1 00:02:52,104 --> 00:02:54,562 [NARRATOR] All pirates searching for the treasure One Piece 2 00:02:54,646 --> 00:02:57,479 must brave the second half of the Grand Line. 3 00:02:57,562 --> 00:02:59,771 These wild and dangerous seas are known 4 00:02:59,854 --> 00:03:02,687 as the New World. 5 00:03:02,771 --> 00:03:04,812 Gold Roger and his crew were the only men 6 00:03:04,896 --> 00:03:06,604 to ever chart these waters and learn 7 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:08,521 all the secrets they held. 8 00:03:08,604 --> 00:03:10,396 For the rest of the pirates in the world, 9 00:03:10,479 --> 00:03:12,812 this has proven to be the end of the road. 10 00:03:12,896 --> 00:03:14,771 A graveyard of dreams. 11 00:03:17,146 --> 00:03:18,562 Now, Monkey D. Luffy, 12 00:03:18,646 --> 00:03:20,646 a boy whose body became rubber after eating 13 00:03:20,729 --> 00:03:23,687 the Gum-Gum Fruit, sets sail into the New World 14 00:03:23,771 --> 00:03:25,479 with his faithful crew. 15 00:03:25,562 --> 00:03:28,896 I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates! 16 00:03:32,062 --> 00:03:34,312 [NARRATOR] After a fierce battle at the bottom of the sea, 17 00:03:34,396 --> 00:03:36,687 the Straw Hat Pirates depart for the deadly waters 18 00:03:36,771 --> 00:03:40,229 of the New World, ruled by the Four Emperors. 19 00:03:40,312 --> 00:03:43,521 Receiving a distress call, the crew lands on Punk Hazard, 20 00:03:43,604 --> 00:03:46,062 an island split into two sections with extremely 21 00:03:46,146 --> 00:03:47,812 different climates. 22 00:03:47,896 --> 00:03:50,604 G-5, led by Vice Admiral Smoker, 23 00:03:50,687 --> 00:03:53,521 arrives at the island in pursuit of the Straw Hats. 24 00:03:53,604 --> 00:03:55,646 But they soon meet Trafalgar Law. 25 00:04:04,687 --> 00:04:05,687 [LAW] Scalpel! 26 00:04:10,271 --> 00:04:11,479 [SMOKER] My heart! 27 00:04:19,854 --> 00:04:21,687 [BROWNBEARD] But then the Master arrived, 28 00:04:21,771 --> 00:04:24,562 a kind and generous savior. 29 00:04:24,646 --> 00:04:28,437 [crying] Master! 30 00:04:28,521 --> 00:04:32,312 This island, Punk Hazard, is the domain of our savior. 31 00:04:32,396 --> 00:04:35,771 [BROWNBEARD chuckles] No, don't cry. 32 00:04:35,854 --> 00:04:37,479 The Master continues his research 33 00:04:37,562 --> 00:04:39,437 for the betterment of mankind. 34 00:04:39,521 --> 00:04:41,562 To do so, he needs test subjects, 35 00:04:41,646 --> 00:04:45,146 and each of you will have the honor of becoming one. 36 00:04:45,229 --> 00:04:48,437 Like it or not, you're his! 37 00:04:53,896 --> 00:04:55,229 [LUFFY] "Chopper's Fury! 38 00:04:55,312 --> 00:04:57,729 The Master's Inhumane Experiment!" 39 00:04:59,854 --> 00:05:03,771 [GROUP crying] Oh, Master! 40 00:05:03,854 --> 00:05:06,312 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] He must be a really nice man, huh? 41 00:05:06,396 --> 00:05:08,021 Yeah. That's true. 42 00:05:08,104 --> 00:05:09,646 He's a wonderful person. 43 00:05:09,729 --> 00:05:11,229 The Master is super! 44 00:05:11,312 --> 00:05:12,271 Merciful! 45 00:05:12,354 --> 00:05:13,604 Mankind's last hope! 46 00:05:13,687 --> 00:05:15,937 Gimme a break, you don't even know the guy! 47 00:05:16,021 --> 00:05:17,396 Are you even listening? 48 00:05:17,479 --> 00:05:18,562 We! 49 00:05:18,646 --> 00:05:19,312 Love! 50 00:05:19,396 --> 00:05:21,896 The Master! Whoa! 51 00:05:21,979 --> 00:05:23,437 What the hell's goin' on?! 52 00:05:25,812 --> 00:05:27,562 Why'd I puff up like this?! 53 00:05:27,646 --> 00:05:28,896 [LUFFY] A fuzzball! 54 00:05:28,979 --> 00:05:30,312 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] Yeah, that's called Guard Point. 