1 00:00:22,311 --> 00:00:25,371 A world... Yes! 2 00:00:25,881 --> 00:00:28,901 A world for you who seek freedom 3 00:00:28,901 --> 00:00:31,611 stretches out right before your eyes. 4 00:00:31,991 --> 00:00:35,401 If your endless dreams are your guide, 5 00:00:35,931 --> 00:00:40,661 surpass them, under the flag of your beliefs! 6 00:00:45,201 --> 00:00:50,901 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 7 00:00:50,901 --> 00:00:54,361 Heading towards a world without end 8 00:00:55,291 --> 00:01:00,641 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 9 00:01:00,641 --> 00:01:08,651 In search of light yet unseen 10 00:01:08,651 --> 00:01:16,321 When the summer sun sways the sails of my heart 11 00:01:18,791 --> 00:01:24,831 It's the cue to open the door to a new world 12 00:01:28,331 --> 00:01:33,301 Sailing through the rocky waves of despair 13 00:01:33,301 --> 00:01:41,011 We head beyond the horizon 14 00:01:41,011 --> 00:01:46,781 Making a splash, I've just started on my search 15 00:01:46,781 --> 00:01:50,321 Heading towards a world without end 16 00:01:51,231 --> 00:01:56,441 My heart bursting with enthusiasm, I'll go to the ends of the earth 17 00:01:56,441 --> 00:02:03,531 In search of light yet unseen 18 00:02:06,541 --> 00:02:10,211 If you want to continue traveling with us, 19 00:02:10,211 --> 00:02:12,511 that moment is the only chance to come aboard. 20 00:02:13,761 --> 00:02:15,251 Say... Karoo... 21 00:02:17,911 --> 00:02:19,791 What would you like to do? 22 00:02:23,381 --> 00:02:27,321 "It All Started on That Day! Vivi Tells the Story of Her Adventure!" 23 00:02:30,841 --> 00:02:32,691 Igaram! I will... 24 00:02:35,281 --> 00:02:37,361 I will be Queen of the Pirates! 25 00:02:55,601 --> 00:02:58,381 Vivi-sama! 26 00:03:01,641 --> 00:03:05,711 Oh, Igaram, good morning. What's wrong? You're all sweaty. 27 00:03:05,711 --> 00:03:11,811 Hey! You can't just barge in like that! Vivi-sama is changing right now! 28 00:03:12,201 --> 00:03:15,681 Ah... well, uhm... Good morning. 29 00:03:15,681 --> 00:03:17,101 Yes, do you want something? 30 00:03:17,101 --> 00:03:20,721 --Ah, no... --I told you to get out! 31 00:03:24,431 --> 00:03:27,081 Ow, ow... I guess it was just my imagination... 32 00:03:29,271 --> 00:03:32,081 Oh, King. You were there... 33 00:03:32,081 --> 00:03:33,461 Good morning. 34 00:03:33,781 --> 00:03:35,481 Ah... good morning. 35 00:03:36,011 --> 00:03:38,801 At any rate, Terracotta-san is scary. 36 00:03:39,261 --> 00:03:41,261 What were you doing?! 37 00:03:43,481 --> 00:03:46,501 Isn't this too tight, Terracotta-san? 38 00:03:46,501 --> 00:03:50,671 This is how a princess' formal attire is. 39 00:03:51,791 --> 00:03:54,261 I heard that the Square is already full of people. 40 00:03:54,261 --> 00:03:55,421 Really? 41 00:03:55,421 --> 00:03:58,481 It was announced that your speech starts at 10:00... 42 00:03:58,481 --> 00:04:00,111 They're being really impatient. 43 00:04:00,661 --> 00:04:03,521 Well, I do understand how they feel, though. 44 00:04:03,521 --> 00:04:06,071 After all, this is your coming-of-age ceremony that we've waited 2 years for. 45 00:04:06,541 --> 00:04:11,161 Under normal circumstances, this would have been held when you were 14. 