1 00:00:11,301 --> 00:02:46,871 2 00:00:16,391 --> 00:00:20,761 {\an8}Travel across the oceans of the world 3 00:00:20,761 --> 00:00:23,021 {\an8}Bellow a battle cry 4 00:00:23,021 --> 00:00:29,981 {\an8}Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 5 00:00:37,111 --> 00:00:40,531 {\an8}We've left the established course 6 00:00:40,531 --> 00:00:44,121 {\an8}Right now, we're rowing straight toward 7 00:00:44,121 --> 00:00:49,671 {\an8}The borderline between the sky and the ocean 8 00:00:49,671 --> 00:00:55,801 {\an8}In the dark depths of the ocean, adventure holds its breath 9 00:00:55,801 --> 00:01:02,601 {\an8}Don't you have a good time just imagining it? 10 00:01:02,601 --> 00:01:07,061 {\an8}Travel across the oceans of the world 11 00:01:07,061 --> 00:01:09,361 {\an8}Bellow a battle cry 12 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:16,321 {\an8}Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 13 00:01:23,451 --> 00:01:26,871 {\an8}"That feeling" I get when embarking 14 00:01:26,871 --> 00:01:30,421 {\an8}Is something I hope to remember always 15 00:01:30,421 --> 00:01:36,011 {\an8}If I can, I won't be afraid of anything 16 00:01:36,011 --> 00:01:42,141 {\an8}With our pulses racing, let's go on a trip now 17 00:01:42,141 --> 00:01:48,891 {\an8}Shy hearts engrave the rhythm of adventure 18 00:01:48,891 --> 00:01:53,441 {\an8}Snatch up the treasure here and there 19 00:01:53,441 --> 00:01:55,691 {\an8}While laughing out loud 20 00:01:55,691 --> 00:02:00,031 {\an8}As we dash by like a noisy party 21 00:02:00,031 --> 00:02:03,081 {\an8}Make some waves... 22 00:02:03,081 --> 00:02:04,701 {\an8}Life is "Adventurous" 23 00:02:04,701 --> 00:02:06,411 {\an8}Be aware it's "Dangerous" 24 00:02:06,411 --> 00:02:08,121 {\an8}Who's gonna be "One of us" 25 00:02:08,121 --> 00:02:09,751 {\an8}And a trip goes on because 26 00:02:09,751 --> 00:02:11,421 {\an8}We da pirate of the "Mass" 27 00:02:11,421 --> 00:02:13,091 {\an8}To the West, To the East 28 00:02:13,091 --> 00:02:14,461 {\an8}Gotta find my way, Sail away 29 00:02:14,461 --> 00:02:15,551 {\an8}All the way to "One piece"!! 30 00:02:15,551 --> 00:02:19,931 {\an8}Stuff a dream into your empty chest 31 00:02:19,931 --> 00:02:22,221 {\an8}And spread your wings 32 00:02:22,221 --> 00:02:26,561 {\an8}If the wind blowing through them dyes your heart 33 00:02:26,561 --> 00:02:28,731 {\an8}Let's press forward 34 00:02:28,731 --> 00:02:33,111 {\an8}Snatch up the treasure here and there 35 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:35,441 {\an8}While laughing out loud 36 00:02:35,441 --> 00:02:39,781 {\an8}As we dash by like a noisy party 37 00:02:39,781 --> 00:02:42,741 {\an8}Make some waves... 38 00:02:42,741 --> 00:02:46,871 39 00:02:46,861 --> 00:02:49,951 Wealth, fame, power... 