55 00:05:30,396 --> 00:05:32,479 It's one of six different forms you can change into. 56 00:05:32,562 --> 00:05:34,271 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] It'll just change on a whim? 57 00:05:34,354 --> 00:05:35,479 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] Get used to it! 58 00:05:35,562 --> 00:05:37,896 Hey, I'm not a toy, so quit playin' with me! 59 00:05:37,979 --> 00:05:41,937 [yelling] 60 00:05:42,021 --> 00:05:43,229 Seriously? 61 00:05:43,312 --> 00:05:44,812 The samurai just ditched us? 62 00:05:44,896 --> 00:05:45,729 Yes. 63 00:05:45,812 --> 00:05:47,021 [SANJI (NAMI)] Damn it! 64 00:05:47,104 --> 00:05:48,729 I thought it was a little too quiet around here. 65 00:05:48,812 --> 00:05:50,229 When I mentioned that I had fought 66 00:05:50,312 --> 00:05:53,521 with a lone torso earlier, he asked me where I had seen it. 67 00:05:53,604 --> 00:05:56,437 I told him I lost it somewhere around the lake. 68 00:05:56,521 --> 00:05:58,229 That's when he went storming off, 69 00:05:58,312 --> 00:06:01,479 presumably to go and look for his missing middle. 70 00:06:01,562 --> 00:06:03,562 I must've missed it 'cause I was distracted 71 00:06:03,646 --> 00:06:05,771 by Nami's sexy body! 72 00:06:05,854 --> 00:06:08,729 What does it matter to you, Sanji? 73 00:06:08,812 --> 00:06:10,146 [SANJI (NAMI)] I'm the one who took him out 74 00:06:10,229 --> 00:06:11,937 of the cell and brought him with us. 75 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:15,979 The poor guy. He couldn't move. 76 00:06:17,312 --> 00:06:20,687 Like it or not, I'm responsible for the guy. 77 00:06:20,771 --> 00:06:22,646 If anything were to happen to him, 78 00:06:22,729 --> 00:06:24,437 it'd be my fault. 79 00:06:24,521 --> 00:06:26,937 I see. He can't hold a sword. 80 00:06:27,021 --> 00:06:29,437 Therefore, if an enemy were to attack him, 81 00:06:29,521 --> 00:06:31,104 all that he could do is run away. 82 00:06:33,646 --> 00:06:35,229 Well? What now? 83 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:36,771 He could be in danger. 84 00:06:36,854 --> 00:06:39,437 Damn it. Let's go find him. 85 00:06:39,521 --> 00:06:41,146 Luffy, I'll be right back. 86 00:06:41,229 --> 00:06:42,354 You just stay put. 87 00:06:42,437 --> 00:06:44,187 'Kay! I'll try! 88 00:06:44,271 --> 00:06:45,479 [BROOK] I'll make you a deal. 89 00:06:45,562 --> 00:06:46,979 I'll show you the way, 90 00:06:47,062 --> 00:06:48,479 but only if you'll show me your panties. 91 00:06:48,562 --> 00:06:49,646 [SANJI (NAMI)] Works for me! 92 00:06:49,729 --> 00:06:51,729 Aw man, I'm still wishing I had a camera! 93 00:06:51,812 --> 00:06:54,271 Oh, no you don't! 94 00:06:54,354 --> 00:06:56,812 [BROOK yells] 95 00:06:56,896 --> 00:06:59,021 Hey! You've gotta go with them! 96 00:06:59,104 --> 00:07:00,604 [ZORO groans] 97 00:07:00,687 --> 00:07:03,062 If Zoro's there, that means Sanji'll 98 00:07:03,146 --> 00:07:06,062 be too busy arguing with him to be lewd! 99 00:07:06,146 --> 00:07:08,021 I can't believe I'm being forced to go search 100 00:07:08,104 --> 00:07:09,812 for that farting samurai in this weather 101 00:07:09,896 --> 00:07:12,146 just 'cause you can't control yourself! 102 00:07:12,229 --> 00:07:13,437 You idiot! 103 00:07:13,521 --> 00:07:15,062 Do you think I want you here? 104 00:07:15,146 --> 00:07:16,687 I wanna be around guys who can share 105 00:07:16,771 --> 00:07:18,021 in my happiness! 106 00:07:18,104 --> 00:07:19,687 Not a loser like you! 107 00:07:19,771 --> 00:07:23,021 Ah... Why was I the only one hit? 108 00:07:23,104 --> 00:07:25,312 I hope I didn't break a bone. 109 00:07:25,396 --> 00:07:26,646 No. 110 00:07:26,729 --> 00:07:28,354 The only thing broken is my panty-loving heart. 111 00:07:28,437 --> 00:07:30,187 [arguing] 112 00:07:32,687 --> 00:07:34,854 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] It's nice to see them happy, isn't it? 113 00:07:34,937 --> 00:07:36,646 Just like normal kids. 114 00:07:36,729 --> 00:07:38,187 [CHILDREN laughing] 115 00:07:38,271 --> 00:07:39,604 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Yeah, you're right. 