46 00:04:11,881 --> 00:04:14,511 But I don't have anything impressive to talk about... 47 00:04:14,511 --> 00:04:16,501 It's okay, you don't have to. 48 00:04:17,221 --> 00:04:21,261 All you have to do is show everyone how much you've grown. That's all. 49 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:25,711 The coming-of-age ceremony is held to celebrate you becoming an adult. 50 00:04:25,711 --> 00:04:30,681 Please consider the King's feelings in taking the trouble to hold it now. 51 00:04:31,731 --> 00:04:34,701 Oh, yes... I heard that your speech today 52 00:04:34,701 --> 00:04:39,111 will be broadcast throughout Alabasta using transponder snails and amplifiers. 53 00:04:39,801 --> 00:04:41,581 I'm looking forward to it. 54 00:04:43,391 --> 00:04:45,461 I received a report that a battle started at the harbor. 55 00:04:45,461 --> 00:04:46,481 I see... 56 00:04:46,481 --> 00:04:50,281 Now that it's come to this, we can no longer get involved... 57 00:04:52,241 --> 00:04:55,041 Fire! Fire! Fire! 58 00:04:58,171 --> 00:05:01,631 Dammit! Shoot cannonballs! Then I could repel them! 59 00:05:02,501 --> 00:05:05,601 Seriously... Gimme a break! 60 00:05:05,601 --> 00:05:07,981 If we keep taking these iron spears on the ship's bottom, 61 00:05:07,981 --> 00:05:10,051 it'll be just a matter of time before we sink! 62 00:05:11,601 --> 00:05:12,601 Here come more! 63 00:05:17,481 --> 00:05:19,771 Hey! I can't keep plugging the holes any more! 64 00:05:20,101 --> 00:05:22,191 Do something, you guys! 65 00:05:22,191 --> 00:05:25,031 It takes all our effort just to protect one side! 66 00:05:27,151 --> 00:05:29,851 One ship against eight isn't a fair fight! 67 00:05:30,161 --> 00:05:33,121 If this was close combat, we'd have a better chance... 68 00:05:34,321 --> 00:05:38,481 Whether we chase them or run away, they'll never change this formation! 69 00:05:44,321 --> 00:05:47,261 This is the Black Cage Unit's specialty, the "Black Spear Formation"! 70 00:05:48,941 --> 00:05:52,351 You're not good enough to break it! Idiots! You idiots! 71 00:05:52,351 --> 00:05:55,861 Hey, hypnotist! You're a pirate, aren't you?! 72 00:05:55,861 --> 00:05:59,601 Shut up! I have my reasons! 73 00:05:59,601 --> 00:06:01,311 The one on the left... Where do I know him from? 74 00:06:01,311 --> 00:06:03,971 I've finally found them! 75 00:06:03,971 --> 00:06:06,781 That annoying violent cook and his gang...! 76 00:06:07,351 --> 00:06:11,241 I'll sink them here today! I've powered up! 77 00:06:11,851 --> 00:06:15,781 Now, stare at this ring. 78 00:06:15,781 --> 00:06:19,711 I'll finally prove today that I'm not a weirdo. 79 00:06:21,031 --> 00:06:22,001 Busy, busy! 80 00:06:22,391 --> 00:06:24,171 One...! Two...! 81 00:06:25,591 --> 00:06:27,361 Jan... 82 00:06:28,911 --> 00:06:29,551 Huh? 83 00:06:30,011 --> 00:06:31,311 Brother! 84 00:06:34,641 --> 00:06:36,101 Whoa... 85 00:06:36,101 --> 00:06:39,231 Usopp! Did you do that?! Amazing! 86 00:06:39,861 --> 00:06:42,741 O... Okay! It was just as I calculated! 