1 00:00:11,301 --> 00:02:46,871 2 00:00:16,391 --> 00:00:20,761 Travel across the oceans of the world 3 00:00:20,761 --> 00:00:23,021 Bellow a battle cry 4 00:00:23,021 --> 00:00:29,981 Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 5 00:00:37,111 --> 00:00:40,531 We've left the established course 6 00:00:40,531 --> 00:00:44,121 Right now, we're rowing straight toward 7 00:00:44,121 --> 00:00:49,671 The borderline between the sky and the ocean 8 00:00:49,671 --> 00:00:55,801 In the dark depths of the ocean, adventure holds its breath 9 00:00:55,801 --> 00:01:02,601 Don't you have a good time just imagining it? 10 00:01:02,601 --> 00:01:07,061 Travel across the oceans of the world 11 00:01:07,061 --> 00:01:09,361 Bellow a battle cry 12 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:16,321 Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 13 00:01:23,451 --> 00:01:26,871 "That feeling" I get when embarking 14 00:01:26,871 --> 00:01:30,421 Is something I hope to remember always 15 00:01:30,421 --> 00:01:36,011 If I can, I won't be afraid of anything 16 00:01:36,011 --> 00:01:42,141 With our pulses racing, let's go on a trip now 17 00:01:42,141 --> 00:01:48,891 Shy hearts engrave the rhythm of adventure 18 00:01:48,891 --> 00:01:53,441 Snatch up the treasure here and there 19 00:01:53,441 --> 00:01:55,691 While laughing out loud 20 00:01:55,691 --> 00:02:00,031 As we dash by like a noisy party 21 00:02:00,031 --> 00:02:03,081 Make some waves... 22 00:02:03,081 --> 00:02:04,701 Life is "Adventurous" 23 00:02:04,701 --> 00:02:06,411 Be aware it's "Dangerous" 24 00:02:06,411 --> 00:02:08,121 Who's gonna be "One of us" 25 00:02:08,121 --> 00:02:09,751 And a trip goes on because 26 00:02:09,751 --> 00:02:11,421 We da pirate of the "Mass" 27 00:02:11,421 --> 00:02:13,091 To the West, To the East 28 00:02:13,091 --> 00:02:14,461 Gotta find my way, Sail away 29 00:02:14,461 --> 00:02:15,551 All the way to "One piece"!! 30 00:02:15,551 --> 00:02:19,931 Stuff a dream into your empty chest 31 00:02:19,931 --> 00:02:22,221 And spread your wings 32 00:02:22,221 --> 00:02:26,561 If the wind blowing through them dyes your heart 33 00:02:26,561 --> 00:02:28,731 Let's press forward 34 00:02:28,731 --> 00:02:33,111 Snatch up the treasure here and there 35 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:35,441 While laughing out loud 36 00:02:35,441 --> 00:02:39,781 As we dash by like a noisy party 37 00:02:39,781 --> 00:02:42,741 Make some waves... 38 00:02:42,741 --> 00:02:46,871 39 00:02:46,861 --> 00:02:49,951 Wealth, fame, power... 40 00:02:51,151 --> 00:02:53,911 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 41 00:02:53,911 --> 00:02:56,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 42 00:02:56,991 --> 00:02:59,331 The words he uttered just before his death 43 00:02:59,331 --> 00:03:02,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 44 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:07,501 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 45 00:03:07,501 --> 00:03:11,851 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 46 00:03:12,381 --> 00:03:16,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 47 00:03:17,471 --> 00:03:21,181 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 48 00:03:22,401 --> 00:03:25,741 My eyes follow the beautiful ladies. 49 00:03:25,741 --> 00:03:28,781 But I'm a mummy, so I don't have eyes! 50 00:03:31,161 --> 00:03:33,621 May I see your panties? 