1 00:02:46,891 --> 00:02:49,861 Wealth, fame, power... 2 00:02:51,151 --> 00:02:53,831 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 3 00:02:53,831 --> 00:02:56,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 4 00:02:56,841 --> 00:02:59,341 The words he uttered just before his death 5 00:02:59,341 --> 00:03:02,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 6 00:03:03,201 --> 00:03:05,221 My treasure? 7 00:03:05,631 --> 00:03:07,491 If you want it, you can have it! 8 00:03:07,491 --> 00:03:08,841 Find it! 9 00:03:09,191 --> 00:03:11,891 I left everything this world has to offer there! 10 00:03:12,371 --> 00:03:16,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 11 00:03:17,461 --> 00:03:21,281 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 12 00:03:23,341 --> 00:03:25,851 During their voyage to Fishman Island, 13 00:03:25,851 --> 00:03:31,211 Luffy and his friends fought a fierce battle against Duval and the Flying Fish Riders. 14 00:03:33,251 --> 00:03:36,921 Curse you Straw Hats! 15 00:03:37,391 --> 00:03:40,501 In response to Duval's unjustified hatred, 16 00:03:40,501 --> 00:03:42,881 Sanji's outrage reached its peak. 17 00:03:43,681 --> 00:03:44,711 Œil! 18 00:03:45,581 --> 00:03:46,491 Nez! 19 00:03:46,831 --> 00:03:49,181 Joue! Bouche! Dents! 20 00:03:49,181 --> 00:03:50,371 Menton! 21 00:03:51,301 --> 00:03:53,311 Parage... 22 00:03:53,721 --> 00:03:54,851 Shot! 23 00:04:05,311 --> 00:04:09,491 "Landing on the Way to Fishman Island! The Sabaody Archipelago!" 24 00:04:20,481 --> 00:04:23,351 Head! Head! 25 00:04:23,891 --> 00:04:25,661 Where are you?! 26 00:04:28,261 --> 00:04:29,601 Head! 27 00:04:30,141 --> 00:04:32,931 Are you all right, Head?! 28 00:04:34,111 --> 00:04:35,231 He's... 29 00:04:35,231 --> 00:04:37,911 Damn, he's all beat up. 30 00:04:37,911 --> 00:04:39,901 Head, are you alive? 31 00:04:41,611 --> 00:04:42,741 Head! 32 00:04:47,461 --> 00:04:49,491 Damn it... 33 00:04:50,831 --> 00:04:55,251 I finally had Black Foot right where I wanted him! 34 00:05:00,211 --> 00:05:02,451 Huh? What is it? 35 00:05:02,451 --> 00:05:05,101 Why are you all gawking at me? 36 00:05:05,101 --> 00:05:08,431 Head, please stay calm and look at this. 37 00:05:13,811 --> 00:05:17,311 Th-This is... Wh-Wha— 38 00:05:17,311 --> 00:05:21,271 What happened to me?! 39 00:05:28,651 --> 00:05:30,571 Yum! 40 00:05:31,051 --> 00:05:33,261 Mmm, this is great! 41 00:05:35,661 --> 00:05:38,511 See? Hatchin's takoyaki is the best in the world, right? 42 00:05:38,511 --> 00:05:40,421 I can't stop! I can't put them down! 43 00:05:40,421 --> 00:05:42,091 This takoyaki is incredible! 44 00:05:48,471 --> 00:05:49,801 Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot! 45 00:05:52,241 --> 00:05:55,191 It really is good. What is this stuff? 46 00:05:55,191 --> 00:05:57,041 The deep flavor of this sauce... 47 00:05:59,371 --> 00:06:02,161 And it's impressive that he runs the business from a ship. 48 00:06:05,271 --> 00:06:08,801 This is my first experience with the culture of takoyaki. 49 00:06:08,801 --> 00:06:10,291 It is delicious! 50 00:06:10,291 --> 00:06:11,921 I could stuff my cheeks with this! 51 00:06:11,921 --> 00:06:14,161 Uh, not that I have cheeks... 52 00:06:14,161 --> 00:06:17,471 You can eat all you like for free today! 