1 00:00:20,146 --> 00:00:21,937 [NARRATOR] Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, 2 00:00:22,021 --> 00:00:25,021 attained every treasure that the world had to offer. 3 00:00:25,104 --> 00:00:27,687 Smiling, even as he stood upon the scaffold, 4 00:00:27,771 --> 00:00:30,021 he issued a challenge to the world. 5 00:00:30,104 --> 00:00:31,271 [GOLD ROGER] You want my treasure? 6 00:00:31,354 --> 00:00:32,646 You can have it! 7 00:00:32,729 --> 00:00:35,187 I left everything I gathered together in one place. 8 00:00:35,271 --> 00:00:37,521 Now you just have to find it! 9 00:00:37,604 --> 00:00:40,604 [NARRATOR] Now, those who dare to dream hoist their flags 10 00:00:40,687 --> 00:00:43,021 and sail into the Great Pirate Era! 11 00:02:52,104 --> 00:02:54,562 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece 12 00:02:54,646 --> 00:02:57,479 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 13 00:02:57,562 --> 00:02:59,771 These wild and dangerous seas are known 14 00:02:59,854 --> 00:03:02,687 as the New World. 15 00:03:02,771 --> 00:03:04,812 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men 16 00:03:04,896 --> 00:03:06,604 to ever chart these waters and learn 17 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:08,521 all the secrets they held. 18 00:03:08,604 --> 00:03:10,396 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 19 00:03:10,479 --> 00:03:12,812 this has proven to be the end of the road. 20 00:03:12,896 --> 00:03:14,771 A graveyard of dreams. 21 00:03:17,146 --> 00:03:18,562 Now, Monkey D. Luffy, 22 00:03:18,646 --> 00:03:20,646 a boy whose body became rubber after eating 23 00:03:20,729 --> 00:03:23,687 the Gum-Gum Fruit, sets sail into the New World 24 00:03:23,771 --> 00:03:25,479 with his faithful crew. 25 00:03:25,562 --> 00:03:28,896 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 26 00:03:32,271 --> 00:03:34,271 [NARRATOR] After a fierce battle, the Straw Hat Pirates 27 00:03:34,354 --> 00:03:36,771 depart for the deadly waters of the New World, 28 00:03:36,854 --> 00:03:39,312 ruled by the Four Emperors. 29 00:03:39,396 --> 00:03:41,396 Receiving a distress call, the crew lands 30 00:03:41,479 --> 00:03:44,271 on Punk Hazard, an island split into two 31 00:03:44,354 --> 00:03:46,604 extremely different climates. 32 00:03:46,687 --> 00:03:49,562 G-5, led by Vice Admiral Smoker, 33 00:03:49,646 --> 00:03:52,479 arrives at the island in pursuit of the Straw Hats. 34 00:03:52,562 --> 00:03:55,812 But they soon meet Trafalgar Law. 35 00:03:55,896 --> 00:03:57,229 Whatcha doin' here? 36 00:03:57,312 --> 00:03:59,187 You remember me, don't you? 37 00:03:59,271 --> 00:04:01,771 You helped me out that one time. 38 00:04:01,854 --> 00:04:02,854 [TASHIGI gasps] 39 00:04:04,312 --> 00:04:05,312 Shambles! 40 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:11,021 Are they both dead? 41 00:04:11,104 --> 00:04:14,521 I'm guessing that Law isn't the mastermind here. 42 00:04:14,604 --> 00:04:15,937 Someone else is. 43 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:20,479 Someone with the initials C.C., and I think I know who. 44 00:04:23,146 --> 00:04:24,646 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] I believe the person behind this 45 00:04:24,729 --> 00:04:27,604 is a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk. 46 00:04:27,687 --> 00:04:31,104 A scientist named Caesar Clown. 47 00:04:34,896 --> 00:04:36,521 [LUFFY] "The Worst in the World! 48 00:04:36,604 --> 00:04:38,521 A Scientist of Terror - Caesar!" 49 00:04:47,146 --> 00:04:49,104 [MARINE A] Caesar Clown? 50 00:04:49,187 --> 00:04:51,187 Never heard of the guy. Who is he, Smokey? 