51 00:03:33,621 --> 00:03:34,791 No way! 52 00:03:36,041 --> 00:03:37,091 This exchange...! 53 00:03:37,631 --> 00:03:39,881 He repeated him word for word... 54 00:03:45,261 --> 00:03:46,721 There is nowhere to run! 55 00:04:07,031 --> 00:04:11,501 Cindry-san, would you be so kind as to open yonder passage? 56 00:04:11,501 --> 00:04:14,081 Also, I would like a midnight snack. 57 00:04:14,371 --> 00:04:17,461 Wh-What gives? I thought he was going to attack us. 58 00:04:17,841 --> 00:04:20,461 That scared me. What's he up to? 59 00:04:20,711 --> 00:04:24,221 I-It doesn't matter! C'mon, let's make a break for it! 60 00:04:24,221 --> 00:04:25,381 The door is wide open! 61 00:04:25,681 --> 00:04:27,511 --You're right! --Y-Yeah! 62 00:04:31,891 --> 00:04:36,941 Three-Pace Hum... Notch Slash! 63 00:04:41,281 --> 00:04:44,261 They must have done something during the fray. 64 00:04:44,861 --> 00:04:46,741 We've lost a valuable man. 65 00:04:47,031 --> 00:04:48,321 Cool it! 66 00:04:48,321 --> 00:04:51,911 Yeah, but... He's right. Sanji'll be okay. 67 00:04:54,041 --> 00:04:55,331 Go! Go! 68 00:04:55,791 --> 00:05:00,571 Go and learn just how terrifying our master truly is! 69 00:05:00,961 --> 00:05:05,961 Our real boss is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gecko Mori-- 70 00:05:06,281 --> 00:05:09,931 Ah! I can't say his name! It's too terrifying! 71 00:05:09,931 --> 00:05:13,601 Merely saying his name sends chills down my spine! 72 00:05:13,601 --> 00:05:17,311 Your missing crewmates won't come back unscathed... 73 00:05:17,391 --> 00:05:21,861 You'll lose one pal after the next...! 74 00:05:21,861 --> 00:05:23,281 You will regret coming here! 75 00:05:23,691 --> 00:05:26,071 Before the Seven Warlord's Gecko-- 76 00:05:26,071 --> 00:05:30,031 no, before my master's true power, 77 00:05:30,031 --> 00:05:32,911 all of you will taste fear! 78 00:05:33,451 --> 00:05:35,531 You sure love to ramble on and on! 79 00:05:36,461 --> 00:05:39,291 Then pass this message on to that jerk Moria! 80 00:05:43,631 --> 00:05:46,491 "If anything happens to my crew... 81 00:05:47,051 --> 00:05:50,391 ...I'll send you and this entire island flying!" 82 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:58,131 Awaken, General Zombies! 83 00:05:58,731 --> 00:06:02,831 Arise, ancient warriors! 84 00:06:26,301 --> 00:06:30,321 Now go, my courageous General Zombies! 85 00:06:34,011 --> 00:06:38,311 "A Bunch of Animals? Perona's Wonder Garden!" 86 00:06:40,101 --> 00:06:42,231 I don't care what part of the mansion they enter! 87 00:06:42,231 --> 00:06:44,061 Hunt them down and haul them in! 88 00:06:44,061 --> 00:06:46,651 They're nothing before you, General Zombies! 89 00:06:49,401 --> 00:06:52,161 Hey! Don't drag your feet, Captain John. 90 00:06:52,161 --> 00:06:55,201 You're crushing the name you made notorious in life! 91 00:06:55,201 --> 00:06:56,911 Yeah, yeah. I'm goin'. 92 00:06:58,501 --> 00:07:01,081 Sheesh! He's such a scallywag. 93 00:07:01,081 --> 00:07:04,131 Ab-sama, marry me! 94 00:07:05,171 --> 00:07:10,191 Lola! Sow, hurry off to battle! I'm your commanding officer! 95 00:07:10,191 --> 00:07:11,321 Then marry me. 96 00:07:11,321 --> 00:07:12,761 Why should I?! 97 00:07:17,581 --> 00:07:19,721 W-Wait, Lola! What are you doing? 98 00:07:20,521 --> 00:07:23,651 Sow! Are you ignoring a direct order from Absalom of the Grave?! 