40 00:02:51,151 --> 00:02:53,911 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 41 00:02:53,911 --> 00:02:56,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 42 00:02:56,991 --> 00:02:59,331 The words he uttered just before his death 43 00:02:59,331 --> 00:03:02,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 44 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:07,501 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 45 00:03:07,501 --> 00:03:11,851 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 46 00:03:12,381 --> 00:03:16,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 47 00:03:17,471 --> 00:03:21,181 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 48 00:03:23,031 --> 00:03:25,991 I won't go easy on anyone who tries to harm the lady! 49 00:03:30,791 --> 00:03:32,791 What's going on here? 50 00:03:32,791 --> 00:03:35,391 Isn't that dog-penguin hybrid our enemy? 51 00:03:35,831 --> 00:03:37,461 The fighting style he just used... 52 00:03:40,671 --> 00:03:41,511 He couldn't be... 53 00:03:41,801 --> 00:03:42,841 Bastard! 54 00:03:42,841 --> 00:03:45,141 Rookie, you're stepping way out of line! 55 00:03:45,141 --> 00:03:47,141 That woman is the enemy! 56 00:03:47,141 --> 00:03:49,261 What is wrong with you?! 57 00:03:50,681 --> 00:03:57,651 I will beat table manners into anyone uncouth enough to harm a lady... 58 00:03:58,321 --> 00:03:59,981 ...you damn zombies! 59 00:03:59,981 --> 00:04:03,401 I'm sure of it! That dog-penguin is... 60 00:04:05,951 --> 00:04:08,161 Dang, they're persistent! 61 00:04:12,501 --> 00:04:14,621 Gum-Gum... 62 00:04:15,171 --> 00:04:17,071 ...Gatling! 63 00:04:19,251 --> 00:04:20,631 One-Sword Style... 64 00:04:23,011 --> 00:04:26,011 ...Thirty-six Pound Phoenix! 65 00:04:33,021 --> 00:04:34,771 That move... Zoro?! 66 00:04:36,521 --> 00:04:38,481 Hey, Zoro! What was that for?! 67 00:04:39,061 --> 00:04:40,431 That was dangerous! 68 00:04:54,331 --> 00:04:56,871 Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame! 69 00:05:02,251 --> 00:05:04,591 That hurt, you bastard! Lemme out, dammit! 70 00:05:04,591 --> 00:05:06,761 --What was that? --Bastard, lemme out! I mean it! 71 00:05:06,761 --> 00:05:09,971 I'll let you have it if ya don't let me out! Open the lid! 72 00:05:09,971 --> 00:05:12,221 --A casket?! --Lemme out, bastard! I want out! 73 00:05:12,221 --> 00:05:14,641 Open the lid right this second! Lemme out right now! C'mon! 74 00:05:14,641 --> 00:05:15,521 That voice...! 75 00:05:15,521 --> 00:05:17,441 What's he doing?! Sheesh! 76 00:05:17,441 --> 00:05:19,521 Did that idiot get caught? 77 00:05:19,611 --> 00:05:21,241 Straw Hat! 78 00:05:22,071 --> 00:05:23,231 I won't let you go after him! 79 00:05:29,201 --> 00:05:34,021 Hey, hey! Monkey, monkey, monkey! 80 00:05:36,911 --> 00:05:41,381 I'm the spider monkey that you were talking about back at the harbor! 81 00:05:41,841 --> 00:05:42,871 It's a giant spider! 82 00:05:43,171 --> 00:05:46,091 This ain't an arachnid anymore! It's a monster! 83 00:05:46,591 --> 00:05:48,721 Lemme out, you jerk! Lemme out, dummy! 84 00:05:48,721 --> 00:05:49,801 Open the-- 85 00:05:49,801 --> 00:05:51,431 And there goes another one! 86 00:05:51,431 --> 00:05:53,401 Shit! There goes the casket! 87 00:05:53,971 --> 00:05:56,871 What are you gonna do to him?! 88 00:05:57,771 --> 00:05:59,401 Don't you worry! 89 00:05:59,401 --> 00:06:03,611 You'll get to personally experience what is about to happen to him. 90 00:06:03,611 --> 00:06:06,531 I'd be more worried about myself if I were you! 91 00:06:06,781 --> 00:06:11,031 You're trapped with me in front and the armored warriors in the rear! 92 00:06:11,781 --> 00:06:16,581 With this, your crew is finished! 