1 00:00:22,311 --> 00:00:25,371 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:25,881 --> 00:00:28,901 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,901 --> 00:00:31,611 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:31,991 --> 00:00:35,401 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,931 --> 00:00:40,661 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,201 --> 00:00:50,901 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,901 --> 00:00:54,361 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,291 --> 00:01:00,641 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,641 --> 00:01:08,651 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,651 --> 00:01:16,321 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,791 --> 00:01:24,831 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,331 --> 00:01:33,301 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,301 --> 00:01:41,011 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,011 --> 00:01:46,781 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,781 --> 00:01:50,321 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,231 --> 00:01:56,441 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,441 --> 00:02:03,531 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:05,041 --> 00:02:19,221 {\an8}"North Block" "West Block" "South Block" "East Block" 19 00:02:07,721 --> 00:02:09,381 The feelings of those who are in anguish 20 00:02:09,381 --> 00:02:11,631 are crushed by a dry cloud of sand. 21 00:02:12,551 --> 00:02:15,931 There are those who seek hope, and those who cling to hope. 22 00:02:16,341 --> 00:02:18,461 Their feelings cross each other, uncertain what to do, 23 00:02:18,811 --> 00:02:22,571 marking an era of history ending in sadness. 24 00:02:24,021 --> 00:02:27,451 Vivi and her friends continue to fight in order to save Alabasta from its crisis... 25 00:02:29,911 --> 00:02:32,941 In addition to Usopp and Chopper's victory... 26 00:02:34,761 --> 00:02:38,321 ...Sanji crushed Mr. 2 Bon Clay. 27 00:02:50,091 --> 00:02:54,381 Meanwhile, Nami was engaged in mortal combat with Miss Doublefinger, 28 00:02:54,381 --> 00:02:56,111 who has Spike Spike Fruit powers. 29 00:02:56,711 --> 00:02:58,421 Take this! 30 00:02:58,781 --> 00:03:00,781 Tornado Tempo! 31 00:03:16,901 --> 00:03:19,201 --What? --The doves tangled up on me...! 32 00:03:41,421 --> 00:03:45,841 As a result, Usopp's invention, the Clima Takt, led Nami to win the battle. 33 00:03:47,421 --> 00:03:52,181 The only battle left was the one between Mr. 1 and Zoro. 34 00:03:55,421 --> 00:03:58,701 So basically, your body is hard as steel. 35 00:03:58,701 --> 00:04:01,861 Unless I'm capable of cutting even steel, I can't cut you down, huh? 36 00:04:02,301 --> 00:04:04,201 That would be correct. 37 00:04:05,021 --> 00:04:07,451 Smashing and cutting attacks don't work on me. 38 00:04:08,831 --> 00:04:11,331 I see. This bites. 39 00:04:11,331 --> 00:04:14,791 Since I'm not yet capable of cutting steel, I can't defeat you now. 40 00:04:15,181 --> 00:04:17,181 Humph... Then what're you going to do? 41 00:04:17,181 --> 00:04:20,251 Well, I'll sympathize with you. 42 00:04:20,251 --> 00:04:21,261 What? 43 00:04:22,181 --> 00:04:24,681 I've been waiting for a difficult situation like this. 44 00:04:25,421 --> 00:04:29,321 I've been thinking that it's about time for me to go to the next level. 45 00:04:30,311 --> 00:04:32,441 When I defeat you, 46 00:04:32,781 --> 00:04:36,571 I'll be a man who can even cut steel. 47 00:04:41,101 --> 00:04:46,281 "Secret of Powerful Swordplay! Ability to Cut Steel and the Rhythm Things Have" 48 00:04:48,011 --> 00:04:51,971 Humph... When you defeat me... huh? 49 00:04:52,551 --> 00:04:54,891 This might throw cold water on that enthusiasm of yours, 50 00:04:55,831 --> 00:04:59,471 but ever since I gained Dice Dice powers, 51 00:04:59,471 --> 00:05:03,001 I've never been given even a scratch by those who call themselves swordsmen. 