1 00:00:20,146 --> 00:00:21,937 [NARRATOR] Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 2 00:00:22,021 --> 00:00:25,021 attained every treasure that the world had to offer. 3 00:00:25,104 --> 00:00:27,687 Smiling, even as he stood upon the scaffold, 4 00:00:27,771 --> 00:00:30,021 he issued a challenge to the world. 5 00:00:30,104 --> 00:00:31,271 [GOLD ROGER] You want my treasure? 6 00:00:31,354 --> 00:00:32,646 You can have it! 7 00:00:32,729 --> 00:00:35,187 I left everything I gathered together in one place. 8 00:00:35,271 --> 00:00:37,521 Now you just have to find it! 9 00:00:37,604 --> 00:00:40,604 [NARRATOR] Now, those who dare to dream hoist their flags 10 00:00:40,687 --> 00:00:43,021 and sail into the Great Pirate Era! 11 00:02:52,104 --> 00:02:54,562 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece 12 00:02:54,646 --> 00:02:57,479 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 13 00:02:57,562 --> 00:02:59,771 These wild and dangerous seas are known 14 00:02:59,854 --> 00:03:02,687 as the New World. 15 00:03:02,771 --> 00:03:04,812 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men 16 00:03:04,896 --> 00:03:06,604 to ever chart these waters and learn 17 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:08,521 all the secrets they held. 18 00:03:08,604 --> 00:03:10,396 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 19 00:03:10,479 --> 00:03:12,812 this has proven to be the end of the road. 20 00:03:12,896 --> 00:03:14,771 A graveyard of dreams. 21 00:03:17,146 --> 00:03:18,562 Now, Monkey D. Luffy, 22 00:03:18,646 --> 00:03:20,646 a boy whose body became rubber after eating 23 00:03:20,729 --> 00:03:23,687 the Gum-Gum Fruit, sets sail into the New World 24 00:03:23,771 --> 00:03:25,479 with his faithful crew. 25 00:03:25,562 --> 00:03:28,896 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 26 00:03:32,271 --> 00:03:34,562 [NARRATOR] After a fierce battle at the bottom of the sea, 27 00:03:34,646 --> 00:03:37,021 the Straw Hat Pirates depart for the deadly waters 28 00:03:37,104 --> 00:03:40,812 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 29 00:03:40,896 --> 00:03:42,896 Receiving a distress call, the crew lands 30 00:03:42,979 --> 00:03:45,771 on Punk Hazard, an island split into two sections 31 00:03:45,854 --> 00:03:47,562 with extremely different climates-- 32 00:03:47,646 --> 00:03:50,021 the Burning Lands and the Ice Lands. 33 00:03:50,104 --> 00:03:53,687 They're enemies with Smoker of the Navy. 34 00:03:53,771 --> 00:03:55,854 That gives us a perfect excuse to wipe out 35 00:03:55,937 --> 00:03:58,354 both groups of troublemakers and shift the blame. 36 00:03:58,437 --> 00:04:00,771 Why, we may keep our secrets yet! 37 00:04:00,854 --> 00:04:02,229 Call Joker. 38 00:04:02,312 --> 00:04:03,312 [SUBORDINATE A] Right! 39 00:04:04,729 --> 00:04:06,229 This plan. 40 00:04:06,312 --> 00:04:09,271 Must be why you joined up with the Seven Warlords, isn't it? 41 00:04:09,354 --> 00:04:10,979 But what the hell are you after? 42 00:04:18,354 --> 00:04:20,562 [LAW] If ya wanna get to the bottom of something, 43 00:04:20,646 --> 00:04:22,854 then ya gotta broaden your horizons. 44 00:04:22,937 --> 00:04:24,979 Or you'll miss the truth! 45 00:04:25,062 --> 00:04:26,187 Scalpel! 46 00:04:36,562 --> 00:04:37,771 [SMOKER] My heart! 47 00:04:44,937 --> 00:04:48,187 [heart beating] 48 00:04:48,271 --> 00:04:50,979 You can beg, but I don't have to tell you 49 00:04:51,062 --> 00:04:52,437 a damn thing. 50 00:05:07,229 --> 00:05:09,271 [LUFFY] "Meeting Again after Two Years! 