116 00:07:39,687 --> 00:07:41,646 And they're so full of energy. 117 00:07:41,729 --> 00:07:43,854 They don't look like they're sick at all. 118 00:07:49,187 --> 00:07:50,479 [CHILDREN] Super! 119 00:07:53,396 --> 00:07:55,021 I wonder what's making them ill. 120 00:07:55,104 --> 00:07:56,354 I'll do some research. 121 00:07:56,437 --> 00:07:58,479 Awesome! Can I do anything to help? 122 00:07:58,562 --> 00:07:59,896 Yeah. 123 00:07:59,979 --> 00:08:02,479 Would you please collect samples of their sweat for me? 124 00:08:02,562 --> 00:08:03,562 Thank you. 125 00:08:08,896 --> 00:08:10,396 'Kay, that should do it. 126 00:08:10,479 --> 00:08:11,771 [MOCHA] 'Scuse me, Miss? 127 00:08:11,854 --> 00:08:13,521 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Hm? What is it? 128 00:08:13,604 --> 00:08:16,187 Do you think I'll get better? 129 00:08:16,271 --> 00:08:20,271 It's just that I wanna see my mommy and daddy. 130 00:08:20,354 --> 00:08:22,479 Yeah, I know you do, Mocha. 131 00:08:22,562 --> 00:08:24,937 Don't worry. I'll get you back to them. 132 00:08:25,021 --> 00:08:26,729 I promise I'll find a way. 133 00:08:33,812 --> 00:08:35,812 [USOPP] All right, we need to come up with a plan. 134 00:08:35,896 --> 00:08:37,479 Where do we go from here? 135 00:08:37,562 --> 00:08:38,812 First things first, we need to get 136 00:08:38,896 --> 00:08:40,729 our regular bodies back as soon as possible! 137 00:08:40,812 --> 00:08:42,896 I'm sick and tired of being a giant perv! 138 00:08:42,979 --> 00:08:46,604 Aw, c'mon! You know ya love me, Nami! 139 00:08:46,687 --> 00:08:47,729 Franky. 140 00:08:47,812 --> 00:08:50,896 Don't smile with his face. It's creepy. 141 00:08:50,979 --> 00:08:52,354 You're no fun. 142 00:08:52,437 --> 00:08:54,146 So, about the ankle-biters. 143 00:08:54,229 --> 00:08:56,396 What'll we do? Any bright ideas? 144 00:08:57,479 --> 00:08:59,562 Franky. I beg you. 145 00:08:59,646 --> 00:09:02,771 Please don't speak while you're in Chopper's body. 146 00:09:02,854 --> 00:09:04,104 Not one word! 147 00:09:05,146 --> 00:09:07,104 [SYND grunts] 148 00:09:07,187 --> 00:09:08,437 [DOLAN] You ready? 149 00:09:08,521 --> 00:09:09,937 [BOY A] Yeah, just try it! 150 00:09:11,896 --> 00:09:14,354 [GIRL C] Synd, you wanna have a snowball fight with me? 151 00:09:17,354 --> 00:09:20,062 What's the matter? Are you okay? 152 00:09:22,812 --> 00:09:24,562 [SYND grunts] 153 00:09:24,646 --> 00:09:26,354 I can't breathe. 154 00:09:26,437 --> 00:09:28,479 [grunting] 155 00:09:31,104 --> 00:09:32,437 [GIRL C yells] 156 00:09:34,437 --> 00:09:35,937 You scared me. 157 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:37,771 What's wrong? Are you sick? 158 00:09:37,854 --> 00:09:38,979 [SYND] No fair... 159 00:09:42,354 --> 00:09:44,437 It wasn't real! 160 00:09:44,521 --> 00:09:46,479 Ya find somethin', Mister? 161 00:09:46,562 --> 00:09:48,646 Well, we'll see soon enough. 162 00:09:52,771 --> 00:09:55,187 What? This can't be right. 163 00:09:55,271 --> 00:09:56,979 [SYND yells] 164 00:09:57,062 --> 00:09:58,896 You're acting weird, Synd. 165 00:09:58,979 --> 00:10:00,187 Are you feeling bad? 166 00:10:00,271 --> 00:10:02,979 [SYND yelling] 167 00:10:03,062 --> 00:10:04,312 What happened? 168 00:10:04,396 --> 00:10:06,187 I dunno, the big guy just started flippin' out! 169 00:10:06,271 --> 00:10:07,896 [SYND yells] 170 00:10:07,979 --> 00:10:09,771 I can't breathe! 171 00:10:09,854 --> 00:10:11,146 Hey Chopper. 172 00:10:11,229 --> 00:10:13,104 He says he's havin' a hard time breathin'. 173 00:10:13,187 --> 00:10:14,437 Think you can you help him? 174 00:10:15,562 --> 00:10:16,562 Mocha! 175 00:10:18,604 --> 00:10:21,729 Children! What's the matter? 176 00:10:21,812 --> 00:10:23,187 Dolan, too? 177 00:10:23,271 --> 00:10:25,854 All of a sudden, the big kids are droppin' like flies! 