93 00:06:19,961 --> 00:06:23,991 "Chivalry Remains! The Traitorous Zombie Protects Nami!" 94 00:06:44,061 --> 00:06:47,111 Hey! What's gotten into you, rookie? 95 00:06:47,111 --> 00:06:51,991 I thought it was impossible for a zombie to defy the master's orders! 96 00:06:52,451 --> 00:06:55,531 Why is he able to pull it off? 97 00:06:57,411 --> 00:07:00,621 He's as strong as a General to boot! 98 00:07:01,421 --> 00:07:03,781 You cannot use logic to measure this power. 99 00:07:04,341 --> 00:07:06,501 It is the power to make the impossible become possible! 100 00:07:06,961 --> 00:07:10,591 The hurricane that blasts everything in its path is known as... 101 00:07:11,181 --> 00:07:12,221 ...love. 102 00:07:16,601 --> 00:07:20,351 Sure enough, that "dog penguin" is spouting out a bunch of nonsense. 103 00:07:20,351 --> 00:07:21,691 He sounds just like Sanji-kun. 104 00:07:21,691 --> 00:07:22,811 You're right! 105 00:07:22,811 --> 00:07:25,941 Hey, Dogguin! Do you know Sanji? 106 00:07:25,941 --> 00:07:27,781 See, we're Sanji's best buds! Could ya lend us-- 107 00:07:27,781 --> 00:07:30,501 Shut the heck up, you stinking pirates! 108 00:07:33,201 --> 00:07:36,661 {\an8}"Evil Be Gone" 109 00:07:33,611 --> 00:07:34,781 Scary! 110 00:07:34,781 --> 00:07:37,581 So he really is our enemy after all! 111 00:07:40,371 --> 00:07:41,601 Wh-What's that? 112 00:07:42,871 --> 00:07:44,111 Something is headed this way. 113 00:07:45,211 --> 00:07:46,921 What now?! 114 00:07:46,921 --> 00:07:49,341 Wait, Lola! 115 00:07:51,421 --> 00:07:53,341 Huh? A boar? 116 00:07:53,341 --> 00:07:57,391 Wait, dammit! Lola! 117 00:07:59,221 --> 00:08:01,481 Catch me if you can! 118 00:08:01,731 --> 00:08:03,891 Don't be stupid! You're going to stop! 119 00:08:05,191 --> 00:08:07,151 Nothing in the world could make me stop! 120 00:08:07,691 --> 00:08:09,521 That's what I'll make you think, and then... 121 00:08:11,281 --> 00:08:12,491 What?! 122 00:08:16,371 --> 00:08:20,081 Bride Fu! Princess Carry Vow! 123 00:08:20,081 --> 00:08:21,451 What the heck?! 124 00:08:23,911 --> 00:08:25,751 Wh-What was that? 125 00:08:30,171 --> 00:08:35,881 Ab-sama! Accept my burning love! 126 00:08:35,881 --> 00:08:39,141 H-Hey! Wait, Lola! Knock that off! 127 00:08:39,141 --> 00:08:40,951 --How many times must I spell it out for you? 128 00:08:40,951 --> 00:08:42,601 I'm marrying that woman! 129 00:08:43,601 --> 00:08:47,701 What was that? I couldn't hear you! 130 00:08:48,231 --> 00:08:49,651 I love you! 131 00:08:51,111 --> 00:08:54,401 Liar! There is no way you couldn't hear me when we're this close! 132 00:08:54,821 --> 00:08:57,111 Really, you can be so shy! 133 00:08:57,111 --> 00:08:58,951 Listen to me! 134 00:08:58,951 --> 00:09:00,641 Give up already! 135 00:09:00,641 --> 00:09:02,871 I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!... 136 00:09:02,871 --> 00:09:03,951 You'll never get me! 137 00:09:03,951 --> 00:09:07,791 --I won't let that hit me! --Uh, are they fighting...? 138 00:09:07,791 --> 00:09:08,811 Beats me... 139 00:09:13,511 --> 00:09:15,631 --You're being pigheaded. --Stuff it! 140 00:09:15,631 --> 00:09:16,971 Then marry me. 141 00:09:16,971 --> 00:09:18,471 That makes no sense! 