51 00:05:09,354 --> 00:05:10,562 Luffy and Law!" 52 00:05:15,187 --> 00:05:18,396 [heart beating] 53 00:05:40,187 --> 00:05:42,354 [MARINE K] No! Don't do it, Cap'n! 54 00:05:42,437 --> 00:05:43,854 That guy's way too strong. 55 00:05:43,937 --> 00:05:46,479 I refuse to retreat! Let go! 56 00:05:46,562 --> 00:05:49,396 I joined the Navy to fight, dammit! 57 00:05:49,479 --> 00:05:50,854 Go anywhere near him, and you're only gonna 58 00:05:50,937 --> 00:05:52,312 get chopped up again. 59 00:05:52,396 --> 00:05:54,729 Stay here! Leave it to Smokey. 60 00:05:56,812 --> 00:05:58,062 --[TASHIGI gasps] --[MARINES] Huh? 61 00:05:58,146 --> 00:06:00,021 Look, the circle is gone! 62 00:06:00,104 --> 00:06:01,437 Right! Let's go! 63 00:06:05,229 --> 00:06:07,937 Don't stop now, Crocotaur! We're almost there! 64 00:06:10,187 --> 00:06:11,604 What is that? 65 00:06:14,146 --> 00:06:15,146 [USOPP] A ship? 66 00:06:16,562 --> 00:06:18,937 Yep. Sure looks like a warship. 67 00:06:19,021 --> 00:06:21,062 So the Navy's on the island? 68 00:06:21,146 --> 00:06:22,479 What? Are you sure? 69 00:06:22,562 --> 00:06:25,021 When did they get here? 70 00:06:25,104 --> 00:06:27,771 What's going on? I need to get to the master! 71 00:06:27,854 --> 00:06:31,354 Hey, look, we've got company. 72 00:06:31,437 --> 00:06:33,646 [LUFFY] Wait... I know him! 73 00:06:33,729 --> 00:06:36,021 Hey! Hello! 74 00:06:36,104 --> 00:06:37,437 Whatcha doin' here? 75 00:06:37,521 --> 00:06:39,437 You remember me, don't you? 76 00:06:39,521 --> 00:06:42,937 You helped me out that one time. 77 00:06:43,021 --> 00:06:44,562 Straw Hat. 78 00:06:44,646 --> 00:06:46,729 He's here? 79 00:06:46,812 --> 00:06:48,604 That's the guy we met at the Human Shoppe 80 00:06:48,687 --> 00:06:50,437 in Sabaody. 81 00:06:50,521 --> 00:06:53,271 Trafalgar Law. But why's he here? 82 00:06:53,354 --> 00:06:56,146 [LUFFY] Right. Traffy! 83 00:06:56,229 --> 00:06:58,271 He helped me out, you guys know. 84 00:06:58,354 --> 00:07:00,021 Back in the Battle of Marineford. 85 00:07:00,104 --> 00:07:03,187 He got me off the field and treated my wounds. 86 00:07:03,271 --> 00:07:04,396 He did? 87 00:07:04,479 --> 00:07:06,562 Yeah, sure. He saved my life, like Jimbei. 88 00:07:06,646 --> 00:07:09,312 Okay. I'm gonna go talk to him right now! 89 00:07:09,396 --> 00:07:10,729 Hey! 90 00:07:13,896 --> 00:07:17,146 I didn't expect to run into you. Small world, huh? 91 00:07:17,229 --> 00:07:19,146 You saved me. I owe ya one. 92 00:07:19,229 --> 00:07:20,562 Really, thanks! 93 00:07:20,646 --> 00:07:23,979 Hey, wait. Uh... Where'd your buddies go? 94 00:07:27,104 --> 00:07:29,271 [LAW] Quick! Hand over Straw Hat! 95 00:07:29,354 --> 00:07:31,562 Hand him over and we can escape. 96 00:07:31,646 --> 00:07:33,729 He'll die without my help. 97 00:07:33,812 --> 00:07:35,937 Trust me. I'm a doctor. 98 00:07:36,021 --> 00:07:40,896 Where's my brother?! 99 00:07:40,979 --> 00:07:42,521 What will happen to him if he remains 100 00:07:42,604 --> 00:07:43,771 in that state? 101 00:07:43,854 --> 00:07:44,812 Simple. 102 00:07:44,896 --> 00:07:47,229 If he keeps flailing around, 103 00:07:47,312 --> 00:07:49,479 the more likely he is to open his wound. 104 00:07:49,562 --> 00:07:52,729 And if that happens, chances are he'll die. 105 00:07:52,812 --> 00:07:53,896 He needs to rest. 106 00:07:53,979 --> 00:07:55,187 For two weeks, at least. 107 00:07:55,271 --> 00:07:57,062 Got it? Or he won't heal. 108 00:07:57,146 --> 00:07:58,437 I understand. 109 00:07:58,521 --> 00:07:59,812 And thank you for everything. 