53 00:06:17,471 --> 00:06:21,171 This is to thank you all for saving us. 54 00:06:21,171 --> 00:06:23,541 These are made with broth, and these have mochi in them. 55 00:06:23,541 --> 00:06:25,511 Careful, they're hot! 56 00:06:27,471 --> 00:06:28,551 So... 57 00:06:29,881 --> 00:06:32,511 How about you, um... Nami? 58 00:06:40,471 --> 00:06:44,631 Er, um... H-How does it taste? 59 00:06:47,911 --> 00:06:51,741 This doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you for anything. 60 00:06:51,741 --> 00:06:55,641 No, of course not! That's not why I asked! 61 00:06:55,641 --> 00:06:58,511 I really just wondered how you liked the taste... 62 00:07:08,761 --> 00:07:10,091 Nami... 63 00:07:13,281 --> 00:07:14,801 They're really tasty! 64 00:07:17,811 --> 00:07:20,351 I see, I see! 65 00:07:20,351 --> 00:07:24,311 I'm glad! I'm so glad to hear that! 66 00:07:24,311 --> 00:07:28,621 Okay, you guys, eat up! Have all you like! 67 00:07:28,621 --> 00:07:32,281 Yeah! Keep 'em coming! We'll eat every last one! 68 00:07:46,311 --> 00:07:49,561 Hey! You guys! 69 00:07:50,141 --> 00:07:52,871 Young Master! 70 00:07:52,871 --> 00:07:54,171 Who's that? 71 00:07:54,171 --> 00:07:55,221 That voice... 72 00:07:56,241 --> 00:07:58,261 Wait up! 73 00:07:58,821 --> 00:08:01,891 You can't leave without saying goodbye! 74 00:08:02,421 --> 00:08:04,811 Who's that? 75 00:08:07,281 --> 00:08:10,551 I'm Handsome— Oh, my mistake. 76 00:08:10,551 --> 00:08:12,701 I'm Duval! 77 00:08:15,891 --> 00:08:19,261 Is that what he looked like? 78 00:08:21,341 --> 00:08:23,221 I altered his bone structure. 79 00:08:23,221 --> 00:08:25,461 Now he can't complain to me again. 80 00:08:25,931 --> 00:08:28,061 Wow, Master Black Foot! 81 00:08:28,061 --> 00:08:33,341 When I woke up after you kicked the crap out of me, were we ever surprised! 82 00:08:33,711 --> 00:08:36,281 You made me this handsome! 83 00:08:36,281 --> 00:08:38,851 I'm just enchanted! 84 00:08:38,851 --> 00:08:40,391 The ladies won't be able ignore this! 85 00:08:40,391 --> 00:08:42,281 This is truly... 86 00:08:42,281 --> 00:08:45,171 seeing life through rose-colored lenses! 87 00:08:46,981 --> 00:08:51,321 I'd love to head straight back to the country and relax, 88 00:08:51,321 --> 00:08:55,991 but if I left without thanking my saviors, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night! 89 00:08:55,991 --> 00:08:58,361 It's your first time in these waters, right? 90 00:08:58,361 --> 00:09:03,051 If there's any way we can help you, just ask us anything! 91 00:09:05,471 --> 00:09:07,791 Don't wink if you're not used to it. 92 00:09:07,791 --> 00:09:11,071 Well, if you have no complaints, that's enough for me. 93 00:09:11,071 --> 00:09:14,111 If I were to request something, it'd be that you never show up around us aga— 94 00:09:14,111 --> 00:09:16,471 Beautiful. Too beautiful. 95 00:09:16,471 --> 00:09:18,311 Are you listening?! 96 00:09:18,311 --> 00:09:20,181 I should ride a white horse. 97 00:09:20,181 --> 00:09:21,381 Hey, you! 98 00:09:21,381 --> 00:09:24,111 Head, Head! You need to listen! 99 00:09:24,111 --> 00:09:25,571 Oh, right... 100 00:09:25,941 --> 00:09:27,451 What? Handsome? 101 00:09:27,451 --> 00:09:29,911 I didn't say anything like that! 102 00:09:29,911 --> 00:09:32,511 Want me to make you look like that scribble again?! 