1 00:00:16,371 --> 00:00:20,781 {\an8}Travel across the oceans of the world 2 00:00:20,781 --> 00:00:22,891 {\an8}Bellow a battle cry 3 00:00:22,891 --> 00:00:29,921 {\an8}Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 4 00:00:37,261 --> 00:00:40,581 {\an8}We've left the established course 5 00:00:40,581 --> 00:00:44,001 {\an8}Right now, we're rowing straight toward 6 00:00:44,001 --> 00:00:49,541 {\an8}The borderline between the sky and the ocean 7 00:00:49,541 --> 00:00:55,761 {\an8}In the dark depths of the ocean, adventure holds its breath 8 00:00:55,761 --> 00:01:02,771 {\an8}Don't you have a good time just imagining it? 9 00:01:02,771 --> 00:01:07,271 {\an8}Travel across the oceans of the world 10 00:01:07,271 --> 00:01:09,351 {\an8}Bellow a battle cry 11 00:01:09,351 --> 00:01:16,531 {\an8}Once your heart feels refreshed, let the signal to set sail ring out 12 00:01:23,601 --> 00:01:27,051 {\an8}"That feeling" I get when embarking 13 00:01:27,051 --> 00:01:30,251 {\an8}Is something I hope to remember always 14 00:01:30,251 --> 00:01:35,801 {\an8}If I can, I won't be afraid of anything 15 00:01:35,801 --> 00:01:42,011 {\an8}With our pulses racing, let's go on a trip now 16 00:01:42,011 --> 00:01:49,061 {\an8}Shy hearts engrave the rhythm of adventure 17 00:01:49,061 --> 00:01:53,191 {\an8}Snatch up the treasure here and there 18 00:01:53,191 --> 00:01:55,811 {\an8}While laughing out loud 19 00:01:55,811 --> 00:02:00,171 {\an8}As we dash by like a noisy party 20 00:02:00,171 --> 00:02:02,871 {\an8}Make some waves... 21 00:02:02,871 --> 00:02:04,541 {\an8}Life is "Adventurous" 22 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:06,251 {\an8}Be aware it's "Dangerous" 23 00:02:06,251 --> 00:02:07,911 {\an8}Who's gonna be "One of us" 24 00:02:07,911 --> 00:02:09,541 {\an8}And a trip goes on because 25 00:02:09,541 --> 00:02:11,081 {\an8}We da pirate of the "Mass" 26 00:02:11,081 --> 00:02:13,001 {\an8}To the West, To the East 27 00:02:13,001 --> 00:02:14,611 {\an8}Gotta find my way, Sail away 28 00:02:14,611 --> 00:02:15,781 {\an8}All the way to "One piece"!! 29 00:02:15,781 --> 00:02:20,041 {\an8}Stuff a dream into your empty chest 30 00:02:20,041 --> 00:02:22,221 {\an8}And spread your wings 31 00:02:22,221 --> 00:02:26,601 {\an8}If the wind blowing through them dyes your heart 32 00:02:26,601 --> 00:02:29,021 {\an8}Let's press forward 33 00:02:29,021 --> 00:02:33,131 {\an8}Snatch up the treasure here and there 34 00:02:33,131 --> 00:02:35,511 {\an8}While laughing out loud 35 00:02:35,511 --> 00:02:39,921 {\an8}As we dash by like a noisy party 36 00:02:39,921 --> 00:02:43,031 {\an8}Make some waves... 37 00:02:46,881 --> 00:02:50,041 Wealth, fame, power... 38 00:02:51,071 --> 00:02:53,811 Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 39 00:02:53,811 --> 00:02:56,421 once attained everything this world has to offer. 40 00:02:56,921 --> 00:02:59,191 The words he uttered just before his death 41 00:02:59,191 --> 00:03:02,891 drove people around the world to the seas. 42 00:03:03,341 --> 00:03:07,381 My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! 