110 00:08:02,896 --> 00:08:05,604 [LAW] It looks like you pulled through, Straw Hat. 111 00:08:05,687 --> 00:08:08,104 Well, glad my treatment took, 112 00:08:08,187 --> 00:08:11,104 but you don't have to thank me for it. 113 00:08:11,187 --> 00:08:13,937 I did it on a whim, that's all. 114 00:08:14,021 --> 00:08:15,562 We're not buddies. 115 00:08:15,646 --> 00:08:18,271 Don't forget, we're both pirates. 116 00:08:18,354 --> 00:08:20,271 [LUFFY chuckles] I know. 117 00:08:20,354 --> 00:08:24,187 Opponents, rivals, enemies, but enemy or not, 118 00:08:24,271 --> 00:08:25,479 you still helped me. 119 00:08:25,562 --> 00:08:26,729 So thanks! 120 00:08:26,812 --> 00:08:27,854 This is cool! 121 00:08:27,937 --> 00:08:29,437 First Jimbei, and now you! 122 00:08:29,521 --> 00:08:31,771 I'm getting a lot of "thank yous" checked off my list! 123 00:08:34,062 --> 00:08:35,729 Hey, over there! 124 00:08:35,812 --> 00:08:37,187 On the ground. A marine. 125 00:08:41,271 --> 00:08:44,396 [USOPP] Is that who I think it is? 126 00:08:44,479 --> 00:08:46,396 Can I get a little help here, Trafalgar? 127 00:08:46,479 --> 00:08:47,437 Hey! 128 00:08:48,812 --> 00:08:50,271 Wait! Please! 129 00:08:56,271 --> 00:08:58,854 Oh, no! 130 00:08:58,937 --> 00:09:00,646 Smoker! 131 00:09:00,729 --> 00:09:02,604 [MARINES] Smokey! 132 00:09:02,687 --> 00:09:04,146 Marines! 133 00:09:04,229 --> 00:09:06,437 Wait, that girl. I know her. 134 00:09:06,521 --> 00:09:08,687 [MARINES yelling] 135 00:09:08,771 --> 00:09:11,729 [USOPP] Uh, Luffy, we've got marines headed our way! 136 00:09:11,812 --> 00:09:12,771 [LUFFY] Yep! 137 00:09:14,104 --> 00:09:16,312 [MARINE K] What do you see? What happened? 138 00:09:16,396 --> 00:09:18,021 [MARINE F] You think Smokey's all right? 139 00:09:22,604 --> 00:09:23,687 Please wake up! 140 00:09:26,396 --> 00:09:27,437 [LUFFY] That's what I thought. 141 00:09:27,521 --> 00:09:28,646 It's Smokey and his crew. 142 00:09:28,729 --> 00:09:30,229 Long time no see! 143 00:09:34,687 --> 00:09:37,062 [TASHIGI] There's a hole in his chest. 144 00:09:37,146 --> 00:09:38,896 Smoker, no! 145 00:09:40,604 --> 00:09:44,104 [MARINE P] In order to become a member of the Seven Warlords, 146 00:09:44,187 --> 00:09:45,979 he delivered the hearts of a hundred pirates 147 00:09:46,062 --> 00:09:47,729 to the Navy headquarters. 148 00:09:47,812 --> 00:09:49,062 He's off the rails! 149 00:09:50,562 --> 00:09:52,979 [TASHIGI crying] 150 00:10:02,479 --> 00:10:07,312 Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! 151 00:10:07,396 --> 00:10:09,104 Damn you! 152 00:10:12,312 --> 00:10:14,479 Come on. Ugh. Really? 153 00:10:14,562 --> 00:10:17,229 I hate this kinda thing. Too much drama. 154 00:10:19,812 --> 00:10:20,812 [LAW] Room. 155 00:10:26,187 --> 00:10:27,229 [TASHIGI gasps] 156 00:10:29,062 --> 00:10:30,437 [MARINE N] Tashigi! 157 00:10:32,979 --> 00:10:34,062 [LAW] Shambles! 158 00:10:40,229 --> 00:10:42,479 [MARINE E] Aw, damn! He took her down again! 159 00:10:42,562 --> 00:10:44,062 [MARINE C] Smokey isn't moving, either. 160 00:10:46,312 --> 00:10:47,812 Are they both dead? 161 00:10:51,729 --> 00:10:53,521 Once wasn't enough? 162 00:10:53,604 --> 00:10:56,187 Please. I win again, Captain. 163 00:10:56,271 --> 00:10:58,104 [MARINES] Tashigi! 164 00:10:58,187 --> 00:10:59,104 Luffy! 165 00:10:59,187 --> 00:11:01,812 That's our cue to get outta here! 166 00:11:01,896 --> 00:11:02,896 [LUFFY] Hold on. 167 00:11:02,979 --> 00:11:04,729 Hey, you. Traffy. 