178 00:10:25,937 --> 00:10:27,062 Any idea why? 179 00:10:27,146 --> 00:10:28,729 Chopper, you find anything? 180 00:10:28,812 --> 00:10:29,812 Please tell us! 181 00:10:29,896 --> 00:10:32,479 I guess the kids really were sick, huh? 182 00:10:32,562 --> 00:10:33,604 You're wrong. 183 00:10:33,687 --> 00:10:34,854 [NAMI (FRANKY)] Huh? 184 00:10:34,937 --> 00:10:37,854 Synd, is there something that you want right now? 185 00:10:37,937 --> 00:10:40,562 What do you usually do this time of day? 186 00:10:40,646 --> 00:10:42,979 This time of day? 187 00:10:43,062 --> 00:10:44,146 [grunts] 188 00:10:44,229 --> 00:10:45,562 Well, I, uh... 189 00:10:45,646 --> 00:10:48,729 I have a check-up. After that... 190 00:10:48,812 --> 00:10:50,604 Go on. What happens next? 191 00:10:50,687 --> 00:10:52,396 [SYND grunts] 192 00:10:52,479 --> 00:10:55,437 I get... some candy. 193 00:10:55,521 --> 00:10:56,604 Candy? 194 00:10:56,687 --> 00:10:58,562 [GIRL H] It's the best ever. 195 00:10:58,646 --> 00:11:01,271 Everyone loves it 'cause it's super yummy. 196 00:11:01,354 --> 00:11:04,146 It is! And it's a lot of fun, too! 197 00:11:04,229 --> 00:11:05,146 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] What? 198 00:11:05,229 --> 00:11:06,646 Yeah, 'cause smoke comes out of it! 199 00:11:06,729 --> 00:11:08,562 It's really cool, y'know? 200 00:11:08,646 --> 00:11:10,521 [SYND grunts] 201 00:11:10,604 --> 00:11:12,146 Maybe that's what I need. 202 00:11:15,562 --> 00:11:18,396 When I eat it I feel happy. 203 00:11:18,479 --> 00:11:24,479 So if I have some candy, then I might feel better. 204 00:11:28,021 --> 00:11:30,771 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] What was your name? Brownbeard? 205 00:11:30,854 --> 00:11:32,937 Do you know anything about this? 206 00:11:33,021 --> 00:11:33,896 [BROWNBEARD] Huh? 207 00:11:33,979 --> 00:11:34,937 These children. 208 00:11:35,021 --> 00:11:36,646 They're not sick after all! 209 00:11:36,729 --> 00:11:38,187 What're you saying? 210 00:11:38,271 --> 00:11:39,812 I'm never in the lab. 211 00:11:39,896 --> 00:11:41,687 I don't know what goes on here. 212 00:11:41,771 --> 00:11:43,604 But I do know this. 213 00:11:43,687 --> 00:11:46,979 These youngsters are suffering from an incurable disease! 214 00:11:47,062 --> 00:11:48,687 [USOPP] It's all right. Stay with us! 215 00:11:48,771 --> 00:11:50,021 Hey, Chopper! 216 00:11:50,104 --> 00:11:53,021 The smaller ones are startin' to break down, too! 217 00:11:53,104 --> 00:11:54,937 So this "Master." 218 00:11:55,021 --> 00:11:56,562 What's he doing to these kids? 219 00:11:56,646 --> 00:11:58,229 What are you implying? 220 00:11:58,312 --> 00:12:02,187 He would never do anything to hurt these children! 221 00:12:02,271 --> 00:12:04,104 The Master is merciful. 222 00:12:04,187 --> 00:12:06,479 He went out of his way to bring them here. 223 00:12:06,562 --> 00:12:08,687 And he did it because he hoped to find a cure 224 00:12:08,771 --> 00:12:10,521 for their disease! 225 00:12:10,604 --> 00:12:12,854 He's a scientist of love! 226 00:12:12,937 --> 00:12:13,979 [ALLY] I can't breathe! 227 00:12:14,062 --> 00:12:15,187 [BOY I] Ally? 228 00:12:15,271 --> 00:12:16,604 [ALLY coughs] 229 00:12:16,687 --> 00:12:18,312 [BROWNBEARD] Just look at what you've done to them! 230 00:12:18,396 --> 00:12:20,729 They're suffering because they left the laboratory. 231 00:12:20,812 --> 00:12:22,729 If they'd been able to get their daily treatment, 232 00:12:22,812 --> 00:12:24,479 they would be fine right now. 233 00:12:24,562 --> 00:12:25,562 No way! 234 00:12:25,646 --> 00:12:27,812 What's wrong? What did you find out? 235 00:12:29,437 --> 00:12:31,187 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] NHC10. 236 00:12:31,271 --> 00:12:33,812 I detected it in their sweat samples. 