142 00:09:18,471 --> 00:09:20,701 Snatch a Kiss with Love! 143 00:09:22,041 --> 00:09:24,771 It's high time you gave it a rest! 144 00:09:24,981 --> 00:09:27,601 Oh, my! 145 00:09:33,821 --> 00:09:34,901 What?! 146 00:09:34,901 --> 00:09:41,491 I found you, wretched Cat Burglar! 147 00:09:41,671 --> 00:09:43,441 Nami! 148 00:09:43,441 --> 00:09:44,451 Crap! 149 00:09:44,831 --> 00:09:46,481 Who?! Me?! 150 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:49,921 W-W-Wait just one second! I haven't stolen anything yet. 151 00:09:50,331 --> 00:09:52,041 Save it! 152 00:09:52,501 --> 00:09:55,511 I won't let you take Ab-sama! 153 00:09:56,091 --> 00:09:57,931 --Nami! --Look out! 154 00:10:04,641 --> 00:10:06,981 Don't lay a hand on this lady! 155 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:14,781 How dare you get in my way?! 156 00:10:15,071 --> 00:10:16,691 --Look out! --Dogguin! 157 00:10:24,451 --> 00:10:25,541 Dogguin! 158 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:26,501 Are you okay? 159 00:10:26,501 --> 00:10:29,461 {\an8}"Evil Be Gone" 160 00:10:27,411 --> 00:10:29,461 Why didn't you attack her? 161 00:10:33,041 --> 00:10:35,921 I won't kick a woman... 162 00:10:36,511 --> 00:10:38,161 ...even if it kills me! 163 00:10:39,551 --> 00:10:40,631 Impressive! 164 00:10:40,631 --> 00:10:43,931 You're willing to consider this beast a woman? You're brilliant, man! 165 00:10:43,931 --> 00:10:45,111 Excuse me?! 166 00:10:45,641 --> 00:10:47,871 No! Usopp! Chopper! 167 00:10:50,231 --> 00:10:51,731 I'll be taking my bride. 168 00:10:51,731 --> 00:10:54,691 Eh?! Nami's flying? That's awesome! 169 00:10:54,691 --> 00:10:57,941 No, you morons! I'm being kidnapped! 170 00:10:57,941 --> 00:10:59,451 What? By whom? 171 00:10:59,451 --> 00:11:01,411 H-Hey, wait! 172 00:11:01,911 --> 00:11:04,581 Now then, we'll hold the wedding ceremony right away. 173 00:11:04,581 --> 00:11:06,411 I've already dealt with the preparations. 174 00:11:07,041 --> 00:11:08,751 Put me down! It was you, wasn't it? 175 00:11:08,751 --> 00:11:10,371 You're the invisible man who was in the bathroom! 176 00:11:11,081 --> 00:11:13,041 So there really was an invisible man? 177 00:11:13,041 --> 00:11:14,081 Nami! 178 00:11:19,051 --> 00:11:21,591 I knew it! It was you back there! 179 00:11:23,761 --> 00:11:25,601 I had to appraise your wares. 180 00:11:26,641 --> 00:11:30,391 You are worthy to become my bride! 181 00:11:30,771 --> 00:11:33,771 My name is Absalom. 182 00:11:34,361 --> 00:11:36,611 It is the name of your future husband. 183 00:11:36,611 --> 00:11:37,971 You'd best remember it! 184 00:11:42,281 --> 00:11:45,701 Don't try to sound so macho after you looked me up and down! 185 00:11:45,911 --> 00:11:52,541 I haven't been babying my skin every day for a perverted beast! 186 00:11:53,581 --> 00:11:55,291 Thunder Charge! 187 00:12:05,931 --> 00:12:07,551 Nami! 188 00:12:09,601 --> 00:12:12,401 Thank goodness! Now start running! 189 00:12:13,481 --> 00:12:15,311 We're getting out of this forest. 190 00:12:17,561 --> 00:12:20,111 What gives? He isn't blacking out! 191 00:12:20,111 --> 00:12:22,651 Going by the looks of it, he clearly isn't a small fry! 192 00:12:23,071 --> 00:12:24,281 Hurry! 