1 00:00:22,271 --> 00:00:25,321 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:26,021 --> 00:00:28,861 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,861 --> 00:00:31,501 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:32,031 --> 00:00:35,521 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,881 --> 00:00:40,701 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,211 --> 00:00:50,711 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,711 --> 00:00:54,431 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,221 --> 00:01:00,391 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,391 --> 00:01:08,731 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,731 --> 00:01:14,481 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,841 --> 00:01:24,991 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,351 --> 00:01:33,361 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,361 --> 00:01:41,031 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,031 --> 00:01:46,701 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,701 --> 00:01:50,001 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,211 --> 00:01:56,381 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,381 --> 00:02:02,741 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:06,241 --> 00:02:09,431 What?! A cannonball will be shot into the Square in ten minutes?! 19 00:02:09,431 --> 00:02:11,161 That's right. The attack is scheduled at 4:30. 20 00:02:11,161 --> 00:02:11,991 4:30?! 21 00:02:12,351 --> 00:02:14,511 We found you, Princess Vivi! 22 00:02:14,511 --> 00:02:17,921 I wonder how far I'll be promoted if I kill you... 23 00:02:17,921 --> 00:02:19,031 I'll go on ahead! 24 00:02:19,031 --> 00:02:19,801 On ahead! 25 00:02:23,191 --> 00:02:24,211 Ten more minutes...! 26 00:02:24,211 --> 00:02:26,461 This is really the last chance! 27 00:02:27,161 --> 00:02:31,251 The next ten minutes... will decide... this country's fate...! 28 00:02:34,631 --> 00:02:37,331 Gum-Gum... Bazooka! 29 00:02:41,011 --> 00:02:43,151 We don't have the slightest intention of giving way to you! 30 00:02:43,941 --> 00:02:46,911 Don't get in my way! Treinta Fleurs! 31 00:02:48,241 --> 00:02:49,491 Strangle! 32 00:02:49,491 --> 00:02:52,611 Sergeant Major! This woman... is Nico Robin! 33 00:02:52,611 --> 00:02:55,941 She's got a bounty and was talked about worldwide 20 years ago! 34 00:03:02,801 --> 00:03:07,131 My right hand dries out everything... 35 00:03:12,141 --> 00:03:14,191 Ground Death! 36 00:03:22,671 --> 00:03:26,901 "That Looks Gator-ish! Luffy, Run to the Royal Tomb!" 37 00:03:31,731 --> 00:03:35,691 That was close! His right hand is a problem... 38 00:03:35,901 --> 00:03:38,651 The lawn has turned into desert! 39 00:03:39,401 --> 00:03:41,121 Where'd he go? 40 00:03:41,701 --> 00:03:45,191 You made me waste my energy... 41 00:03:52,411 --> 00:03:53,931 You missed... 42 00:03:56,941 --> 00:03:58,641 Cro...co... 43 00:03:59,391 --> 00:04:01,311 You... 44 00:04:04,021 --> 00:04:05,781 ...lose again... 45 00:04:07,061 --> 00:04:10,771 Straw Hat Luffy... This is a good way to die... 46 00:04:13,801 --> 00:04:17,701 Within six minutes or so, this yard will be blown up along with the Square. 47 00:04:18,171 --> 00:04:20,251 Sorry, but I'm in a hurry... 