99 00:07:23,651 --> 00:07:25,351 I'll listen if you marry me! 100 00:07:25,351 --> 00:07:30,361 Don't be stupid! I'm human! I'm going to marry a human woman! 101 00:07:33,821 --> 00:07:36,301 Come on, Lola! Just think for a second. 102 00:07:36,301 --> 00:07:38,951 You're not only a warthog, you're also a zombie! 103 00:07:38,951 --> 00:07:41,041 You're dead and rotting! 104 00:07:45,461 --> 00:07:46,501 Cut that out! 105 00:07:47,251 --> 00:07:50,211 Yikes, what a terrifying stunt! 106 00:07:50,211 --> 00:07:52,471 That's a marriage registration form! 107 00:07:52,471 --> 00:07:55,721 Stop trying to make us an officially married couple! 108 00:07:55,721 --> 00:07:59,391 Aw, I just love your wild mouth! 109 00:07:59,771 --> 00:08:04,061 Absalom, give me your finger! I love you! 110 00:08:04,771 --> 00:08:06,111 Screw that! 111 00:08:06,111 --> 00:08:09,441 I'll never spend the rest of my life with a dead animal! 112 00:08:09,441 --> 00:08:12,611 Bride Fu! Vow Kiss! 113 00:08:12,611 --> 00:08:15,091 Smooch! Smooch! Smooth! Smooch! 114 00:08:15,091 --> 00:08:16,161 Smooch! Smooch! 115 00:08:16,571 --> 00:08:18,911 Wife Fu! Vow Hug! 116 00:08:19,991 --> 00:08:22,291 I love you to death! 117 00:08:22,621 --> 00:08:26,041 B-But you died a long time ago! 118 00:08:26,041 --> 00:08:31,381 Even if I'm a rotting zombie, my love for you will never die! 119 00:08:31,381 --> 00:08:32,751 Marry me! 120 00:08:32,751 --> 00:08:35,131 But like I said, I-- 121 00:08:35,131 --> 00:08:37,721 This finger is mine! 122 00:08:43,061 --> 00:08:46,771 I'm not about to let you escape, bastard! I love you! 123 00:08:47,601 --> 00:08:50,321 Bride Fu! Vow of My Love Attack! 124 00:08:51,281 --> 00:08:53,361 Give it up! 125 00:08:53,361 --> 00:08:54,901 Hiya! 126 00:08:58,371 --> 00:09:01,081 Wait, Lola! Listen carefully, sow! 127 00:09:01,081 --> 00:09:05,791 I have already... picked out the woman who is soon to be my bride! 128 00:09:05,791 --> 00:09:07,751 She seems strong-willed, but also has a sense of grace. 129 00:09:07,751 --> 00:09:10,131 She's a frail, human woman! 130 00:09:11,301 --> 00:09:13,011 It'll fall through like always. 131 00:09:13,011 --> 00:09:16,841 Look at this, fool! She is one of the pirates who disembarked on this island. 132 00:09:16,841 --> 00:09:19,551 She is beautiful! This one is worthy to be my bride! 133 00:09:19,851 --> 00:09:22,551 I won't let that happen! That woman... 134 00:09:23,271 --> 00:09:24,641 ...is going down! 135 00:09:25,271 --> 00:09:29,691 Don't kill her! Hold up, Lola! 136 00:09:34,231 --> 00:09:38,321 That old zombie wannabe said that Gecko Moria's had his eyes on us 137 00:09:38,321 --> 00:09:41,331 ever since we were invited to this island. 138 00:09:41,331 --> 00:09:45,541 Perhaps the curly cook's disappearance has something to do with Moria. 139 00:09:47,161 --> 00:09:50,331 That stupid cook! He had it coming. 140 00:09:50,331 --> 00:09:54,011 But I never expected to run into one of the Seven Warlords here. 141 00:09:54,671 --> 00:09:57,841 Why would a pirate want to steal people's shadows? 142 00:09:57,841 --> 00:09:59,551 I would love to know! 143 00:09:59,551 --> 00:10:01,721 I-I don't know anything! 144 00:10:02,181 --> 00:10:04,811 I promised that geezer I'd kick Moria's butt, 145 00:10:04,811 --> 00:10:08,661 but that'll have to go on hold. 146 00:10:09,851 --> 00:10:14,151 Your missing friends are already screwed anyway! 