52 00:05:04,061 --> 00:05:07,681 No swordsman can defeat me. 53 00:05:07,991 --> 00:05:10,501 Ahh... I get the picture... 54 00:05:10,501 --> 00:05:13,921 ...but you can store all those old tales away in an album. 55 00:05:14,331 --> 00:05:17,931 I don't know how many swordsmen you've fought in the past, 56 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:22,151 but we've never met before, so... 57 00:05:26,541 --> 00:05:28,821 It seems that at least your tongue is sharp. 58 00:05:30,031 --> 00:05:32,201 Thanks, baldy. 59 00:05:37,111 --> 00:05:38,921 We'll see how long you'll last. 60 00:05:39,321 --> 00:05:40,421 No, how long you'll last. 61 00:06:23,641 --> 00:06:24,381 Oni... 62 00:06:26,421 --> 00:06:27,641 ...Giri! 63 00:06:32,191 --> 00:06:35,061 Tiger... Trap! 64 00:07:07,221 --> 00:07:08,481 I told you, didn't I...? 65 00:07:12,941 --> 00:07:16,851 It's a little shocking that you didn't even get a single bruise... 66 00:07:17,381 --> 00:07:20,661 This is also the first time my opponent is still standing 67 00:07:20,661 --> 00:07:22,461 when I thought my attacks were solid. 68 00:07:23,061 --> 00:07:24,861 Of course... 69 00:07:25,401 --> 00:07:29,031 ...since we've never met before... 70 00:07:38,901 --> 00:07:39,691 That's right! 71 00:07:40,891 --> 00:07:43,421 This guy's entire body is a blade. 72 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:46,381 So his blades don't have a front or back! 73 00:07:50,381 --> 00:07:52,601 Sparkling Daisy! 74 00:07:59,791 --> 00:08:02,141 Th-This is... 75 00:08:04,121 --> 00:08:05,121 I'll blow you away. 76 00:08:46,761 --> 00:08:49,471 When it comes to training, I've done it more than anyone else. 77 00:08:52,971 --> 00:08:57,391 I've also been in many difficult situations that had me on the brink. 78 00:08:59,661 --> 00:09:05,831 When I defeat you, I'll be a man who can even cut steel. 79 00:09:06,201 --> 00:09:11,101 I've never been given even a scratch by anyone. 80 00:09:12,621 --> 00:09:15,151 What is it that I lack...?! 81 00:09:17,621 --> 00:09:20,561 Teacher...! Teacher! 82 00:09:21,591 --> 00:09:22,451 Hm? 83 00:09:23,801 --> 00:09:28,441 Is it true that there're men in this world who can cut anything, even steel? 84 00:09:31,191 --> 00:09:33,361 Yes, it's true. 85 00:09:35,101 --> 00:09:38,491 Now, watch this paper carefully, Zoro. 86 00:09:45,091 --> 00:09:47,371 Teacher, you didn't cut it. 87 00:09:47,371 --> 00:09:49,221 Listen, Zoro. 88 00:09:49,221 --> 00:09:54,761 There're swordsmen out there who are capable of cutting nothing. 89 00:09:56,981 --> 00:10:02,891 But they can also cut anything, even steel... using the same sword... 90 00:10:04,231 --> 00:10:08,461 The strongest swordsmen are able to protect that which they want to protect 91 00:10:08,461 --> 00:10:10,731 and cut that which they want to cut. 92 00:10:11,821 --> 00:10:15,981 Swordplay that harms whatever it touches... 93 00:10:15,981 --> 00:10:18,071 I don't consider it real swordsmanship. 94 00:10:18,501 --> 00:10:19,901 Do you understand? 95 00:10:42,731 --> 00:10:46,251 Teacher, I'll be a swordsman who can cut anything! 96 00:10:47,321 --> 00:10:50,421 Zoro, were you listening to what I was saying? 97 00:11:02,291 --> 00:11:06,431 Humph... Hurry up and try cutting me. 98 00:11:07,141 --> 00:11:10,621 You can't cut my body down if you just defend. 99 00:11:11,831 --> 00:11:17,921 Unfortunately, I don't think I can show you my valiant figure cutting steel... 100 00:11:22,731 --> 00:11:27,641 ...because when I cut steel, that's when you die. 101 00:11:29,131 --> 00:11:30,601 Makes sense... 