87 00:06:42,741 --> 00:06:44,901 That's what happens to ships once I'm on the job! 88 00:06:45,211 --> 00:06:47,871 Nosie, that was amazing! Good job! 89 00:06:47,871 --> 00:06:51,411 The ships in the south sank! Now we can break through there in one shot! 90 00:06:53,001 --> 00:06:54,741 Bon Clay-sama! There's trouble! 91 00:06:54,741 --> 00:06:55,981 What is it?! 92 00:06:55,981 --> 00:06:57,491 The "Black Cage" is here! 93 00:06:57,491 --> 00:06:58,291 Oh, no! 94 00:06:58,941 --> 00:07:00,301 What's going on? 95 00:07:00,301 --> 00:07:01,471 It's Black Cage Hina! 96 00:07:01,471 --> 00:07:04,171 She's a captain at Navy Headquarters and this area is under her jurisdiction! 97 00:07:04,571 --> 00:07:07,951 She's a real pain. We'll hurry up and fly the coop! 98 00:07:07,951 --> 00:07:10,381 Yes, sir! Bon Clay-sama! 99 00:07:11,291 --> 00:07:13,181 It looks like we've weakened them quite a bit. 100 00:07:13,181 --> 00:07:16,531 There's no ship that we can't take down using our Black Cage Formation. 101 00:07:16,531 --> 00:07:19,461 Don't get carried away. When dealing with guys like that, 102 00:07:19,461 --> 00:07:21,351 if you take them lightly, you'll end up getting hurt. 103 00:07:22,041 --> 00:07:24,721 Once we pull up, you guys stay back, 104 00:07:24,721 --> 00:07:27,361 or you'll be in my way. That'd annoy me. 105 00:07:27,361 --> 00:07:28,231 Yes, ma'am! 106 00:07:28,231 --> 00:07:32,061 What're you guys doing?! We have to run! 107 00:07:32,061 --> 00:07:33,491 If we pass through that point in the south, 108 00:07:33,491 --> 00:07:35,121 we'll be able to escape with minimum damage! 109 00:07:35,561 --> 00:07:38,081 If we don't change course, they'll take us down for sure! 110 00:07:41,021 --> 00:07:43,541 If you wanna go, then go. We can't. 111 00:07:43,541 --> 00:07:45,631 You can't?! Why?! 112 00:07:45,631 --> 00:07:49,781 Bon Clay-sama! Please hurry! Let's get out of here ourselves! 113 00:07:49,781 --> 00:07:51,761 Noon at the eastern harbor... 114 00:07:51,761 --> 00:07:53,281 ...we have an appointment. 115 00:07:53,611 --> 00:07:56,781 We don't have time to go around, so we have to dash through. 116 00:07:56,781 --> 00:07:59,551 Ahh... that's ludicrous! 117 00:07:59,551 --> 00:08:03,231 Is there some treasure worth your lives there or something?! 118 00:08:03,231 --> 00:08:04,541 Just go ahead and die, then! 119 00:08:04,541 --> 00:08:06,361 We're going there to pick up our friend. 120 00:08:16,171 --> 00:08:19,231 S... So it's for your pal... 121 00:08:29,001 --> 00:08:30,461 I'm coming in, okay, Vivi? 122 00:08:30,461 --> 00:08:32,011 Sure, come in. 123 00:08:32,941 --> 00:08:34,721 Vivi, what did you want to talk... 124 00:08:35,571 --> 00:08:36,781 Wow... 125 00:08:37,871 --> 00:08:40,011 How amazing... 126 00:08:40,391 --> 00:08:44,701 I mistook you for the Queen when she was young, Vivi-sama. 127 00:08:44,701 --> 00:08:46,481 Yes, indeed... 128 00:08:46,941 --> 00:08:48,331 Please have a seat, Daddy-- 129 00:08:50,111 --> 00:08:52,941 no, Father... Igaram... 130 00:08:57,091 --> 00:08:58,941 I have something important to talk with you about. 