147 00:10:14,151 --> 00:10:17,441 In fact, you're in no position to be worrying about others! 148 00:10:17,531 --> 00:10:18,531 Not anymore... 149 00:10:20,111 --> 00:10:24,081 Quit oinking and lead the way, you stupid piggy! 150 00:10:24,621 --> 00:10:25,291 Oink! 151 00:10:34,881 --> 00:10:36,051 What's wrong? 152 00:10:36,051 --> 00:10:38,241 Nothing. It must be my imagination. 153 00:10:48,771 --> 00:10:51,441 Hey, Kumacy! Kumacy! 154 00:10:53,021 --> 00:10:55,981 The Risky Brothers are carrying the casket over. 155 00:10:55,981 --> 00:10:59,571 Get it from them and take the casket to Master's dance hall. 156 00:10:59,571 --> 00:11:00,281 Got that? 157 00:11:01,951 --> 00:11:04,211 Did you get that or not?! 158 00:11:04,741 --> 00:11:07,641 --Ye... --Don't answer! You're so not cute! 159 00:11:08,251 --> 00:11:12,581 I'll be directing the Treasure Retrieval Party on the ship, 160 00:11:12,581 --> 00:11:15,251 so come get me if anything happens. Do you understand? 161 00:11:17,591 --> 00:11:20,881 That's right! You're cute as long as you're quiet! 162 00:11:22,091 --> 00:11:23,261 Take care... 163 00:11:23,261 --> 00:11:26,141 Punk! You just whispered something! 164 00:11:35,731 --> 00:11:38,531 Delivery! Delivery for Master! 165 00:11:38,531 --> 00:11:39,741 Chirp, chirp, chirp! 166 00:11:43,951 --> 00:11:45,991 Oh, no! Now we've really done it! 167 00:11:45,991 --> 00:11:50,001 Oh, no! We tripped! There goes our delivery to Master...! 168 00:11:51,391 --> 00:11:53,391 The casket popped open! 169 00:11:54,881 --> 00:11:56,461 Huh? Where is this? 170 00:11:56,461 --> 00:12:00,421 He's up! Crap! Hurry and whack him! Whack him to death! 171 00:12:00,421 --> 00:12:01,471 We can't kill him. 172 00:12:01,471 --> 00:12:03,681 Then beat him within an inch of his life! 173 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:05,971 Jerks! 174 00:12:12,311 --> 00:12:13,891 Usopp! Nami! 175 00:12:13,891 --> 00:12:16,861 Hey, hang in there! Wake up! 176 00:12:18,901 --> 00:12:20,031 Ow, ow, ow... 177 00:12:20,031 --> 00:12:23,491 Huh? But didn't... that samurai attack us...? 178 00:12:28,531 --> 00:12:30,661 Did he hit us with the blunt side of his sword? 179 00:12:31,121 --> 00:12:33,121 It looks like it must have rained a bit. 180 00:12:34,251 --> 00:12:36,881 The ground is wet. Where is this? 181 00:12:36,881 --> 00:12:41,831 I'm not sure, but those squirrels were carrying us. 182 00:12:43,011 --> 00:12:44,381 That's a freaking casket! 183 00:12:44,721 --> 00:12:47,141 Crap! All three of them are up now. 184 00:12:47,141 --> 00:12:49,141 Not good! Let's call for backup. 185 00:12:54,731 --> 00:12:57,861 This looks like it's in the back of the mansion. 186 00:12:57,861 --> 00:13:01,071 Hogback's lab was on that top floor, 187 00:13:01,071 --> 00:13:03,071 so they carried us a pretty good distance. 188 00:13:04,031 --> 00:13:05,781 H-Hey, look behind you! 189 00:13:06,781 --> 00:13:10,231 There is a sturdier building on the opposite side. 190 00:13:12,951 --> 00:13:14,751 What's that? 191 00:13:14,751 --> 00:13:21,961 {\an8}"Evil Be Gone" 192 00:13:15,401 --> 00:13:19,551 Do you remember seeing a huge building behind the mansion? 193 00:13:19,551 --> 00:13:21,271 Usopp! Chopper! 194 00:13:23,211 --> 00:13:25,681 I figured out what this area is supposed to be. 195 00:13:26,431 --> 00:13:29,531 What is it? What's the deal with this place? 