43 00:03:07,381 --> 00:03:11,851 Find it! I left everything this world has to offer there! 44 00:03:12,401 --> 00:03:16,861 And so men rushed onto the Grand Line in pursuit of romanticism! 45 00:03:17,441 --> 00:03:21,481 The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era! 46 00:03:23,991 --> 00:03:30,331 That's right. You are the man who stole one of my dreams! 47 00:03:31,151 --> 00:03:33,791 Who the hell are you...?! 48 00:03:34,251 --> 00:03:36,221 I put a lot of thought into my dream! 49 00:03:36,221 --> 00:03:39,611 If I ate the fruit, I'd use my abilities to watch women bathe! 50 00:03:39,611 --> 00:03:43,221 No! Just think of all the things I could use it for. I could... watch women bathe! 51 00:03:43,221 --> 00:03:47,811 No, Just imagine how I could help others. I could... watch women bathe! 52 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:48,971 Phantom Hand! 53 00:03:48,971 --> 00:03:50,101 Phantom Leg! 54 00:03:53,731 --> 00:03:55,771 I'm not about to let go, you sick beast! 55 00:03:57,821 --> 00:04:03,151 If you're a mix of a bunch of animals, I bet you'll make lovely mincemeat! 56 00:04:06,911 --> 00:04:09,031 Extra Haché! 57 00:04:14,751 --> 00:04:18,151 Your lack of experience is going to make you humiliate yourself 58 00:04:18,151 --> 00:04:20,501 when you underestimate others, greenhorn. 59 00:04:21,601 --> 00:04:24,931 You jerk! Now I'm ticked! 60 00:04:25,521 --> 00:04:27,141 Gum-Gum... 61 00:04:28,151 --> 00:04:31,771 Why did you jump over the rail? Trying to run away? 62 00:04:31,771 --> 00:04:34,101 ...Stamp! 63 00:04:39,901 --> 00:04:42,531 That hurt, brat! 64 00:04:42,531 --> 00:04:46,911 Take that! So much for me not being able to touch you, Giant Shallot! 65 00:04:46,911 --> 00:04:50,661 Now then, I think I might teach that Horo-Horo Chick a lesson, 66 00:04:50,661 --> 00:04:53,371 since she's weaker than me! 67 00:04:54,611 --> 00:04:56,921 Huh? Where did she go? 68 00:04:56,921 --> 00:04:59,611 Over here, Mr. Negative Nose. 69 00:05:01,971 --> 00:05:03,981 Huh? I don't see you. 70 00:05:03,981 --> 00:05:06,181 Could she be outside? 71 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:08,971 No, she couldn't be out there... 72 00:05:08,971 --> 00:05:13,971 We're up on a really high fl--whoa! 73 00:05:17,831 --> 00:05:20,971 I just figured out how I'm going to take you down. 74 00:05:20,971 --> 00:05:24,741 Once I knock you off, the others will be easy pickings! 75 00:05:24,741 --> 00:05:30,871 Wait a sec! This is not what I was expecting! 76 00:05:33,131 --> 00:05:37,781 "Save Me, Hero!! My Enemy Is the Immortal Princess!" 77 00:06:09,231 --> 00:06:13,621 That stinking hurt! You're going to regret that, Straw Hat! 78 00:06:25,271 --> 00:06:29,341 Stuff it! I'll kick your butt as many times as it takes. 79 00:06:29,341 --> 00:06:30,681 Gum-Gum... 80 00:06:30,681 --> 00:06:32,761 ...Stamp! 81 00:06:36,571 --> 00:06:38,181 Why, you--! Get off of me! 82 00:06:38,181 --> 00:06:41,741 Your wish is my command. Brick Bat! 83 00:06:44,901 --> 00:06:46,281 Not again! 