168 00:11:04,812 --> 00:11:07,687 Got a question for ya. 169 00:11:07,771 --> 00:11:10,771 Head over to the lab around the back. 170 00:11:10,854 --> 00:11:13,687 When you get there, you'll find what you're looking for. 171 00:11:13,771 --> 00:11:15,562 We'll meet again soon. 172 00:11:15,646 --> 00:11:17,854 We both have things we mean to get back. 173 00:11:24,021 --> 00:11:25,146 [BROWNBEARD] He meant me. 174 00:11:25,229 --> 00:11:27,187 He's going to save me from this indignity. 175 00:11:27,271 --> 00:11:29,771 I'm a former pirate, not a horse! 176 00:11:29,854 --> 00:11:31,646 Let's get as far away from those Navy punks 177 00:11:31,729 --> 00:11:33,104 as we can. 178 00:11:35,771 --> 00:11:36,979 [GROUP grunts] 179 00:11:39,437 --> 00:11:40,896 Think Smokey's gonna be okay? 180 00:11:40,979 --> 00:11:41,937 That looked rough. 181 00:11:42,021 --> 00:11:43,604 Traffy didn't go easy on him. 182 00:11:46,562 --> 00:11:48,937 Hey, look! Guys, it's Straw Hat Luffy! 183 00:11:49,021 --> 00:11:50,604 [MARINE A] Fire! 184 00:11:53,146 --> 00:11:55,187 Quit it! Don't worry about those guys. 185 00:11:55,271 --> 00:11:57,104 Smokey's down. The Captain, too. 186 00:12:10,521 --> 00:12:12,396 [GIRL C] It's freezing! 187 00:12:12,479 --> 00:12:13,604 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] What should we do? 188 00:12:13,687 --> 00:12:15,687 The kids can't take the cold much longer. 189 00:12:15,771 --> 00:12:18,187 Well. I've got enough fur for a couple of coats. 190 00:12:18,271 --> 00:12:20,604 No way! That's my body! 191 00:12:20,687 --> 00:12:22,812 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Okay, fine, but I don't think 192 00:12:22,896 --> 00:12:24,479 we're gonna find any warm clothing 193 00:12:24,562 --> 00:12:25,979 just lying around. 194 00:12:26,062 --> 00:12:27,937 Maybe there's a lodge or something? 195 00:12:28,021 --> 00:12:29,437 [SANJI (NAMI)] Yeah, yeah! 196 00:12:29,521 --> 00:12:33,437 With a mirror and a camera. And a shower would be nice. 197 00:12:33,521 --> 00:12:35,687 Shut up! I will kill you! 198 00:12:35,771 --> 00:12:37,354 I don't get it. 199 00:12:37,437 --> 00:12:39,021 They're scary! 200 00:12:39,104 --> 00:12:40,062 [KIN'EMON] Very well. 201 00:12:40,146 --> 00:12:42,229 I can see we have no other choice. 202 00:12:42,312 --> 00:12:45,146 I need you all to place a leaf upon your heads. 203 00:12:45,229 --> 00:12:46,646 What? Why would we do that? 204 00:12:46,729 --> 00:12:48,104 Don't joke, dude. 205 00:12:48,187 --> 00:12:50,771 The poor kiddos are gonna collapse from the cold. 206 00:12:50,854 --> 00:12:52,437 Besides. What leaves? 207 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:54,312 There aren't any. Just look around. 208 00:12:54,396 --> 00:12:55,479 There are no plants. 209 00:12:55,562 --> 00:12:56,937 Fine. Forget leaves. 210 00:12:57,021 --> 00:12:59,062 Start gathering some stones instead. 211 00:12:59,146 --> 00:13:00,104 Hurry! 212 00:13:00,187 --> 00:13:01,562 [CHILDREN whimper] 213 00:13:01,646 --> 00:13:02,896 Okay, we'll do it, 214 00:13:02,979 --> 00:13:05,146 but this had better not be a prank. 215 00:13:05,229 --> 00:13:06,812 I'll get 'em for the kids too. 216 00:13:12,062 --> 00:13:14,187 [CHILDREN gasp] 217 00:13:14,271 --> 00:13:16,229 Now what? We've got the rocks. 218 00:13:16,312 --> 00:13:18,062 I hope you don't do some stupid spell, 219 00:13:18,146 --> 00:13:20,521 like "abracadabra, make it not cold." 220 00:13:20,604 --> 00:13:21,687 'Cause I'd kill ya. 221 00:13:21,771 --> 00:13:22,937 All right! 222 00:13:23,021 --> 00:13:24,187 [grunting] 223 00:13:24,271 --> 00:13:25,312 Huh? 224 00:13:31,562 --> 00:13:32,521 Poof! 225 00:13:34,521 --> 00:13:37,979 [ALL] Huh?! What's this? 226 00:13:47,521 --> 00:13:50,187 I've got a coat and boots now! Awesome! 