51 00:04:54,104 --> 00:04:55,062 Huh? 52 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:02,896 [TASHIGI (SMOKER)] I think I have some information 53 00:05:02,979 --> 00:05:04,437 that might help. 54 00:05:04,521 --> 00:05:05,479 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Huh? 55 00:05:07,146 --> 00:05:09,312 I noticed something unusual a while back. 56 00:05:09,396 --> 00:05:11,979 Suspicious... reports from this area. 57 00:05:12,062 --> 00:05:13,854 A lot of reports, all of them concerning 58 00:05:13,937 --> 00:05:15,104 child abduction. 59 00:05:15,187 --> 00:05:17,521 You mean like a kidnapping ring? 60 00:05:17,604 --> 00:05:18,604 Yes. 61 00:05:22,604 --> 00:05:24,729 I don't know if I can handle this, Cap'n! 62 00:05:24,812 --> 00:05:26,437 It's like you're not you anymore! 63 00:05:26,521 --> 00:05:28,021 You've got to suck it up, Marine. 64 00:05:28,104 --> 00:05:29,354 We're stuck like this for now. 65 00:05:29,437 --> 00:05:31,896 All right, Tashigi! Get back on track. 66 00:05:31,979 --> 00:05:33,771 These reports you're talking about. 67 00:05:33,854 --> 00:05:35,687 Why haven't I heard of them before? 68 00:05:35,771 --> 00:05:37,979 Please button up! I can't even look at myself! 69 00:05:38,062 --> 00:05:40,146 There's something wrong about seeing her like this. 70 00:05:40,229 --> 00:05:42,687 I know I shouldn't like it, but god help me, I do! 71 00:05:42,771 --> 00:05:43,687 That's enough! 72 00:05:43,771 --> 00:05:44,771 [GROUP gasps] 73 00:05:45,729 --> 00:05:47,937 I have noticed that accidents at sea happen 74 00:05:48,021 --> 00:05:50,979 fairly frequently in this area. 75 00:05:51,062 --> 00:05:53,604 And it does seem that an unusual number 76 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:54,854 involve children. 77 00:05:54,937 --> 00:05:58,062 Oh! Yeah, that's true, right? 78 00:05:58,146 --> 00:05:58,771 Yeah! 79 00:05:58,854 --> 00:05:59,854 The thing is, 80 00:05:59,937 --> 00:06:01,521 per the communication department... 81 00:06:01,604 --> 00:06:03,604 Oh, right, no glasses. 82 00:06:03,687 --> 00:06:04,854 Well, from what I've heard, 83 00:06:04,937 --> 00:06:07,896 we get a whole lot of abduction reports. 84 00:06:07,979 --> 00:06:09,687 But somehow they always end up labeled 85 00:06:09,771 --> 00:06:11,854 in the newspaper as accidents at sea, 86 00:06:11,937 --> 00:06:15,229 the work of pirates, or simply a lost child. 87 00:06:15,312 --> 00:06:17,646 And I guess it's possible the incidents 88 00:06:17,729 --> 00:06:20,312 are reported incorrectly. 89 00:06:20,396 --> 00:06:22,937 Possible, but unfortunately, 90 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:25,187 to me it seems far more likely that, well... 91 00:06:29,771 --> 00:06:31,521 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] Are you going to finish your sentence, 92 00:06:31,604 --> 00:06:32,896 Tashigi? 93 00:06:34,979 --> 00:06:38,854 Come on, saying it out loud won't change anything. 94 00:06:38,937 --> 00:06:40,479 We all know we saw a bunch of kids 95 00:06:40,562 --> 00:06:43,562 on the island earlier. 96 00:06:43,646 --> 00:06:45,312 What you're too afraid to say is you think 97 00:06:45,396 --> 00:06:48,271 there really have been a series of kidnappings. 98 00:06:48,354 --> 00:06:50,562 And you believe the perpetrator is here 99 00:06:50,646 --> 00:06:51,979 on Punk Hazard. 100 00:06:55,937 --> 00:06:57,562 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] But if your suspicions about that 101 00:06:57,646 --> 00:06:58,812 are correct... 102 00:07:03,187 --> 00:07:05,812 Those news articles weren't simple mistakes. 103 00:07:05,896 --> 00:07:07,812 The reporters were deliberately misled 104 00:07:07,896 --> 00:07:10,437 because someone in G-5 wanted those abduction reports 105 00:07:10,521 --> 00:07:11,437 covered up. 106 00:07:11,521 --> 00:07:12,896 [MARINE O] Huh? 107 00:07:12,979 --> 00:07:13,937 [MARINE D] Huh? 108 00:07:15,437 --> 00:07:16,604 Hold on. 109 00:07:16,687 --> 00:07:18,354 Is Smokey saying that somebody in our ranks 110 00:07:18,437 --> 00:07:20,021 is working with the kidnapper? 111 00:07:22,396 --> 00:07:24,187 No! What?! 112 00:07:25,396 --> 00:07:26,854 What the hell, Smokey? 