103 00:09:42,941 --> 00:09:46,801 I'm embarrassed, but I accept... 104 00:09:46,801 --> 00:09:47,781 your blown kiss! 105 00:09:47,781 --> 00:09:48,901 Whoo, whoo! 106 00:09:48,901 --> 00:09:52,221 I didn't blow a kiss! I just wiped sauce off my lips! 107 00:09:53,961 --> 00:09:56,381 What kind of optimistic delusion are you seeing?! 108 00:09:56,381 --> 00:10:01,001 Oh, mirror, mirror! Is the most handsome man of all me? 109 00:10:01,001 --> 00:10:02,301 A single-choice quiz?! 110 00:10:05,311 --> 00:10:07,081 We get that you're handsome, 111 00:10:07,081 --> 00:10:09,691 but you were dumb to start with, so you're still hopeless. 112 00:10:11,741 --> 00:10:13,191 Ah. You're jealous? 113 00:10:13,191 --> 00:10:14,651 I am not! 114 00:10:14,651 --> 00:10:17,611 Don't bother, Usopp! You're no match for his personality! 115 00:10:18,061 --> 00:10:21,901 Well, Young Master, this is my Transponder Snail number. 116 00:10:21,901 --> 00:10:23,331 Call me anytime! 117 00:10:23,331 --> 00:10:26,141 I'll definitely help you all out! 118 00:10:27,341 --> 00:10:30,381 I really caused you a lot of trouble. 119 00:10:30,381 --> 00:10:33,221 Sorry you all got mixed up in this. 120 00:10:34,921 --> 00:10:36,881 Just stop winking. 121 00:10:38,481 --> 00:10:39,771 Bye, now! 122 00:10:39,771 --> 00:10:42,091 Let's go, Rosy Life Riders! 123 00:10:42,091 --> 00:10:44,351 Yes, Handsome! 124 00:10:44,351 --> 00:10:45,991 So leave already. 125 00:10:50,771 --> 00:10:53,481 Whew, thanks for the feast! 126 00:10:53,911 --> 00:10:57,741 Man, I'm stuffed! This is bliss! 127 00:10:58,111 --> 00:11:00,031 That was tasty! 128 00:11:00,031 --> 00:11:01,611 I can't eat any more... 129 00:11:03,401 --> 00:11:05,031 I'm exhausted. 130 00:11:05,031 --> 00:11:06,751 You guys sure eat a lot. 131 00:11:06,751 --> 00:11:08,971 I should've expected that of the Straw Hats. 132 00:11:08,971 --> 00:11:11,161 I wish I had six more arms. 133 00:11:11,541 --> 00:11:12,671 Good work, Hatchin. 134 00:11:14,141 --> 00:11:15,591 Looks like everyone is happy. 135 00:11:17,021 --> 00:11:19,801 Are they? Then I'm happy, too. 136 00:11:20,601 --> 00:11:23,031 It's been a wonderful afternoon, Master. 137 00:11:23,031 --> 00:11:26,261 I'm also more than happy with my first takoyaki experience. 138 00:11:27,781 --> 00:11:29,311 Ah, pardon me. 139 00:11:34,951 --> 00:11:37,211 Everything about that is disgusting! 140 00:11:37,211 --> 00:11:40,651 Hey, octopus and starfish and Camie-chan! 141 00:11:40,651 --> 00:11:42,471 If you're taking a break, come up to the deck. 142 00:11:42,471 --> 00:11:43,881 I'll serve you tea, too. 143 00:11:43,881 --> 00:11:44,621 Sure! 144 00:11:50,691 --> 00:11:52,831 This tea is delicious. 145 00:11:53,521 --> 00:11:55,391 We're on the right path. 146 00:11:55,391 --> 00:11:57,811 Our destination is the Sabaody Archipelago. 147 00:11:57,811 --> 00:12:00,511 Do we have to go there to get to Fishman Island? 148 00:12:00,871 --> 00:12:04,781 We fishmen and mermaids can get there easily by diving, 149 00:12:04,781 --> 00:12:08,891 but you're humans, so if you dive, the pressure will kill you. 150 00:12:09,931 --> 00:12:13,521 Yeah, we barely held out even in the submarine. 151 00:12:15,391 --> 00:12:18,271 The hull seems to be creaking... 152 00:12:18,271 --> 00:12:20,031 Yes, because... 153 00:12:20,941 --> 00:12:23,551 We're more than 5,000 meters under. 