227 00:13:50,271 --> 00:13:51,854 But how? What did you do? 228 00:13:53,104 --> 00:13:54,229 Gloves, too! 229 00:13:54,312 --> 00:13:55,896 I'm all warm now! 230 00:13:55,979 --> 00:13:57,062 Thanks, samurai! 231 00:13:57,146 --> 00:13:58,562 You're welcome, small one. 232 00:13:58,646 --> 00:14:00,979 I have not always possessed this strange ability. 233 00:14:01,062 --> 00:14:04,979 But one day, I ate a fruit. An unusual one. 234 00:14:05,062 --> 00:14:06,271 And since then, 235 00:14:06,354 --> 00:14:08,021 I have been able to disguise myself and others 236 00:14:08,104 --> 00:14:09,646 as I please. 237 00:14:09,729 --> 00:14:11,312 I know little of foreign clothing. 238 00:14:11,396 --> 00:14:13,229 I hope this will suffice. 239 00:14:13,312 --> 00:14:15,229 Also, due to the nature of the magic, 240 00:14:15,312 --> 00:14:17,604 the clothes will disappear if you remove them. 241 00:14:17,687 --> 00:14:22,562 [CHILDREN chattering] 242 00:14:22,646 --> 00:14:24,021 He covered my boobs. 243 00:14:24,104 --> 00:14:26,604 I didn't know you'd eaten a Devil Fruit. 244 00:14:26,687 --> 00:14:28,604 What? Devil? 245 00:14:28,687 --> 00:14:31,521 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Hey, hold on a second. 246 00:14:31,604 --> 00:14:32,646 [CHILDREN] Huh? 247 00:14:32,729 --> 00:14:34,812 This whole time, you had that power. 248 00:14:34,896 --> 00:14:36,937 So why didn't you use it sooner? 249 00:14:37,021 --> 00:14:38,271 [CHILDREN yell] 250 00:14:39,979 --> 00:14:41,146 I was helpless. 251 00:14:41,229 --> 00:14:42,854 That little breast band she's wearing... 252 00:14:42,937 --> 00:14:45,187 I couldn't bring myself to cover it up. 253 00:14:45,271 --> 00:14:47,437 [NAMI (FRANKY) gasps] You perv! 254 00:14:47,521 --> 00:14:50,562 [KIN'EMON grunts] 255 00:14:52,896 --> 00:14:55,687 That... really... itches! 256 00:14:58,646 --> 00:15:00,812 Jeez. Say it. "I'm hurt." 257 00:15:00,896 --> 00:15:03,229 Admitting that isn't going to kill you. 258 00:15:03,312 --> 00:15:05,062 I itch... 259 00:15:05,146 --> 00:15:07,604 [LUFFY] Oh, hey! Look who it is! 260 00:15:07,687 --> 00:15:08,604 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Huh? 261 00:15:08,687 --> 00:15:10,812 --Hi, guys! --[BROOK] Hello! 262 00:15:26,354 --> 00:15:29,396 [LUFFY] Hey! Hey! 263 00:15:29,479 --> 00:15:31,021 [laughing] 264 00:15:31,104 --> 00:15:32,437 [NAMI (FRANKY)] What are they doing here? 265 00:15:32,521 --> 00:15:35,979 Hi! Everyone okay? Yo ho ho ho ho ho! 266 00:15:37,812 --> 00:15:39,604 Dude, now what? 267 00:15:39,687 --> 00:15:42,771 Hey, it's Luffy! Zoro and Usopp, too. 268 00:15:42,854 --> 00:15:46,229 Robin! Brook! I'm so happy to see you! 269 00:15:46,312 --> 00:15:47,562 What the--? 270 00:15:47,646 --> 00:15:49,854 Why's the jackass cook prancing around like that? 271 00:15:49,937 --> 00:15:51,979 Cold does strange things to people. 272 00:15:52,062 --> 00:15:54,854 [CHOPPER (SANJI) laughing] 273 00:15:54,937 --> 00:15:57,479 Is it just me or are there giant children 274 00:15:57,562 --> 00:15:58,521 with them, too? 275 00:16:02,062 --> 00:16:02,979 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Huh?! 276 00:16:03,062 --> 00:16:04,771 Huh? Wait! No, don't do it! 277 00:16:04,854 --> 00:16:06,687 Franky! Down, boy! 278 00:16:06,771 --> 00:16:08,729 [SANJI (NAMI)] Hello. 279 00:16:10,146 --> 00:16:12,312 [GROUP gasps] 280 00:16:17,437 --> 00:16:18,812 [USOPP sighs] 281 00:16:18,896 --> 00:16:21,646 Out of the cold! Finally! 