84 00:06:49,071 --> 00:06:53,371 Gum-Gum Finger Net! 85 00:07:06,691 --> 00:07:07,841 There's no end to this! 86 00:07:32,201 --> 00:07:37,531 Why... are you... flying in the sky? 87 00:07:38,141 --> 00:07:39,831 This doesn't make any sense! 88 00:07:39,831 --> 00:07:42,441 Just a minute ago, she was running like her life depended on it. 89 00:07:42,441 --> 00:07:44,791 Where'd all this confidence come from? 90 00:07:53,051 --> 00:07:56,141 You merely caught me by surprise back there. 91 00:08:04,441 --> 00:08:07,691 Why?! Why aren't you falling to your knees?! 92 00:08:08,151 --> 00:08:13,401 I've always been negative! 93 00:08:14,821 --> 00:08:19,241 What?! 94 00:08:20,171 --> 00:08:25,261 It never occurred to me that someone might be immune to my Negative Ghosts. 95 00:08:26,771 --> 00:08:29,041 I have just one thing to say to you. 96 00:08:30,961 --> 00:08:32,481 There are plenty of good things in life! 97 00:08:32,481 --> 00:08:33,551 Drop it! 98 00:08:35,961 --> 00:08:38,301 So what if you can fly?! 99 00:08:38,811 --> 00:08:42,061 I'm a sniper! I don't care if you can fly or dance or whatever! 100 00:08:42,891 --> 00:08:44,361 Allow me to explain. 101 00:08:44,361 --> 00:08:46,121 My new weapon, Kabuto, 102 00:08:46,121 --> 00:08:49,321 has greater stability and range thanks to these five prongs. 103 00:08:49,321 --> 00:08:54,171 If I activate the Breath Dials I got at the sky island when I shoot, 104 00:08:54,171 --> 00:08:57,751 the rotation of my ammo changes, creating different effects! 105 00:08:57,751 --> 00:09:00,241 It's like a super Pachinko! 106 00:09:00,931 --> 00:09:03,291 Flame! Flash! Impact! 107 00:09:03,291 --> 00:09:07,211 By changing the Dials, my ammo can grow even more powerful! 108 00:09:07,211 --> 00:09:09,921 No one can escape this puppy! 109 00:09:13,011 --> 00:09:14,971 Now say your pray-- 110 00:09:14,971 --> 00:09:17,651 She's gone! 111 00:09:17,651 --> 00:09:21,051 Huh? Where'd she go? 112 00:09:22,491 --> 00:09:23,931 I'm behind you. 113 00:09:30,471 --> 00:09:32,771 Go ahead and take your best shot. 114 00:09:32,771 --> 00:09:35,781 Ehhh?! 115 00:09:35,781 --> 00:09:39,111 Wh-What in the world are you?! 116 00:09:42,661 --> 00:09:43,891 Why, you...! 117 00:09:43,891 --> 00:09:46,871 Special Attack! Swallowtail Meteor! 118 00:09:48,381 --> 00:09:50,461 Gah! Sh-She reverted to her original size! 119 00:09:52,561 --> 00:09:53,521 Whoa! 120 00:09:55,631 --> 00:09:58,631 You little...! I'm gonna shoot you down! 121 00:09:58,631 --> 00:09:59,471 Mantis Meteor! 122 00:10:02,681 --> 00:10:05,681 What's the problem? Didn't you have perfect aim? 123 00:10:08,361 --> 00:10:09,061 Darn it! 124 00:10:09,721 --> 00:10:12,191 Take this! And this, dammit! 125 00:10:12,191 --> 00:10:15,781 Eat this! Mantis! Swallowtail! Dragonfly! Mayfly Meteor! 126 00:10:31,471 --> 00:10:36,291 No! 127 00:10:39,131 --> 00:10:41,751 Y-Your hands...! 128 00:10:41,751 --> 00:10:44,261 Your hands sunk into my body! 129 00:10:45,051 --> 00:10:46,491 I-I've been stabbed! 130 00:10:46,491 --> 00:10:48,921 Y-You stabbed me with your bare hands! 131 00:10:48,921 --> 00:10:52,621 I'm finished...! I'm gonna...! 