237 00:12:35,521 --> 00:12:39,021 It's only a trace amount, but still. 238 00:12:39,104 --> 00:12:40,562 This is a stimulant! 239 00:12:42,521 --> 00:12:44,104 They've been drugged? 240 00:12:44,187 --> 00:12:46,437 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] 'Fraid so. They aren't sick. 241 00:12:46,521 --> 00:12:50,062 They're going through NHC10 withdrawals. 242 00:12:50,146 --> 00:12:51,854 Only a select group of doctors 243 00:12:51,937 --> 00:12:53,937 from chosen countries are allowed to use it. 244 00:12:54,021 --> 00:12:56,562 I know because Dr. Kureha was one of them. 245 00:12:56,646 --> 00:12:58,521 While it's helpful in curing diseases, 246 00:12:58,604 --> 00:13:01,812 it's used sparingly because it's highly addictive. 247 00:13:01,896 --> 00:13:03,896 From what I can tell from my research, 248 00:13:03,979 --> 00:13:05,604 the kids have been consuming small amounts 249 00:13:05,687 --> 00:13:07,562 of it each and every day, 250 00:13:07,646 --> 00:13:10,271 and they've slowly become dependent on it. 251 00:13:10,354 --> 00:13:12,812 If they go without it, they crave another dose 252 00:13:12,896 --> 00:13:16,937 to ease the pain of their withdrawals. 253 00:13:17,021 --> 00:13:18,937 Who would do this? 254 00:13:19,021 --> 00:13:21,354 And to children! 255 00:13:22,812 --> 00:13:25,312 Your master's responsible for this, isn't he? 256 00:13:25,396 --> 00:13:28,396 If he's a "savior," then why'd he drug them?! 257 00:13:28,479 --> 00:13:30,146 Was it so they can't escape?! 258 00:13:30,229 --> 00:13:31,896 What the hell does he want with them?! 259 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:33,062 Watch your mouth. 260 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:35,479 Insult the Master and I'll make you pay! 261 00:13:35,562 --> 00:13:37,104 Chopper! What now? 262 00:13:37,187 --> 00:13:39,354 The kids keep collapsing! 263 00:13:39,437 --> 00:13:40,562 Candy... 264 00:13:40,646 --> 00:13:42,562 [grunts] 265 00:13:42,646 --> 00:13:43,937 You want candy? 266 00:13:44,021 --> 00:13:45,562 Okay, do you want me to go get some 267 00:13:45,646 --> 00:13:46,646 from the lab for you? 268 00:13:46,729 --> 00:13:47,896 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] No! 269 00:13:47,979 --> 00:13:49,146 As much as they want it, 270 00:13:49,229 --> 00:13:50,979 we can't let 'em have it anymore! 271 00:13:51,062 --> 00:13:52,437 That's where it came from! 272 00:13:52,521 --> 00:13:54,104 They were unaware that they were ingesting 273 00:13:54,187 --> 00:13:56,479 the drug because it was hidden in the candy! 274 00:13:56,562 --> 00:13:59,104 [SYND] You've gotta help me, Straw Hat. 275 00:13:59,187 --> 00:14:01,312 I really need a piece of candy. 276 00:14:01,396 --> 00:14:02,896 Are you gonna get it for me? 277 00:14:02,979 --> 00:14:04,229 Sorry, but I can't. 278 00:14:04,312 --> 00:14:06,187 Chopper's the doctor of my crew. 279 00:14:06,271 --> 00:14:08,562 I trust him-- whatever he says goes. 280 00:14:08,646 --> 00:14:09,979 So I can't do it! 281 00:14:10,062 --> 00:14:11,354 No fair! 282 00:14:11,437 --> 00:14:16,062 [crying] 283 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:19,854 [SYND panting] 284 00:14:29,146 --> 00:14:32,812 [SYND whimpering] 285 00:14:32,896 --> 00:14:36,646 [CHILDREN whimpering] 286 00:14:46,396 --> 00:14:47,437 [SYND] Why? 287 00:14:49,312 --> 00:14:50,937 Why?! 288 00:14:53,312 --> 00:14:54,979 His eyes! What's wrong with him? 289 00:14:55,062 --> 00:14:56,354 Scary! 290 00:14:57,687 --> 00:15:01,312 Meanie! You said you'd get it for me! 291 00:15:01,396 --> 00:15:03,104 Just do it already! 292 00:15:05,271 --> 00:15:07,354 [SYND grunts] 293 00:15:07,437 --> 00:15:13,104 You said you were gonna get it! Go get my candy! 