113 00:07:26,937 --> 00:07:29,146 How can you insult your crew like that? 114 00:07:29,229 --> 00:07:31,104 Sure, we're not the smartest or strongest Marines 115 00:07:31,187 --> 00:07:33,021 there are, but that doesn't change the fact 116 00:07:33,104 --> 00:07:35,187 that we take pride in being part of the Navy! 117 00:07:35,271 --> 00:07:36,396 No way! 118 00:07:36,479 --> 00:07:38,771 None of us are part of any kidnapping ring! 119 00:07:38,854 --> 00:07:41,812 [yelling] 120 00:07:47,896 --> 00:07:49,021 Quit your bitching! 121 00:07:49,104 --> 00:07:50,646 [MARINES gasp] Don't hurt us! 122 00:07:50,729 --> 00:07:53,104 You fools couldn't steal candy from a baby. 123 00:07:53,187 --> 00:07:54,771 You're not even worth suspecting. 124 00:07:54,854 --> 00:07:56,062 [MARINES] What?! 125 00:07:56,146 --> 00:07:58,021 But don't let loyalty blind you. 126 00:07:58,104 --> 00:08:01,646 Not even the Navy is immune to corruption. 127 00:08:01,729 --> 00:08:03,187 At the end of the day, 128 00:08:03,271 --> 00:08:05,354 the Navy is just a group of people, 129 00:08:05,437 --> 00:08:07,479 and people aren't perfect. 130 00:08:07,562 --> 00:08:09,896 Making assumptions is dangerous. 131 00:08:09,979 --> 00:08:12,104 Don't be fooled by appearances. 132 00:08:12,187 --> 00:08:13,687 [gasps] 133 00:08:23,479 --> 00:08:26,646 [MARINES] Understood, Captain! 134 00:08:26,729 --> 00:08:30,021 [SMOKER (TASHIGI) sighs] Never mind. Morons. 135 00:08:30,104 --> 00:08:31,896 [TASHIGI (SMOKER)] Um, guys, I'm the captain. 136 00:08:31,979 --> 00:08:33,437 Right! Sorry! 137 00:08:33,521 --> 00:08:35,479 We're still getting used to this! 138 00:08:35,562 --> 00:08:36,937 I could still be wrong. 139 00:08:37,021 --> 00:08:38,271 I don't have any proof. 140 00:08:38,354 --> 00:08:39,562 It's a theory, that's all. 141 00:08:39,646 --> 00:08:40,812 That doesn't matter. 142 00:08:40,896 --> 00:08:42,312 Theory or not, it's something we need 143 00:08:42,396 --> 00:08:43,562 to keep in mind. 144 00:08:43,646 --> 00:08:45,271 Unfortunately, as it stands, 145 00:08:45,354 --> 00:08:48,062 my heart and both our bodies are at Law's mercy. 146 00:08:48,146 --> 00:08:50,521 We're both stuck here till we settle that. 147 00:08:50,604 --> 00:08:52,396 But I want a third of you to leave by ship 148 00:08:52,479 --> 00:08:54,771 and report what we've found so far. 149 00:08:54,854 --> 00:08:57,021 Just one problem with that, Vice Admiral. 150 00:08:57,104 --> 00:08:59,604 If you remember, our warship was destroyed. 151 00:08:59,687 --> 00:09:02,271 [SMOKER (TASHIGI)] I told you I saw a ship, didn't I? 152 00:09:02,354 --> 00:09:03,354 Steal it. 153 00:09:03,437 --> 00:09:05,062 Oh, yeah! I hadn't thought of that! 154 00:09:05,146 --> 00:09:06,187 Stealing's bad, though! 155 00:09:06,271 --> 00:09:07,812 Just do it, all right? 156 00:09:07,896 --> 00:09:09,896 And be careful nobody catches you. 157 00:09:09,979 --> 00:09:11,396 Meanwhile, I'm gonna find a way to get 158 00:09:11,479 --> 00:09:13,104 my heart and body back, 159 00:09:13,187 --> 00:09:14,687 and hunt down the twisted bastard 160 00:09:14,771 --> 00:09:16,229 who's behind all this. 161 00:09:21,812 --> 00:09:24,812 [CAESAR CLOWN] I was finally able to get through to him. 162 00:09:24,896 --> 00:09:26,187 Click. 163 00:09:26,271 --> 00:09:27,896 [CAESAR CLOWN] We have permission to kill them all. 164 00:09:27,979 --> 00:09:29,729 The Straw Hat pirates. 165 00:09:29,812 --> 00:09:31,187 The G-5 crew. 166 00:09:31,271 --> 00:09:33,437 Foxfire Kin'emon, as well. 167 00:09:33,521 --> 00:09:35,479 No matter who dies on this island, 168 00:09:35,562 --> 00:09:37,979 Joker will ensure the losses are officially listed 169 00:09:38,062 --> 00:09:40,271 as accidents at sea. 170 00:09:40,354 --> 00:09:42,687 Catch as many of them as possible. 171 00:09:42,771 --> 00:09:44,937 The more guinea pigs, the merrier. 