282 00:16:21,729 --> 00:16:23,229 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] This building reminds me a lot 283 00:16:23,312 --> 00:16:24,562 of the other one. 284 00:16:24,646 --> 00:16:26,187 [ROBIN] But this one is badly damaged, 285 00:16:26,271 --> 00:16:28,562 as if there were some sort of explosion here. 286 00:16:28,646 --> 00:16:30,146 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Long as it gets us out of that blizzard, 287 00:16:30,229 --> 00:16:31,812 it's fine by me. 288 00:16:31,896 --> 00:16:34,396 Now. Let's talk. Who's up first? 289 00:16:34,479 --> 00:16:36,646 [NAMI (FRANKY) sobs] I can't believe I did that to my 290 00:16:36,729 --> 00:16:38,229 own body! 291 00:16:38,312 --> 00:16:40,312 Here. Let me see if I can help. 292 00:16:41,729 --> 00:16:43,437 What are you doing, Sanji? 293 00:16:43,521 --> 00:16:45,146 Get your hands off me! 294 00:16:45,229 --> 00:16:47,271 But, it's me, Chopper. 295 00:16:48,271 --> 00:16:52,646 [KIN'EMON laughs] 296 00:16:52,729 --> 00:16:55,646 My legs are back! I'm almost whole now! 297 00:16:55,729 --> 00:16:57,521 [laughs] 298 00:16:57,604 --> 00:16:59,354 [LUFFY] My extra legs! 299 00:16:59,437 --> 00:17:01,437 I'm not a centaur anymore! 300 00:17:01,521 --> 00:17:06,396 --[LUFFY crying] --[KIN'EMON laughing] 301 00:17:06,479 --> 00:17:09,646 Enough! You were never a centaur, so just let it go! 302 00:17:09,729 --> 00:17:11,521 How very odd. 303 00:17:11,604 --> 00:17:15,687 [KIN'EMON laughing] 304 00:17:15,771 --> 00:17:18,979 Yo ho ho ho! Quite a funny chap, isn't he? 305 00:17:19,062 --> 00:17:20,312 The skeleton... 306 00:17:20,396 --> 00:17:21,646 ...is talking. 307 00:17:23,896 --> 00:17:25,979 Nami-Sanji. You okay? 308 00:17:30,604 --> 00:17:31,979 I think so. 309 00:17:32,062 --> 00:17:34,479 But I was just having the strangest dream. 310 00:17:36,271 --> 00:17:38,437 I was floating down a river that flowed between 311 00:17:38,521 --> 00:17:41,271 giant boobs. 312 00:17:41,354 --> 00:17:44,187 Really?! That's what you're dreaming about?! 313 00:17:44,271 --> 00:17:47,687 [NAMI (FRANKY) crying] 314 00:17:47,771 --> 00:17:49,312 Hey! Do a trick! 315 00:17:49,396 --> 00:17:50,729 Yeah, the tank thing! 316 00:17:50,812 --> 00:17:55,271 [CHILDREN chattering] 317 00:17:55,354 --> 00:17:56,646 Not now! 318 00:17:57,896 --> 00:17:59,479 Right. That's not him. 319 00:18:04,021 --> 00:18:05,354 [SANJI (NAMI)] You sure? 320 00:18:05,437 --> 00:18:07,104 You've gotta be craving one. 321 00:18:07,187 --> 00:18:08,479 Go on. 322 00:18:08,562 --> 00:18:10,396 I know you like to smoke when you're stressed out. 323 00:18:10,479 --> 00:18:11,896 So smoke. 324 00:18:11,979 --> 00:18:15,271 Right. First up, we're gonna need to know who's who here. 325 00:18:15,354 --> 00:18:17,979 Franky. Got that? Not Chopper. 326 00:18:18,062 --> 00:18:20,729 You get hurt, I'm useless. Remember that. 327 00:18:20,812 --> 00:18:22,937 Hey, guys. Chopper speaking. 328 00:18:23,021 --> 00:18:26,312 If you have any injures, come to me. 329 00:18:26,396 --> 00:18:27,812 I'm Nami. 'Kay? 330 00:18:27,896 --> 00:18:31,021 No laser beams. No tanks. Don't ask. 331 00:18:33,687 --> 00:18:36,396 [SANJI (NAMI)] And now, I present to you... 332 00:18:36,479 --> 00:18:38,479 Nami! Yeah! 333 00:18:38,562 --> 00:18:41,354 Well, hello, beautiful! 334 00:18:41,437 --> 00:18:43,437 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Defile my body again. 335 00:18:43,521 --> 00:18:44,646 I dare you. 336 00:18:44,729 --> 00:18:45,854 [SANJI (NAMI) gasps] 337 00:18:45,937 --> 00:18:47,187 I'll stop, I promise! 338 00:18:47,271 --> 00:18:49,687 Please don't hurt Nami again! She's too pretty! 339 00:18:49,771 --> 00:18:50,937 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] No, don't do it! 340 00:18:51,021 --> 00:18:52,437 That would be suicide! 