... Why the heck am I here again? 284 00:20:04,841 --> 00:20:08,411 Dammit! Why's this gotta happen when I have to let them know right away?! 285 00:20:09,821 --> 00:20:13,021 Hey, there's an idiot over there. 286 00:20:13,981 --> 00:20:15,291 Let's do it. 287 00:20:21,891 --> 00:20:25,301 Hey, pops! We haven't seen your face around here. 288 00:20:25,301 --> 00:20:27,631 We want to have a word with you. 289 00:20:28,991 --> 00:20:30,011 Oh, yeah? 290 00:20:38,281 --> 00:20:41,241 P-Please hold on a second, marines! 291 00:20:41,241 --> 00:20:45,321 --Our president is the only one back there. --Shut up! There've got to be pirates! 292 00:20:45,321 --> 00:20:47,901 N-No, there aren't! Hey, don't enter without permission! 293 00:20:47,901 --> 00:20:49,911 Stop! The Straw Hats are--! 294 00:20:49,911 --> 00:20:51,081 Idiot! 295 00:21:05,541 --> 00:21:07,541 You two, wait here! 296 00:21:07,541 --> 00:21:08,341 Yes, sir! 297 00:21:26,651 --> 00:21:27,831 What the hell?! 298 00:21:27,831 --> 00:21:28,411 Who's there?! 299 00:21:33,671 --> 00:21:37,421 So you guys are the Straw Hats?! 300 00:21:38,111 --> 00:21:42,421 I've got some guys who I want to have meet Monkey D. Luffy. 301 00:21:43,061 --> 00:21:44,301 Navy! 302 00:21:47,281 --> 00:21:51,141 Geez... He's as hopeless as ever. 303 00:21:55,791 --> 00:21:56,521 What?! 304 00:21:57,031 --> 00:21:58,271 Dammit! 305 00:21:58,711 --> 00:21:59,851 Wake up! 306 00:22:04,901 --> 00:22:06,031 Luffy! 307 00:22:06,371 --> 00:22:10,241 O-Ouch! That hurt! 308 00:22:10,241 --> 00:22:12,021 That hurt?! What're you saying?! 309 00:22:12,021 --> 00:22:14,681 That was a punch! There's no way that'd work on rubber! 310 00:22:14,681 --> 00:22:18,931 There's no means to ward off a fist of love! 311 00:22:18,931 --> 00:22:22,381 Looks like you've gone on quite the rampage, huh, Luffy? 312 00:22:22,381 --> 00:22:24,961 Ack! G-G-G... 313 00:22:25,391 --> 00:22:26,671 Grandpa! 314 00:22:28,411 --> 00:22:29,531 What? 315 00:22:31,141 --> 00:22:33,851 What?! 316 00:22:33,851 --> 00:22:37,061 A-A Navy Vice Admiral is... 317 00:22:37,061 --> 00:22:39,111 His grandpa?! 318 00:22:45,401 --> 00:22:47,151 Hold on a sec! 319 00:22:47,151 --> 00:22:49,961 Luffy's grandpa is a Navy hero?! 320 00:22:49,961 --> 00:22:54,371 Nooo! Sanji! Luffy's in danger! 321 00:22:54,371 --> 00:22:58,161 What the hell is with his family? 322 00:22:58,661 --> 00:23:00,331 On the next episode of One Piece! 323 00:23:00,331 --> 00:23:04,391 "The Strongest Family? Luffy's Father Revealed!" 324 00:23:04,391 --> 00:23:07,151 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!