154 00:12:24,091 --> 00:12:26,101 Ah, so that's why. 155 00:12:27,371 --> 00:12:31,371 Wait! That's a bad idea! The pressure will crush us! 156 00:12:31,371 --> 00:12:34,211 How are we gonna get to the bottom of the sea? 157 00:12:35,281 --> 00:12:37,161 Okay, attention! 158 00:12:37,161 --> 00:12:39,491 It looks like you guys don't have a clue, 159 00:12:39,491 --> 00:12:42,861 so I'll tell you all you need to know about these seas. 160 00:12:42,861 --> 00:12:44,951 What? Who's going to do that? 161 00:12:44,951 --> 00:12:47,301 That would be... 162 00:12:47,301 --> 00:12:49,391 Me! 163 00:12:51,171 --> 00:12:52,361 Huh? 164 00:12:52,361 --> 00:12:55,391 Um, please listen... 165 00:12:57,541 --> 00:13:01,981 As I was saying, there are two routes that can take you to the new world. 166 00:13:02,561 --> 00:13:06,851 But for outlaws like you guys, only one is possible. 167 00:13:06,851 --> 00:13:07,981 Why? 168 00:13:07,981 --> 00:13:09,641 Because... 169 00:13:09,641 --> 00:13:12,291 One of them, at the request of the World Government, 170 00:13:12,291 --> 00:13:18,581 involves crossing the city built on top of the Red Line, the holy land Marie Jois. 171 00:13:18,581 --> 00:13:19,741 What? 172 00:13:19,741 --> 00:13:23,631 Naturally, there's no way they'd grant permission for pirates to cross. 173 00:13:24,031 --> 00:13:26,471 We'd have to walk over the Red Line? 174 00:13:26,471 --> 00:13:28,391 What would we do with the ship, then? 175 00:13:28,391 --> 00:13:33,341 You'd have to abandon your ship and buy a similar one on the other side. 176 00:13:34,671 --> 00:13:36,241 Abandon the ship?! 177 00:13:36,241 --> 00:13:40,131 Yeah. It costs money, and getting permission takes time, 178 00:13:40,131 --> 00:13:42,551 but it's safe, so that's what most do. 179 00:13:43,051 --> 00:13:44,571 However! 180 00:13:44,571 --> 00:13:47,821 For the route you'll take, you can keep your ship! 181 00:13:47,821 --> 00:13:49,071 It's called... 182 00:13:49,071 --> 00:13:54,041 The Sea Floor Route Via Fishman Island! 183 00:13:54,041 --> 00:13:57,081 But the Sea Floor Route has many dangers. 184 00:13:56,651 --> 00:13:59,231 {\an8}Huh? Camie? Camie? 185 00:13:57,861 --> 00:13:59,231 What do you mean? 186 00:13:59,231 --> 00:14:01,151 {\an8}I didn't pass you the baton... 187 00:13:59,581 --> 00:14:04,051 Many ships that use it are eaten whole by sea monsters and sea kings. 188 00:14:04,651 --> 00:14:06,571 {\an8}Camie? Camie? 189 00:14:04,651 --> 00:14:07,501 I see. That is dangerous. 190 00:14:06,911 --> 00:14:08,181 {\an8}Can you hear me? 191 00:14:07,501 --> 00:14:08,181 You see? 192 00:14:09,551 --> 00:14:13,231 I don't think I want to go to Fishman Island... 193 00:14:13,971 --> 00:14:15,141 Me, either... 194 00:14:15,401 --> 00:14:18,851 Hang on, Camie. Did you say ships have been eaten whole? 195 00:14:19,111 --> 00:14:20,521 Huh? Yeah. 196 00:14:20,521 --> 00:14:23,111 What kind of ship do we use to get to the sea floor? 197 00:14:23,111 --> 00:14:24,541 This ship. 198 00:14:24,541 --> 00:14:25,821 What? 199 00:14:25,821 --> 00:14:29,231 Hey, this ship can't go underwater. 200 00:14:29,231 --> 00:14:31,091 No, it'll be fine. 201 00:14:31,801 --> 00:14:36,701 And that big wall that goes around the world, the Red Line, 202 00:14:36,701 --> 00:14:39,471 has a small hole in just one spot. 203 00:14:39,471 --> 00:14:43,001 Oh, it's a big hole from our perspective, though. 