131 00:08:59,241 --> 00:09:00,911 Bon Clay-sama! 132 00:09:03,871 --> 00:09:06,831 Running now wouldn't be like Bon Clay... 133 00:09:06,831 --> 00:09:11,301 --Huh?! --If we abandon pals who would risk their lives to pick up their pal, 134 00:09:11,301 --> 00:09:14,301 will we... be able to enjoy our food tomorrow?! 135 00:09:17,911 --> 00:09:21,051 Listen, guys... Straw Hats, too! 136 00:09:22,991 --> 00:09:25,811 Listen to what I have to say carefully! 137 00:09:33,961 --> 00:09:38,241 Miss Hina! They're dividing their forces! The duck ship is going south! 138 00:09:38,241 --> 00:09:40,121 The duck is probably a decoy in any case. 139 00:09:40,621 --> 00:09:45,451 Well... Actually, all the Straw Hats are on the duck ship! 140 00:09:45,771 --> 00:09:47,911 The sheep ship is the decoy! 141 00:09:51,251 --> 00:09:54,171 Follow them! Return to the formation immediately! 142 00:10:08,301 --> 00:10:09,101 Three minutes! 143 00:10:14,341 --> 00:10:15,501 Prepare to attack! 144 00:10:15,501 --> 00:10:17,531 Ready? Full speed ahead! 145 00:10:19,341 --> 00:10:23,881 Am I the Straw Hat you guys're looking for?! 146 00:10:24,971 --> 00:10:25,991 Just kidding! 147 00:10:26,341 --> 00:10:29,181 Miss Hina! The sheep ship is heading to the east! 148 00:10:29,181 --> 00:10:29,961 What?! 149 00:10:34,541 --> 00:10:40,761 You were tricked, weren't you?! We're experts at disguising ourselves! And... 150 00:10:43,301 --> 00:10:45,561 ...we're the Straw Hats' friends...! 151 00:10:51,011 --> 00:10:55,231 Even if I go astray as a man... Even if I go astray as a woman... 152 00:10:55,231 --> 00:10:57,401 ...I can't go astray as a person! 153 00:11:01,651 --> 00:11:04,271 If we are to fall, we'll fall together into the true sky. 154 00:11:04,761 --> 00:11:09,871 I'll make it bloom... Oh, come my way! 155 00:11:18,471 --> 00:11:20,841 By... Bon Clay... 156 00:11:28,341 --> 00:11:30,931 Bring it on! 157 00:11:33,281 --> 00:11:34,901 I'm humiliated...! 158 00:12:03,181 --> 00:12:04,511 B-Bon-chan! 159 00:12:07,151 --> 00:12:09,391 Bon-chan... We'll... 160 00:12:16,331 --> 00:12:21,571 We'll never forget you! 161 00:12:31,621 --> 00:12:33,491 If we are to fall, let it be in the sea... 162 00:12:33,491 --> 00:12:38,001 The flower of friendship... is rejoicing... 163 00:12:54,201 --> 00:12:55,981 We don't know the ringleader?! 164 00:12:55,981 --> 00:12:59,151 Right... It's a so-called underground organization. 165 00:12:59,151 --> 00:13:02,591 As for their boss, even its members know nothing about him. 166 00:13:02,591 --> 00:13:04,691 So that's... the enemy of this country... 167 00:13:05,271 --> 00:13:08,321 It's already impossible for us to gain information on them from outside. 168 00:13:08,321 --> 00:13:11,621 Rather, further investigation will only put the country at risk. 169 00:13:11,621 --> 00:13:14,191 But we've got a lead, right? 170 00:13:14,191 --> 00:13:15,931 --Yes... --Hm? 171 00:13:15,931 --> 00:13:16,731 What?! 172 00:13:17,351 --> 00:13:20,211 Igaram, do you know what I'm thinking? 173 00:13:20,211 --> 00:13:24,181 N-No! I don't! I-I have to go back to my work! 174 00:13:24,181 --> 00:13:27,261 --Igaram! --No! This isn't a game! 175 00:13:27,261 --> 00:13:29,641 Then that's all the more reason to, Igaram! 176 00:13:31,371 --> 00:13:33,101 I can't just sit around and do nothing! 