172 00:09:45,021 --> 00:09:46,771 [SUBORDINATE A] Yes, Master. 173 00:09:46,854 --> 00:09:48,229 [CAESAR CLOWN] I prefer them alive, 174 00:09:48,312 --> 00:09:51,562 but you may kill any that can't be taken with poison. 175 00:09:51,646 --> 00:09:53,062 Where did Law go? 176 00:09:53,146 --> 00:09:55,687 [SUBORDINATE A] He left the room a few minutes ago. 177 00:09:55,771 --> 00:09:57,187 Well, be careful. 178 00:09:57,271 --> 00:09:59,562 These pirates have large bounties. 179 00:09:59,646 --> 00:10:01,437 One is 400 million. 180 00:10:01,521 --> 00:10:03,104 [MONET] The others range from 50 berries 181 00:10:03,187 --> 00:10:05,021 to 120 million. 182 00:10:05,104 --> 00:10:06,812 All are wanted, and their total bounties 183 00:10:06,896 --> 00:10:09,937 are 800 million and 50 berries. 184 00:10:10,021 --> 00:10:11,479 They're notorious, despite the fact 185 00:10:11,562 --> 00:10:14,229 they've been inactive for the past two years. 186 00:10:14,312 --> 00:10:16,729 Their bounties haven't increased in that time. 187 00:10:16,812 --> 00:10:19,771 They could be more powerful than the numbers show. 188 00:10:19,854 --> 00:10:24,062 [CAESAR CLOWN] You're ever the font of information, Monet. 189 00:10:24,146 --> 00:10:25,312 Help, Master! 190 00:10:26,771 --> 00:10:27,729 [CAESAR CLOWN] Huh? 191 00:10:28,729 --> 00:10:30,354 You look half-frozen. 192 00:10:30,437 --> 00:10:31,979 Have you been wandering around outside 193 00:10:32,062 --> 00:10:33,229 without a coat? 194 00:10:33,312 --> 00:10:35,312 We were robbed by pirates, Master. 195 00:10:35,396 --> 00:10:37,437 What's worse is that the scheming lowlifes 196 00:10:37,521 --> 00:10:39,187 took Boss Brownbeard with them. 197 00:10:39,271 --> 00:10:41,521 Please, Master! We have to help him! 198 00:10:41,604 --> 00:10:44,521 Really? How absolutely terrible. 199 00:10:44,604 --> 00:10:47,062 Don't worry about Brownbeard. 200 00:10:47,146 --> 00:10:49,521 I promise you we will retrieve him. 201 00:10:49,604 --> 00:10:51,812 Now, go on back to the room. 202 00:10:51,896 --> 00:10:54,062 As it happens, you're in luck. 203 00:10:54,146 --> 00:10:56,396 We've just finished a new medicine. 204 00:10:56,479 --> 00:10:57,979 Exactly what you need. 205 00:10:58,062 --> 00:11:00,312 It will both warm and heal you. 206 00:11:00,396 --> 00:11:02,646 [CENTAUR A] Really? That's so kind! 207 00:11:02,729 --> 00:11:04,229 Will you help the others, too? 208 00:11:04,312 --> 00:11:06,812 [CAESAR CLOWN] Shurorororo! Certainly. 209 00:11:06,896 --> 00:11:09,479 But first let's get you treated. 210 00:11:09,562 --> 00:11:12,229 [CENTAUR A] You do so much for us, Master! 211 00:11:12,312 --> 00:11:14,271 I don't know how to repay you. 212 00:11:15,812 --> 00:11:18,396 [SANJI (NAMI)] Are you kidding? What the hell is this, Usopp? 213 00:11:18,479 --> 00:11:21,354 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] I think they're totally super, bro! 214 00:11:21,437 --> 00:11:23,187 [NAMI (FRANKY)] I don't care anymore. 215 00:11:23,271 --> 00:11:25,646 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] Thanks, Usopp! Great idea! 216 00:11:25,729 --> 00:11:28,562 This thing detracts from Nami's beauty! 217 00:11:28,646 --> 00:11:30,104 Aw, quit whining! 218 00:11:30,187 --> 00:11:31,646 Without some sort of system like this, 219 00:11:31,729 --> 00:11:33,437 we're never gonna remember who's who. 220 00:11:33,521 --> 00:11:35,146 So Brownbeard, huh? 221 00:11:35,229 --> 00:11:36,396 [USOPP] Hm? 222 00:11:36,479 --> 00:11:38,562 That's right. I'm sure you've heard that name. 223 00:11:38,646 --> 00:11:40,396 It's what I used to go by. 224 00:11:40,479 --> 00:11:41,562 [LUFFY] Nope, sorry. 225 00:11:41,646 --> 00:11:43,312 Are you kidding, you fool? 226 00:11:43,396 --> 00:11:45,646 Hey, get off of me before I bite you! 227 00:11:45,729 --> 00:11:47,229 Something's up. 228 00:11:47,312 --> 00:11:50,146 You wouldn't say a word before, and now you won't stop yapping. 