132 00:10:54,531 --> 00:10:58,191 I'm dead meat! I'm gonna die from blood loss! 133 00:10:58,191 --> 00:11:00,581 Stupid! Take a better look. 134 00:11:00,581 --> 00:11:05,621 I haven't hurt you, but my hands are inside your body. 135 00:11:13,701 --> 00:11:15,841 Do you know what this means? 136 00:11:17,141 --> 00:11:20,461 It's true that you're about to die. 137 00:11:25,611 --> 00:11:32,691 Let me tell you why. I'm just about to crush your heart with my own two hands. 138 00:11:34,021 --> 00:11:36,971 Don't! Please don't crush it! 139 00:11:36,971 --> 00:11:39,191 I'll die for real! 140 00:11:39,611 --> 00:11:41,901 I'm going to kill you. 141 00:11:42,721 --> 00:11:47,531 Now writhe in agony as you die! 142 00:11:53,191 --> 00:11:58,551 No! Please stop it! I don't wanna die! 143 00:12:07,681 --> 00:12:09,311 Not that I can actually do that! 144 00:12:09,971 --> 00:12:11,391 That was a bluff?! 145 00:12:12,251 --> 00:12:15,001 Ouch! I hit my head! 146 00:12:15,001 --> 00:12:17,751 If I had the physical ability to crush your heart, 147 00:12:17,751 --> 00:12:21,611 you would have died the moment my hands pierced through your body. 148 00:12:26,041 --> 00:12:28,321 Either way, that was bad for my heart! 149 00:12:31,931 --> 00:12:34,461 I merely passed through... 150 00:12:34,931 --> 00:12:36,421 ...your body. 151 00:12:36,421 --> 00:12:40,171 No! 152 00:12:42,201 --> 00:12:45,721 Even though you can clearly see me... 153 00:12:48,181 --> 00:12:51,141 ...my body can pass through anything. 154 00:12:55,751 --> 00:12:58,611 Special Attack! Six Chamber Viper Star! 155 00:13:12,581 --> 00:13:14,971 Didn't I just say I can go through anything? 156 00:13:18,441 --> 00:13:21,241 Stop it! This is creepy! 157 00:13:21,241 --> 00:13:25,091 In other words, your attacks can't touch me. 158 00:13:28,411 --> 00:13:30,281 Why, you--! Get away from me! 159 00:13:30,281 --> 00:13:34,431 Shoo, darn it! You stupid little...! 160 00:13:38,801 --> 00:13:42,651 Now what are you going to do? None of your attacks will work on me. 161 00:13:43,771 --> 00:13:49,361 Shut up! A second ago, you bluffed that you could crush my heart! 162 00:13:49,881 --> 00:13:53,451 I bet you couldn't touch me if you wanted to! 163 00:13:56,031 --> 00:14:01,251 I can't attack you, but you can't attack me, either! Isn't that right? 164 00:14:01,921 --> 00:14:03,141 Mini-Hollow... 165 00:14:03,961 --> 00:14:06,261 Wh-What are those...? 166 00:14:09,761 --> 00:14:11,601 Ghost Rap. 167 00:14:23,131 --> 00:14:24,881 A-A shock wave? 168 00:14:27,971 --> 00:14:29,181 Get away from me! 169 00:14:29,181 --> 00:14:31,811 Don't touch me! Get it off of me! Get it off, meanie! 170 00:14:32,661 --> 00:14:33,871 Rap. 171 00:14:46,711 --> 00:14:49,301 Okay...! Special Attack! Firebird Star! 172 00:14:56,601 --> 00:14:58,031 Shoot! 173 00:14:59,371 --> 00:15:01,021 It's not fair! 174 00:15:02,021 --> 00:15:05,521 How come she can attack me when I can't attack her?! 175 00:15:05,521 --> 00:15:06,521 How is this even a fight?! 