204 00:14:43,001 --> 00:14:45,211 That's where Fishman Island is! 205 00:14:46,281 --> 00:14:49,731 It's basically directly below Marie Jois. 206 00:14:49,731 --> 00:14:52,811 You dive about 10,000 meters down to get there. 207 00:14:52,811 --> 00:14:53,691 That far? 208 00:14:53,691 --> 00:14:55,121 It's a great place! 209 00:14:55,771 --> 00:14:59,941 I think the sky island was 10,000 meters in the air, too... 210 00:15:01,391 --> 00:15:04,361 But how do we get to the sea floor in this ship? 211 00:15:04,831 --> 00:15:07,481 You'll get a coating on your ship at the island we're heading to now. 212 00:15:08,101 --> 00:15:09,721 A coating? 213 00:15:10,551 --> 00:15:12,071 You'll see once it's on. 214 00:15:15,531 --> 00:15:17,351 All right, look ahead! 215 00:15:17,831 --> 00:15:19,541 We're here, everyone! 216 00:15:22,951 --> 00:15:25,131 Wow! It's beautiful! 217 00:15:25,561 --> 00:15:27,051 What is that?! 218 00:15:27,601 --> 00:15:29,301 There's stuff flying around... 219 00:15:31,131 --> 00:15:32,681 My goodness! 220 00:15:33,451 --> 00:15:35,181 It's like a fantasy. 221 00:15:37,661 --> 00:15:38,681 Bubbles? 222 00:15:41,011 --> 00:15:42,021 This is... 223 00:15:44,051 --> 00:15:46,571 The Sabaody Archipelago! 224 00:16:12,571 --> 00:16:15,551 Awesome! 225 00:16:22,801 --> 00:16:25,151 There are bubbles flying everywhere! 226 00:16:25,641 --> 00:16:26,861 So pretty... 227 00:16:26,861 --> 00:16:28,481 Wow! 228 00:16:32,041 --> 00:16:33,611 What is all this, though? 229 00:16:33,611 --> 00:16:35,681 They're floating from the ground to the sky. 230 00:16:35,681 --> 00:16:37,131 Who's blowing them? 231 00:16:37,561 --> 00:16:39,581 They're emitted by the island. 232 00:16:39,581 --> 00:16:41,871 Emitted? You mean... 233 00:16:41,871 --> 00:16:43,621 Really? Why? 234 00:16:44,101 --> 00:16:45,231 May I ask a question? 235 00:16:46,331 --> 00:16:48,451 Sorry to interrupt. 236 00:16:48,451 --> 00:16:50,231 Is the Log Pose all right? 237 00:16:50,851 --> 00:16:52,631 Oh, yeah... 238 00:16:52,631 --> 00:16:55,431 It's pointing toward Fishman Island now, but... 239 00:16:55,681 --> 00:16:59,181 Hey, this island won't overwrite the Log Pose, will it? 240 00:16:59,181 --> 00:17:01,791 No need to worry about that. 241 00:17:01,791 --> 00:17:04,101 The Sabaody Archipelago is really a bunch of trees. 242 00:17:04,101 --> 00:17:05,921 It has no magnetic force. 243 00:17:05,921 --> 00:17:07,061 Oh... 244 00:17:07,481 --> 00:17:10,151 So these aren't islands, then? 245 00:17:10,151 --> 00:17:13,291 Well, have you heard of trees called "mangroves"? 246 00:17:13,291 --> 00:17:14,531 Mangroves? 247 00:17:15,531 --> 00:17:19,411 The kind that expose and cover their roots depending on the tides? 248 00:17:19,641 --> 00:17:21,201 That's right. 249 00:17:21,201 --> 00:17:25,371 Though, on this island, their roots are exposed all the time. 250 00:17:25,731 --> 00:17:30,781 The Sabaody Archipelago is home to the world's biggest mangroves, 251 00:17:30,781 --> 00:17:32,251 the Hustle Muscle Mangroves. 252 00:17:32,251 --> 00:17:34,531 Hustle Muscle Mangroves? 253 00:17:35,381 --> 00:17:37,091 Sounds like they've got a lot of hustle! 