341 00:18:53,979 --> 00:18:55,646 Touch me and you get a fine. 342 00:18:55,729 --> 00:18:58,729 One hundred thousand berries. No, make it two. 343 00:18:58,812 --> 00:19:00,146 [SANJI (NAMI)] But my dream! 344 00:19:00,229 --> 00:19:02,229 [laughing] 345 00:19:02,312 --> 00:19:03,437 Shut up! 346 00:19:03,521 --> 00:19:05,146 Wouldn't be so funny if it happened to you! 347 00:19:07,604 --> 00:19:09,187 [USOPP] Let's start from the top and make sure 348 00:19:09,271 --> 00:19:11,146 we've got it straight. 349 00:19:11,229 --> 00:19:14,687 This head and legs belong to a Wano samurai. 350 00:19:14,771 --> 00:19:16,437 The distress signal we intercepted before 351 00:19:16,521 --> 00:19:18,354 coming to the island was actually meant 352 00:19:18,437 --> 00:19:20,687 for the big boss Crocotaur and was sent by 353 00:19:20,771 --> 00:19:22,271 one of his men. 354 00:19:22,354 --> 00:19:25,771 Seems our sliced-up samurai pal did some slicing of his own, 355 00:19:25,854 --> 00:19:28,854 with the centaurs on the receiving end. 356 00:19:28,937 --> 00:19:32,062 Yes. I fought them, but only to rescue my son. 357 00:19:32,146 --> 00:19:33,812 His name is Momonosuke. 358 00:19:33,896 --> 00:19:36,271 He's missing, and those men were in my way. 359 00:19:36,354 --> 00:19:37,437 Just look. 360 00:19:37,521 --> 00:19:38,937 You can see with your own eyes how many 361 00:19:39,021 --> 00:19:41,812 children were prisoners in that foul facility. 362 00:19:41,896 --> 00:19:44,104 I have no doubt my son is one of them. 363 00:19:44,187 --> 00:19:47,729 Yeah. There were others. More children like us. 364 00:19:47,812 --> 00:19:49,687 I guess your son could be one of them. 365 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:52,187 But I don't know. 366 00:19:52,271 --> 00:19:55,646 Right, but what happened after that distress signal? 367 00:19:55,729 --> 00:19:57,271 Who the heck sliced you? 368 00:19:57,354 --> 00:19:59,896 The man we encountered. Him. 369 00:19:59,979 --> 00:20:02,312 The one with the cold eyes and the silly cap 370 00:20:02,396 --> 00:20:05,812 who bears the title "Warlord." 371 00:20:05,896 --> 00:20:07,896 Say what?! 372 00:20:07,979 --> 00:20:09,146 Wait. Traffy? 373 00:20:09,229 --> 00:20:11,479 He's a Warlord now, really? 374 00:20:11,562 --> 00:20:14,937 [ROBIN] Yes. Well, a lot can change in two years. 375 00:20:15,021 --> 00:20:16,021 Bastard. 376 00:20:16,104 --> 00:20:18,062 He took his blade and carved me up. 377 00:20:21,104 --> 00:20:23,646 My head was kept in the facility. 378 00:20:23,729 --> 00:20:25,979 My torso remained where it fell. 379 00:20:26,062 --> 00:20:30,062 And my legs were chased away by a vile beast. 380 00:20:30,146 --> 00:20:32,604 They were making a valiant effort to escape 381 00:20:32,687 --> 00:20:35,271 when they became stuck on something. 382 00:20:35,354 --> 00:20:36,979 Which was the dragon. 383 00:20:37,062 --> 00:20:39,146 That explains it. 384 00:20:39,229 --> 00:20:41,937 Oh, right, a Warlord. You were mad at one. 385 00:20:42,021 --> 00:20:43,021 I remember now. 386 00:20:43,104 --> 00:20:44,771 Wait, but it was just legs. 387 00:20:44,854 --> 00:20:46,646 So how did he talk? 388 00:20:46,729 --> 00:20:49,979 That's a real good question. 389 00:20:50,062 --> 00:20:52,771 It's simple. By farting. 390 00:20:54,729 --> 00:20:57,521 It's a talent of mine. Here, I'll show you. 391 00:20:58,812 --> 00:21:00,896 Fart-talking? Okay, gross! 392 00:21:00,979 --> 00:21:02,562 But useful. 393 00:21:03,479 --> 00:21:05,104 [LUFFY] Didn't smell so bad outside. 