229 00:11:50,229 --> 00:11:52,271 Why're you so eager to run your mouth now? 230 00:11:52,354 --> 00:11:53,604 Oh ho. 231 00:11:53,687 --> 00:11:56,354 I'm in a good mood because you guys are in for it. 232 00:11:56,437 --> 00:11:59,271 Law knows that I'm with you now, and he's gonna come for me. 233 00:11:59,354 --> 00:12:01,229 I despise all the worthless pirates 234 00:12:01,312 --> 00:12:03,187 of your damn generation. 235 00:12:03,271 --> 00:12:04,687 Law's the exception. 236 00:12:04,771 --> 00:12:05,729 Hold on. 237 00:12:05,812 --> 00:12:07,562 What do you mean "our generation"? 238 00:12:07,646 --> 00:12:08,937 Don't you know anything? 239 00:12:09,021 --> 00:12:11,187 Little fool. 240 00:12:11,271 --> 00:12:12,896 I mean the 11 rookies with bounties 241 00:12:12,979 --> 00:12:15,646 over 100 million who arrived at Sabaody 242 00:12:15,729 --> 00:12:17,104 two years ago. 243 00:12:17,187 --> 00:12:19,771 You lot, and Blackbeard. 244 00:12:19,854 --> 00:12:22,687 People call you punks "The Worst Generation." 245 00:12:22,771 --> 00:12:24,521 Troublemakers who were born at the change 246 00:12:24,604 --> 00:12:25,896 of the era. 247 00:12:25,979 --> 00:12:27,896 Reckless fools whose actions will determine 248 00:12:27,979 --> 00:12:30,312 the future of this world. 249 00:12:30,396 --> 00:12:32,187 After Whitebeard died, you all came 250 00:12:32,271 --> 00:12:34,771 to the New World and began raising hell. 251 00:12:34,854 --> 00:12:36,562 Anytime something big happened, 252 00:12:36,646 --> 00:12:38,604 a member of your generation was usually 253 00:12:38,687 --> 00:12:40,604 right in the thick of things. 254 00:12:40,687 --> 00:12:47,604 Blackbeard, Kid, Law, Drake, and Hawkins. 255 00:12:47,687 --> 00:12:50,062 Basil Hawkins was the one who shattered my crew, 256 00:12:50,146 --> 00:12:53,187 leaving us defeated and broken. 257 00:12:53,271 --> 00:12:56,146 It was because of him that my pirate career ended. 258 00:12:56,229 --> 00:12:58,229 The coward took my legs from me. 259 00:12:58,312 --> 00:13:00,354 My crew was annihilated. 260 00:13:00,437 --> 00:13:02,146 I was fleeing for my life when at last, 261 00:13:02,229 --> 00:13:07,271 I arrived here, on the island known as Punk Hazard. 262 00:13:07,354 --> 00:13:09,896 Do you fools even know what this place is? 263 00:13:13,562 --> 00:13:17,729 This island is not what it was. 264 00:13:17,812 --> 00:13:20,729 It used to be a paradise, teeming with life. 265 00:13:20,812 --> 00:13:23,229 Home to creatures of all shapes and colors. 266 00:13:23,312 --> 00:13:24,354 Wow, for real? 267 00:13:24,437 --> 00:13:26,021 It's nothing like that anymore. 268 00:13:43,604 --> 00:13:45,187 [BROWNBEARD] This island housed the laboratory 269 00:13:45,271 --> 00:13:48,812 of a Government scientist known as Dr. Vegapunk. 270 00:13:48,896 --> 00:13:50,729 He and his team were stationed here 271 00:13:50,812 --> 00:13:52,812 with the task of developing new chemicals 272 00:13:52,896 --> 00:13:54,271 and weapons. 273 00:13:57,937 --> 00:13:59,979 Vegapunk needed subjects on which to test 274 00:14:00,062 --> 00:14:01,479 his inventions. 275 00:14:01,562 --> 00:14:04,812 So, instead of going to prison, criminals were sent here, 276 00:14:04,896 --> 00:14:07,771 where they were experimented on. 277 00:14:07,854 --> 00:14:10,021 Four years ago, Vegapunk tested one of his 278 00:14:10,104 --> 00:14:13,146 chemical weapons, and it went very, very wrong. 279 00:14:36,396 --> 00:14:40,646 Two of the three labs exploded, destroyed almost entirely. 280 00:14:40,729 --> 00:14:43,521 We are standing in the remains of one right now. 281 00:14:43,604 --> 00:14:44,604 [GROUP] Huh? 282 00:15:10,604 --> 00:15:11,771 That makes sense. 283 00:15:11,854 --> 00:15:14,271 A huge explosion would do this kind of damage. 