48 00:04:20,511 --> 00:04:26,201 You just relax here and celebrate the birth of a new king of the sand country. 49 00:04:28,881 --> 00:04:29,831 Well... 50 00:04:33,591 --> 00:04:35,261 I should get going, too... 51 00:04:35,581 --> 00:04:37,801 He said it's in the mortuary temple to the west of here... 52 00:04:54,371 --> 00:04:57,361 Ahh! That was close! I thought I was a goner! 53 00:05:02,681 --> 00:05:05,151 That bastard... He's gone now... 54 00:05:07,031 --> 00:05:09,131 I saw him flying that way! 55 00:05:09,521 --> 00:05:12,561 I won't let him get away! That gator! 56 00:05:12,611 --> 00:05:16,881 {\an8}"West of the palace -- The mortuary temple (royal tomb)" 57 00:05:23,301 --> 00:05:28,391 So this is the royal tomb... where the bodies of generations of kings sleep... 58 00:05:31,411 --> 00:05:32,951 Where's the Poneglyph? 59 00:05:45,591 --> 00:05:46,501 Hidden stairs! 60 00:05:48,031 --> 00:05:51,451 The Poneglyph is deep underground. 61 00:05:52,731 --> 00:05:56,551 Normally, people aren't even aware of Poneglyphs' existence... 62 00:05:56,551 --> 00:05:58,431 What's happening behind the scenes is deep. 63 00:05:58,431 --> 00:06:00,671 Even if countries belong to the World Government, 64 00:06:00,671 --> 00:06:03,421 it doesn't mean their kings know everything. 65 00:06:05,211 --> 00:06:06,831 You aren't to be blamed... 66 00:06:07,951 --> 00:06:11,631 ...since you probably didn't know there was someone in this world 67 00:06:11,631 --> 00:06:13,091 who can decipher them. 68 00:06:13,341 --> 00:06:15,121 You can read Poneglyphs? 69 00:06:15,121 --> 00:06:19,591 Yes... That's why Crocodile and I teamed up. 70 00:06:19,591 --> 00:06:22,331 Because of that, he can't kill me. 71 00:06:22,931 --> 00:06:28,011 It's likely that the Poneglyph in this country tells where Pluton is. 72 00:06:28,471 --> 00:06:29,291 Isn't that right? 73 00:06:29,871 --> 00:06:30,901 I don't know... 74 00:06:31,171 --> 00:06:35,141 Alabasta's royal family has been obligated for generations to protect it. 75 00:06:35,141 --> 00:06:37,761 That's all it is to us. 76 00:06:37,981 --> 00:06:40,221 Protect?! Don't make me laugh! 77 00:06:46,891 --> 00:06:48,521 What an impressive-looking place... 78 00:06:48,791 --> 00:06:51,481 It's behind the doors in the back. 79 00:06:59,971 --> 00:07:01,061 Indeed... 80 00:07:26,531 --> 00:07:28,291 I won't... let you go... 81 00:07:29,461 --> 00:07:31,801 How many times do you have to come at me before you're satisfied? 82 00:07:49,651 --> 00:07:51,351 Nico Robin... 83 00:07:54,721 --> 00:07:57,421 I'll... capture you... 84 00:08:18,481 --> 00:08:20,111 Croco...dile... 85 00:08:21,711 --> 00:08:23,871 Looks like you were taken down by that woman... 86 00:08:24,451 --> 00:08:27,501 I never thought that you'd follow me to this town... Navy... 87 00:08:28,691 --> 00:08:33,071 Where's your boss? Did that smoke bastard run away? 88 00:08:37,631 --> 00:08:42,091 Losers can't speak about justice. We're in that kind of sea. 89 00:08:42,671 --> 00:08:46,851 Go back to your base and just devote your time to talking about justice. 90 00:08:59,891 --> 00:09:01,121 Crocodile! 91 00:09:12,331 --> 00:09:14,651 You small fry...! 92 00:09:14,651 --> 00:09:15,761 What the heck are you doing?! 93 00:09:16,101 --> 00:09:19,421 What am I doing?! I'm trying to put myself in Crocodile's shoes! 