196 00:13:30,141 --> 00:13:34,731 This is the breezeway that connects the mansion to that building. 197 00:13:34,731 --> 00:13:38,061 A breezeway? It's way too big for that! 198 00:13:34,981 --> 00:13:38,981 {\an8}"Evil Be Gone" 199 00:13:38,061 --> 00:13:39,521 They've practically stuffed a forest in here. 200 00:13:39,901 --> 00:13:43,071 Well, it'd make for one weird forest. 201 00:13:43,071 --> 00:13:46,951 But for them to have carried us here while we were out cold, 202 00:13:47,571 --> 00:13:51,911 isn't it safe to assume they were taking us to that building? 203 00:13:52,241 --> 00:13:56,191 If they succeeded, they might have turned us into zombies. 204 00:13:57,581 --> 00:13:59,871 I'm glad I came to! Let's run for it! 205 00:13:59,871 --> 00:14:01,841 Yeah! Let's blow this popsicle stand. 206 00:14:01,841 --> 00:14:02,751 Hold your horses. 207 00:14:02,751 --> 00:14:03,801 {\an8}"Evil Be Gone" 208 00:14:04,211 --> 00:14:06,171 This isn't adding up. 209 00:14:06,171 --> 00:14:07,681 We've been terrified right and left, 210 00:14:07,681 --> 00:14:09,681 screamed our heads off and run like mad... 211 00:14:10,221 --> 00:14:12,731 --All for free? --What are you going on about?! 212 00:14:13,471 --> 00:14:16,351 I'm getting a strong reading on my Something's Fishy Sensor! 213 00:14:16,351 --> 00:14:18,441 Don't say anything! Let's just make a break for it, Nami! 214 00:14:18,441 --> 00:14:19,301 Right! You heard him! 215 00:14:19,301 --> 00:14:20,561 --Back in that room, --Let's run for it! 216 00:14:20,561 --> 00:14:22,861 --I'm pretty sure that zombie said... --Let's get out of here, Nami! 217 00:14:24,981 --> 00:14:28,651 Sorry! This isn't where we store the treasure! 218 00:14:29,741 --> 00:14:32,161 Don't get any crazy ideas! We're running for it! 219 00:14:32,161 --> 00:14:34,161 Let's get out of here, Nami! 220 00:14:34,161 --> 00:14:38,001 You're so stupid! I know, sheesh! I'm scared, too. 221 00:14:38,001 --> 00:14:39,621 But your eyes look funny! 222 00:14:40,291 --> 00:14:43,411 Then which way would you like to run? Forward? Backwards? 223 00:14:44,381 --> 00:14:46,011 That's a toughie... 224 00:14:46,011 --> 00:14:50,181 I don't wanna go back to the mansion and run into that samurai again. 225 00:14:50,181 --> 00:14:53,941 But if we push forward, I bet there are even scarier people lying in wait. 226 00:14:58,141 --> 00:15:01,731 Eh? What are those adorable animals? Penguins? 227 00:15:02,061 --> 00:15:04,021 Number 1! 228 00:15:04,441 --> 00:15:05,401 2! 229 00:15:05,401 --> 00:15:06,151 3! 230 00:15:06,691 --> 00:15:09,111 Ew... 231 00:15:09,491 --> 00:15:11,031 Hello! We're the... 232 00:15:11,571 --> 00:15:13,161 ...Penguin Zombie Duo! 233 00:15:13,161 --> 00:15:14,581 Oops, I goofed up. 234 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:17,121 Trio! We're a trio! I'm a new member. 235 00:15:17,331 --> 00:15:19,661 Like I care about what's going on with your members! 236 00:15:19,661 --> 00:15:22,031 And the guys standing behind you are... 237 00:15:22,461 --> 00:15:25,501 --Behind us? --...our friends, the Wild Zombies! 238 00:15:25,501 --> 00:15:28,801 Welcome to Perona-sama's Wonder Garden! 239 00:15:34,681 --> 00:15:38,061 There is a disturbing number of super freaky critters! 240 00:16:01,751 --> 00:16:04,171 Go! Beat the living daylights out of them! 241 00:16:07,881 --> 00:16:08,881 Chopper! 