102 00:11:39,371 --> 00:11:43,201 I'll cut... everything up into pieces! 103 00:11:45,431 --> 00:11:49,851 "Swordplay that cuts nothing"... huh? 104 00:12:09,161 --> 00:12:10,681 How pointless... 105 00:12:12,331 --> 00:12:16,061 I'll cut everything up into pieces! 106 00:12:17,421 --> 00:12:19,821 Swordplay that cuts nothing... 107 00:12:20,861 --> 00:12:26,381 Cut nothing... but cut steel... I don't understand what it means at all! 108 00:12:27,921 --> 00:12:31,341 Thrust and Thrust... This is the secret of powerful swordplay! 109 00:12:32,231 --> 00:12:34,281 Atomic Spar! 110 00:12:36,881 --> 00:12:38,431 I'll just cut you up! 111 00:13:07,241 --> 00:13:09,391 Crab... Grab! 112 00:13:31,141 --> 00:13:33,431 What an odious bastard... 113 00:13:34,761 --> 00:13:36,391 The feeling is mutual. 114 00:13:37,191 --> 00:13:41,321 Let me tell you one thing. Don't consider me a swordsman. 115 00:13:42,021 --> 00:13:46,141 I have many weapons that can tear your body up. 116 00:13:52,221 --> 00:13:53,581 Spiral Hollow! 117 00:13:58,361 --> 00:14:01,501 If you're not a swordsman... then an excavator?! 118 00:14:01,901 --> 00:14:03,131 I'm an assassin! 119 00:14:08,621 --> 00:14:12,471 Sparks?! Just how fast is it spinning?! 120 00:14:14,881 --> 00:14:16,061 They'll be repelled! 121 00:14:18,471 --> 00:14:23,861 I can't do excavation... because I'll drill and cut everything up. 122 00:14:25,161 --> 00:14:26,071 Crap! 123 00:14:41,511 --> 00:14:44,301 What a momentary misjudgment invites is... 124 00:14:45,991 --> 00:14:46,811 ...death! 125 00:15:18,261 --> 00:15:19,651 You're still breathing... 126 00:15:25,481 --> 00:15:28,161 I won't show my back to him... 127 00:15:30,311 --> 00:15:32,841 How're you gonna struggle with your bare hands? 128 00:15:38,901 --> 00:15:44,191 You're not even a swordsman. You won't understand even if I explain. 129 00:15:44,191 --> 00:15:47,941 Humph... I'm not even interested. 130 00:15:50,861 --> 00:15:53,531 Spar... Break! 131 00:16:11,421 --> 00:16:13,021 Die in peace... 132 00:16:16,151 --> 00:16:20,751 I have... bad luck with stones today... 133 00:16:52,001 --> 00:16:56,621 You guys! Make sure you deliver Vivi back to her home! 134 00:16:57,341 --> 00:16:59,281 See you at the Alubarna Palace! 135 00:17:03,861 --> 00:17:07,441 Are they... all okay...? 136 00:17:23,191 --> 00:17:27,241 Why is he standing...? After being cut so many times... 137 00:17:27,781 --> 00:17:29,711 Did he dodge all those falling stones? 138 00:17:36,461 --> 00:17:39,391 I dodged... these stones? 139 00:17:40,061 --> 00:17:40,911 No... 140 00:17:41,941 --> 00:17:46,381 I could tell... the place where no stones would be falling... 141 00:17:51,301 --> 00:17:52,401 Swords... 142 00:17:53,371 --> 00:17:57,181 There's one underneath that stone... I can tell... 143 00:18:00,841 --> 00:18:02,201 What's he doing...? 144 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,821 I've experienced this feeling before... 145 00:18:18,021 --> 00:18:20,031 It's awfully quiet around me... 146 00:18:21,681 --> 00:18:24,181 I can hear my heartbeat very clearly... 147 00:18:27,981 --> 00:18:31,421 Is this... precisely what it feels like when close to death...? 148 00:18:34,421 --> 00:18:40,451 I sensed a hint from the falling stones as if they're living things... 149 00:18:42,011 --> 00:18:45,451 No, it wasn't a hint... It was clearer than that... 150 00:18:46,281 --> 00:18:47,561 Rhythm... 151 00:18:49,141 --> 00:18:51,711 Stones'... rhythm... 152 00:18:52,501 --> 00:18:54,331 Trees have their own rhythm... 153 00:18:55,671 --> 00:18:59,761 Soil has its own... Is that what it is...? 154 00:19:01,381 --> 00:19:07,681 Listen. There're swordsmen out there who are capable of cutting nothing. 