193 00:12:27,831 --> 00:12:33,411 Wh-What could the shock coursing through my body mean? 194 00:12:33,871 --> 00:12:38,711 It feels as though I was suddenly struck by lightning... 195 00:12:39,881 --> 00:12:43,761 Could this be... 196 00:12:44,591 --> 00:12:46,181 ...love?! 197 00:12:47,551 --> 00:12:49,601 I won't let you escape! 198 00:12:51,771 --> 00:12:54,521 H-Hey, this is no time to be spacing out! 199 00:12:54,521 --> 00:12:57,351 Our job was to catch those three! 200 00:12:57,351 --> 00:13:01,191 That's right! If we fumble this, Perona-sama will punish us! 201 00:13:01,191 --> 00:13:02,571 Right, she sure will! 202 00:13:02,571 --> 00:13:04,041 We shouldn't be standing here! 203 00:13:05,951 --> 00:13:09,061 Crap! That lady is in trouble! 204 00:13:09,701 --> 00:13:13,501 But why do I want to protect her anyway? 205 00:13:16,371 --> 00:13:18,381 And my body won't move...! 206 00:13:19,081 --> 00:13:21,051 This body is too weak! 207 00:13:21,631 --> 00:13:23,961 Hurry and catch all three of them! 208 00:13:27,511 --> 00:13:29,721 Wait, Wild Zombies! 209 00:13:30,051 --> 00:13:31,891 Don't touch that woman! 210 00:13:31,891 --> 00:13:33,891 Shut up, Erosalom! 211 00:13:34,351 --> 00:13:38,601 The master ordered us to serve as Perona-sama's subordinates! 212 00:13:38,851 --> 00:13:40,761 We don't fall under your jurisdiction! 213 00:13:40,761 --> 00:13:42,521 --Beat it! --Yeah, you heard him! 214 00:13:42,521 --> 00:13:44,571 Shut up! Keep your nose outta this. 215 00:13:46,741 --> 00:13:48,911 I told you to wait! 216 00:13:52,311 --> 00:13:56,661 I am fully aware that you fall under Perona's domain. 217 00:14:00,131 --> 00:14:06,551 However, you should also know better than to incur my wrath! 218 00:14:07,051 --> 00:14:11,011 I will only take so many snide remarks! 219 00:14:11,261 --> 00:14:12,391 Do you understand?! 220 00:14:19,271 --> 00:14:20,701 Who are you? 221 00:14:21,941 --> 00:14:24,611 I won't let you go after that lady. 222 00:14:25,751 --> 00:14:27,261 What was that? 223 00:14:27,861 --> 00:14:29,861 H-Hey, rookie! Bite your tongue. 224 00:14:29,861 --> 00:14:32,031 Don't make Absalom angry! 225 00:14:39,621 --> 00:14:41,241 C-Crap! 226 00:14:42,001 --> 00:14:43,531 H-Here it comes! 227 00:15:02,561 --> 00:15:07,481 I warned you not to make me angry! 228 00:15:36,391 --> 00:15:39,771 Wait, Cat Burglar! 229 00:15:39,771 --> 00:15:42,811 Hey, Nami! Doesn't it seem like everyone's after you? 230 00:15:42,811 --> 00:15:45,611 Seriously! What's up with that? 231 00:15:45,791 --> 00:15:46,771 Sheesh! 232 00:15:47,891 --> 00:15:50,151 So, like, I've got an idea. 233 00:15:51,611 --> 00:15:54,701 Wh-Why don't we split up? 234 00:15:58,041 --> 00:16:00,251 I'm not a decoy, you heartless brute! 235 00:16:00,251 --> 00:16:01,871 No! 236 00:16:01,871 --> 00:16:03,711 Wait up, dammit! 237 00:16:03,711 --> 00:16:05,501 Boars are scary! 238 00:16:06,891 --> 00:16:08,461 Like anyone is gonna wait for you! 239 00:16:09,571 --> 00:16:10,771 N-Nami?! 240 00:16:10,771 --> 00:16:12,681 Wait! Don't abandon me! 241 00:16:12,681 --> 00:16:14,301 Wait! 242 00:16:16,551 --> 00:16:17,551 Here she comes! 