242 00:16:08,881 --> 00:16:11,801 Nami! Usopp! I'll hold them back. 243 00:16:11,801 --> 00:16:14,891 No matter where we go, weird zombies are bound to show up! 244 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:19,691 And these guys are animals! I bet they're faster runners than us! 245 00:16:26,481 --> 00:16:30,481 The punk! He may look like a human, but he's an animal. 246 00:16:30,691 --> 00:16:32,441 Right! I'm a reindeer. 247 00:16:32,971 --> 00:16:34,821 So you're a Zoan-type power holder? 248 00:16:35,161 --> 00:16:37,071 We're fellow animals here! 249 00:16:37,071 --> 00:16:40,161 If you quietly do as we ask, we won't get rough with you. 250 00:16:40,291 --> 00:16:42,161 We aren't "fellow animals"! 251 00:16:42,431 --> 00:16:45,081 Really? Then we won't hold back. 252 00:16:47,751 --> 00:16:50,091 Nami, you should go hide! 253 00:16:50,091 --> 00:16:51,171 O-Okay! 254 00:16:51,171 --> 00:16:52,631 Beat it! Ouch! 255 00:16:58,931 --> 00:17:00,931 Wh-What? You wanna fight? 256 00:17:00,931 --> 00:17:05,141 Dumb zebra-like kangaroo! Or are you a kangaroo-like zebra...? 257 00:17:05,141 --> 00:17:06,941 Not that it matters! 258 00:17:11,321 --> 00:17:14,401 I-I should warn you about something! 259 00:17:14,401 --> 00:17:16,991 I'm the invincible reigning champion 260 00:17:16,991 --> 00:17:20,081 of 50 World Pirate Boxing Tournaments straight! 261 00:17:24,961 --> 00:17:27,041 Behold! I don't have a single opening! 262 00:17:27,041 --> 00:17:28,541 You can attack from any direction you want! 263 00:17:28,961 --> 00:17:31,631 Eat my Elusive Right! 264 00:17:35,971 --> 00:17:38,931 Y-You're pretty good, aren't ya? 265 00:17:44,311 --> 00:17:46,521 Your game of hide-and-seek is over! 266 00:17:46,521 --> 00:17:48,351 Don't underestimate a dog's sense of smell. 267 00:17:48,851 --> 00:17:51,061 Dogs shouldn't talk! 268 00:17:52,981 --> 00:17:55,281 No! 269 00:17:58,991 --> 00:18:00,281 Eek, here he comes! 270 00:18:00,451 --> 00:18:01,451 Oh, crap! 271 00:18:09,001 --> 00:18:10,791 Sweet! That was a smart play! 272 00:18:16,051 --> 00:18:17,091 Shoot! 273 00:18:17,221 --> 00:18:19,051 I'm sorry! 274 00:18:19,181 --> 00:18:20,551 No! 275 00:19:01,471 --> 00:19:02,931 --Over here! --Whoa, whoa, whoa! 276 00:19:03,261 --> 00:19:04,111 Yay! 277 00:19:04,931 --> 00:19:06,121 --Yay! --Yay...! 278 00:19:07,221 --> 00:19:09,141 H-Hey! I'm falling! 279 00:19:10,891 --> 00:19:13,731 Gosh darn, that was close! 280 00:19:15,271 --> 00:19:18,491 Hey! I dare you to come over here if you can! 281 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:20,201 Neener-neener, boo-boo! 282 00:19:20,201 --> 00:19:22,991 You can kiss my shiny little hiney! 283 00:19:22,991 --> 00:19:24,201 Eat fart! 284 00:19:38,091 --> 00:19:39,631 Stay back! Stay back! 285 00:19:39,631 --> 00:19:41,881 Fwoosh! 286 00:19:41,881 --> 00:19:44,351 Waah! It's persistent! 287 00:19:44,351 --> 00:19:45,971 I've got it! 288 00:19:48,561 --> 00:19:49,101 Take this! 289 00:19:52,771 --> 00:19:56,601 Whatcha think? Did you see how the great Usopp-sama is a master sniper? 290 00:20:06,081 --> 00:20:07,161 Wait! Wait! 291 00:20:14,631 --> 00:20:19,091 Damn it! As things stand, there are just too many of them. 292 00:20:28,011 --> 00:20:29,221 Usopp! Nami! 293 00:20:29,431 --> 00:20:30,521 Chopper! 294 00:20:30,521 --> 00:20:32,521 Ow, ow, ow, ow... 295 00:20:32,521 --> 00:20:34,691 Hey, Nami! What were you... 296 00:20:36,771 --> 00:20:37,901 Usopp, fire! 297 00:20:38,361 --> 00:20:39,361 Fire?! 298 00:20:39,651 --> 00:20:41,321 We need fire! These are also zombies. 