155 00:19:10,041 --> 00:19:15,211 Does "cutting nothing" mean... know the rhythm...? 156 00:19:16,421 --> 00:19:20,081 That's... the ability to cut even steel... 157 00:19:21,941 --> 00:19:24,911 You... what the hell did you do? 158 00:19:25,371 --> 00:19:27,701 After receiving such an enormous attack... 159 00:19:27,701 --> 00:19:29,951 When you're bleeding that much... 160 00:19:29,951 --> 00:19:32,121 There's no way you can be still alive...! 161 00:19:40,301 --> 00:19:44,801 I can hear... the rhythm of his steel... 162 00:19:46,101 --> 00:19:48,471 My will is flowing into the sword... 163 00:20:05,101 --> 00:20:10,041 Fine... I'll completely finish him off with the next attack. 164 00:20:12,261 --> 00:20:13,371 The only question left is... 165 00:20:14,501 --> 00:20:19,281 ...whether or not I really have the ability to cut steel... 166 00:20:21,851 --> 00:20:25,791 It's hard to think that you can defend my attack using only one sword... 167 00:20:28,421 --> 00:20:31,761 That's all right. I won't defend any more. 168 00:20:32,841 --> 00:20:35,561 So you're now prepared. Fine by me! 169 00:20:38,571 --> 00:20:42,961 One-Sword Style... Lion Strike! 170 00:20:43,631 --> 00:20:45,281 Atomic Spurt! 171 00:21:07,991 --> 00:21:09,391 I give you my thanks... 172 00:21:11,351 --> 00:21:13,901 I can become stronger still! 173 00:21:18,681 --> 00:21:24,961 He's indeed... become stronger... during this fight... 174 00:21:29,381 --> 00:21:35,041 Are you... going to cut diamond or something next...? 175 00:21:38,141 --> 00:21:40,081 That would be a waste... 176 00:21:42,651 --> 00:21:44,331 You win... 177 00:21:55,181 --> 00:21:58,181 "Alubarna - North Block" 178 00:21:58,181 --> 00:22:01,821 "Alubarna - North Block" "Battle in front of the Mehdi Assembly Hall" 179 00:22:01,821 --> 00:22:06,071 "Alubarna - North Block" "Battle in front of the Mehdi Assembly Hall" "Winner: Zoro" 180 00:22:20,831 --> 00:22:26,761 Which direction should I run towards to see a more wonderful tomorrow? 181 00:22:26,761 --> 00:22:32,721 I took the helm and opened the miraculous map that I stored in my heart 182 00:22:32,721 --> 00:22:38,941 I aimed for the sky and sought out my dreams, though at times I got lost 183 00:22:38,941 --> 00:22:44,401 It wasn't a dream; when I met you, I discovered the wonderful person in me 184 00:22:44,401 --> 00:22:50,611 With just a bit of courage, I gained something grand 185 00:22:50,611 --> 00:22:56,081 Now's the time for my "wish" to become my "pledge" 186 00:22:56,831 --> 00:22:59,841 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 187 00:22:59,841 --> 00:23:03,631 Let's sketch out the tale of the future 188 00:23:03,911 --> 00:23:08,841 I'll put all my feelings in a brand new wind now 189 00:23:08,841 --> 00:23:11,861 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 190 00:23:11,861 --> 00:23:14,851 A never-ending journey to be together 191 00:23:14,851 --> 00:23:19,441 I'll chase after you wherever you go, Shining ray 192 00:23:25,261 --> 00:23:26,671 Why're you crying? 193 00:23:26,671 --> 00:23:29,571 Because that mole hag said that Luffy's dead... 194 00:23:29,571 --> 00:23:30,701 Is that true?! 195 00:23:30,701 --> 00:23:32,201 You guys believe that? 196 00:23:32,201 --> 00:23:33,821 Of course not! 197 00:23:33,821 --> 00:23:35,281 Then stow your snot away. 198 00:23:36,241 --> 00:23:38,621 There's no reason for you to fight any longer! 199 00:23:38,621 --> 00:23:41,211 Surrender right now...! Royal Army! 200 00:23:41,211 --> 00:23:42,581 On the next episode of One Piece! 201 00:23:42,581 --> 00:23:46,091 "The Battle is Over! Koza Raises the White Flag" 202 00:23:46,091 --> 00:23:48,351 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!