243 00:16:17,761 --> 00:16:20,111 No! 244 00:16:21,281 --> 00:16:22,221 Wha--?! 245 00:16:23,291 --> 00:16:26,191 Gah! I'm finished! 246 00:16:26,771 --> 00:16:29,591 It's game over. Farewell, everyone. 247 00:16:30,101 --> 00:16:32,191 Please scatter my ashes in the East Blue... 248 00:16:38,241 --> 00:16:41,371 I won't forgive you! 249 00:16:43,311 --> 00:16:46,251 Huh? What just happened? 250 00:16:46,931 --> 00:16:48,291 We survived? 251 00:16:49,301 --> 00:16:51,811 She doesn't care about anyone other than Nami? 252 00:16:52,821 --> 00:16:56,331 Phew! That's a load off... 253 00:16:57,761 --> 00:16:59,431 Shoot! Nami! 254 00:17:10,281 --> 00:17:12,571 We've gotta stop her, Chopper! 255 00:17:12,571 --> 00:17:13,991 --Yeah! --Hi-yo! 256 00:17:19,471 --> 00:17:21,991 Give Absalom back! 257 00:17:22,621 --> 00:17:24,621 What is your problem?! 258 00:17:27,541 --> 00:17:29,251 Nami! 259 00:17:30,131 --> 00:17:31,881 Man, you're one nasty...! 260 00:17:33,011 --> 00:17:34,381 Get away from her! 261 00:17:34,671 --> 00:17:37,971 Run for it, Nami! 262 00:17:39,641 --> 00:17:41,971 Wait, fiend! 263 00:17:41,971 --> 00:17:45,311 Damn it! Stop! 264 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:07,961 By any chance, did they also... 265 00:18:08,211 --> 00:18:11,091 Lemme out, bastard! I want out, dammit! 266 00:18:11,091 --> 00:18:12,591 Lemme out! 267 00:18:13,131 --> 00:18:18,091 ...get sucked into that wall like what just happened to Straw Hat? 268 00:18:18,431 --> 00:18:20,661 Monkey, monkey! 269 00:18:23,931 --> 00:18:27,271 Yep! You guessed right. 270 00:18:27,271 --> 00:18:30,811 And you will share their fate in just a moment. 271 00:18:31,251 --> 00:18:34,691 Immortal zombies are blocking the paths in front of you and behind you. 272 00:18:35,031 --> 00:18:37,651 Now say your prayers! 273 00:18:38,111 --> 00:18:40,861 I'm not sure if you're a stupid spider or a stupid monkey, 274 00:18:40,861 --> 00:18:43,371 but aren't you responsible for the massive web 275 00:18:43,371 --> 00:18:46,371 that got all over Sunny at the entrance to the island? 276 00:18:50,791 --> 00:18:55,331 You’ve been keeping tabs on us; you were out to get us from the beginning. 277 00:18:57,551 --> 00:19:01,471 Yep! Don't underestimate the power of our information network! 278 00:19:02,011 --> 00:19:09,271 We knew exactly what you were up to thanks to Perona-sama's Ghost Network! 279 00:19:09,851 --> 00:19:12,941 Do your large ears also play a part in collecting information? 280 00:19:13,991 --> 00:19:15,901 They look like they have exceptional hearing. 281 00:19:20,241 --> 00:19:22,661 Eh? What was that? What did you just say? 282 00:19:22,661 --> 00:19:24,321 They're for show! 283 00:19:26,131 --> 00:19:26,911 Franky... 284 00:19:27,421 --> 00:19:29,351 Yeah, I know. 285 00:19:31,171 --> 00:19:35,791 This situation bites. This is what it means to be "up against a wall." 286 00:19:36,451 --> 00:19:38,841 This calls for quick thinking... 287 00:19:40,341 --> 00:19:41,761 Want me to handle it? 288 00:19:42,401 --> 00:19:43,551 Be my guest. 289 00:19:44,011 --> 00:19:45,471 I'll try to keep up. 290 00:19:46,411 --> 00:19:48,231 That's mighty reassuring! 