94 00:09:19,421 --> 00:09:21,921 Like, if I were him, where would I shoot a cannon from...? 95 00:09:21,921 --> 00:09:24,221 Forget it! Just look for the cannoneer! We've got less than five minutes! 96 00:09:24,611 --> 00:09:27,931 Five more minutes! A million lives will be blown up in five minutes! 97 00:09:27,931 --> 00:09:31,191 We gotta hurry...! We gotta hurry up and find the cannoneer! 98 00:09:31,191 --> 00:09:33,941 Chopper! Can't you find the guy by using your nose? 99 00:09:33,941 --> 00:09:36,841 I can't. The smell of gunpowder is all over the town! 100 00:09:37,161 --> 00:09:38,611 Then... listen. 101 00:09:38,611 --> 00:09:42,441 Find the smell of "a cannoneer who may be aiming at the center of the Square." 102 00:09:42,441 --> 00:09:43,481 What kind of smell is that? 103 00:09:43,481 --> 00:09:45,231 How should I know?! Try your best! 104 00:09:45,231 --> 00:09:46,351 What?! 105 00:09:49,541 --> 00:09:51,901 A cannonball that can blow up a 5 km diameter... 106 00:09:53,341 --> 00:09:55,851 Wait. Then it must be big... 107 00:09:55,851 --> 00:09:59,531 If it is to be shot from a cannon, it won't travel very far... 108 00:09:59,531 --> 00:10:01,851 Then it should be closer to the Square after all?! 109 00:10:02,461 --> 00:10:05,251 Ahh! I don't have time to go around! 110 00:10:05,791 --> 00:10:07,131 I'll take a shortcut! 111 00:10:08,391 --> 00:10:09,601 How is it from the sky, Pell?! 112 00:10:09,861 --> 00:10:12,341 I searched every corner of the rooftops of the buildings near the Square, 113 00:10:12,561 --> 00:10:13,851 but I saw no preparations for the cannon anywhere. 114 00:10:14,531 --> 00:10:17,421 Then... it might be from somewhere inside a building... 115 00:10:17,701 --> 00:10:18,831 I'll search all of them! 116 00:10:18,831 --> 00:10:19,181 Okay! 117 00:10:37,951 --> 00:10:39,081 Straw Hat! 118 00:10:39,751 --> 00:10:42,041 Where did... the gator go? 119 00:10:46,181 --> 00:10:48,561 We've been warned that at 4:30 pm, an explosion will happen 120 00:10:48,561 --> 00:10:50,831 in the Palace Square where the rebellion is going on right now! 121 00:10:50,831 --> 00:10:54,551 Please stop it somehow! A million lives are at stake! 122 00:10:59,141 --> 00:11:04,061 Losers can't speak about justice. We're in that kind of sea. 123 00:11:04,061 --> 00:11:08,311 Go back to your base and just devote your time to talking about justice. 124 00:11:12,571 --> 00:11:14,771 Tell me! Where's the gator?! 125 00:11:35,841 --> 00:11:38,251 He went in the direction of the mortuary temple. 126 00:11:38,541 --> 00:11:40,231 That way?! Thanks! 127 00:11:53,961 --> 00:11:55,731 What justice... 128 00:12:12,911 --> 00:12:15,411 The hell with Navy Headquarters... 129 00:12:27,131 --> 00:12:29,931 Oh? I can't move well... 130 00:12:32,001 --> 00:12:34,771 This is strange... when I ate meat... 131 00:12:35,501 --> 00:12:37,481 What's wrong...? These are such small wounds... 132 00:12:38,791 --> 00:12:41,131 I wonder if I'm a little tired... 133 00:13:14,221 --> 00:13:17,701 Did it tell you what you wanted to know? 134 00:13:25,691 --> 00:13:30,761 Hm...? Oh, I see... Hidden stairs... 135 00:13:36,201 --> 00:13:38,711 Four... four more minutes...! 136 00:14:01,291 --> 00:14:05,151 Aren't there any others?! Is this all this country is hiding? 