394 00:21:05,187 --> 00:21:06,562 [BROOK] Yo ho ho ho ho! 395 00:21:06,646 --> 00:21:09,479 Would you believe I met another partial person recently? 396 00:21:09,562 --> 00:21:11,896 You have a head and legs. 397 00:21:11,979 --> 00:21:13,229 He had just a torso. 398 00:21:13,312 --> 00:21:14,521 Ha! That's funny. 399 00:21:14,604 --> 00:21:17,354 Right, 'cause that was his torso, dumbass. 400 00:21:17,437 --> 00:21:19,312 [BROOK gasps] Oh, dear! 401 00:21:19,396 --> 00:21:21,604 You saw it, skeleton? Truly? 402 00:21:21,687 --> 00:21:22,854 Where is my torso? 403 00:21:22,937 --> 00:21:24,354 We must go there at once! 404 00:21:28,354 --> 00:21:32,229 [MARINES] Uh... 405 00:21:35,937 --> 00:21:39,646 Uh... so... now you're Tashigi? 406 00:21:43,146 --> 00:21:44,937 Y-Yes. 407 00:21:45,021 --> 00:21:46,812 [MARINES] What?! No way! 408 00:21:46,896 --> 00:21:48,271 This cannot be happening! 409 00:21:48,354 --> 00:21:49,896 So the two of them got switched? 410 00:21:49,979 --> 00:21:52,312 This is too weird. So you're a guy now? 411 00:21:52,396 --> 00:21:54,729 And um, the whole heart thing. 412 00:21:54,812 --> 00:21:56,854 You doing okay without one? 413 00:21:56,937 --> 00:21:58,646 I think so. 414 00:21:58,729 --> 00:22:00,937 [MARINE K] Talking to her is hard enough, but... 415 00:22:01,021 --> 00:22:02,104 Smokey? 416 00:22:05,271 --> 00:22:07,604 Oh. Dear god. T-The horror! 417 00:22:07,687 --> 00:22:09,521 I can never un-see that. 418 00:22:09,604 --> 00:22:11,021 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] There was a ship hidden beside 419 00:22:11,104 --> 00:22:12,354 the laboratory. 420 00:22:12,437 --> 00:22:15,021 The letters C.C. were written on it. 421 00:22:15,104 --> 00:22:17,521 What? I didn't know there was a ship. 422 00:22:17,604 --> 00:22:19,229 You saw it, Vice Admiral? 423 00:22:19,312 --> 00:22:20,354 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Yeah. 424 00:22:20,437 --> 00:22:21,771 If it was left over from the old days 425 00:22:21,854 --> 00:22:23,312 before the island was destroyed, 426 00:22:23,396 --> 00:22:26,896 the mark should be P.H. for Punk Hazard. 427 00:22:28,146 --> 00:22:31,479 I'm guessing that Law isn't the mastermind here. 428 00:22:31,562 --> 00:22:32,896 Someone else is. 429 00:22:32,979 --> 00:22:37,479 Someone with the initials C.C., and I think I know who. 430 00:22:39,687 --> 00:22:41,479 It would make sense. 431 00:22:41,562 --> 00:22:43,729 Him being here on this island. 432 00:22:46,437 --> 00:22:49,271 A lot of things are starting to fall into place. 433 00:22:58,396 --> 00:23:00,979 I believe the person behind this is a former colleague 434 00:23:01,062 --> 00:23:02,854 of Dr. Vegapunk. 435 00:23:02,937 --> 00:23:06,521 A scientist named Caesar Clown. 436 00:23:08,812 --> 00:23:12,021 Heavens. What have you done now, Law? Well? 437 00:23:16,562 --> 00:23:20,021 If anyone's got a complaint, it's me. 438 00:23:20,104 --> 00:23:21,062 Caesar! 439 00:23:25,979 --> 00:23:27,479 [NARRATOR] To everyone's surprise, 440 00:23:27,562 --> 00:23:29,896 the ruler of Punk Hazard is a highly admired 441 00:23:29,979 --> 00:23:32,729 figure in the ferocious New World. 442 00:23:32,812 --> 00:23:34,854 While the Straw Hat are still reeling over this 443 00:23:34,937 --> 00:23:37,271 newly discovered revelation, 444 00:23:37,354 --> 00:23:40,021 Smoker inches closer to uncovering the secret 445 00:23:40,104 --> 00:23:42,271 of the master's true form. 446 00:23:42,354 --> 00:23:43,979 [LUFFY]One Piece : 447 00:23:44,062 --> 00:23:48,021 "The Worst in the World! A Scientist of Terror - Caesar!"