291 00:19:49,871 --> 00:19:51,021 What's up? 292 00:19:51,271 --> 00:19:53,481 Well, here I go! 293 00:19:54,331 --> 00:19:56,121 Hey, wait! What're you doing?! 294 00:19:56,121 --> 00:19:57,691 Coup de... 295 00:19:59,671 --> 00:20:00,441 ...Vent! 296 00:20:04,621 --> 00:20:07,531 What?! 297 00:20:08,491 --> 00:20:10,791 You've demolished the breezeway! 298 00:20:14,791 --> 00:20:17,001 And there you have it. 299 00:20:17,381 --> 00:20:18,731 You're rather violent. 300 00:20:34,271 --> 00:20:36,191 Cien Fleurs! 301 00:20:40,281 --> 00:20:41,351 Wing! 302 00:20:43,921 --> 00:20:44,951 What?! 303 00:20:49,371 --> 00:20:51,291 Dude, you can fly?! 304 00:20:51,911 --> 00:20:52,661 Yes... 305 00:20:53,721 --> 00:20:54,881 For about five seconds. 306 00:20:54,881 --> 00:20:55,831 That's not long! 307 00:20:56,581 --> 00:20:58,291 But it's long enough. 308 00:20:58,941 --> 00:21:01,761 Strong Right! 309 00:21:03,761 --> 00:21:05,341 Sweet! I latched on. 310 00:21:06,051 --> 00:21:09,231 If we can make it to that entrance, we'll be able to go after Straw Hat! 311 00:21:10,191 --> 00:21:12,431 I'm sorry. I can't keep this up... 312 00:21:13,521 --> 00:21:14,441 Reel back in, arm! 313 00:21:17,921 --> 00:21:19,901 I hope we make it in time! 314 00:21:21,191 --> 00:21:22,401 What?! 315 00:21:43,601 --> 00:21:45,191 All of them fell into the courtyard. 316 00:21:45,801 --> 00:21:47,561 I doubt that finished them off... 317 00:21:49,621 --> 00:21:50,991 ...but we won't have to worry about them for a while. 318 00:21:51,901 --> 00:21:53,141 That worked out nicely. 319 00:21:56,391 --> 00:22:01,021 Man, you're horrible! How dare you step on me?! 320 00:22:01,521 --> 00:22:02,881 Who do you think you are?! 321 00:22:03,641 --> 00:22:05,151 We can't go back this way. 322 00:22:05,151 --> 00:22:07,821 Hey, you! I know you can hear me! 323 00:22:07,821 --> 00:22:09,871 Don't blow me off! Hey! 324 00:22:11,371 --> 00:22:12,451 What is it? 325 00:22:20,251 --> 00:22:23,221 Tch! They sure are tough. 326 00:22:26,381 --> 00:22:30,261 Curse you! I'll get you scumballs for this! 327 00:22:31,391 --> 00:22:35,471 I'm a spider! I can climb right back up there! 328 00:22:35,971 --> 00:22:37,821 You'd better prepare yourselves! 329 00:22:49,911 --> 00:22:50,901 Huh? 330 00:22:52,241 --> 00:22:54,831 Something's falling? 331 00:22:58,281 --> 00:23:01,331 No, someone's raining down on us! 332 00:23:07,511 --> 00:23:09,171 What is that? 333 00:23:10,361 --> 00:23:13,511 This bag of bones goes... 334 00:23:15,931 --> 00:23:17,391 Ka-bone! 335 00:23:25,611 --> 00:23:28,531 Hey, hey, hey! Who just flew in from the sky? 336 00:23:28,531 --> 00:23:30,071 Wait. Look at his outfit. 337 00:23:30,071 --> 00:23:32,571 Oh, I see! That cane! 338 00:23:32,571 --> 00:23:34,121 Right! And that hair...! 339 00:23:34,121 --> 00:23:37,161 Well, I have a good idea who it is now. 340 00:23:37,161 --> 00:23:39,331 And from the sky! In-cane-ceivable! 341 00:23:39,621 --> 00:23:41,081 On the next episode of One Piece! 342 00:23:41,081 --> 00:23:44,671 "Appearing from the Sky! That Man Is the Humming Swordsman!" 343 00:23:44,671 --> 00:23:46,831 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!! 344 00:23:47,301 --> 00:23:49,301