299 00:20:43,151 --> 00:20:45,231 Hey, save me! They're about to bite me! 300 00:20:45,741 --> 00:20:46,451 Nami! 301 00:20:46,821 --> 00:20:48,991 Crap! Let go of me! Stay back! 302 00:20:49,271 --> 00:20:50,701 Zombies are weak against... 303 00:20:50,911 --> 00:20:52,871 Special Attack! Flame Star! 304 00:20:55,791 --> 00:20:58,091 --Fire! --That's rottin' bad! 305 00:20:58,461 --> 00:21:00,841 That worked better than I could have hoped! 306 00:21:01,711 --> 00:21:03,761 Take this, you darn bear rug! 307 00:21:06,341 --> 00:21:09,011 Crap! It's a candle! 308 00:21:09,011 --> 00:21:12,021 It's hot! It's rottin' hot! 309 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:13,061 Fire! It's terrifying! 310 00:21:13,061 --> 00:21:14,141 Put it out! 311 00:21:14,271 --> 00:21:16,191 Crap! He climbed up the chandelier! 312 00:21:16,191 --> 00:21:17,861 Someone knock him back down! 313 00:21:17,861 --> 00:21:18,861 Eat this! 314 00:21:18,861 --> 00:21:19,691 Darn you! 315 00:21:20,521 --> 00:21:22,691 That's right! I had that ace up my sleeve! 316 00:21:23,441 --> 00:21:24,991 Special Attack! Flame Star! 317 00:21:27,161 --> 00:21:28,911 And how about one more? 318 00:21:32,161 --> 00:21:33,051 Usopp! 319 00:21:35,001 --> 00:21:37,171 Chopper, look out! Behind you! 320 00:21:39,381 --> 00:21:40,841 Usopp! Chopper! 321 00:21:41,251 --> 00:21:44,521 You're in danger as well. 322 00:21:58,731 --> 00:22:00,391 Don't hurt her! 323 00:22:03,651 --> 00:22:06,491 Bastard! Why'd you attack an ally? 324 00:22:08,361 --> 00:22:12,031 That woman is the enemy! You're supposed to kick her butt! 325 00:22:13,241 --> 00:22:16,911 I don't know who this lady is, 326 00:22:16,911 --> 00:22:19,921 but even if it means defying the master's orders 327 00:22:20,291 --> 00:22:23,881 or sacrificing myself, I won't kick a woman! 328 00:22:26,471 --> 00:22:32,161 If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with me, stinky zombies! 329 00:22:41,401 --> 00:22:42,431 Huh? 330 00:22:44,071 --> 00:22:46,921 Hey! What happened?! 331 00:22:47,611 --> 00:22:52,041 Hey, Oinker! Did you pull another fast one on us? Out with it! 332 00:22:52,041 --> 00:22:55,421 Haven't I been telling you that I'm in the dark? 333 00:22:56,161 --> 00:22:59,081 Don't laugh! It gives the impression that you're lying. 334 00:22:59,291 --> 00:23:03,101 How strange. I wonder if he was strangled so he couldn't utter a sound. 335 00:23:03,541 --> 00:23:06,551 Why were your circuits wired to be so ominous?! 336 00:23:07,031 --> 00:23:10,711 This is so weird! Now Zoro's missing. 337 00:23:25,481 --> 00:23:29,321 What's goin' on?! People keep vanishin' one after the next! 338 00:23:29,321 --> 00:23:31,701 First one person vanishes, then a second, a third and a fourth...! 339 00:23:31,701 --> 00:23:33,491 Does that mean we're next? 340 00:23:33,491 --> 00:23:35,171 And then no one was left. 341 00:23:35,831 --> 00:23:37,331 No one was left. 342 00:23:37,331 --> 00:23:39,711 The stuff you say is freakin' ominous! 343 00:23:39,871 --> 00:23:41,291 On the next episode of One Piece! 344 00:23:41,291 --> 00:23:44,651 "The Vanishing Straw Hat Crew! A Mysterious Swordsman Appears!" 345 00:23:44,651 --> 00:23:46,581 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 346 00:23:47,131 --> 00:23:49,131