294 00:15:13,187 --> 00:15:15,187 [yelling] 295 00:15:17,312 --> 00:15:18,396 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] Whoa! 296 00:15:18,479 --> 00:15:20,062 Where is the boy's strength coming from? 297 00:15:20,146 --> 00:15:21,104 [LUFFY grunts] 298 00:15:21,937 --> 00:15:23,812 Stop, Synd! Calm down! 299 00:15:23,896 --> 00:15:25,104 Something's way wrong! 300 00:15:25,187 --> 00:15:26,937 I've never seen him like this before! 301 00:15:27,021 --> 00:15:30,104 [SYND yells] 302 00:15:45,354 --> 00:15:46,896 Damn, that kid is strong! 303 00:15:46,979 --> 00:15:48,187 [USOPP] Well, of course he is! 304 00:15:48,271 --> 00:15:50,062 What did you expect from a giant? 305 00:15:50,146 --> 00:15:51,396 [FRANKY (CHOPPER)] But he's just a kid! 306 00:15:51,479 --> 00:15:53,937 Why can't I have my candy?! 307 00:15:54,021 --> 00:15:54,979 [GROUP yells] 308 00:15:55,062 --> 00:15:57,771 No! He's not a giant, Mister! 309 00:15:57,854 --> 00:16:00,146 All of us used to be normal-size. 310 00:16:00,229 --> 00:16:02,812 At least till we came to this island. 311 00:16:02,896 --> 00:16:04,437 [BOY I] I thought maybe our disease made us 312 00:16:04,521 --> 00:16:05,646 grow too much. 313 00:16:05,729 --> 00:16:08,354 'Cause that's the only thing wrong with us! 314 00:16:08,437 --> 00:16:10,146 There are plenty of strange diseases, 315 00:16:10,229 --> 00:16:13,104 but not one capable of changing someone's size. 316 00:16:13,187 --> 00:16:15,354 Giants aren't made, they're born that way! 317 00:16:15,437 --> 00:16:18,771 Our bodies get bigger and bigger the longer we stay here. 318 00:16:18,854 --> 00:16:21,937 Why's this happening to us? 319 00:16:22,021 --> 00:16:23,979 No way. 320 00:16:24,062 --> 00:16:25,479 That means their size wasn't caused 321 00:16:25,562 --> 00:16:27,812 by hypersecretion of growth hormone. 322 00:16:27,896 --> 00:16:29,979 But then what could it be? 323 00:16:30,062 --> 00:16:31,146 Need candy! 324 00:16:31,229 --> 00:16:32,979 Candy! 325 00:16:33,062 --> 00:16:34,729 They're using these kids... 326 00:16:36,687 --> 00:16:38,354 ...as test subjects! 327 00:16:38,437 --> 00:16:39,562 [ALLY] Candy! 328 00:16:40,937 --> 00:16:43,521 Calm down, Ally, it's gonna be okay! 329 00:16:43,604 --> 00:16:45,104 Give it to me! 330 00:16:45,187 --> 00:16:46,437 [CHOPPER (SANJI) grunts] 331 00:16:50,104 --> 00:16:54,062 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] What is this "Master" guy trying to do? 332 00:16:54,146 --> 00:16:55,729 They're innocent children! 333 00:16:55,812 --> 00:16:57,771 What kind of monster would drug them?! 334 00:16:57,854 --> 00:17:00,104 [BOY G] Candy! 335 00:17:00,187 --> 00:17:02,146 Now the other kids are losin' it, too! 336 00:17:02,229 --> 00:17:04,562 [CHILDREN yelling] 337 00:17:09,187 --> 00:17:11,021 We can't fight back-- we could hurt them! 338 00:17:11,104 --> 00:17:12,271 [CHILDREN yelling] 339 00:17:15,437 --> 00:17:16,437 Nami! 340 00:17:16,521 --> 00:17:19,479 [SYND yelling] 341 00:17:19,562 --> 00:17:21,771 No, Synd! Don't throw it, please! 342 00:17:21,854 --> 00:17:23,187 I'll fight the big guy! 343 00:17:23,271 --> 00:17:25,604 [USOPP] No, you won't! Get outta my way, Luffy! 344 00:17:25,687 --> 00:17:27,646 Careful! Don't hurt the children! 345 00:17:27,729 --> 00:17:28,937 Oh, come on! 346 00:17:29,021 --> 00:17:32,562 I know! Special Attack... Sleep Star! 347 00:17:59,229 --> 00:18:00,812 [USOPP] That worked like a charm! 348 00:18:00,896 --> 00:18:02,229 They're sound asleep. 349 00:18:09,521 --> 00:18:10,646 Poor kids. 350 00:18:10,729 --> 00:18:13,521 I had a feeling that they'd been kidnapped. 351 00:18:13,604 --> 00:18:15,687 We need you to help us get outta here! 352 00:18:15,771 --> 00:18:18,812 I wanna go home and see my mommy and daddy again! 353 00:18:22,312 --> 00:18:23,229 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] Luffy. 