254 00:17:37,091 --> 00:17:39,091 I do, too! 255 00:17:39,091 --> 00:17:41,711 There are a total of 79 trees. 256 00:17:41,711 --> 00:17:46,381 Each one is an island with its own towns and facilities. 257 00:17:46,381 --> 00:17:50,021 They are collectively called the Sabaody Archipelago. 258 00:17:51,231 --> 00:17:53,731 There are numbers written on the trees. 259 00:17:53,731 --> 00:17:58,611 Yes, each of the 79 trees is marked with a number. 260 00:17:58,611 --> 00:18:02,501 The one straight ahead, Grove #44, is the commercial entrance, 261 00:18:02,501 --> 00:18:04,811 so let's dock the ship a bit further in. 262 00:18:08,141 --> 00:18:11,381 The roots are even bigger up close! 263 00:18:11,811 --> 00:18:13,131 Wow... 264 00:18:13,131 --> 00:18:14,951 It's pitch black inside them. 265 00:18:14,951 --> 00:18:17,221 How remarkable! 266 00:18:19,201 --> 00:18:20,721 Is that a bridge? 267 00:18:20,721 --> 00:18:24,211 Yeah, all the islands are connected with bridges like that. 268 00:18:24,211 --> 00:18:26,431 Ah, I see! 269 00:18:27,181 --> 00:18:28,831 Okay, we're here! 270 00:18:28,831 --> 00:18:32,581 This is Grove #41. Let's dock here. 271 00:18:41,161 --> 00:18:42,801 I'm first! 272 00:18:47,441 --> 00:18:50,421 Okay, everyone, remember the number of this island! 273 00:18:50,421 --> 00:18:55,001 As I said before, all the islands are connected by bridges, 274 00:18:55,001 --> 00:18:57,091 so if you remember the number, you won't get lost. 275 00:18:57,361 --> 00:18:59,471 I know someone who'd still get lost. 276 00:18:59,471 --> 00:19:00,311 Yeah, me too. 277 00:19:00,791 --> 00:19:02,381 Huh? What? 278 00:19:03,931 --> 00:19:05,011 What?! 279 00:19:11,851 --> 00:19:15,671 It popped out of the ground! Cool! 280 00:19:16,841 --> 00:19:18,441 Amazing! 281 00:19:22,201 --> 00:19:23,491 I'm on! 282 00:19:23,491 --> 00:19:25,161 It's not popping. 283 00:19:25,161 --> 00:19:26,491 That looks fun! 284 00:19:30,081 --> 00:19:32,461 These bubbles really are mysterious. 285 00:19:32,461 --> 00:19:34,461 How do they work? 286 00:19:34,731 --> 00:19:40,691 The roots of Hustle Muscle Mangroves secret a special natural resin. 287 00:19:44,271 --> 00:19:46,311 Gross! It's all sticky! 288 00:19:47,471 --> 00:19:49,241 Don't wipe it on me! 289 00:19:49,811 --> 00:19:54,441 That resin expands into bubbles when the roots breathe. 290 00:19:54,441 --> 00:19:56,001 I get it... 291 00:19:56,001 --> 00:19:58,481 So that's how they float up to the sky. 292 00:19:58,481 --> 00:20:02,021 So this scenery is all natural? 293 00:20:02,021 --> 00:20:03,391 Hey! 294 00:20:03,391 --> 00:20:05,621 Whoa, Luffy! When did you get up that high?! 295 00:20:05,621 --> 00:20:07,871 I can see an amusement park over there! 296 00:20:07,871 --> 00:20:09,661 Let's go! I wanna ride the ferris wheel! 297 00:20:09,661 --> 00:20:11,451 An amusement park?! 298 00:20:11,451 --> 00:20:13,501 That's Sabaody Park. 299 00:20:13,501 --> 00:20:15,711 A ferris wheel sounds fun... 300 00:20:15,711 --> 00:20:18,251 It was always my dream to ride one. 301 00:20:18,671 --> 00:20:20,461 Your dream? Why don't you just ride one? 302 00:20:20,461 --> 00:20:23,061 Don't be a fool! You can't, Camie! 303 00:20:23,061 --> 00:20:25,391 Yeah, I know. 304 00:20:29,581 --> 00:20:32,781 I want to ride it, too... Can I not? 305 00:20:41,821 --> 00:20:43,441 I'm really high up! 306 00:20:48,681 --> 00:20:49,841 What's going on? 307 00:20:51,261 --> 00:20:52,931 They're suddenly popping! 