177 00:13:48,011 --> 00:13:50,911 Ahh! They're after us again! 178 00:13:50,911 --> 00:13:53,081 Get out of our way, you bastards! 179 00:13:55,191 --> 00:13:56,911 Look! It's Vivi-sama! 180 00:13:56,911 --> 00:13:58,261 Oh, Vivi-sama! 181 00:13:58,261 --> 00:14:00,881 --Princess Vivi! --It's Vivi-sama! 182 00:14:03,901 --> 00:14:05,741 Princess! 183 00:14:05,741 --> 00:14:07,661 She's grown up! 184 00:14:16,121 --> 00:14:20,541 Then, Vivi-sama. Let me ask you just one question. 185 00:14:21,561 --> 00:14:23,981 It all started on that day... 186 00:14:24,481 --> 00:14:26,941 Are you prepared not to lay down your life? 187 00:14:29,621 --> 00:14:32,841 I had... a little adventure... 188 00:14:33,701 --> 00:14:35,811 Hey! The princess's speech has started! 189 00:14:35,811 --> 00:14:39,871 --I've been waiting! --So she was really okay. I'm glad! 190 00:14:40,431 --> 00:14:42,861 The ceremony in Alubarna has started! 191 00:14:42,861 --> 00:14:45,751 It was delayed by two hours. What happened? 192 00:14:47,681 --> 00:14:51,931 Well... I hope it won't cause a commotion... 193 00:14:51,931 --> 00:14:56,781 Koza! Hey, Koza! Come out! Vivi-chan's speech has started! 194 00:14:56,781 --> 00:15:01,321 The amplifier is cranked all the way up. She can be heard anywhere in town. 195 00:15:04,231 --> 00:15:09,741 It was a journey... to cross the dark sea in search of "despair." 196 00:15:09,741 --> 00:15:12,861 After I left the country, I saw such a vast sea. 197 00:15:12,861 --> 00:15:15,991 And on that sea, I found unbelievable, thriving islands... 198 00:15:16,821 --> 00:15:20,731 Creatures I had never seen before... Sceneries I could barely consider real... 199 00:15:21,191 --> 00:15:25,151 At times, the melody of the waves was quiet... 200 00:15:25,151 --> 00:15:28,921 ...swaying gently, as if easing my small worries... 201 00:15:29,961 --> 00:15:31,741 Other times, the melody was violent... 202 00:15:31,741 --> 00:15:35,741 ...laughing at me, as if it would tear apart my weak heart... 203 00:15:38,971 --> 00:15:43,851 In that dark, dark storm, I encountered a single, small, ship. 204 00:15:44,361 --> 00:15:47,071 The ship said to me, while pushing me onwards... 205 00:15:47,691 --> 00:15:50,991 "Can't you see that light?" 206 00:15:52,241 --> 00:15:57,331 This wondrous ship, which never lost its way even in darkness, 207 00:15:57,331 --> 00:16:00,191 danced its way across the huge waves. 208 00:16:01,671 --> 00:16:05,981 The ship didn't fight the sea, but its stem was pointed straight ahead, 209 00:16:06,381 --> 00:16:08,611 even during a headwind. 210 00:16:10,021 --> 00:16:14,801 And the ship pointed and said, "Look! There's a light!" 211 00:16:15,891 --> 00:16:19,351 History will soon call this an illusion, 212 00:16:20,201 --> 00:16:23,361 but to me, it is the only truth. 213 00:16:24,521 --> 00:16:26,141 What's she talking about? 214 00:16:26,581 --> 00:16:29,661 It's about the Navy that she secretly fought. 215 00:16:29,661 --> 00:16:30,691 And... 216 00:16:34,711 --> 00:16:35,951 Vivi... 217 00:16:36,431 --> 00:16:40,601 You heard the speech, right? It was Vivi's voice without doubt. 