354 00:18:23,312 --> 00:18:25,146 [LUFFY] Hm? 355 00:18:25,229 --> 00:18:27,104 [CHOPPER (SANJI)] I can't imagine the pain these children 356 00:18:27,187 --> 00:18:29,604 are dealing with right now. 357 00:18:29,687 --> 00:18:31,396 Knowing what they've been through, 358 00:18:31,479 --> 00:18:33,062 it breaks my heart! 359 00:18:33,146 --> 00:18:34,854 They said they wanna go home! 360 00:18:34,937 --> 00:18:36,812 They wanna see their parents. 361 00:18:36,896 --> 00:18:38,687 We've gotta do something! 362 00:18:38,771 --> 00:18:40,604 Yeah! I agree! 363 00:18:40,687 --> 00:18:42,812 We're the only ones who can save them! 364 00:18:42,896 --> 00:18:44,521 [LUFFY] Hmm... Okay. 365 00:18:44,604 --> 00:18:46,312 Let's put 'em on the ship and take 'em home. 366 00:18:46,396 --> 00:18:47,354 No problem! 367 00:18:47,437 --> 00:18:49,354 Come on! That's never gonna happen! 368 00:18:49,437 --> 00:18:51,437 We can't just waltz outta here, y'know! 369 00:18:51,521 --> 00:18:52,479 That's true. 370 00:18:52,562 --> 00:18:55,562 Besides, our theory is speculation. 371 00:18:55,646 --> 00:18:57,562 So we can't be certain of anything 372 00:18:57,646 --> 00:18:59,521 until we meet who's responsible. 373 00:18:59,604 --> 00:19:01,812 Oh, yeah, the "Master." 374 00:19:01,896 --> 00:19:03,021 [sighs] 375 00:19:03,104 --> 00:19:04,521 It's bad timing, though. 376 00:19:04,604 --> 00:19:07,187 Half the crew's looking for that samurai. 377 00:19:07,271 --> 00:19:08,229 Well-- 378 00:19:09,604 --> 00:19:10,604 It's fine. 379 00:19:12,437 --> 00:19:14,437 I'm sure they'll figure something out. 380 00:19:14,521 --> 00:19:16,812 We can all go to the lab on our own. 381 00:19:16,896 --> 00:19:19,271 Luffy, I'm staying here. 382 00:19:19,354 --> 00:19:20,896 I wish I could go. 383 00:19:20,979 --> 00:19:24,021 I'm so angry about what he's done to these children, 384 00:19:24,104 --> 00:19:27,646 and I really wanna kick his butt! 385 00:19:27,729 --> 00:19:29,396 But... I can't leave 'em. 386 00:19:29,479 --> 00:19:30,812 The kids need me. 387 00:19:30,896 --> 00:19:32,062 I'll protect them. 388 00:19:32,146 --> 00:19:33,354 [NAMI (FRANKY)] I should stay, too! 389 00:19:33,437 --> 00:19:35,062 We can't leave Chopper here alone! 390 00:19:35,146 --> 00:19:36,979 Whatever! Admit it! 391 00:19:37,062 --> 00:19:38,521 You're scared, huh? 392 00:19:38,604 --> 00:19:41,687 Wait, you guys'll be in trouble if they start rampagin' again. 393 00:19:41,771 --> 00:19:42,896 Big time. 394 00:19:49,562 --> 00:19:52,062 [LUFFY] All right, that should keep these giants in check. 395 00:19:52,146 --> 00:19:53,896 [NAMI (FRANKY)] I feel kinda bad about this. 396 00:19:53,979 --> 00:19:55,104 Get over it. 397 00:19:55,187 --> 00:19:57,187 These kids're huge-- they could crush you! 398 00:19:57,271 --> 00:19:59,937 Yeah, and we have no idea when they're gonna wake up. 399 00:20:00,021 --> 00:20:02,354 I'm not so sure we should split up. 400 00:20:02,437 --> 00:20:03,812 Think about it. 401 00:20:03,896 --> 00:20:06,062 If we want Trafalgar to switch us back, 402 00:20:06,146 --> 00:20:08,229 we'll have to be together when we see him. 403 00:20:08,312 --> 00:20:10,312 At least, I assume that's how it works. 404 00:20:10,396 --> 00:20:12,646 What's the big deal? Stay like this! 405 00:20:12,729 --> 00:20:15,229 That's easy for you to say! You're still in your own body! 406 00:20:18,187 --> 00:20:20,354 [BROWNBEARD] The Master wouldn't harm children-- 407 00:20:20,437 --> 00:20:22,146 he's a warm-hearted savior. 408 00:20:24,271 --> 00:20:26,896 You'll always have my allegiance, Master. 409 00:20:30,646 --> 00:20:37,312 [BROOK] Hello? Mr. Samurai? Where are you? 410 00:20:37,396 --> 00:20:39,271 [ZORO] You'd think his wooden clogs would leave tracks 411 00:20:39,354 --> 00:20:41,312 in the snow. 412 00:20:41,396 --> 00:20:43,354 [SANJI (NAMI)] So heavy! 