176 00:15:08,441 --> 00:15:10,991 Whoa! Get outta my way! 177 00:15:11,691 --> 00:15:13,951 I can't see where I'm going! Move it! 178 00:15:13,951 --> 00:15:15,161 Move!! 179 00:15:31,491 --> 00:15:32,341 Ghost Rap. 180 00:16:07,931 --> 00:16:10,011 Where did he go? 181 00:16:12,971 --> 00:16:15,381 I'm done going easy on him. 182 00:16:18,681 --> 00:16:19,981 Ghost Rap. 183 00:16:45,721 --> 00:16:50,381 What the heck? Why am I failing so hard? 184 00:16:54,211 --> 00:16:59,721 And here... I thought that woman was weaker than me! 185 00:16:59,721 --> 00:17:02,221 Tada! 186 00:17:03,531 --> 00:17:04,981 The bear! 187 00:17:05,361 --> 00:17:09,861 Careful, there. Kumacy is stronger than a real bear. 188 00:17:14,911 --> 00:17:16,831 What gives?! 189 00:17:16,831 --> 00:17:21,201 I was so excited when I was the only one in my entire crew... 190 00:17:21,941 --> 00:17:24,951 ...who stood a fighting chance against this chick's powers! 191 00:17:26,171 --> 00:17:31,001 You guys--your abilities-- are powerless before this chick. 192 00:17:31,391 --> 00:17:34,051 I'll take her on! 193 00:17:53,121 --> 00:17:55,711 This is my chance to shine! 194 00:17:55,711 --> 00:17:58,491 After a declaration like that, how could I end up like this? 195 00:18:00,131 --> 00:18:06,471 I'm screwed... This is the end! There is no way I can beat her! 196 00:18:06,471 --> 00:18:10,501 That woman's gonna kill me and then she's gonna catch Luffy and the guys. 197 00:18:10,501 --> 00:18:12,461 Our crew is doomed! 198 00:18:16,411 --> 00:18:20,891 The weight of saving everyone was... too great for me to bear. 199 00:18:23,711 --> 00:18:26,161 Save me! 200 00:18:33,241 --> 00:18:37,181 Save me, Sogeking! 201 00:18:39,781 --> 00:18:43,151 Please tell me! How would you handle this? 202 00:18:48,501 --> 00:18:55,611 {\an8}I was born on the island of snipers 203 00:18:52,461 --> 00:18:54,241 Kumacy! 204 00:18:54,241 --> 00:18:54,991 Stomp! 205 00:18:55,611 --> 00:18:59,061 {\an8}I never miss my mark 206 00:18:56,971 --> 00:19:00,351 Monster! How dare you purify my Kumacy?! 207 00:18:59,061 --> 00:19:02,401 {\an8}Lulu lala lu 208 00:19:01,851 --> 00:19:04,011 And what's with that goofy mask?! 209 00:19:02,401 --> 00:19:05,711 {\an8}Whether it's a mouse's eyeball, lock on!! 210 00:19:05,711 --> 00:19:12,641 {\an8}Or even your heart, lock on!! 211 00:19:06,631 --> 00:19:08,841 It is hardly goofy! 212 00:19:08,841 --> 00:19:12,761 It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sogeking. 213 00:19:12,641 --> 00:19:19,671 {\an8}The man who hails from the island of snipers 214 00:19:12,761 --> 00:19:16,591 You're totally goofing off! You aren't a different person! 215 00:19:17,361 --> 00:19:18,751 Time to flee! 216 00:19:18,751 --> 00:19:20,361 You're making a run for it?! 217 00:19:19,671 --> 00:19:23,191 {\an8}Lululu, lulu lala 218 00:19:21,071 --> 00:19:25,661 You bet I am! I'm not sticking around for this crazy fight! 219 00:19:23,191 --> 00:19:28,841 {\an8}Now... run away! 220 00:19:27,021 --> 00:19:30,291 I use my negative outlook and bluffs to get through fights! 