284 00:15:14,354 --> 00:15:16,479 So Robin's theory was right after all. 285 00:15:20,104 --> 00:15:22,062 Intense heat and toxic substances 286 00:15:22,146 --> 00:15:23,771 seeped into the air, 287 00:15:23,854 --> 00:15:25,479 and none of the plants or animals 288 00:15:25,562 --> 00:15:27,271 on the island survived. 289 00:15:45,271 --> 00:15:47,562 The Government ordered the island evacuated, 290 00:15:47,646 --> 00:15:49,271 retrieving their own people but leaving 291 00:15:49,354 --> 00:15:51,187 the test subjects behind. 292 00:15:51,271 --> 00:15:53,604 Vegapunk's operation was shut down, 293 00:15:53,687 --> 00:15:58,271 and his guinea pigs were thrown away like trash. 294 00:15:58,354 --> 00:16:00,146 They did what they could to survive, 295 00:16:00,229 --> 00:16:02,187 taking shelter in the Third Laboratory, 296 00:16:02,271 --> 00:16:04,187 the only one still intact. 297 00:16:04,271 --> 00:16:06,312 There, they were protected from the poison gas 298 00:16:06,396 --> 00:16:09,396 that contaminated the entire island. 299 00:16:09,479 --> 00:16:11,187 Those who survived were paralyzed 300 00:16:11,271 --> 00:16:13,812 from exposure to the gas, which stole the use 301 00:16:13,896 --> 00:16:15,604 of their lower bodies. 302 00:16:15,687 --> 00:16:18,979 They lived on, without any real hope for the future. 303 00:16:19,062 --> 00:16:20,646 But then... 304 00:16:20,729 --> 00:16:23,646 ...a year later, everything changed. 305 00:16:23,729 --> 00:16:25,812 A kind master arrived on the island, 306 00:16:25,896 --> 00:16:28,937 restoring the hope that had been lost. 307 00:16:29,021 --> 00:16:31,396 With his ability, he purified the island 308 00:16:31,479 --> 00:16:33,021 of the toxic gas. 309 00:16:33,104 --> 00:16:34,979 He also gave the prisoners who couldn't walk 310 00:16:35,062 --> 00:16:37,437 the mechanical means to move. 311 00:16:37,521 --> 00:16:39,729 More than that, he gave them purpose 312 00:16:39,812 --> 00:16:42,062 by making them his loyal subordinates. 313 00:16:42,146 --> 00:16:45,854 [cries] Kind Master! 314 00:16:45,937 --> 00:16:47,479 Master! 315 00:16:47,562 --> 00:16:49,896 Merciful Master! 316 00:16:49,979 --> 00:16:52,396 I came to the island a year after that, 317 00:16:52,479 --> 00:16:54,062 desperate and broken. 318 00:16:54,146 --> 00:16:56,187 Two years have passed since my arrival. 319 00:17:09,354 --> 00:17:11,354 Some toxic substances remained in the air 320 00:17:11,437 --> 00:17:15,437 even then, and breathing it left me feeling nauseous. 321 00:17:15,521 --> 00:17:18,896 I began to think I had no more strength to carry on. 322 00:17:18,979 --> 00:17:21,854 I had fought to survive, but I was reaching the end. 323 00:17:27,771 --> 00:17:29,146 But then I saw them: 324 00:17:29,229 --> 00:17:31,229 the men who had lost the use of their legs, 325 00:17:31,312 --> 00:17:33,479 just as I had. 326 00:17:33,562 --> 00:17:36,021 And with them, the Master. 327 00:17:42,146 --> 00:17:44,021 I owe everything to him. 328 00:17:44,104 --> 00:17:46,396 His kindness saved my life as it saved others 329 00:17:46,479 --> 00:17:48,354 before me. 330 00:17:48,437 --> 00:17:51,812 Vegapunk and his experiments stole my comrades' legs. 331 00:17:51,896 --> 00:17:56,021 But then the Master arrived, a kind and generous savior. 332 00:18:00,437 --> 00:18:01,896 [BOTH crying] 333 00:18:01,979 --> 00:18:03,812 Master! 334 00:18:04,937 --> 00:18:06,437 [BROWNBEARD] And then a few months ago, 335 00:18:06,521 --> 00:18:08,521 fate brought us another surprise. 336 00:18:08,604 --> 00:18:10,062 Trafalgar Law. 337 00:18:10,146 --> 00:18:12,562 A Warlord arrived on the island and became 338 00:18:12,646 --> 00:18:15,437 our second savior. 339 00:18:15,521 --> 00:18:17,521 Using his special ability, 340 00:18:17,604 --> 00:18:19,812 he gave legs to those of us who couldn't walk 341 00:18:19,896 --> 00:18:22,062 without mechanical assistance. 342 00:18:22,146 --> 00:18:24,271 They were the legs of living animals! 