137 00:14:05,681 --> 00:14:09,661 You're not satisfied? I kept my promise. 138 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:12,331 Yes... 139 00:14:14,551 --> 00:14:17,091 Just as you'd expect from a national secret... 140 00:14:17,411 --> 00:14:19,771 No matter how desperately you search, 141 00:14:19,771 --> 00:14:22,551 it can't be found unless you know where it is. 142 00:14:23,461 --> 00:14:26,201 So this is the Poneglyph, huh, Nico Robin? 143 00:14:28,001 --> 00:14:29,261 That didn't take long... 144 00:14:30,001 --> 00:14:33,811 It's strange, or how should I put it... Were you able to decipher it? 145 00:14:34,591 --> 00:14:35,311 Yes. 146 00:14:35,851 --> 00:14:38,941 Good. Now, read... the so-called Poneglyph... 147 00:14:42,981 --> 00:14:48,001 Kahira conquered Alabasta... in Sky Ephemeris Year 239. 148 00:14:48,471 --> 00:14:52,081 In 260, Taymer ruled the Bitain Dynasty. 149 00:14:52,911 --> 00:14:57,091 In 306, the Taff Cathedral was completed in Erumalu. 150 00:14:57,601 --> 00:15:00,981 In 325, the hero Mamdin of Oltia... 151 00:15:00,981 --> 00:15:04,741 Hey, hey... Wait! Wait! Is that what we wanna know?! 152 00:15:05,041 --> 00:15:07,631 Who cares about the history of this country? 153 00:15:07,631 --> 00:15:10,371 Just tell me the location of the world's most disastrous "military power" 154 00:15:10,371 --> 00:15:11,801 that is sleeping in this country! 155 00:15:12,221 --> 00:15:14,071 Where is the Pluton?! 156 00:15:16,171 --> 00:15:17,531 It's not written here. 157 00:15:17,801 --> 00:15:18,831 What?! 158 00:15:18,831 --> 00:15:21,291 History is the only thing written here. 159 00:15:21,291 --> 00:15:22,291 Is that true?! 160 00:15:22,291 --> 00:15:27,501 Pluton... I didn't see that word mentioned even once. 161 00:15:40,371 --> 00:15:44,461 Well... I see... That's unfortunate... 162 00:15:45,541 --> 00:15:48,461 You've been an excellent partner to me, but... 163 00:15:49,421 --> 00:15:51,221 ...I think I'll kill you here. 164 00:15:51,801 --> 00:15:52,431 Wha...?! 165 00:15:53,881 --> 00:15:57,841 The agreement that we made four years ago has been achieved here. 166 00:15:58,601 --> 00:16:01,051 This is what you said then. 167 00:16:01,471 --> 00:16:03,921 If I take you to where the Poneglyph is, 168 00:16:03,921 --> 00:16:06,811 you'd turn over the information on the weapon to me... 169 00:16:07,521 --> 00:16:10,841 Your work in Baroque Works these past four years was excellent 170 00:16:10,841 --> 00:16:13,171 both in terms of brainpower and command ability. 171 00:16:14,361 --> 00:16:19,351 That's enough for me... to say that you were a useful woman. 172 00:16:19,641 --> 00:16:20,851 But... you broke your word at the end! 173 00:16:26,581 --> 00:16:30,431 The Poneglyph in this country doesn't even show a clue on the Pluton. 174 00:16:31,911 --> 00:16:36,531 Or... is it that you weren't planning to tell me from the start, 175 00:16:36,531 --> 00:16:38,651 even if you found out? 176 00:16:47,071 --> 00:16:50,871 However... I don't feel any anger against you... 177 00:16:51,191 --> 00:16:54,131 You know why, Nico Robin? 178 00:16:54,731 --> 00:16:57,311 How silly... We were a team for four years. 179 00:16:57,311 --> 00:17:00,421 I knew you'd pull something like this. 180 00:17:01,581 --> 00:17:02,401 Water?! 