218 00:16:40,981 --> 00:16:44,461 They're just broadcasting the ceremony being held in Alubarna. 219 00:16:44,461 --> 00:16:47,041 She's already decided that she wouldn't come here. 220 00:16:47,041 --> 00:16:50,001 No, that voice just resembled Vivi's voice. That's all. 221 00:16:50,741 --> 00:16:52,751 This is the Tamarisk place, right? 222 00:16:52,751 --> 00:16:54,331 Yeah, that's right. 223 00:16:55,261 --> 00:16:57,071 Let's go. It's past noon. 224 00:16:57,071 --> 00:16:58,621 There's no way that she didn't come! 225 00:16:58,621 --> 00:17:00,971 Let's get out and look for her! She's definitely here! 226 00:17:00,971 --> 00:17:04,241 Hey, this is bad! The Navy is after us again! 227 00:17:04,241 --> 00:17:05,941 Just how many ships are there?! 228 00:17:06,581 --> 00:17:08,031 Dammit! We're gonna sail out now! 229 00:17:08,031 --> 00:17:09,941 Starboard! 230 00:17:10,361 --> 00:17:14,641 Give up, Luffy. Her case is different from ours. 231 00:17:18,861 --> 00:17:21,031 What's going on? 232 00:17:21,751 --> 00:17:23,831 What the hell is going on?! 233 00:17:24,811 --> 00:17:27,441 Hey, show your face, fake princess! 234 00:17:27,441 --> 00:17:29,951 No, Squad Captain Igaram! 235 00:17:29,951 --> 00:17:32,031 Where's the real Vivi-sama?! 236 00:17:32,031 --> 00:17:35,301 Where is the princess speaking from? 237 00:17:36,711 --> 00:17:38,261 Vivi-sama is now... 238 00:17:42,741 --> 00:17:44,351 They can throw pretty far... 239 00:17:45,191 --> 00:17:47,311 Everyone! 240 00:17:59,111 --> 00:18:00,741 Vivi! 241 00:18:00,741 --> 00:18:01,621 Karoo! 242 00:18:04,541 --> 00:18:06,581 --Vivi! --See?! She came! 243 00:18:06,581 --> 00:18:07,781 Vivi-chan! 244 00:18:07,781 --> 00:18:09,841 Let's go back! Better hurry! 245 00:18:09,841 --> 00:18:11,741 The Navy is right there, too! 246 00:18:17,511 --> 00:18:18,971 I came to say goodbye! 247 00:18:22,021 --> 00:18:22,971 What did she just...? 248 00:18:22,971 --> 00:18:24,601 Karoo, give me the handset. 249 00:18:27,181 --> 00:18:32,771 I can't... go with you! Thank you so much for everything! 250 00:18:34,681 --> 00:18:36,071 Who's she talking to? 251 00:18:36,441 --> 00:18:38,901 No way... Is that the princess of this country? 252 00:18:39,431 --> 00:18:42,121 She should be at the ceremony in Alubarna... 253 00:18:42,121 --> 00:18:44,331 I'd like to go on more adventures, 254 00:18:44,821 --> 00:18:49,301 but there's no ignoring... that I love this country! 255 00:18:49,301 --> 00:18:51,261 Where is Vivi-sama?! 256 00:18:51,261 --> 00:18:53,171 Beat it, Squad Captain Igaram! 257 00:18:53,171 --> 00:18:54,841 We don't wanna see you! 258 00:18:57,671 --> 00:18:59,821 Nice dancing, Squad Captain Igaram! 259 00:18:59,821 --> 00:19:04,001 --Keep it up! --We came here to see Vivi-sama! 260 00:19:05,291 --> 00:19:07,521 So I can't go! 261 00:19:09,661 --> 00:19:10,731 I see! 262 00:19:10,731 --> 00:19:12,191 I... 263 00:19:14,121 --> 00:19:15,681 If we're to put a sign, I'd want it to be an "X." 264 00:19:15,681 --> 00:19:17,761 --Why? --We're pirates, right? 265 00:19:17,761 --> 00:19:21,361 But it actually means "death" to your opponents, you know. 266 00:19:21,781 --> 00:19:25,221 That's fine! I want it to be an "X"! Right, Vivi? It looks cool, right? 