343 00:18:30,229 --> 00:18:32,354 We thought we would never walk again, 344 00:18:32,437 --> 00:18:35,854 so we wept when our bodies were restored. 345 00:18:35,937 --> 00:18:39,062 Oh, my gosh, that's the most beautiful story ever! 346 00:18:39,146 --> 00:18:41,896 You see? I told you Traffy was a good guy. 347 00:18:41,979 --> 00:18:44,312 I'm not the only one whose life he saved. 348 00:18:44,396 --> 00:18:47,021 How could Dr. Vegapunk do something so horrible? 349 00:18:47,104 --> 00:18:49,396 Well, I guess this explains the half-sheep people. 350 00:18:49,479 --> 00:18:51,104 The ones back at the laboratory. 351 00:18:51,187 --> 00:18:52,937 Centaurs and the bird-woman. 352 00:18:53,021 --> 00:18:54,562 It all makes sense now. 353 00:18:54,646 --> 00:18:56,979 'Cept the dragon. What's up with that? 354 00:18:57,062 --> 00:18:59,729 Ah, yes. Saw the dragon, did you? 355 00:18:59,812 --> 00:19:02,312 That's just an artificial creature Vegapunk created 356 00:19:02,396 --> 00:19:05,479 to guard the island from unwanted visitors. 357 00:19:05,562 --> 00:19:08,562 It can adapt to any environment imaginable. 358 00:19:08,646 --> 00:19:10,479 I heard one of the World Nobles liked it 359 00:19:10,562 --> 00:19:12,104 and gave it a name. 360 00:19:12,187 --> 00:19:15,937 I forgot what it was, but run if you see it. 361 00:19:16,021 --> 00:19:18,021 It's very aggressive. 362 00:19:18,104 --> 00:19:19,229 I'm not worried. 363 00:19:19,312 --> 00:19:20,604 [ZORO] We already ate it. 364 00:19:20,687 --> 00:19:22,562 Now you know who's in charge on the island 365 00:19:22,646 --> 00:19:24,437 and why we're here. 366 00:19:24,521 --> 00:19:26,646 Nobody else dares to come near it now. 367 00:19:26,729 --> 00:19:28,437 It belongs to the Master. 368 00:19:28,521 --> 00:19:30,771 Punk Hazard is the domain of our savior. 369 00:19:30,854 --> 00:19:34,437 [BROWNBEARD chuckles] No, don't cry. 370 00:19:34,521 --> 00:19:36,062 The Master continues his research 371 00:19:36,146 --> 00:19:38,104 for the betterment of mankind. 372 00:19:38,187 --> 00:19:40,146 To do so, he needs test subjects, 373 00:19:40,229 --> 00:19:43,812 and each of you will have the honor of becoming one. 374 00:19:43,896 --> 00:19:46,937 Like it or not, you're his! 375 00:19:57,771 --> 00:20:00,271 [CAESAR CLOWN] Hm? Is something the matter? 376 00:20:00,354 --> 00:20:01,604 [CENTAUR A] Master! 377 00:20:01,687 --> 00:20:03,604 Master! I can't breathe! 378 00:20:03,687 --> 00:20:07,479 What kind of... [coughs] ...medicine is this? 379 00:20:07,562 --> 00:20:09,562 [coughs] 380 00:20:09,646 --> 00:20:11,396 Please, Master! 381 00:20:11,479 --> 00:20:12,604 [coughs] 382 00:20:12,687 --> 00:20:13,729 Master! 383 00:20:13,812 --> 00:20:16,896 [coughing] 384 00:20:16,979 --> 00:20:18,979 Please just let me out of here. 385 00:20:19,062 --> 00:20:20,604 [gasping] 386 00:20:20,687 --> 00:20:23,021 I need you to hang on a little longer. 387 00:20:23,104 --> 00:20:24,687 Describe how you feel. 388 00:20:27,687 --> 00:20:28,646 From the sound of it, 389 00:20:28,729 --> 00:20:30,437 there's some nausea and coughing. 390 00:20:30,521 --> 00:20:32,187 Does your head hurt, as well? 391 00:20:32,271 --> 00:20:33,312 [CENTAUR A] Yes! 392 00:20:33,396 --> 00:20:35,521 It feels like it's going to split open. 393 00:20:35,604 --> 00:20:38,687 [CAESAR CLOWN] Yes. Yes. I see. 394 00:20:39,937 --> 00:20:42,437 [MARINE V] What? It wasn't Vegapunk? 395 00:20:42,521 --> 00:20:43,979 But he was in charge. 396 00:20:44,062 --> 00:20:46,312 If Vegapunk didn't cause that huge explosion, 397 00:20:46,396 --> 00:20:47,896 who did, Smokey? 398 00:20:47,979 --> 00:20:51,896 The person who made the weapon and accidentally set it off. 399 00:20:51,979 --> 00:20:53,479 That was Caesar Clown. 400 00:20:53,562 --> 00:20:54,604 [MARINES gasp] 401 00:20:56,646 --> 00:20:58,771 He and Vegapunk worked together. 