413 00:20:43,437 --> 00:20:45,271 My boobs are so heavy that they bounce 414 00:20:45,354 --> 00:20:46,687 whenever I run! 415 00:20:46,771 --> 00:20:48,729 Get it together! Do you want to save that samurai 416 00:20:48,812 --> 00:20:49,604 or not?! 417 00:20:49,687 --> 00:20:50,812 [SANJI (NAMI) yelps] 418 00:20:51,812 --> 00:20:53,687 So romantic! 419 00:20:53,771 --> 00:20:55,937 [BOTH] Huh? [yell] 420 00:20:56,021 --> 00:20:59,354 No! The only reason I caught you is 'cause you're in Nami's body! 421 00:20:59,437 --> 00:21:00,562 [SANJI (NAMI)] Then why'd you drop me? 422 00:21:00,646 --> 00:21:02,562 Now she's gonna be all bruised up! 423 00:21:02,646 --> 00:21:05,646 You guys aren't going to believe what I've found over here! 424 00:21:05,729 --> 00:21:08,812 Look! It's a footprint! 425 00:21:08,896 --> 00:21:10,354 You think it's the samurai's? 426 00:21:10,437 --> 00:21:11,812 [BROOK] I don't think it's human. 427 00:21:11,896 --> 00:21:14,062 Well, then it must be a centaur footprint. 428 00:21:14,146 --> 00:21:17,479 [BROOK] Uh... No... 429 00:21:17,562 --> 00:21:20,312 This is... way too big. 430 00:21:23,104 --> 00:21:25,437 [CAESAR CLOWN] Shurororororo! 431 00:21:27,687 --> 00:21:30,229 The heart of the leader of the G-5. 432 00:21:30,312 --> 00:21:33,479 Vice Admiral Smoker. 433 00:21:33,562 --> 00:21:37,521 What a wonderful souvenir. Thanks. 434 00:21:37,604 --> 00:21:39,354 With this, the fight is over. 435 00:21:44,604 --> 00:21:46,854 Shurorororo! 436 00:21:48,729 --> 00:21:51,396 Now that the G-5 has lost their warship, 437 00:21:51,479 --> 00:21:53,062 they're bound to attempt to steal ours 438 00:21:53,146 --> 00:21:55,437 in order to make a report. 439 00:21:55,521 --> 00:21:58,562 Of course, I've got men lying in wait. 440 00:22:01,604 --> 00:22:03,604 [LAW] What about the Straw Hat crew? 441 00:22:03,687 --> 00:22:05,687 [CAESAR CLOWN] No need to worry about them. 442 00:22:05,771 --> 00:22:09,687 I have a plan to get rid of them and retrieve the children. 443 00:22:09,771 --> 00:22:13,312 Watch. Those brats will beg to come back. 444 00:22:13,396 --> 00:22:15,562 We won't even have to lift a finger. 445 00:22:15,646 --> 00:22:17,062 You'll see. 446 00:22:17,146 --> 00:22:18,479 [LAW] Huh? 447 00:22:18,562 --> 00:22:20,521 [CAESAR CLOWN] I didn't think much of the Straw Hats, 448 00:22:20,604 --> 00:22:23,771 that is, until Monet warned me about them. 449 00:22:23,854 --> 00:22:26,229 It might be overkill, but I'm sending those two 450 00:22:26,312 --> 00:22:27,937 after their crew. 451 00:22:28,021 --> 00:22:29,146 That's right! 452 00:22:29,229 --> 00:22:31,979 The men known as the Snow Mountain Assassins! 453 00:22:32,062 --> 00:22:34,271 They never miss their target! 454 00:22:37,229 --> 00:22:39,354 [CAESAR CLOWN] My loyal minions. 455 00:22:39,437 --> 00:22:42,437 The Yeti Cool Brothers. 456 00:22:45,021 --> 00:22:48,021 [ROCK] There are six more of them. 457 00:22:48,104 --> 00:22:49,312 [SCOTCH] The way he talked 'em up, 458 00:22:49,396 --> 00:22:51,896 I thought they were gonna be a lot stronger. 459 00:22:51,979 --> 00:22:54,229 It should be easy to finish 'em off. 460 00:22:56,562 --> 00:22:58,187 [ROCK] We'll take 'em down. 461 00:22:58,271 --> 00:23:00,062 Just like those other three. 462 00:23:02,187 --> 00:23:04,646 And we'll do it in a cool way. 463 00:23:26,771 --> 00:23:28,937 [NARRATOR] Luffy and friends rush to the laboratory 464 00:23:29,021 --> 00:23:31,604 to find the master while Nami and Chopper 465 00:23:31,687 --> 00:23:33,729 stay behind to look after the children. 466 00:23:33,812 --> 00:23:36,854 But hidden assassins soon target them. 467 00:23:36,937 --> 00:23:39,687 Just as Luffy realizes something is amiss, 468 00:23:39,771 --> 00:23:42,396 the two find themselves in grave danger. 469 00:23:42,479 --> 00:23:44,271 [LUFFY]One Piece : 470 00:23:44,354 --> 00:23:46,312 "To Annihilate the Straw Hats! 471 00:23:46,396 --> 00:23:48,479 Legendary Assassins Descend!"