221 00:19:29,861 --> 00:19:31,711 {\an8}Sogege, soge, soge 222 00:19:30,691 --> 00:19:34,031 I never thought someone would use those against me! 223 00:19:31,711 --> 00:19:38,131 {\an8}Sogeking! 224 00:19:36,171 --> 00:19:38,131 Are you okay with this? 225 00:19:39,171 --> 00:19:42,131 Calm yourself! Face her and fight, Usopp-kun! 226 00:19:42,131 --> 00:19:44,601 Shut up! I've had it! 227 00:19:44,601 --> 00:19:46,601 There is no way I can beat her! 228 00:19:46,601 --> 00:19:50,321 That is not true! You are a very capable man! 229 00:19:50,321 --> 00:19:52,101 Can you prove that? 230 00:19:53,381 --> 00:19:56,481 --No! --You can't?! 231 00:19:57,161 --> 00:19:58,261 Mini-Hollow! 232 00:19:59,361 --> 00:20:04,321 But think carefully! There are several oddities about that woman. 233 00:20:04,321 --> 00:20:06,301 Yeah, you have a point. 234 00:20:06,301 --> 00:20:09,201 Like how she suddenly got really confident! 235 00:20:09,201 --> 00:20:13,581 At first, she was definitely running away in fear of me. 236 00:20:16,281 --> 00:20:20,801 If my attacks were ineffective from the start, she didn't need to flee. 237 00:20:21,251 --> 00:20:24,681 She should have been able to pass through walls and fly! 238 00:20:24,681 --> 00:20:28,221 But all she did back then was whine while she ran. 239 00:20:28,681 --> 00:20:31,471 Why was she so negative? 240 00:20:31,471 --> 00:20:32,431 That's it! 241 00:20:32,431 --> 00:20:34,311 Rap. Rap! 242 00:20:37,941 --> 00:20:40,981 The change occurred after I lost sight of her! 243 00:20:43,911 --> 00:20:46,411 Something must have happened! 244 00:21:00,921 --> 00:21:02,491 Remember... 245 00:21:06,401 --> 00:21:14,571 What happened during the brief moment that bear stalled me and I lost sight of her...? 246 00:21:16,391 --> 00:21:18,401 What happened? 247 00:21:21,171 --> 00:21:23,991 Well, I guess it's about time I handed you over to Moria-sama. 248 00:21:27,611 --> 00:21:30,871 That's it! I've solved the puzzle! 249 00:21:35,181 --> 00:21:39,621 Are there any hiding spots nearby? 250 00:21:45,971 --> 00:21:48,221 Like a hidden room...? 251 00:21:53,241 --> 00:21:53,641 A room! 252 00:21:57,871 --> 00:22:01,271 Your trick...! 253 00:22:02,631 --> 00:22:05,111 What is it? Are these your final words? 254 00:22:08,171 --> 00:22:10,111 Wait! Where do you think you're aiming?! 255 00:22:12,891 --> 00:22:14,081 That's it! 256 00:22:14,081 --> 00:22:17,701 --Hey, wait! --Special Attack! Atlas Comet! 257 00:23:00,471 --> 00:23:02,171 I found it! 258 00:23:05,601 --> 00:23:09,131 That is your real body. 259 00:23:25,321 --> 00:23:28,151 Usopp Eye can find any opponent's weakness! 260 00:23:28,151 --> 00:23:31,071 Usopp Weapon has defeated multiple formidable foes! 261 00:23:31,071 --> 00:23:36,411 And Usopp Brain can devise awesome strategies to pull me out of any sticky situation! 262 00:23:37,291 --> 00:23:40,201 If you take me lightly, you'll get hurt. 263 00:23:40,201 --> 00:23:41,331 On the next episode of One Piece! 264 00:23:41,331 --> 00:23:44,541 "Perona Is Terrified!! Usopp and Untruthful Share the Same 'U'" 265 00:23:44,901 --> 00:23:47,061 I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!!