402 00:20:58,854 --> 00:21:01,562 Ceasar Clown was second in command here. 403 00:21:01,646 --> 00:21:04,979 But because of his tendency towards inhumane methods, 404 00:21:05,062 --> 00:21:08,312 he and Vegapunk butted heads frequently. 405 00:21:08,396 --> 00:21:09,979 P-Please, Master. 406 00:21:12,812 --> 00:21:15,229 Please help me. 407 00:21:15,312 --> 00:21:16,437 [gasping] 408 00:21:16,521 --> 00:21:17,979 Shurorororo! 409 00:21:18,062 --> 00:21:19,687 How are your eyes doing? 410 00:21:19,771 --> 00:21:22,146 Are you seeing anything strange? 411 00:21:22,229 --> 00:21:27,146 [CENTAUR A] Huh? Oh! Yes, there's a giant snake! 412 00:21:27,229 --> 00:21:30,396 [yelling] 413 00:21:30,479 --> 00:21:32,854 [CAESAR CLOWN] Shurorororo! Too bad! 414 00:21:32,937 --> 00:21:35,104 All right, that's enough. Goodbye now. 415 00:21:43,271 --> 00:21:44,771 After the accident happened, 416 00:21:44,854 --> 00:21:46,687 Vegapunk was listed as responsible 417 00:21:46,771 --> 00:21:49,187 because he was the person in charge. 418 00:21:49,271 --> 00:21:51,312 Of course, it was a crime to develop 419 00:21:51,396 --> 00:21:53,479 a chemical weapon of mass destruction 420 00:21:53,562 --> 00:21:55,479 that could take out an entire island. 421 00:21:55,562 --> 00:21:57,396 When Caesar Clown's involvement came to light 422 00:21:57,479 --> 00:22:00,812 after the explosion, he was arrested. 423 00:22:00,896 --> 00:22:03,854 But using his formidable ability, 424 00:22:03,937 --> 00:22:06,062 he escaped from a prison ship, 425 00:22:06,146 --> 00:22:09,062 and his location has been unknown since. 426 00:22:09,146 --> 00:22:10,812 If my suspicions are correct, 427 00:22:10,896 --> 00:22:12,479 and Caesar is back here on this island 428 00:22:12,562 --> 00:22:14,729 conducting experiments, 429 00:22:14,812 --> 00:22:17,146 we have to stop him! 430 00:22:17,229 --> 00:22:19,354 Before he does something even more horrible 431 00:22:19,437 --> 00:22:20,687 than before. 432 00:22:22,146 --> 00:22:23,146 "Giant snake." 433 00:22:28,229 --> 00:22:29,854 Was this one another failure? 434 00:22:29,937 --> 00:22:31,271 [CAESAR CLOWN] Huh? 435 00:22:31,354 --> 00:22:32,896 "Falure," you say? 436 00:22:32,979 --> 00:22:35,271 You really should watch your tongue. 437 00:22:35,354 --> 00:22:37,354 My experiments are never failures, 438 00:22:37,437 --> 00:22:40,396 not even what happened four years ago. 439 00:22:40,479 --> 00:22:42,604 None of the useless idiots in the World Government 440 00:22:42,687 --> 00:22:44,687 know what they're talking about. 441 00:22:44,771 --> 00:22:46,229 A failed experiment? 442 00:22:46,312 --> 00:22:49,771 I developed a weapon that killed an entire island! 443 00:22:49,854 --> 00:22:52,562 How is that anything but a success? 444 00:22:52,646 --> 00:22:56,146 I proved myself the most efficient killer in the world! 445 00:22:56,229 --> 00:22:58,062 Didn't I?! 446 00:22:58,146 --> 00:23:00,562 I meticulously document each of my victims 447 00:23:00,646 --> 00:23:02,937 until they draw their final breath! 448 00:23:03,021 --> 00:23:04,646 Just you wait! 449 00:23:04,729 --> 00:23:06,687 Soon it will be my day, 450 00:23:06,771 --> 00:23:08,562 and they'll know I'm the greatest scientist 451 00:23:08,646 --> 00:23:09,937 who ever lived! 452 00:23:10,021 --> 00:23:11,771 Shurorororororo! Shurorororororo! 453 00:23:15,521 --> 00:23:19,771 Shurorororororo! 454 00:23:25,312 --> 00:23:27,646 [NARRATOR] Struck by a sudden terrible pain, 455 00:23:27,729 --> 00:23:31,062 the children begin to collapse one after another. 456 00:23:31,146 --> 00:23:33,562 The Straw Hat crew is shocked when Chopper reveals 457 00:23:33,646 --> 00:23:35,312 the horrifying cause. 458 00:23:35,396 --> 00:23:38,479 Meanwhile, Zoro's group sets out to find the 459 00:23:38,562 --> 00:23:42,812 unaware of the colossal shadows looming nearby. 460 00:23:42,896 --> 00:23:44,521 [LUFFY]One Piece : 461 00:23:44,604 --> 00:23:48,312 "Chopper's Fury! The Master's Inhumane Experiment!"