267 00:19:25,221 --> 00:19:27,141 Yes, I like it, too! 268 00:19:27,141 --> 00:19:30,521 It doesn't matter what it is. Just write it. That's not the point! 269 00:19:34,541 --> 00:19:36,011 I... 270 00:19:40,571 --> 00:19:41,841 I... 271 00:19:42,261 --> 00:19:43,761 This will do! 272 00:19:44,551 --> 00:19:47,061 I will remain here... 273 00:19:49,131 --> 00:19:50,621 It's a sign of our friendship! 274 00:19:52,471 --> 00:19:54,381 ...but if we ever meet again some day... 275 00:19:55,481 --> 00:19:59,231 ...will you call me your friend again?! 276 00:20:07,471 --> 00:20:10,531 Did you hear that? That princess is connected with the Straw Hats...! 277 00:20:10,531 --> 00:20:13,161 The princess is a friend of pirates?! Can't be...! 278 00:20:13,161 --> 00:20:14,541 --You'll forever be our... --Idiot! 279 00:20:15,961 --> 00:20:19,961 Don't reply! The Navy has noticed Vivi. 280 00:20:20,871 --> 00:20:25,641 If we prove she's connected with us, she'll become a criminal. 281 00:20:26,821 --> 00:20:28,931 Let's part without saying anything. 282 00:21:15,881 --> 00:21:21,481 No matter what happens, this thing on our left arm is the sign of our friendship! 283 00:21:54,141 --> 00:21:59,711 We're going to gather up all our dreams 284 00:21:59,711 --> 00:22:05,611 and set out in search of something to find 285 00:22:03,131 --> 00:22:05,361 Set sail! 286 00:22:05,611 --> 00:22:06,981 One Piece! 287 00:22:21,451 --> 00:22:27,381 Which direction should I run towards to see a more wonderful tomorrow? 288 00:22:27,381 --> 00:22:33,301 I took the helm and opened the miraculous map that I stored in my heart 289 00:22:33,301 --> 00:22:39,561 I aimed for the sky and sought out my dreams, though at times I got lost 290 00:22:39,561 --> 00:22:44,981 It wasn't a dream; when I met you, I discovered the wonderful person in me 291 00:22:44,981 --> 00:22:51,241 With just a bit of courage, I gained something grand 292 00:22:51,241 --> 00:22:56,661 Now's the time for my "wish" to become my "pledge" 293 00:22:57,411 --> 00:23:00,481 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 294 00:23:00,481 --> 00:23:04,211 Let's sketch out the tale of the future 295 00:23:04,531 --> 00:23:09,471 I'll put all my feelings in a brand new wind now 296 00:23:09,471 --> 00:23:12,461 Shining ray! Find your brand new way 297 00:23:12,461 --> 00:23:15,431 A never-ending journey to be together 298 00:23:15,431 --> 00:23:20,071 I'll chase after you wherever you go, Shining ray 299 00:23:25,981 --> 00:23:27,791 Luffy-san and the others are gone now... 300 00:23:28,531 --> 00:23:32,071 I will never forget the important things I learned on that ship. 301 00:23:32,811 --> 00:23:37,061 We have to work hard for the future of this country. Okay, Karoo? 302 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:41,581 I'm sure they'll find wonderful new friends. 303 00:23:42,311 --> 00:23:43,581 On the next episode of One Piece! 304 00:23:43,581 --> 00:23:46,671 "Scent Of Danger! The Seventh Member is Nico Robin!" 305 00:23:46,671 --> 00:23:48,731 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!