308 00:21:03,861 --> 00:21:05,011 Luffy-chin! 309 00:21:05,011 --> 00:21:07,101 Oh, no! Are you okay?! 310 00:21:07,101 --> 00:21:08,561 It's fine, Camie-chan. 311 00:21:09,531 --> 00:21:11,931 No need to worry about him. 312 00:21:21,241 --> 00:21:23,481 Man, I was really stuck! 313 00:21:24,671 --> 00:21:25,991 See? 314 00:21:27,621 --> 00:21:30,951 By the way, Hachi, what did we come to this island for? 315 00:21:30,951 --> 00:21:33,751 You said something about a coating for the ship earlier. 316 00:21:33,751 --> 00:21:36,931 Right. We'll go see a coating craftsman 317 00:21:36,931 --> 00:21:39,481 and have your ship coated in resin. 318 00:21:40,321 --> 00:21:45,211 In simple terms, that'll allow your ship to go underwater. 319 00:21:45,211 --> 00:21:46,761 For real? 320 00:21:46,761 --> 00:21:52,331 That's the only way you humans can get to Fishman Island. 321 00:21:52,331 --> 00:21:54,731 But if you get an unskilled coating craftsman, 322 00:21:54,731 --> 00:21:58,691 the ship and its passengers will be crushed underwater, and that's the end. 323 00:21:58,691 --> 00:22:03,191 I know just one craftsman that you can trust, so I'll take you to him. 324 00:22:03,571 --> 00:22:07,281 When all is said and done, the octopus is a good man. 325 00:22:07,281 --> 00:22:08,931 No, a good octopus! 326 00:22:11,271 --> 00:22:12,451 In exchange... 327 00:22:13,871 --> 00:22:16,821 I want you to keep one promise for me. 328 00:22:16,821 --> 00:22:18,831 Sure! What is it? 329 00:22:19,251 --> 00:22:23,751 Sometimes, there are World Nobles walking around in town. 330 00:22:23,751 --> 00:22:26,121 World Nobles? 331 00:22:26,121 --> 00:22:26,971 Who are they? 332 00:22:27,391 --> 00:22:30,141 Residents of the holy land Marie Jois. 333 00:22:30,141 --> 00:22:31,651 Hmm... 334 00:22:31,651 --> 00:22:33,311 So, what about them? 335 00:22:35,321 --> 00:22:39,071 No matter what may happen in town, 336 00:22:39,071 --> 00:22:42,311 promise me that you will not defy the World Nobles. 337 00:22:42,601 --> 00:22:43,811 Huh? 338 00:22:48,921 --> 00:22:51,571 No matter what happens? 339 00:22:51,571 --> 00:22:53,251 You mean... 340 00:22:54,161 --> 00:22:55,201 Understand? 341 00:22:55,661 --> 00:22:58,001 Even if someone is killed before your eyes, 342 00:22:58,321 --> 00:23:00,051 you must pretend you saw nothing. 343 00:23:01,451 --> 00:23:05,451 I'll say it once more. 344 00:23:06,361 --> 00:23:08,451 You must pretend 345 00:23:10,081 --> 00:23:13,221 you saw nothing! 346 00:23:25,671 --> 00:23:27,911 The Sabaody Archipelago is fun! 347 00:23:27,911 --> 00:23:30,071 There's so much stuff I've never seen before! 348 00:23:30,071 --> 00:23:33,091 Hey! Here comes someone wearing a bubble on his head! 349 00:23:33,091 --> 00:23:34,851 There's a dog with a bubble on its head, too! 350 00:23:34,851 --> 00:23:37,121 Oh, no! Everyone get on your knees! 351 00:23:37,121 --> 00:23:38,751 Don't look them in the eyes! 352 00:23:39,501 --> 00:23:41,051 On the next episode of One Piece! 353 00:23:41,051 --> 00:23:44,651 "Tyranny! The Roles of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons" 354 00:23:44,651 --> 00:23:46,811 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 355 00:23:46,811 --> 00:23:48,811