181 00:17:02,951 --> 00:17:04,891 If you get wet, a knife can stick in you, right?! 182 00:17:07,611 --> 00:17:08,941 He dodged it! Where'd he... 183 00:17:16,301 --> 00:17:19,801 I'll forgive you for everything, Nico Robin... 184 00:17:26,941 --> 00:17:34,521 ...because I've never... trusted anyone... from the beginning. 185 00:17:39,701 --> 00:17:43,661 I now know from Cobra's reaction that Pluton really exists. 186 00:17:44,161 --> 00:17:47,681 I don't have to depend on the Poneglyph. I'll find it on my own. 187 00:17:47,681 --> 00:17:50,671 Once this country becomes mine, it's just a matter of time. 188 00:17:53,151 --> 00:17:56,321 Hm?! What's going on?! It's still too early for the attack on the Square! 189 00:17:57,421 --> 00:17:59,281 It must be you. What'd you do?! 190 00:17:59,591 --> 00:18:02,021 Well... nothing major... 191 00:18:02,391 --> 00:18:04,081 This underground sacred temple is built 192 00:18:04,081 --> 00:18:08,081 so that pulling just one small column out will cause the entire balance 193 00:18:08,081 --> 00:18:10,291 to be disrupted and destroy the temple. 194 00:18:12,261 --> 00:18:16,241 You two... will die here with me. 195 00:18:16,981 --> 00:18:21,301 As the 12th king of the Nefertari Family, 196 00:18:21,301 --> 00:18:25,001 I can't give this sand kingdom to someone like you. 197 00:18:41,121 --> 00:18:43,991 Where is it? Three minutes left... 198 00:18:43,991 --> 00:18:47,541 A cannon big enough to blow up a 5 km diameter... 199 00:18:47,541 --> 00:18:50,901 There can't be many places where such a thing would fit... 200 00:18:50,901 --> 00:18:54,091 Why can't we find it when we search this much...? 201 00:18:54,851 --> 00:18:57,131 An open space where a big cannon can fit... 202 00:18:58,651 --> 00:18:59,911 A stray bullet! 203 00:19:01,071 --> 00:19:02,331 An open space... 204 00:19:04,751 --> 00:19:08,181 Hey, no fair, Koza! You were hiding in a place like this?! 205 00:19:08,181 --> 00:19:09,861 Leader! No fair! 206 00:19:10,491 --> 00:19:12,901 That's right... That place can... 207 00:19:13,411 --> 00:19:16,601 That's dangerous, you bastard! Smoke Star! 208 00:19:16,921 --> 00:19:19,391 It doesn't attract people's attention and it's a big space. 209 00:19:19,391 --> 00:19:22,251 Idiot! Ahh! I'm not from the Rebel Army! 210 00:19:22,251 --> 00:19:25,021 Usopp Hammer! Usopp's Rubberband of Doom! 211 00:19:25,551 --> 00:19:29,561 Did that teach you, you bastard! Geez... who do they think I am? 212 00:19:29,911 --> 00:19:32,251 Don't be surprised when I tell you this. No, be surprised! 213 00:19:32,251 --> 00:19:35,711 I am that famous Captain... U... 214 00:19:35,711 --> 00:19:38,761 What? O-Oh, it's you, Vivi. Did you find the cannoneer?! 215 00:19:38,761 --> 00:19:40,671 I figured it out! It's gotta be there! 216 00:19:40,671 --> 00:19:44,301 What?! Really?! Okay, then! I'll signal them! 217 00:19:44,521 --> 00:19:47,261 In any case, I'll call everyone! You're sure about it, right? 218 00:19:47,531 --> 00:19:48,131 Yes! 219 00:19:48,841 --> 00:19:51,761 Special Attack... Red Serpent Star! 220 00:19:58,251 --> 00:19:59,261 Ahh?! 221 00:20:00,711 --> 00:20:01,441 Oh?! 222 00:20:28,161 --> 00:20:30,021 Boy, I slept well. 223 00:20:30,491 --> 00:20:33,481 Huh...? Oh, that's right. 224 00:20:33,481 --> 00:20:35,971 My body suddenly became incapable of moving... 225 00:20:35,971 --> 00:20:39,901 ...so I decided to risk it and take a nap since it couldn't be helped. 226 00:20:40,171 --> 00:20:42,761 And now I feel fine, so... 227 00:20:44,051 --> 00:20:44,861 Oh, yeah! 228 00:20:45,971 --> 00:20:48,861 Gator! I'll beat him up! 229 00:20:58,271 --> 00:20:59,721 That hole... 230 00:21:03,821 --> 00:21:05,421 It looks gator-ish... 231 00:21:10,241 --> 00:21:13,701 Whoa... You're a model king... 232 00:21:13,991 --> 00:21:17,051 Are you trying to be buried alive, taking me with you... 233 00:21:17,051 --> 00:21:18,541 ...for the country...?! 234 00:21:19,331 --> 00:21:21,541 But... you can't kill me... 235 00:21:21,811 --> 00:21:22,751 Hm? 236 00:21:22,921 --> 00:21:26,581 I can change all the bedrocks into sand and escape from here. 237 00:21:27,551 --> 00:21:29,991 You'll die in vain, Cobra. 238 00:21:30,931 --> 00:21:33,251 It's now less than three minutes. 239 00:21:33,431 --> 00:21:36,171 With the collapse of this sacred temple and the big explosion of the Square, 240 00:21:36,171 --> 00:21:39,961 everyone in my way will be blown up in an instant! 241 00:21:40,401 --> 00:21:45,321 In that moment, this land... will become my country. 242 00:22:02,461 --> 00:22:06,921 Crocodile!! Where are you?! 243 00:22:20,771 --> 00:22:26,911 Which direction should I run towards to see a more wonderful tomorrow? 244 00:22:26,911 --> 00:22:32,681 I took the helm and opened the miraculous map that I stored in my heart 245 00:22:32,681 --> 00:22:38,891 I aimed for the sky and sought out my dreams, though at times I got lost 246 00:22:38,891 --> 00:22:44,331 It wasn't a dream; when I met you, I discovered the wonderful person in me 247 00:22:44,331 --> 00:22:50,531 With just a bit of courage, I gained something grand 248 00:22:50,531 --> 00:22:56,871 Now's the time for my "wish" to become my "pledge" 249 00:22:56,871 --> 00:22:59,811 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 250 00:22:59,811 --> 00:23:03,911 Let's sketch out the tale of the future 251 00:23:03,911 --> 00:23:08,821 I'll put all my feelings in a brand new wind now 252 00:23:08,821 --> 00:23:11,791 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 253 00:23:11,791 --> 00:23:14,961 A never-ending journey to be together 254 00:23:14,961 --> 00:23:19,461 I'll chase after you wherever you go, Shining ray 255 00:23:25,471 --> 00:23:26,811 I've cornered you, gator! 256 00:23:26,811 --> 00:23:28,901 Straw Hat... Why are you alive? 257 00:23:28,901 --> 00:23:31,011 Just how many times do you want to be killed? 258 00:23:31,011 --> 00:23:33,551 What? Is the cannoneer really in such a place?! 259 00:23:33,551 --> 00:23:35,411 Yes! There's nowhere else I can think of! 260 00:23:35,411 --> 00:23:37,011 Okay then! Everyone's headed here. So we'll leave a message! 261 00:23:37,011 --> 00:23:38,111 I'm gonna go on ahead! 262 00:23:38,111 --> 00:23:40,451 What?! Hey, Vivi! Wait! Wait for me! 263 00:23:40,451 --> 00:23:41,721 On the next episode of One Piece! 264 00:23:41,721 --> 00:23:45,491 "The Nightmare Draws Near! This is the Sand Sand Clan's Secret Base" 265 00:23:45,491 --> 00:23:47,751 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!